Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 14, 1919, p. 3

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shjp jvrtnn jffwilrifjftb tiiukhuay auqujt u 111 isnt this true toot if ynu want to live in the hind of town uko the klml of a town you ilka you noodii t nllp your clothes in grip and start on a long ion hike you ii only find what youve left be hind km a knock at yourself when you knock your town it itnt tho town it a youl i tool tow f u ore not mode by men afraid lest aommitid else gats aliead whan averyone works and nobody shirks you nan ihim a town from the deed and ir when you maka your personal aloha your nelglibora can mako one too your town will bo what you wont to it loot tho town it a you iloston chamber of commerce affairs uncle edens advice nothing which la put into tho head can take the place of what should ba manufactured there in other words learning is not a substitute for think ln- and unleaa the development of common senso keepa pace with men tal acquisition the education la ono aided and unsatisfactory undo eben a character created by the washing ton star save hla nephew soma good advice in the form of a story and it la barely possible some other young people may profit by it la youeutl gwlne to school sonny oakod uncle kbcn of a tall yellow boy with spectacles yea indeed i a poae you known mo now dan yo uncio does about seven or eight tlmea the reply nettled the old man oo on sonny said be get ail da icornln you can but you wants to be kyahful bout one tins you doesnt want to sit mo knowledge dan you has intelligence to manage 1l you wants tor member bout de educated rag a- tog v what a thatt data a rooneky tfou mean orangutae dots what i saya a ragatag he had hahd tiroes aftar he done got educated an went back to live wlf the res o do ragatags i don t know that i ever tabard shout him co a you nebber i was jes grwine tor tell yer he laf home an went way bct up yon whah its cold to rot educated he had oatmeal mush to br an pie an milk fob lunch an turtle soup an roaa beef foh din ter an when he cot back bone be warn used to ragatag ways what soever while be was larnln one tin- an n udder he cum across a lesson boot nuts an de book say a nut la round and hahd on de outside and sweet in de kernel lis learnt it by bant an laid it up in his mind by an by he went back home an bis famly moved into a part o de country whah all do trees was dutont turn what dey was used to an when dey ix climb a tree to git supper looked aroun an be says what we swine to eatr cas it were a braall nut tree an he never seen no small nut befo 4 de father ragratax he say we gwlne ter eat some o dose nuts don alnt nuts says de youxur man rag -a- tog nuts la round as hahd in de shell and sweet in de ker nel you better look out what you go en tin i wouldnt touch em i aint round doys triangular an ye yudder folks dey says dat anybody dat kin use bbr words such as triangular tnus be mighty smahtl bo dey wouldnt eat em an dey went wlfout breakfas and dinner and sup- ner de nex day and da nex and den day was so hungry dey low dey was serine ter take chances an eat em triangular an all dom brazil nuts was one an axtua at dey dldnt pay no tentlon what- ebber ter de young ragatag but made him carry water an cut stove wood an rock de baby the referendum ballot and how to vote yes no 1 are yoit in ayor of the repeal of the ontario x 2 are you in favor of the sale of light beer can tsinlnar not more than 2 61100 par cant at- oohel weight measure through qovtrnmtnt agendas and amandmanta ta the ontario tem perance act to permit aueh sale t x 3- are you n favor of the sale ef light bear oen talnlng not mora than 2 61100 par cant- al cohol weight measure in standard betas n local municipalities that by majority of vote favor aueh eale and amandmanta ta the on tario tempsrance aot to permit aueh aale t x are you in favor ef the sale of aplrituoua and malt liquor through government agencies and amendments to the ontario temperance act to why answer no would mean the attendant evils to question it to repeal the ontario temperance bringing back of license and tho bar with all z why answer no to the second quoatlonr ilecause tho so called light doer la intoxicating as 3 ci par oenl alcohol weight measure la equal to 6 smt cent proof spirits tho old local option boor which was not intoxicating contained only 2h per cent proof spirits 3 why answer no to question throe becauso tho socoiled light beer is in toil eating as shown above 4 why answer no to the fourth question ilecause government control means che free sale of all spirituous and malt liquors in any quantities and government control has been tried in other countries as well as in ca before and has proved to be a useless measure for stopping tho apread of drunkenness the foregoing is reproduced from the pioneer the official organ of the dominion alliance for the suppression of the liquor traffic there are ad ditional reasons for marking tho four crosses in the no column and the best of them will be given from time to time in these columns meanwhile everyono opposed to liquor should cut this out and sot to work to canvass american atrocities we hear so much of rosslon atro cities and oennan atrocities it may be well for u to think a moment of oar own atrocities in brutality and horror at the murders of the reddest of the redhanded butchers of any other land during the past so years in the united states zx people have been murder by lynching mobs of this number all but a few were colored citizens the el women lynched m were colored it would have been quite sudden t evidence of the barbarism of thess murderous mobs had their victims simply been shot or hanged without due process of law but to torture by cruelties too unspeakable for us to describe as has been done in instance aftar instance is to sink below the level of savajfery that these things should be permitted in this land and no remedy swiftly forthcoming would be incredible were it not true we have always maintained that a gov ernment which can compel its clusons white and black to enlist under its flag and defend it in peril owes to each of these clusens the guarantee of every rich assured him under the consti tution where the state falls the government is under as sacred an ob ligation to defend and protect humblest cltlsana from such outrages as it is its representatives at the courts of europe mr hughes has well said to the black man who in this crisis has prov ed his bravery his honor and his loy alty to our institutions we certainly owe the performance of this duty of justice and we should let it be known from this time on in recognition of that supreme service that the black man shall have the rights guaranteed to him by the constitution of the united states dumb animals lioa ton mass tub old man of the big clock tower i jist aot hold of a good story con cerning one of our school pupils has an industrious little coon and d urine the holidays has once and a while given up swlmmin and coin for fire cherries and the farmers green peas and taken an hour at his school books hes got an idea ho 11 be able to writ things soma day and perhaps theyll make an editor outn tiim ills dad says hes good on composition and describing thlnfa heres a composi tion he wrote last week geese was bis topic geese is a heavy set bird with a head on one side and a tail on the other ills feet is set so far back on his runnlns gear that they nearly miss his body some geese is ganders and has a curl in his tall ganders don t lay or set they just eat loaf and go swlmmlnjc if i bad to tmtgeese x would rather be a gander geese do not give milk but give eggs but for me give me liberty or give me des- vv1fema0e hen the first passion of a woman is her love for her children la that true if it la true her second passion is her deelra to make a man of her husband we hcur much about selfmade man it mis fat do us good to hear more about wifemade men there are a lot of them many of the beat man in the world greatest in statesmanship science artbuainess uj lltcruturo have freely acknowled ged their indebtedness to women per haps to their wives they ore indebted perhaps to other woman a wise wife la she who completely fulfills her functions being comrade and source of inspiration not wife earnestly seeks to be a helpful oompanlon not every one wbo tries succeeds many alas never try the wife who contributes to bar hue band s uplift and helps to enlarge his vision must not be denied high credit for his mucosas the bet part of many a man is the femininity which comes frorp hla mother high character which couoas for his suooass irt vari ably originate in hla mother or hla wife his ideals ooroe from one or tho othar to one or the other ha owes his purposes and her joy in it is sxqulalto this is a wtinuui s greatest work nsat to the a couple of weeks ago tho enumer ator called at our bouse and took all our names and now i suppose my bet ter half will poll her vote along- with mo ive lived to see a great many things come to pass and from the days that sylvia fankfaurat held sway and stampeded the country for womens voting privileges i never thought i woum be here to see it ushered in bat just now it looks as if i was going to realise it im quite pleased to think the women are getting their turn at it for the first time on the referendum prohibition question t voted for the dunkin act scott act plebiscite local option and i dont know at bow many more more temper- elections and sometimes when 1 lost my vote i got it rubbed in good and proper and was told what tho women would do if they had a vote ive listened to that uo many times wlthoutany come back that im sick of it now things are different were stolng to see whalrlnr women will do with their vote if the prohibition issue is qarried by a nice majority 11 give the women folks all the credit due them ill tell then they axe well worthy of the vote and it is too bad they didnt have it sooner but oh man alive i if by any chanoe prohibi tion goes down to defeat i wont do a thing but let the women know they had a hand in this affair i know aro- numbar of these women that wont think it worth their while to exercise their privilege i know lota more who would think it unladylike to go down to a polling booth and cast a vote its up to the rest of you interested women to look after these delinquents i kind of feel it in my bones that the women along with the usual assistance are going to make a striking example by showing us that they will give total prohibition the biggest lift it ever bad by their possession of the franchise but oh girls if you should happen to fall down on this i won t do a thing but roast you im wing you fair wssin this election the old aan expects every women to do her duty and if you dont no excuses will he accepted in resuming my incidental history of the streets and byways of the old town i will commence this week on the south aide of mill htroet at fred erlck the big- frame building on the corner which was torn down about two years ago by alex crawford was erected by the 1st william grant waggo n maker for a carriage and waggon woodwork shop and paint shop mr grant had his residence in the rear of the building it was erect ad i think a little more than hair a century ago mr grant came to acton in early life a little over sixty years ago be married martha ityder daughter of the late henry ityder of the thlrtl hn tvpvlni 1 himlna this site he had a ahop on mali htreet on the lot next to the lato malcolm kennedys and serosa the street from thomas tcbbage a pump factory and jlmmla ttwltxers dulcimer works he was a man wbo lived in high esteem in the community for his ster ting character and consistent christie i life he had few educational advent ages in his boyhood but be was a care ful bible student and was a faithful teacher in tho methodist sunday brhool in the tittle white church on church street from which the congre gation moved when the new church was operoed on mill street fortythree years ago last month- the story is told that his class of boys back in the seventies just an average lot of vil lage boys showed in after years what tba isyfluigojjnwound principles in the bulldnjfvejftof character means to the boy of the membership of that class of boys t we have today j he ktev t albert moore ix d of toronto hoy c a cook d d or llutte montana ilev j jo farmer d d of chicago charles w hill one of the prominent church officials and business men of monroe mich and i think the late superintendent of the sunday school who for thirty years haul the position a m nlcklln j p and the late a j clark this venerable cltlaen while vulting his son and daughter in winnipeg ilov dr moore preached in gracf- church mr grant the congregation after tho service he hurried to tho front of tho church grasped the drs hand embraced him and with tears running down his cheeks exclaimed albert my boy im proud or you mr and mrs grants second son vessey was greatly afflicted with an incurable aliment in the bock his infirm ty called forth their tenderest love when vessey grew to the age of ten or twelve be developed a ai prising skill in carving and shaping articles of dolls furniture little tables chairs cradles etc were beauti fully mode stained and polished it was a delight to the little lad that ho was able thus to earn quite a revenuo for a child his sufferings ceased when in his tocna and he was laid to rest in the family plot in the old cemetery mr grant died about three years ago and was burled at george town mrs grant still survives and is enjoying her residence with her son alma at st marys after the rebuilding of the ityder blacksmith shop and the addition of a woodworking department william grant gave up business and went farrnln in erin abram matthews father of postmaster matthews bought the grant shop and residence tfnd con verted the premises into two dwellings he divided the lot and built the con crete cottage on frederick street whore mr bruce now uvea in the rear house mrs m a qtrtstic and her daughter fanny resided it was here that thomas ferryman now of ilroug ham went for his pretty bride fanny christie forty years ago a tragic event saw its culmination in the front residence of this building about the middle of november 1881 mr and mrs john matthews who had lived for a number of years nt west lorne in elgin county decided come bock to the old home and settle in acton shortly after their return mr and mrs matthews were driving over che g t r tracwon mill street when their horse became frightened and in the effort to save herself mrs matthews jumped from the buggy tho kround was froxen and the impact when she alighted caused a compound fracture of her left limb at the ankle mrs matthews was carried to the home in this building and upon ex amination dr lowry round the splint ered bones had pierced the heel and amputation was the only course to pursue being the only surgeon aval able he found it necessary to admin ister the chloroform as well as per form the necessary surgical work w ii btorey volunteered to assist but it wss only a few minutes when he faint ed and was obliged to leave the room several other kind friends gave as la tone and the operation was suc cessfully performed it was a great shock to the system and mrs mat thews never fully regained her health an ertlflual foot was afterwurd so cured but though she was able to set about for thirty seven years after ward aha never had any comfort in walking mrs matthews- died in tor onto on january 20 lost in her eighty- fifth year and was buried in falrvlew cemetery acton her love for her native town never subsided two or three years ago mr alex crawford bought this property he tore down the old building and erected the fine two mtory brlclc rosidenco now occupied by mr hoy arnold of the fifty year old glove business of w h storey a son on the corner where the rig i list building stood there is now a pretty green lawn bordered at the resldmco aide with geraniums ellver leafs and salvia next week incidents will be given which transpired on the next lot where the revorod itobert little and wife lived for years prior to removing to their splendid mansion on the pro pertr a crafty indian if tho red man no longer goes upon the warpnth and harries the pale faces he linn taken a leaf or two out of till while tnun a book and whenever he can gets tho better of his neighbor through tho use of his wits in tim garden of canada there is an example of tho sort of trick tliat the sophlstl rated indian some times plays an tho whllo nun the two packers saj the uutliqr set out at dawn to niund unjlholr an mala sam eoon came romping in with his bunch but linker searched fruitlessly for three hours we were having breakfast when up rodo an indian boy of about twrlvo white man lose horses he asked laconically yopl seen any m indian barn how many four five six holding up his grimy digits with murh coaxlns wo induoed him to describe them an it was not dim- cult to undurstand that our missing animals had been co rolled by the red men linker tore off hotly with the young indian breathing- revenge and intendlns to teach the red man a son for daring to round up his beasts hut he came back looking uncertain tho sons of guns soy my plugs jumped tho fence round their oat field during the night that they had to gat up and chase them out that they got in ngm in and at last had to be cor al led was the report well go and got them out ad vised sam daren tl the rascals wont lot them go for less than fifty dollars they say they did that amount of damage to tho crops one of tho offended indians soon came up hut he was proof against cajolery whl o mans horses eat and tread oats whl a man pay whl e man make law whl e man keep law sam was for taking the bull by the horns in his rough frontier manner and having it settled by the tribunal afterwards baker hesitated at such a highhanded proceeding while lett tried diplomacy but that was of no olv me firy dollar whle man liavo coy uses said the indian with inflexible obstinacy look here cried baker you re trying to play a slick game you coma alqng with mo to haxleton an 1 wo ii see the indian agent me com hosleton sure see in dian agent ho see indian qui right dakor argued with the indian vain ly endeavoring to compromise matters the dispute lusted two hcura and in the end the indian reduced his claim for damages to ten dollars- baker promptly paid and a ion uune bock with the horses say said sam did you see whgt damage your plugs had done to the oats no what the uae they skinned you clean it oure lhlnfthatyour plugs were neve- in those oats we heard afterwards that sam s surmise was correct the damog was imaginary the indians bad found the horses browsing quietly in tho open flat and had seen a chance to turn a penny at the expense of tho white man a beautiful face mother said emily bond slowly os the placed an empty tumbler and napvln on the diningroom table you havent an fdea how much i enjoy going up to aunt hepseys did she seem as bright and well aa usual dearf asked mrs hand an xlously as she hurriedly laid the plates for the noonday meal i think so mother and she was delighted with the bread and jelly i imagine aunt uepseys gratitude which la always so genuine is the sec ret of my girls pleasant visits there isnt 11 dearr no mother replied emily thought fully as she took the knife- troy from her mothers hands it ton t that for when i don t have anything for her its always the same its her beauti ful face that attracts me and when i come away i always feel why i can hardly express it but i guess sort of purified i wish i had such a sweet faoe for then everybody d love me ia they do aunt ilepsey you can have such a face dear if you follow aunt ilepsey a recipe jteclpet why that aeema very strange she doesn t do inyjilnsr to make her have an attractive face of course she doesn u sbe certainly does entity and it a recipe you may follow with uh re sults it is to think beautiful thoughts beautiful thoughts make a beautiful face the face dear is the mirror of the soul and what the soul thinks tho face expresses never allow yourself to think sour and disagreeable thoughts but only those which are pure unsel flqh and ewoot and in time your face will le uu beautiful and attractive as dear aunt ilepsey a a k caldwoll being prepared by atessnr beardmore jk co for tho memorial itecreatlou grounds tub old man horrors op the tower grisly details about tho tower london ore published in the french press as evldenoe to tho french pub- ha that tho teiiicrti apprvltoiislon of over indulgent treatment of the ex kaiser in englsnd is liot necessarily wall founded headless bodies the pallid faces of hanged men tho grim visages of drowned tret tors may haunt the sleep of wihum il in this etnlstor prison says the liberie if h la nervous he may well shudder at night as ho reflects on the numbers of celebrated people who havo awaited and often mat their deaths between those sombre walls real cau8esforworhy reartns of her children it is asoonl aotona earlier days i to that and in all great work therolofj keen plewsux klngstoo whiff hot iu look very worriod old man said paddy to hla english pal was just wondering auiev the stricken one how id gat my night rt over the wings when i in daad arralt said paddy if i ware always proud you 1 d drop that idea altogether ami 00001- boys it waa re- 1 tblnk out a way of wearing your but nta several years ago that over yonn horns exchange down in north carolina the parent teacher association says that high school girls are too must interested in jna clothes their daughters and pupils are much like those in every other state we suppose so that if this la really true there it is everywhere they say that interest in be ins as wall drassad as the bestdressed girl in school is apt to make all the girls forget their athletics because well dressed girls are afraid to spoil their clothes or to muss up their hair by nlng that they forget to study be cause they gase around tho room at uno another or else busily peer into pocket mirrors at themselves and that they all waste money that parents oed for useful things instead of oonaequontly for he future north unllii v in to ii is to insist on slmpllrlt unsu while its daughters are in school the mothers and teachers an ready to set the example by dressing themselves as they wish the young woman at the state to be dressed and even college seniors are promlalns to assist in the movement wages for wives tho other night a philadelphia aml oi ice largely made up of wumou gave u decision in a debate against a pro posul to rvqulpi husbands to pay wag dj to their wives the idea did riot prove at ull popular one speaker drew a dismal picture of the future of romance with wlvas working imuglho a soaae like this ilia said honey do you love toet of course i love you thau will you marry mat woll maybe how much do you pay and wa would have notices like the following tha 1hlladalphu ledger uggeets i married john llrpwn and mary smith by the bev bussell si couwall they will llva in logan and the wifes wages will bo 16 a week boenea ilka tha following in court wore forecast judge he hired me fur z0 a week tind he is now two weeks overdue in pay i in go i ii n to get a new boss to forgot to read the ads is to fur gft your primary purse interests start to worry about your days work at the beginning and you will probably have something to worry about at ths end pv f cautions in canning 1 old or riccaod products should not ho lined they will prohahly npoll 2 uno only ono sot of- dlmrllonu and follow lime tnhln uxustly 3 can prndurtn un soon as poiialhln after gathorliiu 4 tost jnrn covers wlro hulls ruh hers etc to noo if in good condition c never uso rubttors a second time jam covers etc if in good condition may be usedi fl if wlro ball or clamp does not go into position with a nnap ramovn from jar and bond thbi is necessary for good results 7 ixt not soak foods during blanch ins count time while in boiling water then dip in and out at cold water soaking may ruin foods t have jars stand in hot water while packing to prevent breaking when put into boiling water to pro 0 have waiar boiling before put ting in jars do not count ttmo until water rotunfu to boiling iolnt or pro duct will be undrr cooked and stay deteriorate 10 as soon aa produrt hi processed remove and tlshtan clampu to excludo all air at once 11 jars or container must not stand close togcthor whllo coollns thoy should cool as quickly an pos sible 11 hot jura placed n cold metal may break best use a board avoid draft on hot jars 13 whan cool test to aoa if there is any leakage jars which loak should he emptied into other containers and reprocessed at once 14 when cold ntoro food in a coot place if storeroom is nut dark wrap jars in paper mmoisalmmlaolimimmlmtssrffi the 8ka0 fisher commissioner hugh h smith of tho fisheries uuercau sold ut a wash ington tea the prime virtue of a good fisher man is patlunre nobody ovor de veloped into a good fisherman who hadn t the patience of job there a a washington boy who is gofng tq mako a champion ono of these days i saw htm the other afternoon fishing in the potomac and i sold to him what ore you flshlns for son skas said ho what are loufr i asked dunad sold the boy 1 aifit never caught none yet dodge brothers motor car i 5 dodge bros have concentrated on ono stylo of car and have btcn determined to 19 makea3 d a car as can bo built the dodge car lias tho reputation of low cost of up keep lasy hiding i a v to operate and a low consumption of gaso line all dodge owners arc well satisfied with their choice investigate tuts car and be convinced j n oneill dealer for acton and georgetown districts if you buy out of town and i buy out of towjtt what will become of our town the dollar you spend in acton will come home to boost free pressbuyathome campaign read these articles frith care they may present something yon hadnt thooghtof before patronize the people whose ads are here they are year nexghbors and will treat yon right the money you pend with them stays in circulation in acton and neighborhood you will always find it profitable to consult us when desiring dry goods clo tiling hoots and bhoes ijneoleums oilcloths and groceries our aim is to anticipate your desires in acton malean a mills our aim is ta sell you dry goods men a furnlslngs and groceries tho quality and price of which will keep your money in ac ton we can compete with anyone anywhere and strongly urge com parison o c russell the pansier store la criterion vor uurity and wholesome ness in patent formulas wo carry as welt choice perfumery toilet articles vlotrolas our hpring wall taper biile is now on ind very special bar gains are offered a t brown local dealers do business in open know they must face the music if their customers are displeased meet patrons face to face wa deal in all kinds of fresh and cured meats and it is our desire to aocuro and hold your patronage hy fair prices anil honest dealing wo endorse thin- campaign buy in acton it pays w land8borouoh mail order men prefer to sell at long distance ratiu2r tilan deal with people in their own cities consult us first when buying hardware wo carry a complete stock of shelf and heavy hardware silverware cutlery graultoworo etc- and con convince the most critical ojr prices and duality are right james 8ymon order your coal now ialay under present conditions invariably means an advance in the price nut btove and furnace coal now on hand we carry groceries i well j c hill never buy furniture v from a catalogue it all looks good in puuras- when buying from us you loo tho art 1 un before you buy and our beat advice and service is yours unitu taking in connection johnstone d co mak up that ordarfor qrooerlae itrlns it to us we con compete in service quality slid price with anyone anywhere- wo carry as well a full line of dry goods nelson ov co wa have bald it before and we say it asaln you can buy to batter adventsse in apton than n toronto bee us whan you require anything in general merchtafllrff- wo will noltbe undersold l- 8tarkman now that warm wssthar is approaching- you will require refreshment our drinks are loe- oold and invigorating our ioe cream is delicious our candles fresh and wholesome h wiles one of the ntotii ricuiuu mall urd house is lut thtr ui local mercluitit do not curry in hi send away from town to gui tliu i l uiii i who orders boosts from ft ny things that ho wonts that the mid thut it lu necessary for mm f our larue business connection in acton is awplu proof that our meats vegetables and 1ruvlslons are of tha best quality wo sell on uloso margins and solicit tho privilege of supplylns your home mebnery ev evans contemplating building t if so let us estimate on your re air wonts we prepare plans make estimates and take contracts for any kind of building we would auggaat ordering nest winters pool now j b maokenzie fair dealing anal low prleea are building up our business we carry a full line uf groceries and provisions and our prloes will re have the necessity of further search our tjuallty and price will stand comparison mrs j modouqall this oxpuinutiuii nuiy b ull rlulit on thu theory that a poor excuse is bettor tluiii nulla but it fullu id uiwi iiiuutef win i it is subjected to a minute scrutiny ask the man who off nt thij uu un ioum for hla dialings with the mall order man why h ilimi ul uo to iho local merchant and ask him to order the arth luu ilmlrol if tiny uru not to bo found in tha merchants stock iho nun hunt will wry gladly do this and tha merchant and cuotonivr will i kith pniu tho merchant can sell you whatever you denim ut us low u luim us thu uiul unlar house can mako you on goods of tha uinn iuulity unl hu un mul a small profit the customer will 1 lofll from tho truosuotlon because ho will be iloau us with o merchant wli ntuiul 1 hu k of tho hxds he sells urnl who is easily uccusslhlb in rniiu 0u urtlrluu purchased do not prove to ba ull that the customer hud uxpu to i give home merchant preference why not try this plan th tit it itiuo yu mud somethlutf which you tauiiot find in uuy of j our hum uluitst thu marchunl in thu owruga siaod town uiliiiul i urry in ut u k uvurylhlng lull all tho peoplu in hla town may wuiil ut ull ilinttj it would ru iulra u capital many times largor titan ths uvumuu m n hunt tun ooinmand o do this but ho does tho bt he an ho i nllnurily tlns carry in slock at all limes many tblnga for which lht la no tanerl demand in order that ho may meet the lioads uf his i uhiduiuiu to the gicutast osslhle dngroe but there i a limit t hlu t nr tutslilf ubllity lie is always ready an 1 wlllins howuwr to niuku ivny iftit to incut tan daiuands of tha community why put then k him tho liioiii ovor tho far distant mall uidor muii if you mum huvu uoinothlug which is nut to ba found lt the local utuivkt hu will lo thu business in a satisfactory ii miner glva yuu us uui k if not utllt ui wirvliii uiul mora sutsfattury t uutmanl unit the i imncah uro thut h will glv you butler vuluoafor tho luoitoy finally whulovi timnt la to bo limuo on tha transaction will stay at honii uiul d llu hit t iwunl limiting thu luorxhulit and his town and incidentally youiui if nioru i ouptouus no business can tx liuusucivd uu tuiilufui inrlly ut long range as ji uu when tho tm l l ml m f to fa t tjnly exception to ths rule istu llm use nf ho inull order man tyluset who cuu trammel hlji liutitm ii with uicutr wuccias to hlnsolf h lontf distance f hasi he could if lit hu i i ut i his customers faco u ff- that is tha reason thut ho dot- liusiui s i hy tum lsod of sell t tha jhmiple in his own city if th roots whit tl lire iiulu odsr loan udvertlsos in his ullurlug tnti1 njm wuru tho bargains that he re pro sen is thomtu ba lia would not huvu lo outs to uf tha confines uf hla own city to soil all tho goodw hu loul i p ihhlbly nhluin tut tha avemga mull ordar house not only l iti not liuibo any rfort to soil goods hi its own rlty but will nut null to unyoiiu ivl lljig within tha t liy limits lha mall order nun ilutij hot wunl l iiiihii hlu i uhlomers fuca face ha call do business tt it t uo ful uw h ii in urnotl if hlm customer is sum hundreds of mllus uwu fiooi his lllcu does business in open bsrgatns in lodloa milk fleeced blockings at 39c i lob longs overalls ut 2fi0 a shipment of ilob iojigs tnn s wearing- blurts jtpctod this week hhoo repairing a speciality e k c0qk when yog buy bhoi froih us you ar euro of secqr ins tho bast aeloction in acton qur prices are much lower than city prloea our guarantee la behind every thins we soli kenney bros our bread- ia baked night hero in acton and wo guar an toe its wholcsomoncss wa solicit us well your patronage for home- tnada cakes pastry etc wo aim u satisfy m howards evco thla campaign uocts with our approval and hod our hearty ondorsotlon beardmore a co our personal interests are centred in acton this move ment is dnscrvlns of success and we undoruu sumo ryoer a mowat glove co i am loosl distributor vox- tho kurd aulomobllo and con supply you with genuine bord parts at reaoiablu prleea a complain nil tit of tiros always uu liund let your next car ba a kord h a coxe 1 msnufaotur and repair all kinds of furniture let mo untlniatn rur you on the making- over repairing or uphtilserins of yimr tumlfuro which ru lulrus ufteotliiq i guarantee my work tha vupilfure hospital w j qtupkcy sumrnar tooua omplufa lines lu liens hunimer outflta usm weight underwear fancy h its wash icil ilc hfora will tie rhmctt frnrrtainrot- for holliluyq w m cooper tha tnuu who mills u it dus business lu tho u lulk to a dlsjleuaad list ha known thut 1 r ibu t outlier uu thu olhr hand u tuiin t hi lu iiehlnl a ttrpouto nuuia or from behind tha lockid doors uf u privuli ulo lu cusa ho la a party to any trunsscll n that wont hiuiki th llht of duy lla knowq that ho tnusvoauafy ovuty i unliiuier with wlluni hu limy bo dealing or he will losu nut ctrylhni iulinnr but i n ikibly othwru who will soon klioy ull tha facts if ho douu n t tin thu njuuiu tiling by any una uf his pufnn there is no ruuu in thu wt i id f i uuy lhubuii t send his money l i a mail urdor hou louiuu h i uiiiiit find thu artli lu ba wants in his loal atoro thu local muthuiil lu in buulnuaa fir the very purpose of gut tins you whut you waul u has tho information that will anabti hi in lo gat whut you muiit und to gt t it us quickly as you could gat it from u tnsil order housti it is only fair lo him lu glva hltn thtf chance to matte such pro lit us uuy uulur would ntuke off i ho transaction and it la only ralr to you mi if tn a th it i ioflt at home ruthar than to sand it away to some far distant t ity fmm wh- it will never mtunj never ouy jawallsry from catalogues all jewolleiy looks km d lu out 4 whan buying from mo you see tha urth la and us well you liavo tho benutlt of my uervwe u ivlru and pur sonal guarantoa geo hynd3 next time you raquira hoots bhoeu itubhalu utc hit lilt tiidiuvor to moot your teu i lumen my stock la oomploti my uuallty lu of tho best my prltuw utu right ltepulrtug dona w williams cxtr special bargains in ts i ulm to kp i tllkh krudo of sood you will tin in many vnia that uiy pi i t uru iilituil uk whut yuu tuiy fir thu uuinu lutiutlty of lufwiut goods chester plank mult hi 1 bono ci consult ms first whan you roiulru fa mi linpln moots of uuy kind 1 um looul ugoiit for international atui blnoi y und can guivujiloo you aullufactluii utul sue vlo i inrry hoots und nlun- us well chas e pah k eh tnofrtxrjtwiiaiiaemmimak r iiisiii ia nljf 41illbitat j i jt mmmzmm w i

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