Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 18, 1919, p. 4

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5peiif jgjp acton 3frgg jmjrgaa dat iecicmubii ii jll iv ode to the girls bllnhnd by itequeet t uuc ulrl you u ion i you w tir ii lon t you wir m you wur i tint your ci in lu tlio ull you mm i yo just youi are tln i lltln ml win l i ik no smujl clothe tit ullt aliimm klrtt m ixitly oklrt unit your hose underclothes ihu light with your uklrt cm rather high won t you tut tt 4 ooll ami ddet altit you fruld u nhuw jour calft it must muke the fellow laugh ituilo klrl wlml lu thu chum why your lntln um roudo of guusot imn t you wcur umlnrvmt win ii you lo out fully dmimdt m you ilk llituu peek u twxto ktoutl uf normal underclothes t i ittlo girl your mnniora allow wliun tin tfiinllght play on you i can see your tinted flesh through youi thinnest iuwn of mesh ik it modest ilo you soo not to wear iiu underclothcst uuio bin 1 see your chest cauuo you iiu uniund liair dressed ye i now wuy post your throat to a rijjkiii most remuta taint my fault now don t suppose why not war somo underclothcst utile girl your sax has ihoau uf thosu i lit it tiny hole wliy you wont to show your limb i don t know i tl u whim io you wunt to catch the eye oroach follow passing hyt x utile girl where in tho charm in your ion uncovered urtnt in tho v bo til ml your nock 7 is it for tho blrdm to peck 7 utile b 1 tall you those ajn t so nice as underclothes little girl now listen hero you would im just twice u dear if you d cover up your charm nock back leg and both your anna i would take you to some shows if you d wear some underdo the ilttlo girl your mytery luting- charm and modesty la what makes im follows keen to poaaeu a little queen hut no lover goodness know wunt a blrl eon underclothes h pose i wandered doa the treat with a loin cloth round my feet 8poso i wore him harem panto or no shirt like all my aunt or a ringlet through ray nose they d arrest me don t you spoe7 i wear a coat of mall clothed from head to bur toe nail i must cover up my form fcvon when the weathers worm con t enjoy the summer throes loss i garb in underclothes little girl take thl advice and you ii look just twice u nicp wear a shimmy petty coat cloeed worked box et aussi 1 autre thoae unspeakable you see there a charm in lingerie the old man of the big clock towkh i it would appear from bills w up on the telephone polls and other ptoom that the municipal elections were once more almost upon no my but a year soon sllpe around- such it la with old ace tune i baa fleet m feet while with the youngster tt wumi an age from one christmas to wthher the paat year in municipal affairs has evidently been a busy one ajlnongn the oompleted work yet remain la many of the project under way to be finished mom of tt la not even in aucurated acton haa apparently been going ahead by leap and bound at a start of many thine bo who going to finlah them who will be tbr man in next years municipal boey to jcarry out these plans last yerxr wn had a complete upset and practically all new men were pfai on ttoe job they have worked jiard at trylna to satisfy the public and advnce towns interests two very dlmcult thins to do alonowith thl they have experienced all the bonor and siory which o to make ktunldpal life so pleasant 7 i do oot kjiow whether these same then hav the time and in clination to serve kaxytherr year for the benefit and edlhrsthwi of the town they have never stood on the corner and hollered their conclusion up to me however one china i do know that the plans and work for the next year that have boen started will re- quire a lot of owlht and the men who do accept osce must be prepared for considerable thank you work the time has come in actons munlcl pal life when petty personal feellnjpi acalnat any individual or individuals must be forsotten for theblxser and wider view of town betterment when wo ko to our nomination bieeuns let us consider the work men ihave done in the town interest and are capable of continums to do let us not care wh he la or what he has done to us personally but for once think only of the one thins that really matters what kind of a man will be be for the ofnee and one thins more dont let us be afraid to nominate men we think capable if they refuse to work for anton free for nothlnc itbey can drop out and if they do drop out there la lst least one hood acoompusbsd in that ay will have no legitimate riant to alons next may or jons and say it should nave been done this if he stands for election and ps defeated be bask tisbt o express jttus views he has done bu best and vhs people have decided against him 11 have no use for that sntveulnsr know jothlna who 1 constantly shootunr off bid yet refuses to allow people to say what they think of him at the polls t jfhls is sufficient on this subject for joe week i may have more lo say lefore the election is over k 1 yfjuai yfjliat another llttl thins i notice 7nenever a bill is tacked up on the poes or posts in town its life 1 avn ally aboqt a day mud a night this j not the work of grown up but of j children i don t know whose ildren they are but more than ones aave been sorely tempted to box their jvrs soundly whea i see them sup up ji post and deliberately rip off the tfjll and then akoot the nomination jtsrs were down and torn uq in tha al record urns mr ntank if those jlnastsrs belons to you a little par- ral advice against this destruclfu jlrlt would be most timely the mat- may seem paltry but tt is burn think that tt was stopped and lo notices allowed t remain con- iusly before the public until such as they are of no further use la a law against this hilly dee atlon est week i devoted considerable to the public business of the old inlon hotel conducted so sueoses- by mr and mrs liobsrt agnew quite a number of years since iansw died after rstlrlus from the exacting and contlnuvus calls of hotel business he nnri agnew settled in a homo op lake avenue and later bought the coxy brjck residence on tyuk aveiruo wllch is still the family msldenre ilro mrs anw still resldra ut suonner she had tho muifortune to fracture liar tlugli u she steppnj out of n neighbors doot after a friendly morning call tho ou lady is gradually recovering and is now able to sat about the house on while the oondurtod a public house thsg retained th lr private family luurters with ull tlio surround i nga of home- and in tlmlr home they iterlonrod the joya and orruw in ident to nvcry iwmr tho children lind the muulm and the whooping couifh uml other infant hi a freely am uir rtilldmn in private home there were blrtti and deatlis and marriages nthe family quarters many of u reaiember tho sudden death of little tmmy one dayjpsh grrat sorrow off the household pi the other habl there were the rcjolo lnga over thowmarrlaan of asftteeve ueurge hynilhy annie one of tho daughters of tie home tfwaybeck in 1171 albert moore now rev bert moore jj j of toronto wu best man tlien u rhaja later jennie the other daugtilnr marvlod tom hardlng bortly after he returned home from taking- a busmeas course at albert col- lr itollovllle annie sui itresldes over the hyndb household with it pons and daughters and its grand vhlldren aome of them grown to man hood and womanhood hut jennls stenps in kulrvlew and has for nearly a score tf years an excltlna event in the damntlo olrcla occurred nearly forty years ago which has been laatllur in its effect leorglevhen a little chap just at the begin nejrs age for school was wstch- irujc mr duncan kennedy repairing his fence mr kennedy was driving a cut nail wire nails were unknown in those day when a piece of the head flew when struck by the hammer and trikmg oeorgie eye pierced the ball and destroyed the sight but oeorge grew to manhood with the one eye and has made hi way has now the father of a grownup family has been honored with the high position or chairman of the hoard of jcduca- tlon and now spends his days in look ing- after the wants of the public as station master ai accon for the tor onto suburban hallway although engajred in the hotel busi ness as it was conducted in the earlier years with the barroom as an im portant adjunct robert agnew and mother never tired of declaring- with parental pride that oar je- c know the ute of m- ccwldoesnt a drja jltr- ifaiov never lasted eldyvjjf in his life and jack the rbst son always enjoyed this declar ation by dad and mother away back in the seventies when the bcott act swept over halton and many other counties in canada and the little sign over the door of the popular 10x14 room licensed to sail spirituous and malt liaoors was or dered down and the bar was d and the oelku- locked bob agnew was naturally wratny the people had no business robbing him of his vested rqrhts the day when this prohibitory act came into force the people found brlgbt and early in tbo morning a pad lock on the hotel pump a lock on the ate to the sheds and s and no accommodation for tho tired and turn ry and thirsty man or beast but about twentyfour hours of this lock out was sufficient for this generous kjnd hearted landlord he couldnt resist the appealing- looks of old pat rons of the house of use tired travel lers who had made the place tbeir borne during their visits to acton for years the lock came off the pump next mornings t stables and hy ware reopened and the best house afforded waa set before tb travellers the doughty undlord mads one unqualified stipulation to all who came to the bouse now dont any of youask me for croc tve never been caught breaking the law dartns si the years pre been keeping hotel and theyre not going to catch me now if youre a friend of nine dont ask ma for drink not until we knock this nefarious scott act into a cocked hat anyway bob agnew w canght violating the law for many years there was a fs mil figure about the hotel daddy agnew the father of the proprietor he was a very liveable old man a friend of everybody he had a tittle doe and wherever be went the dog trottsd at his heels j w bcncougb the cartoonist made a great hit here at ens of bis entertainments when drew vpeakinc llkoncss of the old man and bis llue dog bpeakina of bengonah reminds me that he was here during- one of the scott act rp-r- he was fruit ful that niaht in caricaturing local oelebrilea as pass pksss readers well know h p moore the editor was al ways ready to fight boose in bis columns bencough got on to this and cartooned tho editor quaffing a schooner of beer at the dominion house bar with bob large as life behind among tb de both the editor and the landlord were at the hall that nlxtit when tb car toonist had completed his work for the evening he auctioned off the sub jects hob was bound to get h ps cartoon the bidding- was lively for a time for this sheet of brown paper and black crayon the editors friends bid acsiiua the botclman bob was game and the cartoon was knocked down to him or m7 and it graced his barroom wall above the bottles for many a week thereafter the burden pf years snd an exact ing- business added to rather poor health decided ktr agnew to retire and enjoy bis j declining- years in the quietude of e private home albert lehma of berlin porch seed nesa snd the hotav property snd took po albert was a different type of landlord while he conducted the bouse with a fab- regard to travel lers wants he reatlxed that the bar waa the department where the greatest profits wra available and be assldl ously cultivated tnalrt of the bus ness a few years after securing th hotel be enlarged and improved veneered it with brick and added third floor h bullded bettor than be knew within ten years the im proved premise went into poasesalan of the ityder a mowat outvo company with w a btorey as censral manager and it 1 admirably adapted to tho needs or that growing- business vr lehman had varying experlen as s landlord in acton local option cam into effect during his term his respect for the law wn meagre tims after time the governmstnt officers found boose on bis premises and ha wss summoned to court although he invariably engaged the servlt the eminent liquor defence lawyer jamss haverson k c so oopciuslve was the evidence of his violations of the law that be was invariably coo vlcted and paid heavy penal ties a one time the officers cam to town unheralded just as albert liad gotten in hi freekend supply of liquid re freshment the officers pounced up on thecacne and got s dray load of beer it was locked up in the cells until the day of the trial the court decided the accused was guilty and he through his counsel mr haver son admitted 1l penatiei of 100 and costs were imposed snd the beer waa ordered to be destroyed- then there followed a spectacular iddm on wil low ptreet at the door of the town hall the beer was brought oiktend provincial officer herdl m and munici pal officer harvey i how inspsctor harvey had the tune of tlfiar uves knocking- in the heads a five and tap gallon bags at lasjar on hundred and tu gallons of tbs y the follow iik article by itov mail with internal ut thu rliurrti national movcmmtt in iurbout ouwdu it 1 urely unm iito will im mi tlio inter m live ianua ingly so that is tlllo jry to wsile a line to den no the win one method of bringing men and women to jesus christ it was the prao tlce of the early christian john 1 43 and elsewhere centuries or effort have taughr the hurch nothing if we have nut come to see that while wo may hope and pray and plan for great occaalons when the hearts of multitudes shall turn to the loi d the ordinarily better way 1 that which sends andrew to find ieter snd inspire philip to seek out nathanasi per latently conssuter tly pursued tor a genera- tloavfms method of evanxellsm would bring the ihessage of redempt on personally to vrry man woman and child in canada and j yet cap tivating and effective a this method 1 when prnsentod to the spiritual imagination warmly a we may applaud it it haa almost univer sally broken down in practice lt u ask ouraelvea two question why ha a method of i vo lure illation seemly sane and workable failed so generally to say on any utnre scale t how may we reduce it to prsrt ce if not throughout the church as a whole at least in our own com munity i why is the win one method of evangelism so generally a failure 7 it will be profitable for u in answering our question to think chiefly of our own de nomination in canada three reason are in evidence the church has been unwilling to pay the prteepf success before we may hope to meet the conditions involved in a movement wmeb ahall send forth every to lower of jesus ss an evangelist must be ahot through with a new passion and be possessed with a new vlslon to thl end we must ascend new cajvmiics dlo to much that now seems good to tt feel the thrill of a new reiirrecuv be baptised with a jw br cannot benjj- tb ch cult iv blused for action on any less dlffi- tertos thl is a demand for the regener- 4 vied church a the agent of a regenerated social order the church itself must be the model of what the world ought to be until through much agony humiliation and bloody awest that hour a the church as a whole 1 unequal to all that the win one movement implies 4 b the church has mads s wrong deduc tion from the fsct just noted a vision of the magnitude and splendor of the task and oppor tunity of the church accompanied with the sense of the general unprepsxedness has led to postponement of community and individual effort we have wrongly argued that while the church as a whole is unequal to its obligation nothing- very worthwhile can be done ho conclusion could be more erroneous n could better retard the revival which the church so sadly needs while the body of the church is weak all its members are not so vbror and vision are to be found in many in dividual lives there sre not a few the salt of whoee spiritual life retains its full flavor let these set about then- tasks regardless of others peter must care for the sheep and tb lambs without concern ss to the mission of tjohn john xxl 20tt e the church has neglected proper or- oanlxatlon- in every christian community men and women of the temper of philip ore to be found they may be and generally are timid and in want of leadership instruction en- canragemenl organisation will send them out on errands of love which must bring- about gratifying- results we are now prepared for ond ques- ii how may we reduce to practice in our own community a method so admirably suited to our ability and heeds the answer has already been anticipated a rsflardlaes of ethers 1st us ss indivi duals set ourselves in the fear of god to the task of winning ens soul for the msstsr god has not made me responsible for the state of the whole motfaodlst church but he does hold me responsible for my own fitness to do what i should attempt let me no longer then spend my time in lamenting the failure of m 1st me stop criticism or my pastor or feubw- msmbers let me at once go out as did andrew to find my peter somewhere be waits won dering why i am so slow in seeking hbn out b lst all similarly dispeei aether ence e wee to plan and oompsrs notes snd pray snd eieouraaesoh other with such a motive and purpose bantbf of devout souls might well bring back to the church what we have lost in the passing of the ci meeting itvnr o service where we shall speak leas of what we are and more of what we ahould do for qther where we shall plan to aerve with the ardor of those who went to the pront to save our national honor might easily spring- pp amongst us with surprising results thl much us open to any of us as we achieve the possible we shall gala courage in attempt the impossible and all difficulties will yield to faith the apprentice stage itudcnt in tho first year of high- school hoard it auid of a prominent public man that ono of the thltta im tilolally cnjuyotl was reading horace hut horace i latin inn t itr ths boy exclaimed ioe anybody ever read iuthi for plouurt t and even whon ho had received an affirmative anwer hi fate wore a look of in credulity it is easy lo see how tho tad avreat ling with tho subjunctive mood of amo may fall to find any cspot lal pleasure in tho study f sijjn but jfjiw rrallm that the dlfftrf weariness and lousu matter of experience i t w uilnjai give i isure on nrt trial v buck ride for tlio first time uiid you climb orr in half uti haur lame from top to too uml wouiljrliig how people lan endure that torture neveml times u week vou try lo sxlt u poe an exalted mood anil imnr you have dropped several sheets ok t rummliuf f hilcap into the waste pupvr basket you look ut the volume of hi mkc ii in the book conn and shudder to think wlmt n life of mirror i mr hi lnut have been inrseveranco is generally regarded us u rather commonplace quality teud it should ha roguralod um the good uiikji who leuds lie way to hap 1 iness for rw thing are enjoyable when wo try 11 mm first and iiluaaura come only with skill and custom the people who are ulways making ctiaiijreu ttot hum they urn d 1 lot o tinned ulwuya irvlnit somathlt now in hopo of finding what they will ilka bettor are tukjig the surest wy to deny their own desire they haver givi thensotvus u chuirti to get lnyonil the weary i rm md tnllous utugc of up preiitlreshlp into the satisfaction of mastery speed the mcslocted imner have you mver been in the country waiter the tjred walter me lr7 no irt why slrt w the ncaloctod diner- i was jul thinking how thrllllnff you d find it to it on a fence und seu tin tortoises whlxs by were sacrloed a crowd of citlxens viewed the destruction and sundry thlcsty souls said with earnest and borrined eyes why this awful waste after it ws all over lawyer hsvskmon called hi client to one side and bfjd to him now lehman tbl has got to quit- it eared you rrom jail by the akin uf your teeth thl uine but dont you ever call too again and honnls replied all right iii be good during tho three years f local option fines and costs fur vio letlon of the law by landlord son and bartender scgresatins- sum were paid into court according to ths schedule of convictions published in the orai papers of the county mr lehman finally sold out the business lock stock and barrel u charles a decker of oakvtlle and re turning- to kltchanoti went inlo the express business there mr decker who wo an experienced bote ajan continued the business successfully until september 1 111 when pro hibition came into force tb ityder gt mowat glove company then leased the premises and mr decker and hi familyall except andy who had en hated and gone overs with the l4th battalion returned to oskvtilo and enjoyed life on tlmlr ons farm near thac town the glove company fnd these oa modlous prmics w utd to their rowing business here during ths wsr they filled extensive orders fur military gloves principally for th cavalry for both the canadian and thi united fltates oovernmest thl jld man he blundered bunk is the greatest blundsrer in making excuse we i knew the other day a lady be did not parti cufarly car for met him and said w shall be back from the beach pretty soon and id o glsd to have yon com and lunch with us sup pose w make it thursday three weeks from todsy wishing to get out of il juen- slsmnwod ah er vf toe see three weeks from to day you seyt oh i ahall b going to a fsxieml oa that day beating a child the judge of uti euatcjrn court re cently aentencad a child beating man to five years impxbjonment the con victed man hd pleaded guilty to beat tils with u lis iter mrap a little orphan boy you re the worst man in thl dis trict said the judge to the atxused and people will agree with tho judge who thu siwko to a man who i mcrcirully whipped a little child but have you ver thought of other men who in a temper whip children their own children tho human beings they should love most of sll on earth 7 titers are many or those who continue in the belief that when you spare the rod you spoil the child and they whip them for doing thing tbey would not have done if their parent had trained ibam rightly whipping a child its seldom dons any good it itas driven children from ifome to the streets tu evil compan ion it lias taught them to deceive tu b hyiocrite tu o it ha turned them from l w rents h ha taught them to bellovo that might rule in their live if shring lb rod spoil a child then let u men be consistent let us erect whipping post for men let us void every ti n who violates ono of our law tu that whipping- post and let us whip and whip hard every tnaii wbu goes to the post oh no w won t do that for hipping hurts we abolished tb wnluplns post for ourselves but uisny men keep it in their home f r their cl lldrvn womens slogans foh 1020 ulss anna a cordon proposes ths ruilwwlng alogun for iftso as embody ing some uf our qbuxuuons f to morrow bound the jubilee t fci force the law teach tots i abstinence safeguard the yuuiucl itomote health and mursutyl llefriend the foreigner 1 he just to the toiler becoois vital voters hatabllsh social centres donate drinking uuntainl work for world prohlbluoul posy without cossuuc miqht be lonely it to go to heavnn nt to go will mmllsslmlgmamabnblfflmtffllblmttm dodge bros motor cars the owner of a dodge car cag saf ely de pend uponiconsifitent continuous and eco nomical daily secive universally low gaso line consumption and high tire millage j n oneill acton georgetown john leishman representative for acton mwiiiiwiniiiiitmihwitiiwiwiwiwtnwihwiinwsiiwiiiiwifiwiwwiwwiwiiiiiiiwiwjirai if you buy out of town and i buy out of town what will become of our town the dollar you spend in acton will come home to boost free press buyathome campaign bead these articles with are tbey majr present something yon hadnt titooffhtof before pstronjze the people whoee ads are here they are your nefjrabors and v 111 treat you eugfal the money you spend with them stays in circulation in acton and neighborhood you w4i akvsys find t prontsbl to consult us when deslrlns dry oooda clothing boots and shoes xjneoleuma oilcloths and grocexie our aim is to anticipate your desires lu acton mo lean ev mills our aim is to sell you dry oooda mens burnlslng and groceries the quality and price bf which wij keep your money in acton we can compete with anyone anywhere and strongly urge com parlson o c russell ths penslsr store is criterion for ourity and wholesome ness in patent formulas we carry as well choice perfumery toilet articles vlctrola our kail wall paper sale ui now on end vary special bar gains are offered a t drown consult us firvt when buying hardware we carry a complete stock of shelf and heavy hardware silverware cutlery granlteware etc and can convince the most critical our prices and quality are right james 8vmon order your coal now delay under present conditions invariably means an advance in the price nut stove and purnao cosj now on hand we carry groceries eell j c hill nvr buy furniture prom a catalogue it all look good in pictures when buylnc from us yoii see gfae article before you buy aodsur best advice and service is yours undeitaklng m connection johnstone a co mske up thst order for oroosrlse bring it to us we can compete in service quality and price with anyone anywhere wo carry as well a full line uf dry good nelson co the local markets are essential equal responsibility for their support bests upon the farmers and merchants most assist bach other prosperity of community depends upon each of these two classes buying products and goods of each other our largs business connection in acton is ample proof that our meats vegetables and provisions are of the best quality wo sell on close margin and solicit jbs privilege of supplying your home mcenery a evans ws hsve bald it before and we say it egaiti you cap buy to better advantage hi acton than in toronto see us whon you require eny thing- in general merchandise we will not be undersold l 8tarkman now that cold westhsr is approaching- you will require refreahment our drinks are red- hot und invlgoratliut our lo cream is delicious ur homemade candle fresh and wholeeome i h wile contemplating building t if so let us estimate on your re- quemants we prepare plans make estimates and take contract for any kind of building- avo would ugseat ordering- heat winters ooal now j b msokenzie fair dealing and lew prio are building up our business wo carry a full lip of uruoerles and provisions and our mice will re have the necessity of further awn h our quality and price will stand comparison mrs j mo do u gall the first essential lu tht development of any business 1 the pos session of a market the manufacturer must have o market for hbj product or he cannot succeed no matter how valuable those products may be or how efficiently his plant may be operated tho wholesale merchant and the retail merchant may have the choloeet stocks of goods but if they have not u market where they can dispose of their stocks they mutht as well tut out of business tho former may produce bumper crops but they will rot upon thu ground if ho cannot find j market for them the wage earners aklll und muscle bring htm no returns unless there is a market for his labor the question of market u the big- one in every una of buslnoa and in every community the question i u vital one lu each commun ity which must bo taken to include hot only ull the puoplo who live in the town but the farmers who livo in the uurruundlna country us well there are two side to the market question the business men of tho town must have a market if or the thitiif which they havi to sull otherwise they cannot continue lu busiiietu at the samo tlmo ibu fanners must havo u market for tin tilings whkh they raise or tliy may a well go out of business when either fails doth suffer the merchant uf tho town tttn provide u market for the pro duct of the farmer und the farmm tali piovlde a market for the goods which tho morduoits liuvu to i ii as long us ouch cluss of uil- soiis provide a market for the olhur ibis ull lu well und tho goose hangs high but when either class full to provl hi u tnurkel rot tho oth r tho goose i cooked not only for tlui rlus wlidh is dei rlvod of tho market but for tho other uh wull the fatmet lis u right to txikit the town whlrh 1 hi natural trading point to provide a murkut for mm prttduct und the town 1 not performing its proper function us the truuiiqf tutttro uf its community if it does hot see that vuch a tuurkut i provided tho responsibility of looking- after the rulfutineiil of this obligation rests largely upon the merchants of the town tim farmer is u producer and he must dls- pos uf his product beforu hit call imtooii u consumer it 1 therefore hot only right but necessary front u business ntsiuliilnl tliat the mer chants ahould aid tho fanutii in turning- til product into money c horwlse tho unur naturally will huvo nu money to spend lu tho stores of the town obligation on farmers on ttto other lialtd the tilt it hunt of thu town lutvo u hht tu aspect the farmers to provide u mutl t for th kuercliutulutu which they havo o sell and tho former ur not dnlhtf their duty to their community if they do not provldu win it u inaiut in this cuu also it 1 not only right but it la hecuuuoy to tin prouperlty of tho furutor ttutt itiuy should aid the merchants in tin iiiiil tin lr niokxltuiuiue into cusli otherwuto it 1 ubvlou that tho nu it hunts will ituvu no money with which to buy the products of um fuinmrj thu u u double uirrtud uumui hi uml thu obligation nifb equally upon both tho timiuliulltw ulitlthu fitful r to uutlntalli the knur kou which are wsentlul tti iwith iliua of t lllseii any town which would imitort from taints huiulrlu tf nillus dutmit tho rami produot whlth it could buy ut lmm1 would ik pursuiii- u vvry sltort sijfhted kllcy for it would he making it impossible fr the ranner 111 lis territory ly buy the simid- of its tiiurchulit as u mutter qf fuot no town doe this unliut it is hl by unulliil conditions to do so a town may x locutud in u ominunlly whlth to not prthlultlvo enoukli to meet tho local demand- ulul u tliitt cum it u forwl lo iniptirt fuini products but tb town whit ij iw liupoll d to do this u ul u disadvantage from u- oumtnerclal huiiiiim1iii uiilu it is essuiitlully u tuatiufacturtug town in which cuao its lirudui trf uio it old to other toinmuiiltle and bilng in enough to onv hiat which i sent uw to iiurchusu farm products must havb outside bubiness f lu the uvarua community liuw vm thu town is dependant fot it nushtlty upon th m nuy itelvel fom the raiiuem in tho ordlnury cltuslli bi of trade rather hull up mi 0ml t btulned frum the aula of its own product iii the nvmuiii tnwit 0i ln nhalits tuuuot make nuiy ultd tuutinue in business if tluy uu ll pn lent solely uhiit the leoll of tho town fot tlmlr business nt business cut luat lout willi i wiytiiilu k log out ult t liothlii- conilug hi und it is vtniully iru thut no hushuuis tan im ohiiuted thu llltnlpte of evorytlilntf t inning in uli i liotliiiut slns out lo hiutiiuallt lb italaute whl h lit iiih t iibui y lo the liiuliilinum o uf prm tmiity in u uitiimunlty ii iiiuhi hi an i lni ttutta between thu bumlno mull tif thu town i w deal in i all kind i of fresh and curd meats and it is our desire to secure and hold yojr patronage by fair prices and honest dealing we endorse this canipjjjjn buy in acton it pays w land8b0rough qaroalna in ladles hllk mtwcod hlocklnssat 53c rob loiiks overalls at lib a shipment of itub injjs men s wearing- sh rtu xiwttd this week khoe repairing u speciality e k cook when you buy shoes from us you ore sure of secur ing the best selection in acton our prioe or muoh lower than city prloea our kuurantee 1 behind everything wo sell kenney bros our bread is baked hlght hero in acton and we guar antee it w holcsomc ness we solicit us well your patronage for home- modo cuke pastry oc we aim o satisfy m edwards ev co the campa on id ut witt our approval and ha our hearty i udoraatlon beardmore ev co our personal interests are centred in acton this muvo- int nt is deserving of success and we undurso katno ryder mowat glove co i an local distributor por tlio iord automobile and can supply you with genuine pord parts at rvawnuibto prloauc a oomplete taumk of ire always on hand let your next cjl- bo a pord h a coxe i manufsetur and repair all uliids of furnlturv lot mo owtlnuito or you on tho mukliur over repairing or uliimuitorliia of your runtlturu wlilrlt luqulrv uttontluu i guuruntte tity work thu purulturw hospitul w jt stuckey we do merchant tailoring our wltttk uf itnl t rdil unit domos lu woolltiu for full und winter li tomiil ui w stun i uhlud uuf output itii i lil uunlth uutiwruttton w m cooper never uuy jewellery imwa catalogue all jwullty look uikjd in cut when buyltqf from um you sou out urtlclo un 1 us vi 11 you have tho benefit of my sutvlt uivtco und pi soiiul guutulltoti geo hynob next tims you rsqulro loots ilhtttul ltulliel etc let too unduuvor to intuit your rwiuliomeitts uy stock it ctkopl tn my quality la uf tho uml my prions are right ituiiulilm tlouu w williams did vou ever step to consider thut u iiwu ivr livo ihousand jkdlms a vuur tti di liver gotki from thi kttiivs to the at ton poop iho cointuinui ays foi it lurry ipur own iiurtul un i l t your wluttn uf the auvlliu t umii und curry rh ry cheuter rlank uulii hi 1 tioihi t3 consult m first wlimi you i ulliii farm imp lit tuuntn of uny kind 1 uui uttl uge it fur lnturuutloiittl hut lilu ry and uaii guaiidmu y tl uiitlufat lion and sor vu-e- 1 rtny im tt uml niuki um wl chas e parked i keitsa

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