Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 4, 1919, p. 1

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tt fortyfifth yearno 21 acton ontario thursday morning december 4 1010 singles copies five cents jmew advertisements the methodist church acton rev i m mover paator paraonarjo willow qlj inir rtuum utl p ii w i -hub- jru ark wliii nvir ihiu j 30 nm mummy it 7 i0 iii htilijtml the crt utmi thief i wmld mono hlllvhi vou aulj invitll com horse blanket found ownormuy tmavir kit mi hy upply- tiilf t i tiii iini iiujiii oiiicio store pigs hov wellhied wtiuluhl yorkuhlr iik foul tlmmlllw did uahitlyw 22tr cwmmu conmr wanted cuh prio unl lout rlptlon of furm ulao rliy irotty in u- u haltoi dlalrht in ukiovi 2 hutfotoit kjiwuu uha wanted at once maid tor w hnuiowork or younir k tin iuutiuit hujhout wb apply mum w 1c oltaham t knojt aveiiu property for sale two oo on queen hrt cobbh hill arton criiflf lot 120x1 ar ft term to iult pimbuier apply u j it hmith tf ito 31k vli t by ou how to cure goitre and thick neck by a pulnlomi home rntuedy of roota and herb wo imvn cured noltrom of moro than lo ynaru uiuudhiu in a fow wook ditto our trcutment u ifunr- anteod u imi hurmlonw mid will build up a rundowrrttyiilom wrlto for froe inormntuin o prof marlo box 337 toronto ontj wk miy or helx storage batteries you may put untllyiwza in your rndluuir but not in your bat lory why n it whni it pltyu the moat important part in your iarm katufnetory running ont urtor it ut orat bibh of trouble leave your huttvry with um thlm winter unl imvi u in firatelua shap next sprinfl wn kwl hum in wot or dry utorui um cuntumrr unlru all klttdm of imlterim ropulrwd work ku11 jiilcuil fred cooks gararja georgetown christmas bava ffiony buy at onr tor no cheap qoodi only the very beat chriatmaa yootja now in every thing for your chnitmii cak and chriatma puddlnqt seeped raisins seedless rais1nb fresh currants peels and nuts call and inapact our dooda to aaa la tohuy- oiul price ia jj- oooda dalivorad to 11 part of tho town mrs jennie mcdougall mill street actonont cpr cleaning itaaliaf lupalrlnjt 1 your clothes thoroughly cleaned in sanitary workshop proescd and repaired by expert workmen wo cun make that old suit look like new try us geo wallace guelph ontario wonderlajngd friday dttcemulr 6 little women im amount ait mft miidul lilm muy ahull cninly illitiiihuit alula with charlie chupliii tiimid ttf ho ur of lb- million tmur t omvdhu ii ii v- huc utid 1 1 wt i jiliu saturday decemuhit 8 jtiliu awtmlilk with vlvlun altiitlu rtmtmly ijiv with kutiiy aibiwulo uid tlw llrltub ousftl- mutlnu- ut 1 pin lrlrit 1u- and ifr llvuii- titf ut 13u till i tit 1u- tuebdav decemukit 0 llu ruibbui wlf with itiw lmiuaml no ii ut tlio mm u mikiii coitmly mult uiid jtrf nlooii ilu lit iinl 16 weonebday decemtler 10 llmlllltf thf odd udpt0l riiiut tliu m y muki1 will ituir rlory ttph of uiu uy lillii voiiuiiy illiw lm mid r ljjkeg0ky m jviii coming to guelph to attend the great provincial winter fair itcfnnnlnj friday december 15 and continuing throushout- the kollowinj week should see the exhibit of mens suits and overcoats at macd0nald1s uh a case hero ofmore for the same money or the same for less that just about covers the proposition of macdonald values wc will give you better merchandise for the same amount of money you will have to spend else where or wc will k y san grade of merchandise for less wiiy and wherefore because wc arc showing the same fine stocks as you find in the very large cities the same snappy styles the same high grades of workmanship while our expenses arc consid erably lower than they would be in the same larger cities and our prices are of course correspondingly lower victory bonds baaror or ragla tared j e carter lnvtmnt droltae qualph i same with all departments in tbia his store womens and childrens readytowear staples dry goods mens and boys clothing d e maedonald bros ltd guelptts leading and largest stork wyndham macdonne and cnrden streets guelph onl acton creamery dairy co highest prices paid for your cream fa1u test and full satisfaction guaranteed highest market price for butter fat will receive any amount of cream you bring in highest market price for cream and eggs open wednesday friday and saturday eveningu s agents for the shariles cream separator call and see one acton creamery dairy co mann watson proprielora willowstheet opposite government building our motto square icalin russells quality rjoodn rljrht priced christmas shopping time is near at hani our udvice to toll u shop early whcii selecting your gifts give us u cull our udvicc might he of somp vylut lo yon ndebwkah mcnt fleece lined underwent yll tixeij mloguliti i- 12s ror 1w- uoyji flecceliued uiidctrweur tici 2 to 33 special prices hie to tmjc muns hcuvy rih siirtti mid drtiwurtj spceltd each 200 ludict mibhcti utid childrens underwear all ut reason able prices sw1catkks a good huwiiio of mens uiid lloyb swealers all sizes and colon touit everyone l fancy tloom a splendid selection of tuncy goods truy cloths uuuuers centre pieces towels huibioidciy silks und crochet cottons a fine uibortuifctit of wools for all kind of knitted work ckockkiks when buying your christnms groceries give us u cll wo have now in stock new nuts new kaisins now cunuuts new ivcls lrcsh im its of all kinds cootb delivered to all 1urta of the town d c russell mux stkket acton ont utor cloaa l30 at cap frlday and oaturvuy the council consider tic damaged will have an expert i invcflu4rate ti suhlalned no taxes refunded for the vacant duildinog io iduy v iiiu- mimlw rx itim t ill iiulc uuillorh iruy ilnll t fir oru m d uo roi k txutiiii inry ontoo liy- 07 uwd t 31 or a itltunr 1 tlbllmn r 10 00 it 1 ilmnil 11w til itblloa 26 10 w h wulk or wo k 1 00 i3u 33 hydro elactrlo hydro r com mutlon ur- rint jc04 ch cmi- j- klnrtrli co auiipllim 113 hi murlln co mui11- rdnioii co itutijitlnai 620 2c a lfttr fioin juui llbttoum om- iilulnud of u uhwuml liulu wllcli hud 01 hnlit tht htroittai und vullt commltti wim itmlruitod to loou into tltn liuit- tr tim liyluw urruiitritifc for tlm mi- iilil lvt tloti of momlmrj f t coun- ii und krliool truhtitiih wun uiutd limit utiloiim wrtt kivtiii to juy thn wlury fif tlio nrcmun for tliu your ukkritrullii 30000 it wuu drrldtml to hivn tlm toioilioni initklld in tlm emniulttm room dur- lair tlm vlctoty fian cuiniuitifti ri ittovill tjin tjuctlon of icfuiiddiif tuxotf on tint uihrutloii of ltouirt hrott wuw dlriihhd it wam luinuldcrptl to 1m llljjul und without revdmt und tint riifutul wu tirrttfoni not jtrunted tho motion uukmi novo ml wockm uito uruntliiic u rnfund to iiouriltnoro si co wuu rao ndiml tlln tlluttnr of thi ilmu to tint iilion factory mi uuturduy utmt wim miulilrriml mr mucurnal the con- tiaotor iwld tireaont movod by dr qrwy hoeomlod by j roll tlntth cirl mocuri tliu ihiloii of mr 1ciiu municipal dlro- tor rt tlm ilumtiui to tlio athoa fuctory tluit thit nivuv of it bovonimaiit or otlmr tomihttmt limmcttir ba aouml to tlmroujtlily nvhtluuta thv duniugu iiuhtulinl to dm liulllliitf und rutiort uliiitluit ull ithiuttom m und oontrurtu lndwinn thu lhlluic xium co uml j h murknixl im u imc procured uml luld bfort th couiirll currlml ur muckonilo miii that if tlu counoil would furululi tumclut- hrlck to rrhullrt thfl wj 1 1 of tlio mtoftd utory ii luchrri in tllckhfu ho would do ull otlir nirvawiy work llu would u- dfitvor to put thi buildliik- in uch mhuit iih tliu now oouipany dnlrod it news of local import knrjk cburoh sarvlcaa mijur unlium of lmlou pftikltml in knox chtirdi itiut huiidiry nuxt hiitnlwy tin iyiiihtr unrviiniood l lttiv c 1 kuniitlvirixin it a ol ht ohtki tim uiluuitvru ur on i la ut of tlio lrmlffikjfov u rujl th hluh bohool at homa th htilliitu inidtvw iith of acton llltfti hchool ur imiudlilk out invltu- uoiih ror tlmlr tnnuul at llonif whh ii l to b bold in ttir town hall on friday rvulii i liihor ip a iu- uiit 1 minion of promiiit und ririmr tiidntu will b frittim cahirtat mlnlatar for hlton 7 tlttt u u roport thit hulton may i opened to arfomt it u for ilthor llun w i tuhy or hon munnliitf itintty inw tubhiil tniiiltru but llimi hi no onilriiiutlon of tlio utury und it u hurily tbouubt llktdy oalt- vlllo htut thi naw oaptlat paator llv l ij hllrox of toronto primilitx ub hurtooiut iii tho ilapttnf cliurli lut htiiitluy nwt humtay thi hw pan tor uv mr johnitton will itiiiiiiiviirii blw tubular puatoruto in tint uvuntntf liti will prouch u imjkjiili unrt nun to tliu liininhorm of artoti cj w v a mr it j inmemoriam mua iiuaii waluck llliict tliu iloath of ir huuhjiiid u yur ujfo hint muy xliu iluiflt wulluc ktux avviiuc hum not immii in bfwxt iltlltll a fnw wiwutl ut ha wuu tuknti iiiuro uoriouuly hi und on tutui- duy utnt ilpurtod tblu llfu m wbi- luti wuu it iuinrlor woiuuii in muny iiectu an tint tnotlior of tho homo miiu wtw id wi i utid hor cliihtruii wuu uvt rnvero imr tnomory mor dovotod diiuiebtur mlmi hunnuli guvn both hvr- mothvr unl futbur mout lovlntf cum und on hur hrhupm tint be ruuvr- inoiit will full tuoit hcuivlly mm wultuco wum u nmivt of kuauusuwayu a iluuklitvr of thu lutu tltonula titbroy und wuu uirn on lh lionitatou1 thm nourly iiovmity jvuru uko llr murrl- ukr to hfr lutn liumhalid took placj uonit foityhuvvti yufi uko tlira wvro rtvit chltdrvii itolwrt jumuai who r4ildti litirc thoiuh whoaa drown- intft- w iph rlt hbtaboonrfrindr john 1vtim twuiityouu ynum 40 cuuaud ifruut aotrow to tho home llmnuh ut homo ooorux of ouvlph und cbtcr of montivul md wul- hirt wiu u truu chrhluii whun u iviihuiit of nuiututfuwiyu uhu wuu u ninilhr of tho lliahytcruiii churrh tluu wii tlu family iivl to artoti iiiiiiii yiuiu uuo miiu uiki hoi liiihlmiul unit d with km churvh liti unt ho wuu tin cltuu for y4iit dtiuiiil uyinputhy lu flt for tho txi- ituvod funilly in lludr mr hr niit tlm funviul will ho hld thu itrttrnoou ut 3 30 oclock 0 y ii hadued train brvlc- tlio followinir rotnprlaaa- tlo j t u- trull uurvlco uluoti tlio rvduotlun of tin number of tiulnw which wu mud on hutiduy ooliitf wt m13 uin s30 pin und it 12 ptn uoliitr tmiat 10 13 um uoil um und iit ptti- huinlin n 1034 u ti w und u l t hulton cldtlor 0iou prald tho followif un ontiwot 4iom u ltti duttil ut ult from alluir m iymiiit fhlf lltotllii officer to it 1 ilfiiutiitit hoturnlntf omr or hulton i think i muat udl hut tho woiu doiui in tv comity gf hullon by you uut by tlpt vuliv tklunuoii moulil wuu tktriiiluly autufuctory thtouulioiit unit fiw fruni tliu liu- tuku unit uiolnaloiu wlilnl otcuricd in ottui tunillj tlu witot htiliitf ihut you nod jilduo ulllil ww ulwuym un tin job und atluuliiitf 10 htuluru ir- 011 illy climnplini gournntnt aaaurnaa 60 par oaflt tlui mud und btidkti miiniittto ut tliu county council huu rikrtit ua tho tvwult of un dulvi vluw with thu miiiuit of ltibll workm of tliu nw otvinwuivf ontuio thut l ho ou- puitnniit will pity tint oounty flu pn- tnt vf tho uhimndltutu 011 tuiialy inldk lultliw fioni thu muklntf of niiuduu tin t u county provinclul hhliuy unl tbit tlui- wuy rdwui to luji for u uiunt ut tit ur runt of thu total fkinilltui tl mathujit bpolal brwua unx loo w iluikil- of llutlhton iiivi lilot ililptvhhlvt illulruaautf ut thu bl vlt u luttt wmlnlay tburaduy unl pllduy iymiliij tlli unbortu- tlolim wt ml of tillltri lovlnif ail- tmuty und wvi hlpful to tnuny uv xli xi yy pivuohwl vulnllailv mr lnnt bnli uunntnu mij uvitntiic oil lliiintty ihul ytiu iui uiiprnulutx till moliuy vvilluf vulufe p11iy- nlli wr hulll l ml nh mo itonuuln miu amoowsi mix churltu i lulloyu unl ut mf j ii iwin 1 h t wlirh wuu wll uttviidd proud of hlu inw raliltni 011 llowir avnu juir tomjiloud ku im loud in blm piouu ut thu work porfornul ly the tti on tlio hlllllnif tb mtiu ilhbmuii did th brlok wo k unl mr v mccutrhoii thn cunwntor work und inturlor llnuli mr mb- cutchvon lu thlukliifc t aottllnif hi acton mr krr luu ull tin- lutoat 1oiivoiiiitiiivu in hlu 1111 w liiimn suddan dath of m llttla laddla tlti a ud do 11 riruth of llttla jolmnlo mr arthur th fouryonrold uou of mr und mf hun run mr arthur of thn motond hint icuqlloulllif luat kil- duy bniliwht itreut miitiiw to tho home johnnie wum tukin with 11 1- ptoidloltlm curkfttn tlio wwk und wu huirlod to tle ounlph houpltul ai op ration wuu held hut the llttln fel low miici-umlx-d- tin runurtil wuu hnh on monduy hnv i m moyr oltl- ultitxd another r caption to boldiara at u mi huh of the cltltona itnoip tlon commltlvo on tucday evening it wnu dor mud to hold u publlo rvrtp- ttou for tlm ruturuel ujldltit who huvcr un ived home laluoe the luut ulvlc function 011 weduvadiy v- 11 in if mt 10th luut thiie uro muum or nluht vxturmd hnrou to i hi rcivt und cltlxviiu uiiiurully will dtilru to m- tinl thoni 11 tnoht loyul unl cordial welcome an oxrellent puikfuinme lo lu piepurutlon und tm veiling will no doubt in it tiicmoruhlu nnu a splandid muaion proprarnrna vlctoriu minulon lluml lihl u 11plt11- tld fiitrtiilumut und urtuiuoon li in ritio cliuih nchooi loom tu rtutur- diy ufturiioon a mutt uiijoyuhln pro- i nun tun vjiui ylvun hy tho pinulmra muw llrun uttl of guelpli irform- fd the i nt rout in if viiumony of the in- utu llutiou of tho hunurr owlnif to tho utouii tho uttnudunro wuu hiimlhir thiili it ottuiwluo would huve inwii miti a1111i1 tlomtnvlllt die iaiprlntn- deiit of tint llund may woll hi proud of tho uooompliuhinnntu of tho tiwm- inirw a vi on un kleatrio car x number of puuknuerm for acton uud other iwitntu woat on the 813 our 1 11 thu toronto huhurhuu itullwuy hint u trying nitpirleiin on huturatuy nlatit uftt imivlnic oooruotown for acton ilurliif hi cyuloim when tlm ur wuu in 4he middle of the long- trcatle tm- twkiii th uuvniith unit nuth lliieu tho lhiwr wint orf for uuvdii loiuf houru the cur utoud utull- on the hrldo hhortly intfor three oclook fciuuduy luoriilu thu jhiwut oime 011 iiuln unl thu cur reuutned flu trip h wum throo oclook wliiui tho acton puaauii- tt rwrm fklthr mlultt ucnm f buvn quite u utory to rvlute of th incident 910000 for anothar bridge thut dunluu mtrout wlu nhortly be one of the loudlnif inuln hljchwuyrf of ontario wum uuuurwtl by the urtlon of the hulton county council ut their tiimtinif on wvdueuduy with the coiuplotlon of the hluh level brld ut tunuly it beruiiui uppurent unother nt thu hlvttieu wuu uceuiiury if tho road wum vnr to hecnuia ruiilly uo ful oukvlllo htur jihlai u 11 new utoi y no one nver m initio tied the not of uiiothr hih1 wllhliilmlf u doaeu mlkitf whon the 1d0000 hrhtuo ut tain ley wum ekplulted the hu- toeii hrldtfo would cout sltoooo no hulton imop ute not rty for thu luxury in tlu itenerutlan high bohool literary soelaty the wiculur tiieetlns of the aitoii hohu hcli vol uterury koclrjty wum imld uu itltimy an lulervatliia proiiummi3 hud liean proylded or u10 ocuuuion und the following were the niout inomlttenj faturar the tiow a h h orohumtiu aupplled aevrul ualuctionu fur tho ovoualon another inleiiatluu debuto wuu kwoii itoaolvml thut the hu teen yeukr old boy of vloiloer duyj ftud u liettur uoio thud the huteeii- yeurld hoy of toduy 1ved wur- rvll ajlltou wwuon und jvull kou- ufiv uphold the unilliutlvtt ulde the nauutlve hvluu- uluitod by oo lllhnp mtnnu huir und juw aiid after cureful roiimldeiutiou thelulueu decided ii fiivor of the utilruiutlv- cuiront ovoulm ware vt by cleo uiuihhi 1lit a h h iy opeur wuu ivud by tin kdltor lailil mcnlven mla lluker ihe rrlilc uttvi hei ioit of the prevlouu lilnatinu- the hiuethttf iloued by uljnllik clod thwo the klnc uturduy nlumfl uld hivrnt tliu uetntyiulli uulu hutu id a v nlulit wiiuyht hiivoc lu itiuyy plucuu in addition to tlm uiiioum iruituiut to the now uhoe furtoiy buhdlim t wiue uployhid fuuiu levelled wlli- dowu blown 11 unit othr tuinuuo dim one of the whllowh till the wvt uldt of tlm mthdbt iliurth wuu blown in uu will uuuuhiiuhiuh orwlndowu of htouu on ihevuutuldeof main tltleet ti 14 were upiootid in niunv plunj a linn uimuio in thu puik wuu lot 11 ollt ho lootm teliplmllle ulld tih- luht whm wvie inokun lu ull illlutkloiim the hydro mm tit wu off for kcwiie1 i0u1- it wuu the ilkhnl w li id itotiri xnnumud lu thin ueetlln iii ut lout u quultl of u otl- tuiy nmily eviy funn had fomu blown uwiiy und bunim nulbulldlnu wludmlllu or nitom diunaipd mr hldi y wutonu rlw buut um iwd thv loof badly twutd maim lltoi bu- wo tiiully lniiikd mi i 1 llppd off lhjfa tit utile uleuu new shoe factory seriously damaged by the cyclone itoor luown off and walla of the second story torn away with it railway man btruck dy the flying debrib the rirto oyolone whirl dnvua tuttl no inuny bulltlinicu und rrottte huvoo ut uo muny olntu in the pro vlnce luat huturduy evening did u lurice iuoa of dumusre herrf in arloii the now uhoe futlnry wuu tin ut iin of the krtutoul dumaao hurlnif tlm heliclit of tlif b uboul u niurter to rl whntfsthn wind hud u vnlimlty of co to 70 irfltru un it utrtuk thlm bulhllnir bradaldo uml the iumu wrought in u few uorondu wum lit nut ludeod the untlrn nnf of the bulldltiif which in 44x135 wuu currlvd off bodily and itlutrllniled over u hint attctlon of tin crund trunk yurda it covered the trnku uh fur cuutwurd um tho enuliu hylrunt wont over under und throuifh frvljiht am turn down tnln- phone und telvtuph k1bm und wire- ulld vmtl luvo- konerally a frtlrht truln wuu uhuntln in tho yurdu ut th time ir 1 cordon u btukiiimn of ktrutfird wum in the uct of toupliui uru when ho uw tho 1 oof lomlutf ho cruwlod under u t hiding cur hut urtlonu of thn dubrlu truck the cr with mucii force thut they wri driven through the wide und uiideruuth imtwuuii thu wluwda- ho wuu utruck lu the ulde und ulnfully hrubnd h wum ut nrt thouiehl qiut jut wum injured intemully xir oriiy ottrndjil him und jut wmi taken to th- houiiltul at ht rat ford on the bi2 truln whlcli tamo lit frcm toitinto utter the wuck hud occurred it wuu foituiiute thut no iiuiumjiijror tluhlm were ut thu ulutlo whetl tho riuif wuu cunld uwuy um lurb immi- tions of t wort blown ucrouat the muln truckm unl would have utruck the curd tut u lino with the wilidoww the upimyinino o the wrockod rectory wiuut ludlcatu uiut tho a moke duck ut tho north wout corner wbj fllut idowll in umllt the mht thim evidently opunixl thit roriar o loif and wall und the wind the under und lifted the roof it 1 clour thut tho wvut wull und window were intuct until the i oof w of diuuifd the brick work unl window inward they fell hiwurd und wi lylittf with conilderuhl rvulurity ulontr the lluor niutlyull the auuh retuuhiml in the tjumu und in inuny of them the kiuim wum intact ami the ifluut in uomu whole wind own remained unbiokeii thu uuliutuutlul churuotor of the loof conxtructlon which wum covenwl with didnnod mulched rioorlnif u uwii llltlie fact thut the wholo uru went orf lmdily und not lu aoctlonu the fiont wull 011 church utroet whtttt the oillcvm unl uhlpplmc roomm lire lorutv1 witlmtoxl thti utruln re- murkubly well it htundu itnn and plumb with only u vmull uectlon of tho brick cornice ut the tut corner ifulurlhd jolin olhlwnm burn fuml budly whon the north wull of the wecuiul hour fell outwur1 und ovr 1l it wum cruuhed like uu tltunliell und totally dinolliihd thn lniiuct of the fulllnjf ehimny umuulmd throuh u uojld tojuure thutwiv of it c ur of 13x14 hicluii which wuu currylny a ueotlon of the utcoiid moor conlmctor mucknislou curium to ru workm until tlark on kuturlay nlht in putting in the utulrwuyu thlm wmk tho rontrurt would huvo iknii com pleted und tho hulldlnif hundl uvr the duttiuue to the bulldlnif which in eutllillltei ut ulwlut jl000 therafora lw tuime hy he contractor mr uucken- le wih coiiiinuhhle eilterprlae conl- uleliced with u lurue itun of work men hrluht uivj eurlv monduy mom- 1 1 lie to rutitovo the debru und aulvujce ull muterlul lweulhte he intoudm coiiatruatlnif u temtmirury roof over the kvcoiul itoor to uuvo the hurdwood ilooriiitf from the ohuiieutm und to kivo tho hiioo company un opportunity to procoed with tho work of hiatal 11 in lhcltaukdililtjxjuidulujilau-tjiu-tw- remuliiluif rlooru tsi tluv- compiiliy uilloudid u tuir of equipment und utoclc lu the build ing luat week uiid hud two other cum loaded ut kltcheiut reudy to uhip for ward on monduy much uyuiikuthy im felt for mr muc- knuialo in tliiu uuihlon ioum which hum come to him und tor which he wum lu no rimuut ivaiwnnihile through uny fault of coiitruclinu iiuudredm of thu lumt built bulldluitd throuahout the piovlnoe lu city town und coun try muttered ulmllur m lab up throush tho iwhui cyclone lcvoti bulittlniim of die fhiryit conutroctio1 of brick und mloue lil tbecnr of timitt eutfered nitoialvo iluiiiuun a government factory innpctor vlulted the lulldlllu- luat wtk und hlm only rucotninrnitutloiim um to conjunction wcro for uu rv uubutuntlul protoctlou it the utrlr wollu und u dltricnl tvlh of hluucu 011 tho front dooru social and personal miu4i mury muiutlea la mukliik rupid proiiiumi lowurd remvrry ut tho boa- idlttl in luolph ml not mm it 1 moore eolebrutchl their fortieth woddln uiinlvemury ut moorix roft ynutfrday urn m honulit and mlau mcionuld of toronto went kuoatu ut mr nell mcioualdm ihiu week mr und mr hartley jlurrh01 ut tenle1 tho wutuouollmtoti wtwldiu ut llkalde uat week mr w coleu will abort ly leuv for he llu11 in kiblutd to iiurm hr inothur wlm la uerloualy hi mihm ada lieumer of flint mich vfidted ut tho hom of mr w flruhuin ktio avenue luat week mia- amu houm of ulcluirtlri xnd- liilt hi jomphm la land vuuo1 uttln hurtloy hurrumii huit oepl mr hlchurd wooer of cheitanluiln pent u duy or uo hiat wmk ut tho home uf mr hartley harrison ltower avenuo mra j t oatrunder and her uttl duuifhter of icramuu hthnt u duy or two uat wook with her fuiher mr 1l j kerr mr john olhhoum huu much 1m- proved hlu condition the jiuat week und it im ihuh1 he im now on the wuy to recovery mr und mrw c m cumble of lluftuln were here duritia- the wook vlaltlntf mr flumlium mother who mum bcn vry hi mr und mru a muaton und geortfri ape nt the weekend wltll tl foruitrm nu rentm iii artonaweci lie alton corr lkindoit a great event an qvaiit of the uruteat ipiportunoe to every mull und woniuu interwauxl ill aiftloultule iii thlm ilovinc lm the uppiouchtiii convention of the u v o to b held in toronto on dooeinber 1 17 und ltf thu ifuthnijuif wll im of ureut ulu ulricuucu to thu ruriulh community you uliould ki jp touch with uvory iiiovjnuide yiu iuii do thu hy roudlfitf the furuieru own uivtr the kurnlera bun which will ulvu luout ovhuuutlve rvimurtu of every uiatlur dlucimited ut tho urvut con vvit ion uui hif 1ju thu 1 1 will he many int- piovniuimilm in the hun hvury de- piirtimiut will bit ouluiked rouiotleled utid ulrviiutvieiidd allhouuh the ooat of thn hdpruvuineiitu to i h niudu will he meat uiid uu iiicicumu in the uub- ucilptlon pilco 1111 immuiy the prlco huu not ineii iuud yet und 1 100 if ivinltld ut 0111 wllwvcurt for you wlthllut dollht th- ifeateat furin iewmimpi- for lust hi ml in your uubuci iptlou ut once and uet your iielvhun- to take udvuit- ui of the pnnt uuttuci iptlon pi ice the u uo othvr pupei juat like 1he hun und none lu the name posi tion to help you ovr aoodo ontario fa 1 mora uuuci ihd for the huu why nuf you 7 heiid ymil otdu- direct to tlllj kahmkuh 6hn toronto ontario i hj kerrs sales tllllladuy ilumltel- ii luhl of l ut the winter iuli tjuolph tueuduy uecetllbai 18 uhlruy wat 1111 t tilth anu kiuliat iirr uou htock and impleuiuutm lblle ull a toil mr h i mxire nltemll the moot ing of the cunudluli lvvaa aaaou- tlon and holected town week i lea of onturto ut toronto uat week mlajktm marsaret ltonnett of tor onto and her couuln mun tnnatt of kwift current bak hare at mr robert itennottm vor tho woekond mr junim uutltt who hu- li in toronto alnce he returnod rrom over- uouu huu ilfcldl lo leturu to acton ho will tumove here with mru ilontltt lu u rw duyu mim ovoritrf hyudm who wum i jourphm hoapltul ouolph for t in nit for u couple of weokm returned home on tuewtuy urvutly relleveil um ii reuult of the visit ther mr v 1 hmulllleld oijreaadont of the cunudiuii 1rwm auacuti und hlu uun mr hurry umullfleld of the o a c clfolith wore u vluitoru ut moorocroft ovr thi end the schools honor roll for november standing of the pupib at the examinations luut month the hiqh school heport utx icillu week- mr und mru a1 curdlner who huve ihhu vlmltlttjf in culury un linnniton wniit u f w duyu ut th homo of their duuxhtur mrw w k irahum ufoia letumlntf to their home lu walton mr jumet hurvey jr kelownu ii c wum u uuvat ut the homo of hu unci inupocor ilurvy luke avenue duilnt tho week mr hurvvy huu leii inking uu uroundhuwortd buul- lleam trip und huu truyellodover 30- 100 tnllem mr kicdrlck 1l mcluuuhlln of acton who im now of ltuner texua wum heat tnuu ut the wldlnf of mr herbert i mobuy und mut uiiuu hulfmuu ut ut ihlllpa kplacopal church there uut wiek mr mohuy im liiunujter of the krlckudd kupply uml oum co ut ru niter unit kred oocupluu u hlxh thiaitioit with the cum- luiny mru it j keir urrlvml homo from weit hill on huturduy utter utndlnk i month or mi with her daughter thore when kho urrived ut the depot her liuabuud tlrovo her not to tint old home on youn- tttrt but th tin whfch hud boait completed during her uluhin here a he found every thin in uppleple oritur with uew tur- nuhhikm und every comfort it wuu a trenuliiu uurprlau und both huabuiid und wife faiijoydlt money well spent in thvao duyu of civwrwlvo livhia the jjutiallon with bloat im0iu in to fcet tho iwul vuliie for ottem tuuny in the cuue of uuwmiuitvvrm or muujnoa therti can ho no doubt uhout tho wnjlly uruul uid wkly htur of won i i wivlur tlio nrautoat value for tho tnoney on the continent the vutnlly ilviumutid wkty hur u u wonder ful combination of liewaitaper uuu xlna und urioulturi paper it coblm only 13 u ywur uhd each uubariber recolvom u huuduome uouvviilr ikirtrult of tho wluoe of wulom l3i lichem we luii the uubacrlptlon prlc will tve lull urtor number 31 no hat ter vulue un be liud tluli a yeurm trial of tho bl montreal weekly it coiuuim of 04 puaem each week and evvly xmuo intel eatlutf uml inatruitivv a new hullebs oat the introduction of u uootl uew vuiuty of hulleam outm hy the lixprl- tiivatul kunim i hunch luu not lier- hiilm uttrueled um much attention um it ullihlld rivo uuiiiplem of thu vuruty ate now imjiiiu ouliihuted by the loiiilulon cvtvulut ut ottuwu tho wtoik uu hund im not uiue but um uni uu it uam uumplem will lie uludly keiit to funnel hi ulmoat uny d utile t of catiudu uu it u tivel that thu oat will ih widely uaeful the liume of the vurlety u ijurty ottawa ud it u dellvod tim u ciam liuide iii iu03 betweoll the wellklluwil vu1 lety llwedlah helfht utid u llullem out foll chluu the new vuiiety im decidedly nupvi ior to the old chlneue u out flc fiout hull thu t rutnuheu u imilouiitlutud produit of ektriiiely hlh vulue whkli i1111v only l ht mound lu order to loak ikwt exclhmt fee1 ua ror viumf pl und chlcktul when euro rully hmiuuii iuiml ror ue um huuuti food it inukeu uleul of murpruliikly nn iuulliy the liberty out hum vol liood liuld charattvim inilmt tuthei wutly lu lluliij and huvliui raawoii ubly utlrf utluw the yuld o fair um kxlllul u eomeiuel u ihual to about tmviiihllia of thut uf lluntier imu 1mi miru wao are inutuutod in thd iuulii of hom und vhlckeum uio blioutily udvlaed to ive thu hew uut a titul it huu ulnwdy vt t- t idy uatufactory in uome dulrh tu c k huundoim ikmilnlo ceraauat tltlvajllllj ii if 1 cbuui i allele knydei nit jumu tot man chru johllutotl noll oiblhllmi cluau h maxwell i toll ltnyaffimw wllllu ytewurt iuuim1 uhlot jmutvl murdlmirild form ii clu f liher hurkmuu kninori llurji murthu oi r j wile munw kuhrj nelauxi chium it mumunit mcnuhh laultel munivnn kuiit ippln ivurl wullae allco jumon ida llcuwlck vlolot luvu heloi aitdoruon mury jjimhim cluaa iii j c idnduay juck ltoh- erton imuih vutki111i cluau i murle mowit llouo mc- kvoy joan kennedy jcun harbor kilnu ilanderaon vtru hurut mnr- kuerlta itydor jordan iiwuou vlarl cooper htupheti flueut cuuia hceoriio ltllioii ijurd oan- coy howard j n1iu hall joan mootnt jumom iiohm uuhey to i man uni cuitello iimld keunoiiy mario iintz milton wutuoi trio jl lloboft htewart jeauli aideroil all- uum kennedy cuum 111 i tlr1 mucoiald lloyl koroei myrtlt carnochuu uinnu hulr lru coldhuut 1ihi wan mi j m itimiel iinuiul ieurl v lukur aaautunt public school report san lor fourth ttuaaolr luuu 431 juniom mutthewm 394 calvin wllaon 3h tolul too junior fourth millie how uw 427 jiuti orr 424 aknem mum 1 39l tolul loo m y lunnott tcuchor snior third alfml riahoo 7c3 ll mcdon ald 732 laorenco mlllu 727 total 835 junior third ha rah cnim 63 wjilrouo tld 47 ollvti cooler 641 total suj jun m mdod tvuchor ban lor 8aortd cluirllo lundabomuifh 4a3 jeuu mrdonuld 44k john oibboum 4l total 630 m ii vbnury toucher junior scond ittu jiolmem ktu irene ijtttey 491 mursatrot arindell 4cc total 6t5 laaltel atideraou tuuchor sanior- tirat cuoruo llrlatow 177 klofouco ltud- man 173 morjoru iluuhu junior firt tcileet mclvir li marjory mann 17li lwnu waller 17u lioru itru- tow 17 totul 2id f li koutetwtcuchor senior primary chun a ultu minubli aiuituhmllli norothy cuiupl cutmm h iluul cox kuuileen kelly vlolot ciirru jeuah mokuery clavu c violet llluncho cora white quiin itydor oiu ii armutroiii teacher junior primary claau c merle orlndell cllffod 1rwloum tom 111 ilr cuau h llllty devirell itrt gib- utum cluhisi morton ciuum a allan mvruhull kvolyu mutthewu kutlileil muulftxl i m lloyr teutlnr n 317075 raised for the halton childrens aid soc the officer elected for the year at the annual meeting at millon j u denvesnetyhitrpresibent tho unnuul tnevtlnir of the chll- dreiim aid boclety uf hulton county wuu hold on wlduy evening ut the court houae milton hlmrt addruaaem wore klveii by the ireuhuut mr lien- yu mr c n oordou prealdmt of the chlldri aid hochty of 1 tho llev hiuclt leiwuaoti of htrutford inalhhlor of niruclil child u of ierth county und tho niw inapeclor mr w ii htewurt it actm tho followltiif oulccni wiv ulected for tho yiur hon lreldoiit juiyc ulllolt ireldeiit mr iiiym lucvlco lmllont mr i u llob- ertuotl snd vce prtialdent mayor llurl hocrdlury mrw t j urown trouaur mr o ii hluurl hon yolloitoi mr w 1 ulck auditor w i clouieiitu unl w j mccuuuhuti huiuiuury of liiiuuclul htutlmeiit of chlldrenm aid hoclfty ofjialton oul- injf octolier 31 lulftt ililclsiviil lulalico um lmr luut uudlt t 3d 73 county orntu 1dl0 00 irulit actoh crunt towtuhlp tiufuhjur hunk interat oo nation fron sociatua in- atltuu and peraortmt milton tiuiulfcur oukvllu aclon v nouon ilurlliiiilou dooralowii nuauullfuwnyu blhluumllllf 2l 00 j 00 uo t is 370 hi ill u5 40 00 7i 00 43 71 k3 co oo 00 141 to ill 00 13170 76 kkilinhitimli himpcclot norton uhuio ofinl- ary 370 xpenuci ih1jl7 432 it tiuuufirid to lltiurd of muii- uuih for lopaliti and iiiain leiiunoo of llhdtcr ulu do kor 1minulilnuu k0 00 huudry hupomi 3 oil luluiiro oil hund id 31 101 dcs 01 j3170 7u of the iiuiv itiptu foi doititloum 1100 wuu oiitrlbutcd by woukitu lu- utltutvm tlpoukihmit thu county cmewbonti corners muni tiu wiw niuihiud ontbulll- luifm blown ovn anil hiruu unroofed hy tl tviillli nab hitlnluy n lu lt mr und mia chan tl cuintiui und mi- i j ciiuph ilurfulo uiieit uoveiul iluyo duiliiit ttio wnlt ut mr juu iumhuo mt kd cilpi hi und 1 the dn tin u ale ut iiaonl mua mukjeu diiuu u idluhlly i11- piovod althtiuuh not t out uf ilnor

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