Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 1, 1920, p. 6

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j j wrois unlhn and jjeatha r now mirh for at th following ndvu hlrtlul too murrtaunii oon iteaoui bo moiiwirlatjarda bo 10a pur llit nklrafyr ponma nonn iliov in anton on miiiidul 3ith nijuiihoi lull tit mi nnd mfu kied itluw 11 duiiuhter died waunlch at lint riiililimjii- if her nonlniuw mf i h atioorh niui on dirhitmna day midb luiiluon widow of ill lutu a wuriinr tit tnlahionkn und mother nf tim 1j it blioiiyactn lit hw uth vu- in memoriam lotir inothei attmllu murray dnpurtid thlu ufa ijommlmir 3hlh lvlh r wo havn lout iml itoavmi bus uulimd oiiu of thn bibt th world contained ono your bus puuued win hearts utlll i tlm nlm hi until the any brnuk fn w uhull wall for ml i tovoil pun son hefora afr uinl mrs aiulrnw j murray h acton jrggjpirpbb tinnihtmvjannamr i two t j brief jloeal items ifa 1020 j happy now year i tuap yrur npeus tiltluy ilmioold runpon next monday all l lin tmlnu urn rumilntf ftjfull january i mi month of nnothnr ynury wero yoil 1 tllohsnlluor of oil 61 i cnriatmu ilnyt clondhy old year 1610 you wore it ifoail imn wnloomol 1030 in kep your head this nnw toep bu ynr dcmbnr wiwun unuaunlly eold notitli hut kitvti very lit ho h idling tlin mm i it conditio i for m flay vero litovar in better itorlns rn chrlulr our memhuntu rimrt tho christ inns trudo as tlid laraeat jit thulr hi lory- i a llttln opportunity 1m a hlaahanao to do your boat commence th now ycarts tiny ljtvrlna asalaos will ixi held in mil ton on march 30 before chief jfuatloe valuanhrldffe i thn i w v a wiapoifa irrand imui tlrhunnliyovnnliiir stli litut in tint town hull jth unnunl mmillnic of anton hor ticultural bootuty will ixi hold qiljtd- honday januujy 14 trafaluar counoll lmld john v vn m 1 v ige0o fur hhoeu killed by dog liwt month ilohwm r imintf anqulrod tor jvry diiy hy out of town txmipld who dwdra to mttw in aoton wheat hum nht up tluother 60o i imir buohol if rood will prohabiy rino i bto nnd without mora yat tho womnnm inaututa will tnet at thfi homo of urn janim robbie friday junuory 3 at three qclak i 1 it ti rood old world- aftar tho day aroirnbrallyfahoryana nlarht brlnirfl ret wliou wont woary tho huikmt volumo of hiulneut ovr handlod at acton lot oftlrn nt christ mas tide is jut now eaalrur off n hit on thuraday oyonlnr 7th inat a curd party will bo hid in fit jobophu hall commonnltif at s neighl6rh6od ncwa- town and coiuilry i muiiih jrui halt ut lltllii i m i t m wiiiii tdnna cotta cliiluhimrt wuvi iikiiit immtlly iiiit iii til lukllthil ilkkklllollt iyoiithnm tho rofwlilo wiiu jnrtiy blown orf iliirliiic thu rnuio wind win nil wililiiid on bin burn mr w u liurtli- who hud iiih knn nil injurod mjnutlnin uu hi u iniitii milildiil imu nnlvnd hniiin irom tli ounljih luulul but irwh lm hoiiiii 1 1 inn bufiiro ho lit uhln in wulu on i mr a lluiiry lu luonvnrlinr front li hijuthiu liil riilvnl lurimtly whgnl xilirom u ururfold nt tlin jdiltoi lit- 1 ok cnij worlii mr vdmirt wm rry und fuinlly huvn nrrlvtut frniii kdkiiuiii 11111 y wiiu tnniliiriiil u uioivi u tb homo of mrv h iuoktirlnif r- qeotlqeiown r mr j v smith of culffflry npnnt 1rlluy iu mr jt mnuiirnildh thto wuha jiulondld attamlmioo inolhorm ami othirm tit tho 1tihlhi huhnol oonoert hold wttio imunnlbly room of th uohooloti ohmliitf duy tim toiiriurntatlvou in tiounty coun cil fim onoricntown anton icwquun- liitt ud nnumftguwaya votml obu i in tho wminilluu of flcoooo for unotnsf brld oil ijundan htraot hut uxoy wra dutiiunibftriid tin- nuw yuium himduy uohuol tortuliiiiiinit of iu mothoillut church will ho huld tohlttht i mihm lillian tlioiniiooii daulllltoi mm wdiiimi thorn iufm formurly of irjiinjiiitltiir iuimi in tain n to luut wi uiul willi htirhtd ut looiuntowu lltrnhl milton olio allan jr in iiomn from diuilph fldimrul uoiiti runvuloiicimt aftnr all onnratlon fyr h vnry bad cnuo of iitniiuulloltlh mlux union 1attloti tnt homo lout huitduy from two tnonthii horvloo rollnvliiif rtlatlolim itinillluiry iiomphuim ui hiiwkutoon lcdmontou und culifury hovrul hi i d iuimum iif mi mil i pox huvo boon rouortnd hi jlullon oiin of thvm fn muton lnvinijil iium imiuii inudo at unorbidowd ii ml llurlhikton for fron vaaalniitloii no uotton iiuh boon iai- nn horo hut all who huvo not huoi vtionltfatod tihnuld uvnhl toronto llaulcol k linton landod nt jlallfax hint- thu mduy from ha tliix- onln uft or u very ruli voyuico and not liomn to milton on tjunduy aftor- uoon uftor flvu yuru and four mniithu o f o v l rno mru o r v i ua luut knnduy morn ink front bin tlin wntor 1i in tlin himomont of thn xtthodlht churuh oimiicliil with tho motnr whlrh opomtou tho orifun wulor pournd into tlin linuomont until tt aftamooii on uooount of tlm mhutntf outuldu hittnif out of ordur it wmw found ncuohhnry to bo outulile tlm town to ulut off tho wutar oliumnloti ballinafad cloefcr- j rrnvvf wqndorland ploturo inhow provided it natronk a very hno pro- truunn on cliriatmua aftarnooiv und evonlnfe john joyce httn hom hln 100acro form tho joyco honwntosd on tho 4th jlrur flaucbtcilotjui jr j inward of uornby the elector will vote on thmprlh elplo nf oonatructlon und operation of our waterworks yntm by comniln lpn n9xt monday it lia been aufkeatod tlmt uio llcohna of uny uaraon urlvlila it motor car while under the influence of liquor to rorthwlthcanqalled tho new years oomol und o of co it me noy lonvas youre turnltuf over our wul for you u that each loaf will prove ti four loaf a lover iwijoniii ploiuuro nlonfe bins onio ohomful montf do womutblmir for others jut to provo to tho world i that they rinda no mlntaka when ttmy took you fn j thoro woro throo nomlnoea for school trunteo for st johnri ward qublph but nil fulled to quality nnd a now nomination will imvo to bo held for that wurd- uiv j c wmon ii a has ro imilveil u call to wayburn boak prea tiytorlan churclit with a atlpona of fagoo wloi muuim mid holiday lt haa not noonptod j mr h o etlljwoll 11 ha of vx brldaw ft jjraduato of thn o a 0 will bo hare tatutt week to tuuiliit mr it il plamlntf u tijil u thn- bhort j oouraa invairloulluru ltlin couaroirotlon f tho mvthod- 1st oliurnh wert very klud to won tlwtlr pastor hkv mr moyar able to occupy the pulpit uyaln he lmi boon threutonod wlth pnuumotllii mr h itfltimlnir n ba abti- cultural hopronentatlvo was horu on monday oomplollnir nr ran game nt for the short courno in abrluulttirv whlnh oonwiehces on thu btli litit bury thn yoar it is doatf hut its hopos and it a foam its noniiu and its tvium i will not oils they aw part of the life of tho yours ffoc bis fnlthfulnomn during- the paat three yenr us a carrier of thn toronto dolly star maater willie rtnwnrt racnlvoil from tho onmpany on qhrtsimns v very nice vwoh there are not nlanv man in town who care to hava their mime appear in the books ot tho epro oompatuos fia of liquor from montroinotothir liquor oontros dr wilkinson mo hqf trn- julirur nipalvod f s287g for profdulomd aorvlocs from novcunber 0 to december 1 i and menibars of tho hoard of houflh wrpftld 1084u1 ior their sorvlbsb thn hitultiufm womonh institute will hold i huhluesm meeting ut mm jl hhnrtlirn noxt thurwdny xir and mrs 1eter loratiaon apent ohrlstmos with monds av kltohooor miss jarnjo qlven is spondlnb tho holidays with her slater mrs snow mr and mm qoo cnmpboil aijcom punlod byimrsbyed near of qeorhn iown were the guest of mr nnd mm wm near on uunday messra bred flhortlll nnd sater far- kuhon motored to ouolph on sunday tct ana mr 1eter brydnn who is in die hospital thura mr uryden happened with an accident white working- in tla oobtlnp mill nt oeorgetownj that roaiilmd ono hand to be amputated it aliml wjida hoaxal spent the weak end in aeton tho euast of mr and mrs w jleld mr hoy i4ndimy of toronto spent christmas nt bis parental homo here mr and mrs wrn moenory of acton uumt hunrtay with friends hero mr john campbell nttil hltor trim btulfth uno sptuitljunday at tholr brothors mr jumc lqcamilhll methodist sunday school prank kennady retires irora supsr- intsndaney and h p moon is elaotttd again thn reports at tho tuuiual meeting of thn mnlhodlmt ejulltluy pchoorshow- cdnfiry encaiintblnic results- from thn years work thn ohrlatinnk- offerlnif for mlaplous last hunday wus 4383 und thn total for the year aim re tea ted tl30dk at tho election of o 11 corn mr pruik icennody was unatilmu italy rorlcotild for tho fourth your ho deollnad to a0oept however foaling thut three years scrvlcn wun njl he could ulvo to thin important oiflco h ik moore wtl thon electndund aeooptod with tho undemtiindlna tjiat mr icomiody wun to bi assoolatvd with him tho other nitlnurm mid teiuliuru woro otuoted a follows missionary bitporlntnudent mis a i drown i 8tittutlc4l anorntury mus iottli scott ml nil to hncratarlom lloyumwu und mihs llnrtla bpelubt i trnusurer mlmrjarrllo hiiolsht iudnr of oroheatm john l o hill asmoolnti n v mooro mualo ooinmlttun mihh xottln mason j chemter multbowh tho tender mid tho huporuitoudenu- luinilat ulss xairtui konnody annocluti- minn fcvtrii jtrown usiipt inmiuctor wv ifrhtnwuit door keeporn ooorifii tuylor und harold wtuihbrotibh comfort commit tuomru ihrnnk kennedy mrs 11 1 oroitory jtfrs nell sfodorluld und minm k iluutt- lnuah lloom commit too mimnpa iqislo htewart uiuljiuael molimld lllaok houril artlat atlaa marlon jumus 1 j lantern hpoclnllat a t hrownr taohernnv t- lwwoyw mis iittlo nrtpulifht mtas mlunlo v nennott mrs x mtmnyer mrs alio fleurv mhiiwclpta h moaro miss muriel vloury mrs win monubb m 11 h wahsbrough mrs ir v mporo mihm clam iqhbutfemuu alllo ltrownmrs h uoswlok mr w it denny mr w lleswlok mr o 10 jnrkor tho salioolnlntildiid to uiiku2gou0 tint ohjuctlvo for mluuloiui for 1030 notice to subscribers au w4v -w-ar- jbprlptloii thu friontlt and nt mqnth- we will appraqlau k prompt ramltianoa namlttahosa d bm mads by rgutaroo fet- tar monoy order a itai note a a ton out the ad ton pre praaa e k cook baa us por lalllklf cabllminitn htoolclnufi hg i2b for 1115 micnh wintblt- ualh 1jzb ladiich kimona alhonh obe baa ua far overalls and w bhlrta bhoe hap a bpiclalty ekcook miiil htitlgkt j acton differ reduce h cof l for two weeks only on ull lordocs tor now sulla and ovcrcon 1 will givo a cash discount ot 10 per cent off my present- prices thltf offer will bo withdrawn on january 14 larjjo range of patterns to chooso from stylo and fit as sured all orders finished at short notice cleaning and prcising done tho samo day as brought in- my prices are the lowest in tho district f quality combined hy rood workmanship makes my made- fomeasure ula a marvel of cheapness all orders cut and fitted w myself a trial ohde1 solicited j p scarrow tbms strictly cash- main street acton onl homemarie candi les h wiles saturday specials pijain taffy r 29c lb ffanct taffy 29c lb walnut maple crfam 39c ik chocolates- 43cll happy new yeal to liveryonb h wiles mill street acton out peloubets seleet notes on y theintennattonal bunday bcrtool lessons por 1020 iiy llv p n paloubal d d r amoe d walla ll d lmttyhixth anno all vomjmw la great cornmjntary far bundy school taaohera t a bchotarly a nliiroliouuo blblluil hifniiitlmi imthcrid from tin kiiatiiht llhriitlnii of th world it la comprehenalver covuil nvory plniwii of tho lotfunn from a kobolnrly iiiiulyula of thu toxt to aiiriiehlod rfiiiiiroa for morn hk- timilwl mtudy it la condanaed tho truthu to ho tuiitflit itrtwfiomloiiiind into thn tnout hlmphi form for 1 m mud into im t la praotloal lull of huutt- tlimn for pkiiiniinl iippllriitlnn lor thu blifiy tounhiik- thn niulu thpukhu in it liutmlioll price 100 prepaid tbe ryerson press 299 0un straaf waat toltonto r ontahto happy new year to all mcenery evan desire to thankfheir- manycus tomers for their liberal patron- age during the past year and- they extend to all cordial wish es for a happy- and prosperous year during 1020- mcenery evains acton meat market main street xvfclbari6mills miuistreet acton onu 5 1- 1 fay these holidays be jy 1 tlie tviost merry oiie jrtoitlhave everen jclyed and may the coming new year be tlie most happy arid prosperous in all your life is the sincere wish of the big store- 1 i mclean mrhs nev advcctiticrarinta fllthulvl01m lilito wf moonoy of guelph utoiitoii muhllltreot ilam nil autoiij whxrn dhiloi hid lib illlh ill rd it u for hot alrliiii illmllitwlll utiinlvo mu tul iiiuiiiuihm mas and by a tiuliijiiuu homo nmiody of root- mill brlm vo buvi ouroil unities nf innig tliun 41 your iiluiifllnu hi u fw wiiouh tlmii oor triuiliunlt in uuur- antuirdtd b hinnrlhm and will inihi itdown ayatiiu writ for i hit atlon pop marlo do 337 on 1j nckiice antiunl meeting of acionhorii ctrliurnl koclcty ti inuiuuljilxiitliil will bit hnld in uu tiiiiniil cbiiuiljit autini on wudnbttlmyrjantlary ltt920 iiouhb dud niioiohud 300 for thu kiucm itucaa for 1030 i rjoy uupnolully tlm let torn by tlin old muii i re member very well hm itoiikoitkh m- tortulntiicnt so thut thn interuntlnu incidents related worn full af lhtrnt to ii o 1q m kmiikfnrt ind c u harrison uuunt for thn fmoum clniy dort motjir curs bus ro- oelywrta car loud two have already boon uold for delivery tlrat of april it will be to tho ndvuntnsoor thono dealrlnif ono of thooo lino can to onlep ut ongo na tin tidvantin in jirlco of onrs in jntrilo cunui trim iuiqi ihucnh iiiih reuelvoll from th new york world u lileaulna- plp- imi of tho 1rlnco of wiiiqm jo lib in seplu thowoilii has printed und dlstrlbutotf fmd lx huiidrod and trmtylivii tlwjuttunil ooplps of khlh pleiuro financial statement the municipality of the village of acton from docombor 15 1918 to december 45 1919 hhjoiailth iluliiiioo fiotn doiombiu lgti idtfl hills puynbio itohldent taxes uejlsntureithohl bohool t i i town iiaii n mlnoellutiduilm 1 1 4 itouds ahd ililduns j t vh3r to 13000 00 11143 00 i bo so 10 oh leo 60 41j 01 22 11 o w- ttmi7j4 dltinvhhramldnth ovurdraft fioni 10ib lou i a hfplibr bulurlcm imifxlhxwanoiim ivllitliiir ailvurtlmluw und outaun i4tw coats itouds ajid llrldtfus kohool 1urponuj j i i flrn itptnotlon mtreet lkhtlntf town itull u taioollon loxiiuiuioi camotery u wulnrwjirjjh morohiiiitti dunk lubuntui county ilnu idlk qo1 lloads hlnkliitf kund 1010 s 07i 48 11000 00 1844 or j hi 10 ubtl no ju 16 pm mi b3 mb pooo 00 jjuufl ua 4au 44 loao 00 311 31 i jou 03 1jb0 73 17u4 103 70 lo7 1 101 4630 au d3 04 loao 4 l it 418t b1 10h3 s3 tldmt y hn farmer geo barber treasurer i reeve q g b ryan go guelph from january the 8th to the 31st toe will hold our annual january clearance ii is always an interesting mcrchan- 3 tlieing event and this yeafoffers added at traction on account ofthe veryhigh prices whidi prevail in a regular vay if you have any reason to economize any wish whatever to save money you will l be on hand thursday morning the 8th of january for this important oc casion l- a partial list of thb many attractive bargains will be given in this pajier next weekdo not miss it at 710 huhinijtlh jlleomun of qtlh una rh ui ui n for lull- hitllvlnir llio ail- mill jttixit of hi hi utiirytioiiuurnr uil oftlur aiitlltoih ond im tm lu ll nthet buulnouk an niny- bo ty- a uouil iitjtiiidiiiimil loipuiitod q h- drown ii m mcdonald roy hindley auctioneer conaolldtd phon erin t 11 n r 3 acton jjqbafie batjcegjjbsi amj maytnrrimttrri5jilii yotov mayrnrrimtttrriimii in your nifliiifnf jifli t i i uauacy why nutot it wlioti it ploys tho in out linportutit pint in your curs hiitlhfiitiiyritnniiiu chit uftor it ht tltht uluif of troublo tuiuvn your jmttury with us this wlllturmltlil jluv h ill flratolaab shape nayisprlnu wo lump them in wnt 01 diy mtonibo uu ouatorpoi diialrim j all id mitt of huttorlaii ropulrod work uiturmitoad rrifinrhk retoilto phiuucn a hatlory hlatlon frad cootta qaraiy qorotown bww mftru pravfntp 133 rkhuohd sr wfcir ttoflonto canawit what anvimh httni whllo iiinttthiiorjitluir loiiikls ono uiornlul n 111101 or llio m nil it oka kroo hounltiirfor cunsiiiuptlvosi tlla- novorou u purtloiihtrly suil runo on n dinar alrtot hi a hovd which tlmy culloii lioniv ho found ll moth or dylnic of oonalipiptlqn rim hodnu win in a filthy con- mlllon solloil bhimolilm uitwanlluot dlnlios ond fooil loy iiuoiil uvonin tlio bodrooiu llfloli tliuro ptood a lofif omiroiitl nnd 011 tnioovurgd botlln or milk w amldat it ull two otilldton pluyod both too young to imp 01 10 ioiiiuo tlmt llicy would booh bo loft uloii ti10 nioiuor dlod boforo juj ambftj inncocotilil bo imhmonol this is but typical of the wuhubo of ooiihiinititlon tho poor uu its oupeoliil vlctliim tio 111 to work thoy uiu uilublo lo mi 11 ply nvon tliu uwoa- iiltloa nf llfo yon will wlhh to hoi p thlo oiln bumvbo do no by naulhtjng mir hohpltuj wotk contillnftlona tuny bn hunt to sir will liun givfc hi hpudlnu uvonin iiioikf t6rouui h nevr year save money buy at onr store no ohp good only tho vary beat chrutmaa oixnls now in evary- thlnu for your chrlattnas oaka and chrutmaa puddln seeded raisins seedless raisins rnesh currants peels and nuts call and impact our aood to a la to buy ono price to a1 oooda dallvarad to all parts of the town mrs jennie mcdougall mill 4ti1eet acton ont l notice to creditor opithe estate of prankdn nmqhaw deceased tho oroiiftiirm ofkitrnkllnllnmahaw lain of tint liwunhip of nahuukawoyuj gentleman wlmdtotlnn nr about thn twuntynfiroiiil day of ootolior 1010 uro rikilllrnd op or biroro tho third day of jnniiui v 10j0 tu sond by poat prepaid or otliorwlno dullver to tlm uuddralkoed uolhiltor for tho adminis trator a utatument of tholr uuoounts thu natiim of tlio aoouilty if any lioll by theinand milpnrtionlnrn of their nanjnh mlilroaseuuud dnmorlptlons and iiiitloo hi hnrnhy further til vim thut imiuuillatwly uftor tho uuld third duy of january ll0 tho sold udhlhi- lutnitor will pioeuod to dlntrlbute thiw itsmiu of tho until nstuto umonif tiw imrtlnh mitltloil tliiioto mill bawljl not bn hmpoiuilbln tor any ululms of which he ijliutl not huvu iuoolvitt notloo ot the thui not foi uu dh dlhlributlon niihid nt ato tbiii 4th day of douumbnr a i 1ui0 v camiqlton ilamhiiaw adnilnlhtrutor iyji n fiiuiiuf iiih holloltpr ast j 11 e nelsons seasonable goods acton creamery dairy co highest prices paid for your ciam pair jtkst awd foix satisfaction gltaramekd highkst market piucp for buttem fat will receive any amount of creamyottlwiu in highest market phae for ream and kggs 7 l v f open wednesday friday and saturday evening agents forthe shauplks cream separator call and see 0n r v moisiyool iniil milk mutthirw mpiihlltchhlitirr utnin irti funoyi otwhrtiohcvjsi hi- phtlli uiul fanny lliunr mun11 lloiiin coatiivuiidwjlutli iioikh j minis oomblimtion pyjitnmu btuutluliriii iviiniiiuu tiujilt uiul watmmn wiulofwcar 3 nltui ami oonibiiiutlnii anow lit unit w a a it uml poi-mytho- cfihtroi hhlrtii ut iolliiijtumj 1 v 1 tbwittwdid llola ami cup laiiv llnlipioof itllu httx collitr huns iluthlldirnhlof ciuios utml ilo cjoiok 11 nil 1 11 in hiiiiihioiiui boktui oiu torn and arm lliuid hu tlonuiljiiii hutu volouv latu in tlin boid acton creamery dairy co mann watson proprietoni willow stliget i opposite gffyornwioht jbijldlng njiiriiit iityloi neckties t llin liiituiuoiiuiit ami mont up- toiuiti liiiim wo imvo nvor shown tlmy iun ninrool lu wtyto uiul tho hut vfllair lu tho iriiuo f wo liny in lunidhonio toxia jhiyiih tiom muiritim uto no horoiubi lb our mtiult thn nlooat nvlulint nmubuc what you uiwvo huvo itvlim 1 r e nelson 0 fsdoojul j ttrttt jill it iimtjsi f rj

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