Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 11, 1919, p. 6

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4r 11 rum marrlagea una deaths ais now chanred for at tho follow inc r uteri illrttiii cor murtlnrrn gol doallui cd memorial cnrdii co i r linn ixtrn for prmma married mont i hanoi khon- i titili rion milton f tin lr iiliul tin tiff h li ahr i ft jul t t tit 1 11 t ikuioiki with i w rji mo i i home iff ivrtnn 3rep ihb i iunutjia ijjcimuiu n idio brieloeal items thu 1j what r kuir wnnk lion t d luy jour lirlniiimw buy ing it ik i tun i hut n m ui o atump will ihmlly b inund in canada tho ttlinn will tvault in tho town hull uflor ull a ifod idea ai iii in rurnlhhliiir u fair quotu of vluori to tho tluolph winter kalr murk it down that th loliilnri of dm wlnit r of ibis 20 romi tho hi hmim will rloso fpr tl chi lutmus holldaya u wiwk from to morrow uftornoon tunsday u mild weather and luoteli mint took off mimt of tho nuw whirl foil a row days bofor auctiono r k rr ulaldod tho bam- tni r nt ih uuln of nootl train u t wiiilur kulr ut juolph yeslerduy mr ltortct i ii u han purchueod dm frame dwelling- of mrs hobert mclhursoo uf on wmt llower ave a fow mlnluhii und cutters have boon fun nl iff thla week hut motor turs urn till tho ixtjiulur road vehicle if you wltih immortal ffreetlna larun nrdors uhould lm placed for thorn thlm wxtk tho um liuws supply i runnliiii low about ifty of our eitisons attend ed tho hinju t and ontrrtulnroent ut klionoxnr church kmwmfuwoya on moiuluy uvoiiliiff tim counties of wellington and waterloo have boon united in a county aurt diatrlrt tho services of two judffiui uro thoroby diapensod with mortgage sale of valuabl realdsncs property i nt he viiub of acton under the 1owcr of hula contain in u c rtaln uortknse which will iw produced ut the sale there will bo offurtkf for miio by public auction by robert j kerr eaq auctioneer at laabye hotel in the village fc of acton on saturday december 20 ad 1b1b utj nnn o clock v m thouo certain pares la or tructa land und premise altuato lying and belntf in tho said vlllafo of acton and milnif rompoaod of port of tho north westerly twirl of lot number twenty eight in tho third concession of tho township f naquealnje now within tho vlllajfo at acton and known a number tutoen und tho kaaterly half of lot nuinior fourteen on the north ido uf bower s inset according to o plan or map of part of tho aald town hip lot made by d a nlven o i 8 for robert wallace and dated july thirtieth a d 1917 tho above named ian da have frontage of aeventy flva feet on bower street odd hundred feat and eight and faurlonth lnchea on wallace street und a width of eighty eeven feet and throe apd nix tenth lnchea livreax on thla property there la erected a atlb- alnntlol aeven roomed twoatnried brick roaldenco with framo leanto and with new und modern plumbing and ciatern lend tank good well and hot water heating throughout the reatd ence la in rlratcloaa condition and it la fronted outaldji by a row of hand aotne apruce treea it la a very de- alrable homo for a retired farmer merchant the pmpqrty will be eold aubject to j the uuunir tenancy of w v collier eaq which explrea on the flrat day of septomber a d j 030 and the pur i choacr upon conforming with the con- diuona of aulo will in tho meantime t be entitled to nxrolvo tho rent and proflta j teiims op halii ten per cent of the purchom money la to be paid to tho vendora aollcltor at tho time of the aale aufflcient to muice up a half thereof in ten day thereafter and the balance may be paid in caah or remain on mortgage at the purchaser a option further partlculura und condition of aale may ha obtained from it j keiul auctioneer or a 41i dma i uou ti1k guelph business college herald oullcjfno qualph a l douck principal nv demonstration of the violet ray at mckees driig store all this week a comploto lino o hi dlapluy in hurgo mont ulnhlmrn cuu gonornlun uf on oznort u of oathma ith tho eloo- trlo otonn ron rut or ilhoumatuun iumhugo hrlatlru nouralgla neu- rltla iicadttclid and lxiltm anil achoa of all klndu roaiiond readily to tho violel llay mc kees the raxall druo stor quelph ont auction sale of 50 head cattle tho underalgued haw tweii luatruot- ud by h q clark toacll by iubllo autlon at hotel mcgibbon georgetown saturday december 13 i at 2 p m sharp 50 head of cattle conalatlno of mllkara forward spring are and faadere terms 0 months credit on approved joint rjotea ben petch auotlonaof w a w1ihon clork clearing auction sale i stock implement and household furniture tho undersigned ho rocolved ln- atruatlonw to aell by publlo auction the following projmirty belonging to the katalo uf the late william newton ut the nlckell farm lot 22 rourth lino kuquoalng near umehouae on monday declmber 22 at one o clock the following houses 1 bay mure general pur- poae s yra old 1 hluck heavy illly rlalng 3 yn i light filly rising 3 yra 1 homo colt foal cattlb 3 llolfora i yr old i heifer 2 yw old 4 htoora 1 yr old 1 btofsr 3 yra old 1 cow duo in aprlng 3 spring culvem u number of hena impleubntl 1 l harveater and mower 1 lumber wagon 1 maaaoyliarhu hinder 5 ft cut no with aheuf carrier und truck in good worklna orrlcr 1 democmt wag- gun two aonlm ind polo und aliafta in aood order 3 top lliyglra in good ahape i cutter with pole 1 cutter with polo and abaft 1 two row maa- eayhurrla corn cull t valor in flrst- claaa ahope 1 bcuffler in working order 2 no 21 floury pjowa 1 cock- abutt twofurrow plow in good order 1 cider preaa in good ahape 1 climax cutting box 13 in throat 1 iron harrow- 1 turnip hllcer 1 dog tread- power for churning 1 dalay churn no 3 two 4c0 lb a cup cream sop- oratora in good order 1 aet double driving harneea 3 aata single driv ing homeaa 1 aot curt horneaa fuitniturb 3 lieda without aprlnga 1 bed with aprlnga 1 toilet set 1 woah htand 1 ureaaer with large glaaa 1 walnut sideboard 1 tablea 1 coal iftteder stove in good ahape i five lid cook stove in good order tkilms 110 00 and under cuh over that amount 12 raontha credit on approved joint no tea five per cent per annum off for caah r j kerr auctioneer phone 36 acton l h shorby clerk c p r cleaning proaalng itapalrlng your oothcs thoroughly cleaned in sanitary workshop pressed itnd hep aired by eotport workmen we cajj make that old suit look like new try u geo wallace guelph ontario waterworks commission phoposed bylaw to authorize the delegation of the control and management of and the pull responsibility for the waterworks system about to be constructed within the village of acton to a commis sion tinder section 34 of the public utilities act synopsis of bylaw the purpoaa of the hyluw la to up lnhn u iubllo utllltloa cummlaalon to munugo and control the water work the coinmlaalon to cuualat uf four menibefm loul tho reove tbi tnombora to in auuammuently nomln atodl mul uloulod by tho rutetkayara thanrat election to ulact two c mtlomr for unu yuar und two for two yeara und thureurtur two for two yiwni fhu conimlajilouurm to tx luulltlctl rutoiayor y tuku uotlrti thut the vutew of thu rutoiutyeni of the wuld village of acton will bo tukon on tho ubovu men honed prupuaod by law on monday the fifth day of january 1b20 commencing at thu hour of nine o clock in tho morning und continuing until no o clock li tho afternoon uf thu aame day at tho following plaoea und by the following deputy luturnliig onloera thut la to 1 polling aubdlvtalon no 1 at the twn hull with w j uould deputy he turning oltloar 2 inilllrtg subdlvlalon no i at c c hpolakn ltl on main street with allan m smith dnjiuty return ing omcor on 1vlday the ibth day of doouro br 1pib the itoovo will utlnnd at tho council chumbar hi the town hall at ton oclok in tlm monuuii to appoint in wrlllng alguwd by hliu two iwraoua to uttend ut tho tluul aummlng up uf the votoa und una teuton to uttuud ut tuih ikilllug pluco oil ixihalf of thu pamoriu inlvrnated in and doalroua of prtmiotllitf thu puaalug of thla byluw and a like number on belialf of the ponton a intervated in und dealruua oppoalug the iiaaalng of thla ilyluw the nljrk of the council of th aald villuuowhull intend ut the town hull acton ut 16 i m on the uutd nfth day of january 1030 to aum up the numbor of votoa given for und agalnat thla itylaw notiom to notice la hereby glvoii hat lr tho uaaent of tho rate pay era la oblalnod thereto tho aald dylaw will be taken inui ooualileratlon by the municipal council of the village of aotun after one month rotn the eleventh day of kiombir 1910 behmt the date of the ft rat publication of thla notice vir n mtnancit 34 3 clark of the vlllag of aoton a t brown i presents useful dainty acceptable hymn books all churches books poets in best binding beautiful boxes of choice stationery initialed fancy note paper christmas cards in great variety toilet goods in all the latest designs french ivory brushes in variety safety razors fountain pens cameras the very best huylers celebrat ed chocolates dolls daintily dressed and ready for dressing multitudes of other gifts to select from a t brown druggist and stationer acton ontario wo uro living w at living in a tiul und awrul time atul a uuurtr ur giving for thing not worth christmas save money buy at onr etore no cheap gooda only the try beat chrlatmae gooda now in every thing for your chrlstmaa oaiu and chriatmae puddlngi t seeded raisins seedless raisins fresh currants peels and nuts call and inapeot our uooda to aee la to buy one prioe to all qooda delivered to all part of the town mrs jennie mcdougall mill street acton ont fresh fish alex mcrehzie wall tbton qtreet acton announce thut bo will liuvo a uupt ly f freali kuh on thursdays trdera left ut the iioum will rtm olve prompt attaullun dressed poultry jurnt caah prtjm will bo paid for all klnda of linyjumxl poultry alex mckenzie gifts for boys and girls hi kit i ih ooc 75c ivoot 12s sio oiulk hlkujhb 2j2 276 lstx sxo0 rarv cutters eju 1800 tftfio rijktkr lulown waclons 500 9625 isjia vl75 s7z j iiockkv sticks 15c to 85c ividdik klaith 2jdq 9230 300 skooteith 1jx and sis whikliialulows tljjo 1js s2j carts tl ib f300 i7s toroaoanh 9250 s3x0 tsg kxirkhh wauons 92j and 92s llockev hkatei 9125 and 9700 the bonix hardwark co ltd phone 10t quelph christmas specials fancy goods iteautirully embroidered table aquarea ireaaer jjcarfa and cus hion silpa made of heavy brawn crnah embrolderod in baaket aid other dealgna in colors with acai- lopol or fringed dge set of three piece 9500 waists vnno quality voile walata with kound or aquare neoka with or without collar bomo are em broidered in pink or white special ut 9250 handkerchiefs tho 1ft of haudkerchlefa la up preciated by ovurynne our chriat- tnati hundknrchlcfa have urrtved thoy am made of hi wit ellk und ullk crkt with embroidered or in itialled corner sweatbrs we huvo a full line of bxxhx uwnaterm to ault everyone uod- erately priced l starkman mill street acton n prllslntsibr headquarters for christmasshoppers when you urc on your shoppink tour ell on this sforc you mijlht he undecldetl just what to give for christmas a look through our stock of useful articles will help you exa mine caretully the list given below in every cajewe have tried to place beforo our customer something usaful v luack stijih mi inn wide all pure silk in waist ufid dress lengths a special at j295jyk llapjdaerchjeftt for everyone childrens handkcrchiofs at 7c 10c ladies handkerchiefs at 10c 12 and 15c 20c handkerchiefs in boxes at 25c 35c 50c 75c and 100 silk waists in white pink maize sues 30 to 42 at 150 h0 300 and 550 done up in fancy boxes wool sets scarf and cap to match make a very acceptable christmas present for girls in stock today in greens blues pinks mid brown shades special 25 275 300 and 3j tea aprotw special at 35c 50c 75c and 100 iloudoir caps at 75c 100 150 pink silk camisoles all sizes at 125 150 175 and 200 fancy hat pins 2 in sot special at 25c for he boy a suit or overcoat pair leather mitts or woollen gloves fleece lined on natural wood underwear fine shirt soft collars braces stockings hoys pullover and wool sweater coats make a splendid christmas present in jiav brown gray and garnet special 1 95 250 275 300 3jhena ties wc aro showing a big range tn mens tics good values at 75c 1 00 and 150 mens silk and wool neck scarfs at 150 15 25 and 2jm mens uned and unlined woven a special value in mens gloves for christ mas at 2j25 20 300 and 400 mens socio block silk hose at 1j0 black silk and lislo at 1 00 pure cash mere wool at 100 mens ilorder handkerchiefs special at 18c 2 for 35c mens while lawn handkerchiefs a special at 15c mens excelda handkerchiefs with border or plain white 25c mens silk handkerchiefs at 60c 75c and 100 icing sugar lb granulated sugar v lbs grocery specials 15c 100 mixed nuts no 1 lb ttolled oats 3 lbs 10c 25c just arrived new peels raisins currants figs dates prunes and christmas candles goods delivered leave us your order m tll street mclean mills we sell for cash we sell for llss ai acton new advertisements fiontluuol rroin iago one ready for xmas with u mnplli hluk of toya rxlla lkxlt 1111 h hi- igha doll uha hrlmlniua f i w veur curdn unl iphikhra 1aiky bin t ut ouaa und hllvrwum i inn wumirii unci jrwi lliry santa clau8 headquarters geo hynds acton y w pnilp teachar of p ana violin and other string inatumenta almt liib oiioan will vlait ait i oil wedneaday of rarh wk until further tie 1uplla prepared for conaenrmtory xanllnutlona mxufim left at atiw4 lmaf ilucaa ulhco will receive prompt attnntlon r e nelsons christmas bulletin of christmas goods won a wool und silk muftler uen m hllk hhlrta plain and fancy cuuhmere bok in plain and fancy tinea mori a llouao coata and iluth ilobea wen a cromhlnutlon lyjanuui htanneldva nmnan a tlruknlt and wutuona underwear 2- ploc and conibtimtlon arrow urand w o a 11- and jjoraytho colored shift- ut all prlcea men m tweed lluta and capo mena holeproof hi lit bo collar uaga llatidkerohlef caaea und tie caaeu urilcea in bundaome boxes cartora and arm liund hu- iloraullno llata velour uab in the very iwal make an i cormct atyloa neckties tho huliilaointat und tnuat up- todate llnew wo huve ever ehown they uro orrt t in atylo und tlio beat vulue in the trade wo inix 111 lluiulminin tloxtmi llovea tioa murrioru elu m aiooiida in our attok tho nloeat brlgt taat and beat la wiiat vuu want we liavo it here r nelson wfmooney of guelph has opened a etoreoa main street acton where he will conduct a tin smith and ahoet metal business orders for hot air atirnaoes aivd plumbing will receive special alien- roy hindley auctioneer lavh ktoclc llkatt kstat1j amu ukhcuanujhk consolidated phone erin t 11 b n 3 acton surplus auction sale the undersigned boa been instructed to ucll by public auction for 8hirlev watson lot 6 fourth line uauueslng u mlu und a half east of acton on tuesday december 16 ut one o clock aliurp the following hoithih 1 hrown mare b yeora 1 gelding 3 yoom intrcherou oav- enac 1 filly 3 years ol by iclere 1 kllly 1 year got by lealloh horse 1 llay usre 7 years a good driver cattij3 l ulack cow s yours duo in april 1 durham cow 7 years due in april 1 durham cow 7 yeurs duo in uay 1 durham cow 6 years due in april 1 durham cow years due in may 1 grey heifer 3 year milk ing well 1 itlack iielf 3 years milk ing well 1 durham heifer 4 years milking well yearling htears 6 uprlng calves iicb 1 itegiatered yorkshire bow duo in march 1 yorkshire how willi litter of pigs b hhouta d pigs 3 months old hheki lelceatuis 4 uhuurllng nwea and i ituru u iimmi uuii 34 hens und 1 ockurel imilkulnthl swd ttrii 1 i lor 1 cokahutt plow nearly tit 1 vloury plow no jl 1 iltutxiut waggon l set of bohulolahs 1 open buxky 1 uuttui- tl uk ii w 1 futl- nlns mill i wet of kuukin spring carrying 4 tua ttia 1 pig irutu 3 sets of whlttlatlih 3 tititkyokiim 1 doz grain iulki hailnkahl t tf i am humus new l sal uf pluw hurnxus aomu odd collars uhatn 200 huahitlm it outs 100 buahtila of lurlty 4u huwhuls mrlng wheat as bushela butkwlivut j huah- els timothy seed u iuantlty of liu tkltuh- 10 oo and under um1i om thut amount 13 moulds nod it on ui pnimxl joint mites iluy gruln lit fowl ash 1 ivn wi- cunt imr uutiu off for uh h j kerii auot 1luno 34 ault i- it hhollky clok order your christmas fowl now mcenerv evans will have turkeys geese ducks and chickens our stock of ghribtmub beef will be unusiially fine and all homo killed will have also special display of lamb veal and pork at the new reduced prices our stock of canned goods is worth your consideration try a package ok lanka tea mcenery evans acton meat market main stkiet see mickey tonight i m mickey is coming vo acton town hall thursday dee 11 1919 everyone knows her sho is fast becoming a household word she is op the lips of the whole world youll be sing ing dancing and playing mickey a great triumph of tho l screen thrill upon thrill in these suspense incidents is just a little better than the last aim axes that fairly bring you to your feet with sheer enthusiasm youll laugh- youll cry not a dull moment in the entire picture production there will bo shown a special matinee in the afternoon for school children music throughout tho entire programme with all effects- of the picture put in and vocal selections plan now open at browns drug store admission 50c and 75c plus wax tax matinee 27c and 55c war tax included dont miss your last chancl to see mickey real estate if you have a house for as hi if you want u buy a bouse in actou ask r j kerr 1 auctioneer and real etats dealer ill one 38 young street acton ont all lubinaaa collaasa are not alike select a school carefully vonoe and charles sts- toronto invlti a the iiatronuko of all who tl intra auptrtor training oet our jrulalolum nuiil our records then declda tnttr now w j elliott principal notice of registration of bylaw notice 1 hi rrly glv n that a bylaw wiiit pumuul by tlm municipal council of tho villus of attnn on the third day of nuvimlm r 1914 providing for the 1u of deln nturus tothe amount of j3c 000 00 for thw purpose of loan ing thut umount of money to messrs courluy at locrlliork uro i ted to en able thrnn to tmtubllah a plant within the vtluitri of actop for the manufac turing of boot und shoes and that such by law was reglatered in tho ltugutry onlco of thn county of hal ton on tho nlnntm nth duy of no ve ra in r 1919 any tnotlou to ijushh or ant aid- the miinx or uny part thereof tnuat be matin within hire l nth after the irl publltutlun of till notice and rami it ihi matin thrpactc ihatdtl thu 27th day of november ib it 3 3 taltuck clerk farms for sale 12g aceett in esooesing townshh 3 milks mlom 1 georgetown 1 miles mlom glenw1luams 1u0 ulivm workuhlv imluiku pmturt j utun heut s3 utrtri full ploutfhotl ttuy lo hi koll iioot rh lb- vvry omftirtahu rramtt hou of u riuu hunk barn uxfi0 with utevl lmif mwnl tttiibuiifc tit ixlntiil h ulitu full whii 1 w und 3 with luo furmit 0 linutl of cuttlo up und hoisea wuttjr in thu iuri diklnir houimi utul luij ptm sko on lu rt attn wall hoi hou wliulmlll uhtml u mil 11lpwiii1uium thurtlto- 1l mlhei mrul null mul tt ihon 1w ioii urraniftl 1iit u s13oo0 terms ii rrutu ml 151 acileslva mhjis ihuomstkwaitttownu- m1ije to station i imitlwtkml ltih t uy loitm no 1 1 pirn 130 uii wirltull hitlunti li tu on hunl at i full plough- ii und ulao u hpilit r k kolld vurnuie ulul liulhitiuxi luink bum looitl ti up 30 cuttle and c ixi h bok mtulu uu mlf uiulli hlvhuf hiiiiht kurau ho liouae luuni willi r in lht uiuhttif i mint uln u hool utul chuiult nul l u phoiut 1oittuilon utiansttl 1u inll 1850a t i uiruuatd d uutplu tf wutoi ll ice 100 acres 5 mhjcs vum milton iva milks krom mansljlwooi station ut ulivs woikuhl btlnut huuh l uiits of otihlltl 10 utiui full whuut 13 ucrw full phniklixl 11 uikh in uitmlow jl ui i fih sotd- hik tlay louin soil u vul 1 ut tl und upilnu- ret u wulur pliud to thu liarii from hprlu ico vuiu ihuk hou of 10 loomu h ltfi hqxui tu up i hotut- uiul 1 iiittu ho ptu j4ku ullu mumi v mill ihunli ti mil u lunttl mull imd tol phono 1 ilui t 100o n nun lifts nu uil 50 achks in tkapalgak township on stone uoai 2v miles mtom milton milk k0m uoynk al workable ut h i l i- r lloultrl y noil iflval lilfiily f waier 1 wullu wit i u irtmli oame tout of o iim irntniuwiunu hx3j liuinno a 4as34 th ul 1 uttle and t uors uohool unl uhuroh v uillv ltuiul luull uixl t i ivio fir luilnetllutt kul as10o- lni uiiuiitl notice of registration of by law soil 1m her by ilvtu that u by law wui luiiuu tl by tho munhluil council of tht mliukt uf acton on tho hoiuiiifmtiih iluy of notimlntr 191 providhiif for hit ixhuo of delhiiitures to thn amount of slo oou oo fur tho mnik of liiiihliuctlui li tl itihttlllnd u wuinwurks minlni within the vii- htk of at ton und tluil huch bybw wan rtltui in th luclstry oilioo uf tho county of hulton on the nlne- tieuth duy of novumtwr 119 atty motion to nuuih oi met aside the ajnib or uny purt thereof must bi mudti within thrw months uftor the drat public utlou of this notice and cannot e nuiu tlurxuftnr uitifl thu j7th day tf november 1d1u whs h v 1- auublt tjlerk willoughby farm agency head office ceokgetown ont notice to creditors of the estate of franklin hawbhaw deceased ih crutlitot tf i iiiukliu kumaluaw lutw of th towmihlp of nuwjuwyu cntl nlun who 11 d on oi uhout the tw uty h mil thu of k ioih r 1919 in i iuh 1 on ui r ih i ir th third dui ur jmuiinv llta to toul by iuui pr iiult or lhrwl dllvui to tin limb rsltrwl iollitu4 lot tho uilmlnlm ttr u utititmmt of tin lr uiouutu ih hum of tn uitullty if uny h id by th in unl lull pnitltx una r their mini itltln unl 1 turlptiois and notlt lu htitby further kivu tluil imuivllulh itfur th uiul thlr1 iluy of jutiuun lutl tlm auhl udmlu unutur will pii f dutrlbu utu urtuw thu ull atutu union n 1 hi ih- ill titli tl not b iihuimu1i fm uny ululuia of whit h ht whull not huw i ivti notice ut hi tlm a t fm uu h dutilhutum duld ut a ton thin uli duy of u a 1 uiu v mill hon itamhllaw atlmliilatialor liy 11 n i mm i iiim kh llu 33 3 do your christmas shopping now notice to creditors or the l8tatc oi- margaret raullt olclablo ih tiditoiw f muisuit luuor iut of th vuu of atbin widow who ill 1 tin or uhout lhi- tuuth day uf k v luiu ul ikufoi tit t till 1 tlm of juiiuury utio to mini by ihttl il li tit ut othlwlae 1 llvi to tiw uu i nlumd taollclbir rui tliu ntuliia u utul m nt of thllr ut mln lu th nut uii of tiii bx uriiy if uny ti lil hi tit in ami lull luirtl- ullllla of ihll 111 i iil t u iluat intl all 1 imm li hily fmlhi si liut in in dluttlv uf i thu uull ib of ju lrd ulols lum thell v ill iltl to tlhlilbut1 til of dm iull ulut ainoiuf tin parties iilltld th uiul thh uiu not to hhh th v uha th hi in t u ttut i t imh illnliltutl ai 1 1 m ii mn it joh dvniii haukll ul lly if n luii thili yolltltor at

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