Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 4, 1919, p. 6

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i unn wa tr m r w w7 births uarriaga and doaiks are now charged for at the following- rates lurtfia 60- marriages wo ieatha co memorial carae co 10c ier lino extra fur pied wai ia 1 at ler homo knox av at i 11 on tluiuv lfrntlr 2 ib19 kiismih tli htiuey wlluw r the lata hugh wulki in lnr 70th year tunilv in ni utiii township on tunwiuy nvi mlht at ills fe-lee- nor m hiiiit iteloved wtfo of llur tlunhy in her h4th year all altthuit at ll cjeneral hospital tluelph n friday november ss 1110 jiihn diiiirmi son of dunun m arthur of lot 17 second une ioiiunlii ukixi 4 yum and 1c day qtip jvdmt 3freeltbb thursday ik kmltkr 4 11 brief local items taturda nicht raw tel ii tin storm wtnuowe tlthit further delaj iwcrtub r tuu imjmrm let in jour orders fur ckriatmaa reeoag cards early morctuinu bend tn your christ mas advertisements early hat about the power house skat ing rink for the season i t belng- ut into rondltlwi tho o w v a la endeavoring to have all subscriptions paid in at once their fund need tu o miis birds are left in th or chard or woodland no blossoms tn tne tneadow we sea w inter has com neighborhood news- town airdjcountry pallinafap itav churth itfte has closed hla ii th method i t hold ins them for tho wind monii haturday night did considerable dsmag lit tli la vicinity unroofing tiulhlings ami breaking down trees mr many llartli of terra cotla met with a x ry imlnful accident about a week ago when iumltif into thin village hi ur left he rttad and cyeatv d inio iho eluiu uh in front of uju air harry aaihiiii of hootaguurd hask arrives here iumi week with two car loads of oho i to cuttle mr i lie lit krin and calelt town line hs disposed of hlm rm in to mr tz itcunlrks mr albert kka 1 vlstiug friends hern prior to leaving for his in mm in kim land where his mother resldi k mr dr ii c telford of ottawa 111 in here on u visit to her ulster mrs kred ielaney and other rotative mr b t harbour loih line hnu purchased mr henry hmuiuh fann in kast qurafraan the women n auxllluij uf all ha lit t chunh will ludd u haaun on loiu w mou- mrs ijnd holmes tiroperty ber boarding houi has njinodtusif ike in main street ftjr 1 an j reataurant- kor your own sake and for the sake f the busy tnercnanta and their helpera do your christmas shopping early the young- folks have had jay times this wrok convocation lond and kulry lake have been in iwimo condition bomt of our lountf folks wont loae so much time now colnc to svo the trains o through with half a doxen fewer trmina milton ileutbta wants hydro- iiectria power and llcnt and has petitioned kaquealnc council u ar- ttriffo for 1l the roof and lrt of the wall of the canada turnlture company s fac tory at mt voret was torn off by haturday s storm mr w lnllp music teacher is till confined to his room throuxh ill ness and will be unable to acton this week tho demand for ahlnxlea clans and other building- materials has been almost unprecedented slnco haturday s hllaxanl a consrecatlonal meetina will be held in knox church host tuesday evening with a view to tnoderatlnat in a call to u minister vlnter seems to havo set in in real earnest the tsaocory drooped close tu saro on tbesulay nlht anj the around la covered with snow hhortllls koue sir iterth had hi knee u bmkwi and his im prrtty tudl vnkl he was hui rll to uuslpu llostiltal and had tho kned oieraed on the nimithvr wt th iwof itlha tiot i their busuteas uetiivi lit the halt last krlda evvuhui th dtdl t lwht their annua ui 14 w iwvwtmhat 18 mr aid ill ttttv usuvlu tu taiue hmv ftmu atht last jm inn ha wa th faru ur a imw l ant wturusst wsatvtx oakvtllk th kvks ttlv uki crua lvlla at i hgtyt the peur uf alfiux alaut ixti avtr f tvhalnca tur latuuts at the ftrant bovltat km- chrtstntaa an3wjsme of them are targv stoklitaa th dtrlora uf the trafalgar acrl- vuliuii mlt hava axpreased their ipertwtft wflunjruea that the nw mail butulna on the fair rounds be used as a ska tins rink thw amaupoji scar in trafabxar aeema to hav subalded entirely the lrompc strict action of the local board of health was responsible the enthualastlo poultry men town will bold their promised winter show in whllaker sv bona tturmce on december is 1 and 30 they haw secured hew coops and are making plans cor a brand showing of both poultry and pet stock the happiest anticipations for the the oakvllle hunting horse he bur new york home show lost week wr fully realised and our people share in the pride which natur ally the nnlaclare must enjoy as the result their horss won tho ma- jorty of the huntlns events and fifty ribbons with the keenest competition mtar vrldsy yovmu juoiilitm iknon tiler 1j -ad- qcqhqctown ih u vuuul u u t 0 h m a nlliu uv as utmmsjulfwtie llil hiiim when mil iwmjmp a ltu mi and mia it u uilmi fihu trt vtu iiiooihj for tlulr ii hmi tn tlallsvla ml t l itoe l eniidluu iho with her dsuahlri mm idiueron llltlujwmhl hlah uudt- the knox 0iu mr and aucouter 11 1 xlllur mokitluht stvlests on uunday herald wusptt mrs ivecemltor ii the tlulhl of learn wireless oiieruilntf and win u food salary shswe school 300 vono 8l tor onto has the finest set of modern u iiarutus and lvcs ixsst ins true htm at small cost write for racts i xv ciiicwhon fleo m wfmooneyofguelph uas opened a btore on ualn utree acton whare be will conduct a flu- amlth and atiaet metal bualnesa ordera for hot air pumaoesi and plumblnff will receive special attan- uon nassaoaweva tho 1 o t l ilaxaar wlu be iwjld in the town hall on friday and saturday there ii he booths and at tractions and luncheon afternoon and evening auctioneer kerr held fully successful sale for the ivioe estate in ln last week milch brought from s17 to txlo several of the best of them came to acton a number of persons were disap pointed who went to take trains which were cut off on monday acton is pretty well arved till however with three trains each way east and dr mcallister u o m will be at messrs iteardmore a cos office to vaccinate such residents of beard- more crescent ksyuealn as may apply on monday 8th inac 10 to 10 60 ajn the county council received eleven tenders for the tana ley bridge twenty- year 64 per cent debentures for s20 00 the highest wak that of messrs ilrenl noion co toronto 91 this was accepted ved inman haa boucht a timber limit of 1kooo acres about 70 miles north of lindsay holiburton county and next sprln be will open a camp there to which he will remove his nsihiaaaweya exiulnment cbanexer annlveramry services will be bold next sunday the annual banquet and concert will be held on monday evcnln purina the cyclone on saturday evenlnjf the roof of uf qeore noll is una bank barn won blown off many minor damages were caused through out the township considerable damojre wa done by the wind on haturday nlsht and sun day last there ore a lot of barns and akd unroofed and some doors torn ofltvbeeldes ah in lee stripped oft and a lot of fruit trees have been smashed to pieces or uprooted u one of the worst sales this section has experienced fo years ilex ivofessor johnston of tof onto will preach at beneaer church next sunday mornln- and even in- j vvry profl table time is expected mrs c a darby tt knatchbull ij vtaltlna- her brother mr dan kin bury at bundaa milton j m tneetifuf of the hi be held at the the rcstular womens institute home of atrajf uowit friday iec ember 6 at jo clock ileport of eon ventloo contest with prises served hiverybody welcome mackensie is having a buse addition built in the rear of the hlx- ainbotham store which be has owned tor some time and which bo is having fitted up for his druc store james cottrelle of jcsnueslxut baa bought a house on mill fa tree t from wonder- fr smythe who bought it from mlas huddy lately mi and miss cottrelle will occupy it soon root uiuh jr has sold his farm ird line trafalgar to alfred itogers milton mrs j murray martini street has sold her fine brick residence to mr j j wilson who sold his farm re cently and is retiring- mr and mrs ucktcnxle have been spending- a few days here with her parents mr and mrs a l hem- street the milton methodist sunday school entertainment wlu be held on friday avanlng deoemw 12 the social in knox church school itoom on monday evening was a great success the programme was given by corpl wilkinson and a friend of his mr ilrown of toronto assisted by the urchestru it was a highclass tertainmenl from beginning to end chunplon he didnt salute icvorybody lias hoard the tetegrsphod hy an unfortunatehindu official to account for a delay at the railway station of which be was in charge tiger dancing- la platform he wired apologetically and blame was averted it was not a tiger which an tsngllah captain in the old days al cape colony ontored as an excuse to the angry xrablln authorities but it was iuf animal quite as useful- under tho circumstance ills ship the marlborough had failed on entering table hay to nre the salute uhlch their blah mighti nesses the directors of the butal ihaat india company always jealously demanded as a oonaeuuence she had oorao to anchor than she was boarded by an indignant wharf master who for bade any man to set foot ashore until tho mistake had been rectified was induced however to allow an of fleer to be sent to the castle with uh- explanation the salutu was hot fired the mes sage ran neause wo hod on board tin elepliaut front madras this ele phant has ii ureal dislike of hob and is of j nost viovui jbl osltloii tltero- fore we did hot resort to powder and cud to uxpresj our- riict tut the most honorable directors roaring- last tin ale pliant might be alarmed or i angered and break loose and do touch damajio jlut it u tio oversight ttt lack courtesy but to this beast only that the slleiioe uf nuf bhl1 ls due where fore we- have confidence that tho direc tors will bcorpt our excuses in bow- aldaratloii of our elephant the eaouse was duly accepted al til o ugh there were suspicious 1 hitch men who thought uie elephant himself an excuse and doubted his actual ex istence rock wood although no serious damage oc curred here there were many win dows broken and the inhabitants were in terror while tho storm raged mr wulhun mcmab a neighboring farmer was badly injure mr mo- nab went out to hu burn to fasten the doors which had blown open and while ha was shutting- one a gust of wind struck the door and knocked him some distance into the barn ills face was badly cut and five stitches ware required to close a gash across his nose icrarooaa township was badly struck by ths cyclone the damage in ilia i township will amount to thousands of dollars home of the worst cases re ported are mrs james illack toa line of icrin and emmuu barn un roofed john luter couth of liock- wood bam unroofed ilobert moore north of itockwood and t hutchison ami dlvtrct harris badly danuiged hurgesw and cunningham north of itockwood barn partly unroored w hamilton and u clismbera 4th itock wood ll barns damaged john itrooka liarru hill new steel barn badly wrecked burlington not the truth it la easy to say to men lie origi nal but it is better to say to them he true them is no affectation more disagreeable than a conscious effort at originality it is better to say a true thing- which newts to be said even though u similar thing- has been said before than to seek to attract atten tlon by a striking- utterance which is not the truth tfslected mrs lae left on tuedoy or lhll- adelphla la on u visit to friend mr h lolouat and wife of oregon aooomitatiled by his slater mrs fe slater of watardowil were renewing aimjualntahca in town last wlday at the organ laatioil meeting of the national 1 loyal agricultural winter i valr association held at the wince ueork hotel toronto o monday mr 11 u lsittlt of yteemaii was ehh tod to the dhctorule on tu day mayor u c huiuli ueeve cleaver cr uoorge lllalr o it koenlg and j a iettlt went to turoiito to interview the hecretary uf the railway slid munlial ihtard in resrd to the pruihieej urtiuil area mr anrura kim or hall uft tuestlay for iikeworth h lorldu where they will spend tin next u montluj uth ii nlibliiucalo umi daughter krauoea arriveil boms on saturday after a three months visit to the old country mrs chaa raspberry accompanied by her brother james itoderick of stoney creek left on sunday evenlnk for new york on an extended visit with her stater mrs marty n h cole on thursday evening- us i the uur- lliuxton jnd district victory loan coni- mltteed were entertained at lke hurst villa the beautiful home of mr and mrs w d kutt mr watt hawug- beeit chairman of the commit ta again i this year oaaetta roy hindley auctioneer livk ktock itlal uttatk and ukltcllammk consolidated phone erin 4t 11 r k- x acton notice to creditors or the estate op franklin rawshajaf deceased tim rodltors of krunktln itamshuw into of the township of nsssagaweyti itnllilnau who dlet on or about the twkiity second day of october i a j 9 lire itulnt on or it fore the third dy of juuuasy 1920 t miid by post mi paid or otherwise deliver to tho lliidrilghel solicitor for iho ad ml is tuttnr a uulomenl of their accounts tin until ii of kip security if any held th in stnl full imirtlnilar if their muni s aitilresses and descriptions and notice ls hereby further given thit immediately uftor ilia said third iluy of january 1i0 the said admin islrutof will iiroceed to distribute the uaacits of dm sa id estate among the imrtlrs mttltltn thereto and ha will not 1h rvaponslhlo for any claims of tilth hn shnll not liave received notice t for such distribution ii l ii thu 4th djiy of miiiihi a n iib w camlhon administrator uy n rarrooi- ills hollcttor 33 it the mr i it i this weeks store news at the big store chilttmah llnnderchiefh are in- ycall and iimk them over do your chriatmas inff early notice to creditors of the estate of margaret bauer deceased the creditors of margaret itauer late of the village of acton widow who died on or about tho tenth day of november 1919 ore required on or befom tho third day of january 1b20 to send by ost prepaid or otherwise dellvur to the undersigned solicitor for the executors u statemint of their accounts the nature of the security if wuy held by them and full parti dolors of their nnnvw addresses and deai rlptloni and notion is hereby further given tiiat immediately after the said third day of january 1920 the said executors will proceed to distribute the ael of the said estate among the parties entitled thereto and they will not be reepo risible ft if any claims of which they shall not hnvo received notice at the time met for such distribution alvkki liaukl john daniel 1 auk it kxecutora hy h n iarmer their solicitor s33 shopping early tweed dtchh oodu tlicc rweed aro very good for warm skirts and givq any amount of hard wear and for appearance cannot be beaten cmc in extra wide widtht so it takes only to l yards of matcrin for a skirt lxtru jood value at l50 to 4 25 per yard coatjngh for winter wear we arc now showink a big range of coatings bought early so the price is right the colors arc blues browns and gray mixtures at l2s npd 450 per yartl cord velvclcens4wo were fortunate in getting this line of jord velvcti in brown garnet navy and dadct blu old hose and green 27 inclnwwidc at nccial per yard 1 00 sbrudardyfiirtjngh at 50c per yard these shirtings aro noted for their good hard wear and fast colors heavy weight the next lor will sell for 10c in black with whito stripe a limit ot 10 yards to a customer while they last 50c per yard while saxony flannide tie special at i0c lfwr- dtlf ami aks- n unr spcciatr ioc i5c 40c and 45c pciv yard heavy ac feather ticking at 70c vvhilo licdupreaau lxtra large size at 5x50 and 400 boyk ah wool pullover sweaters in mzc 2h 10 32 and m at 20l 275 and 300 ah wool factory yarn in black white itcd gray blue and mottled a pcuul at 55c sk all wool scotch kirtflfttf in gray only 4 th ik for 55c monarch ijown wool all shades in stock 2 ox balls special at 60c i xtra good values in gray wool han- ncls at 60c 75c and 80c rica good values in table damask at 80c and 150 lixtrn good values in all pure linen towelling h inches wide at 35e yard new advertisements headquarters for wedding and whthday phesents loger 847 ailverwnro knlvoa forks and hpoona jrancy cut aiaaw fancy china we carry ths most completa buhis la town marriage licen8e8 iftsued geohynds acton ontahio i grocery specials choice now currants b icing sugur lb granulated sugar 11 ibb just arrived new irunes dates jjks rojsins peels nulu and mlncemmtleav your order goods l delivered 27c 15c 100 choice kicoy 2 lbs kolled oats 314 lbs 2sc 25c mill street mclean mills we sell for cash we sell for less dm acrtfcic personal greeting cards fresh fish pkettv holly and other christmas designs artisucally lithographed your name neatly printed n text or scripts fine plate card with en velopes to match good choice 1 doz 2 dor 3doz 4 hoi no 1 um j375 s500 wis no 2 z2z l23 600 75 order at once before assortment is broken the acton free press acton ont enjoys an excellent reputation for hlghgrauo business training and for placing graduates in cood positions nter any time wrilu fur cuta- loguo w j elliott prineipsl alex mckenzie wslllnaton street afltoi 1 tlmt hn will luivu a supy of thresh mali i thursdays orders lert at tho uo will receive prompt uttatitlon dresed poultry llent cash prices will imi paid fur ull kimu of lresmel toultry alex mckenzie surplus auction sale the undtrslgiied has been llottriktf1 t m ii liy public auction for shirley watson lot 6 fourth line ksuucaim u mlla and a half cast of acton on tuesday december 16 at o o clock sharp tho rollowingr holthkij t itrown mar yar 1 goldllib 1 yeurq lrclrun gav- inut i mlly 2 youi goc by let ere i kllly 1 year got by leslies horse 1 lty uan 7 years a good driver tattui j lllak cow fl years due in april 1 durham cow 7 years ous in april 1 durham cow 7 ears duo in may i durham cow year due in april 1 durham cow tf wars due in alay 1 urey heifer 3 ar tollk- liiif wfll 1 llluok helfsr 3 years rllk- init w1i 1 durlmin jlelfrr 4 eara milking well yoarllng btrs hprittrf calvos ild 1 itrgutcred orkshirw iw due in march i yorkshire sow with titter of pigs shoats c pigs 2 month old siitfcr lelceatcrs 4 hhlrlln w and i itum a kood one 1 liens and 1 coekervl il ieiikjjttil aeed drill 1 tl- 1 colltshutt plow bvrlj w 1 i i ury plow no 21 1 democrat t wutcon 1 set of bobsliighs i opui buwly 1 cutirr krood as ima l fan ning mill 1 hot of maccun siriiu turning 4 tou ths 1 pig- rats held of whirflelrd 3 tieolokw 1 ilo rruln bugs i lalttvik 1 t r team lum tltiw i set of plow hurnehs mofpu i mid ours tltals 2ot buahels of oal 10u buuh ls of harlvy 4u busltel trlii4 i xlhmt 23 bulieb bulkwbeat 2 hutl j uls tltuothy mkhi u quantity uf luj tr umtj j10 0u und un ler iiud or thai ulnuunf 12 months irvdlt ot up- proved joint holes he grain did rltwl taiill 11 vo iwf e lf utdiutu orr ft cash r j kerr auction 1tioiku 3b acii u ii kiiouuy cterk vaccination notice as required by the act espocting- vucclnallon chapter 219 section 12 und iwcjum here is at least one case of small vox in the towtisbip of ts- ijucalng lunlj of helton live hoard of kralth tit un atunlay and ar culed to strongly advise tboae reaid ingr lo rsuesunc tomuuil only sbo havv nor txrvti aociaated wllbtn a period of wn jfirn as requimj bj law to liruivrt thnahlrnt and ln public at hit by subnittln to beni ucciivaihl ut re arciuud b lliear t to siclan as don as iioealble tor fear j of an epidemic i lor the raamwc uf iiy r ii 1 i in the townanlp and va aa tiir corpora iu h vitnj cc art nksuy cv xj ilrallh tf lb- toimvjl vlj b a4 1r follow inj tlaors on day utj tjiu a in llrted to oc uf r j- inv wiiu an ruiuud u thenv in wanl skeel fvdy te tljoo asa in ww na x mt kurvwi sohael i saturday ditcbr c 3b uj kjs in warel r4 sckool hmmisj to tlso sau awf sit acton sa day 1j s 1sd la ward na at ha u eswuc4 born sckeol ssaday dwswlr 11j to it nsoa in ward ne l at me x sckeel tueeday de k t 10jo em and at swrttes seksej same day u0o ka xzjjo ay stoves heaters wo have ii few good second hand stoves and heaters for sale will burn coal or wood wo also havti sumo good second hand sideboards dress ers etc prichs reasonable le starkman mux street acton hot water bottles a reliable red rubber 2 quart liottle rcrular si 50 or si 75 value special ptrpaid lo ajq kmrrsa st00 add si ox extra for syrtngc atta mc kees trie bi sl drug sfteew guclph oarr ma at cls real estate if yiu luv imw r j kerr twswr thd ai estate oealer hioe zc young strcet acton offt 3 i bujt i lioard of health iv a iivalxistklt mdital offlw of lli farmsfor sale 50 acres tn esquesing township wi miles from norvalo miles from uramiton rhurd k uus full whxat 4 ulws fll olay loam soil invul huid and soft water jf 3 storys h rooii with lurnuce g s b0a 30 tie up 3 horaes utid h bead of m rnlle front solustl 1 tnlle from sjo all wurkabu x ucres ploughed if acres in knaado 4 walls uood rrutno hous cellar llarn no i cosh h cattle guud hog eii ben ho road lhunh 3 mllea lrloe nr itiieliatu u a 9a0o0 tnn arranged 200 acres in estlueslnti township 4 miles from acton 5 milktf prom georgetown- milton 7 miles 10 lines workabbt liauinoe luisturt sltl bu 80 acres fall ploughed clay loam toll good wutpi 2 minings und n well ut house and barn htons house of rooms soft wulnr in jmuw hunl water ut door llarn ttxit on stuns foundation ham no 2 ojti shed ftr cattle in end of barn cow stable 0s4 tie up 1 httari bliiinw stalls running- water in shed for cattle driving- liua ktruw bhed hen hiu und iilrf pen also garage und work shop h hol ui ins the roatl churoh 3 mlloa llural ilia 1 1 aiut trphoit wife ttlvto terms arranged im acres 3 miles itltom georgetown v mile to radial and grand trunk railway ut irw wuikabw luiluli buh und tuixtuiv 3 u rr ur hard 10 ww whsat 3 uty rl pluughod uy loam to kruvlly louiu sol plenty f water hough oust house 7 iimmis tlood iihi l sltaifcd 4xc0 mi stuns foundation shxl ok21 tliup 3w h of tattle s horses 1tg lu under uln dimum huuut wtli in stable ui hool 1 mile church 1 lot oorgotowii 3 lillw frlvphnne lr 7juxx terms tirrangwl 200 acres esquesing township nor val 2 miles georgetown 4 miles id klupui 1b0 lunut workable buume busil tiard ouy loam soil gootl water 3 wells ami u of t rooms ham no 1 ubxiti with new steel roof barn i tie up 14 head of lattle und 7 hoises driving niuh 31121 hliooi lurnilos ifurul null ulli tenhoiiu irhu wjxxi hui buuse 40x30 i house terms willoughby farm agency head office georgetown ont 1 v1 1 vi a al a al al m m i v vl imiebfiy mmwmimiiiiaamiiib xma5 r milligan poultry buyer all kinds or fustdas pttol- try bought hc or dressed w 1 i f a christmas box worth while almost everyone had an uld friend that they remember with v utile sift each year sometime it id quite a problem to know just what to wend to that old friend they are too old tot fooliuh utile knickknacka and well provided with the comfortu and ncceaalt u of life ail a sift for nueh a friend let us offer a uuggeptlon the free press for one year only 1j0 tfak yviir the fkkk tiucs will be luucd on chrbtrunil tnomlne december 25 you llve uil the tuunn uf your friend and tho 150 und on chriatm taornin wo will iuil yopr chriutnuul bok und eiuloed in the tlmt copy of the liftytwu which hey will receive here will be x neut caniutelllnjc them of your heut wiiihed uhd the gift that will continue tu cotne every week through ihe yvatu what could be more appropriate or knore huiuble a reminder of your ihoujfhtfuinedh every week through the coming year and we will me our bent endeuor in maklruj ii clean bright and full of iiiterent from front to hack pane in theo dnyti of hijfh priced whui could be more reaioiutblo either only 150 2 issues addulss the acton free press acton onta1uo innnnnup vuiflh ciru

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