Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 9, 1919, p. 4

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iijrtftljswtvt t13tl vk jskp artrnt 3fott prwfi thukhoay octciuiu u 119 tnu autqm lltra vnxaa in puultaliod every tliursjuoy morntitf t thu ilucs poena building mill hlreot acton ontario tho riubncrlptlun price la 1 co jyir you- in olvnn ioiilttko la rhargod additional to ofllooj in tlio uiiltoil htiitcn tho da to to which uuncrlptlonfl are paid 1 itiuluitod iu thi uddrean label alviutifino ilaticbtrmmloiit advertisements cruiui lux llnu ujialo mcaauramdnt fur first insertion and s unit r ii mi fur each nubooquant irumjrtlun contract dluptny uiivclnuniont far 100 inchon or mora dor annum 1c caiiui ptir tnili aach lnnoruun advorthiomoiiu without spuclllu 01ru tlciiin will bo liuiertod till forbid und cuargod ftocordlnffly ii i mooltia editor and publisher tuliillnch i3dltorltl utid uunlimitui office 11a ilwilduiilo nb hon canon cody minister of education it 3ur gcsting that tho pupils of the schools be less burden ed with home work in tho future the mail and empire remarks cutting down the home work would givo the government the school childrens vote i thcro were tine and ought also to secure it the vote of the perplexed parents who will not hhvc to answer so many questions outt national thani giving canudus national thanksgiving day is to bo observed ncxj monday may it bo a time of real thanksgiving from the heart our country ncvor in all its history had greater cause for gratitude to our heavenly father a year ago when we were carncstlycndcavoring to givo sincere thanks to the almighty tor his manifold mercies it was with the black cloud of war oppressing us our sons wcro in tho conjhct they were falling wounded and dying on tho battlefield our hearts wcro oppressed with the uncertainty of the outcome all of lifos activi ties were at tho highest tension today the cruel war is over hundreds of thousands of tur soldier sons and heroes have returned home and are again engaged in the pursuits of civil life the conditions of national life arc gradually being brought back to tho normal again venly we have unusual cause for thanksgiving to god on this occasion gratitude is n virtue of the highest typo and should be culti vated assidiously it engenders a deep and lively sense of benefits received an ardent love to tl benefactor an effort to make all possible returns to the donor in expressing our thankfulness and a determined resolution to exercise gratitude at all times and in practical manifestations on this com ing thanksgiving day our homes will naturally be happier because of tho returned members from overseas and in the happy reunions and visitations which are associated with the observance of our national- thanksgiving day may we all have the truly thankful spirit and remember what we owe to the creator and ruler of all thing for the benefits and blessings which surround us the strenuous life of president wilson of tb united states tho past two years or so and especially the past year has resulted in serious jnronds upon his health hs is regarded as n very sick moti specialists have decided that it is absolutely neces sary that the president should detach himself from public business for tho time being and give himself up to rest tho announcement to that effect is taken in washington to mean that his condition is grave the president was blessed with a good constitution and his health was generally excellent but these facts give no assurance that his present illness is not serious men of great physical vigor who arc never prevented by sickness from doing a hard days work sometimes keep the engine wovicinjat high pressure too long and make a hopeless wreck of the human machine jt is hoped however that the rest- prescribed will result in compioto restoration for the president editorial the american brewers review takes a different view of personal liberty than some who talk loudly respecting it in this country it says the so- called personal liberty argument in behalf of alco holic drink loses its force consideration of tho public welfare continues to grow and overshadows tho right of the individual the drink question must be fought out upon tho ultimate foundation of moral hygiene and social order in other words the public welfare if the public welfare requires the suppres sion of the alcoholic drmk traffic it should be sup pressed as the day for nomination approaches new candi dates are from day to day being put in the field throughout tho province the united farmers of ontario propose to contest somo sixtyfive consti tuencies at the forthcoming provincial election they have already sixtythree nfen in the field in addi tion the agricultural organization is cooperating with labor in several essentially urban ridings such is the summary of the statement supplied the other day at the offices of the new political party tho effect of this large number of new men of a new party coming into the hundred and eleven legislative con stituencies in ontario is of a character which political computers in the old parties would like to determine it is the unknown quantity of a confusion campaign but the 20thihst will give the solution- organized labor throughout the world raises a protest against that arch enemy of tho workingman mid liquor traffic labor unions everywhere arc de claring the beneficial results of prohibition in on tario tho past three years hon g d robertson minister of labor in the dominion cabinet declared the prohibition legislation enacted first by our provincial and strengthened and confirmed later by our federal government has in my judgment great ly increased the efficiency of our canadian workmen a well as their sobriety and has brought untold happiness and comfort to their wives and dependent children that the economical and safe operation of our public utilities has been greatly enhanced and that it is the experience of our business men that the general commercial prosperity has greatly im proved all of which has a tendency to increase national prosperity and contribute to human happi ness the globe believes that dissolution of the union government and an appeal to the country would have been premature had it occurred before the return to canada of the overseas forces tho public would have regarded the holding of a general election in ifroearty summer of 1020 as a reasonable compliance with sio understanding arrived at when ut when tho coalition negotiations wcro under way the post ponement of an election till 1022 after the census results of 1021 are known cannot be considered as anything but a distinct breach of faith it means that the borden government plus a liberalunionist infusion of blood will have been able to hold power in canada for eleven vcars without onco submitting itself to tho ordeal of an election wfn normal party lines tho election of 1017 might have had a very different result had tho voters on that occasion been told that the purpose of the premier and bis col leagues was not merely the winning of the war but the creation of u new party seeking to build its for- ttrhes upoq tho destruction of tho historio liberal party or canada from which in tho past baa come most of the progressive legislation embodied in tho statutes and from which m the future leadership in the development of the democratic form of govern ment it moat likely to coroo many patriotic cana dian who were proud to cair thomaelvfc llberaj- unionists in joi7 will refuaeofohtiw the leaders now into the conservative camp toronto globe an amendment to the criminal code places criminal responsibility upon those whose carelessness or negligence results in fires andr destruction of pro perty as shown in the following enactment his majesty by and with the advice and consept of the senate and house of commons of canada enacts as follows 1 section five hundred and fifteen of the criminal code is amended by inserting tho following subsection immediately before subsection two there of la every one is jqltyty of an indictable offence and liable to two years imprisonment who by negli gence causes any fire which occasions loss of life or loss of property the person owning occupying or controlling tho premises in which such a fire oc curs or on which such fire originates shall be deemed to have caused the fire through negligence if such person has failed to obey the requirements of any law intended to prevent fires or which requires apparatus for tho extinguishment of fires or to facilitate up escape of persons in ihe event of fires if the jury finds that such fire or the loss of life or the whole or any substantial portion of the loss of property would not have occurred if such law had- been com plied with the oldtime prophets are completely at sea over the political situation in halton mr ford tho u f o candidate is conducting a vigorous campaign and naturally is appealing more especially to the farmers for support and will probably draw rom both sides of former straight liberals and conservatives but will get but few votes in towns and villages and his election will depend altogether on the rural vote should it fail to elect him it is more than likely that that would be the end of tho movement in halton to bring out farmers candidates for parliamentary hon- ors as the mutual distrust engendered by the defeat offho candidate would bo fatal to the whole scheme of a purely rural representation mr cleaver the straight liberal candidate la also an outandout temperance man andthe referendum vote being taken on the same day as tho election should natur ally help his chances he is also in close touch with the farming interests and has as good an idea of their needs as tho average man on the farm being born and brought up on a farm he knows what farm life is their interests therefore would bo perfectly safe in bis hands dr nixon is again tho conservative candidate as expected and will probably poll the full party vote in the urban centres and those in the rural parts who do not favor mr fords candidature so its going to be anybodys election until the bal lots are counted on the night of october 20 milton reformer acton istionorcd today in having in session here in their annual convention the teachers of the in spectorate of halton and wentworth no body of men and women with more important and arduous duties and functions will visit our town this year the education of our children and young people is a great matter and it affects and influences their whole future life education does three things for all who comb under the training of the competent teacher it stores up knowledge in the mind it develops the powers of the mind it puts the pupil gradually into possession of these powers the degreo therefore in which the pupil is educated is a measure of his use fulness and success jn after life education is tho most enduring kind of property to acquire a pro perty of mind and heart which no disaster can wreck or ruin in the schools companionships are formed and friendships established which if properly super vised and directed by wise and observant teachers enrich the scholar for all time the heart needs a trained mind therefore the work of thoteacher is important indeed if- there were more general co operation and encouragement on the part of the home with the efforts of tho teacher results would a vastly more sajutary progress mofc marked and ithe relationships of teacher pupil and home more cordial and intelligent increasingly insistent also is the demand that tho schools of this dominion teach citizenship that they equip tho child to do tho full duty of a good citizen it is not yorgotten that the schools have for generations done excellent work but the experience of the last four years has brought the realization that a change fn method and in sub jectmatter a shifting of emphasis is urgently re quired a young man may be an expert in arith metic in spelling in writing grammar geography and every other subject on the curriculum and may none tho less display qualities of wastefulness and disloyalty an altered typo of training a new view of rotative values in some respoe come a knowledge of the fund anient aligrm which rests tho structure of democracy must ho a part of all instruc tion worthy the name education may make or mar a nation it has dono so in europe and elsewhere thrift taught in the schools encourages industry be cause children wish to earn so that they may save and 10 re than ever in its history this old world needs tofeo to work production must be increased produce save invest must become tho universal slogan iq the deliberation and discussion of the very practical themes prepared for the pro- gr vfethc institute in session here today and tomorrow effective results will be achieved and help fnl hlns for improved motbods will b presented fr wfebster morale u jhu mjf 5m jus j u draw on your customers throueh tho merchant bank with branches in all parts of canada and corres pondents abroad this bank is in a position to present drafts promptly have thorn accepted end collect payment with the loast possible troublo and cost to yon the manager trill bo clad to take op this matter with you th mcrchants bank hudofncmxtml of canada eatabltstmd im4 acton branch lb shorey manager georgetown branch h r m1mms manager hat is dr websters definition many of us know the word only in its wartime application jl webetwxrwells firstly upon like osage of the wed morale as applied to the commocvelaco ppenmgs of everydey efe hi ahotton to iu iterance to an army cornea later and webster is reference to an army o ocred mettcplotttjr t it was their pxivale4ile morale that made each eplendut midlers ol our boys when the timo cam lor them to don tbe khaki it wu that and thet alone that matio them take 4he tjnt pond uwmthatwbkh carried them tbroogh to victor if then- everyday morale had been necucted the ajmy could neve done utile with them end eucce would not bare crowned their efiortj it hi the many linu wu ai yonr daily routine that make np our morale the monuna naye yo brushed dothes webeter apeak of nmel eperft dence it lby attention to tbe cmaqdetaua eperft hope and conn- etafle ol your personal appearance that these may be attained the cpettesalaty razor enter umncn into the morale of every day hie as it did into that of thd trenches it helped 007 soldiers to maintain their rnnsdence end bearing it wiq do the same for you the ciuettesefety razor makes the dady shave come easy there is no jwiungor scraping no notun or stropplbsiitrt five mhvuas of perfect shaving comfort and ofceiwerds chin that teqs ol morale and setirespect sou at a -gile-t- tirm- s free press ads bring results ladies fall winter coats for those ladies who are contemplating the purchase of a new coat we hereby extend a cordial invitation to inspect our stock we have just received a large shipment of coats in all tho newest fabrics and colors the styles arc so varied that there are no more than two coats exactly alike and many more come- just one of a kind the following will give you a rough idea if what we have 10 offer but it will pay you to come in and see for yourself in sil vert ones we have a number of pretty styles in two shades of brown burgundy- nd navy in velours we have brown taupe copen burgundy green blapk sad navy these are of best all wool material also other cloths in as sorted colors the styles being so variea we can only give a brief general description of thorn there are flaring backs and belted fronts some hove allround belts and buckles the collars arc mostly convertible and made of self material plush or fur pockets and cuffs come- in many pretty syles prices range firom 12j0 to 4500 not1s our sale in boots is still going on brill co comer mill main sis phone 167 georgetown business directory thob qray m d c m mooill l il c p kdlnburkli i- it fc 1 a b olusow uimlmir isrltuli undl- col aosoclatlnn tr onice pyedorlck hrl actpn ont dr ja monivcn physician and burason oisco and 1 1 we i da noe corner lkwor avenue and kln htreota tho resid ence formerly oocutilod by d m in- dvraoo acton onl veterinary john law bon veterinary gurgeon acton ont graduate of ontario veterinary cel iac 1mo office arthurs illoclc haaldanpo u11i blreet calls day of night prompt ly attended to legal 1 phone no s3 p o llox jib harold nash farmer m a oerrisur solicitor notary publics canvenyaneer etc perrvman block acton ont monet to man conveyancing nottre s p m to s d m at residence r h wan8drouqh lake avenue acton onurlt dr j m bgll d o dentist b t o 8 honor graduate of toronto univer sity tbe lateete aneeuicua used if desired offloe at reeldenoe corner u11j and frederick streets miscellaneous marriage licenses h p moore issuer marriaas license private office no wuncuae n- quired issu at residence in evening pnea office acton ont the expenditure of 610000000 how the last victory loan was spent for demobilization tefore buying victory bonds again you may want to know how canada used the money you loaned her last year canada borrowed the money to carry on the war and to pro vide credits for great britain and our allies considerably more than onehalf ol the victory loan 1918 was spent on our soldiers this included 312900000 for paying them feeding them bringing them home separation allowances to their dependents maintejiance of medical services and vocational training schools 59000000 of the victory loan 1918 was paid on account of authorized soldiers gratuities 9000000 was spent at halifax for relief and reconstruction after the disaster other disbursements were not strictly speaking tures but national reinvestments expendi- for trade extension to great britain for example 173500000 was loaned for the purchase of our wheat and cereals 9000000 for our fish 30000000 for other foodstuffs 2900000 for canadian built ships 5500000 to pay other british obligations in caiada making in all 220900000 advanced lo great britain to our allies we loaned 8200000 for the purchase of canadian foodstuffs raw material and manufactured products the reinvestments will be paid back to canada in due time with interest these credits were absolutely necessary to secure the orders for canada because cash purchases were impossible they have had the effect of tremendously helping agricul tural andjndustrial workers to tide over the depression that would have followed the armistice had we not made these credit loans as far as money is concerned 1919 has been and is stilt just as much a war year as 1918 our main expenditures for war cannot be completed until well on into 1920 thus another victory loan is necessary get ready to buy k victory loan 1919 i- v every dollar spent iricanaaa i by canadas victory ioae commltton to cooperation with toe minister of finanr- of uk domlakw ol c francis nunan beokblndev aocount books of all kinds made lo tier periodicals of every deactip- uoa carefully bound rallns neatly end promptly done wyndbam street qaelph ont over wllllame store r j kerr h auctioneer sor tbe co an ties of halton we 111 n- ton peel and duffer n and tho city of oualph acton ontario sales may be arransod by mall o- at reeldenoe at acton or at the fvee preas office acton tbe mercury office guolph tbe nrntitecord pnrum or with w j gordon horn maker tllllsbuix- salee entrusted to ii j krr re ceive attention from dntn of listing to date of aale list your aalon with me residence young street acton pbone it acton call at my icxpenee je cheevers book binder quebec st east quetph onl book and mabnxluee bound in handsome and hubstantlul cover naxnea lettered in cold on ulbloe flymn books and other boolu all work promptly exeouud d alex niven ontario land surveyor and civil engineer surveys subdivision plane ito- porta deeerlptlous blue print etc certiqcatee or pure rumens and moruraxoes surveyu for architect ilultdere end municipal councils dralnasm reports tcstlmto etc molean building daugui st ouelpii phono 106 oni roy hindley auctioneer uvb stock ilkat i2htat1- and uqitchandihi consolidated phone erin t 11 r ft 3 acton grand trunk srsff the double track route s f bbttwekn montreal toronto detroit chicago unexcelled dlnlns car norvlou suxiplitk cure on tijglit truluri uiltl parlor care on principal day uhut jfull information frutn any oiainl trunk ticket nt or c ii llonilii iletrict lueeoiurer ajfcit toronto h s holmes agent acton ont fk is the old and beliable granite and marble dealers w an manufacturer ana dlrwt importer at all uoda of uununiontal and lleadatooe work wo aoll tllrt to our ouatomere at wholoaalo tuloo w antlnn our ouatontor 40 per ooni w nava uto ooat appllanoee ami lb mty mechanic in tho uomlnlou who oan operate pneumatic tool properly wo oan lv reference from hundred or our ouatomrra in toronto and other ss w ou navo have law sius iw ha the wus od hrt took at umnlte l dominion or more than any tore oaejera in th w t wo are leeiu- hs r- mpoy no asenta ana do not annoy or peat quatomera blslst h enorent ajenta eolldt- jffifslsstc it hamilton sons vtolwtah at osjejk affiijv- tj

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