Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 16, 1919, p. 4

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i sty arfcm 3vtz xsv tihjhhiay octhliit 10 1d1d tils aurnm xiixm iuatu in published ovary thuroday morn i tin ut ttia fun jiuaut bulldlnc milt htreet acum ontario tlyi uuliacrlptlon prloo la si ho per year advanto ioutoitn 1 rharbnd additional to ufflcoa in tho unltod lilutuu tim dale tuwhlch euberrtptlons am paid is indicated on tho eddroaa label auviittihino ilatilo tranelmit advertisements 10 cmitu ihii- 11 no ilkuio measurement for first insertion end 6 t mls i r lino fur rm li aulumxiuont insertion contract display udvortlavmonta for 100 inchon or mum icr annum j6 contn wr inch uach insertion advertisements without apociflo tllrtx thum will bo inserted till turbid and rjiarmod accordingly ii i mouitu illor and publisher tkikihonih editorial uim ii nullum onli hi ilenldonuo lib ad editorial in view or the fact hat ihcf wardecimated so largely the man power of the world conservation of our resources was never so necessary as today dur ing the war wc have necessarily been wasteful as all considerations of expense were subordinated to one supreme object but this waste not only cannot con tinue it must be rrtude good so far as possible people must learn to conserve if canada is to maintain her position as a thriving prosperous country indications point to fair probability of arriving a reasonable settlement of the irish home rule pro blem in the near future parliamentarians say the irish bill will be the feature of the new session of par liament the cabinet is now considering a bill drafted on imea of dominion homo rule but with suggested alternatives that any county may stand out or ulster counties be included and have their own secretary of stale labor leaden declare that prohibition has grc4tl assistfftuin the task of maintaining order during indus trial disputes surely the people of this province are not going to return to the open bar by voting yes on the rofcrendura the advantages of the war measure arc so apparent that many who were impress ed by the cry of infringement on personal liberty have upon fuller consideration became converts to the present ontario temperance act it is worth while to keep it in force and effect the pay envelope is a vital feature of every work ing mans experience a pay envelope crammed with 75000000 is not an unwclome thing to receive even if it is for a years work this is the amount of wages earned by canadian investors in the victory and other war loans rather it i3 the amount earned by their money close to half of this amount is to be distributed to the fortunate investors either on november i or december i just in nice time to be rcinvested in bonds of victory loan 1010 people gel ahead financially not by spending interest re turns on everyday things but by setting the returns back to earn more interest money placed that way rolls up like a snowball 24 years the same gfood tea redrose teais good tea sold only in sealed packages it was naturally to bo expected that trade depres sion in the dominion would have followed the armis tice but this wa3 averted by the application of a large proportion of the last victory loan as credits to great britain and our allies for grain dairy produce flajujumber and ships these credits were absolutely necessary and strictly good business they must be continued they are national rein vestments the debtswill be paid eventually and in the meantime industrial and agricultural workers will be kept in busy andjucrative erapfoyment i the present estimated value of tho railways of canada is two billion dollars thatoes not include the street railways which are valued mne hundred and sixty millions canals are worth one hundred and twenty three millions shipping thirtyfive mil lions telegraphs ten millions and telephones ninety- five millions theseutilitics are a portion of the security for the victory loan 1010 the estimates are made by dr p h coats director of the dotn inion bureau or statistics at ottawa he places the total q the national wealth and income of canada at 19002788125 the necessity for thrift is everywhere manifest these days saving is not always looked upon how ever as a saving grace if it were there would not benvcr five per cent of the inhabitants of the united himdprtrbahly an equally large percentage of canadians who are dependent upon public charity during tho past five years practically all commodity prices have risen steadily yet vast sums in the aggre gate are now being spent for goods that the pur chasers could very well do without the production qf luxuries requires the labor of thousands of men and the use of capital and materials that could be turned to better account in producing and distribut ing necessaries it is surely obvious that such need less expenditures influence in a marked degree the trend of prices in general no rightthinking nation or individual desires to become a pauper but to avoid such a fate thrift is a prime essential at no other time in the history of canada has thriftiness been more imperative at no other timo has prodigality been so much the rule the time has come when our municipal authorities must take action to prevent violations of the motor vehicles act in this town violations by excessive speed nonobservance of the road rules neglect to carry lights etc have gone on with impugnity for years it was stated long ago that it would require a serious accident to stir up those responsible for the administration of the law that accident occurred on saturday of last week to an elderly resident of crewsons corners on one of our main streets the brutal perpetrators of the accident drove off without paying any attention to the extent of tho injuries they caused it is clearly a positive duty of the council without any further delay to appoint officers with authority and instructions to enforce rigidly the pro visions of the law the magistrates of acton are quito ready to receive and act upon all informations for violation of the motor vehicles act they can not impose penalties unless informations are laid and evidence forthcoming a few examples made would soon teach motorists that the law must bo observed and the danger to children and the pifblic generally would be thereby greatly lessened i the people of acton regard the waterworks pro ject with genuine interest and few but favorable comments are heard respecting tho councils decision to submit the question to the voters of the town on the 31st inst it is generally felt that tho installation of an adequate waterworks system will bo of incal culableadvantage to acton it will at once give a prestige of decided commercial and financial advan age we have suffered for years from tho lack of this modern and very necessary municipal utility waterworks will proyide householders with good water for all household purposes conveniently at hand will enable them to put in modern conveniences which add greatly to the comfort of tho home will safeguard the water supply m case of an epidemic will be available to manufacturers who would not otherwise entertain any proposal for settling in acton and per hap most important will give protec tion to property from serious losses by fire a fire might sweep the town any day which would cause losses ffeegroaerl in tho aggregate than tho entire cost of a waterworks system ah progressive citizens favor tho waterworks project those who have tho advantages of rural free de livery with personally owned boxes for their mail would confer a favor upon the mail carriers and the general public who desire to call at their farms if they would keep their names legibly stencilled on the mail boxes the tame of each person on the rural routes was carefully painied on his box when it was supplied by tho government more than this a sten cil tearing the name which appeared on the box was enclosed with the other fittings in driving along any of ohr highways it is observed that many of the rural rout i patrons have grown careless for many of the names are not decipherable a small brushful of paint over the stencil would brighten up the name then thcrewould be no guesswork by the carriers and people driving along tbe farms would be able readily to identify the owners next monday the important- flection of the tern perance referendum takes place a most important duty devolves upon every elector if barrooms and liquor stores are to be kept out of acton there is but one way in which this can be assured mark an x in the no column opposite each of the four ques tions on the ballot father as you look in the bright eyes of that fine growing son of yours dare you vote to put the temptations of the barroom and of the liquor store in his way mother with such a heart of love for your children and all children can you conscientiously shirk your responsibility of casting your vote against the great and insidious evils of th liquor traffic elder brothers and sisters when you recall your recollections of the misery and want and wickedness of the liquor traffic in the past can you do otherwise on the 20th than vote to protect the kiddies and assure them the continued comforts of a happy home plenty of clothing and abundance of wholesome food let us all vote four xxxx in the no column of the ballot and banish the drink evil forever h s arkell live stock commissioner who has recently returned from a trip to europe where he has reviewed the live stock market situation has express ed hb views regarding canadas position in the octo ber number of the agricultural gazette he states that tbe london agents of our canadian packers re viewed in disappointment the orders for canadian goods bacon eggs etc for which they could obtain but a tenth of the product they required the un warranted high price of hogs in canada during the past month is but a reflection on the reputation of canadian bacon as compared with american and demonstrates the effort of our packers to maintain their connection with old established clients in the face of short supplies since denmark within a year will again be a factor on the bacon market our only security for the future is full production ant such a substantial export supply as must command recognition by its volume and quality short hog production is unquestionably the most dangerous policy canada can adopt this is true of eggs as well as bacon referendum notes members of the liberty league may feel that theyre at liberty to say any blamed thing they like so long as they can get sway with it toronto star this province cannot ignore the fact that drunken ness increased in quebec after the lightwineand beer system was introduced and spirituous liquors shut out there being no less than two thousarid cases of drunkenness in montreal in five months ex change there is only one way to make certain that king alcohol and his court shall not be restored to power in this province and that is to give such a big ma jority of nos to every question on tho referendum ballot paper ttjat the next legislature will have no difficulty whatever in realizing that public opjnion is determined to keep ontario dry the globe in the belief that liquor has done a great deal of evil and that organized society has temporized with it too long we advocate prohibition and urge the peoplo to go to the polls and vote four resounding noes on election day a sweeping verdict is what the case calls for whatever steps are necessary afterwards to give effect to public opinion will follow in due course star the government at ottawa is prepared to make prohibition bonedry in this or any other province that declares its will in the matter tho first step is for the province of ontario to make an overwhelm ing declaration for prohibition in the vote on the 20th inst the next step will be for the federal govcrnment to see that the will of the province is not flouted by a liquor trade operating from beyond its borders exchange the grand outstanding fact in this controversy is that the world has enough to do at present to feed and clojhe everybody without besotting itself with foolish drink wasting substance money time happi ness and everything on drink there is no question of holy willies as some impertinent person called the prohibitionists the iibertywhiners arc a laugh ingstock tad an anachronism canada cannot afford to be foolridden london advertiser open a iusekeeing account with tho mdrchnfts bank and pay all bills by cheque by dopoaitinp a regular sum in a spavin gb account you know exactly how- much isftpenton tho different branches of housekeeping- when you settle by cheque youfsvoid nil disputes aa to payment as tho cancelled chcqus are reccipluund prove thopaymenta this buiiinesshkc method of home finance often prevents paying tho samo bill twice savings accounts may bo opened in sums from 1 upi on which interest is allowed th mrchant bank hdofbcmotrml of canada eublhad 1004 acton branch l b shorey manager georgetown branch r r m1mms manager what comfort lye gtmifyrt u very powerful friibitt it u oaed for clean of up the ount sad bardsat dirt rceae etc ckmfrrt tym u ftfto tor eaklag ink drains eed aloeela iwmi and elesn cmm kttu nil mice roach eod li peaia ommr ly win do tbe hardest priu eueeiaf to fi cw zj u food for task op itapwderedparfada4l00per- is splendid for parkers will do it good things to eat mcenery evans have everything appetizing in meats lamb for saturday lard now down to 40c a fine new ijne of canned goods still gettinc in tomatoes watch our window for bargains on saturday nlcht prices arc always right and your child will be as faithfully served as if you come yourself mcenery evans acton ajeat market main street by cleaning or dyeing restore any articles to their former appearance and return them to you good aa new send anything from household draper ies down to the finest of delicate fabrics wc pay postage or express charges one way when you think of cleaning or dyeing think of parkers parcels may be sent post 6r express we pay carriage one way on all orders advice upon cleaning or dyeing any ar ticle will be promptly given upon request parkers dye works ltd cleaners and dyers 791 yonge sl toronto m is us s 11151 tlj lud office 4 hamilton money in live stock careful selection of breed ing cattle and the right kind of financial backing will put you in a position to make money from your herd the bank of hamilton is prepared to promote any legitimate de velopment along this line bank of hamilton ibokuetown branch g c hackay manager s is he eighteen iteen do you remember thoso ages when your character was being formed bow you followed examples did what other people dirl your senior years at school your start in business recall them if you can you gained a knowledge you wql find useful when your own boy starts oul give him the right start teach him the value of personal appearance and self respect tell him how confidence may be gained merely from a clean shave or better still hou liimand show hpm in a practical way give him a gallette safety razor and make his tnomina shave come easy the old time pulling and scraping is a tiling of the post the haphazard element is gone there is no need for your boy to know anything but the ease and comfort of the o sluivetlt is the razor of his time that to which be is entitled nothing more nothing less sold a moor mtorem catering to the need of men canada rgittette known the world oven the gillette safety razor company of canada limited 73 st alexander stroot montreal que coal prohlernsotvd kero gas burners ordinary for fuel arc easily installed in any stove or furnace will supply fc the heat necessary for cooking or heating purposes write for particulars and j rices and arrange for demonstration d dewar soiej telephone no 72 it for ualton county milton ont village of acton bylaw no to raise the sum of 4000000 for the purpose of constructing and installing a waterworks system comprising ot reservoirs pumps vumphouse supply line and land in connection therewith and to authorize the issue of debentures therefor whoreuw the council derma it x- luklionl to construct uiul limtut wutor- worka nytm within tho municipality and mcura jmw loudoji i torts lerc unjclnocrn frnv reixjrtm uixm nueli ayntm ami liavo aubmltted plana and aimcjflcutljn ui ere for at a total estimated cunt of 87000 00 and wtiereaji it ulear from audi rjmjrl ttmt thn atlmated coat or tho karvulr iumpa and immphoiim auppty llna and lajid in connection tliervyiti will bo the aum of 10000 anl whtnaa did council doe ma it expedient tluit wwterworka ay a tern bo i na tailed und that uie coat thereof alioil bo borne by tho corporation eneralty and that tho tcmalniiuj portion of the wutrorka ay torn namely tho dla- trlbutlon of iilui alia ii bo cunatruct- in tho tnunner provided by tho tocal ifnprovntnenla acl and wheroaa tbo plia and upilca- tluna for ucli waterworks ytero luivn ttooti aubamtted to und bavo boall w- luovixl i the inlnclul hoard of hnalt an viduncl by tho certltlcalo of nurh hoard lutixl tho day of 19 and whereas for tho purpooa aforo- aald it will bo itdcesaury to borrow tho auld autn of korty thouaand dollar on tho credit of tho municipality to 1 ralaou by uobnluin aa hem in uftlc pntvllw und thu ci uiirl doom it advlaublo to taauo audi debenture muring lnlimat at thn rulu of llvt- anil miohalf per oeiit and wha it la uuairablo to tiuiku thu prliiciuil of the ald dnbt ru-juy- uhlu by annual liistalmunla u oritur thu twriud of thirty yuura nftnha uuo of much doboiituie tho tiijtuttftum uf principal repayable u bo uf tuah amounts tttut the ujesretfuto umuunt lyublo for prlnuiuil uhd 1 treat in any mo year ahall he wjujii aa nearly aa limy l to tho ajkriiuta amount puvuhln for tirincliil nr 1 inlmeat dur ing- each of the other yiutit and whcrvuai it will bu im oawry tlurina the brmury uf the amid do- ixinturea to provide fund fur paylnf tlin mud or tho lii of prin cipal and lntnuil to rulae annually durliuf audi period of thirty yearo by a mputilal rut n oil all rateable pnuwrty of tbe uunldpallty the aunt of i 7cs so and wherua the amount of wiku ruteablo iiolkirlv of the llu dpalliy imvordliia- to thu luat riaad anarannivut bdna for tho your 19i u the aunt of j93073 on and whous tho oxutinti dubent dbt of ihu aahl munldwillty uuiouuu to cic1l7 bixl n lart of tho pi dpal or iuleiiat tltiimji i in oimiu thokfore 0u cuuuil of the uuni- dpal curitorstion of tho village anton britrlm ua follow 1 imi untbrtitunttf of tho corpor ation for the aum of forty 1 houa imimn atutll be laauwl mild that tllo pruoeeda thereof ahall be applied and expondod in the iojin i ruction and lii- alallatluii uf waterworks ayatciu um- prlalnjf uf heaorvolra 1uiupo uiki lmnpliuiuw aupply line und tut pur- diaahut tho land in connection there with thji tho itro of the cortor- ution 1m heiwhy auttiuilaed und dlr- dutl i uuuu delulurtui of iho aald fonn ithi i lu iho jinouut of joity thou liolutu uid tho auiuo dial i bti oaulid wild 1 tto on huh i it vimii and ullll i by the llm 111 i found blciietl hy thu timiiun r wlildi duboiituieat aliall bear tho aauto date und ahull lm liuiuod within two ynaca from tho date hereof and hall bo payable within thjrty ytvura with liitcrrut at fit and oildltalf ihr en per uuiiuiult vi- inalalmoulm ojvirliuf both prim ipal and interval aa aet out lu the bohodulo to thla liylaw at tho office of tho treaaurar of the village of acton 3 that tho total amount required u bo rmlaed in each of mtrji year for paytn tho aald debt and internal ahall bo the aum of fl7l2 20 aa aet forth in tho aald achodule and that fur tho purpono of providing a fund for tho payment uf tho aald principal and in teroat duo from year to year aa auch debenturcm re pec lively tnaturo due there nha 11 bo rained and levied in nach and every yuar durinff the aald period of thirty year upon tho whole rate able projhtty of tho corporation liable jo b rutrd thu autn uf 2lll 20 and tho aald amount ahull be ralaed and levlei aa a hikxlui rutn in addition to all other rat en in thu umo manner and ut tho aame llmo aa other taxea are lovltfl 4 that the dottunturea to bo laauod ahall provide for ue psrmout uf prin cipal unnuall and alutll havo rou- puna attached iherutu provldhuf for tho imymont- of internal tho amount of auch tlelionturea and coupon rn- aioctlvely to m aa aet out in aald hchedule a huch cuuikina ahall he hhrned by tho treaauror of the cor- loratlon und diall tm maln annually durlnje thj lintucy uz thu dohonturoa c til it thuj uyluw aliall come into fort o and take effort upon tho dale of the filial jmaaalnc theroof if prevloualy aaaented to by the inunli ijutl votorx in the iruiiiirf pruvidmt by the uuulcl- til act iuaaotl the day of j13 iteevo hciikouik a- vear liilumt itinclpal total 1 iz1hq do til 20 i37b230 7 2t9 60 z bo s7gz30 3 137 co si 4 o 2762 so 21u1h0 cth 40 2763 so s0sb is 6m40m 2762 30 2030 ta 72173 2762 30 1930 uu lsmn 76140 2762 50 bo3 a 376330 190475 k474u 3t 6230 lask 13 k94 oh 2763 20 1k0m6 943 24 ir76230 1767 oil oul is 2762 30 1702 jj 1040 uk 2763 30 ic44so t107o 2762 30 1k3 m 116h 63 3763 30 161j40 133 ho 3763 20 4m to 1300 so 376zjo 13k0 0s 1s73 2 2763 20 1304 eo 1147co 376320 i6 oo 163720 2762 0 i hi 00 1111 20 3762 20 i02 it ia hi 2763 30 dt kb 17m 33 3762 20 x60 21 luql os 2762 20 tbi hi i9hs uu 27 gi 20 hi 40 31 ut ku 2763 20 r3d so 2221 so 3763 20 40h lit 3343 ho 2763 20 279 4k 347373 2763 10 141 411 x60k 72 3763 30 business directory thou gray m d c m mcqii1- i- it c 1 liliiiburnh u it k p a ii obuucow member urltlah modi- cat association etc offlco frederick hroot acton ont dft j a mcniven physician and gurflton onico and lumildeuoo- corner ilowor avenue and klein fit reel tho roald- enca formerly occupied by j m llen- dcraon acton onu veterinarv v john lavvson vataanary surgaon aetna ont araouata of ontario vt tori nary col loffoylblo oftloo arthura itlock iloaldenca uim ktreet calu day or nlcht prompt ly attondod to ihono no 23 i o imx us hajtold nash farmer ha darriaur solicitor notary public convanyancar etc perryman block acton ont money to ioan conveyancing ifouna 3 p m to p rr at realdencs r h wan8drouqh laka avenue acton orurl 30 notick tukii notie that th above la a i nifif of a pioikmtml uyuw whldi the aaaeut of th ttledor la ulilainwd to it will iki taken into lonaldiratli hy llle couimtll of tho tiullldpal co lkru ion of th vllluue of aliou urter thu rxplrmlu of one mouth riuiu tho vth iluy of 0lolr 1u1 itelinf the dulo of l h nrt puhluulnm ihurwof the votua uf th luunh liul ult torn iitithi u vote tluimjn will lw taken on tile 31t day of tit uuf ll bo- twfu thu houtw of kin iaiuk lu thti foiuuoou unl hlvo orlhk in tbo uhn iitkiii ut th- followhw uo- isllliu muhtllvlxlou nuulr one ut thu town null with vv j t loo id loputy 1 intf lmr 2 isllli huhdlvlalou numb- two at c c hpelahta main htroot with allan hntith epuly titurulnjf ollliuo on hrhliy the 17lh tybf odoboi 1010 the he4ve of tho village of acton will attend at tho town kail anion at tun oclock lu tho forenoon tu upihihil lu wrltliuf aluiiud hy hi in two oiih to attrid ut thu tlual huiillnln of the vol in ulid olio peram to at- i at each polllna plate on behalf tho ikiraona deajroua of promottioj- llylaw and a ilko nuiubur on f of the peruoiiu iltialivua of uppoa- iho liylaw thu clalk will aum uib viil for und uiculnat tho lly- ul iho town tlall at mix pin on duy thi 3lui day of htoboi 1010 dr j m bell o d- b u d s dentiit honor graduate of toronto unlver ally tbo latoat ajjoathatlo naaj it deal red ofooo at rttaldence corner mill and frederick streets miscellaneous marriage licenses h p moore laauar marriaao lioansa hrat offloo no wltneaaaa re quired issuodax reoldcnco in evanlnc pan ptm oflua acton oat francis nunan boolcbindar account books of all kinds mado to order perlodicaia of every descrip tion carafulljr bound itouna neatly and promptly done vyyodbam street ooalph out over williams store r j kerr lira mad auclionasr btr tho cououoe of ilalton welunf- ton reel and dufferln and the city of ouelph acton ontario sales may be amuured by mall o at residence at acton or at tbo pre pres office acton tbe mercury office uuelph the neweilecord perua or with w j gordon harness maker lllluburc- salee entrusted to it j kerr re ceive attention from date of ii una to date of sale list your uajoc with roe reeldenoe youn street aston phone is acton cell at my expense j e cheevers book binder quebec sl east guelph ont lloolts and mojnujnaa bound in handsome and bubetantlaj oovera names lettered in cold on bible hymn i looks and other books all work promptly executed d albx np7en ontario land surveyor and civil enoneer surveys subdivision plans lbs- ports descriptions blueprints etc certlljcmtaa for purchasers and morufasoes surveys for architects tlullders end mtmlcipal counclut draioasoltporta ttlimntee eto molean building deuolas st quejph ihono 1054 oni roy hindley auctioneer ljvk htock 1uial khtatu and mhutchandihb consolidated phone erin t 11 r- r s acton i grand trunk rvs the double track route ulctwebn montreal toronto detroit chicaqo uuemiclled ulnlnic uir aervioe ttleephi rn oti uhihl trains and lartor can on principal day trains kull infunnatlun frotn any urand trunk tltke i v or o bl llornlny dlatrltt lasaonser atflt torunto ii k holmes acnt acton ont phone ib any tollu do olrtu to vulu must deliver to the clerk of thu munli ipalily not biter than tho loth day before tho day appointed for lakhik the votes the doclaratloit pro vil for by hecuun gm uf the muni tlpal art u n kajtmlclt 163 vluiyro clerk the old and reliable granite and marble dealers wo uro manufjtcturora and direct importers uf ail kinds of monumental and lloadatono work we sell direct to our customers at wholesale prioes hue aavliik our oustonvore 40 per oeu we liave tho beat appllanooa and tb only mechanise in tho ikniiinlyn who can operate pnounvatlo touts property wp can klve references fruni hundred of our cuatuuirru in toronto and other plaoea whre others have to have law nulls lu order to colln t wo have tho isrseat and best wtock of ormjilte in uie loiululoiu or mora thao any thrne dealers hi the woat wo are lectq mate dealer and employ no aaeiits and do tiot annoy or pent muttxuri hy sendlns out ipiurnnt ajrcnu solicit- ins ordrtw wo employ only inecbauloe and defy otmupeutlon rmmelton sons cor norwich woolwich at aulkk

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