Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 27, 1919, p. 2

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tjivrtf f kc j lie arton jffwmia tiiuuhi4 novimiiiu 27 ioi wonder who theyre for c v roll hln heart glow with h the stentorian voios r- p munaey iun t you fret hull ill maniko nolcwt id lu e deal mom than tliln im thut thankful as you ur mt tu this mint tom blood up anil 0110 running along tha u tho ullallon mo tor uinl theres some one niln u mun u voltjteumo outing la horn a utile thorn r mediately tom shouted hark wei tim not rlitlit llllllum i wttw dtty sight uti m nimit little looier juil hie tnougli for doll v uut tiuin 1 know thcyru not forlicr ttlin need t inlit not ut ull i it now thnyru not for ma or pu nor me nor hrtlhr hor lor wo cant wrar nuih little clothes i wonder who they re for 11 reamed ut i- 5 vfvol nxrlulmed a derided volee i b illt ujjrrm with youf j 5 nothing you huvo said bus in uny way a i term my firm nnvlrtlmi that tho ug of chivalry is pus thin is u degenerate as anil ttm men und wumii wo moot nro flt- llng typos of thelri uge full of self- luturest mid absolutely callous about tlin sufferings of othersl john muuniy looked uearchlngiy into tho iukoru fmr und found it a vory dllthuu fntn tu mart clmnce if thorn ihi huth u tiling us cliuneo had thrown thorn together inasmuch ai they luid travelled in tha uoii fall wy ciirrlngo fur some hours aft or i t nnslderublo amount of ullenco they liuil riunucrd to break tho lew and had entered into conversation tho conversation wun interesting enouih for they wen both intelligent wall read men ulnl tho topics of prevail liur interest of tha day and hour nerved their purpose for some tlmo irudunlly however tho conviction iumo to john mojtscy that the grave dark hul rod mun who spoke in ouch a t ultured tone wim u man who hod missed tha best of ufa and in secret recesses of hi own heart was tho unspoken though l tho lord preserve tnu from aver thinking of my fellow creatures art this man doc artfumuut in not ouuy under such rln umxtaiicai and iitlll low is it satis factory it 1b very ilka walking- round u rlr le und cuotliiuulty getting to tho wuliia point john ilumoy wu euro thut thin ugii could glvo noble umtiliui of devotion of self sacrifice und of endurance uncomplainingly borne on tho other hand hu vunvht tlui dnrkhulred utrojirer looked at him with his crave iui eyes and said with u hruc of hu whouldor no thin tiuit you havn nalt a vet altera my oolnlon 1 could glvo you inataacejf by tho hundred of nucli awful aelfuh iickk tiiat it i incredible how thtacoum ever bo called an uifo of jirotfrean whllo this convertuitlon wu balnjc held in a comfortable ntcli car- riujca botwoen two of the tiosaenient a conversation of a very dlfteront na ture waji belntf hold between the en- cino driver of tlie train and the youth who wa ntoker tlioy were oliyr quickly for it wu an exire train there cried the enjtlno driver utarlnc- before him um ho poke what thatt- tom nuuoed with the a hovel in hb hand and toerod forward the wind blowing nu hair about him face a ho 1 did uo lie looked hard and then underneath all tha coal krime he turn ed tale jim ho ejaculated it a child forn help ui irojiped the oiurtne driver oh lord help ut it wm an awful moment they ware coins at a quick rate in one tllraotion and ahead of them lylnc on the rllm on which a few moment the down exproaa from london wouh iwut wo u little kir who had evident ly ralhin out of u truln what were they to do 7 how could they aavo tho child t turn rousb tintutorod tom oolvrd tlie dlltlculty i jim ho halo nrmty theres just tho rhunoo unit i could do it tf you ould nlow down 111 jump off and try for it if im vury quick i ousht to lk lltr u baforo tha axpresd is on to luu und if i cint walt christ wont lo iwnl on me lloll know 1 triad to do my duty jim foil it u dim cult thlntf to koau from ohokij but there was ho time for emotion ho tlmo for expressing what bo fnlt mo with simply tbo words 1 ii itlow down tom und may clod mom you oh fiou help u ble romlntf tom i cant slow down li the ill ju jim if i dont and ulvo her hi the i ruin wi usual spevd up off and try for it com lutk tull mother y lovt thni ruin piiniml off and for half u imioond felt dusud but the i mirror tlto tolluutlon brought lilm round tlvs imjon dxprexs wbs rupldly approanh lnil und ha teorad ho could not react llw child in timn lie rushod forward lxed the child und with li dusporuto effort 1vaihed tho hank less than i moment uftor ha lud picked up th child tlia uxprims mhttud oyur tha knot on whictsha bad teeu lylntf the enslne driver when his brave ntoker jumped off hwl slowed dowi ws soon iui ho txiuld and to tho pucurls of the uumiknt who of course know ho thins of what hud happened tbo trutu ialno to u stundauii heads were at onoo put out of the windows hlid fukr eyes joutfht to rtlscowr wh not piuchm11iis at iut john uusituy drew lit his head vlth hlx quirk rximprvbansive k bo had taken in thj situation lis ltokod with u klnwliuf faoo ut bis comliuulou look nut ho huld look on that huukt thero is uhwwof to what vou have just beau nuylns thai youns r i low tho stoker of this train i sup- thum bus jumped on und ituved that ltltle icirl how she uutno tu bo thorn i utic toll but 1 foul surtithat wo slutll til id that that tt tod lone of the horoo of thw world as if tu mihaslu tliim onlniou the sound of words spokuu with vreteat amotlun uchet tlmlr ears twi wore livaf tho front of thu train and were uba to bear ovary word a mans voice stroiur but ull uf agitation txiluwod out art ull rlxht dear ladt i a bit dlxxy jim repllod tlie youth i on the lunk hut the titilds saved art hurt at all hull cried tho mislno driver no jim but itn a bit faint it all but touched ino another secotff and thin little lass would have boou done fori i am thankful i was in time i ho uut 1 lad was tho hearty ra- puusf tom i tuuesnl keep tha train i ahull 1m behind time you stop with the child some una sure to coma und find her can you litunsu jlmt tom aak lu suoh svldeut surnrias ibat jobn asaln tho vol nho alive tin re wan u iwiund thut john massey thought us lonr uh life lasted ho never forget as tom cried out joy fully allvo und unhurt ity this time the men hurrying ulniik tho lino were uttlu nearer and us they nine near to the cartiaao in whlrh john msasoy and his compan ion were sitting they caught stent of the station munter from the last sta tion thny hnd passed and a palo aeon ufxl mun who was only too clearly socklnc for tomo crest treasure they watrhed in breathless interest a tlmy saw tom place the child in her father arms and then they heard thewo words simply opoken im lluinkful i saw her in time mustnt stop or my mato will be ii trouble tho next moment tom rushed acros tho line und the next tho two men knew was thut the train was una in its way tha two men worn sldont for momout thoii john m assay looked into his companion eyes welir ho oald j it was a noble deed nobly done aold the darkhaired stranger still i um rlsht in proclaiming the degen erncy of tho use imagine that father after receiving hln child back from what would have been certain death to let that fellow go without giving him uny reward monstrous i ill that fine fellow has had his ward john iassoy cried with feeling he hud it in tho knowledge that he lutd saved tho child ho wanted no other toward it wus enough to know thut he bud dona bis duty there was a silence again each busy with his own thought then john maitsoy broke it speaking half oar nestly half whimsically 1 for uno am truly thankful that be hud no reward except that of doing the if rout service for wbcti he risked his hfo suppose now that the futile r hud produced a bag of gold in the wonderful way in which it can be pro duced on tho ntage und had said in tho most dramatic way w have saved my child take this would it not have given tbouo who think as you do tho opportunity for baying that he lutd known well enough there was no danger and had done the deed for tho sake of a rewardf then his tone- changed and jn vol co that wfis deep with eraotli john massey cried pah h makes mo sick to see how men con shut their eyes to tbo truth there never was a more heroic age than this there never was an age in which more was being done by man for men you cant alter my conviction sir u man doesnt jump dawn before ar wxprrns train for tho fun of the thine t can tell you he vpoko so warmly and looked so good and true that the froxen heart of the tnun who had thought himself a misanthrope softened and ho an swared in a gentler voice than bo bad yet npoken in t think perhaps you uro right you havo scored my friend tbo trulh came to a stop ut last in tho station nt lugdon and here the jen nionrallghted they shook hands ut purlins and tho drkhalred man said tie was glad they had met john alaasey with a smile on bis rttu face walked rapidly forward till hv reached tbo engine the engine driver turned in surprise when bo mv him standing there smiling can i have a word with you john massey asked f yes sir certainly sir vepliod evldeut surprise 1 want to shake i hands with that tine follow john uassey said ho never forgot the way in which tha engine drivers faos was trans formed when he heard what he bad jonft for it glowed into absolute beauty jjfj tom he cried toml well u muffled voice replied and tom a big tin can in his hand from whlrh he lutd been drinking came for ward wlutt u it jimr a jcont here wants to speak with you jim replied and with more deli cacy than was to be expected moved yard or so away you want to apeak with me buf tom asked in surprise 1 want to shake hands with you y fitto follow and so say clod bless you cried john uassey i always wuuted to shuka u hero by the hand and now that 1 huvo corns across one i cant let tho opmrtunlty go torn colored bonaath tho coating of coal duot und maid pimply you era very kind sir but my hands are dirty 1 m hot at tu touch reiitlemutt not nt cried john uussey not therv lot me shake hands and loll your mother she has cutise to go down on her kneus und oiuhk clod toms fuoo worked but he smiled through u sudden mist of tears and rnturnod the lutndehake so heartily that j oli 1 1 uuuseys hand uohed for mtuiie knlnute v iruo uge of chivalry pust said john uussoy to himself past i x know it is hot past we are in it we uro living in it und today if knights do not so uboul in coats of mall to rocua helpless ma id o os simple heart od stokers will run the risk of death tu ssvo ho i p less child ran and go oil their way scarcely aware that they huvo done anything unusual im glad that tun said id sooredl tho man uk loves the children tribute psld to c w norto le inspector of the child rari aid society the itrampton conservator pulil tbo following tribute to mr c w norton late inpsootor of the childrens aid hoclety of ieol and liulton counties u week or so ago mr norton remit- ly resigned thin posit ion und priiicl liul w if utewart of a ton wus ap pointed to tho vucuui y moat man und wommi have onii hobby upon whlrh thoy spond tlmo und many to their own individual satisfaction it is not in muny en that tbo hobby lakes un ultruutin fo and tho individual finds pleasure t satisfaction in giving pleasure and satisfaction to others this is qulto true however hi tho case of mr charles w norton intj inspector of ilia chitdrfitiu aid ijociuty of pool and jullon por thirtyolght years m nortons hobby has imhmi tu bring sunshine and happiness to lives wtuch fate has darkened and in tho satisfaction of such lives retrieved from the gloom of unhappy condlt ons mr norton bus found his own luiqil ness uorn in ijevon kngland tho son o a barrister who died leaving u family of amull children mr norton re at tho age of fourteen with bis ti brothers and sisters to loudon after his arrival he met wth thut wllch has influenced bis whole uf in th shape of the hugged hi uday hcb ml whose sign attractod his eye will j h was on his way to tho fashlot ibl anglican sunday hchool close to th tumous tabernuclo prvnldod over b ir isrker the second humlay uf his iondoi jifo was tnarkod by a visit to this bun- day hchool tho superintendent o the hugged hchool isolutod tho litt school loy who arrlvetl in a natty sailor suit patent shoes gloves uu1 a munowar cap hut thut day tlio germ sprouted lu tho boys heart whlah was to leur fruit in a ufo time of ser vice for helpless children under the larl of hhaftesbury and the ilaroness tlurdettcoutts mr nor ton carrird ou bis work in england vof six years his work lu connection with tho child welfare was curried on in ieel and hullon a well as hiri work as floral designer at tho dale icstuti and for tho punt six yours ho has serv od as thu salaried lniwvrtor of th clilldrns aid boclety cvlnir ull hi tlmo and attention und much of hi own private means to the work as a led mr norton wus uppren uced to a firm of well known and vnrj wealthy jewellers of london but for felted tho whole of ut flvo hundred pound indenture with this firm t with natures jewels the f learning designing with a famous london florist be rose to be chief do- signer at buckingham ialnce and ha 1 the honr of designing tho floral decor all ons for the state dinner given u the coronation of his majesty fcul- wurd vii tho centrepiece on occasion was a crown composed of thousands upon thousands of violets moss rose buds and 11 1 s of the vu ley these hants concerning mr noi tons personal history are necessary for his work ha elwuys iiwoo its ut tendant success to the strong person ality which ho bus thrown unreserv edly into the work when this gen oration lias passed uway and when th coming generation is simp in if the lif of peel und ifalton thoa lives upon which he pressed the hallmark of tils personality will stand us mom for his uchlovomebu in twelve years the bare utullstlci of xtr nortons work- us as follows homes made tisppy without which many children hud to suffer through discord on the part of the parents 172 children cured for without removal from the homes 67i mothers holpod that they might not break up homes 172 children involved during the 12 years ln7 boys rescued from prison terms ibs girls rescued from prison terms 20z girls rescued from a life of shame 131 reunion of puronts who had parted thro ugh family quarrel or immorality 83 called in to makepeace in the homes for family t rub ins 32s cases of nonsupport to family by father 129 soldiers cases handled during the war 168 children made wards of the childrens aid society 208 children placed lu good foster homes 100 girls married with good homes or their own 18 boys married with good homes of their own 13 boys saved to serve 40 boys in tha navy i many of tho boys and girls have victory hondo rrom 150 to 40o pe rati ons on children nursed by self 8 children visited in foster homes eoooo though mr norton bus severed his connection with the childrens aid boclety he wilt continue to work for those who huvo reachm the uge where 3 a h loses touch with them the counties of iool und hnltou there are lots of boys and ulrls of sixteen years und over who tieed ulul long for a helpful word of udvlco und friendly bund these mr norton is us ready us of old to extend his door is always on thu latch his ui on the alert for the feeblest cull ho will still be found ut tho old quarters and will gladly welcome every oppor tunity to offer thu cup of cold water in ills nalne qettino a lift two young men u is said started out to u piily tor work lu a hearby town after a little one of them grew tirud im going to alt down and wait till somebody comes a ions who will give m a lift bo said youd bet ter wult too hut the other did not think so ho trudged on re o hod the factory uppltod for employment ulid mot it tho other waited till u farmer ikuhsed who was ready to give him h hut the fanners horse was slow by the time the second vuuth leached town the manager uf the ru- tory hud urn ployed ull the workers he horded v this story lltustrutas something which la continually happening lit life there uro young men who foel sure of getting good positions ttocuusn their fathais uru influential ur of being pro moted because they belong to wealthy families if you will study the bio graphies of successful knen you will uut find among them those who de pended on getting a lift to enable the m tu resell the goal trust to your own strength energy and industry whatever external advantages may be yours pin your faith to the old for mula of workltqf and waiting 2 sssrtss 0aiwt itorfw- clswcetttll a profitable applestall knulltth lubo opinion gives ull ln- torestlng little hit of history relutltif how apsley house long tbo rusldonoo t the duke of wellington superseded ji applestall this great stone- front ed mansion tull of mementos of the past stands at the corner uf hyde park und 1lccadllly ioni years ugt so runs the story oeorge h was rld- uuuttumled ulong the country lans which is now known us knlgh tub ridge whan his attention was uttruotod by an old soldier in a vry tainted mili tary uniform the man looked us miserable as lid was ragged aoooatlng the army veteruu the king learnod that his hume wus allen tlutt ho hud fougbtut tits llattle of dettlu- i und that ha was very poor ho druw u scanty subsistence from the roftts uf un applestand kept by hirj ife hear the purk gates liurd by what call i do for your asked tho king your majesty cun give tnu a grant th bit uf ground kny upplestuhd stand on replied the soldier eager ly i uiti in dully four of being driven awuy if you will grunt me this i ahull be happy for the rest of jny days he ituppy then responded tho munurcti und ha guvo orders aooord- ingly kocure now lu his toiiuro und huv- g uo runt to imiy tho soldier suc ceeded in inuklhg thu upplostull wv uccs he died in oomruruhle a umstuiices leaving u sou whom he bud educated slid who became a re spectable attorney after allen death tho u pule stall wus ubondonod und tho plot of grouudj became ten ayoaore fur wuut of ut ten th n wheu it bud remained u not cu lled for soina years tha then lord chancellor granted a lease of the land to iird apsley afterward lord llatb- urst he built a fine brick mansion tor his own occupation it was then when ut all finished thut be found it un expensive business lo suimiaede ull ajpleetl young allen pit lu u claim fqj u large sum of money lieu of tent und damage a com promise wus effected and lord ap ley agreed to iuy uu annus rent of thousand two hundred and fifty dollar to the applestall keepers sou the avenue op rock maples former heck with had just come from town und aino into the njttlng- loom of tho oldwhlta furmhouso inop ping his fa t with u bund una tiand- kir rhlnf i dcmluro ho uuld i gou hotter omlr from tho roud up 10 tho house tiuin i did all tho rest of tho way 1 hut ii u purty nuiuiy stretch up from the roj lie ijckprt up d pahn leaf fuuebmviolledtl vigorously vvlutt uutu mo in vtiy i didnt plant u row of tines tit shudo that road long ago 1 m going to do it now though ha rose to his feet n sturdy stut- wutt figure with u crown of silvery gruy hair his daughter icmlly who hud omo homo with 1 rr ok n lit tin daughter for iur nrat visit situ o aim had murriad u fur irndst und gone t live on thu western frontier then locutod in wlooonhln laiighod merrily thuts u splendid ideu father ilut plunt kdinuthliig thut grows quickly so thut you will got lliu huuullt of thu triot yourself the hulc ofd furm r regurdod hsr tlioiikhtrully quick growing short llvsd ho suld hrlofly bmlly whut over i do i want done right und dune uo t will lust thut was my idea wli i built the farmhouse here and stands bora as staunch as the day wus finished that row o trees wont muko uny groat difference to mo but it may to sotnethxiy else und im goln to do it lo lust im goln to plunt rock maples and for muny days ho spout whit tlmo ho could spuro plant ing u double row of young rock maples ulong tho drive that led from tho farmhouse standing an a slight knoll to tho mulu roud u quarter of u mile uwuy it wus more than sixty yours later thut the little granddaughter uow wearing u silvery rown herself camo buck with her daughter to visit her inothur s native town und through the influence of relatives was given uti opportunity to see the marvellous changes which tha years had made in tho old farm now thd country estate of u tjch man tho honestly built old farmhouse hud been tnovod off to another road thruo or four miles away and still strung und staunch was sheltering a how gimerutjoii in its place stood a stutuly mansion with a grout marble terrace boforo its doors and twi murblo stairways loading down lu beautiful sunken garden und enclos lug within their ourvo u basin where u fountain uhjmmerod in tho sunshine against tho dafk baokground or the trees und shrubs that enclosed tho garden gleamed agures and seats or curritru marble wherever thoy wont through tho spacious grounds wonder fui gardens graceful swuns floating oi tho uurfaco of n luknyormed by dam minu the brook which lu earlier days imd flowed aero no tho farm art and weulth hnd joined lo mnko a fairyland of the old furm as the little purty returnod to the lately house on tho knoll where the owngr of tho estate had invited tho visitors tu have tea tho former paused und raised bis oyo to the leafy can opy uikivo their hoods gorgeous with tho red und gold of euriy uutumn to mo bo said with u gesture to- woni the splendid trees that lined the driveway this uvenue of rock maples is one ot tho most beautiful features of the place i do not know whi pluntod them but whoever ho was bej deserves to bo hold lu grateful liioinhriincn by ull lovers of beauty a light tinhod into tho face of tho guest with tho silvery hair he was my srundfuther hiram llackwltn she uuld proudly und my mother und j wore vistlng hero when he planted them my mother urged him to plant trues thut would grow quickly so that ha would gat so mo bonefit from them hlnihoir but his one thought was to do thu work right und uo it would lust us hii nxprossod himself und so bd pluiited rock maples hu bulldod better than ho kiiow the owner suld thoughtfully no architect or landscape artist could huve planned u rnoro beuutlful or fit ting approach to the house x wanted to build on ho site of the old farmhouse j the granddgughjor of hiram lleok- with wus a woman of wide experience wlthlu keen sense of lifes values aw she looked up at the riamtnjf maples plutited by her grandfathers hand so muny years before it thrilled her to think thut tho plain rugged old man iteucuao bo was unwilling to leave be hind him a hit of work thut was poor und cheap und temporary hud created this tiling of beauty which neither weulth nor art could huve duplicated but which fitted so perfectly into the rlih und leuutlful surroundings c rout ed by weulth und urt onk word more mrs llrowu was at thebaok of the i hurch waiting to lutve her baby christened luiby wuu jotting ruseaj mi aim imckotuml the writer is the hennoit nearly tliifshcilr alio whisper ed no mum leplled the vorgur another hulfhour of tt ynt hes only on his lastly liut suld mrs lhown wilt it take him half un hour to tfut through his lusllyr no muni was tho demure reply but theres the oim wonl more und im do no und thu dually uiwl the in com luulon tu iomu lit tkint bt liu- putloitp lpnijim tlthits the value of saving all successful men began by saving later perhapsthey invested but they first had to accumulate capital the first step towards wealth is to open a savings account the second is to save regularly come in iind ask about our simple convenient savings accounts interest compounded every six month soon amounts up the bank of nova scotia vyk cha1iau rldnp capiutl 0700 cds reserve pond la 00000 uorr 330am 00s adlmuuufu 24 years the same good tea jteakgood sold only in sealed the brunswick what shape is a horn uia you ever luur of u h pi you know why thoy i kwupliooe thut wus stuure7 id wuti i through u miuuro plpo fzvery phonogrupb or tulklng tnuchlui bus u horn but th cull thorn ampllflnru tlmy urn rcully the tnckuphoiils of the machine it is their duty to round out the tont and bend it to the listeners uaw whatsltspe do you think this iiollk sloull l to give the best tonic and what do you tllluk it should lxt lniul of rwsoiiunt vlbrutlng metul or woo i built on tho violin prlnclplut llefore you buy uny phouoitruph und nut the hhalh of thu horn and what it is uadli ql one of tho wcrnlu of tko hltunhwiclcfl wonderful tono on all records is tho vxclusivo uttonted oval tonu chnmbor und throat uuilt lntotllv ok wood llko u lino violin it actually 130hil ullmluuto ull huishnoiui ull tlu stridency und thut tinny timbre thut wo huvo ulwuyn thought u met saury evil of thu old style tulklng muihluu all wo uik is tlwt you u your own curt your own judgtnmit 1 u this wonderful improveuiunt with your own yeu oompare if ultu unythlng you 1iu ut uny prlc you cuntiot afford to make u inliitiikt und it cosls you nothing mason riscli pianos bell pianos brunswick phonographs singer sewing machines and other lines you can purchase uny of nbove on smflll monthl payment- frank king next door to livingstone bakery main street georgetown our oe8t chance ff 0ervice 1 hi ay for you to help tho wo munlty get tho im ii ii order to ud stuudurd live iv t pi uof ctndut t wlu i ihuln whut yoi llo 1 hu inc in 11 in i hiivit hi uilulakaii idru thut if in ulit l u jhmr of public spirit i ut if v h or d hi own ixr limulni ji d went dlxut uhliil- fo iuiii it lo mix i othri we should l uu bully on uu wo urn now lly learn i ti lo it ml anil write you docrouui lliu k ontaeji of illiteracy lly tfuuttl hu your own health you rulso thv wtunlurl of ilth lly uttoullng t vuur buhliu mj you udvunco the pros xilty f th oiiimunliy us u whoh if iivoryoue should mend one ul v m 11 ihi meiitlod uuys tho provorl fin l st h im o of scrvle to tho world is to luuko the must uf uuibclvca turnips wanted farries mullin wholesale commission merchants arc again purchasing tur nip for shipment at acton ftoclcwood and other points wo are paying highest prices for choice stock farries mullin acton bockwo0d if your tired eyes are call ing for comfortable glaaoea that will enable you to read with euse und to look into the dhitaiico without eye strain you nlniul1 visit us w will examine your eyes and make for thrnl tha glasses that will niialit tnukn life soem worth living our prices are as sat isfactory us our tlulum osja tts sk5 extra standmq mw j w the refinement of purity civreful cooku know the valu 1 of nunty lu the making of caked or paatry tliey uis tho hirctlicniu which ilcy bciicvo to he pure ami wlinletmic lo apply thu nuiitcnctionpiinty to btigar itt no tay tuattcr for nearly nil iukaru lkk tihke to tliooi not cx- jkrt in tlctcctinu vuriitloti tho iifc court in to utj u midair tiiat coined from trcfiiicricj in which purity u a ihufat iii the dominion sutjar naiierics the heist iii lucked by a ktutiditi invitation to the public to vltit und inupcct uui plmtii hi which domiiuoii crystal sugar hi iiuide j lit duniinuiti cryal smaf tlm house wirsof cuiiaiu tmvc ondtiitjr tlut cm im tl pciwilj uikii or tlut tufity vhch it so chciitiul to kutcraeful tululiry llloit this ii the only sur tlt iny ikj rt trnocd ca nudum tioui tlui umuiul u we tio iuukxt thu invent luw uno susr uiul irfuic it but our prulo u til tlwi juojuct we uuile iioiu cuilulum wugar beets dominion suyar company luuj wlscbg gtj cilkav r ii heres a classycoat mil fumous twtuble llreoated lll4 r nuule with rpnvertlble tollui thut buttons close up to tho throut necessary ut d ull thro ich und lutor- llm d to the wulsl tnukiug u worm crinfortubln coat not yoo weighty uuibf of rul cloth in all uhudis ttther in the i tag la r uhoulhr or the regular 1 it bhiniht ltyl thee coats are the hht vuluus lu the trade made to measure from 30 up lt tentt our valu vo i r e nelson lhon 40 h pot offio uuelph when yon need boots shoes at any tune e 11uy ipuom w williams mill street acloo famous kk satisfactory footwear keasonaiilh prices storm doors keep out the toliand cut down the coatuilli ii i number o cm mad of h immi lo with i i door f i i i i in l h i with n i u n lllv tho mill ilil li loo i i bound and both i im i i o ill i i ktithcr hit hi im tl ii i hu i in i that it will linn i with ii ii i iihrltiukiut uw n tf in ih j 11 in iiylej i iii nill t l m numboi- d gn lluiikl othti ur niiiiiu number 10 i iii i llll mil ilil li 500 oil 11 ii iii i in tui 1 nil i hin ii lxi i ltli 1 in i uml mirniih i ii i mi hloti do i ntud hi alu v in 11 n pi i 0 lkus nml hi ii i- ii t ti li by mi u l j fi in 1 i c ft lu in 3 fl by ft frost xing pt h 1 lit boc pi t the bond iaiiwauk co ltd phone 1012 cuelih this stores policy to represent juodb ex actly as 10 their qunlity to sell to ihoe who know ond to those who dont know nt a uniform fair price to fulfill nil guarantees und chec fully correct all mis takes to deserve your confidence by always giving you satisfaction savage co jewellers guelpm ontario when friends drop in entertain them with the music of tits s victrola thoros alway fresh interest in hia masters voice records of the worlds masterpieces sung and played by the worlds greatest artists in the latest fcopularqng8 and the newest dance music there are no cmhaxaaa- ing momenta when you entertain with tho virrola c w kelly son gueumi 0nt acton fj6ur and feed store we have ti uupply of thu folhiwliij ow uii baud the wellknown ijrsnds of kiij choice nerval and nsttotisl 1 l ur nothing better rolled oattl oilcakl shorts oat chop ran pled i louil halt lu lunels 2ud it 11 cd th uiuuh ualillty if dualled ijiiccial uwu 1w ciiickcln vlclh oivm oull calv uljal x ti11al lioituhtic uolilll csatrl taiic mun ceiiudu 1 luutd llwiu kii i robert noble limited henry awrey manaqei

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