Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 8, 1920, p. 2

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lx qr arinii jffrrellrjpeus jantjau h ipio mh bn i oct sail cor momc jlml til it ly ullo thn wind iilcnt- uhtt fllllv whim llvlllght dpm and th day lu ihluo iliut not tv wuvi hivuk into anilnd find ttrotit mi iingd lilli t mytfrall lrk willi untiring null now an bond at f of wum th mgit in ida pokt mil taking it id h nkd nt it f vymil in 1 xitu 1 much bout it ii irwu out tioii tim h mutlorol ghmrliig hi till nlunplug hoy lull ijiih ullk hmjuo vhfrtmy brlil hungry jiii maytw flilraty hlmuby uow io tiny imuuou oiio n llu lit hoadlnu tin t vhulld ilka to know vpr u f w tnhiik jimmy uut mar lug ut th ynugnit hpddtmly li at ulgktjiad ut uilil grlhnnd thar aint imlhlii llko win drlv to it li ilimkld what to hlmw iiiokiilfylii tin i imvdla uu run ill n 1 uiroligh u lilt ii rjnrk jt big nugh tlout ity coma tn flout it in flint h u cry inn kft i v u motion thnt it ii v idinr ulm i w 1 nil tiimr hi riuir ut cliilnt nuulmt mn li into till jlj liiltiui j0 ihlilu i j t huniwni ii uby i tliu gath ring t wall for houm i f union nttuiidlmy snub ixniw uiul lulou of balm f joy jirutmd mo roll ii 11 p i wu illll h 11ohiu iiint hlgit of linuvi nu tarrj llolljll win n i mvt mill i for 1 1 mm thornl wuwi i tli itli n my i itn i k oy i y ii yutrilu my 7 uuautlmied cuptuln kulltt a h tood by jimmy anlwnlla tittry tit tlm halmry landing mavar w a much thicker fog roll in from th dldu t huvu a onmou with y did yi jimmy r l that bill wim u thick fog capn rtjlud jimmy hauburyu aomawhat coo ii trio townsman 1 u it com in mm wmii i moran mlln rrom thm llllt when it uliet iluwn on ln ut tlm tlilo biiln jont bout rlslit to tuuo up ihq bar i liiuimil it u fotlitwod the ound swiulit it coiniiimm i liav imd mom tlioulil o buyln onti but ttowwhownotorhsvo jrot roiint to3c lur um thetm cuunariliml i jit t ura but what 1 rouhl muka una all yv ho o flo in inmtnlfy o n4ll nn bl- ii nil it omoliow id buy utitt jimmy ttl mum ryo tnplld tho nual wall i ii think it fvr mold jimmy droiipliiu iiuj our into tho tholoptn of 111 dory utlh 1 v kot h coimld- urbla powarfu majfiiat down to my huck utt h lluvo i muld idnkn on on ini at thtit jont for- run tothor day i riaifiilrioil tlm pint o ny knlfa un found i could utisk up jkmhiidn iui pin with 1l iii uu y one tbtnv cpn it wouldnt ba a tutd itlwx for m to carry hut miuinvt an tiedla in my tmhhit when i no off ttohln lay in to in n tag i might tiff up dompln that oould glvn tno tho p hit o the oompmn a month or mi inter nbont iito mtnaia f july jimmy cojitwoll tttirt- 1 nfrxirihmornlnk to pull hi trpwl which wo net b matter of dva mlle off boabury point with him in tho lory wit captain loleln knuidoit ohlld of ten yoar tho younsator iiad been toiulntf for tonw time to to wllowtxl to ko with jimmy and finally tho day beln fair and tho water month tho captain had oonaented tho outward trip uu made without incident worthy of note mid roaoblnjf the trawl jimmy wax buy far throo- haunt armura pulling it nndnettlnj u econdtine which lio sad brought out with him wlmt wtuld you do if you cot loat in a tog out huret uuouonpd uu boy a jimmy tlnuhed httllw tho trawl do i dunno henry replied jli my 1 mlsbt take to uie oar relyln tuition um folio nay an thpn might rl home aort o a cam- pan thar no tellln what yel do until yo cot ketched in tho jok tjpdaklo o tog j bucm it wouldnt ba bad idoe tor u to bo cttln under way thiira a rocbank croepln in pn u now i w4h id eo it iforo cant ho touch moron hf a mite off jt it i tlmt now dont ye talk to me no more for u mallbub cauw ive cot to doomw jlvttjy uullin nb tho oani jimmy uettlod down to tho oar in oarnoat wall knowing whnt thai blutr iet or foe would mean qjico caught in it wan with alurm that ho noted th olbaenoa of it tuid he oxortod hlmnoir i tha utmnwt to keap ahead of 1l 1 wig ull to no purimuia howavor for within tan minute from tho tart tho dlalant whore wu out off l no jii- tloh remarked jimmy after jmarv than two hour of vlgorou pulling at tlio inr ii ulnt got tho atlghteat ideo wlmr wo he in t yo get akoorod though oauxu wojl cltlhoro nomot huw aoonor or tutor hoon uh i got my wind it lilt im goln to ry it cilu dont you- wwntk jrlnfof water out of tin jugt iiiohtlonoil tho boy v atartlnir t rthoh for uio jug which wa under tho ntutu aeut nooq i gun 1 wou t tech it jet now henry replied jimmy mlowly wall be a bit ttpurln on it imilnc om thet jug a 1 wo got jimmy preinintly rdumod hl oarx ttd it wuo ii long- tlmo lieforo lu ppkft gnln then night wo avldvnl- ly at huml henry yo ait ma ha got to make a night on it nuld jimmy elilpplng hi oarwjm gold fix heave ovor tho anolior nn then woll make tho brut on it mitll mmuu don hi r ta gdtun i akooroil buh v i im not afraid replied the hoy grand pa auld only thl morning that had trut ma anywhere with you he did eht queried jimmy a gri on hi fuoe walt i gueee maybe ha i dldnt nutka no mutrtko 1 1f loole artor ye an dont ye forgot it now eat two or throe p theml oraolbi a bite o oheeae an then well top off with joat u gip o tht water half nti hour later jimmy removed the utorn neat nrnklntfu ng place fur tha boy to vlucp in und tucking oio r dory null about tho young tor told hlm tq go- to nloap if thl fog ilont lift by mornln well ho in a purty plokl ruminated jimmy id jot ii ko to una the feller that got- tuition iiough to tlud h la wny out o a fog like thl without a oampom i dont ulliv uiir8 h man llln fhtmuiado it moakln o a oompwoai remind tno thnt mognat o nilto ive cot it in my pooknt an i jvo got a needla 1 can magnify the nfmxlle all right thur ulnt no doubt llmjut thei pnrt but how in tho world bo i gon ui hung it ma that itll nop round nn pint to the norardt thato a ifoeor for two hour or morw jimmy ton- deretl ovor tho perplexing uu nation wlthouc jnttuing any heudwayv hd finally he 1ood off in tbu tww of the dory hi head twiitlug on id urm which wua thrwn ucroo the gun- wale of tho ikint utjie ofgltt pmoied and jut da it wna beginning to gat light jimmy awulte to find the blanket 6f tok still about i themo with no lgni r mftlnc iatoul the flrtnliictiav ho uiought i itrmuvliig thw tork topp duin the jug jimmy i ut off mull lilt dlmut thq ml it u mu ulnt u lilimn ut lolcr wa rubbing dm tli of th- uolla on th mukiiut wh n lit wo oonvlnrod thut it w wh mugiibtued h ritro iuly wockd it through th onntro of tha hit of otk thu dono h touch- mi ovor ihu biiih uf tho dory and nilod hirbiirltet with wwtoi und anttmitf it in tln bottuni r th tiat patlnntty w until th vntir wiy ftttll tim a wu ilk gin not nvan u mwllr uo thut it wu not long hifort all wu ww b wlho h 1 ui th cup n ould luff if ho wa to imhj what 1 m up to jt oliut kld gontiy placing tluisrd lorklu iikj ceit of tha huoknlj then tin wntch- ilc lrbntiiktan nothing umiyiiat then llttla by little hll mw tha liowlla luritj it mailn html y u bulf drrle and then ntopiwd abort to wnkj hum lie turn i it hulf round ndugalu watoheil for dav aim into pt again it mlowly turnod uiul onre mora ihihllad tf the umii oudrtur fwukii up henry wrogolii to not- tinder wyl jlnf ahoutml vwlini nnvit iuautlooil the hoy t timit ktlow wlur wo imi honry but thn khiirn i yonder rapllud jimmy know tho li lnta o tha oompaaw jimt a uoon u i wolgll am hor w ii hturt knving puiuhi in the nttojior jimmy iroppml thu oar into the tholal und turned lo th hoy 1 ivnit yn tnova it muaol until tnll ye to he rommanilad ive rlg- ged u rompuan in thl bucket want to tall yu thnt it w mighty tltt- hah wltii u ryra glued on tha ndle until it rimif to u utop jimmy hold up a warning ritiknr tlmr tin p hit w rt goln lo heuil for ba rnt id ut itiitgllt mlntlng to tha lrt ion t uihiik to ma catwa t vn got to kocp thet lurerthm tn mind a apall until i tuk my itaarln agin llenil lug totht oomj lmmyn mr puiiimi for a ha wa worth for u qtuirtnr of un liour of more thou banking water until th txlitt had mm full gfp he uguln oautloneil the boy to keep tiufnt oumoft kep the couroo purty cloan oonvlderln tho tojc ha remarkod hav ing oumullixl hi remnrkablo lompmu may ho miltn a anell ufora wn tech aluira but wero luiuded for it again jimmy bout to tha oar thl tlm to a rather ion got parlod iiiil jlnjily ha rantotl on- hi ouru ahd held up hi rorafinger henry thut sound liko tha old bar a moanln ho tixcbtlmod air hanry thet tho imr for wur ivn hearod it too many tlpio to get fooleif tout thet uound inldo minuum yoro go in to aae tho plnt mark tny word on t kat the roat p them cruokor an that rhoooa tin drink all tha wntci iyo want i jimmy wwm not ml taken- it wag but a abort tlmo heforo ho wu aklrt- hlg tin bar ut the mouth of beuhury itlvar and a few momenta later mak ing out tho dim rorm of the 1olnt tilt bogdod for it henry i bllavo thet f your grand father down thar ob the ahorot ex- olalmoi jimmy a tha dnrypoaad tba iolnt it look a though hed boon tharau night awaltlnaror u it wa inroad captain olett that jimmy aw and it wu fruo that he had walked th hack alnca aunoet hoplngrrartet a hmaimuumxl almoat doubting tho return of hi grandaon r how did ye manage to gnt berot loned tho captain gripping jlm- hund a tha latter ateppod out of dory hud u rompamif replied jimmy dy hy didnt yon get hare before demunilod tha captain nt havo ono until bout ah hour ago nap n i have one ilia wliatvo4e drlvin at jjmmyt i tojd jv a apell back- thpt i had a notion i oovld make ann on m dti- oluled jlmrtw grinning wall all o a audden ntg mornln bout light it oomn to mo hflwto di it had my magnet an a tieadlllwlui ma magni fied tho needle atuc it through a bit o cork on floated it in my gurry bucket whoii i aoo it turn round un print l jot j laffod thlukln o ye thar the contraption now cap n taka a look at it thar may bo com- iwaang thet a more up to date cupn hut thar ulnt ono on am that nan pint to a bettur npnth than thet one anyhow i oomu uffltoru by itj un theta dandenqenenobitv 1 ill i oft jli j wllui wm4lt u mllt kt th li llm ulli- htiowi th kiirilcim wi uimim1k i vn rnfhli kn 1 luimli humiii i i i i nului ituyiblug i iviiliot mornliwir mw lt wolf mu nliiti no iui mml kli out ant hu lhik ii oh lllld womw i rhmioiihu lu jujt buinllllgt i wlb tly till otllui illoju lift hikmllill yhr hut liu tiroud lo huv liw- i bnpo thuyu lul till huh nnuu imiiiio mid junuon wu uu j t a young giikliimr ami full of youthful xiihmd- hbin aulng t b d to immi wu pillloit u wiml in in urlpl if ii plullt linn unl fuhly lovrt hi r rtiiwm into gruwlng at jiiht tint l luring ihlxjuiillaul jujimii liintii i nth i jolapli dull i hall nihil b to olhti mr hviihihu auld uu ln- uuhlll vol i wmit to upfixlc uhout iittyvculoh wntllna va it to- moi row you know uiul tbuifl hinnu lilup about ttu flowium w- r ull uohitf to nnt our gurdnnu mil i wau ur youd hk to do yom purt ilav you not moino paoiilnu rhy tnuko nik it u whowlng t huvtutmuiiy uuld xfr i ml- ainr hen fittingly lu u lh but viy llttlo lellu mul v know you won t grudgo thutn ptirululml mi hyinouduh volow uiiut leuvo tlvj in nty holloa jtotnorrrow jin i rli tuuu hlialiung upihn r iivni- with n n n ill irf link i hutn to ihi h pig tbitluht lira iiiiluon ruifully u h ln i y i hnr trcanrhoi iinjjt duy ov in tlnr rad hud hud burnt intw e r i nrlmon hlnoui hut i did wmit ii to into tin in uo umt wo oould d juut which kind tu gut umt n than aiiniinonliiif bur rourugo iiulckly miiipimhi low r lift r flowr mrtf nymouim wan not in with high of rllf mr dvulifmonjirt tb umii wltl tho hm id who hud oalvf not ut hoinii lint uu uh puvd thn gnrih ii hu hcuril xfru fj moud urguliig with bur gurilwimr tho hound noutud ovnr tho low idono wait luyoud glumed thn itnwiru inhnuvy prafulun and th lirld of tin gnrtleu tha puony plant wro rlnh with blo- wiuren came and fiepatn or j ianu macirindnv iloh ill ilhllmtly hluhir tlmi farm lo dny nun hi 111 out hiilitikitjt h thi luhd tythirfrtin light ilk imiili hut und by in hor thut than uu rffntoi w ix u lhjlt lo lli mm i r tun urfoid to buy tl wlllflll l luu ullbi for 1vihnulvi bilr niuihhiuiy lu now hpi nulvu in hoi kurnn iu tbuiofoi uro jiolng lunntit tin 1 1 miuhliiniy in uonin wuy ht4i th iulov utlll uiiurliig jllptt llf imph m nt will ml foi u inolongii foul f vo tilfm in jmtt for u g in r y wllgl u w i ii h tin y bin illtlllll 1 n i grow upon l mull udn 1 old- u fll lhu u tlnro y thi fiirin i ln vxtont u a 11 u hlnry jiiainiiictiiiimiilimjuim will ilhln no mlrhui1 with dilulii poonlnu olhor plouty und i cn mid tho good luily wa wont rut any hmi lu hiivo uent illy bring my- holf tu part with thui if tliay war hmmiiii but it would uiiam ulmotuttily whked to diprlvn piiuuhruby nt tho plfiiuuru of uoolng thnua wplandhl llnwnri blooming toguthtr jut mtu ixnnlaon went bn u to hor itamilutod girdun ahn fiowtktctfhut in htnotitont hataughnd iaritrrovemnf luugh thut it would have iuliid mr tlymoudx to inar t think i ii tuke lioh jo morrow to it a paumrby uhi wot i it may pot 1k gmt for hi tuiill but it will rovtulnly he good tor hli umnto of humor a mind believeo altt id lalyaiiio intitho ulii- tlou at alnotf uiul unkad forv tloknt lo orminburif thlrtynlno nt wild tho agul um ha got bo ticket thirtyntu axclulmod th wo man why thought it waortyt nn ould tlnrvnanr uh hn gavu hr thn change it 1 juat tblrtynliin the wuonii took ton ohangv and tlm ticket und wit down hut hn did not put ntlher ahango or loket into hor purtio sha hald tlaom in hruundr and looked julto trouhhul inally hi went to the agent ogulu i urn aura there hi uoma mlatuka ho oahl i mmo front flroenburg yenrday and 1 paid forty imiitu our regular rata to oroanburg u- thirty- hind icenln wud tho agnnt it ju all right ntudam ljn addad lu a rahoaurlng way again he took hnr anut hut not for long again aha camo to tho window and apoko to tho ugimt will you ploauo nxpluln to mn why tha rain from hero to oroenhurg i only thlrtynlne wiinnhirrlo from oroenhurg horo la fortyt thl wua n uunullon thnt the ugent really rould not unawor but the mnu looknd ao dttnthnod over tha im- sxpacted cant racelvihl in change that ho folt sorry for her oh ith down grado going thai way you know he xpbilnul in a bind ntuudlko way ho it 11 alio paid in u tnnn o tiullghtenment hor fnro alearm of ono mh a puf the ehnngo into bar purta and lu great content uat ilo to wait for her train pav8 to keep the disc harrow sharp i kollott i landing nil fenrd bout the following day captuli ciutm down to jimmy at tl und bonald jimmy haaoh omptn to bang your wutchnhaln and he handed jimmy u plttlo gold oonipaw may imi thnt 11 oomn in handy home day whan yw olnt gc n mngnit or noodlo with yn thank yo cubn ropllod jimmy looking ut tlie girt thot auro look eight pouter the nno i rigged then too i wont have to atoi niy dory tovry tlmo i want to got my immirln a hut if ye womn t a boy worth holpln 1 wouldn tii got- it for yw it the boy wliut doe far hlmuolf umt diwarve compaaiiow jimmy lotikodarter tba captain a ho wont atrldlng along ovor the ami it und he frw a long bmath 11 hiiro do pay lnkedjxibtottrftmt toclvdntjihiicrhftwtlarth make aomethln of yeraije ktowr know when ylie ey h o bouiotiodya on yo w aure fioo iuy keep up the humus supply thu oxamplo of thla farm furnlah- cd u atrlkhigjlluatrntlon of tho-hulld- ing up of u iionr aundy aoll by the uddltlon of orgnnlp matter gnd the judlclou uao of rrrtllliara vhllo the toll wuk yielding u fall njiajuial rv- turn ewh r by u uontluuowo-irrotv- llig iif crop th fuct tiattu oll ha boen built up by 4uli mlmple mohod mid the ylii1 manittilno1 ror uc long a purlod tint- be wome valuable lanooii for th region con- ornlng fortuity prohlam lp general nml fuliilajhi un exumplo or the uffco- llvniifuaov fertlllsar in tho prooeilao of auitlclant organ lo matter thu ex ample i ull the mnrsivnuukftblo ihi- iauaa qiuiul iann u llmo and no manure hn lieeu applied and only paruhly amall amount of oom- marclal fortlllapr haywhaon uaad 1 department of agriculture tho dtao harrow untiling tool found on nearly every farm it uhoful lire i aliout 30 year uu nljown by com- rtilly oompllod alui in hr tliu it i longlived tpol them i vnry llttla about a illun to wear nut it hug few moving partm and if given good cam ahould cauao llttlo ihitlmr duo uhhuld bo kone ovur iiirvfully wary nhukoil during the villi i tnonthif tho boxen ahnitht bo taken cpurt aud fully alounad and if badly worn re- pluaad hoa to it that th oiling y- tam work and that the bun ring aro galling oil ktttip the itrlxir imlt tight thl holdm tho dld tlrnly in plnoe if the dluo unuii mlldtl it ahauhl imi mhliipunuii at liml omn each aum rbl grputly inonuuch thn pone t ration and ilodrwiat uui druft iim it wlj du more work with lung uat it will nuo do btiuer work und traciuno it din not- lived ao hiuoh unglu or uet t intro i law utraln nml wmi on tho lioxo while a dull dtao will out it i like a dull uatt inoltlclent and oxumalvo to work with ciituidluu countryman thin lh llfu of jtiiohliiry whliill it ft l 4kiwn an tinigi will luitullow hi boiuo utmid out in tin rulu m mmw uo uuh to gtf un vroi into thu 1 on hum und hi thn iiuhl poa- loiitlllon und bo will giithvi lit t proinplly mid artfully oilnil i tha liialrtnnlll lo many of tnj will itu ull how ihliiga jiud allll allow a purf of tbu toll tiiriud lovuilli tu ho auuiljiiw d up lu tho puiohuoo of uky mm ring pilnd muvrilut ry or iii i mpunnlvii r jiiilui lba to if th uljh imph nn nt wettlil out find doo ui t runt out mvry una know tnut it iibduld he huiuud hilt boiimlu uiutr any roiidltloii ami not properly curing for it pthorwlun iinii- htttttu very pom uri muchlntiy i my b jimt uu widl rurnd rof if it hi allowed to iiunil in tin iihinlii of r tr o h if uorc1 in uiuuii of tlif luuky nhod opuu uhtiila poorly dralliod abed or couihliinl imiilomeut hb uiul lion rthmtm which nm found lio not inon ly go through tlm motion but nhnltr roiimlih rati ly inid bofotu doing ao hiit hat tha tupulra uunded for uxt unnon uiuloi uro tnm ulomj with uu uomntnuint of holt wv1 hprlng tu in llmo o have eunh ui plumnnt r paired und itudyfui uho i tluio an imlilnmont in ropulr nt ull tlmm will huvo a 10ngi life find will givn moro hutlufantory urvlcn during i la ufa than una rnoolvhig irr gulur attention hiionilly ulomi und oil mncblno and glvn dh pottahailtlirraniikr uu applhatlou of wimn nnturtoit pro- paiiitlon axlu grvumi or n tlmr lulirl cittit will uuwwor ilia purpono another oilltui onuoluu ujimm it tb tniplonn jit ulmd the twoniy-foiir- hourday iroif hortfo rlrjirltlllui urrlvoilf onihu fnmn to liiuure mc uimilnut u of thlu lmpbuiifuit nijt uuii uo ii thoro tuii two thing that ahonld twrclvin mtutjul alttiutluu kir of tnk aungluput it- lu tho boat iiowulhh condition nowi uiul uuoondly lmm m much u nifnllh uhout the fmiitu- manlul of tmotor iuuriillou houd uriifuliy tho luiitrui tlon tiook unw- puixir ikioku uiul mugualii urtlolmi alao fiirulah u veulth of information htwiill in uttrtul one of tho tractor uohoola which will bo con dm ted due lug tha wlut l loave nothing un- dona that will tit you to buoomn o luorn proiloleut tractor operator a properly tltteil work uhnp in a nnoaiuilly on moat furnw it provide n magna of acquiring ha kiumk in doing rmutlr work again at orllloul tlmou uuob u hmvoumtg ornnlliiif aneaona one long trip to town for ro pair may raun a loou moro than wllal to the valuo of n wll allllpioil hop v ill hit although laut mentioned hi by no tin un yiiilrnatjwhoiloiit factor hi prolonging tlm uuafilhifu if m lm- pltiniant iii luted maolilhory on th farm la uu evroptlou rather lbin general ruin thn ohlof utility of pain lu in protecting mutorlnl rntllfir than improving uupourunocii iulnt of good atmllty only liou1 1 tio uuad und tha uurfaro to ha pulntod ahould bo dry mid cloun imtfoce thu pulnt lu upplled lcpjrimonlhllwru nolo by w l flruha najint jjomluioii field iium- 1m ml man i t successfuljhen always saved- they were thrifty they were shewd enough tb see that the habit of saving meant the strengthening of chafactea with- the money saved they were able to take advantage of opportunities as they arose- kesolve today to open a savings accountin this bank the bank o nova scotia vy k craiuu aattagwvuffar actongreamery dairy co highest prices paid for your cream fair test and vvu satisfaction guaranteed highest market ilticjp fob iiutter fat will receive any amount of cream you rrlng in highest market 1kice for cream and eggs open wednesday friday and saturday evenlnjeaj agents for the sharpuks cream separator coll and see one acton creamery tafry co matin watson imprietoni cwillow sthuet opposite govwnmodtbuiidingh iljj jih wb ii h tunn rv ilh t w ilv nidii i fi i ihi mi hunt f tilt un i vi i tjllli jnimpiiliy iltll lout urn i tily it vn ifiliii mi ii nm li ty ilvi otrm uh mi rith tihk i lul thdi lwxpty ultiihhn flu wtini hnti i tiirt i f thii ly worku thuii i nuoty all liuiiil iim buppy 1 it of tb diluted huh iifdim utoi iilohliih- huh t i oi morn miy ui hiii liny utth 1 ivo in ilnil to ltd hi only luirl of tlm duy ut it ltw i llnli f lulo the community lillfbtil hut iho riuine ninnbui of mn in ulut tipiiu luivlng tb auinn amount ol huh to rut nn tliuy hud bvforo tin fifty men who formi rly urn 1 uiiiluuktl thu huh huvo iou to di owing in thu umlm uiipply of tluli ii u iby iiiiitluiiii to diihiiiiil ffciod niudimlly gyutuljjurdoiiu uru lull upon uuf fruu uiultvgntubln bdlili r i laf ihubit miou u liirgm uliuroof lull i i rotuio fi r tlulr krgrr effort bttlhirliig frit it und vtgvtiiblc it la iluiih tl tin ui n i mououo of thti3r pill nut hiring viftf iiihlih hut tho imtlto oiiu liuiidi coiitlnui to in iui miou tl r to thi dully fodil uuppiy gruildiilly ibrliiku xjui iifii willi two nub do inlli lu ihiiu biuiuiiua in ochund foi ono uf thtin f i liu iiitp with two htiiiiwi iu rnfiiho o part with ono fi fuwai tlm u fhrrt huh klnully ho li pun roiiiuliiliig i work null in dltiguul tcvvrybmiy not tlmih 1 mil iim hid ion flah ui r inbuilt to light itid oltlitlliiltnl mn ii duy when thnt la no food of ur kind kv i y i hidy on tb i maud blunv i vtrylnniy iil what would mim ihl xlbc iinluthu icxiictly i wo thouuht you would gueau it 1or o rqitkl that i on mint out buy hull ui dl glvn uwuy hour1 winr lluu pliiiwlhoitititblo with what ihii t chicago huruld und 2i ninhur miiwm worm powdera will nradl- utu the worm avll that hi in u uo heavily on ohlblreu und 1 lialloved lo mute nmny futulitle tboy ure un jiubbi mod join to chlldnu und bn ully railed upon to clear tho food huniinlu thoroughly of tlieao uillva purualtua and rnatoro tbu jpfliimid and pulnfiil rajrfncia afthftiluehg thtiy ox 1 unndy for tbomh ovl wash day- labou savers wabhlntl machirllfb m liii i li i li i i li t thut will iuir nrl in in tu i rt in jjuiu4ti hn 11 ill uiiti ty w lb n w i juiuu wrliigu wllluili uittiiniiy huvu iui txfinl lloyiil 1 1 i hi- wimli uo it i lulvnbbi t umii 1 ul ffoo dtil 2mi riidn ir fjolli i i lm i 24 00 m 110 so sion 1bb0 10udo 1100 10 5q 0o xqxta bk0 uza cflc cov 70o ji40 ia in i mul in ui 7kd phoh- 1012 quelph this stores policy y lu rcpn5cnririot ovt itctly nj tohoir quultty to soil to tliomj who know tint to those who doivt knovata unijforni fair price to fulfill all rimratitccs iinil cheer fully correct all mis takes to lcaorvcyonr confidence liy jtlwayu givinj yoil satisfaction matnimonial alterations unlf mil do lunti oerjtenli8 oiiiitlamua la u natural ilnnumt to train roati tin or aubdiia tho cluiructai thut it will mimilfnat thl vlrtr ja7 tnont of gontlpn tlm mault will ho tu lama but- not to m iko gantlo wn ono la wbto to onntro by watuhfulpoaa hi udtlon mo thut thoy rauh 111 gftitlmi li hmmh3i noiuctlilng in tliun gontlonou clan tlauaam uat imi nuturul to lift truly uoiiulnn wlioro lovo bdeiit uiul fitrvcnt uboumla thut li tha aort of oul thiit poaitoaava grntlmioa it la out of thu ubunjutlco of tho heart that tho mouth ahould apaak it la from xij nbundunuo oi irgparato iplrlt that thu aoul aha i unvall tho graco of gantlanoa in my riad rotation njaiwaltlon tompar and manner ara in tha proviifoo of tlu thoy tnliat poaaoa it overeating la hm rod of awarly all 4iguv if yoardlgavfiou u woaic a mrtwuramvburmummcalvar kirtoids ubo now aid to bottar dltioo to taka afu- lt aa kaip atralghua oat yoar haiw mt mccnr bownk 9 sf wcorr latulmmmi a ly6ma mtom tllla guelph business college hrld dulldma ouiph ta your to nuhoiiim in tho llualncd would phono totlmy or write un that it have u plaon for you a l doudk principal castoria j ifev lafuttfl and children in us far over 30 years slgnjctuxa of w phup i taaohar of piano viol inland othar strjno inatumanta atmo plpld qltoan will vlalt aotovou wadnaadav of ouoh wnak uiifjll furthar not lea pupil prpurtil for conaervatory libdimliifltlrmu moanagoa loft at i agn lrnaa pnaaa omoo will recolva prompt attantluu realestate if you have a houao for aula lf you wont to buy n houao in anton oaku r j kerr auotlonaar and raal catata dlr wl0niilaa vounq street aoton ont virtu dont submit to aathrna if you out- far wlthoufhopo of brooking tha ahalnn which bind you do not put off linothor- day tha purttuuu va dr j ij halloa ilenady a trlul wilt drlva away all doubt an to it otlcionoy tho auro ro- llof thaj oomoa will cnhvlnoa you mora than anything that can bo wcltton vhon hlp la ao auro why auifort hi matoliln njmafly in aolrl by donl- ovdryjvtioro ri i tho nmuld or i jla own hftudj mini fortun lgui 11 judqina dy expentencr a tho lout i olilb thu oiivarantlon had not tui tho tophi of tho hlngllho imibllllgfj jtif hflca illlll ulttlaag f- lluvn you ovnr not bind an id ono irtwi how fond poophi nro uf ualna lurdon phraaoa when pinking 6t m womuu hor ghooka airo i always niiw her band uro itlywhlto her ya nr dwy vlolnta and tfouvo forgotten otn- irokii in thu man with tlm aour fuon who had tilofafro boon allont which on filer tonffua it a uaailot runner- i kent yourisjraj stnntf aid heiui v ibernnlspurt itch or bom it sore irritlid jqflanunl arc nraulated j6aiearlnfnt or adult la caniiibvwrltejwfreo ciiawfjeiiitfcust nmmiimlmmilmllllllwnillmm nf- dodge bros motor cars the owner of a dodge car can safely e- pend upqn consistent continuous audcco noriiieal daily secive universally lpw gasc- line consumption and -higli- tire miflage j n oneill acton j georgetown john leishmanrepresentative for acton 3x a i v li t i

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