Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 4, 1919, p. 4

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sssflssef v otit is s x wt arton hoi 1 enjoy oiese effusions of whllcorob rileys tiii1iihiay 131 islllr ii 4 lit comfort giving nly u luu wurin haml htsp only u 1 iiir liinr am ih wrltr littl know an nlii 1 lined the loving message it hi k hint it won i i do only i mi lrl n rew in hi li rrutruit imubjty mini hut tin khttfkh hourt if row mulct 1 lllc 1 with iiwm t nmwnl only tb wi til rrsive mo 1 in i rry i kiidvixi you dear hut liuiu un 1 hoartucho vanished ami lovo showed run and olww the old han op the big clock towkh i aurely did ome rocking around on saturday night up hero in the tower my old pen quivered and msac miiny a blot ilut the roof stayed over my head and t w lura thank ful fur thut iva felt many a high wind blowing ovor acton but iiiuny a your since i nw the equal of kuturduy big it and not being as mmlnlscent on weather conditions a on other local affairs i don t believe i it vr recollect of such s wind the clock tii here soemed lo quiver and not know whether to go ahead or not everything in the street below seen tn a swlrl the heavy part of the gale wan over in about ten ml nut but all night ions and all day sunday the constant wall of the wind was a re minder of that ten minutes if the hlch winds are going to be frequent in acton i will be forced to mora my guarkrfi nearer to the around hy spare my blushes please though i am old and amy headed the blushos still oom profusely when un duly kind things are said listen to tltls expression from kind hearted old acton boy whose can 1st head carries with pride the snows of many winters which came in the editors mall the other- morning kdlmr vxm itm hir i venture to soy that there is probably nothing in the annals or tradltlon of acton un reminiscence or folk loro more absorbingly interesting to the few survivors of a generation that lived loved struggled and served lis day and which is gradually step nine off the stage of time in acton than the weekly remlnlsoense of the old man of the hlg clock tower would take a great load off our minds j mr iditor if you would just whisper his name tor i am sure every old actonlan and their descendants are sitting up nights guessing as to his identity i would venture a guess my self but i believe it is not exactly in accord with journallstl etlauette to betray the identity of a writer who prefers to assume a nom de plume bo x must not be guilty of prying into his personality ilut i just want to tell johnny 11 there 1 came very near letting it out alter sll just going to say that if he does not soon com out of his shell and relieve our anxiety we will some of us likely be in th asylum however i hope he ii insist on mary sticking to her knitting and continue himself to pea hut interesting reminiscences they have greatly refreshed our memories end helped us to recall sad menially live again amid the scenes and with the friends of auld lang syne we certainly owoj the old man our gratitude not only for the won dcrful record of archaic acton his tory its places people and events but also for the quaint old fashioned terms and nuyincr a an ancient story teller sitting on a nail keg or nuulbox- with a fast old cronies around tbo stove in tho grocery store he must be a sympathetic generous soul who stored uway and preserved such a marvellous fund of reoouec tlons to delight us now as we wander lower und lower down the other side of the hill of time 1 hi ink these interesting weekly contributions should be preserved in pamphlet form i am sore every one of the old guard especially as well as future historians would be gigdj jo have a complete copy to refer to an1 peruse occasions 11 yr they have ana will have s nil value think one of their chief value u uut they recall to our tutodsjraany name faoes and incidents which the roll of years and the ravages or time had almost ob literated and watch we do not wish to forwet names and faoes which we perhaps did not tit those ear tier years oompreheod how vrraly they were building into our live snd affections but which now in the autumn of ou- tves and snows of many winters have done their worst or best upon us we look up at the dial on the mental clock which johnny x i mean the old man has set ujyand which afsry helps to wind and our minds go bark and our hearts go out in joy or in fond recollections of the dear neighbors snd friends of the acton our youth we know now we wi building better than we thought or real 1 sod hut nothing has amused the writer inure than the relating o the delight fully novel plan to have percy catch the measles and the suggested price s penny just think of that and tike present ll c i hut pennies were pounds in those days compared with to day and percy s mother was a frugal woman mo doubt lercy or any of his relatives or friends would have been entirely wilting to take measles or uhvlhlug else un nuch eou honilcwl terms a peiuiyl gee whist it always costs me er i mean it used to cost me several boxes of choco utes and nun dry ice creams and i dldu t get any measles either there i d better atop or i may grow rem in laoent myself and give something sway orillla november 17 in x v and heres siiother a lady whs spent her girlhood in at too writes to tho editor when renewing her sub script ion tor another year i will relieve my mind and jny purse at once by sending you my renewal i enjoy the papers visit every week very much now 1 nearly always spies my letters with s dash or two of poetry as i fancy it improves th and the reader gets other brands of thought snd wisdom thsu mine i think the old man in the clock thai o why i lovo old friends tho best ilecauno they re so abiding if i won built tn uvo for keeps my principal residence would be among tlis ones that keep you always thinking of you r and klndu ii iiin all the time to toll km how you lovo em that v ti ry aire inauly thrown in here ismfko a diamond in a coal mine i would 1 1 wo to tell you what a fine family i have a family that i family hut will resist the temptation and keep lo the overworked subjects such as tho weather what a lovely fall we have had kggs vht egg like oysters a teak and fowl are but m memory this comes under the ix c of i and i have another start xa that junt fits in hare you may not be a bio to see tho connection just at first but you will aftrr i have juggled with it a little hero tt la the poor benighted hindoo he does the best he klndo he sticks to his caste kiom first lo lost and for clothes ho makes his sklndo un t tltut a perfootly lovely ve it lookii at prent at though we would almost have to adopt the costume of the party mentioned ir clothing keeps on ilnrf up indeed there are some who ore not very far frcm ll now trusting you and the old man will overlook any seeming levity and kind ly remember yours truly mlth jane smith lenslng november 26 1910 as was shown in one of my early articles referring to mill street bis tory the fine brick patterson ii lock which now provides so satisfactory home for tho kank of nova scotia mcjvnery a tuvana meat market and two commodious residences was for many yoars occupied by a stone hotel the erection of this welt remembered hotel was commenced by the late simeon anderson but he died before its completion he hod kept hotel in a ids building which was supplanted nearly fifty years by the dominion hotel erected by the late robert ag- new upon mr anderson s death his executors the la to dr n mcqarvtn and james cameron had the building completed the first landlord of the new premises was john wallace who afterwards went to milton and kept the wallace house where the hotel mcglbbon now stands the stone hotel had numerous landlords thomas clark kilos clark thomas campbell james campbell q c clark a roach a biggmr and was anally destroyed by fire about ten years sgo it somewhat remarkable that nearly all other parts of the building were gut ted and the contents destroyed at tho fire hut the barroom in the northeast corner remained almost intact until the fire was over the contents however suffered after tho names had been sub dued it is related that one winter night between fifty and sixty years ago after carousing during the day with a number of others in the bsj- of this hotel a resident of nassaga- weya left for home in the evening tery much under the influence of liquor but accompanied with a jug of whis key he got slang the wmy u far as own farm got out of his sleigh with the jug and proceeded to his fence where he evidently tried to climb over but was unable he was found thjro later covered with enow with the jug beside him but froxen to death after the fire mr nell patterson purchased the property and built the fine block which bears his name upon the adjoining lot where j3r coxes commodious new brifk garage is in course of construction it is related that acton s first grocery store was built it was conducted by mil ler hemstreet he called it the danville grocery after doing busi ness here for a number of years he uft acton and finally nettltd in cleve land ohio there wss also located on this lot a log building in which the late john o connor had a shoe shop with his residence in connection think this is where john o connor of chicago who was hire a couple of weeks ago was born at any rate he spent his boyhood tys in the home there and left acton when hb was about nineteen the dominion hetefc where the ilyder a mowat aiovsffao tory now stands was erected by the isle jlobert agnaw it was always a popular travellers home i will try and recall some interesting items of local history associated with this hostelry in next issue the old man the friends that 8tav by us in juno the roses wero everyday blessings for a matter of three weeks- more or less tho sir was leavy wllh that s wee lest of all perfumes and the rosebushes were laden with blossoms snd every morning the lawn was strewn with delicately tinted lietaln kalry boats thoy looked sail lug over a sea of green clover hut after those few woeks if you wan tod roses you had to go to the hothouse for them and pay the florlals price it is another story when we talk about the pansles since early spring the little bed on the north side of the house was bright with those most human of blossoms and until late in september they kept steadily with their blooming we have often seen them smiling saucily up at the desc snowaakes brave little hearts ease rightly named then there are tho geraniums wrdeb we were inclined to scorn earl hir in the season their hearty honest bios some looked commonplace enough compared with the roses the nxssi have been gone this five months nm the geraniums which we have takei indoors are still blossoming with tire less abundance their healthy leaves and luxuriant blossoms will gladden many a day when the outside world is a waste of white and the eyes weary for g toueh of color in the landscape we are rather unfortunate if we choose our friends exclusively from the rose garden varieties however gracious and charming they may their sweetness is not lasting th greats r part of the year we m si do without them altogether and um month that is a dream of fragru c- and beauty cannot make up for hav ing the other eleven bare and desolate- take the year through snd the flow ers that stay by us ore the flowers we prime and the friends on whom we can depend through the four eees sons are the friends best worth buv j ing whether or not they have thf charms and graces of others they navo the chars cterix tics which in friendship is the highest recommendation tho quality of steadfastness tellxabelh perry peck no protection uurpby did you hear that poor tim rosey in dead and left all he he 1 to the ierry ioor houser o flaherty no and how much dl i he have 7 murphy a wife and ten children i wllh consistency a great soul has imply nothing to do he may as well c men r n hlmtelf with his shadow on the wall kmerson xllve us courage and gaiety and ihe quiet mind hpsre us to our friends sorten us to our enemies liless us if it may be in all our inno cent endeavors itopert iuis utev enaon w pliilp tesoher of piano violin and other string inetuments alho pi pr oltqan will visit acton on wedneeosy of each week until further notice pupils prepared for conservatory examinations messages left acrox fas psxss office will receive prompt attention bargains in canned goods mcenkby evans special prices tor this weekend host lied hulmon worth boo 42c link ha i mo n iwjlf una 18o corn 20 pees w ibs tomatoes 22a pork and ilea ns 3 cans 2ao vegetable soups 1 car is 2e lanka tea canada s best and newest brand 75c ludesu hell coffee lb tins 70c i lb tins 3ftc cured meats hams umoked half or whole 36c hmoked ii 11a half or whole 32c ho rendered lard choice beef pork and veal always on handour own killed stock buy oiiken o hound bonb and makb your hens lays mcefiery evans actorj meat market main street the birth of a great hymn wo are told that when george matheson reellxod that he was going blind he wrote a letter to his fiancee offering to release her from her cov ensnt of love because of his certain blindness to his surprise and deep regret she accepted the proffered re lease tho young poet preacher was lilunged into a veritable oelheeemann of sorrow in time however his foet found the hock of ages he became u ware of another who was aciuslnui with grief he went to his desk and in the travail of his soul a great hymn was born more snd sick at heart for ihe lovo mint hsd let him ro hasrrole o love that wjji not lot mo go i rest my weary noul in thoe i give thee back the life i nwi thai 1q thine ocean depths t now may richer fuller xi then as victory ovr his impomjfcig miction found utterance he wrote tttat wuidorfil second slanxa a pray erof resignation with which few of us co ild face the dnfcit and dlsap point men l of blindness o ijght that followed ull my way i yield my nickering torch to thee my heart restores its borrowed ray that in thy sunshines blase its day may brighter fairer be o joy that seekesl me through pair i cannot close my heart to thee 1 trace the rainbow through the rain and feel the promise is not vain that morn shall tearless be and flnalty conscious of the srtlrlt of victory in him who transformed the cross from s symbol of defeat to an emblem of supreme victory lie pen ned the closing lines o cross that llftest up my head i dare not ask to fly from thee i lay in dust life s glory dead and from the ground there blossoam red ufa that shh endless be claude allen mckay i truck ton choice groceries 1 and provisions iuve you tried mtdoosalts for frasb groceries and frab finite and right price mrs jennie mcdougall mill street acton ont guelph business college herald dldq quelph iwuir tl stamp of ap pitoval of tho balntt pub lic our eounws ftr pracuoal our method arw thorough our oiulpmnt la dqut our liwtruclom are pcljit to meet tho demand for thoroughly competent help we need you in training spmial propoeiilon till dcrrtbr 1 w1ut1 to lay oh cajj a douck principal war bond interest coupons and cheques cashed free tbo merchants bank will cash all war loan coupons or interest cheques when due on presentation without making any chariro whatever for the service v u you have not a savinfra account why not use your interest money to open ono with this bank th mcrcmant5 bank hedoff of canada acton branch georgetown branch eatabllshad 1864 u shorey manager h r m1mms manager 10 hot water average folks a roan may be too toll for ihe army as well as too short he may be too hesvy as well as too light young people of average attainments some times feel themselves at a disadvan tage compered with some brilliant friends they wish they hsd tom s taste for mathematics or phils won derful voice or george inventive tsl ent the role of an average fellow just about as amort as other people seems to them a very insignificant on but after all the world can get along without its geniuses very much better than without its plain everyday clu- setv what would u great general be worth without an array edison might keep on inventing till the end of his days but if there were no work men in overalls to make the things be invents what good would it dot and most of the people who buy the finished product are pot wonderful in any respect just plain folks the reason so many young people are mode uncomfortable by realising thai they are just about the average in respect to endowment is that they undervalue the human race they think the average nun is a very in significant trersun they have m poor opinion of his brains snd uf his heart too and this is where they are wrong take the current proverbs in any country and study them and you will be surprised ut the wit and wisdom compressed in them hut as s rule they were ot the invention of genius they are just the wisdom of the common people irystaltlxed into sentence tl oomraou sense of uie average man u a pretty high average after sjl as ror his heart well fath ers and mothers are about the com monest things there are but there lent m country on earth where fatherhood snd motherhood do not stand os the ideals of tenderness slid protection as u fattier pltleth his children tike one whom his mother comfort eth every race understands buch words without any elucidation to be an average maii or woman means thut you will nt in nywhi that you will da your share of homely dot lea und have your share of simple pleasures uiat you will love and an honor and a joy hot be careful very carerul that in your rexetwiat you called to be endowed with especial talents you do not fall below the over agr ktlnier h hrown let us all boost if your neighbor is pros porous let hits prosper lon t grunt growl or grumble say a good wurd for him and let it go t thill dunt be s knoeksr your turn will come no man is the whole show if you see that the town is moving along nicely feel good about it help things slang shove a llttlj try to get some of the benefit yourself don t stand sjrotftui like a chilly old cadsvsr oont wests time feeling sore because some fellow has a little more sand and sense than you have u u little hustling your self dont tie a knocker bottles 69c of red rubber guaranteed for 1 year i leg jfto to s200 winter fair special g b ryan co j store closes at 530 owen sound djerkis talcum 29c bjerkiss talcum lewder j reg sc- winter fsir special most important values at- ryans mens store mens suits and overcoats 2300 and 2700 worth 28x0 and 3200 bargains for winter fair week which will turn pennies into dollars such is the magic of our stores preparations for hustling uusy winter kslr which commences friday ending krlday december 13 we cordially invito you to visit oar slor we want you to be at home there- large complete stock your command december to inspect of christmas merchandise at your leisure snd to remember that our a lore servioo is a i way a at buying suit or overcoats is a problem these days if you are looking tor quality and style without paying high prices just a word then about our two price clothing system we bought early enough and in such urge volume to assure us the best pos sible value at the lowest possible pnee small profit snd large turnover is our way- consequently wo have the kind of clothing men like live wide awake styles developed of fabrics that mean long service youll find good patterns in boyd caldwell and harris tweeds humphreys pure wools and forbes worsteds all sues co mo sec for your self 2300 and 2700 easily worth 500 to 17 00 more from factory to wearer mens pure wool sox 29c iteres a wonderful chance block up on these wonderful grey ellwool socks which ore rnmde from strong selected yarns with double heel toe end sole are perfectly seamloss snd have ribbed tops these ore extra special st the ridiculously low price of 200 2 225 lounge sbirtfa 159 our mens wear buyer made a lucky factory purchase s few months ago of a large consign ment of lounge shirts they are made from a good range of strong durable and desir able rabrlca in many liont put terns smart syles snd pretty colors blses 14 to 17 worth 2oo and ii m winter fair specj1 lio- mens over 159 another sgu enables us to bargain in a good black denim overall have suspenders bib months nsr this wearing they two top and one hip pocket and double stitched seams in else s 44 if iiuri vssed to day they aliould ssll at u3 winter fair special 115a mentf heavy work shirts 159 made from high quality buck and white drill ere these strong durable and service able work shirts which tale ull wa claim tor them un i more they havo sott utttuhod oollsrs and were purchased months agtf hiim 14 to it if bought today they would sell at 12 do winter fair bpeelsl pr4es 1m mens winter underwear 145 kuiiai two pleoe winter underwear a guod heavy weight garment shirts and drawers ulaes 94 lo 41 hold regularly at ii is pr gsr tnents winter fair bpeclsl prloe 14 boys leather mitts 29c a mpetlal rttutory purchase a hij uusl ity leather nil warmly lined with lnlttod wrist batid worth 40o winter fair special fries 20 our entire stock of womens and childrens untrimmed and tailored millinery below half price untrimmed shapes our on tire stock of untrimmed volvet shapes iletf worth s3 0o to s7fi the average value around 15 00 to lssr during winter fair weak at 05c end tailored hats our entire block of banded huts rnutiy uf which are of juuern ilush snd vlbtllne uhd worth irym 1600 to slo bo on an average of 7 ao each to clear wlrrbr fair week at 1 95 and zjs childrens hats our entire slock of children s velvet alid felt hats which are tastefully trimmed and worth rrum 36 to 3 m will be divided into 3 group and priced et boo bsc snd 91 is sale of womens and chil drens velour hats in black nnd stai le colors of beautiful rich quality velour ouf complete stock to choose from i teg t ladles vekkir hats fo- fsjtt lteg 7 5 chll drens velour hats for 9s6 ask te see our exclusive new vork millinery it is psrtleulsriy select gloves and hosiery ryan gloves lur women aliases and chores are noted fur their good quality service and complete assortment upane doee not parcoli of our listing sale lines in either uloves or hosiery a wonderfully vanry hosiery be hosierv cumplrta stock uf hlaplo our novelty sllka exceptional offerings in ladies readytowear blouses lingular 14e4 and is m lingerie hab- utal and novelty silk and georgette waists all blses winter pso si tus silk poplin dresses hmart new styles in navy taupe and black 41so i only all wool serge dress es in navy and black lteg 17 so a it w winter fair sale 14j6 silk poplin skirts taupe navy grey brown and black lteg sc0 winter fsir sale j6- messal1ne silk dresses in navy green and black stylishly knado and trimmed lteg i3m winter fair sale sisjb in striped percale rest styles open down back a aor vioeable utility dress or all over apron reg 1 7fi winter fair sale 9c smart winter coats of velour tiolivls and blanket cloths 4n colors grey navy fawn and plum snd ilurgundy reg 13 winter fsir sale black taffe- tine petticoats hises 34 to 38 un bailed with a fancy twolve inch flounce hog 33 00 winter fair sale k23 dresses of all wool serge also 1 yptian taf- fota ik west stylos in navy taupe snd bluck sixes 18 years to 43 i ust ileg 33 and 5 winter fair sste 2240 see our complete range of high class street afternoon and even ing gowns exclusive blouses fashionable uklrts and luxurious oouts also kimonos silk iwtticoais etc u rnd und bit 4c staple values glass tea towelling s checks 33 lnlit uldu its winter fir huck towels fcirst class quality nicely hemmed nil ij ml i 1m by 36 11 i 3c winur fair speolsl 25c each a huck towels hemstitched huck union townls blao 1m by 3s itogulu st winter fsir special s7c cradle blankets reuy deaurns in pink and blue hl 30 by 40 ituguur 11 k0 winter fglr ssle tl ib j flannelette blankets 349 while rtsnnelette hlskikets ibex brand with plrtkund bluo hol ders xlse 73 by 14 lteg ft 00 wintsr fsir sale 1340 mens sweater coats 595 a apt la i purchase uf men a good sturdy sweater ousts in colors plain grey liuvy brown snd oxford they have two itootsts and closely ribbed cuffs and ihey re wurtu and well- msde complete in sixes silo 44 lteg 7 bo winter fsir special price 5-so- i e x e3 x ess x am x rs3 x tra x v i 3xaxeaxr3xeixe3xe3xcsx2slx womens knitted underwear ladies cotton vests with draw funds ileg 7tc sale prtce 5c ladies l hon vests ueg 1 wt ssle 1jjft ladies ribbed wool and union ve8ts- 31 it sale prtce 1jw ladies fine cotton vests ueif 1 t0 sale price ladies fleece lined vcsts u- es ills ii c sale price 11 16 ladies bilk and cotton vests in xiitds 1100- 11 71 bale pries i dress goods and silks oechine- range of lteg y iuullty 4u winter fair special 2 black ad white striped mes8alin silk 33 inches wide i leg w wlnur fsir ssle 1jb9 poplins and crepe fatllehilk an i wool fabrics 40 inches wide diltereut shades lug 33 eu wlnlf fair sale 2j all wool serge 3d inches widu lteg 1 s sau priee ia7 wool armu1r 43 lnchs whh in nuvy myi lllsck lteg 1 to sale price 210 poplins a cotton ami wool tuuturu 3d iirii oolor vsnge lteg 31 1 bale price tvc wool serge bo in mil sale prloe 121s tuiifcui of ului li iltes wide illlfunnt thiliql luu lingerie silk camisoles iwiuty art lrs uf silk sh i lace in nixes 5 to 44 lug ii st sals price ibc p c corsets of good iiuallly white cvutll 111 medium high all i low bust some have elssll i to ik long aklt t an i bias cut lteg 11 10 sal pries bo dent fall le see our extensive stock of esolueive imported lingerie it will help you salve the gift problem sod you will net find its superior bungalow aprons 69c uu l of good heavy prints in stripes un i hecks iretty light slaadea blses 3i to 43 lteg lc winter fair sau ribhons laces veils duchess satin ribbons in 3 4 und j luch widllis heg 40c 1 us 7 valuos fur laces lo 14 inches wide 81 price bo slip on veils fcottlu bimclal at 7c kuxelxufint ws3xii xlsj ihx xiii ladies sweater coats all wool plain knit sweaters factory clearing lot of fcttmdtf with sailor uollars and bolts orm whiti snd mslxe also whltu with r y vol urs reg sul50 coats for btto 11o casts lor td and 1l50 coats iw allwool mai2e sweaters iraiicy stylos with whlli un i bluik trimmings lteg 313 10 sale w6 all wool sweaters in the latest nporty styliut in pretty shsdbs reo l4ao coat for 9m regfllfio mu for 103o rrxbmxssssnsuxs2xts2xl

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