Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 18, 1919, p. 5

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if ppsil vtrifm ffilji attari jffrr jlrphji tijullhda 11 ci uhml 18 ii ib a song of trust way that h ad pu oik i i hut i ki ik i ii till ii a1 jv it i m oiili nul 1 u uuimiilt i uliall uldlllldtlirslld i usxiol jlmiit turf on iitwnid ml hlli mux i loki lint lihklni uatjtuard i imiiuiii ufai it nliliilng wuk ihuiiilii l willi lnd llglil of lovo i lutuit iwih mx iln iiliill on wh njj imiiiiik uy llf i tjrnfttnl hound uf liuinmir blw blow ftfl nob f iilrlr c onftih m un i lilt r rg t lit km ii a viwhk ant uial hi nil ihloll with liiw ifikxl pin i my iitt ujru m i cuntinl iiwuh kunw and uikii rtitaut th miiatr iul i cannot ulwuyu do th ki lin gtviu in lit hurtl miimi hut i urn i uiiilug with l irtll i udlvu tin mi iy ii and uliim i aniiol uim nitaiid to uuy thy wjll 1 ilium 1ltttdiurgh hrudlau aiivihmii tale of the orchestra j no 1 from thy ihiu l the fra pre of thursday dmimbtr 21 1890 illcaslng tth clear the nlduwnlki st alwan m lirlatmas ntnrtal a dream of lalrylau j in th hull to nighl uih joasle nlckthi uml mr tiurnoy will nine and mia mlna wal ker will noclto nt the method bit hun da hchool nt rlulnniliit on chrtat wu night llw programme will in elude itrmi llshl vliwi of scenes and tar en in ronncctiimi with the laal voyoge and wrock il th htoamahip j labrador tho annual chriatmaa entertain rocnt of tho haptlal sunday school will bo hold on wednesday evening 27th inst a munlcul and literary pro- imuiime will bo rendered by member of tho school and choir of the church admualon ton rent owing to a miuuhup at itockwood on tuesday evening the passenger train waa delayed among those en tertained at supper by i and lord clark at the campbrl 1 llouao were post mastergeneral hon william mulock and mr donald outlirle m p the war in south africa tiaa caused unprecedented anxiety throughout the empire during tho iiaxt wcok serious engagement worn fought by the force of qeneral iluller at colenso and by general methuen at magera- fonteln but both waro repulsed with terrible lose and obliged to retire to former poaltlona aa a result an addi tional 100000 troops are to be aent at once to booth africa qeneral lord roberta haa been given command of the entire forces with oeneral lord kitchener aa chief of starr general iluller will command all tho forces in natal the following official announoemnnt was posted ut ottawa on monday the imperial government have at length cabled their acceptance of the offer of the canadian government made on the 7 th of november of second contingent a cabinet council was held this morning and instruction given to the mllltla department to prepare this second contingent to go forward at tho earliest possible rooraunt born lulxr in cleveland ohio trumks- givtng hay november 30 to mr and mrs chester t hill a son married smithmann at tho residence of the brides parents acton on wed nesday december so by rev j a mclachlan m a- mr edlon smith glanford to alberto a daughter or allan mann died stonh in alon on sunday nov ember 17 the widow of tho late lucrutrd stone aged drown at tho family resw milp screit acton on hkwit december 1 james ii brow on of james llrown in hlamwi flrwt year tim rl was orlgltially dmlgnaln thr 11 m il by thn r ku to fiont of thn htago ijji xrnl fr llntliiguluhvt now it rnf rw lntlm lilulti wlirro the mint i lun rasjijcnil is ulao the uiiiiii uwd for u wjl9ltn of mualral liihirutn ntu fiinoing uull tiand tlie luxt named jit what i wish you to remember uu tho orvtmattu of ray talk but frun whul and how i ante the orchistru inalrumeiitat w id r lll i mi k to thn hoglnnlng itvlt w froii k the huvul big flrt wnlnl il inc und ynt thli mid ryilmkil i wn now unlurmtuiul diinlng with all dun ing there must dnyri of uu nroil aniutifl the l jumping tlaho lng was rvgular gran ful ua now luany it rhythrr nly qettinq out and putting in i dont see someone aaid to a man wjio had recently tught a farm in the neighborhood how you got such a crop off that piece of bind and the newcomer repllod casually i suppose i got so much out of h becausaip put so much into it- tho socret of that successful crop is a secret which applies to innumer ably things in life tiwo the matter of friendship some people never got be yond the stago of acquaintance they have no real friends because they aro not willing to put inloj acquaintance the necessary an cii flora ajid aolf for gettulne4 they havo inllmatea who last a few months than are exchange for others to get muc from friend ship we must put much into lt a man who bad just been mode partner in a arm wns cuugratulatal tiy on acquaintance who aald with an envious algh tfou wort always lucky and the pther replied you can have the soma sort of lutk if you want it sor years i worked on an avorwgn of twelve hours a day i did my own work mid that of tlw other follows i spent my lnuuro imrfocting my knowledge of tho business lus auc- ooos was the natural rxsult of nls in defatigable uilxir whut ha ook out was dependent on what he put in soma young people urn always talk ing of the time whun their ship oma in uut plenty of loafer sit at tho docks all day and ww ouunluuu vea eu arriving without bt u iwmiy tho richer tho only ones wlw are benefitted by tlu return of a ship laden with a rich tirgo ur tho onoa who sent lr ymr ml h dlapatchofl beforo you an pnt her back your grain ipuat be planted before you can look for a crop what you get out depends oil what you put in harris luyn corns lanmil elt vht it hollowuy torn cum u upplud l them basuau it goea w ha- itait ut ijnia lb gwtll the boy got it a hungry travelh p- his bead oul of a car window as tiia trahl pulled up at a small station and said to hoy hero boy take this dime und get moaiomlwkh will you and by the way hero a another dimn tt u sand wich for yourself too tho boy with avldeiif aatufattloii darted away t retunhl uiuiichinh u mutdwlch just ua tho train was tart ing on he ran to th lruvea bund ed film a iliue heres per dime h k ua they only had uim saiulwkh lrt lerted no child should lie allowed to suffer an hourrom worm whu prompt ro kef owibo not hi a simple but stron lewdy mothr travea worm e i lorioiluuor nzpreaslon or noise rong und weak ao- cent this was dono by tho orrhastra s ihirwons lapping their hands em- lihasialng tin rhythm the hand clap ping formed the natural instrument following thin thn rattles clappers und drums wern invented thimo giving more tup priwlurlng vurlattonn with gn at r npression which was hearil at a groutur dintanmr the whistlo of tho mouth suggested thn tubo whlatli or rccd ur of u hoi lowed stick tim wind instruments horn wo mugkmtnl from thn wlilwtln of tly mouth with hands placod around lips forming a bell to produce bigger tone the horn of thn antulopo and loo ele phants tusks wort used apd tha outcome of it the drums may 1m ronslderod the must uosful of that tmrlml and many sites and ahaiea were made the natives hollowed out the trunk of tree und stretched across thotm strong piece of dried skin another drum in use is from a smaller tree hollowed out but leaving a thin shoot of wood at the top the drums were played with two sticks gonga castanets and blocks of wood and a rude form of xylophone w added stringed instruments were suggested by the twunglng of tho bow string bow and arrow these primitive instrument form the basis of our modern orchestra which is now a wondoriul combination of instruments all well titled for re fined musical purposes tho orchestra used tor operatic work is chiefly for tho instruments to reinforce tho vari ous characters now to- jii t the oom- poatira thi c- v ln strumental in ptajj ment of tho orcheztrafikeaki lull of the nth contury brought gether varioua instruments and veloped the orchestra itameau intnklured the clarinet and reed instruments ilach gave the orchestra free independent instrumental development haydn grandpapa gave a humor ous expressl6n to the orchestral com positions ilethoven the great master of sym phonies intro luccd tho technical rnaa lory of the individual instruments t wagner gave character to the in struments which at that time was daring innoval ion uerllos iniroducrd music of u pro gramme nature that was anlil to cause one eye to laugh and the other tfc wooi litig dl tli ctty conflicting sent menu now u word of advice heek to hear the uottderfully mature i symphony orchestra of our time and note the broad mimical jnd educational fluence how to appreciate the music when listening to the orchestra thla humorous phrase may auace after the orchestra had reached tho first part of the symphony a woman sitting just behind dave morrison be gan telling her companion at great length and in a decidedly loud under- tone how delightful it was to listen to the music with tlm eyes closed morrison put up with tho muttering og long as he could then turning toshe said ardoii mo madam but did you ever try listening to the music with the mouth closed t next article will bo on the most loputar musical instrument uf the day it testifies for usslf dr thomas kc lee trio oil unoo no testimonial of 1u iower ollu r than ftaelf whoever tries it for coughs or colds for cuts or contusions for sprains or burns for pain in the limbs or body well know that the medicine proves itself and needs no guarantee this show why thla oil is in general use equal pay for equal work now light on the ooua 1 pay for equal work problem was given at the women e institute in victoria street undon recently mr tfirachuy said there are 200 oo0 war widow u00 women with hlhul husluiuda 7 000 women with tlcarbus uuils and unnumbered spinsters f the iiew ikwr class who must work or starve in thi ii old age lay should 1m tit irtllnj to output and work dono ln the tliitliing profeselon women do equal work though tlm men deny h if wo don l take the big boy oy the womun we laku tlm antall tmliies u n tulkid of their fauilly rceikii i hllitle all wore not married yt all wie paid ullko wjy she asked should the uiimal rlud mister be peu- ullsvd in order liat llxl unmarried biattlier may provide for a hyiothetl- ul wlfr ixiliug with tho old aigumeut thut won i uru tnoio llablo to ilbiea and therfuie tho ttuality of k their work iiuld no oiiiiwiiu with that of men she r uutt ll i tiuo enough but only imm uu ulinoat ivwry woman who works hta ikhiih work aa well if wonmu had u lull wait lhy tould pay konm tun to on thi wiij of thu house ui uoklll tnudo an interesting ad dition to th urguimint while men ould lk forwuil lo help in tlelr uld age from thulr t hlldroii thu kpiusler woman in out turn uim it ut to put hjr something fi hrr old uge when be would huv no turn lo help her mm htrtuhty niikgd that in the teaching irureiuloii all should be paid alike but should tontrlbutn to u joint fund wllh uhould ihi wllihjited with state assistant to th inlp of lileix with fumlly rxsioiislltlllm a man true wealth 1 the gtd he hud tuu in the world o his follow tian when ho dlea people will ask what rroperty ham he left behind hlint hut tlm anseu will link what good deeds hu ho sent lief ore hlint the kurau fresh- rich fullflavored tea the same every time redrose teais good tea sold only in scaled packages x 7- in the everq daty in the vfeek j suhi son tue w jthu frt sat l 12 13 a the sunday scdfll lbsson ciol for sunday december 21 jiishp i- ulirlitllt n i hi i hlsf h l il ail hruit uis a on matt j 1 12 i th i 111 ion scripture ltuon vhon j miu w itoru it juiliu lii the day king txhoui wlut ti ut iinm j runul m ing whnie 1 h that in iwrn king or tlm juwut for wn saw hi star in the tiist and un omn to worwlilp him 3 and whin llurnl th king hoard it hnw troubled und all jt ruiiah in with him 4 and tuth ring tokolliur oil the i hluf prltsth ami tiimjs of thn people hi inuulrud t thinn where the christ id 1m ull lutsaof tcmiarcincouvier both ways ossni ssslvstsma at issaeg t t 15pth daily 0st mooce fxptvn n m will canadian national raijujaus m mouth wash soothes sore mouths hardens soft spongy gums kills disease germs prevents pyor r hoe a disease germs enter your system through the mouth if the mucous membrane of the mouth becomes sore and inflamed it may be the beginning of trench mouth soft spongy gums arc the forerunners of pyorrhoea which is caused by tartar de posits and germs mccnmrnons mouth wash relieves soreness hardens soft spongy gums and kills the germs that attack the mucous membrane mccrlm- raonj mouth wash penetrates into the tiny openings of the gums around the tooth base and leaves a clean wholesome feeling and a refreshing taste in the mouth ajfc your dtyggist i manufacturing chemists w tgbonto winnipeg vancouver 3 mail this coupon mccrimmons chemicals i torokto canada ple ioki mc a bolllc of mccrimmons mou i h hash pottage paid for winch i endow 50 cenu naiof adtlrc name of druggist j this offer for limited time only 0 and they lnh in of jmha for ihu it throuuh tlu proiihi t il ail oiiu ii thi h in jlilih alt hi no wlstt luat uuioug thr prhikh of jlliluh k r out of th uhall tome fort ho whull b nhtiihi rd if toy p isrul j it ii llotod privily talltd tin wl mi n nml luarutd of thorn tx tly w ml time th mlur um url v anil he sint hi mo to itnthli hem uiil mulil lo and ntiuth out uxa tly t oncinilntf thn young child and when ytt lutvti found him hring mo word that i uimo may mm and worship him u and thiy hnvlnk htarf the king went tin if way and lo tho mar whltli tin y rniw in thn ttast wuut iteforn them till it cauiti and stood ovt r win ro th ynunit hlld wan li and when they uuw thn star fliililil v lib i xoottttlng great joy 1 and tiny mo into th homo and saw uip young l1i1i with mary bin iiiothr und tbiy foil down and worshipim d him uud onnlug thulr trtumiiitu tin y off roil unto him nifts gold an 1 frtuklnrense and myrrh u and tiling wurn l of od in u ilnutn thnt they should not tturu to ilorol lly dep irtt 1 into lli ll own untry another wuy t ooldn test thou shulr out hi imi ju for it i lin that shall suvtt his p0l rront their uln fatt 1 jlh j departments topics and refarencas 1 rimury toplo the wise men visit tlm itaby jusu momoiy viitm we iiw hi star in tho fimt i ml are romn to worship him mutt 2 2 1 junior toiilcithn unit lhrlatmaa memory vorse matt z 1 1 intetmodlate and uonlor topic tho itelgn of tho irlnto of 1oare young people and adult toulo- issontlals of 1orrnanent world ieai blackboard ikack on kautii iiy voixo ino tllfc htaic ikacb on kautii uv 1indin tub kino iatt on kahth u oqod wilij to mkn lesson thought aa this leason u being wrlttmi our in ntut viulon i upon a world ut war uiion a wmlo und with an intensity that earth lias never known beforti tho world war is over und peaco ha been hrouifht back uy putting to gether thu twti stories of the chrlst- chllil tho story of the star anil the story of thu ansels we und in thorn rightly interpreted tho cissoutlau of ptirmanent world peace 1 we read trf men who wero follow ing tho star their eyes vam not turned downward but upward thny wire looking up to the heaven lor their uim and their guidance 2 those men led by the star found tho king the prince of ieact and they bowed before htm in homagn wlun thn htatesmenl the scholurtf th t uptiuluts and the captain of indus try humhle themselves txifom thuir rluhtful lord and king they will no liiie sek for war but poaco 3 ovtr tho fields of llothlehem rang out tho angels rhoni oood will to men when love to humanity rulu tlm heart of tho world loaders tak ing tho plue uf ov of lf the dawn of an evnrlastlng lutace will bngln to nruo muy thu sword be neuthd for- nvvr und peace on earth good will to men continue readings for neat week- monday what wo llavo seen and uuard 1 john 1 1b tuesday john and peter lteoomo disciple- john 1 so 42 wodueaday hahors of men mark ft 14 20 thursday tho uahe of itothloham luke 2 1 20 j 1 tlday peter iii the fcichool of rhrist mark 14 1j33 huturday peter umat con fission mutt ifi 13 34 hunduy josuh teachcul p ter true crtatnna john is 61 o your xmbtion do you tire out easily have you lost some of your accustomed vim and is your ambition to do things at low ebb your resistance is broken you should find help and invigora- tion in rich nourishing scwn eniiismn tajtcn faithfully for a reasonable length of titrie scott seldom fails to freshen sie blood build up the general health and impart a feeling of weu4cing to the body for that tiredout feeling take scotts emulsion tkotl a dowu tmmln children cry for fletohersv castor i a fletchers castoria is strictly a remedy for infants and children foods are specially preparedfor babies a babys medicine r is even more essential for baby remedies primarily prepared for grown ups aro not interchangeable it was thteed of a remedy for the common ailments of infants pn chfldren that brought castoria before the public after yeantof research and no claim has been mado far it that its use for over 30 years has not proven what is casfforia cniatorla is a harmless nbstunte for cptoi ofli paregoric drops and soothing syrups it is pleasant it neither opium morphine nor other narcotic substance its age is its guarantee for more than thirty years it haa been in constant use for the relief of constipation flatulency wind colic and diarrhoea allaying fcrrerisnnesa arising therefrom und by regulating the stomach and bowels aids tho assimilation of food giving healthy and natural aleep- the childrens comfort the mothers friend qenuine castoria always what boudoir means tlloudolr really knealtw a ulkery for it im derived from thu kruncji wortl tm suing to sulk thuckuruy bud loom in hi house upon thu door of which wa a sign mi hulkory uud whenever tliat loot wa locked he was to vui- disturbed in use for over 30 years do your christmas shopping now the prince of wales a lahgc photo of tho popular heir to the throne for all free press rjeaders the family herald and weekly star uf montreal have secured the exclusive rights for nil canada for a real good photo 1 bit 22 inches at the prince of wales it 15 by van dyke the celebrated london england photographer taken on the cvo of tho princes departure for canada the acton free press hub made arrangements with the family herald and weekly star whereby wc arc permitted to in clude the princes photo tn a clubbing offer we now make the following offer good only until december 31st 1010 the family herald and weekly star one year cost 125 the acton free ivesu one year coat j 4150 we offer bssf apcrs for one year each and an autographed copy othc prince of wales portrait size 13x22 inches all for 275 all ohdeus loue sent to this office the acton free press warning this offer is good only until december 3st 1010 when it is announced the price of the tampy herald will be 1 50 a year li 4- g the enr best k oo gift for a man j r a you are sure to be right if you give him a gillette safety razor let him know what comfortable shaving really is with the 24 factory-sharpened- edges that go with every gillette set you realize the importance of no stropping no honing tnere is no need for either it is a happy day that any man gets acquainted with gillette shaving and you do a friend a right good turn when you select for his christmas present one of the handsome gillette safety razor sets sold by the bet dealer everywhere at ssoo the set gillette pot christmas railway time tables at acton qrand trunk rail wy0y tarn going wast no 2 s13aju sit 1h3 bldpm no 37 lllpjo nii 36 ituiulay 10 34tjn 2m uim 34 21 ii u inlay gal no east 10 13am 1 1 08 an gtiim 6 cs pm toronto suburban electric railway going west 117 utq dally except sunday 111 pm dally mcrpt bun day 8 do i m ially mwi hunday 1103m hunday orfty jl r m hunday ority 66 p m hunday only going cost dolly except hunday dolly except hunoos daily eawpt hunday cjugjlay only 103 p m s1i p m 4i p m p m t inlay only freight and express kxproaa carried mi all car ivelght delivered dally by updal express freight lxpm or ivulgtu picked up t any address in toronto 1 it acnkw agent acton kellrsh meat market corner hill and elgin strwet acton 1 carry a full line or meats as i ha ire had many year experience it is my aim to bring before my customer the very choicest kfeata reoaonabu price wlu you give me aji oppar t unity to show you 7 cahh iald koit ltuttkll amd egos wkelly acton ont uptodate goccjs atcc speights silverware in tableware variety also fine cutlery hardware nin ware and ramtc wa re bnvasso rt m en t pandora stoves and ranges famous heaters small stoves oil sioti every article is of excep tional value c c speight mm street acton see acton grow come down to main streel and see the bricks and roortur piling up and then call at kenneybros and dm the upland id stock thay hav in preparation or winter rubbers all kind 1lne and hmv best uakes of boots kur lion women and chlldnui kvry day and hunday christmas slippers and spats all at hiilit irl- repairing wn huik i n lallt ut thu liitd imiiii in ijiliility of work and pfxmptitud kenneybros main street acton onl main street t acton baxy m edwards co catiada vwi lloard uli mill street no c oi acton wliitc bread brown bread boston bread tea bibcuits 15c dtyjl buns 15e dox scones 15c dozl rookies 5edoz wldu cai a specialty m edwaltds co acton ontario btur cloutl every ni eitcpt frl day avd saturday at bjul pun r i

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