Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 4, 1919, p. 2

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mmii ayxyysgryvcl4vwv ir w wmuu nf yiy w n hfcwfeifmtvir 4 4 v ljpartmt3frwlrt0 multldav niucimltfil 4 hub head the ads i unytlih i iii vfh tin i tin u in iilly hi o i to hull lu i tin ml king i tmlr r llsli r 1 llll llxli i unytllni yi it wisli or u i it of utliul s 111 l or- u hit iimi hirkora lc r tli hi 1 hi if hio lid it ml ii nlif if you van h ut luce t bo himl ho ails f you wunt i j oo bliuw lu u1 tin una u y u llki t tuko u rtw liny u i lu lifork i r u ihmi if yo i 1 itusu die wind to blow hum 1 ho uila k tlier i w 4inythliik you need lliuid tho u la 14 111 11 n ii r lurtlon wood hum i l ho uila yu 1 till it ii t liuvn to lxg mid plead imkm your spirit bleed j us i l kl tlm tilings you need itntid ttto ails if you want to buy a fcnoe hand the nils muuo notne dollars and eomo cents itaarf the ads win tlior you urn wim or danse it will mulii no difference you i4i net your recompense i tend the ada w o u in quince ii1- journal loo that talking about ono borrow to a nytnimlliikor mode it easier to bear mho win hod this forlorn girl would talk to hor uut how could alio make hort at ui ut the lima cam when ann null i luy no longer hho put thhirif uml nturtotl for the door wnn cloning uio door behind her when li htunl a rumli within oinn luh oh tome backl the ulrl rrloil i can t int you go till 1 tot you i vf wanted t tell you for three d lys 1 vo pot to tell someone and you loolti 1 as though you d under stand ann wont iwck thi girutsul down in l ho ltd together un 1 ami put her tirni ul ul luiwlo n v lull aim ill lent o lamor wi which lf holt the third time that after noon ann davuon was aware that the girl at the counter across the aisle was looking ut hor hho smiled a faint greeting hut the gklujado no response ho iiorly ikfcped hof ey hn evident mthri iiissrrnwit she lud chestnut adored le yjih long ljyihea a pretty ann vh0ujih a far hoc sad xprosslon there vore hallow rwth them which showed too fn the d1b nipfaqe of the plainly i wonder whether small faoc merely ipilipp- -h- m blck or yho shook out ann thought as vroldwed chl- tre hleoe of em- lo fir tiso finicky cua- wgpjrtts whom she uimsh- she succeeded at tine two yards of the fabric was of m shade that had nevetr popular if any gtrl could sell anything thai girl was ann she tiaii hail four years experience bhe ud nta luva her work but she dls- churgihl it us tttceptobly as she could vr knplntf in mind the act that iiho liail to live and this was the 1 hl way 11p4il to iter an hour later aho put on her bjacfc velvnt liat her serge coat and pot ton llovus und added her erect solid younjr person to tho stream of work u day humanity that flowed through ilonry htroel it was raining lightly ann had po umhrellu and she walked very fast hoping to cover her seven block tmiforo tho shower became any heavier hut she was obliged to turn into a florist tloorway if she had not been tired and hun gry fur mrs iloblnsons dinner sho would have ukod very well to stand thorv for a fow moments looking at the display of cut flowers bbe had for u moment lost herself in gaxlng hho was not even iware that otier lhopa like herself caught unfuarded by the rain had crowded in about hor until she hoard a sob at ber illiquid ur hho turned and familiar whit aheek and chestnut colored oyo with a lark hollow under and llitmle told her h as a dfl rul ntory of poyorjy and iigrdahlii rnd svinralion ilosntfl warmer and hor bn ihor had romo to the cly from tho tounlry l4cuao there was nothing for them to do in tfta plaoe whra they lived thoy wer itmbhlqurt gnfl full of hpo and oourogo at flral they kept house in two roomo and turn inrned onoufth far thorn ioi he dldn t want mo to work uoa- slo mild itp sniii n was a poor hrtithcr that could not take ooro uf hhl utile sister 1 trld iq make it up t him by saylmf yry ov4 i ooum then une itay he came hom looking so unhappy that i knew hed lost his job before hs told me next day he turtotl out to find u now one and 1 did too i got a place in the store liut tom dover found a place at all ila gnw awfully blue and ho just about wore out his shoes walking my tl would n t koep us both and we nya up about all wed saved xa- n day ho told me ho was kx4p west u find llob o uymo liaudo flusbed iloh wont wont and uiade goxaj u always had wanted tom to oumo out there hit led to buvti tom go but i mad up my mind i wouldn t say a word kop i knew hob would look out for him lius that kind bob is hhe lauc1 well we divided the money wo had loft ovon and i packed tom a lunch- bo and wo uld goodbye that was six weeks ago to night and io nttver heard one word from hl iiofe hhe covor1 hor faro with hq vf hudlonly sh laoks1 up 3 until then x hdn v aawy worrtsd hut si tho tw lmmi4l wiwn i ought u luivy beard from one or th other of thvua lm nearly iid 1m to some xttaer y letter 1 don t larrys ladder iarryh business career begun k a ikiii boy ht the albion lmlly hotel and ho lost his position when urn mccabe tost a turquoise ring thero hor w nothing wliatever to connect jlho larty with its dlsappc irunce he had brought mr- mccabe a telegram tl morning and otood waiting i hor room waiu ahe wrow the answer mr mccabo insisted that th ring was on the drraser thai morning and l was certain that when h returned loto in the day after lunchlrur with o frlanil tle ring was mlnslnir tho people who knew mrs met nbe s cajo les ways thought u probable y vvj was entirely mlntaken n swain the ring that morn bur b that aid aid 111 hr ve irry 1tm oooeasary u apeaao mrs mccahe and irry was discharged though the manager nuwed a two dollar bill a idr wcfck waoo and wuhed him lur www m tt m tt look as lha manaoeps t wuhog would i uu thon one day it it was the girl ut the oppoaltaooun tor who sold ribbons so badly that there had been a rumor about her be injf discharged some day she ha 1 hor lux ml kerchief to her now and ubovo tt sho was blinking- at a jar of sweet paus which ann had not notlct at all so much more obvious were the roses and lilies and orchids tho sight of tears melted anns heart hho know what they ware if anybody over did they had beguii for her whan her rather died and aho was turnod out to battle tor herself hho to ii hod the girl s shabby shoul der arn t they prctlyt she mur mured tho iflrl did not start bhe merely ttudded and choked then ann sow tluit sho had an umbmlla said won dorod wlut was waiting th re for t lovj tho lilies best- ajin sold hitl ju it id softly cllloi are the liutut urn ng tho rtowors and 1 lovi tho wwrf w tho llrl slghoil a hun looked hard st hor ana ann draw her close liefs yvalk un it r your umbrella while you loll lio ubout it sho said gently yon imuiiii ut mrs mccuntocks don t your thuts right on my wy ive u room there ihw gtrl said hho rulwxl br umbmlla but she held it so utimtoudlly that attn took it away rrom hor i boanl myself ssoept or my luniliits ovr tho gus jot uld you vwl d lhatr 1 did it for two yours u lunt w hail if you know how itut 1 l it t know how tho girl in urtn ured forlornly ann smiled t gusas that 1 d bet tor go home with you and show you sho suld hliu stilled regret for uio roust mutton and potatias tihull it lk you want tnov will your uskod tho girl eagerly uho almost paused to stare at ann wuul i you like somo creamed eggif of frlutlod dried beefr ami uskod afraid ixh hn plam und ulvuts knw wlutt 0it- iid ni t know what r beyond ono thing it would wl do to leave tho girl alone among- slrangors with her trouble eating ber very life away hho thought of her tl3 a week and uio 8 000 that had come to her from her aunt kato and which was simply piling p interest in tho savings bank bhe could afford to b philanthropic if she chase i 11 toll you sho said you come over to mrs uoblnaon s with me and share my room it lias a double bed nl 1 ii mako it all right with mrs iloblnson 1 ack up your suitcase and oams along now what you want la company it want do for you to get aick from grieving und loneliness i m ure nothing has happened lu your brother if you don t hear something day or two wo ii investigate uut certain of that hho took ilesaie homo with her ann s room was warm and cheery and big enough for thtm both and she holiw uesslo out un the board bill too you jn pay me later aho imlm il doesn i matter anyhow can be aw rich as croesus if t want to bo within u week i less io warder was a different gtrl ann had inspired her with hope und mrs iloblnson s good cooking had done the rest bhe bgan to sloop und smile and rtutlly as l retty and lovable as kitten any day now you may hear from tom ann uncouraged constantly ann belloved it herself unknown to uesslo she had written to bob 0 ilyrno at his lost address and asked tha postmaalof to forward tho letter to him wherever he was one night when she and hassle home togathor ann pounced upon tha mall us was nor custom and there was a letter tor her bearing a strange postmark her heart began to pound but she tried hard to appear normal i guess wo re late ahe said ttun on up and get ready for dinner 1 ii bo there lu a tnomc bho turned into the parlor and opened her letter h was from uob o ilyrno und tt told the whole story tom had got within soo miles of him when ho was taken sick and had to enter a hospital it was typhoid fever und ho had com near dying tha nurse had found o ilyrne s name and address among some papers and had ent or him und ho had stayed with tom right through as soon as he got bettor be tnmdo mo promise not to lot lies i wnow fcb wrote and anyway i dldn t get the latter shu wrote it must have one to tho office with my business mull which i left with my stotiograh m to handle hut yours uun i an worry for ull the trouble that this has naustnl 1ui4 lleuso toll her mlss uvloii that tom is on hu foot now and will wrlto to ht himself in ivi day ann jlmbod tho stairs two at time only when uio wuji in ittjaakw lroii- did sh urb herself lost the joy imj ton groat tunis loiter umv hoxt day ho was gohitf hoino with hob und hob had itut ml i u job ho ouilood y glo bill for luimwla ho voutd dot say enough ubout hob uiil his kindness f in kt t on sanding tnoiiay iiimijii 1 rmitly sho hud u intom hi f owfj ulid sottleil down in groat olttuiiinlant just ucruss tho hall from rim lots go 11 hum und loud up mrs lublnsoi ol i bum uf u board ing housii was hud enough but tin tall looming bouse with its plgnuti holu ctnupurtiitontu for rooms was tho dreuriiut plulrf one oul 1 lmagln ann oliinlnoi throo flights with hessio warder boforo thoy mluit to tho rootil under tho skylight while the girl was ugbtlug tho gus and taking off hr coat ann managed to gat her breath baolc and how whoru u your saucepan r sho vrlod usyiy it was u utonsll thut told of many liullnury dufoats in it ann read rooord of thut luunuleas horobun uf trying to live on si doluirg s week lt own twelvu socmod u fortune thoy had booth frlaslod bef and croumtnl oggs ann hod contributed tho eggs thoy ul on the instalment plan the girl with such eagerness thai ann s hmrt was touched fair ly starved lxor uttla thing sho thought t loally believe tbst s ths first moul sho s hud in days- 1 saw her uuttng u suiulwloh and drinking water ut tha rgostaurant tho other noun 1 wondoi 1 wondurl if wus evident thut even lu tha luthiiai y of natlug salt log other tha klrl i nea ut to toll ann nothing- it wus not us thuugh sho bad a ssoret to hlda rulhor it was us though sho liad a tin ri bis sorrow which site could not bear to speak about ann knew ann wuh christmas untved both tom un i huh thoy had iomu ucross tte lutes to spend the blessed aw with tho girls huth u week as that wual just befurs it ended u loll ann that slie unit ltob wr gugnl ho luuniott to bnrd to7 i hurt oh inn i m so hapi j ann was hui py uw vir she twit sh luj bud a yoward greater tliajn uho svr exivooli honor not honors in iclltu w bullous poetlo tribute o theoiloro ltoosovnlt ori ur those wunls mini who liuve loved right inorti than osso und honor ubovo lion or a youth coul 1 hardly do batter thuii to tuko that lino us u guide tor his patriotism tho txfsy way is ths way t compromise our ideals audly luutillaletl bocauso it is such hard work to stand fur them in their entirety to 1 vo right room ttian oase aieans inviting i criticism and mlsuinlijrbtunding but it ba the roans way nevertheless iut honor above honors there man who reach high phi cos lu public life by sacrificing principle borne of thani utter very noble sentiments re gardlng patriotiam who huve not heel luted to got ubead by purchasing the eitpiort of the unscrupulous and have taken udvantage of their iiosltion to make themselves rich ths men who put honors above honor are a roenaoo to fnm goveroment in all the world dd not ba ambitious for eas btruggle toward the right no mattar how stoop the way make honor not ihinors jyour goal uqd whan uie first is achieved all the honors worth hav ing will b yours wanted in the window duhwwlv r waioj ho entered and applied tor 2h jon any ftperienor- brufny r jsd larry said cioan t- after about throo washing ijrry ur nnd that a dlsii- mortilruf walker had failed t prt hlma do you km thing abou nyuwng on a table vaa domands of him l done larry re led hd it dldn v steas uko a bard jot kt lhlm iproli and toko the tubulin thi corner and the ono net utrry never returnod to dish-wash- in u was oainat mr jenks prln rlplos over to anyone but to himself ho ack nowiodged that tho boy was a jewel wwj bnd tt0 nble his to was excellent best of a wa- p humored ari3 the pat a tho mt pjaon uhod him irr congratulated himself over m notsnotlon he really enjoyed th oris in thn restaurant he had a llktruc for mtrvtce a young report or on the morning feratd tre quently dropped into mr jenks resurant for a meal not be he preferred it to the other eat- ng- place ot tho city but because it ws corjv to many of his usslgn- bwiufc tend lcausn tbn prices suited lun pocket book hn como oftaner nur h mado yarry s uciuslntanca tjily bright fooed young fellow who always seemed so unxlous to know horw ho had liked his stew or who in s lowered volco woul 1 tcoirniwnj the veal tronuottert as first rale to day kave the cheap on lint place a cortalu homelike atmosphata it ntmm ta b un unjstood thing that jack tancy wotjui como to lrftrry s table an 1 oven wait a little if tho table was tull whei he entered tins were not customary at jooti restaurant where tho checks of many customersi amounted to only nrtsen oonu but ono nuzht jaxst eim foallna unusually prosmiront- there was if the truth bo told ilttls for this impression for ths chango in his nockots rattleil abosst in lonety fashion as if seeking cmzipany but he had just secured ov btory which ha believed would cominnd him to tho lty odltor when h had nnuhed his supper and turry handed him hia ha pulled a uuarter fron sua pockot und slid it besldo his scrnpd plate with uonclialant sir as i twenty qv cents meant tiothtng to him w at the desk please larry said politely hat s for yoursolf ilarry jick repllsd an i then ha discovered to his surprise that the walters cheeks had grown very red id rather not tako it said beginning to pick up the soiled dishes not toko it juck cried why you re a tunny walter if you won t takn a tip t im not a walter 1 m waiting on a labia till i can gut a better job thats all the distinction was a rather rlna one but jack saw it ho asked r number of questions and as the was late and customers war f lrry was able to anssrer tb om when jack went back to the herald oltloe be liad a quarter hbi tookot and on idea in his kaa though only a cub reporter jick had achieved conslderabla popriuuity among the herald staff film superiors had their eye on him as a young tallow promised to make his mark jack turned lu his story and on hid way out stopped or m word with one of the advertising men he knew nam ed mann have you got rid of that boy you were telllrur me ahoutt his week ls up huturduy murini replied aad hes bejn told he s no tu oome back how im to stand fy more days of him 1 don t know 1 believe ive found jit thj tellow vou want jack said and by describe larry paying v oompll rnonts to jenks restaurajj lr lha pru ooso mann wu bpr by jtm earnest prosentatlon tf liurv d cuilnm and a week later r rry wa- om ployee of the hwv 4l n this time vsafy f tluit lls t wore nrmljf v d ort lum ij h would ha w ui1 rfoctly liappy had it not hfta f tha mcmo r his just vatm ut lhj albion though his wnsj bilob wtt- cltr vfrtr hi ovary lima ho thought at mrs vccaba s turuuoua ring what 1 lu yours to come whou lie lutd mods u liutnt- ir hunsolf ho uho u id b nsll- jj to fuco tho fact that lie hod jost 4 ttra position undur susplcioti uf floallns- vvihw this thought iiccumol tu hi ill it smuoiluios soamod to poor j a rry thnt bo was building bis lif strunluro un tho rralloot of foutida honk fer nlor dnvomtortablo halfhours in lowed lorry a departure for uio twenty nra dollar was still in hor purse hul khnvc4d it litvn pitied larty now ho was rarjng homeward in 1illarl miu up that s i saying to hlmsn ruing right nothing ran koo iimuilm hinlih loarod ut self wild lm uapv tlurc u iwn harriot the passvycrd it was tho cto r lypsy hmlths meaungu in w ut tlm central 0 huvtli tho flyuoy w 1o t of his life it un if b hrooklyn wanted ntar tho itturo hut many in tho crowds aliout tha rhurch failed to gal tlrkats in advance hoping to squeeze in i y good lurk ihey trowded up as rtiiso us lxwslblo to tho dr and ono man tried to parauuda uie guard to lot hlrri by rmly you the doorkoapor kindly hut avnaworoil my rood friend haven t a tlrkot you ran t come hi why replied tho man 1 must como in i am chairman uf a tonu ml t too representing tho cliy of itlcli- mond vine in in and wo vo oomo bun tlrods of miles to hear tha gypsy and then to invito him to- our city to load us in a groat avangejlstla cam pabxn tho doorkeeper replied t am sorry for you my friend but t can t help it if you wro tha king of england or the 1resident of ilia united hlates you could not enter this dooc without a tlrkol his answer seemed almost unkind but will not tho tost judgment glvo that same inexorable reply to many who hope to gat by tha gatekeeper but who have not earned tha right i am sorry tor you my friend but i con t help lt7 hy tho parable of the foolish v trains who worn shut out of the woddlnc feast and by the parable of tho man who was ejected from tha wotldltur foast bocausu he failed u woar tbn wedding garment christ warns all such persons yet there will be somo who will try to evade tho doorkoepeei- will expect to gat into boa von as small potato get into the market mixed with tho largo or as n small hoy trlrs lo steal his way into a cirrus tho chuncnu ara strong against thorn it will lo a hum of law and not uontlmont 1 am sorry for you my friend but k cant help- hi youth m companion just how mocht i would do any tiling to get an odu cation ajxld joe savoooly thuraplrur tha down sofa pillow till a tine flurry dust flow from seams and corners just how much would you do joot said practical uncle lhl1 inter- notedly as much as r llhu iturrlttr how much did ho do inquirnd joo wiui bo u liy without a chancer mo indeed uuld uncle jhll who never sympathlxpd with joo s way of looking at things as many chances as you havi or any uthci boy with brains and ton tinkers had to work ut the forgo ton or twelve hours a day but thut dldn t hinder him rroru working nvuy with tits mind whllo bjtl ho nils wars busy ii n solved iummii sums in urlthmotir wliilo blowing s bellowa whuwr sal 1 jim us if ho to saw u imir of hollows ut hand when h wad about sixteen his father died hy and by ho began tu study other things heforo ho died ho know o itjii toon longuugos and y ry 1 nearly twloa that number of dl ts all this time tka kept hard a work ulsckamlthlng wall i euro ion t liav to wur as hard urn that said j uft u while with u uliamo fw ch iwi tluit rejuicod his undo s h rt joo was u rarmtrsi jun nd busy time hero was a v od dral for a boy o his use to do ho far he had not boon spard to g away to any pre paratory schook o rtt for college b lie had falnthirtmlly given up lha thought of goiy hut undo j hilt words itad put thliigu in a new light christian uilook priiinnnnitnntti qpark8 from the anvil save against the rainy day the thought of betng dependent some day wrsn illness or old age takes away ones ability to earn is rightly distasteful to the canadian mind the simplest surest way to offset this is to open a savings account and add something to it every week come in and we will gladly explain the bank of nova scotia i 700 000 ta oooodo tsojmooon w k gra1iau adlaa uiuiu aetna ilnock full weight of tea in every package sold only in sealed p i i uirol your thluklm 1ca use think ii j t nlrolm tho chnrtictir hiu ill hip uiiei ifuu hok itlnrour 1111 lm uny uny buvi lii con ii w inn h u i uny di 1 you ralsot li t ll wilu rltorli n of a rliurt li a nti i i h mi though i lain an i niv irnlu in 1m ttir tbuii u iiloutl w ity will kill work wi rk wi i which has tho im ut hviiiit follows tho twst ll inkltil and tho item thinking foil wi thi b ut ii muny an i reading the brunswick what shape is a horn millers worm iowiw will drive worms rrom ib uyston- without in- jury to the ollld i tli powdurs or so easy to t- thai lha most delicate stomach c basirnibilo them and wel come tr uj speedy tuisors of pain to they promptly kill the worms 0uj lsuso tho pain and thus tho suf- ing of the child u pellevod with so slorllng a rmoiiy ut liond no child uld suffer ait hour from wonns onil night h loft tho tiawpaier uufi tanunually hit ho hail had lib ujwr un i it miiii to him u good pioji to savo rue fam by walkjug hogov lb if a dosou blk- riiuu the horald oftloo u glltttfrliuf object in tho gutter caught hut oya h provod to bo u womansi wrist watch iajrv pd ths wstiii into his tumkt tiiorvii ui u in tloo lit ths lot and ljtnd oolutmi to in jnuw ho told khtulf tluit oonjoctura brovod oorrocl tito tlrst itom uiut laught hu eye uoxt monilug wtioil h turiisd to tha uilumli headed txwt and vound rood us follows fxiht hmull goll wrut watch set ylth diamonds itoturu to mrs tlorsld mccabo albion vstnliy hotel and roalv tuwuid it was a y uth of vury serious us poet who proooutoil hlmsotf ut tho albion hotel tliat night and aksd for mnj sfo abo and mrs mtcabss ry delight at tho sight of hor watch it away presently in a rather foolish gurgle why she txrlalmod we lrryt vrtvi 1 n iutry suld tho loy grsvnly j mrs mccabo fumbled at her kkket book iter r hooks leddoned by or look on s deeper sltado uf urnnlim you know that tunjuuu ring was found ilarry it tlroppod into tha sli par i wore the evening before and was weeks before i put that sllppar on aguln and found tt it was alla mistake about ltn going to give you twenty rtvn dollars reward for the watch ijirry that s a tittle inure thau i intended but under the ir oun is lances larry stood up i dun t want uny rewards mrs mccabo to hour about that rtruf is worth a thousand tlmos ail the trouble i v taken the boys vehejnenc stcrood to con fuse the lady oh yuu must take tlm money larry- ahe instated why i wont you to have it bhe bad tiod what spirit do vou radiatet tlioro ulo somo man und som women iii whose cotnpuliy wo srp ul wuys at our lst whllo with thein wo cannot think mean thoughts or siteak ungonaious words their mere presence hi alovatloo purlncatloo samllty all tho best stops are drawn out by tholf intercourse and we ilnd a muslo in our souls tluit was no thoie boforo henry lirummond til j ytu nvnr huur of u you know why tin v vry pbonogruph or tuiklu thont umpllilirs tin y uri ri a it is thdr duty to round out tha t i or mogulihonn tliat was square er solid wutor through a s junrn plpot ilno bus u hi ril but thoy cull i luteal homs of tlm uuu htijo d amid it to tho uu unors now what sliupo do you think this holiw should bo to glvn tho lieut tonh- ui wluit do you think it ah ul 1 l mado of njionunt vlbralhig tnotul or wootl built mhi tbn violin prlnclph7 lb ford you buy uny pboiunruph rtnd opt tho ijha1 13 of tho horn ulul what it 14 maihd or ono of tho socrots of tho hltunhwlch b wondurful touo on alx- roordn is tho txeluslvv iiutuutod ovaij bins cluuuber and throat uu1lt 1 mt110 ly ot wood llko u lln violin it actually dofcji linilnato ull harshmss all tho strldi ncy niut tliat tinny tlmbro tlut wa luivo ulwuyu thought u in 4 usury ovll of tho old stylo tulkuni muuniui all wo usk la tluic you uo4i your own iar your own ju lgmont urt this wottilorful improvomnit with your own yo comiiure it with anything you llko at any pric- you cuii not urfonl to umloi to lo huro nilutjko und it coubi you nothlni mason risch pianos bell pianos brunbwick phonographs singer sewing machines and other lines you can purchase uny uf above on mall monthly payments frank king next door to livingstones bakery main street georgetown licr ingredients must bo pure and good in ojw tliut ahe liiay have luccera with the pie cuke ot puddmtf he 1 rnakiiig she knows she can be mire of punty und uni formly high quality in bomiimion ckvjstajl sugar l every sparldinjr crystal m ofeejoimtev pure every fsroocss of its manufsk- turd u aaicaugrdetl with udcfiaatno vtgt- uncc ekimialon crygtal suar dds to tho natural dcliciouancag of p n mgs sweetens too tart fruits without destroying their fresh fruit flavor dominion cry htul suuf ta tho only sugar that may rightly bd called canadian from tho uiound up wo jo luipimc ll- li t w mis ul kiwi ksune i lluc hir pu u i we loko fitimi cuili ua ts luttl by lo 1 pbtlkoustu j tk i dominion 3ucak company uuitlu turnips wanted farries mullin wholesale cornrribwion merchuifs aro again purchasing tur nips for shipment at acton kockwood and other points wo aro paying highest prices for choice stock fairies mullin storm doors keep out thc cold and out down the coal bills number 5 orlnoil door till door in im lo i f i i l il w1 b la tho ll lo ulllnlnl wrllnr nndlllon thn mut rll i i ov i iouci na lountl hi 1 i ll i ll1 lul lo llhcr llnviii 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