Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 8, 1920, p. 4

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i j r i qurvttmi 3firrr rms0 i iitnav i hlhl 10 what a woman wmote dti iu i or t w i iiuh knou hllii h mihiln ybow im nil rjmihiub ifioi din hutu t ilonrrilc u iikkiki lliiiu vlhutu wllllt 1111 kllol wim r i kirl ami tiaw it u man if llilli ilhit lo t iiiixiiliiii utoiiilnif clod uvnr un ft lililn nil uiiliflrt und irtir mil i h ui in tli hlropoillitu rovimuo it dluciodltu tlm iiiiikuc mill wouror too i iui u ui kit uwiy with tilt uiilrui ii w lu ll i inilr iihyuluun nuknw ami 41 u ililwlt urn iinuuon through fin why in tlm lit nl of womuliu uhoot pllnty or band in tim kandbqx nil thlwt it itnik mmiloiy liiml hi tovr lu t l k vull well whit in niu ul tlinnuh liuqli lo jll linn wjiilmil- untl i in it puuuliii in tlm doorway 4t wullumu coy ttariiiftrwluilowid mom lookid with hiurul ut dm lkr ludliulu unit nlrwir tlui tiih it tlm conronlrutud rudlunou if tint mitil- lnj lump tllo litliulihownd lll plainly ti10 amulmir lliukupor tlm poultry journal ii krillt uiowru initio ijilii lu iuirtuliily u unrprhiu unolo kin 11 wont mi jovially i tti turniml out ilowutitaruliooauiid uomn tialkhbnr wuntu tn tnk iivor uomn ohuroh hu limit with ynur rutin r ulul niotlinr mm uputuliu thinking i ii info mi ti uolf nil hiliilnniiu uftnlru liy u t littt with nnr younu inuuruuo muii ulul 1 rtnil you ilbuoilmd hi thn amnion r llo koxkit ru wltutu tlm ivu wul lilt n 7 tll your olil uiulo wullura lauulmd n tj laid aaldo bin muvmdim mul ilruw another choir ul t tin tublrr iho fuot in unolo klwii that you ulumblud onto my put uucrot ih ni nil hlu in 10 to mndo u liunty imtu tlmmu no harm iluno tlm uocrot bt prnlty hourly rlpo for dlu a i ou um any way vim turn undo klmti i luiii tn know tliul tljoruv notliliiif futlior uml tniittior waiild llkn u well unuill fruit uiul oliliikiu farm nrow tlin hiv tlmyr iioulmr yury utrniik u ml uliira futlmr liuil tlio 1iiliirlitihnuuimrcijitlbly hfrmrpi only u liurii llvlntf now uttil nvan thut lu lllirnrliihl in tlmun tujinh 1 in linvfir 1 wiill win h im iihut ii 1 an o 111 co l ukiifiluio wliom in a roulil work mitiliiiim voulil 1hi bood ror itut tliiwi diajftisliioutlatit your futlitir mitl mothir ginw t mm thiw wlimt you u ro iluiiiiitif wulluco uiukju lilu houil tliey know tliut lm inturvmitihl jmt tlioy tlilnk tllo farm ih in tliu tllm uiul llu- tunt viiry illututit futum what tlioy dont know lu thut liy ntit yurlnif if luilt tuyil with hlo x uhall huvo inouii niivoil to uiukti 11 hiilmtuiitlal flrut lmyiint mi u ttlaoo tuid iaixvm a itiurulii lo iurry uu ufcuiff for u fw woflku im looking rorwunl to tlio iltiy wtrnu i iun lvo thm a joyful uur lrliiuliy invltinif thurn tn ti jf unil lilnk nut tlmlr rnmi id illy wuluicol inolo mlnn funn wuu imlow with lntrf l mluiity klurt 10 luav that itthlnlflt lu u wluo iiovi ijont lut unytlihiif miilotriitk yoil unrln telmud erly yflflri an a rallroml mini 11liii colored hilt mikmulh ut tlinau 1 l dont ituuli fo wdllttca oil uulotly hut hlit lonn wuu ulkitlfi rutit hn liuil not forktittnn what it hud in dim t lu hum wnrk and lf- iloiilnl to navn tho warn that lay uwly lncriuishuf in thn uuvlnifn bunk in buylntc thut iowover ho had nt nounteil on tlm lutlannnohh with which tlin wlmnl of rnrtuno often turnu over only u fiw iluyu lutor bo natuo luima ou uluhuwltlt u fju uuitluul utqvtn vuupyaiiil imeicuril in u day im ifointf to loan my iilaco oxulalnttd tuti cumiuuiy intuudit to ictva ll thn wtuitoni olltiin ut tho and of thin month uud hainllo ovorythlna 111 thlu territory frotn tho now york oitlca t courim u will not bo relhxitluii on uuy of uu but it mtuui thuf vu will ull lmvo to ict out tuid nrrninolo for how inmltlonii ut ti tlmo whan tho uorutnhliiur u not very rood h 1 llu lookoil tlroil aad dlnoourakd uiul tjnnlo itwni trumuoilmirliif tho 1 imt morrnt wuh full 0 uymjiathy oin ucum hunl urutliut tlmt ovory iiody lomutt to now uiul t hit 11 ho ob- mrvihl hut from what ivw mui of you wulluco im uum you curry vnougli uand in yoiir wandbo to tukn yi1i 1111 thlu rrndo und uny othor that muy llo ituyond kor n litoniont vhhin htarad at hi lihclo iii bnwlldnrmnnt thon catrhln hu dkiutiliiif hn utrulichtonod iiim uhouliloi uiul llfuul hlu liiwd hopo youra hjhtlinolo icbor uud i ii try to iruvu to y that you uro l utufhi looklnu for wmtuthlmc rluht uwuy uiul fiortiiiiutt uhall nrul womothltiu hy tho llnio woro turnod udrlft wutliim wipt rluht in luiyins that it wiut a hud tlnm to a th outoi onnilnymoul iio uiiaworcj udvortlue tnnuld uud uilvorunml hlmwelf but ror woukit tlmm worit no ronultw uhuro of thn liouihilinld oxmtumom mml ntnuily luruuilit on hlu prwolouu uuvlium mui u iillidit iiihfimttury nmirutlou whloli hud ti bo iiirforinod ut it himjihul uuvti him u ftoliiik of ulu itlmnny uh llu jldtlid um wmlllimml tfitul 111 hlu buik lyxik it hkuu to look uti thouicti uiu vtfnii would lm 1 tho dim uud vury iltutwnt fiituro uu hit hud jokingly uctld to unolo ljlmii llutut limt wulluoou hunt for work vau rowurdod mid unolo lqbou who wuh itolntr to muunu elm tmo ttit- hiioiid tho winter with u hrothur thort i lft wjth u ilkhtor liurt ilo kuvo wnlluimi u inn hiniiliiluhi ill tio lack hoixi- wcrjuhliitf will bo nil- rlht uiiulu xknowymiruu mu t urudo iryoulry j unclu icbi n oiwlily mturn foil yiillinio ui tho bout of uulrltu ilo hud brouttht hlu hunk uoiunnit tuiok to thi flkunt ho foil wuh tiwmiiuiury uud wnu rudy to tinrloif hlu joyful uurorlil llu hud miidi 110 mlmtuko tn atiyluu thut lihi futhor ulul mothor woxilif ruthur liuvo thu iimio onlurlo fruit furm tliun iliiytbluu ilo ho cuujd tl thom uiul tludr hitriirlwo und huyipl tiuuu who 11 lift tnjt thurn hlu nlim um ouohkh to rvjirty hlni for nil ti liuml worw und mjurilum lint hud mutln coiufoiliihli lunik oru omit liomdhlj h wulliiiol kih mothor uulil with uhhiliiir nyou iiim futhtir fuiinil ihuml to rmllm thut ho wuu noon to bo mat frou ft 0 m tho oniiu orudjtiry thnt down hlu uln uuth tuulwap to iiiluiit hlu ilniiljutbjiutlfol outofdimicu ut th ktm of wokhoilkknpmf wn huvn 0111 furm iilokxt outj unolii rlxiii wulluih wild humbly hurd hmt muimimr wlwtit w wore in out i to thut thu iwiwoi worn thlnklnif of ulvliur it un und now it sh for kul ith ocntly whut wo wunt t liuvo un option on 1 myl wull lro- hubly nlotin thu dliil 1n u oounlo of wixikw thn wnr wuh cullnd uwuy frxnnjiomo 11 fyw duyw kf ho luul itiimoii to fuclaiiunty iliht for ovovytlilnk wuu mrrylnrf tlm foiwuid iinroothly towuid tho woul for wtihili lm hud lnwin working und huvlmi at tirtukfuht thu nnxt muni- imr ho mnntlouml t iimiiully tlut ho wiui kqjnrf to truiixtor two huudrvddollurti 1 tlnit ofhln wnvln fni thjoonl tik wlmro if wuu di nimltml tottio pulouul imnk down town whom ho carrloil hlu lirlmiliuil noriiunt ho liud hoard 11 ruiuur thut tho local lutnk wai not uh duouk uu it- njltihtixt hivthdik to k mi luil lli iiiiythloif lo u 1 nlo homo ut hluhl hrt nitil 11 1 h m imu- 1 lu ull miy to rim loom with wluhtmt try ulul iiriiiulili um mm hioiih ru iiliiromi hmuhy bunk wiui rh ui wiui i i t thm- at 1i0011 it 11 1 vld ntly lu u uouu illfiou for tli y uiy tlnl tho 1i1 io will ho- hrt trrlf tin y ti t buck t- i i t of hull ukouiliu i lulllld up thu uuiil hut tiny wont tuk i1111 ihuii llv i uullit fin tl puyiiniit oh inothi r r will loin out on ii uftii woikd no hunl u- utll hlu miithir iwiuld if in i hlm uiul uliu h ft thu 11 fine from wliloli ull tho- hml tl it hlu fullur fol hilt fill 111 llll 1 roiuuid t uh re wall u iut viiiildo tlm tubl with hlu html miitiu uoon htj fold ml urmu atinthiir hunl urmio lo lmh whoi youftiavltmryml lout uriiruu nli hivil utruih uiu oull muko ii thu mhi uluvoo tutvii tlm tmru i in uu n of tli it you know itu not ifiipd nillrondliiu to tmity your uund hov in tho hi ut kiiui willi o rill rd 11 vtni fur nil whl i ihu of 11 ti ni ilo illoki rixl i i jilun hutyimll intvo tl tlir tvi moriow monilub to urijti1 uiyn r ttiohuh lm wuu iiulo mui witiryoyml ihu titint uinruhik ii hud kot liunk omo- of hlu ciuiluuo ml uiu toduy if thuru lu uuy juiuuiiiih urrunui mont i uu muka with tlm u ntu ho uuld i miit nd wont ulvfl it nu lla roiuiitiid lit nliht thut m hul iiociir d uli oxtoiuildii of tlm ontloti tor another month uiul uuo wuu undtr- inko uitriii nlifht work ut tint oiilrt f dnu t juiit mo how im to l two hliiird ilollliw lit thu ofeutm of th uunt mouth but hioonlv tlilnjk to do lu to try j llo hud found ulirlo 1 lit 11 idlkliii up uud 11 it tier from your eoindn chnrlu ho ixiiliiliiod ho thbiku 1 va lnutn uwuyfroiu hninn lonu onoiwh and i buoim llkiily i huvo uo i in nolmf tomorrow a wook lutur thoro witu a inttur for wulluco from unolo lilion it told of hlu uuffl urrlval und it rontultiod a nhoflk for two hundred ilolluru i didnt miindjiu much on my trip au i utwflol uiiio lulkin wroto and uu iiilmll wuiilto vlntl you whn you uit comfnrtubly uottlmi 011 tho farm d lllio to huvn u lit ho tituko in it i know that you vn iinnd onouuh tuft hi your miiiiox to ull up thbi k but yiinro liutirtlruiipt d jhl now by m nftlnn ami lt u wiioruoncy llko thlu t hulplntf onulim oomom lu urotty humly ui 1 m uoiid- hilf you thlu chock to inuko mird that you tfot tho farm youvo nil yal jiour huartu uuu 1 ihum woro ntlmr tlilnu in tho lot- tor thut wor uood io rud uud whnn wallaoo luul tudkod tho itooloun clmok awuy in ida hillfold he ullppod tint hitlur into hlit linuiut iwickot whom it will lm hundy if ii m uvir in iluutcor of louluil my lumil wullnro uuld to lilnihiilf with u umlln vlly allco orltfuu oimmio y the ou man of the iug 1 clock tower wall wor off on thu flrut lap of tho now year our humiy now youru liuvn hwm upokm rid wovn ulurtml out with thn puinoim tn muko our wihiiuii conio trim to ull tho your will hiivu nniph at joy mid uu full quota of uorrow for inuny but woll llvo it 010 dity ut u tlmn old unil youuif and u tut ouuh ondnavor to muka ovnry dv icount for uottm jclnd dootl or word to olioni ono thw flmtlliualhmii niacin in aoton ieuiuflil tho lot on which knox churh now utmidx itwun built in tho duyu of tho adumaou tho founder of tho town in tho ihly4 aftonj wuu adumuvlllo unil it wuu known until tlm duy it wnu vtciitroytd by tm in thd full oflht uu tlm allium hiimiu- tluro wait uulto 11 nmnimmllouii uloru with u dwallliik hiohmhup und uluo ofiruiiyliuf thomwouil lloor uiu u uiru ulom huutw und luni idjniphi ihu onllur wuu of koo1 dlmoiuiloiiu und lutd umplu room rdr tho idorak- hilhdry knnrohuudluo a- htrun hriui wuu nrovldd for wot uooilu whloh ttivurlubly form 01 1 11 oomildorublo por tion of tho utiukjittruilo of tho uvor- um tnorohiiut luthoo duyu iho utury in told i wll not vouoli for tho truth of it that wl juiuoit muttltnwm our voimruhlo pontmuutnr ttumhitf from humllton 1 thin wum imtfow tho duyu of tho rnl- mfnyil unhlktartf omindit ll hud tukn u loud of ttralu lo llumluwu und oh hlu rntnrn uliihu ituil wan mudituti of tun hurroln of whlukoy for tlm tiicroluiht lu thn adnuim htoro ho cot ulonu all rluht until h rouoh- otl tho mounlulu tioar hpnyhld whu oho of tho wnuifniir utukitii kuvo wm und tho lutrrol whlqi wnu mipportchl by it rollwl off tho loud it utruou with ttu houa on u tonutitnl tmo of iho houillukm novo wuy mid tlm pro- lnuut whhiuiy irurwloil out yofthr- mullhowu utopptid blot k hi hu wuif- uim uud mmudid tlio bnrrol to hava tho whlukoy whloh luul hot run opt a holkmmrhik furm r hliniunnd uiook uud iiu1mmi hlni ropliif tlm harral doplorlnu tho wtmful wuuta of thn liquid rofrnmlmmnt 1 hln 1 vi nt 00- mirrotl lnjfuro tlm duyu wit n mr mut- itinwicurilaiitnitohlbltlonlttt ou huut y duolund lu tho otj tmpr- atnro hull whldi utiwul wlmo lljiiud niw lautlm into ilutiduruoilil huw will ttuit hn would u1v1 r 1ouvll nutlt nvf ndlu uuy intoxliutliuf lhvtiruun uu took tho nhllkutlou iidinlnlmloiihl by worthy iuttluroh john ilpxltflit in afton plvliilon no j of tlm hutu of tdlhllmtuuoj hi moiii wuu itpromlimnt oontrn of bumliioun ju tho urly ijuyjl of a lonu hhitory whni it ivim hitlt uud for yiriurt iifliirwiird ull tm bimluouu trnnjinotil in anion wuu jtiuiu uu muln htrvt ttn tw tnvnih warn tlkiiro thnr wum floo r iunr blimkmlth hhoiut 4111 tlm triiot svto wum 11 woollen ml und tyro t tll wluioir and tin irouiiyuti inn cbujkui personal work- rev arthur darncr i hlu mllilitlj hii aithui nud with i11i1 r mt nt tliln hum ihurch nullomil m ivrnuiit lu throiilioulrtliiiii llm n 1 will hit wlintlifl intor- illi h il llvi liy frdobl wi forth liiuilllfujixi 11 vl luul with tlm iiimthnr lnllvlluul uud roid rk wo uu 1111 thut wort put of 11140 cruvy v iltliniiiit iilijmit of undlnu o ji hum chrlutiiii liivlour 10t the qihlatncbo or the task 1iihl ml lfciutuul door in iipouid 111u0 i lm world will flu 1 rimihhimvirilm vl i won to chi hit hy tlio rjr liljilly proiloi uh il pin 110111 know hlm uu ituvioiii id i mi on u nraat tunll ftfit lifirront hnrr tl- human will iv 111 hava to- do flly with th niitoul tljilr 1 vuutcolliiid hy 11111 it tlin pnoplo will i m illy iitiidlud und nur- i 1 rtortwof tliouii whit lid ijinl llih 0011- 1 nri-irhaa-tar-thrvlth- idnu tho uiihpol may in inn luforo oiwlu nmillulid tlm wim tnuiittuiu to uliu thlu ii tlm ui ut uud i1011- orod tuuu iimimlttnil to uio pnnioual worki r i tiu imcftmnfu ovuuiitllut um mm whomi work iilild 11 uud ulundu thu tor of hmu nvr nu ucli mrortiil wurk moniitlmtu whnn tho wttrlt iimdiiioi ii 1 11 run proportion u oompuuy of nart fully truluid ptiriionul wnrlioiu um 011 liuml to dial with thoxi who in un intolli otliul or umolloiiul wuy luivri dititiod to follow ohrlnt tio duty of thiiuo woikrii in tu mm thut tlio wiii una oonhtod ond thutvclnldt lu uo- roptoil by fullli uu ptminnol muvlniir until thn will tu uurrmdiiud to chrhit thmu dun hn un a rtuhity und uinbtllty tlmjlfo fnllqwu tho will li i liliifroat ttmle 1ki hiiha vry obajl- nt child of gad n taka jiart in if ilju un ilk ttv7y othnr foim of chlhdliui notlvtty ox- roptlnu tlm m in in try of intoirniiulon prnnoh- inur tliindiiy tlihool limchlntr vlullluu thu link iltuwunluhliiii nnd vurlouu huulmuu olllniu in church work uro nil llmltnd to tho nhjllty nml cortulu n nlu nil iiuullllrntloiiu of 1 ompurntlvoly fw inilo paratmal work itj ojnm to all i voryliody ouuht to lm ut ii levory imllvliluul iniu 11 ulri in of lutlunni with tnillvlduulu wliloli oiiicht to lu iiuiii for tlm liikluiit jrood of thouo indlvldliulu aiutuw linmiilil illmnn 1utor to jnuuu und tlm woman of llumurla broiiuht nor f ll un to jomim not hcntiiito tliov wfrn truhivd iiiimonul worknrli but lioouituu tlioy yloldod to hlm pivlno lilan f orrilf who know hlm llinlbont frnlnlnif wo call 1iqvo far thlu tuuk uu tfriuit in 1 holy lu titiwniiftir foi homcsramltutiif imiirt uud thaxrwi watch watch for tlm opportunity of wlft- ulnw thorn to chrlut 2nd the diificultud of the task a uront und ultucliiiil door hi oponnd unto mo and tluro uro many utlvuruurluu ht 1aul it would bo iiiiiiouultilo to etiumomto all tho dlllloiiftlou of uiioh a tuuk tiu0 nil arout tnuku puruonul work lu lltoially hadhod lu with dldl- oultlou uud bnuot with udvoruurlou what thouo will tntiuu to uu will iliipmid tiiiu our vlow point if llko john mnrk aatit lu 3fl w mm lu thorn nothluir hut ruijuoif for rotrmit tlioy will maun dofout unil lout opiiortuultlnii if llko i wo uoo lu tin m olinlluutioh to purity iiolf- ooiiiiiout and a mora ntronuouit oainpnlan tlioy will pro v thu fmthwuy to tflorloint victory it tnuy bo heluful to conuldor 11 fnw of thii roiuioun contrihutliiif to tlm coimluulnu tlint pornoiml work in n illltl on it tank a a runiliuiiautal vcumm lu found in our ntiturul dlfllilitiicu hi rouuril to poruonal convnr- uutlou ubniit tho thlnuu of our iiplrlt llfo wo moot htrutiprfiru uud jiro noon himy with thu mout poruouiil phiuuiif of lommiirolul uolioluutlo or iioolul llfo how ulow wo oro tn nppronoh tho uplrlt nldo of our llfrt uud wli7 111 cnnvoruatloii lu opoimd on tilu uiibjontvhow oftoiijj drnuii t and dlou b uufnrhiiiatoly wo often find thn iulc dll i u ul t uacauito cf coiuolo uu wt o mcuil thin thlu in tho pin co wharo uoorot uln put 11 lu hit orfootlvo voto for whllo tlm woikir muy bivftblft lurava jui uudliicaalulutlll holdon tn-jtorrat- ii in ronuclonoo dnth innlto oowurdu of uu all whim iifiuud in pu run mil vrfoit i o ndnloot of pommiinlou with ood in tho word und uruyor lu oq u ally an ndvuruary which iitiindii in thn wuy of inuny chrlntlunu wo munt tin in thn pink of iiplrltual condition to do ioruoiuil work huooonufiilly d tho fnnt that it ih lurffoly u uocrot aorvloo whloh rooolvuu llttlii rooounltlou luarku it u dlltloult tauk in pnrannnl work wo onmo into con- tact with uio uoumy uldn of llfu und from that tho uvorwio lmiruon nut orally uliilnku whon hour tu uro wurmod hy ooulldiman and touuo uro lihiiiunod hy thn tnuoh of ldnlnen mm ih oftnn tho tuiio lu rnruonal work wo imoottlu coimolouh of tho ilopthu of uln from whloh our ollutit muut bo rohoiinil f anothar wlrnnif udvnruury nyor rnaily to uttark uu in our woik of riiiouu lu luolc of ifulth in our fnllowli woll huv harlow uuld iot uu 1111 clio wuury of lloplnir nuvor to udvo up hoitp of a ulnftlo mint or womiiii thut l tlio- final puruovorunno hy whloh tlm church provulli tho tuuk which wo uttnmpt no fuehly and tit- fully ih n tiny frumiiont of tho ournul work whloh xio ciirrlnh uuhaiitluif unrohtlntf toward uu iiorfoot vn j l uh tho putlont followup work noobu- kuriry1nvolvod in ull thoronkfrtiormmal offort m uh oil it u tuininluifly hopolouti tank to mltny wo munt thoiiulitfully utility it in dotormliiutuly char follow our iuuil until thoy ur utionir hi tlm tiidiiipd in tlm powtr of hlu mlht until ihay alan 110 iluu d in tlm limit hw ii work uiivu to h world u himftn iulor fur did not t hum iiin him tiftr biiuo d uiult anil tl rlliu it oihudi fordld not nutunt woukiru luiiim hlm muny ilmih hi tha holy 8n kit mut b dm uaiur in all uiictuuful iktruouul woik wo munt imyi r h uiiytliluihhu thin utu diuc tliuuii lu of llol hut wo muut imv 1 uftiiupt to ho uuylilii morn hinnlltty munt ho our onthiiiouu 11ui tiidn no thut hn may in uu uu ho will i hlu rtiuiitltiituu u viy ikirloini dllllciuh in thn wuy of hmuimfnl i ihoiuil work i not i in limit pxi plnluu thlitc hi por- uottiil wink lu thut hiuiiy of itu duthu nut ao roiilinoiiiliinr uoiim mo ovtrumuly iinllnuiy unit it iiiiiihuu vury tilouo loin h with luu holytjpiit to iiiouulnu ilnini uu luivlnif iinyililtii o d wlih hiiilit un v lliiiut und molt utiutiklu jllllluih yf lrwnjiul vork uro oft n iloiuv liol by ululid oiiuuuhiutujii urhv i iiliini un uiiimsm rliinit iiiounit th llto oftlm nuhit lu whhili it will hu iiatiirulto ylold to ciulur 3rd the scope op the tattk hiro uio till uoiinl woik llm thn roovi rtod imlmiil idilhlron 1 work with tlm chlldro it lit vry importiilltjiuit a olour dlulltlijtlon hn mildo hotwiiun ohldffnii uud udultn in tho lurxonut upiiroiioh n mutt oil of tho uplrlt llfn tha oilld balonoa to ju until thara ilatar- minail raballlon to uiiuutut uuy doubt meant ime thut rolutloiiuhlp lu uknly tu iirnato h ultu- nltiiti with whloh it muy m vi ry dlliloult u dual vrotii thu ourilout dnyu of montnl nlortiuuu lu thn llfn of tlm rhlld vry rofuroni a to itu ro- latlouuhlp to chrlut uhould lm no poultlvn thut tho jutuitlon will nnvor bo iiilliod in tho youim mind iorunnnl work with tlm child howovr cannot ond thurn 1 hm u muut bo e uroful wutch- luir for tlm ooiuiulmijof mwakanlhu canaclauinul to thhi ruhirfonuhlp nil tlm puit of tho child tlvui will rnino thn uuprmna prlvllro of iinour- ijhj from thn ohlld n liotiluitituiu of thut ooti- 111 luiiunouii o tho joy ll briihpinu thlu oppor- tunlty nnd thuu providing tlm child with un anchor for tho romaludnr of llfu llm ohlld miiat ho iipiuoaolmd in 11 ulmplo iiuturul wuy rokurdlnur itu uplrlt hfo for wo munt mnmmliur ttinrrwtillirthitiirf nitninriiicvtrtioitiminitnibult ulul utralmid to uu owiiik- to uurmimy dluohodl- oncui to oolj tlioy jirnth liutural ntninuuhnrn of ohlld life nillt wtmi ao mmurl w bhtt uillhtrht nn tlmlr own terouud lhinv lw no looru oxafflnit flolwof pocnimlil workr than that amniitf nhlldrnn for tlioy will not ha lu- riununod no m u oh by whut wo uiry uu by whut w tiro a work with tha uttoonvarud luxnnpt yn ha convortod ami hnconjo im ilttlo ohltdron yn nninnt ontor into tho kliitfuiir ti jloavon 10111111 it oro wo luivo ut 01100 tho point of contact with tho foundation for tho fomuolnu iitutn- mnnt mon nro only bnyn urown tult llm nnconvortnd uro ulniply iiotfltctiid imorly-traln- od or roliolllouiikohllilroii uiul thn tuuk of tho ittinminl worknr in to win thoip for chrlut wiiiyntrtitudy uiiitor tho fol low 1 110 olnnnl- juiitlnu thn typnu with whloh you muy ho cullod upon tofdnult f 11 thu iilavu to umiotltu uiul pu union h tho matnrlnlhit not iincmuiarlly tha wnalthy porno 11 but nil who nro oviiruad hy matorlnllutlo idoalu you may add to tlilitimy othoi typou which you dlncovor uach typo will ho u utmly for you oach individual wilt bo u uuliutudy 3 work with tha converted r o tlm rutlgnnllut not necoiiunrlly tlm nnliolur or uavunt hut nil who ok nit rminon uhtivf fultli and uplrltnal inuliiht d tho uuy uud frivolouu who nro lovnrj of pluauiiia moro tliiiit lnvtu of pod tlm uruut tlirouifcooklntthaiiphiwui und iuitlufjictlai in onipty worldly umuuomout o tlm inilirfnront aii nvory man hath rooolvad thn iilft avn bo tuhflutur tho iiainu nno to nnothor 1111 nooil utnwitrlu of tho manifold uracil u qofl fit totnr lult not utrunuo thnt mioh n fruitful tin id of 1nhor lit un much nnelnntod whnt tromtimtoiui neopa lu horn for tho pomona i workor whnt i ntu routine oiiufiu wu inltctit havn 1 mil fir our oara all tha tlmo if wo would hyiitnmutlcally prouoouto tho tuuk kvojy churoh und nlniont ovnry homo luvltuii thu ultf hrotlior nml ihif hliitoi niovoiuont ton ofton t intro hi umfiiitf nrofouulnff dhrlh- tiiinu much of tho uplilt of tirltlolnm luntoiid of thn spirit of cooporntlon llilu in thu uourao or many dluuouhlonh und of nsuali liielflolenoy and it lu u doniouiitriitlou of wanliifi iiplrltunl llfn thflto nro many nroiiml uu wolithod dow wiuitemiitllluujiulpiohlomw who jnood u filoud to ulvu tho nopaiiuuty word onjiililmuwi t or porhnph only tho atmnuphoro of oondtlouoo und vljitory un thuttlmy muy tuko frnuh rotir- nui thouaaiulh would hn uuvod from fodhij hy tho wuy unuuniiiut mtiro would bo uuvod to carnnru of linuu mil farrnunhluif unofiiliicuii in tho work or tho icimidom if thouo who uro nntnhlhihod in tho fultli would ontor into pray erful uud uyutomulto pu run mil eltoit for t itu ful- torhik oudit ulnoiiif um rldni u nay tluit jiunnu yodnir who aftorwartlh nwmul th nnrvul mulu 011 tjjnwnl hoad kipt tlinro flrut col ihinuni wuu nut lomf lu bualnomii in a i ton flu wuu u ifnnttrouu patron of dopurtmont wont wimfr 1 iidn m duv too an di i hlu urthly uuvliluon wjui iiftu wni d uoluh iiplukthinriiiltloir mr of tlm wollliiktou 1 h hinuranou company iiiho knpt utora loiti mr uiiviluon wuu it tioniowhut utoru lauu but um until of honor uud oyoryhjuly 011 toe moil him ho aon- tlmmd mn niunuoi of tho inmirunou conuialiy until hfu douth uhout thirty ymin lio wieu hi htm col toh 11 lavldnoji iiucctitdoil him uud mtlll ro- muhih in oliullfo f tlm wolllnutoiiii oxti imljvi huhirad jlllnri htll 111 clllnlpli liumjy iliniti wuu tlm mwfcliltut hero for 11 time but ho dfi not tunko wuuh u utlr uu tho mcctiiiiithun u wlio-follow- twl mr nnd mru mcoloinihun ww wry untlvo peopl itnrwlfa wuu uh uiftcroioilvn in hunliiikim uu tho hiiuhunif whon lm wont to toronto on huuliiuu 1110 iuhiliitil ut hunt ft in olmmo of iih toouud miuliuhortor dry koohi uhd uoll whlutmy uu wt 11 uu ho oould oil hlu uiut thp to toronto mr mo- ctoiiuluii wunj ovaioomu with wuu hi ida hutvl room diirluu thu nlulit 11ml uivr ivoovmd oiimoiouhiiiihh ih corrlidll ilhl biiulmiuij lntv tttiind fur a iiinnhi r or ynm hioiiku it lu ovor fifty y um ulnoo lm loft anton lib uum ju utlll upokoii hum with rnt nnpold io wum utrtllnod nioii hum oiimiim out iho whhluiy oiioi f tlm utoru mid oty will noil tn dry koodu hhoitly borofo thlu pro- umiroyml by dr lv movul lo cliolkuihiiih ioro h itlod uud mm corrllll rotiirnod to aofmi ih llm fouti 1 duiiuldi 1 of anumbfi of ynutii luti ulu uiul 1oti 1 mn nil lib worn wulluvk unil they llvotl li ntll hoi douth ow youru i think thnro wnu u tounnt of thlu htoiti uftnr mi cowitflll hut my old htfrtd cjint pluqo thiiun intor hlutorloul innliuiwu ho woll uh thoutl ofy ifu wlunini yiuilit lioyad liy tim tfius kluuduy ovnnlnu uhoiit iihinooloob hi haittwn- bor 1h70 i think tin hmiuo wuu i minimi by hliuh uoll a toumutor wiio kept lilu own ton pi nnd uovoinl othorh in thn hlu burn ulonyhujii lljo tiro orluluntnd in thlu barn but whailw fiom it lfliui or u luhtru wnu iiwvf rnvtiulud it wnu a vtoloiii llr th old fiiimo imlhunuh huruodjlko tlndi uvoiy nffort wuu muilo to not 0ut4fta hoiuiuibut tlm louoiimu fallod to tb- luovn tin 00 nf thurn and thny wor nninitnd llm rlrn uwopt thothouui uud nuiiili of tho oohtontm worn dim tiny 01 1 it inapnd tho lutlft o jho htclio nnd tlwollhik of ilionuim ichtiauo uud tlmu worn conmiituid it lumpod llntic to olhilln wlnunivtluitiiiip uniy lloknd it up rami ihiiuih hottlnu and ull uud many of uu nan romiinlj chiullo riihlilujr about wrlnrliitf hi hmuhi and oiyhik imilu aormuulsii iluh oh mluo iiuiu mlnn raiiumlno 111km 1 vlll hu ml nod tfulto tor morn thuti twnnty yonrm thn ultn of tho adaiilh blpok wuh nriintlnol vuount it wnu unnd fof kurilonhiif piiipnutui ut io hulldliitih of liniioit- uiiou wilnt moo tod thnro klimlly it iiliiio lthi thu pohiitiiiuion of john it in tho miiiiutfmu tlm jlnuu mitlcn of thu o1 piihhyttiilun cluiixdi which hud hi mi in u ho foi furtyunvnh ywurm bniiu tiirfooljluit n now ohuroh mnro oommodliiiiu uud luoilvrn w1 uimdol hov r w itantho mlnlhtor limn lu foterad thlu idea r a-iuiih- hlhitod ulul ttitiro an apoloay aunt tommy i put tlmo pltui imro thlu nun iilut uud now thmcii only our how lu that tommy pioiiiu auntlo it uoi no fjmmlialitllilirlueujiiauinuj hinjptlim imt oa iiliouuitud ul win it vi y tfomnvmrfjlniincliil t llilu ul to wuu molholool und plipih nnd npili 1 1101111111111 won upon 1 l alii nnd tllo till iimiyiird imhhul it tho tlot utomkoupur i can rmoir t fwv i- i tll huildlftu wuh col 1iounrd th ottuito ml mill htroot wlmro und tho oorimr mtoimn wtri lu id 1111 hr in thlu bultdlftk wuh m f a ulinu ovrrwui ull jailomh u wi will uwupwuu e k cpok thuihh imhuwiailll iniioilinflu bm ti8 for flis miwh wintioil caih itfs i uadibh lohomaawlmir b8 t b u tor ovrll unil wpid blllrt bloa kmltntl m bplnuy e k covk mtlit htuid1ut aoton njui turj t liuuklu t liulinj nttmo c pm r oloanlutf proamlng ildpulrliiir vour clothes thorotijilily cleanodjii sanitary workshop pressed and uepnlrcd by nypurt wbrkmor wo can mitkptluit old suit look llko now trj ud geri wallah gubuh ontaio nt ulvu thu 1nnli n or llm win 14 of uivunliiktbvioilultkulot inlil to mo oiiii ilfy uftr lm luul muihi yfiiify iiinu upon miriiilxru in tliu-oiin- th ivopli wbo- hi- un hint- lyjitll jit hijll hi jlihmrjlt llouu 111i11 huiulhoinitly und in nuiililt ill vol unu tu uuuw umwt of th tin- tdlllqu mrm ll uud hfttlm tlmu tlm uutlrn xpolldlturu wayj wlpril tcrnm 0r1111id1ini m try whnn i toiulnnd hlm my uuluicrlp- tlnn bnforo ho hud tlmo to muko n nil uoo ti wul 1 it uiuii i ttru llmro 1110 uoino poii ilo who do not huvo lo build now imriih nor iihluulo tbo hmiuo nor puy off u mortfcuico or moot 11 unto thut will unmi hn dun 1vu luudo uhout forty callu thlu wji und 1vi hardly founornplarn whnro tlm frlnndu of tho 1 hurt h worn hot in dnht or in imporltlvo tiooii of hnurovi nmntif or now inn c hi no y tn hdhk thlua uluo du- tiittnunitmono y imu id n 1 i vnl r mr itun onlclafod llov it ftiwiui or irln iiuiu tuodurator of thn nyattd o tiono mid uliiknlou offrd pruy r p ij hbudttruoii u i p rud u brlif luiorlsil record of tih churoh llm- dritory pruyi wiui mmlo by llnv u c u111iu1 h ik of jualnh uud brliif uddrohki followed by hov ii j xi olauiiford jiunou aro t j huh i no d hlruchun 1 porrln and milium i i chrutln uud john wur- wit lnrtmininill blo-iralorlty-ttnr-mirk- lon h1 rowh i p oplu ul til v h c iiiunhk ui ii ifpuik lul wlioiiruiwiid irt llm nil liuil y 11 lid wint int luw 11 fnln l piiwiifui on 1 riilmc ui i ivnnlnk un j 1 flowull m a of thu mnlhollit cliurh pniitlitil ul tlmo in tint ufli uiiton tlm fiillowlnu 1 vuiiiutf hup wuu u 1 1i1 ol i rmihloncd li linur orifiiu 1 ii it 1 ul 1 nif l o irluh luioliiiuiilu jiimiil mui in inn lmoy vlth thij llu willhim i itlir- 11111 ookt h 4 inn ih 1 111611m uuvij 01m of bin hituttniiuhully iloijui uddjiioiiu mi li luul und thn lrluhj lhii llm mw iitruotiir wnu hulll and finiiluliid lm iiidliu tin mi in uid uio rnt of tlm lot foi h 017 o llm loiifrufniu uud their 1 iuiiuit prlrt m who liiiptuilii wiil john ij laiuf wim rtr lm joiiph aiidiimin 11712 uimtliiu- oioho iiniiltiir co- jloo wtildowu micuuiiliiin ju co 1u1 two furiuireu cipi llioit humllloiu 1j oruun comity wiui r uul 1 inline 32ti tho lot 1 it koiiu lj s 1 jd 11i1u ihulni ill tr jim 1 k- hrttfi ur liltm tn i jim 1 hfu proimty inula not hn ropluiid to duy for twkn thu umount of nrliflnii cout a um i ilo or yuuru urlcr thn rhunli wuirnmd hv arr jt111 milifiutl huvlnit luctiptid 11 ml tnaliiur imil wuu lt v huiilrw muiilimf lululutry for uln 01 iiiwn ynuru win uriutly utiuiit v lln wu4 cullud lo iulmrii clunli lurnnto and hi thu mluut of u iitrnnuiiiiii mlu- lutry imuu culiil homo hoy j c wlluoii 11 a fnllowi ir und for hlxtuuti youru in thn pi imrf of lift ijuvn hu vory imit for tho ihurch nml thu com miuilty llu roiiuiad ht full h thin urtnriiiiou lilu uiiiiiiiuir unv w i 1 ludlny ii a iu to ho imluctod tho nuntpli pr uliylury au i jouniny northerly up mn iltrit i will mini to tla uliu of tlm oriulniil oliuiili uud will mum muhuvoi tn ulvn roihtlli tiliiiuu of thn luflltr duyu in iiiuhu liitlnu th 1 with -wim-oui-mawr- ffliffligrfflibnaiaflm and the stope of views covered editorial comment worth while brief j pointed articles on a wide field of subjects wc ar naturally a kttlc proud of editorial page since we have liecir to branch into a sixpage weekly eve week these articles lake up consider ible time and attention they are notrr-rit- tcn at random everyone is carefully orir sidcrcd and thought upon another fea ture of these brief editorial comments is jthe widerange of subjects covered every week a complete synopsis ojfjictivittiet in all fieldsbeing carelully commentcd upon domin ion pro vincial municb wliat pncr otlior uinn a country weekly of the free press standing eoul give in higlil into activitiob in ho ninny spheres the v thi you lire interested in tjietlnngh yoittnlk about totow-firienriv- nnd neighbors the tilings that eonwrn your personal welfare and make the eiu dilions around you more to your liking youu find all these things eandully con sidered in hrief easily uudcvsiandaplo v and in clear ionn in the editorial coiiv inonth cyeryweek just another feature pjf the-many- 1k about tfiem tlial goes to make the free press the ideal fanxfty anil hqine paper for every house hold jteaij ihpse edipriai conuncnts and if flipy are wofl while sjiow them to your iriepds who may hoi he subscribers practical appreciation gives the most en- eouragemeni to oontinno in our effort s s the acton free press 150 in adxance 200 to thctjiiilcd states

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