Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 20, 1919, p. 4

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0 artmt ijto ppaja iiuntmitav nvimiuit jo uio iin iltx 1itkiui lit published ovury thuruday ulo uji iuiui bulldlnc mill hlmot ac n wuluii rllllmi prito lu jl lo ixir your ut lu hunted additional i ofllcwi in jlui uulu in willed iiuiuk rlitlmiu arc paid 1 tho uddnuui lulxnl turn at moriilnii ul ontario j 1 ijllilml 1 ill tmll ut- advkkjiminfi llatiri truiinl ccinu ir li uitlii niiuuiiimuoiit fu coutii it r lir fr uli iijlntnjmui uljiluy ulvin ih iiinnlu iw iuo lm in n or it iniui hi iim li ouili imxittiou atlvorl ihxiun dlmxklunn will lo inuurtod 111 fo kct4mihimjy ii i mooitu idltor t ui vortlaiuniiiild ii mt lmwrttou and t inaortlot contract ki tiiuro tkit ami d und cliarijjod 1 iubluli tiiirin kdlloilul i ituuiiiiti nlb editorial wc know rho public choolb in rurnl iextiuiit arc not on n level with city choolb und wc had hopo that when dr cody jol round to thib department of his work nnpiovtniciit would soon take plucc hut u new mini is to tukc in place nnii wc bhall continue to hopo here is a pertinent pururuph from our dumb animals 1euve out of our schools a large part of whuf now consumes the time of teacher and pupil und quicken in tho hearts of the scholurt the idcu of justice luir pluy immunity und iiunmn kin ship and not only would the future of the country bo safeguarded from many u peril but 6ur children would be educated in things that arc really funda itmrvtul und vital in character and life this is hu mane education uowmnnvillc statesman canada has again proven herself a nation of won dcrful rcsourccti agutn hub the victory jloan been oversubscribed 16 double the anrount jjsked for by the government the 1018 victory loan was res ponded to with subscriptions aggregating 095300- 250 mid twelve months later our people have again responded with subscriptions totalling 050000000 the umount asked for in each case was 300000000 jin habit of going over the ton is highly credit able to the loyalty and resourcefulness of out people ond will give us a high standing with tho nations of the world canadas victory loan 1011 is a decisive victory strong measures arc to be taken by the authorities of the dominion to disarm foreigners in canada of ftrcarmt acting under legislation which became eflcctivo with the proroguing of tho federal parlia ment last week steps arc lo bo taken to seizo all pistols and other dungcrous weapons that arc in the possession of aliens in this campaign the authori ties are inviting the fullest cooperation of police in all parts of the province the need for such action has been emphasized by the number of shootings and many other crimes which have been committed in recent wtcks many of which aliens have figured in weaknesses in the law huvp made it impossible in the past for the police to launch such a campaign but now that they have the authority prompt action ts to be taken ihc strungth of popular prohibition sentiment throughout tho united states hever had such q spec tacular manifestation us was afforded in connection with the presidents surprising veto of the prohibi tion law enforcement bill i his veto came like a bolt from tho blue and at tlrst rather dazed congress and the prohibition hosts lutcr in the da however congress rallied and the lower house passed the bill over the presidents veto the senate to6k simi lar action the next day this action did not show so much the staying power of congress as the stupend ous furc6 of tho prohibition sentiment behind con gress and forcing action nashville advocate a oimple flcmeov llltorlul oiniilimlniirt no i inner tijutm m ih iiib city imtihtm tti mtim1 daikiyttfnt rxtulrw winlut fn lakn lnru of ittimd rnd woo to the mm i who rtia not of hla ow iinrriuv ilold nut ion nco the vnma who conducted dm utf a devoted i frmhilun trilormla wan kick and youitf mrni a rrportor waa cut lad in in try hb hand iix mud it liurriodly notldnc only that iilt r nno it huulri how frreaao nilkhl imi li trmnvwl rrinn aoup ho reuil it hurriedly iollrlna only lhat if wui un lixjulry fur ihn removal or ktiufi- lli win iiim unnwor tuutk u win cloth ut caaollna till rtih trolly till the iimihu la oradl- i utixl notwithstanding that neither tho ifew premier nor the members of his now cabinet have had any previous experience as leaders in government affairs and few of them have had any legislative cjfperi encc it is generally felt that being men of business training good judgment and having won a fair mea sure of success in their own affairs they will have the ability to govern successfully the affairs of the province entrusted to them they cnj6y the con fidence of the electors are absolutely untrammelled by claims or promises to party and party leaders and this position will cnuble them to break down tho long standing und undesirable patronago system which has so long obtained irrespective of which of tho old parties was in power each department presided over by the new members has the advantage of a strong deputy minister well versed in the routine business of tho department and they wijl bo of ma terial assistance in aiding the new cabinet to con tinue tho business of the government running smoothly while no very marked reduction in prices of the cointilon every day supplies has yet taken place there is every indication of a fall in prices of comtnodi tics ot all kinds food and clothing as well as metals and machinery in the near future steel tho trade barometer dropped several months ago and mr charles m schwab the greatest expert in the manu facture of steel and also the greatest salesman of it is pessimistic as to tho future copper declined during the past week thero was a break in coloji in now york and a general decline in foodstuffs in chicago the retail prices of food here havb not shown much change yet hut a decrease is predicted before long the high cost of living due to the wa- has undoubtedly passed the peak and is now des cending i r then there fell a qilence am iiilliiimti uml two hrulclintin wrr wit tine in lh mnuknroum when tluini nntorml miulhur krot ah ha tuild tha liiclbilimbt a not h or hootrh tnuti iu4 arrived wool t ull un- odinr of the luolu 1 dont n what iu t oimiiuh nbout wo hlujyu tmtt ihn unullh tutilvtt w1i what witrliqi um uald tho ldiuh- muii hi hul you dont trout u of uiiouili tho llttro fell u ullono wlili i lil tho i niter t turn nnj ihillnh w philp char of plno vtoiii and othar btrina inatumanta also pipe oroan will vialt acton on wadnaaday of nnch wook until further nolle puplta draparod foe conaaratonr ilminlnatlonb iffwioa laft at actov vxam pxswi offloe will rac4v prompt uttootion a new method for tho cooperative handling of farm produce in the western provinces promises satisfactory results very advantageous to those who become identified with the movement with a view to enabling those with farm produce to dispose of it v best advantage the saskatchewan provincial de partment or agriculture has estahjjsjied a coopera tivc exchange tho idea is that covopcrative associa tions in the province where there is a surplus of po tatoes and liko produce should ship to districts within the province where there is a scarcity through lack of information at present farmers with produce tj sell frequently export it from tho province in ignor ance of the fact that better prices could be obtained from other saskatchewan districts the exchange plans to bring the buyers and sellers together and act as b clearing bouse the outstanding lesson of the ontariolclcction is that tho citizens of the province are in dead earnest upon the temperance question the people arc in no mood to stand trifling or evasion in regard to this paramount issue but want men who will stand straight clcur and definite for the cnactmcnt en forcemeni of prohibitory legislation temperance people have been criticised for not supporting tin hearst government who gave them prohibition the general feeling was that it was sir william hearst more than his government who deserved the credit for the measure and there were certain members of the cabinet who while unwillingly acquiescing in the passage of the ontario temperance act were dis tinctly unfriendly to the temperance cause this wns a handicap the leader of the opposition refused to declare himself upon the issue and was generally sup posed to be more in sympathy wijh the liquor inter ests than with the temperance reform on the other hand the united farmers organization came out flatfooted and strong for prohibition to tho limit of provincial powers no one had any doubt as where that organization stood and tho candidates were mainly men whom the people trusted if there is one lesson more clear than any other in the result of tho ontario election it is u strong warning to poli ticians to quit fooling and triffiug with great issues and particularly with the prohibition question pioneer the christian guardian of toronto celebrated last week its ninetieth anniversary- with a splendid special number the fiout cover whch was urtis- tically designed in colors bore u striking portrait of the hcv egcrton kycrson d d tho editor whu commenced his duties in november ib20 tho guar- diairwas established ut a time when civil rights were denied the common people especially those who were affiliated with nonconformist communions no methodist presbyterian baptst or congregational church had at that titiio any legul standing in can ada they could uqi buy or hold property could not own a cemetery for their dead could not build u college or univcisity could not legully solemn ue matrimony fortunately for the country dr kyci- son the llrst editor of tlic guardian hud u keen mouse of the wrongs which obtained und u fucilo pen with which to picscnt the claims of tho free churches mi canada to equal denoniiuutiuiiul status und civil rights 1 ho christiun guardian took tho leadership in the years of struggle whaqfollowed finally the spontaneous and united revolt of manly independ ence in church und statu provuitcd against unjust and urrogunt assumptions und cruel wrongs no other paper which joined in the struggle has continued to live to sue the equal rights wc now enjoy tho guardian full of ycurs is us vigorous und intluciitiul toduy us ever in the past its circu lation is larger than over before in its history and with its present able editor dr crcightun und its aggressive publisher s w pullis book steward who- bus tho experienced book steward emeritus the venerable dr ilriggs still ussociuted with him it will continue to influence for gtod u lurgo section of tho population of the dominion of canuda tho people of ontario by a majority well over a quarter of a million have said decisively they have no place for booze in this province- every other province in the dominion with tho single exception of quebec has spokcnwiih equally emphatic voice to the same effect why then docs the dominion government require another referendum to prohibit the manufacture and importation of liquor into a dry province ft has full power to pass legislation which would effect this end without resorting to the cumbersome unnecessary and expensive plan of sub mitting the question to the people everybody knows the members of tho government know that a referendum would result in another majority of hundreds of thousands why had not tho govern ment the courage to adhcro to their original proposal and pass legislation which would have enabled each provincial legislature by a majority vote to request of the dominion government for that province the prohibition of the manufacture or importation of intoxicants and no provincial legislature in canada barring perhaps quebec would have dared to sub vert the known will of the people that of absolute prohibition of the traffic in liquor for beverage pur poscs guelph business collide herald bl-oo- otjelph itcani th stamp op al- lhoval of tho bualnen ub- our course lm tracticl our method ura ihorouxh our twjuliwnont is adequate our instructors arc oplalltjl to moot tha demand for thoroughly cotnoetant help wo oi you in training bpaclal proposition tjll dacombac 1 wh1tk today ok caul a l bouck principal thoughtrulness for others inspired the admonition do your christmas shopping early end thanks to the thousands of people who saw clearly the justice as well as the common sense of tho idea armic ot workers in tho stores of the country have benefitted in recent years to a degree that cannot be expressed in specific terms tho tremendous throngs that gath ered in the downtown sections of toronto on satur day to greet the arrival of a wclladvcrtiscd santa claus and tho resultant partial paralysis of street car service in some sections show that tho spirit of christmas is already in the- air young und old arc looking forward to it with a sciiscof pleasurable anticipation not easy to define perhaps in spite of the absence of loved ones who will never again sit in ths circles of merrymakers there is a song ot glad ness in many hearts because the coming christmas will mark the first completed calendar- year of peace since 1013 and in this country the fact thut there is very real peace while in central europe it would almost seem us if the war had begun again helps to emphasize the conviction that there is much to bs thankful for and no better time than christmas could be chosen to give expression to this feeling torontp globe tfic attention ot public men and women is being mora and more directed to tho necessity for u practi cal rather thuu a classical or literary education for the young people of tho rising generation- the re- habituation of tha young men and women reuuting from the war bus forcefully emphasized this new york state bets uit example by passing a luw requir ing every boy between tho uges of sixteen und nine teen to spcud un hour und a half weekly in u national guurd armory there ten minutes u week will 1u spent in organization study thirty in military trust ing thirty more in physicuhexercise und twenty in classes on hygiene und sanitation boys who witlt to substitute vocational work for military drill may- do so but the intent to make better citizens will be curricdforward by making the weekly work absol utely compulsory tho boys will learn the meaning of discipline and good citizenship as diversions they will learn forestry nature study and with it the rules of scouting will also take them outdoors mi good weather our canadian educationists couhi with fitting aolicitude for tho effective sficcess in llfu of tho rising generation adopt some sif nilar plan kf helpful discipline arid instructive aids to good citi zenship x jj choice groceries ant provisions ikve you tried mcdousdts for fresh groceries and fresh fndtb and rlgbt 1 prices mrs jennie hcdougall mill street acton out fresh fist tailoring cleaning pressing dyeing j p scaruow begs lo in form tho public of aciott and dibtrict thut bo has opened tho store next to kcnnoya boot store for highclass tailoring alio cieanlnjr praislnf uepalrllw all kinds of dyew altering and ttemodclllnjl lames woltk a spkcialty suits made to measure milithiy ctiuts dycil uutl re modelled all ordcrsvill ro- cciva prompt attontion your putroiiaku rcspoitfully solicited j p scarrow terms strictly cash main street acton ont oardcn mcmorjea him not un thn enra nt 10 vaunt on cnrrylnic m frreot fragranl ituncli cf mljriiuntl klnrfliicjii and gool nature ftnamcil from rtvrry i no of her khlnioa black fnc hlo ut down bo- 414 o urfxllixiklnjr woman ml a mfttiy onil thmtnmn irkn her uktrtm nalilo and frowned a merrliarit in a ttt hack milftcij the lr thoufclilully utmi lm cjuthl lht of tha mlfnonellf mud hu far llfthled thou tit i waant tnutak pii ho aald to tho man at hla alda tan yrani atnra vo no hoed thai tnfll tfpwrn i am hiirti it wrua mis- nonet to mtithrr ukmmi to iijivh u ull ufuns tha walk at tionir thfl blark woman turtioo nmllltik halt mo mo maratar alio aald ah haa plenty moah antl alio irachnd hack a kenornui hunch ittamtlly a alck child in u frti rulani hla hrad and wwld i j you amoli mlsnonetto ntuthort it nuke mo think of runjmollmri kim did not hoar i ho word hut ahn rauajijt a wlatful uitro you want aome honiryr ahn uitknd in a volra that wu a careaai and tha child amllod hla ploaauro ua hu handa clfmkhl over tho atom a rl bmitckol in rhoajj jewnlary und kaudy nnory tnuchod hor can you aiiara ma u uttlo ho baked i dont know l rooh miy kho houllntthl wd uttod to hjvn mo much of it al humn in tha ip aonlr oumcy hlmdy honoy volcti wna a tv lit tho lxy than v aha had left aha k iwrk tlnr an i honoy fur mlsnoi ix rein aajd aiul wr i u it had ihmih to mho tuvul1 wlvut idinl twittnh tur tend tor hit it fat takea a liaap to the ctrl umwl to tha window quickly aa may have ixten rttallm- injr for tha drat time how tar her toot ll wandertxl from the tuitha alonji which the mlsnooetta grew aa ato anlc heavily into hex- aaat ajraln a boy reached forward chubby handa try p to set tho nowera yo la kwlno ter mu der butt honey iht wo lit tirjmiiik and alie put tho atlonu inlo th taser nncora and then aa abe bettlad bac aho aaided ah foel like ah done jlne do klower- slnmion an ah wbh 4a t ah had brunt mo tlpm mbtnoettoa folk- m craxy oout d and tram nrrnaa ttm aisle i notlrod that lb fuc of the woman at her atda had loat ita fronn and thut the mlk aklrt iay co aamlnitt th fatdetl blye calico un noticed kichanati rewarded a vriiorubll juvtlcn unt in the pln o of honor id ilocobtlon an a yiiune lutly of tluaalkrik churtiu wulktul iiajit lie nzrlalmotlf almottl involuntarily what a beautiful rlrlt tho youni woman nvorhi-urtl- tho jumllcoa cortipllmonl tumoil und icavo him a rmllunt inn 1 in whut an exco- lont jtidjitl who nuld oiiildren ory for fletchers catoria real estate if you liavo a bouae for aalo if you want to buy a houao in actou aak r j kerr auctlonaar and reat estata dealer phonic 3c vouno street acton ont if your victory bonds were burnt ot stolen thoy might prove a total iosh so with stock certificates promissory notes and other ncffotiablo securities do not lcavo valuable papers at homo or at tho office wjiero there is alvays danger of flro ocr theft keep them in a safety deposit box in tho vaults of this bank the highest meaauroof security and protection against loss is afforded at a small annual rental f h mcrchant5 bank haadofficmontri of camaajda acton branch georgetown branch eatabllahd 1004 l r shorey manager a r m1mms manager gettino a start everyone reallxaa tho lmtkrtunce of ittliis- a rbjht tart in ufa but omo fall to raua0 how early that atari la mads ionjf i m- fore a hoy leavea achoot und ontora the bualnoaa world ho huat laid the foundation for hut futuro auc ciwm or allure lie fore ha wu old enuh to ft to achool at all be ahould hava learned reaped for authority 7ha teaaons of industry bod lone and fornaixht abould be uaatervd alnntf with the multiplication table ambi tion of the rlaht aort ahould row with hla axowthj and atrenthen aa ho hooimca ntronner tl o boy who lofivij lachoo with ktronc prinelplea and hlch atiilrntlona hm already ct u turt in tho hth thai leada upwunla time is money xtino la money imcjilntf lxxkoij unl waatlnx anotherj time are vory much alike from u practical atnti1- imilnt the one who come half un hour bate lo an ensiivcmant or who trol in upon pome ovsrliurtlmiwl wovktr and takee up hla lime wltlt ulmlaaa chatter la cullty of potty du- honeaty jumftmocr that other poopl have found out tho vulue f tho mln- utr oven if you have not when you havo any trunaartlon willi buuy wwil uiixi to the itolnl promptly kavo thotr tlnm and earn their gratitude the prince of wales a large photo ot the popular heir to the throne for nil free press readers i t the family herald and weekly star of montreal have secured the exclusive rights for all canada for a real good photo igx22 inches of the prince of wales it is by vandyke tho celebrated london england photographer taken on the eve of the prmcos departure for canada the acton free press has made arrangements with the family herald and weekly star whereby we arc permirted to in clude the princes photo in a clubbing offer wc now make the following offer good only until december 3lst i0i0 t the family herald and weekly sur one year cost 1 25 the acton free press one year coal 150 wc otter both papers- for one year each ond an autographed copy of tho prince of wales portrait size 16x22 inches all for j27g all orders to be sent to this office the acton free press warning thii offer is good only until december 31st 1010 when it i announced the price of the family herald will be 150 u year imaamaamaaajrnnmormmmimmimmimm fo some modern advertising is a mere stimulant to buying this was per haps its first mood but in the growth of canadian advertising there has been of latd years a constructive force for honest manufacture and honest salesmanship you cannot possibly advertise a wooden mitmeg on any large scale the most you can do with bad stuff is to sell oneeand clear out the whole modern theory is to regard the bulk of advertising as a capital investment based on square dealing and goodwill and designed slowly to build up si business or a trade mark in which people may trust education is notion big a word to apply to modern intelligent advertising it educates every one it touches the or ganization is put upon its honor and re quired to study and develop in order to live up to its assertions the public reads and compares and tests current manu facture of all kinds iw largely a reflex from the public through advertising depart ments they are no longer merely selling forces hut building forces as well hundreds of inches of advertising space is used in the free press tjuis week by observant experienced mer chants why because it pays them to do so it would pay you try it and be con vinced as your- competitor is l v business directory mcdical thob gray m d c m mcgill i it t i illiiburuh i- it v p h luuiow momltvr itrlllxli kl oni on i aaaoflatlun ft ortlro- pridirli k aton ont drj j a mcnivcn phylcun nd btiruurt oittio und itoxltlottf orir luw lvomio and iciifln ttrcol tlio roal mo formurly mmiiod by 11j h coni acton unt veterinary john lawoon veterinary ourgion aolon ont- olll al tluji m mih k uraldeuo ulll hi mot ctillu luv r hltrht prompt ly uuuitdnd bj miono no s i- o ilx ut harou nash kaumkk ma barruur solicitor notary publlo convanyancor etc pepnvman dlock acton ont mtni to loan convkvanclntr mdi inortijhjjiri will itr ii rurh atmtrui ih of till n ruriibhod work rurvfully ifflt licully iou hnurn 3 i m to h p at rwltlimii 1rlvuto r h wan80rough lak aw dr j m bell d d 8 d s danthtt uy tbtt bktab anomtlioua uac u doalrod om at kealdourb cornor iilu and fervdortck tjtroata miscellaneous marriage licenses p moors lwur marriao ll ivlvato onlco uulred huuod at piunt iummm odlco franci8 nunan boakblndar account bouka of all klnda made to oruor priolicaja or svory descrip tion caxnculiy bound uqjln ttly and promptly dona j wyndham mtroat ouayph ont ovc-i- wtllihmv titoro r j kcrr licaruad auotlonr iar tiia count of haltoti wohln- ton 1uol and dufloriii and tha city of ouoljih acton ontario tha 1tj iroua oillco actm the unrnury omio oualuh tho kewllacord ftineua or with w j floruoil iluneu makar illllahurtf haloa nntruatod to 11 j karr oalvo attontion from data of llatlnc to lata of aala xjut your aaloc with kn radnca young straat aoton 1houe i acton call at my fcupanaa j e cideevers book binder qubao st east quiph out bjwiku and niuuliiom imiuntl la ifatidsomo ttjul hliuatuiitlui iovui noiiioa uttvt ml lu k on lllbla hymn ltooka and othor itookji all work promptly exaouud d alex niven ontario land surveyor and civil englnaar hurvayk bubdlvlalona imutia lta- portv lwchptiona lllucprlnul ate corul1c4toa tor uurctuuor and mortouoaa uurwya for archltcta bulldorv and uunlclpal councila ilrmlnacd hoporta icallmatea ate mclean buildino douala st qqkfjif ihouo 10ft4 oni roy hindley auctioneer uvkl utoctv 11ijai isiltatw and micilcuanllltjk conolijld plo erin it ll 11 ii 3 acton grand trunk railwav system the double track route justavuisn montheal toronto dltroit chicago jucxccluid dlnliilf ear imiivlot tlli4hic cutu on iiikiii truliia tuvj parlor cur on prliicltml day train kul hiconnatioll fiom utiy grand trunu tlokot f or c hi homtiv uutrlot tutmiuhtfoi ajitit roiontf j ix a holimka aknl aoton ont plion u tho old ujd tloliable ginite and maibio doajorti w uru uuuuiatuir and uirti huorttiru uf ull klnda of uonutuanlal and llnntlhtoua work wu mull dlraot to our auatiuiiiora ut wiioiuhuio prloea thuu uvlnf our uattoiiiora in nn iit wo huvu tliu imuit uutluuuua und tha only iikduhulilcu hi thn llomlnlou who mil oiwrutu uitiuiitutlu toobt iroorly w cuji ulvo ruftironi a rrnn hundrwu of our iiuatiiuiit in tot onto and othw plauoa whoro othoirt luavu to hava law ulu lu unlii tu eillitt wu havo th uukaal un1 buat wtot k m iranlta in tho i4itiilnloti or liiorn thuu utiy tlira dealer lu tint wtwt wu uro loiti tuatu doulttu uud niniuiy ho agon la uid do not hdnoy or ihjbi uuatomttra hy aoudluy out ixuirunt acouim aollolt- liut ordcnwo btuuloy only luouiuuttcw and defy oiunpatltloit hamilton sons pox norwich woolwiob uta q

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