Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 8, 1920, p. 3

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lt arirnt 3xt tytvm m4jvtiimbjc- 1 in liuut lu itiililluliuil ovtiry thura luy litud lakua liiillilluif mill htrmt alton hllhuiilutloil vlrlfci ih 1 go pr yiu- ht uk lit ouirifud uddulnnul to olllottf 111 tliu i in ijntu u wlili iljiuliiiurlutliitik urn tml l lu million llhnl aiviinilllno uailm1ruindtnl uuvnrtlu montd it ljljiamalijiujuri muiit fir nrwl- irmartloi un eoniu icyiini i u ii mibui nn nt h uortlou contruot rilaplny u lv lllmuiikiiittr for lou luui or tnoru iwc umi lc o nix i r dull ii li liiuortloiiatrvufthiumuuth without ponulfj iiir tlnu will lo inuurtvd till j rll i und hurijnrt if wirfbutfjilfclllnr aul iubliah willi nil the rorvnid movuiiujt nnd upllrt tulk now krtinc on ninny people ncom to overlook mil i net tlint loynlty to our own conjimtyrwhipli men oiirso la mifl liic l tnnowo pn our 1h j placet and uonihour monoy to tho clticf fo koodi of liny kind wo are liolpuii to pull down t lie homo uintjtutioun wlikliiiru absolutely nxcu ury in all flniiifciiil soliu uud morul proicb iho locwuul movement nhould bdiii nt tho root of the lviis wo wirh to combat forcit lycoiiv 1 iunirli i i iioni ml ni r i ed1toriat7 i he cotifrj sentinel star completed its ooth volume ifttt wttk the s ntiucl star f 0ncafoi itano ti hnjhtut wockhci hit con tout ulfnrt ii to represent coh6nrj in the truest icm c loyally nun iporttnu icr hctt iiitortstt and mtollijteutly udvocat- iinit nicauirca for tilt- liottcrmcnf of the community the lonj mid riiccuirul uiriur of hut c toumed local weekly inya much for wro und huntess itko man agomont both odlloriully und rrom tho tandpoint of tin tell lye nt upright husiitc mcthodj tho principle ot proportional representation in evidently imprtninj ilrclf upon tthe ultcrrtlon of jatateimtii and ijovmiiiiuit i an irlvc ligation into the workiiip methodi oli tho proportional ronrccnta ition okitlon system j to be mude at once in albcrtu land premier sjewvirt hn commissioned john d unnttfftlonduct it the ways inwhierrthe plan bus ibccrt applied m oilier countries mid the decree of pacte s which lias followed it in actual pructica under vnryniutouditioiin will bo studied by mr fhunt with view toe future application to the alberta ittuutiou other provnicejjirealw jgivirujr this mutter consideration an extra of tho canndn gn7ctte announc thrif eac faniendinj iho opium uiiitdruijnct winch wh passed nt the rummer sosion of tho houho of com nons become i lffective from dcccmbcll 1010 the amendment provide that imports into canada or exports from canndn olf cpa leaves coca mo or any of their nalti or preparation or opium alkaloids or their salts or preparations shall be only by license from the minister who is presiding over tho federal department of health any one guilty off contra kvenion of this net i liable to a line not exceeding net000 and coats or to imprisonment for a term not jcxcecdink ono year or to jotlfllna and imprisonment the now yearn mctsnjo to the nation kent out jby prime minister lloyd george is not only cltnr- tistic or this urcnt mniu but it reveals un intelll- gqftt ainlcoinprchonsivo personal knowledge of the fcvanirtg conditions and tho spirit most needed to place uuxumpira m tho position mosr desirable for future univ nnd prosperlfy he said uo bid tore iwoll to the turul year which witnefised tho signing of peace thntvi alike a token of victory and a war- rant for hope vvhcthcr tho ew year shall be neb with promise orndou with despair depends upon purselvcs wo bov re the time when n cbn- centra ted orfort is cantial to tho rebuilding of the world if we qunrrelnioiigst tmrsclvca wo impair our strength and retard ooc progress rut by united action based on common hcfcicstyand inspired by u spirit of general good will the nation will add to the glory uchioved by her sons in battle in the accom- fphshrncnt of tho groat tasw of restoring the pros- erity aiid well being of ydr people a e ureful study of conditions iinys tiio express leads us to the conclusion tlint muniolpdlitlus f newmnrkcts sizo would he bottoi served if tbe- county and lowticoitncils were dlvorcod with oui north york contempornrywiinu- lu full accord towns like midland orillla barrio iitd colhugwood would be much batter olf paddling thoir own cimoc as it is now thoy pay thousands into tho county treasury and largely by pull receive n small part back tho system is wrong tho results nro disap pointing and tho annual cost fur beyond the benefits colllngwood bulletin the snma nrgumont will apply in towns like acton and georgetown will any gounty councillor tell us what benefit acto re celves for tho 4000 to 5000 from the county rotc we arc paying year after your tho greater jinrt ot this is being expended on the group of 00oqo high level bridges twenty llvo miles from acton nnd georgetown nnd which not two por cent bf tho popu latlon of these towns havo ovor seen or evervtlt uso these costly bridges are fine for tho convenience oi sections ot nelson and trafalgar and havo greatly increased the values of tho farm pcoportiea in tho neighborhood but why the ratepayers in the north orl se o f hal ton should bo called u py occasionally upfuvornble criticisms are still i heard respecting tho hydro organization foe goner- on add distributiortot electrical energy this is clyfoundrhowcvcrrrnone hnvoexperi thebenefirs ndprivllegc6ufcrred by this i system of providing electric current at the elec- itlons on now yeuru day a number of tho cities of i ontario voted on the question of hydro ra dials in every caso substantlul majorities were given and in itnost of tuoirt 0 were overwhelming i gaits majority was 14 to i in guclphr whore by- llaws for taking over tho street railway system us iwell as the adaption of tho plan of radial bcrvlco were submitted a majority of five to one was tgiven i hunilltoi where for years detcrmimrd opposition was madeto tho hydro system there was mamnty of 3014 for tho hydro radial bylaw this general oppraval nioansinueh for the future success of tho ulectric rudlalltystcm inaugurated for lontacio by sir adam beck uie practical electric t pathfinder of this province by the action of uk dominion government in lifting fbo bun upon jlho liquor traftlc and restoring that enemy of our country- its prewar status f canada iiaboeif humllnlodnnddlagraccu 7ntho f eyes of the world amongst tho first of th n ttoadnt drastic action was canada thin wis tq have been expected for we were known q one o mho mosr piohredsive sober and tiionil nations in the fworldlt wna datural that wo sliould strike a high itnote canada now occupies the dishonorable pqsl- fjtion of leading in tho reaction and being amongst he tlrsr to undo ttvo good that wat done in spite tof two billion dollars of a war debt in sptfo of tho f war wastage tobe made good and in spite of tho losu f of much of the best blood and brain of the nation l the canadian government has allowed tho liquor t traftlc again to douiinnte the councils of the nation and to work havoc amongst thtj citizenship lfourmnd and this ut lte whanthcjujiite4 states congress by nn ovorwhelmingvole passod it stringent prohibition enforcement measure over the npresidents veto this on thceve of the coming into lfbre6 of constitutional prqlubltlon in the great mteighboring republic tor any government in this age of the wpjcld to decline to pass adequate prohlb tory measures against tho liquor traffic and also to refuse to the people the right or power to pass such laws for themselves and thou to delibaratoly foist tthat trofua upon the people powerless to protect themselves legally is the utmost that any-govorn- anient in canada haw over oared to do in doilanco of decency and righteousness caimaa greatest shame is that there ih iuv power in tins nation qovcrnmciit which would dbthis uim pioneer tho oovornmont irt ottawa hat evidently heon hearing things aa u rcsplt of then action in can colling tho orderlit council prohibiting interproviu eiill trade il liquoi an onicinl stutcmcit has hccii issued by the government setting forth the diftlcu tie i m regard to temperance legislation the ntnte mont places the hldrriq for the interregnum timing which liquor may bo transported from province to province at the dooi of tho senate it is pointed ou that legislation to validate the liquor oidcn in council and continue them in fqreo failed bocau c of the nttittldoof the semite ittttjust u welffoi tlic governmeiitto lot the public know their position ii- this important mutter there u nnother aiuiuun nuwfor the nhollrtanof rhw norrprogrcs ijvo1iojly thcscnntc i i omiled ny tliliw i h l uuftli4uuujmt4 wuuuuii x- j pale tin6 may again become tho country or the jews in fact as well as lu noiitlmcnfa great tide of emigration is sweeping injo that country in hub need by the conviction thai great britain will shortly accept a m nnd titer fpr the holy land and that tio dronm of a national homo for the jowjj t about to be revhced accord urg to cable advices re coivod by the zionist organuntiou ot amtncii the cable mesbuges state that the world conference of zionists which was scheduled to be held ut basle on jnrtunry 18 hns been postponed in view of the j a sured possibility of iuimodiute negotiation for the mandate ovor palestine it is nlno utnted that peace nogotlntloiib with turkey will open shortly after tho new year aild that british dologutci will bo proniler noydgedrgo lord curzou1undaijhdr all three of whom havo publicly declared their sym pathy with the zionist movement about one half thoir cost to the county is n problem the kingston whig passes on some sane advice to thoie desiring to stop a subscription to a news paper it says there is probably no mnu oltgagod in the newspaper business in ontario who is not actual ly acquainted with a man whoso evcuso for discou ttdhtng his subscription is thatrhe already has more papers than hd can read it is only uu excuse offer ed to ameliorate tho presumed lacerated condition of tho editors feelings ithus no such effect for in tho first place an editor never worries over tho loss of exceptwhen heleaves tho country without paying up arrearages but why not be truthful and say to tho honest uajwapuppr mini just what you feel in your henrt go nfto his don nnd ask him how much you owe pay tho delinquency ami tell him frankly that you jlpjvtwjint lufl tiiu reputable blnckgubrdlieqtnnyiongoi spytcrhlrrtinttrror rowful tone of voice that you deeply regret his in ability to publish a uowspapor wortliy ofttio iihiuo and ndylfte lilm to sell his plant to some ipnn with ji thimbleful of brains arid seek some occupation wtncli docs not require so much wear und tear of thv mind do thlsand then you can go awjay witli the comforting assurance that t ho newspnpor ninn re spects you foryour enndqr and will cherish ut hard feelings because you choose to borrow his pupor instead of buying it tho new year with all its business activities is now open and before us the pjut year was ono of njuny surprises month after month surpuhcb have followed in regular succession at the outset the lit ii hid un whm wrltliu in ii luwyui huh it in vulilpt 1 lit ulioirliitf tliuiiii id alutu mi iui li vnliin a liiil iilliii willi ii hy il km i 7 i ali wiinris aluinir alomht il n t kirw iiiy iwy i ii mi in aukiui i iphulily no ljiiniui alquim llm lm o wlmio vt lyutlnu lu 1tiiwii lo llul miipi iiiii iiulil nun at lh una liitiiiii mi thi r iininiiii lint thn ulu liutn ulimilil 1 ill to i m nfti 1 you liuil juinikxl orn i tut wmitut mt mo iinuw llm ihiui liutlut 1 1 i mm rlitlitdnwji midi i i ii u u tin u i oioi u nr urli oi tin miiltinul mi in fo biviu wuu nn tnntli nt wini n mini lm jf yo nil fin 1 you cunt nrfoi i uo nmoh jt ilvii u iiikdi n ii roth liriurun t you mnnim ww vlll illhtioiixu with i in m hymn n tnlo np llm fol i hon 1 tl iii ttlrti llilltt 0 lloill 1 llttll itfmlvttll i littfr whh li on unit 1 him with uu r- uiimwom hu nblottly ulrmy wlnnakcdiilm r liolnic u ui1y iiinuot tvuinu tlh wjmi xuihilt ulyua i wlntf h itniitlniiin r timul think it hut you living niiltliur will hmtaml whut i mum jn iilulj finiiur makliik up hi tli i lltt u iwriiin niipurutlon ut ttm few it uf oio liyd ho rlimlitil ilu huml mil fur n ituti mil x rfuruti il tho nhoht with u millot in th tiioiiiliitf ho iihlovi flrt that lift tmd mil it ii il tiiiaii ut 1hw own uhlit wlmt ilhl yon do thru likinlkul a frlon t m juut knolt down unit tliuiknl nix ht wild that i hn in t him lnul 11 manitoba honey it mu uli nlitilm 1 7 dtio ihu of loiny from 11 hlvn on hlu furm t ian i i y man tlilu mhiihou llm iiilmly won unlit ut thirty enntu 1 wi ll mukiiu a total return if i3 11c ll h m uiiut fulth in thn fntur of hunev si a illic lion inuin iiioviikjm uml li ik infuuhoil the niimhdi of hlu hlvei lo lift itlvisu mm hauoil in tho uiirlnir hfillloinl tlf worth of lionoy foi 1 j lct uq plav the game ni- wmlinliiu in inlli t inuxiulvi uiiliiiih ivtil iii hwi f kllmh homlrru who hut thh ih liiiljji luju mun hju lmtmuliiiiiiimm uttjjw iirouinl i hut oilitllh foi 1di liunr ifivimv ivii nvnit ilhrhur tlmn hlcuk wluur uuyu with ihiut irilmf w tni il tit n hy euajiilm dmlmlvi unhif fiuu4mll atjhhw uin- th hmtutuwui tho miiifh u 11 t hi iiutti ti hoiutlftit ru rpmnulii- ttoli of lln union ju k nuiln of whlto ihmhi t intut loins iiim i hi oini1ow tt it wuu n loving tc i hut ci from uol ilww at hnoklinniil u lliijltul wl lout u 11 mh or uml j lu tho wnr lfli uolilim wlnoout thlr llvfrf- riu til i iii- htil urn mhim tlwy liny il llm kiniif vn lnyoil tho if itllo tt tin iii w nil huy thn k linu v nuuumn aiwofuli f h thn a real mountain hattway on i if tild uiout luniuikul lo uiur iljtln thowuxif nioiinlniii mllwuy nil in if lu hilntr ir aui t imiivli rhji inn nn ij nimjtt e h ii- ids n him utrtwi th jamlhi wlili h i int n in i lo mini rwitti tho liinklhiiu llna ihlu holviti linn ulultw ill h 4itx r iji iif i uu ah v itli n of 1 1 hll ft i mill nl llu ml f ifl tnllnm luiluu lh h iht of tu 4c3aa fvt1 i im ihlm uolul llm 111 1 nhiili n it tilojw with i kin ii nt i r in i it in hi who iliutuikfl ki ll i 1 a ho i lu not li r tliuif hi mlhu of ulral trunk vnry muduf uf hi tlmm uk nitvliiu iiu htoni lilioinl uttuual in 11 ltui mi llth lu l 1 l rw urn imi in 11 ti uriiiunhowt huo n hoiu thut imvir wlthm i 1 ih t o ti lhiy thn uiitin fulrly unit f ithfully uiil to hloy u t tho tnl u thirrown- t twinw vv ill knw thitj ho tr 1 iviiiif tit mi ry nt thou who imvn din i 1 ml inftllu thu iirlmhilu h wtuun of hn ir hwiolo fiinhriiluuuij lu loylnit touih wlhi utiintuhiiu louiimnlonri wvuryiutlotlnllty imrt iillmn tnt- u mlfl u oui motto mil i it oilt hi inwku vf hitumoifhil in yji 14 hi lhyu wlii uuvi iii lirt lljilf thoy pluyo 1 llm mnnil wo nliyil tho inn i ii t- uu now ull iluy uu umml h mlivllh ailvodu a gloomy outlook r uu una tiff your innilminl ht liou hoounr of tilisit now i ilon t kn iw i hlu nllowjiia iir ucrliittoifm of ihiunr for lllnoux uton to tnukti him wmit to nit ip with ylev fru ml i mni thnu tvor newqflllnt pnobuction ha hit i j inoiliictsnn t hiwuiirlut lu cunuitii u 2 776 tonu or 4 total of foo ooo in i ytiur iqxtniiiuiouu now un lor wity will inniniun thn output mi cruuc of 310 4uu inr duy do quo tonu ir yiut it lu ix iwiotcil li nt ihlumnuth rnnuifn will tihlu imr wtill ovor u00 000 tonu bilk quito rolt men ii luoy fjuhiih lu tlm nnnio flilnto juut liroilniiil hy i nuhiml tniiuiifi tun r from hi whorl imlu of ullk udr thn omtmrw liuv mhacuil hi hmu thn ulu it lu hllnn initio m i t thi ir ut do- nynui for i couoinlail flothliiu u in lilnh i for hi ii rloth hut it lu uu to iuliln ii ii ill- in uipomiii unit wniir lo will yut ouii ho nolf nt tho lirho df mhoidy it hi outliiiutoil that u hoy u milt mi tx mxiln oi- ib7r mill u ijlunu milt fin 16 711 a r iniijt i kjiur tiiuuku tit thi inuilii riiiunj tr idn niiijk mint wuu on tiling from iiivh lo colh k ro i airrtliiyviii roy hinrjley auctioneer lalldtd phon crl4t n n a xcton storage batteries i you muv init wntl frixiu in your ru 1 in lor hot not lu your hutt ry why nolect it wlmu it pliyu tho ihi ut imiiorluiit 1 art in your mcu uuthifm lory ruanlutf7 lot uft r it ut ilnt mikii i f trouhhi jlxavn your i uttury with uu hid wlutor n t hitvn it iii flrt olnu 8hp- nt oprlrtu wo kip ihiui lu wit or dry utruul mu nimtomnr ituilru all kiiltlm of bnltruii njnjlnil work uuariuticu1 frmit cpok gfai qvaroito busiiiehh directory thoo ohav m tv 1 m c v kllnhur olllno icrmli rh k it i c m mqqill ont df j a mofilvt n phyaicium onil lliiruo olhti nnd itiuliliiu corn r hi wu- avniiuwmil 1 it in in i thn ruahl- bu formi il min ti m llon- luruoti at ton oiji vetemiitativ open a housekeeping account witlitho morchnntit llnnk and pay alt bills by cheque ity dopcntiritf ii n iulnr nurn in a savings account you know oxuctly now much in biwrnton tiiu dilteronl braucjiea olf houbokccpmir whon you nottlo by cheque you avoid nil disputes as to payment na the cancelled ciituehnrorxcoiptumidptovouiopdymonta- thiabusincsfi itko mouiod of homo financo often prnventiijtnyinp tho bomo bill twice savkigu accountn may booiened en bums from l up on whicii intorcat iq allowed th mrchant5 bank of canada hwl ofbca montro1 acton branch georgetown branch etlbllod 1uoa l b shorev monagci- il r m1mms manager majbirtyor people were kotkliigfor ifgo n or acflo in tho pricesoiynbnrly commodities there were a few downward changes early h0 y broughtvhouthy fear of u general sliittrjrrrhot those declines were not to be compared wttlrtho uunyinces which followed in tho case of cottons for instance there was a short period irl which american mills were selling their product to canadian wholesale houses at prices- below the actual cost of production this condltitm did not lnbt long immodl utely ojders wore received fpr textiks from over sells mackotn there wmju big chungo in the quotation lists prices soarod hlghei thari ovev and have con- tinned to climb almost weekly in the larly days pessimism seemed to reign in the leather market but wjtlithe appeal anco- of foreign orders the trade became bri8keruian i had been during tho wur some building jnatorluls wore supposed to be fulling fast hut at tho tloso of tho yonrthereis ttcniloly anything ilntlcitera iutouiilcrootlon of a building that does hot cost moro than whoa tho year com menced labor feared tha the wigus might take i big drop and that worjc would bocoitio scarce titnb has shown on thu other hand thut men are nioro urgently wanted ttinifovef and instead of work being scarce thft laborer juts been in n jtolhou to dcipuiid hlglier wages these wo merely soinvwf tho llnea that havo shown silrrlses and with itnlltttryonr ended jurandjafthb ntfbt stilcosaul porod illil topy sofar an amcricoaid timeparp qf furopo uro concerned if youmy out of town aiutl buy out of town what will become of our town the dollar you spend in acton will come home to boost free press bjiyathome campaign read tbott article with care they may prwnt the leoplo whose ads arc and will something you hadnt thought of before patronize hererthey wo your nelghbori bcwtt-youriehl- j jehmoney you spend with them stas irrcircxilalion in acton and neighborhood ynu will alwy plnj it protlubu to ionmilt uu whon iltudrlnavry qouda clotliliih llooti jiinl tihotui i inoolimnut oliolotln mid owmkiho qiir h i lu your fln hi anton molean a mills our aim ula bl you drjt ooodn moiim irimitnlug mid oioooploii tho quillty and trloa nt wlilnh will koap your tnonoy tn aotnn wo can comimtfl with unyom anywlnra and trontly urn oohi liurlmm d c rtubsell th pehauf store acrlurlon kor imirlty and wholouomenom in tmtont fi rmnlmi wo cnrryi au well oh n i un orf ornery to i lot ah lolon vloti olnu our full wall jaiwr tfnlu ih now on olid wry njwclnj tiar- uiiluti arn orforoit arrr shown consult ua plrl whniuliiiyinif uardwuidava oatrj n oomnloln utock of ahelf and hoayj ilanlwnro flllvt nvuro cntlnr aratittuwum ata utu omii oonvlm tlio uioht oiltlcal ojr prlead uunllty arojlkht jamg8svmon ordar vour cbn j now nlay uhilnf iinmont condition invarlnhly mutoh jui lulvnnon hi th liileo nut iltovu unit jurnaaa caav iu wo curry qroelrlo wnlf j c hill nvr buy furnltur k llroni a ontalocus it ulliooki uood in ilolurjii whim huylna frtn uu you nan tho nrtlala bfnra you huy und our imnt udvloi anjl acrvlrio lu yourn umlartukltiif hi oonnootloit jomn8tone a oac tamum up that orjf for qrooaru llrlnu it to un wo eati cojituoto iii nervjoe qunllty nnd iirloo with anvoiip jujywhoro wo carry aa wu i full lint of dry ci nod a necborrarcor our larpa oualncma cannfotlan in acton la amnio nroof that our mtatm vugatubleo ami ivovlalon mrv of thu tioat quauty wo mil on clo iiiuruluu und unllolt tho jrivlloae of ttunnlylnjf your homo muemcrv 4 cvanb kilirti r- bafor w- hi ami wo hay it aiialti you can buy to httor ttdvutiuid lu aptoh than tn lorontti hon um when you roaulro ulivtluuil hi auirol mwohomlua wi will not ho undarhuld r l stankman false economy has no ljv 1lue w dl in all kind of hyfluti muh citrtml uoala und it lu our loftlnt to- mmuro and hold your luilronaan hy fair urloon and liounut diullntr wo ndors thlw uiuuitjun buy in xtloa itiwya w landabopouqh jtuylng cheap goods juat j tecauae they are cheap docs not pay quality often overlooked instance hbn in cake of mail ordkr 1iou3bs which majce their appeal solely on uasis of price a t l icuonomy lu ono nt thn erouttut or vlrlin hut fulun fmsoumtry la ut vnoro a vlrtuo thtiu antythhltf olu that lu fnluo to ho nhlo tn ooouo- mliio wluoly ih oiln u thn urantimt hluutilnich that ono an huvif for it a tit jrrqululln to thrift and wollhnlnir too tnuny iiflimnnj howovor who think thoy havo found tho mount of trim oaonnmy ur jiraollclhtf u fitlihi ucotiomy which tu worm thuu wilful wiut lr intiumo thi innti who huyn u utnvn from a mail ardor lioinio for to lhoaiuo hn thllihu ho wouhl huvo to lmy c10 for ouo if ho uir- 1 nhnmtrt it rrom hlu luuno tnrnlmht ih triiotliilnu ruuo ooonomy lor dm tiliutiotim nri thut lia woujil uuvn morn than 1 in tho iml if ho lturclianiiil tho 110 mtojvii fnim tho loiul hunlwnro tloulor j t thnrji uro ui vornl rkiihonu why thlu hi fuluo tronomy thntlrvt wiwi1a thut lolnr for dollnr tho broatnirimrt irthn wilfl hy tho lnnll qrlur iioumcm ih uf iphh vntun hum thut noiii hy tho rotull mnrohuntu of tho umihlar oommuulllou rim mull ordur iiiuiiwum uk ii wholo m hultt uihiuj chmilinihu in onlor to ultruft nuiitouu ru tho untuloutin hi ni up muut hii rooiih chtniiily unit lu onlor a do that thy muut hnll ilhtnp foodu thoir huhlntim hi hnl ui on pi inn uild not on uunllty ihfl rolull haidwino dnnloi uko nll 0tnlrr otlur limit nrohuhly cii tiiutoh llm nrlo n of tho mull oidir liiiuu h iio mohuhly iiiih u 0 htovo whlrh ho liiii noil tn tho mull who wuntu to m t a utovn for 0 ittn t ron hlo hi thut tho man who huyufi tho mull onlor hmiuu douii not- luulfnifuuli iwtwwun lirh o und quality jtbla jlamnalow thi thinks he ib economizing nhly would not buy u u utnvn rrom hla loctil morchnnt tor in tho luttor uuuo ni wohliljiimi juut whut ho wuu huyinir unil mlht iouiika that fh ft atov would lint moot hlu nooda ho qrtloru u til utovo rrom tho mull ordur lieuiui howovor juut iioouiihu uio nrlou lu 0 ami not imouinjo ho huu uny uuaurunoo thut thu ulov will nwwit hin uoihih ho thlnlih h la uuvluu 0 dollar or tw hy buylnir thlu atnvo lnutmul of payhitt 110 or ht tiv tint luiiuj htimmut for ono thut ho him noon and knnwn will klvo him nut infant ion tho ciiuuchh uro thut whon tho utovo nrrlvu and ho ihua qi it for n whnrt h will rouu hint ho huu tt fal lioonnmy that it woulil hiivo lit on nioro iwonnmltiul in thu und or him to nay ailollnr fir two hiori to hlu hnhii moriilumt ilnd uot an artlolo thlit wun jutartmtfod hytho dnulftr now that gohl wthr in uiqirouohliia you will roqulro lofn mlununt our iljnkw uro rwl- hot unil luvluorutlriu our i cream in rtnllolnnnourtomimncln candloa friiuti uml wholauoma h wileb khmlf at hwfriirlw4hi lli4inin nanrcl wluin uny viirh of tip lulvu iirolltn thut utn tij oontampatlna bulldlna t if an lut uh toatlmata ou your ra- qhimonta wo troouro luua tnaka tititluuttiw ami tukn oontranlu fo any id nil of hnl ml uw wo woiltd ausvat otilotlnu lojxt winter ooul now j b maokenzie pair- daallnp and low prlom am imlldliik hi our bualnoaa wo i irry ts full htm of areoorloa and i rnvtujiinu unil our iuiooh will m- iiitvo thn minnimlly of filrtho aoaroh ijlir quality nuil nrlov will atutid ill miiurlhon mho j modouqall thn luttioii of tho lnnll ardor houuo ttuin nftuitullu to tuko tho muttnr of trnnuuortntlon churflh hito romilikrntlon whmi muklua hlu uuroihun li uh only tho urlto of urn iiltloln uu lintodlit tho mull ureter catnlomio ami iioh not hilnk of tho ikihodi or frolght nhuruita whluh with tho i out of a monoy omor atyl oohiuko oft mi nuko thn totul oolit or thu artloli krmitt r tl pi th tiriro ut whtt iftho ilumo ilnjf rotihl huvu bovn iiurohuniul ut thn lo ul utoro aitothnr oiiuo of fuhto ihionmny v huyiub inwmbnudhui of inini qnnllty honuiiuo tho uric lu low hi often fa lm uouuomy wli il thu iiurohimo ih inuiln at thn homo- utorou but it 1h doubly mi whuii tb inori haudloo lu bouallt from u mull orh r hnuao juumn btiyltiu ut homo ono mm in uinionahly auin thut tho urtlnlo luir- chuuihl utu inw jirlno whlt tin rn hi no iiunli uuuiiruuno whon ii in houuht hy inull on tho iilidit uiihihi nau i i idea ib explode6 tlaroalna in inlloa huk- hoorod rlooklnicu ut 30h llnh ionu4 overalls ut 1 3 go a whliimont at iloh ivinaa utitiii wonrhir hh rts nxiuwtoit thlu wool ilhoo rotialrlnic u htwolullty r j e k cook whti vou buy shoaa kvimi uu you ur of i liur tho ixiiit nolortlou lu aoton our lirlonu aro munh lowor tlian olty lirlocu kuaruittna u iwihlnd nvfcrythlng w anlt kcnnev bros our braad u bakad itlitht horn lu anton und we nunr- untoo itw wholoitoimtneuu wo aollnit uu woll your tiutroiuute for liomu- mntlo rakam nuatry to wu aim in uutlflfy w edwaftdsaco uooth wllli our unnrovdl and huu our hearty nndoruatlon ubakdmorc a co our faraonal lnlarata arj rnnlrtyrirnvotoji rtiituov mout lu- iliwrvlna of miioooiuj uid wo undoiuo unmo rvoer m mowat qlove co 1 mm local dutrlhuior lir tho liord autoinobllo und cull diiplily yon with uonulno font luirtu ut rauvonublo tirlooa a oomploto utoek of tlra ulwuym on bund lutt youi car iwi a ponl h a coxe i manutactura arid lupalr ah kind oc rurnlttmi lt mn tutluiato tat you on tho iimkhur ovr riiialrlnu or uiiholutorluu of your furnlturo wjiloh rwiulrou attention xauurautoqtny work pltajfuraltuta ilitatiltull w j btuckev w do mrtiant tailoring our atook of imitortml ami doniaui tlo wonllouu for full anil winter ilk coin ill tn wi utuiid ikiijihj nur- outiut und uuuruiitoii tuiltifuntloii w m cooper novar du jajvolicry from catatoguaa all jqwolhiiy lookir bmhi in eutrf yji ii buylua from ma you mn tha itrtlolti uml uu woll you havo thu uuinfh of lny morvlc udvlco utnl lmr- uonul uuurauloa qq hvnps the idnw tliut tint hjall tioilui in 11 tho uuinv utiullly of 1tnntif tirtnilik1jrioiuodid imlu hy tho mujorlty of tho nrtlt itrifor luiuhtim und tho luttfo htlllnk iliuhtih to wlilnh thoy uro uhjaolmt tho lurao mull oilur huutua unond hand roil a of tbuuuuiida f dollar ufthhlilly for uw rtultiu uui thi uolllnjc onmnhtm of thn amulur conourum lira limiinhlquutuly nil liiruo lloli olhir oxiu mu u hutib uu runt tiiin nnd ihimi- r ilno liliehfrlhuu thoni of tha iimni- vttnu tneuahutilm in iiroivoi tloji lo thu hiuilmnu whh h piny do lu iqilto of onha iavy cjiiumu tlm uuttl loidor loumu itlulrlhuto krtlhioui of doll ura in divlduudihuujoiiu thn utokhuuloui m otm uu gu jiiuu orjr- couorii tio iirofltk of tho ntoi kliohll in lu nauh abd utnuk illvldi mu liavc bburukntiwl un mm h uu 1 fiuo n i nt un iho oipllu uvoudxl lu tho hjigit limloil nf lilm yiulu i hlx do h not liullcutattii t tho mull orrior hoiinuu urn in huliuu for thoir heulth und uro kiviuk iwuy lunr- ohainiuu to thoir inmtoinoru iai 1 iho mall oritur houat a huvo i unltnllxi it tliuiluiliirto tlzoiiunuko thut lu lulu ii nt in iilinont nv lynuo qm lly plm liiu mil o umtvo qiiiilly uml iiiukluirmhininichmtho fuiulihiiiutiil 1 humnt lq ihnii btaliiun omy havo ituiihtttcd in un- mluihi of thir liilfcyih tlm hlou thut hoy uro nooni mlalna- wlmn tlmy tujohithmroofla qtt trtnmii tirttmf r naht tlmvou raqulra fpi isttotiv lljojulllljlvim ru lrt ttio- iililmvnr to moot jrii- roqulroumnm tot atnok la romillutomy tuullty m aif tlm liuiiutuyiirlpua urotujlit utqialiluif douu v 1 w williams pranciq nunan tiook ltiunmt booku of ull klmia inndo tu lnrlodloulu of ovi ry diuorlp- jioh muafully bouml ltullnar neatly and promptly don wynithuiii mtrrtut duulpti out ovr wlllliiniu l torrt john lawuon vtrlnary bur aoton ont oradunto of oiiluilo itirtmry cql- louo 1h0 h ollfow arthuru itloi k id ulduun mill llth t ullu day liht prompt ly mltundol to lcqal 1hinio no id j o jin 338 harold nash fattmkk mat jlurritufifoliiur ntrypiho cottvinyuncur ltp pennvman block acton ont vokflflv lo roan f convevanc1nc hoo in mi rlitiiki ji wllli iti l i aiilt ahntnu tn or till i furnlihi 1 work run fully ami h iilly d m ilinini 3 p in to s p m nt i ii iilo 1 ivnta loom i iih wtanbbrougii laka ava dr j m bell d d i pantlat ilualruil out ut rculdnm fnulorlok htrootu mibqellantoug marriaou licenbtib ti p mpor uuar mnrrltt lloanaaa ivlvul- oflo no witntuaaai n- qulmd taauod ut roulilinni in nvonl fine itauu oltlna aotoq ont r j kerr lloanaad auotlaimar vae tho cnuntlua of itullon ii u- tou ieol und hurfi rlrt ui i tho olty of ouoli li aoton owtario jalim may bo ununijo1 by tuull tt at nil de n jo at atton t r ut r lia wow lvoaa omio acton t z tlia uorourjt oniqo vjjuolph tho nwhltoord iroranu or 1v w j gordon uurrtmh makw illllaburu tuiua tintruutod to it t icorr r- imlvo atloutlou from duln of llhtlna to data of aalo ijat your union with ma raaldanea vounu btra6t aoton ina b anton- cull nt tny lexpunau je ciieevers book bindlrv qmooeleat qolphrontr- ihwiku and muuuuliio i liound in hundnoino uml uuhutiiutlal rovora nomou lntlirod tu notd on xllblo hymn hooka und othor hnoku all work promptly uxeoutad d alex niven ontario lund 6uruayof and civil en flurvoya dubdlvlidouu imnmi tn- iktrta ijouorlptlonu illucirlnt oto uortliloutom for tnircliuiiorh und mortirasnoa uurviiyii foi aiolutit luiil lor nnd mimli ipul cnunollwj uralnutf llnprrth lcullmntou oln molean building douulaa st oumuit i hoo foiw on grand trunk ivtxti thdouble track route inorwinwn montr eal toronto detroit chicago onoxcuijod diniiitf c vloo did vou evor stop to conamar that lt nnutn ovor klvu thouaani ihilluru u yinr to dijlvr thii aturvw tu ttia ai lonpuonhjt tlm loutuniior piiyn fof h curry your own punt hi und uut your abura f ihn uavliik cuub und curry qxv ry chebteft plank 1 utlln ht imiono sd conauu ma pi rat win n yint toqulrafurm bnplui iwiwrn r nurklml 1 1 nnr imral nuont for intiirtuitliviial muobliiory uud null kunrnhtao yon uutlufiuitlon und anr llnn i i urry bootx uud abm a uu wfill t ohabk parkeh rloopliiut earn on nluht tiniluu and inirlor turn on prliioljuil iluv trnlun liiu infonuntlon from uny a rand iruulttlcua ritiiil or c uoniuv niatrlot ioiiiioiieor auni moionte h a iiolmcs ajrent acton ont pli 13 l tho old uind holiublo granite and marblo doators- wn aru munufuotuii in and illrort imihirdirn of ull klmlli of mdimuuintul uml lluudutotio wuik wu mil dlroot to our uimlumuru ut whoh into piloiui iuh niifounttniuni i u vw hiivo tit twat upiliumih und thu uly moihuulch lu tho liouifulon who cuti ono ruin puoiimnho toou propi rly wo lum ulvo rioroui n fiom luiiulroila of out uuutonuia in loitnlo uud othor plucmii whorw otliutx havo to havo law rutin ln1rnei- in collfot wo huvo thu luiufnt und bnwt- atonk of tlntiiltiv lu tho jtoinlulon or mnro rlmu nny tbroo ilfrtliru lu tho wout wo ur iokhi- tnato iloulviii uud nmnlny un uu ntw uml do not uiinny or inun t iimiuiijra hy knuiuuir out luannitil tin ui i inillolt- liiu onlirawo i nntlnyoiily nuohiinha and ilufy uompntltloii iicivnetorrsrsons inll woowl tl im uulldv aiba feii li

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