Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 20, 1919, p. 2

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m0 fjfn arton 3ffng grgga thtlthday noviimiku 20 l takc him with vou tuk him with you wli you go it tho utile follow know itpor hportn unit proper joys ll u loinriuln of tho liy s tnuo him nwiismlng now ami then jot him icumi tho wuyti of rnon taku our sunday walk with him h rluusly talk with him tuudi hint hw lo ho u mso tuku htm with you when you can nvnrjjilvn worn qulto no glad an hhn bygone days i hud li unfitting with tho futhrr kind in tho ytunj thut stretch be hi tut- i veil now hi dreams i see happy houru ha promised mo izauarly id witlt the day llmicllithuiol wo a wulk iiwoy lven ut 1mb olth irlqi 1 wim piouil to ho wltli him moru th dull re- fine it meant whun nuino vim u with him i want lltlln tilings i leather lohi ml out to mo hhowori iiiu n rrcrl anil true and irtli thu falso one too amlthf whll wo wulked a ion it tulko with llln of rlicht and wrong and rif ii ih opun 1 wld hi i soul with mo tuko hh i will v u when uu go tout h kn iot him him wlmi you d hove him itnvo tho joy you know when you owriod father too wulk with him nnd let him find what in hhhion in your mind tnlk with him of men and things iln will tiood your oounsellngs tuko him with you whan you can teach him how to be a man iwiir a uuest saxrjxxxkgs mothers and others by janet allan bryan x 1 jc on ahead of you mother i want to catch up with eubs marvin mm leslie save a hasty twitch to iarkas tlpfand let him go although it was a quarter of an bour too curly for church and sho herself would not start for another tan min ute hho sighed a llttto a aha watch ed the boy swing off up the street it eocmed such a short while since he had boon in allor collars and socks and very proud to be escorting bu mother to church of lata ho had clearly preferred other companionship and although mr leslie was too sensible not to wish him to havo plenty of youthful oclety hho could not help wincing a- little lilc vu becoming somewhat solitary for her she put on hor hat arid went quietly along the shady street greeting friends and acquaintances as- she passed and eoelng everywhere group of bays in khaki from the training camp neor tho town bho thought that the pros enco of the young soldiers was one iwuon for turkos dumge of habits uko all the boy in itcnnsvllle fas soloed ovary chance to be in their company itegu la lions were strict howevt about admittance to camp woodford and so far parke had not bean able to get a pass that would admit him to tho magio precincts of tho cantonment but he talked eagerly with the soldiers on leave in town and carried himself with an added stiffness and dignity after thj military fasbloi the moment mrs leslie reached the church door 1arko dashed up to her mother ha cried copt tttsn- ton la here cant wa have him to dinner toduyr mrs leslie mode u hasty mental review of her chicken and strawber ries and nodded smilingly off tbe boy ran to accost tho upright young soldier who was his special object of admiration capt ulanton hod brought them a letter of introduction from mrs leslies slsterlnlaw who lived in a distant state and mother and son bad enjoyed offering him their modest hos- j pltallty after mrs leslie reached her seat she looked back to smile at the young officer who was already seated with three or four comrades parke was nowhare to be seen until presently sha spied him crowded into s with kills marvin at tho and of the service she found her son and thetr gueat waiting for her at the door how good of yuu to ask me said capt h ionian i tried not to look too ready when x saw parke coming mywayl parke and i count it a day lost when wo dont liuvu a soldier boy sunday mrs leslie answered in deed i doubt if i coujd content my big boy alone now after all the mas culine society weve enjoyed this win ter nianton laughed ruefully hare young fellow lets change ou tilts after dinner you can put on my khaki and ill make myself at home in your duds and well swap plaoes for awhile what do you sayt 1 wish to goodness i could gat out there with thoae fellows said parke its awful slow waiting to grow tipf as tho little group stepped up on the veranda the soldier looked about him at the inviting hammock chairs rugs rnugaxluea and uwnlngs you bolter not bo in u hurry to grow up out of this h- said thinking of his bare bleak quarters tell us about wtiut youve done since we saw you last urged bu hostess weve arranged one jolly bit of fun wilh the permission of our colon tho boys of the 43rd will play ours next friday afternoon at 3d on our camp diamond and ouch of us is al lowed to give two llakets to friends tho arrival of tho maid to announce dinner covered a gasp of eagerness from parke hut ho gave another aud ible gasp of pleasure when after they were seated at table capt jjuuiton handed two ticket to mrs esa truth for capt lilatiton maneuvered i hope tliut you and pavke wu come to sea tho gunia the captain said it will lie a kuther in teres tins sight u shall have tho band and shall gut in soino of those famous songs you nmy liuvo heard parke humming mrs leslie laughed u tt a in dued wo shall romul i havent seeii a game of baseball for oh over mi lung and the setting of this one will make it qui to ulllqua mot her i t let 1urke 1 11 run you out in cousin neds uir how about ut wo don t own u nisthlne ex plained mrs leslie unrt our cousin kdward thorublll tuis urged us to use his tittle business mf during his lx weeks absence but bho was unwilling to express jiiy doubt of her volunteer chauffeurs ability and so let the sentence drop during the neit few days parke thought of little also than the gams at camp woodford invitations to it were eagerly sought among the towns people the mere fact that ahey were limited gave them un added value in the eyes of many purke was the object of great envy ut sohool mrs leslie looked critically at her last springs hut and decided that since a new one was inevitable in the warming future she might as well get it in time forvriduy uttd do credit to bar young escort her soft gray voile and the new hst with violets under the brim made a charming cos tume i hope we ii have a good day fur tho game tomorrow alio said at supper on thursday parke looked at her vaguely oh do you want to got he asked thought maybe you were just being polite to capt ulanton no indeed answered mrs leslie brightly id enjoy it greatly and if youll go reasonably slow i pro mise not to nqueal every time wo turn wed lietlsr be ready to start by 2 30 or a little after said parks with u lurk of enthusiasm in his toiio ill rome by the garage on my way from school get the caw and we can start right out if tho mother foil the lack of cor diality in his manner ho did not show it at ono oclock the next day after her own luncheon she began to put on her simple finery presently the tele phone bell rang and parkes voice at tho other end or the wire began very abruptly motbbim sorry but ive got sort of tied up hero at school jim wakely asked me if i couldnt get him out to the game somehow hes captain of our team you know and ha thinks itll give him lots of mope on good plays he soys that is i hope to play orsjf base you know and ho seems to think if i can toko him out there ill stand a chance to make tho there was a moment of silence not vary comfortable silence for parke you mean youve asked him to go thent mrs leslie said quietly well or i hate to seem to go back on you have you asked hlmt yes that is yte i told hm id apeak to you and l that i thought it would be all right- then of course yofi must take him said mrs leslie and with a choke in her throat she hung up tho receiver it was not missing tho game that hurt her qf course this was merely the culmination of many little pin pricks of neglect on the part of her eon hvr first impulse was to take off the pretty gray gown but instead she took her knitting and settling herself in the breesy corner of the verandjk tried with nimble angers to- quiet ber heartache meanwhile parke divided between relief and remorse hurried through his last recitation and met jim wake ly at the garage in a cow minutes the two were off on their jaunt it was twenty minutes ride 001 to camp woodford but the young chauf feur was mo thoroughly absorbed li his brakes and levers that it seemec nly a moment before the sentry halt- d them and asked them for thelr credentiau handbag him the tickets signed by capt blnoton parks with u thrill wheeled into the broad company street that led to the field where the game was to be played jim wakely was sji eyes ho peered st tho hundreds of square plain build lngs barracks mess balls y m c a- huts and recitation balls nothing fancy about it be said but it looks powerful businesslike to me you bet mother offered capt wanton soma flubdubs to fix up his quarters with but be said it wouldnt do at the mention of his mother parka fell silent as he brought his run about to a halt near the field be caught sight of a earful of friends mrs willing chaperoning her daugh ters and nelces their merriment gave htm an uneasy feeling perhaps his mother would have enjoyed coming to the game as much as mrs willing can we see from heret pirn wake ly broke in lets edge ber up in front of that crowd over there jim was not a backward person when it came to looking out for himself just as parke turned to suivey the ground a gay voice nailed them well parke youre s wise boy to get here in good time why where is your mother t capt dlanton to a sudden pause as he came round i the end of the car and saw parkes companion why she i this is my rrienu jim wakely copt blanton floun dered parke hes captain of our baseball nine at high school and ha thought i wanted him to see the game tea but your mother r asked the soldier with m keen look at parkes abashed face old you leave her at homet i thought she sold shed like fb see the game she told parke oho didnt care volunteered jim no said parke doggedly angered in some obscure way by jims blaod- nsss no she didntl i called her up and asked her if she minded my bringing jim instead the young soldiers eyes hold parke with a steady look s moment longer perhaps she will do me tho horror to come with nw he said and something in the cool edge of his tuna nicked parke on the raw- oh i say be began jumping out of the automobile but capt blaroon was ten yards away bailing a quar termaster whom he knew hello hlogbam may i use your cur for a bltt certainly i i shant have any fur ther use for it this afternoon msj hlngham answered springing in capt ulanton headed fortown streams of ears were on their way out to the game but he managed to pass them without slack ening speed dashing up to the boas on lincoln street he gave a cheerful blast on his horn cant you corne with ma to the game mrs los he 7 he begged smil ingly as he stood on the steps of the veranda 1 saw psrke and his rrlend out there and i hoped youd do me the kindness to drive out with me mrs leslies hands dew up to her hair tb find that the new spring hat was suil on and without a backward glance she ran down the steps and jumped in this will be much grander than going along with those rowdies she suld gayly i know i shall be envied by all tits girls win see me jest wss not far from 1nq she coun house on tl ntf1y school the map the school house in our country nocllan was practical unknown to th older folks of the community till a- group of young man and women put it on the map they did not change its location nor improvq tho road lead i on to it llutujty did suceod li getting a number of folks to lalt it who novnr ocfuro tuul ehteiod its door for a number of years that littlo bchoolhouse has stood right is now on an elevated knoll among a group f maples short quarter- mile from the main highway thsri rcre fsti and mothers li community whoso children hail begun with the primary class and reached tho entrance class and still never en tered the school house they paid thplr taxes entertained the teacher anno twice perhaps and thought that whs suftlclsnt but julia gray eon tom marcer grace owen jack ilryant martha stevens and a few other young people of the neighborhood who were ready for hfgh- school believed the littlo old achoolhouse ought to be introduced to their parents or their par nl should bo introduced to the nchsol house so they planned and carried through a neighborhood social they called it thtrt without tti fiaicy frills the program of music and literary features wss arranged and put on by the young people themselves ami through the hard work of a rustling committee they made jure that every body in the district got an invltaton and made a promise to attend this neighborhood social was held be tween thanksgiving and chrlstt tax and easily opened the way foi a num ber of similar happy events during tho winter of socials and iartles and meetings lectures and entertainments in truth it developed into what be came known us the neighborhood clubv whlob held regular sessions through the year from this sprang several branches such as sewing circles for the wo men domestic mt lance clubs for the girls a pig club for the boys junior farmers for young ron and a district alliance for tho men all however were closely onnootod with the main neighborhood organisation instead of being used merely during fho school term the little school ho use bhufir be meeting place of soma com mittee or plub almost every afternoon and evening it is meed un sundays too for a sunday school i regularly hold and a preaching narvlce con ducted on punday afternoons twioe each month this being in charge of d church organisation inthe county seat that was interested through the efforts of the young people there were some the directors of tho district board among them who declared that this frequent using of the school house would wear it out that the desks would be marred and the equipment injured rather than this the equipment and furniture of the achoolhouse has been much improved the mothers and fathers by going to the little schoalhouso more often were led to see how poor and inadequate were the tools with which tho hard working teacher and tho pupils were struggling so the board was urged to install better desks put in better blackboards and get many things that long bad been needed a better road now leads from the main highway to tho little school bouse on tho knoll and that road h much travelled our folks havo found it a more convenient meeting place then the county seat it has becom the throbbing pulsating heartcentre of tho neighborhood the energetic young men and young women who led tho way to it rendered the district a pi and id service has your achoolhouse been dis covered if not cant you and soma of your friends blase a bettor tmil to dennis h stovatt straighten op im afraid youre not qulto tall enough said tho merchant i want a boy who is a littlo hlgger oh remonstrated tho boy eagerly but im a good deal bigger whon stand up straight heel and ho drew himsoff up to his full height thats better commented the man approvingly if you would alwnyu stand llks that you might do hut why do you stoop so 7 why don t yon stand slralnlrtt i donla know the boy roplled hesitatingly i suppose its just a habit ive gft into a hnlltl humph its a pretty poor habit youi g man and youd bet ter tfy to break away from it uh soon as possible let ma tell you three things the first ls the world isnt waiting to hand otft vuccess to any man who desnt make himself as big un he can w i don t mean that he u to bo conceited but that ha must stretch himself up to his utmost cu pu rity and try to flit us largo a plure as possible the second is that a man is ulwaya biggest when ho is strulghtest htoop- lng makes him little and insignificant n if you know how much better you look with your shoulders thrown back and your hood up youd never lot your self fall into your slouchy gal again and this is just as true in a moral sense as it is in a physical lot pooplo dont bellevo it they are trying to be ig and successful and prosperous by stooping a little to mean tricks and underhanded ways but dont lot them fool you htralglitn in thu real bigness the straightor you live tho bigger you are and the third thing is this you say you stoop because youvo got into the habit of it well standing and living straight la just as much a mat ter of habit as standing or living crooked is it is something that comes with practice and hard practice too youve got to get into the way of doing it by doing it i suppose that most young men think its a god thing and a desirable thing and they wish thoy might do it and they mean to do it after a fashion hut tho troublo li thoy dont begin thoy ore wait in j for soma kind of a miracle to como along and straighten them out all at once and keep them straight hut it isnt done that way youvo got to begin this minute with the first thing you coma ta and be straight in that and to keep right at it all the tlmn until it gets to be a eocond nature ther he continued with a whim sical laugh ive preached ynu a little sermon out nf church ill lcjrva you to make the application of it and maybe id better give you the place and watchyou so that t can see just whether you are doing it you may como at eight oclock next monday morning and make a trial of it ha turned to his desk while the applicant hurried away with a light heart and a radiant face a little sermon out of church with a text taken from the experience and observation of a thoughtful and suc cessful man it is worth pondering joseph kennurd wilson the beet liver pill the uctlonof tho liver is easily disarranged a sud den chill undue exposure to tho ele ments over- indulgence in soma favor ite food excess in drinking ore a few of the causes but whatever may be the cause parmeloos vegetable pills can be rolled upon as the beat correc tive that can be taken they are the leading liver pills ami they have no superiors among such preparations hu cur into a tine itosllou he wi popular uincar and saw to it that plenty of pleasant people uitnii to talk to mr leslie neither he no- his guest threw a glance in tho direction of the two rather subdued boys who bung an the outskirts of the throng when tho jolly crowd was breaking up parke uphh1 manfully cspl hluhtou thank you aver so hiuh ha uu for taking care of mother uiinui was one wasnt tin going to take hr homo ive got jliu wakely m place in the wllllngs tor come un mother wlfji touch of dignity and w note of possession in his voice psrke car ried mrs leslie off after oordtul ac knowledgments all round maybe they are lonely out there never having any mothers or sisters to talk to parke sold as they drew up at their own door in the twilight but capt- ulanton cant walk off with my mother as if be ownadxher z need her myself and mrs leslie smiled happily to herself in tho dusc patted parkes hand and forgot past hearta after the way of mothers she would not qive in the late susan h anthony the eminent advocate of woman suffrage was for fifteen years a teacher before begl nnliuj hor more public career brought up in a household of friend she united gentleness and firmness and was an admirable disciplinarian her rule was mild and she abhorred the rod but she learned on taking the district sohool ut centre falls about seventy years ago that her pre- deaaessors all men had successively under active compulsion left the schoolhouse in mid session by way of the window and thut she herself although in consideration of her pea principles and ber sex she was to i permitted an exll- by the door was already openly doomed by tho young rebels to forcible ejection that was too much for her llnjerlng quaker ly prejudices as soon as their hulking ringleader entered upon a preliminary course uhtlns the now schoounoum sweet and even tones summoned him to her desk he came and in a man ner equally pleaaanl and unruffled she requested him to remove his jac ket in sheer astonishment he complied and before hi quite krew what hod happened found himself receiving from a limber birch rod skilfully up- plied the neatest and curoploteat whipping of ihis life he went back to hu wit a clateiuxl and restfalien youth with the swagger quite taken out of him and miss anthony for th rest of the terra received admirably prompt obedience from her pupils was the only school rebellion which she quelled in that way but by means the only one which she ovw ne for oho taught in some very rough and neglected districts but she met every emergency with spirit tact and readiness and always con quered one of the reason for her success said an old schoolfrluud wss hat nobody could ever tell until it hap pened just witat susan would do or how she would do it ws only knew there was one thing olio would not do give in she had mare courage and persistant than any wwman i ever know long standing asthma many have suffered so long from asthma and have triad so many socallsd remedies they think there la no real help for them they should read tho letters received by the manufacturers of dr j d kol- loggs asthma remedy from hundreds of cases once as desperate as their own kvnn in longneglected coses this fumous preparation brings prompt a different m o successful men always saved theyj were thrifty they were shrewd enough to see that the habjt of saving meant the strengthening of character with the mortey saved they were able to take advantage of opportunities s they i pvesolye todaytebpen a savings account in this bank the bank of nova scotia ccrahj toojwo 11000000 w k actios umms acioaunmob use only three level tea- spoonfuls for five cups redrose te ais goo tea sold only in sealed packages art and geography fountry they wore examining with uruut interest u bos relief of u young jru k shepherd itath which was insi rlled tint words kgnrsted in terra iiu i windi r wlmrc turru cotfu is vintnrid do lilur of the two turning to in r fompuulou w ii now i might to know heel tutoil the olhur but i cant seem to plii it just now ah well re jo j nod the first speak- ttr hh thoy w vrl ii it must l u dn tilfitl plur- if ih jxei utu youiil njyt ilka th it thvro jlarge shipment of brass goods corns are caused by the pressure of tight hoots but no one used be truub lod willi them long when so simple u riuiedy us llollowuy urn curo is uvulluhle smith was a travelling lecturer who ulwuys tried to will his audlonca with a home touch upon coming to new town ho immediately found out the home of a prominent citizen and used it in hi introductory remarks arriving at uunkvilla ho learned that doctor brown was the oldest physi- ojuh and best- known citizen in the town so that evoniutf apoa opening his lecture he remarked that he need ed no recommendation as doctor brown their beloved doctor brown had brought hirn into the world and known him h his life at his a vary uudiulo tutor lossed through hu audi ence which soon broke into soft igugh- ter but thinking it was quite in sym pathy with his clever remarks he continued after the lecture be ac costed his informant nnd naked why the audience laughed at hjm mention of doctor brown wotl you sec sir rulltd tho man i forgot to tell you thut doc brown i a veterinary surgeon suspicious tn aeorgla thoy tell a story of u politician who was rurever seeking to win the votes of his district tu tho nd that he might bo sent to the house of lupresontutlves in one speech this politician thought it might be well to make reference to his humble origin and early struggles oentlemun he salif oruoularly 1 got my start in life by working in a general store for 3 u week yet i managed to av money at this juncture tliere owuta trom tlm audi ence u shrill pipe say bui was that before tho invention of cash regis ters r one of the common est com plaints of infants is worms and the most effective application for them is mother o raves worm exterminator mov-ssshgr- sst it listeria the privilege of giving pleasure home vou people who suspect thomaotves of lacking the ability to please try to hide the desire- to do so they assume a gruff utmost surly at titude tu disguise the fact that tlioj wish to do whst they feel they uiv inojiablo of doing but such young folks luev sight of tho fact thut tmw tmiig aa m uo ptcaslug tlun u e wlsh toplesse au hearts warm to those who ire undjutasaoiy desirous of giving pleasure tho quick smile tho re sponsive manner the air of klndnesj and courtesy go much farther than many persons suppose the brunswick what shape is a horn did you over brar of u hor do you know why thoy n tntiguphoitu hat was siuur mild wntur through a square rn hut thuy call uvury phonouruph or talking mm lin has them amplifier thoy aru ronlly thy megaphones of the machine it is their duty to round out thu tone and timid it to tho listeners now what uhupe do you think this houn should bo to give tho best tone and what do you think it should be made of rout nan t vlbrutlng mo tn i or wood built on tho violin prlnclplot ii ml out tho hi ape of the horn before you buy uny plioutigruii and what it is made ol ono of tho sucrets of tho bltuns wicks wonderful tone on all records la tlm nxriufilvu paleutml oval tono chamber and throut built tantirbly ov wood llko a lliu violin it actually dois tuinln that tinny timbre that wo ha old style talking mutitlnos all wej ask la that you umi see this wonderful improvumont anything you llko ut- tuiy brim you uintint afford to tun he to be burn ito ult uirniiihs o ulwuys thought i ill thu stridency and necessary uvll of thu your own judgment i eyt compare it with i lultttuko una l cost yu notitlnb turnips wanted farriesfse mullin wholesale commission merchants are again purchasing tur nips for shipment at acton rockwood and other points wo are paying highest prices for choice stock farries mullin acton rockwood a d savage c- eye talks man 12 00 2 1ft 1225 u o u9 1 7s 1200 25 vzjbo 1 m miatih laitni li i i ii aio ai 7 2i6 loo noo nr 600 6x0 ts 76 f 6 t 7 so i kahii axii ri w 45c tl00 ic0 12 t3u ihlam ki iti i i 10 vjj30 is 00 v so 2 w imk i 1a i 1300 ml 12 so hiloki hm hi i h 12s uil 3m we have what you want the bond hattdwakk co lul phone 1012 guclph if your tired eyes ore coll ing for comfortable glasses that will enable you to read with ease and to look into the distance without yo strain ynu should vlsff us we will examine your eyes and make for tham thu glasses that will again make life seem worth living our prices are as sat isfactory as our service aukojt omc mason risen pianos bell piahob brunswick phonographs singej sewing machines and other lines you can purchase any of above on small monthly paymonts frank king next door to livingstones bakery main streets georgetown t hou discovered the importance ol asking- for ugir by brand name do you realise that to have a sugar which will give unfailing satts faction in preserving in baking and for all sweetening purposes you should aak for and insist on getting dominion crystal sugar women who use this bnd bsve found it to be all tket sugsir samu be pure sparkling bnely nulsteil and it is with satisfaction the tesliae that this finest el sugar is canadian roes the giound up a jsigo pa it o the output of our three modern refio- erlse is obtained from row cane sugar but our pride is in that iitliesauig proportion ol our output wbuji is made f tpm cauethan sugar beets try a 20jouml bui must grocers nave ooanlntun crystal sugar in 20 pound bags as weu m u a barrels ilimy take pride in selli this superior canadian product ask your grocer for it io cmvstaiu sugar dominion sugar company um1ted theyre here opened today and passed into stock a shipment of the genuine bannockburn suitings direct from glasgow if you want a suit of qual ity order ono of these cloths youll have real value and perfect satisfaction w wo make them to order mid we make them correct pricks keasonaule see our new lines of neck- wcqr tc uro uiowing now re nelson pkon 10 nl put offio quelph this stoi cs policy to represent oods ex actly as to their quality to sell to those who know and to those who dont know at a uniform fair price to fulfill all guarantee nnd chcc fully correct all mi v takes to deserve your confidences hy always giving you satisfaction v savage co jewellers guelph ontario victrola theres always flesh intereo in hia masters voice records of the worlds masterpieces sung and played by the worlds greatest artists in the latest popular songs and the newest dance music there are no embarasa- ing moments when you entertain with the vtctrolo when yod need boots shoes at mny tina hoy from w williams mill street acton hamous for satisfactory footwear reasonable prices c vv kelly son guelph ont acton flour and feed store wo kuvm u timull u f uu following now uu band the wollknawn ursmjs ur kitty- choice norvsl and kutionsi fit ur nothing bettor rolled oath oilcakc shorts oay chop ran peed flouu halt in ilatrou 05 t l lir siiuill quantity r uutilivd hflicfal uni3 in cliifklorj khulii uivu oull calk ml1ai h tllial lual bomehtir ltoluku oatf tiih uhjrr canada luod ltuvnl urtiua no i robert noble limited henrv awrev makaqeh k l

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