Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 25, 1919, p. 3

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lu tt arton jffrrrjptahfl riirtiima i ii 1 ntrit ioi a chhiutmaq fancy tit rlllh inf iv t tn huppy day r vbluiu with it im w it llktit kir u uhii thoy mvir imfore had i rt in luviuunl in hairing dom hliiiiu up fiom u hunk f mower a i iv ill i fi wuu iih n all in 1 with trumu und marvelous it yu ami tup ru und fruit 1kiw mi tii vi ry ulr wiu vibrunl with joy a in u uwk i x i luni thrill whllt tiiiik 1 y tink the hlldruu cam hi txuutirut iirl to nil rii ii ut fi m tho midst of tlio troo tin ht jihll 1h hrl i whom tiny lnvml mo wall ami ovir tin waiting iiiiiiir throng a wimi 1 ring ulluiuu fell ami in luutnl idu beuutlful liunda unci mill 1 ami uall llmbi ttiiittyly hi lil utur y uv mynitllo ones yi liltit liu yxtaufwrrt m ov r iliiii- jwiiilo in lift i his hand ami tin liuihoii km l unit urn hod an 1 tin uti uunif in tho holy hush a wont y dour christ child alul nvr tin in nil thu i louf light inwiit i and the gla i little rtilldran smiled and tin uinulii ituug und tho tiurpers pluyd a jmiiu f r tho uur christ child and tho fair young fucou ware all i ugh t with tin ruptures of tho skies tr tlij imui utid rurtsl of joy arc kpt wlxio tin heart of his kingdom lie hut iiuvt r u imii nor tongue can toll of tlinwi bllset beyond compart and imi wn can only ilrnum and dream of tho koeplug or christmas there ep worth herald livingston ion the old man of the big clock tower and merry christmas bu com again yea this very morning christmas my beat wishes go to ovory mud or for a real old fashioned happy christmas day if a body wish n body heap of christmas cheer shant n body toll a body once at leant a year to tho youne bright hope and vision to the old remembrance dear to the prosperous health to tho poor more wealth and to you a glad now year and what cbristmuso we used to have when i wa a boy there wu fun and frolic and good time galore everybody tteemed to want to make somebody else nappy with remembran- x there were llttla thoughtful for comfort and lota of good wishes right from the heart kxpen- aivo gift were un thought of and there wain t much ready money to buy them with anyway but christ- ma was u happy in those old day xk it la to day with the more extra- vacant modern demand and expecta tion oh those old happy christ mas day say i cant help thin kin about them now i vn got torted i recall u christmas morning well nrgh sixty years aire in u home right here in acton the children and there ku an old fashioned quiver fall of them had hunjc up their stocking on chrlat- mu eve with the usual expected vlalt of hancu cbtu in anticipation tfiey were up before the nun next morning to tnvoathzuto the rtchcn of the gift beat owed i can tkf thoae chlldloh tockiigb und tho content an eaob wue with breutest ttpoalblo glee emp tied and tlicae were the treasure which gave much genuine chrlatma joy to the recipient in each wa one of tho dear mother cookie or u doughnut a little painted doll for each of tho girl lea nnda fifteen cent on bladed knife for each lad but the most wonderful discovery found in tlio toe of ouch mocking wa a candy apple thone hud beoit brought homo luto the night txifort by tine titep- luinon tho hired mun who hud been to ouoluli with u loud of uturf tlutl day itumumberitig hanta and tlw children he brought eut h u cumly upple und re- queatod tout they lx put in tho mtoelt- ing with tho otlivr chruunu thing the eolo n mulitlng oonlunt wore a twiulful of nut mid a bunch of ralaliim with u hunday tiud kerchief with let ter and picture on thrm for each and u happier lot of little folk were evr mm n on chrltmun ntorulng up to thl date with ull your ekpoiixlve toy and j lint ruck of to day ty the joy of tho uluo folk it wam al moat inipoealble to get tluiiu to breuk- faal that morning or to nubduv their tnlrth und cheerful nan while tho father conducted fumliy worship the day eo happily begun wiu t rowded with pleuhurti through it livelong waking hour thu chriatinari urturmmxnt back thero in thu wlxtle and uovuutlut wuw ihjim teroua ptuuufi uhluiiy wa the aport of thoao day und to itio it 1 fur ahead of the modern hockey it hu tho udvuiilugu tiw of being udupted to playing with ekate or wlthoul oiu4ce or on thu lulu ttiuro wim u llttlo irlaluuun who minti to- c rroiu county antrim about 1k3u lived for ytaru u mllu or so u acton whu noytxl nothlug be chrlatmum urtuinoon utter tl ary big dinner of turkey pudding und other tood tl an oxcltlng gume of hlntiy juwl down the farm uuo from highway to buruyurd with hi own tulwurt eoiu and mon li luwn uinl nthur chruttinu fumln uii tin loiiliutitil the ahliiny tick by the vuy wu rvauy a hiiiii- hlah with u crthik on the end und tho puck u culm of lumlwuod or a vouiul off the end of an ironwood huhdeplko hhinny wu n gmat itame on th ulll loml tin chrlmttuu uttnrnoone mill oud did i iuy yiui nobody dreumod of uillyiiig the uum of ixiry xke to thu ultihiy ulgtit utiuai i over ed with mjirjng wuter wlili furmed the water iuwi r which tun the 1lewi ami lutfir tin nit kiln urbtt mill oil ulll hlro1 i niiinnilwr a big hrlut ma nhlmiy mult ii on the kind in ihoeu early day among the akatlng uluysirb on thu leu wufo ulke upelght john cameron jai u iutchlon al hall john xloon wm hnyder tian idami jim nit kiln uoorgetrigger- oll jim wild jark allan joliu iiiu toe fir t brook juck uuutoril john jill hu wait iorti 1 hftirt hill 1 hurti 1 lnviil th a chrtntm key und i and ijikn j tho mllootll puretl with fullianc rrnnk leron tom ire jliio diivo ijght auiitln tubby noii llir hmilli ja k hoi nl jim wlldii iino vu it wiujnii ileal wlut r 1 i i wu i fuitt und furiouii ii uhofuruc mntrh for tar x im wtiii going on in i ian lit id win re tho town park v nui ii now holt wuy but g inuli h wo tutno c tin uhlnny game thaw old lirlntmuc hut nil ut buik to main htreot dwelling- utool mi the ioiultilon hi flret ytrik jwir 1 kruurlu klluiterlain inutlve gnxi ry wl which wuu a llttlo store ho north earner of 1 1 property the in recall there wo he had a dim li a candy mention ry popular with the kid die hut luw mi kiddle no on would buvi know wlmt wu mount if children hud been culled kldw or kid dice in thoue rtnyn klda were then the progi ny of gout well thu boy und girl i r tin ulxtlc liked to go to mllngerluml u lxjiureu copper would ulwayu buy tinire thero thun ut mr hill or mr hecord u or at uldg ley a little rhun wo an likely to get tiuurtur of u ljuntl of bull eyed or sugar utlck far u coi per u not eiip daily if urn hlingnruind wu m hlnil the counter and wugar wa a york uhlllliig a jound acic in tho day eight pouml for u dollar gun powder teu u dollar u iouml talk about tlm h a i now and a labor ing mun u wuge wan ueven to nine york mliltliugu well tho -hllngor- land mercantlln oxicrience in acton wa of brief duration they had never ntuilled coat accounting nor had they preserved dny record of the date when tho wholesale men account came due tho result wa dlsaslrous to the ikirmauency of tho thriving bus in ens the next merclumt to vo llttlo st or- wnu itlchard lie wuu it v ry r 111 loup little mun but ln imd an uni ivi m nllo touiihr to lomhut jllll jontu i husky big fellow hud un urgulni nt with mr iturrowij om afternoon und iiiu retired rnui h tho worue for it hn urrled u d p chluul cunli jn the cheek under the right eye u long us ho lived hut mr ilurrown heurt wuu in the right pluro if ho did nnmitline let hi angry pasilons rise ho would often como out to the street when the children were coming home from school and sitting on a parking box would read to them fovorlli selection from the scriptures in the course of time itlchard paasod uwuy ills widow null lived nd their daughter ml for year afterward in thu rottuga on t hurch htreet where um william wiles now resides after mr ilurrown juko i mpsey hud u harnes shop in this ntom jake nyide harness and talked husn imiii with the boys i think charlie ijean unit liob croech also worked ut tite karnes business bore it was hern they talked over tlm big game with the uaplo p ounlph and work ed up the game which evi ntuully gv the luelph profeualoiiuln u hurd i ui for tlioir money john mcarthur tho lullor wu for u long tlmn un ih cupunt of these prtmlses many a wedding auit bo constructed here for tho young men of hi ecqualiilunce especially those from tho rln vicinity of hi boyhood home it wa here john mutlo hi n wedding suit for his marriage w th mattle wiuou an xxrt talloreuil hud worked for him for some time various other tenants occupied i lut little store and dwoljlng its ceiil al situation someway made it popular one of the lust to occupy it fur mer cantllo purposes was jack agnew the eldeat son of tho late robert agnew f the dominion hotel he and mrs agnew conducted a ihj polar jco cream parlor and candy store there about agnew baftd mamie were munt ntlontlvo to custom rm durlui tin du und jurk gave his nrvh durliiif tho evening and lloltln ityi errnn in when school wns t i inally ui httlit wtere- utfho wi re torn down r moved uwny and the lot now nluiutii vacant it wan litre that r coxe had til oftii e tlio im c ii n ut bin successful car a toi the next 1 roue rty ha seen many rhaiigrs awuy lack sixty years ago it im longed to iho lata thomas iorry man puinterer he came to acton from markluim and always had kind iiiiuks to say of thu first place which wus his home when he camu to can mlii from inglund the house stood i urk from the ntreet tliern wi elm tree on the tret linn and to th tie garden gate vtsm hung for i time mr perry man liad tho con for candying tho mall from acton iaj krtee to the uninil trunk hull station thl work principally upon the two imys william and thomas over und over agulu i halo heard the futli r tall wlulamfrvi high time to take tho mullsuturtraln the onsen mall must nosfc late wo re under lonil you know i never jinow tho iorry ma n liys to mis a mall during the whole tenure of their cou tract after mr lerrymun movoil to his farm on tho sixth concession on th acton crossroad i think william nioolson took ioesslonlfe and his family lived them for u number of yours there won a good orchard on the lot uml tom nirolson nearly always took upplo to school throughout the full and winter tom was generous in his distribution of tho luscious fruit und conaetjuently was one of tho rrtost popular boys of tlio school hi gen erosity gut his frlonds frequently into trouble however when mr ijttli caught them eating apple in school many util remember the unerring flight or his black taw to the schol ar guilty of this infraction of the rules my how those old laws did id ling the nicolimin family twicumi i imatetl th futh r and trlt turtlirr piimiml a way nod john tin mint son un 1 tom his broth r wen t kinlluo founty mhhiliui and tool mi hud im ii opened for marl it i loth of thefn in dlid in vnrul yturu ugo milly will irovldl for john lj oi e r tin most rofcerous and lyi known fanui rw in ffmbitato im retlratl in thu lon of te ills uoii j ihii is un kgrl 1 prorhmr und lioldu u thigh iluon ajnoug itio eiluiiitloiilosi tor itry a daughter is u iuvycess i high hchool tiuiinr f ourlng the i uny bnnlin ilnyw of tlie luto john ketimdytlaliloror ho csmi into humsalin i f diih projierty a new two story double brtt k dwal ting house wus built on tin utreet lliyi and the big elm trtx uml tho old house torn do mr ki mly and fumliy occupied olio iimrtmmit for a nurqlmr of years und mr dunlel hmltli tlm ht her mlus um run elst r of tlio late ltv i ii aim rou muilu her ttonin in this houiii for u uuuiimir of yars it now ih lougu to mr itolort o llrown ills futnlly x tipy one upurtment and mr uml mrs cameron uckuery thu otliur tin rl h laud of the icurden is htill vi ry prolut live home or the tlm t hiniwih rries und iplerrlrai iulareii an produced in foiiic weeks course in agriculture to be held in the town uall acton january g to january 30 1920 short course in home nursing january 19 to january 3a 1920 fy under the direction of ontario department of agriculture halton county branch and halton womens instituto geo a putnam superintendent womens institutes x r r fleming agricultural representative burlington ont dutlinr of sours livestock a study of the different classes breeds and types of farm animals care and management con struction of buildings fedfl and feeding studies in feeding animal nutrition com position of food stuffs storage and preparation of foods the working out of balanced rations field d cnuis a study of utiy of varieties principle of crop im provement rotation of crops method of cultiva tion results of experiment and practical work in judging seed grains grasses clover root and potatoes dairying a study of the dairy cow care feeding manage ment selection commencement of a herd milk records care of milk and cream dairy buildings dairy utensils testing milk and cream poultry characteristic of the most important breed of farm poultry feeding care and management poultry houses diseases marketing egg produc tion und rearing of chicks bee keeping qenorul tnmiagoineui of bee cause nature and prevent ion of tllseuses 4 fruit growing- study of must suitable varieties nursery stock planting spraying cultivation cover crops pick ing marketing auo practical work in pruning and packing cement construction illustrated lectures on the use of cement on th fun solid origin uml tyiwa of soils essential constituent soil in relutiou to boat mouture ulr methods of cultivutlon lonsurvatlon principle of drtuli- utv pructico in making profile und plan benu- 11 u of lruhiuke sol u lut lysis manures ituruyurd multure their i oniposltloii omposltloii care uppli- commerolul fertiliser uml application agricultural llotany l structures pluiit nutrition the relation of plants to moisture lemiteruture light und ulr iho identification and eradication of weeds ami weed sends application of the hed control act insectu and fungut diseases x study of etonomla insect their life histories its bits nature of injuries the oommoii fungus diseases of farm crops rusts smuts blights rot fc und scab the pmpuratluu and application of- sprays rierjoiogv jnlati riu in relutiou to agrioullurs lucterlau 4 illseuhos of plant und animals bacteria in soli milk wlluge trull sewerage dipoul farm arithmetic and farm account koat and practical probwiw ken rrom every tm unu- wtwid capacity uwitt bins siov problems building iblums tabjaes i and measures vurm taints w jines forms borrow duy farm v replug mortgugb sin method of english and composition ynny- un agricultural subjects correspondenoe public spcuklnr dobates jlulos governing meet ing duties of oftlcers conducting public meetings veterinary science causes symptom treatment end prevention of the common disease and allmsnt of farm stock care of breeding animals unsoundness ln the vegetable growing the farmer kitchen garden varieties of vege tables hot beds etc v home nursing and first aid tho object of this course u to enable women to easily obtain a knowledge of how to care tor the sick in the homo what to do in an emergency und how to jlo it hsrw to render at all times the best possible assistance to the doctor or to the nurse when her service are necessary although very often hint expense con be saved because of the ability of the woman of the heuse to handle the situation throughout the course the pupils have practical work in reading thu clinical thermometer count ing pulse and respirations the keeping of a chart i also taken up this consists in keeping u simple uxuet record of the various things mentioned therein a glance ut the outline of tho course should bo convincing of its value ijsl of demonstration lectures in ifoms nursing home nursing and mrst am the human body and its structure sic k- room hani tutlo u uud making for vuriou forms of sickness the bath morgencies hut und cold application luimluglng contuglou and infectious diseases the administration of foot und medicine jiaby hygiene cjuoatlun are invltoil ut ull lessons tho in structor uittl monitors of thu class may substi tute other mubjuct for two or three of the lessons uhjiuunced if the institute members so desire the instruc tor will give u fow special talks or lesson to the older girls in tho school as wall u otbor young girls of the neighborhood iii soma case it inuy lut udvlnjble to hold evening classes in addition to thu afternoon alussem for working girls who utitiot uttnnd in tlio ufternoon arrangements to attend whoul 1 bo ntudu with unt loorgu acton or for further information upfily r h fleuinq department ot agrteuiture 1 hone 343 burlington alimihhiorj thl course is free to y fit r pier fanners sou or other per- on who is interested in bettor ggrl- ulture uml who will attend regularly outig m u from adjoining counties ill be wwlounted and ure admitted vu there 1 ho udmlsalon fee no um imhtks needed ho special ago limit ml the only expense will be for- few to itooks those living at a dlst- iibt who luunot get home dally will av their board to pay ait ipplcullou blank is umilosetl hrrtwitti unsj houtd be niled in by ttu taking he josjvse and forwarded this ulus will not meet on ffcuur days uml the lecture will begin at tutli tnuriilng and conclude at four kpecial feaiuretl of the course com ifcnitklnkfc very young mun who attends till course is ellgil lo to enter the acre i rent com- thitltlons llulry i nitlt comwttloits und all other coniltetitionw conduutetl by tjy opturlo lie part men t of agriaulture thu irlte for ouch of the above u u two weeks thiulmi ut the onturio agricultural college uuelph with transportation und board paid lull purllculut with rtsu nl to these competition will be announced ut the uourse an 1ntkh county juixjino conteht is annually arranged ut the ouelph wlntai krulr at which uum of three young men from the counties of western ontario uie ulljdblo to compete uenerou cash prises sie uttered for individual prise winner and ulsi u silver uup to o to the team standing telgbest in the ooulputjuotl these young men are picked from tlio ulteitdlng thu hhort courses ti1i3 j j 1 a toward the eiu of the t puree tlitkee uttulidlug rejiulurly will orgatilxe themselves into u junior urmurs improvement assocbttlou its otje t will be to keep the young men of thu ugrlpul- turu i lus tog ill her und to tuive u strong organlsutloii tiiat will work in th interests of bettor farming und improved social life in the jlstrlct in the uftemnoii futures will be huh in the luwu jlull tulcla uplakf1is in addition to thu rekulwr lectures wa ere r rang ing to have addresses from tlms to lime from spvtlal speakers who are uxiwrt in swine particular branch of ugrluulture such um ijvo block vege table crowing ilant duoases mar kets cement construction kami man ugement and the hural hoclal 1 robleiu a 1athescolie one of the hew tnov- ing i li turn iiiui bines will be at tlio dlsimmiul of the hhort course and nil tin showing ugriuulturul operations will i hi used in connection with the various subjects outlined vou ure invited to write us for any lufijrmutlnu you may wish in cofinou llli jylth he hbove vsuts hrlstroiui rnornliig un swud li wu had toilmiiii in the long ugo duys und jljlor ally twllovo chrliitmas is jusi huppily spent now us i wutcjjum yiiing folks uu it wus in umrquy of u youth any way i wish very onii of you u real imi n g up old faahlued huppy christmas to dy well i must quit mary says 1 vn got lo do no me bustling before our christmas dinner ixgriu to got ready the house up 1 ore umulln chrlstmasy anywuy with her doughnuts und mlme pies und currunt jelly and that jar of saurkraut oh my flood bye to ul young folks und thu kiddles yog 1 vo got into it the kiddies are coming rilb ou man sbnta mrtiki sessst beat keep your eyefl i strong and itesjthy if i tbertire smart itchor incwv bom if sore irritated f fllza3 inflamed cagntpnlated oaemarmeoiten safe or infant or a4all at all drajtfrista in canada write for free lejobook llartaa amiaimiaimiimtmiii dodge bros motor cars the owner of a dodge car can sajely de- t p upon consistent continuous afnd eco nomical daily becie universally lowgaso- line consumption and high tire millage jn oneill acton georgetown john leishman representative for acton tamm m s if you buy out of town and i buy out of town what will become of our town the dollar you spend in acton will come home to boost free press biiyathome campaign bead thee artklee with care they may present something yon hadnt thought of before patronize i the people whose ads aze here tbey are your iyj and wfll treat you right the money you spenj with them stays in circulation in acton and neighborhood vou will always find it pro fi table to consult u whan desiring dry goods clothing boots and hhoe unooleums oilcloths and groceries our aim is to anticipate your desire in acton mclean a mills our aim to sell ycu tiry goods men bumislngs and groceries tho jvality and price of which will keep your money in acton we can compote with auyonu anywhere and strongly urge com parison d c russell the penslsr store is criterion var uurity and wholesomenusg in putent f rmutas w u carry a well choice 1erfumery toilet artlciue vlctrous our vul wall lupor bale bt now on end very hpecial bar galas are offomd a t drown con ult i first when buy big hardware wo carry l complete stock of shelf and heavy hardware silverware cutlery granite ware etc und cjii convince the most orltlrul ojr prices and quality ure right james svmon false economy has no value ituylng cheap goods just because tbey are cheap does not lay quality often overlooked instance sken in case of mail oroeb houses which make theih appeal solely on basis of prick order your cesl now jieury umler present conditions invariably means an udvutice in the price nut btova ulld uruaoe coal now on bund wo curry groceries as welt ajc hill never buy furniture from u catalogue it ull looks good in ilotuixw when buying from ti you eu the urtii in boforo you buy und our best udvlou utid service 1 youra umluitukhig in uiinw llun johnstone a co make up that order for groceries 1 latug it tj us wu cah oumpete in serviee quality and prle with anyone anywhere we ourry e wall a full line of dry good nelson co our large sua see connection in at tun is ample proof that our meats vegetable ull 1 trovlsloll ore of the best quality we sell uu clowa margin and solicit the privilege of supplying your boms mocnclly x evan8 we haws said it before and we soy ft again you call buy to better advantage l at toil tlian in toronto uee u whoil you require anything lit general merchandise we will hot be ulidenold l btarkman new that cold wssthr is approaching you will require refreshment our di inks ire red hot und luvlgorutiug our ice cruuin is delicious our llomuiiiudu caudles flcii ulid wholesome h wiles contsmplstwto building t tf so let u estimate on your re- qlreinent wo prepare plans uucke estimates ahd take contract for any kind of building wu mould suggest ordering next winter coal now j b maekenzl pair dealing and low prioe are building up our husluee we carry a full line of groceries und provisions and our pilcos will re lieve the ueoeaehy of furtlter seen h our quality und price will stand comparison mrs j medouoall kconimiy is one of the greutcst f virtues but fuhto economy ls no mure u virtue than uuyuilngulse that l raise to l able to ooono tnlxe wbtely is one of the grrateat blctuiliigs that one can havo for it is the prerequisite to thrift und well being too muiiy persons however who think they huvu found the secret of true economy are practicing u fulse economy which is worse thuu wilful wustu vur insiuhce the mull who buys u stove from a mull order bousu for 9 because he thinks hu would have to pay 110 for one if ho pur chased it from hi hoinu me re hunt is pruttlclng false economy for the c im n cs are that he would suvu mum tlutu i in iho and if he purchased the 110 stove from the local imrtlwuu duulur there are several reasons wliy this is fulse economy tiie rlrst ono is that dollar for dollar til grout r part of the merchandise sold by the mull order bouse is of im vulue than thut sold by tho retail merchant of the smaller contmunltiis the mull order business uu u whole i built uitoii cbeupnums in order to attract customer the catalogue hou tnust s11 uimxi ih imply uml in order to do tliat they tnust sell cheap gtxds ttnlr buslnew is built up on price and not on quality the retail hardware dealer like retkll dealers in other lines probably cuto mutoh the price of tht mull tinier house hu probubry llus u 0 stovu which be call sell to the knull wild wuut to get a stiwo ftn v the trouble is thut tlm in in who buys from the mull order hous dikes not dlstluifulsh utwu ti prh e und quality thinks he is economizing the limn who buys thu iii ulovu from the mall order bouse prob- uhly would not buy u u stove from his local merchant for in the bitter use be would sue juhi wbut be wus buying mid might rtulliul that tlio 9 stove would not meet hi lueds hu ortlurs u u stovu fioni tiie mull onl r house however just tweuuae the liico is hi und not imkuuso he has any assurance that thu stove will liut hlu uauds he thinks hu is saving u dollur or bin by buying this stove 1 unload of paying ito or ii to the homo hierchutit for one thut be butt seen und know will give him satisfaction the uhuc uru thut when tile stove urrlve klld hu hue used it for a short umo hu will realise that be bag prstctloed faue t iiiomy that it would have been inuiu voouomlcal in the end for him to uy a dollar or two more to his home tntnhsiit und get uu urttule that wus guaranteed by the dealer the patron of thu mull t rdor hoye uu ufteii fulls to tuku the inutti r of tiuusportutl in uharui into coimi i ration when niuklug his purchase hu seu only the pruu of the liltlclu um listed ilk thu mull or lus cutubkue uml doe not think of th uvtruas in rrolglit charges whkh with the txt of a money order uml postage often niuku the ou cost of the article greuttr than thu prue ut which he kmlne tlillg uuuul have boon puii husutl ut the local toif aiiotlui uteu of calss cooiiotny liuylhg hisrvbgittiue of poor quslity booaiise the prlow is low is irii fulse eouumny vln tt umliusi is tnuilu ut the homo btorus but it u doubly to wtiu thu melt huudlsti is bouht from u hiull order house whoil buying ut home one can be ritisoiiably hure thut the article pur nhssed at low price while thru is no such usuurunou whn it is bought by mult on the night unseen plan we osal in all kinds of ieb and cure1 moat and it i our desire to secure and bold your patroiuclu by fair prices and honest dealing we endorse this campaign buy lu act in ll pay w lanosborouqh bargain in lot til us t ilk ibeci 1 stockings at 30c itob loin ovrull at 2 eo a shlpmtut of hob imgs mens wearing hh rt i expect d thu week bhoe rupulring u iicluity e k cook when you buy shoes- 1rom us you ure sure of secur ing the lnwt seluctloii in acton our price ure much lower than city price our guarantee u behind everything wu sell kenney bros our is bsued hiifht hero lu acton und wo guar antee its vdholmotm hi wo solicit um well your patronage for bome- kuulo uktui i woi try tc wa aim o satisfy m edwards ev co this camps on m 1 will our uppr oval a nd hs- our tiearty t n loruutton beahomofie a f si ihterpats c utrd in alton thu i at tnuiit is deavrvliil of suroese anv eillloieu salilii j t ry0ei1 4 mowat olovf vi i dltrlbutor i old automc supply you with u uubiu lord y itif tliw lord automobile and v inublu prlc stock of tired utwuyu on bu your next car be u lord ebxe i msiiufseture end repair all uluds of rumituru lt mo estimate oi you uii thu milking ovor retuili iiil or ui bolmtui ing of your furnltuie which r nibe uttuiitloii i guaiuutue tliy work 1 hu lfurulture hospital w j 8tuckev idtfa is exploded the uluu thut thu mull oitlti hoiimu 10ii thu same quality of koods ut lowur piltus than the homo nit rohauts is qulukly phnb whtm one learns of tlm m profits that ulii made hy tile hklioly l tu mull urdor housed unit tliu lalsu selling 1 h iiajeh xvlu ihey uru utib iet t ur ihtllt oriio house spend huiidieti of thousspds of dollar annually rot udvn using ami the lolling xp uses of the smaller concerns ure pioikirtlonut ly um lame th ir otliur 1 ipeuses sut h us rent iub util lubor ure also higher than those of tho lotal retail merchants hi n tl thu business which they do in spile of these heuvy unpen s tile mull ordei house distribute lulllloiih of dollars ilk dividend uniting the stockhulilur in one large hiall ordei i om urn tho prom of the stotkholl in in tush und sum k dividends huvu aggregate as much us 1 uuo p 1 mot on the capital luvustu 1 in tty short iriod of nine ytuiu 1 his iih s not in llcate thut the mull order bouses are in busliicims f u thulr hulth und ure ulvlug uwuy knui cliumllu to their iltstoyurs th he mull tirhv hous ml is inlurent hi almost ui making obeul less thu vo liiculostett in tlm mil xiuoiiilsing when they bu huvu tupltullsel the tlualie to woouomlsu lyoim on liy plut ing price ubove quullty indumuntul el illelt ln their businens limy s of hull putious the uu hf tlky ure uheup uooils tt uheup price w do msrolisht tsllurlita our slock or nuioitt i und domes tic wimillinu fin ull wild winter is compl t ui idlllil b hind uur output iml kuuiiiitie stitlafuutlon w m cooper nur tluy jewelltry from catalogue am jiwelleiy looks not d in t ut j when buying fiom mu you see thu uttlole und uu wt ii you huvv the tiunuilt of iiiyjurvlt udvlcu uml pel sunul gualunloaj geo hvnqa 4bxdshbiaiiju dubttftt te wt uwl tvitduavor to m ut ymu t elutveuiuht- kiy stotk u txiunil1 my quullty s of titi biwil uiy pi lis ure tlvht uelialtlllu dtlllo w williams did vou evr stop to conltur thut it its ov 1 i iv lhhhtam uollui u yui to it ik 1 ktfdtl frim the stor s to th li tino 01 lut p is t 1 it urry thu vln is md 1 t yo il chebtlh plank mulu hi htm con ult ms fit whml you 1 itlti 1 uu tmple inelltu of uliy ku i i l total uge it roi itituutlt mil m i ihliiury uml t4ui gusluiiti yi 11 nitl ruction und sui vlcu luiuvlwl n i shius us well chaq e parker k

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