Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 6, 1919, p. 4

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thuhjjimy rnimuakt 11b j ohutthg door lttcr nlnco thn winter day a ctmt on and tlio flrwi be can to roar over and over cornea on rafrmln tia htiut do ahut th doorl and other doom than woodan one i think on mora an mot and of ttin ovlln we mlght mono if wftd tmt nhut th door aii how llionn angry urtnjt thoohu that tear and vox u or would flo avray and our heart did wo hut shut the door or could our traitor up forit tht lovo w hold in bo and wound a heart aa d6r afl ufa if wo kiitntiiit tho dooft o linn that nunff and heart thi ilapeat it oer and or thta amulet jralnat myriad iii tin only hhut the door editorial notes on the roconunendatiqn of hon oldcon ilobortoon 11 in biter ox labor the dominion government ho abotlnh- cd the m law put into effect by order la council durlna th lattct jartor tho war to enaure oifl maximum effort of the nation to work for an early and aucoeaaful laa of the war with changed condition owing to return in ir soldlera and lack of im- dloymenl it u rcoognlsed that it would be unjunt to continue tn operation of thla roffuuuon hon dr cody the new minister of education oaya that no radical school leclalauon will bo proposed at th com tag session of the lfttutura tbs doctors- speeches hod led the public to expect rotorms itewoald b quite juatlflod in tokirur tna inltlaure at once towards making popular with trustee boards in the rural districts and smaller town the introduction of a manual and vocational tralnlnj ays tern for such pupils a have no lnten tloix of becoming teachers or entering professional ufa doctor urged an operation instead i took lydin e pink iuuno vegetable compound and was cured baltimore md nearly four yearn i suffered from organic troublos ner- vouincai and bead- aches and otory month would hare to stay in bed moot of uio lining trcat- nvnta would rcliov mo for a timo but my doctor was al ways urging ma to jiavo an operation my ulster anked me u try lydia k fink- r ho mo vcftctabl y compound b o f o r jf consenting to an operation i took fwo bottles of it arid it boo complotlr v- cored mo and rrj work is a pleasuro i toll all my f rlsnds who hsvo any troublo of this kind what lydia e iinkbams vdjotablo com pound bail dono for mc ndjje el bjttingiajigoocalvcrtonrd balti more md it is only natural for any woman to dread tho thought of an operation so many- woraai have been restored to health by this famous remedy lydia el plokhams vcpotablo compound after an operation has been advised that it will pay any woman who suffers from uchnllmcntn to consider trying it bo- faro submitting to such a trying ordeal wonthwhilencoo what is worth thinklriff about is worth connccutlv tlinuflltt what is wortji dolnt in worth iloinrr well whsf la worth recommending la worth prsc- flcine what tn worth talklnc about is worth hoedlnrr what is worth com man c1 1 riff is worth mcmjillfjlnir what in worth remomhorlnc o wortli emu- latine whatever linn intrinsic value is wortli poanconlntf what in wott- poaseoxilnir ts worth charfehinjr wlwit- oever uiy liond hndetti to do do with thy muclit for time la uliort and nuns and op port unlit- are p n tlirow tho concentrated enemy of thy oul into the task it in cnut it la important it is imperative udmlttlnir of no delay your day of pruco and probation will term i na to and it maybe quickly lo it but do it with thy mlrjtil put blood and aoul into uie citort fajca the lanuo prcs tho task erlp l hard and inceaanntly finish it at all haxardrj turn a deaf car to tho sons of tho siren make no compro mise do it with tho mlcht of an un- yleldlnc purpono and uiou iihalt h b leaned in ho dcd a flnlahcd tank is a crown of rlory tliat never loses its luatroit will utahiiio tho stars of the frmament kvanpollcnj meosciuxer trial is lnxpnvo to those who suffer from dyspepsia indigestion rheumatism or any aliment arlalns from dftranenment of the digestive or- cans a trial of pormeleea vesctable ill la is recommended should the fcrer bo unacquainted with th m the trial will be lnexjenalvoaiid t o result will be another customer tor this ex collcnt medicine so effective ir their action that many cures can cortalnly bo traced to tnelr use where otlitr pills iiave proved ineffective canadian farmers and krdaners are protected from the erlls of plantlnx inferior seed of many uoh of crops imported from otner oountrle by an orderin council importation la pro hibited of unfit seed of clovers eras totches rape oth fo plants field root and ffrden vegetable in lots of ten pounds or more the regulations will be carried out through the cu toms ofllclais who are rsqulred to tal and forward to the dominion seed jjaboratory for examination sample of lots of seeds of the classes named entered for consumption in canada seed that has arrived in canada and found to be unfit shall b dsportsd tinder cuioms supervision- luck is invariably the result of study and hard work yonge dl chariot streets toronto invito ambitiou yourta msnand women to prcparn for cliolco busi ness pouluonu keen demand for ouvcraduatca our calalotruo elves complete information writ today for one enter any time w j elliott principal tho industrial outlook in canada la on tho whole a favorable one judging from the monthly commercial letter of the canadian bank of commerce manufacturing industrie sayl letter generally and that crderrw stul available on a remjqjabtkjrjmst jtjghr mn ja in sattaloasjigcroasi were released short ly after the armistice wag signed there is on the other hand a very general demand for labor in textlls boot and shoe foundry and other industries bvldence oxtsts of a dpoeluon on the part of the public to conserve l sources this being induced by a wholesome fear that wages as well as price jmuat undergo a radical re adjustment now that the acute demand for material and labor is on the decline all kinds of poultry wanted auve on ditesskd geese turkeys fowl and chickens newlaid eqgs hides and tallow fnrmoro havlnc poultry to sell we advise them to call on ua for quotations 9 the cracking remedy womens shoes have a tendency to crack across the top near tho toe es pecially it tlio shoo tii a little longer than the fool hair combings may be inserted in the shoe thus forming a soft cushion for tho torn and filling out the shoe so that tho leather will not crock it has been the custom with many to use cutton for filling up the too of tho shoo out this soon becomes hard uncomfortablo and useless the first number of the thrift uaga- slne pubuabod under the direction of the national war savings committee has made its appearance it is edited by tr w j sunlop b a director of the schools section of the was or- ganlxation y7ioam also editor of the the especial purpose of this publication is to further the war sav ings and thrift stamp movement among the schools of the dominion ten numbers oro to be published by june fho intention being to bring them out at fortnlshtly intervals th thrift uagaxine is supplied free to every teacher in canada and may be had on application to the ofllce of publication s71 bloor st west toronto pupils school inspectors public libraries and persons generally interested in thrift education may also receive tho afaga- slne by applying to this address turnips wanted fairies mullin arc again purchasing tur nips for shipment at acton rockwood and other points wc are paying highest prices for qloico stock parries mullin acton v ontario minors worm powdern act so very thoroushly that stomachlo and intes tinal worms are literally ground up and pass from the child without being noticed and without inconvenience to tho sufferer they era painless and perfect in action and at all times will be found o healthy medicine strength ening the infantile stomach and main talnlng it in vigorous operation so that besides being ait effective vermifugal they ore tonlcal and health giving in their effects fif coal saved by extra day light careful investigation shows that in the vn months of doyught saving approximately ueoootona of coal was saved in this country calcula tiana made of tho cpal consumption in a community of 1000000 people dlcated that saving was coven toon and onehalf tons per looqjxsroona for tho period figures from other din trie to showed a similar saving dread of asthma mokes countless thousands miserable night after night the attacks return and oven whon brief respite is given tho mind is still in torment from continual antlcl patio dr j jx kellogge asthsm itemcdy changes all this izelief comes and at once while future attacks are ward c j off leaving the afflicted one in a state of peace and happiness ho once bo lleved he could never enjoy inexpen sive and sold almost everywhere you can have friends you can have friends if you desire them claim them as your right not make it a condition that your friends oust be beautiful talented de lightfully entertaining to uk to cm extra or your friends you must your self have something out of the ardtnarj to offer if you give not brilliancy but loyalty not any especial charm but comradeship you have a right to osk these things in return friendly- bjeople juiya friends tho heart that overflows with kindly im pulses nnds hearts iliat rcclprocatu if you ore friendless it is your own fault intricate mechanism i dont know how to toko this chicken apart declared the bride well we tackled an automobile successfully sold the young husband we ought to be able to handle a small job like this- wheres tho book of in structions canada now has the opportunity to make her export position permanent especially in the matter of meat tho war stimulated the export trade in canadian live stock product to a de gree deemed well nlht impossible five years ago the total exports of live stock products in the fiscal year end ing march 31 lffis were valued at fly37o081 as compared to i334m19 in 1914 canada has the opportunity of holdlnff this trade and increasing 1l for our meat products won a splendid reputation in europe during the war and canada is in the position of the favored nation th price of feed baa been hlsb and tho cost of produclia live atock has been corrtmppondlnsly high but tlie market price of finished animals has also bctn hlh the price may decline uraduallyrtbut the price of tpedwill decline also and the percent- agadx profit to the farmer should thus remain about tho same indeed if the cost of feed declines first the profit to the farpner will bo increased a patriotic duty most as vital ab that of protecting the honor of flag and country is the duhr of protecting and safeguarding health when strength is wellnigh exhausted and the resistive powers are reduced then is the time disease germs are he most potent and when scorn mmn affords splendid and effectual means of offsetting the tendency toward weakness and protecting strength j toe abundant tonic and unique nourishing properties ot scott 0 emulsion make it a dependable agent that may be used everyday by anyone to protect strength mthor q raves worm exterminator will drivo worms from the system without injury to the chlld becsvwe it action while fully effective is mild titc3 pain exterminator r ways effective and acts quickly i issrv i lumw ww pio lame jofaft aemoscles tjbd camcho sore throat sad msetpakufci calzl7 afc5e5is g today haveullsbaudad swjca h deafer cttrs ox mgr bjdutui colliamftiq a provoking situation fn tho early aprlng a gentleman was out motorins with a frlond and noticed that tho owner of the machine crawled slowly along a thoroughfbra where previously he had run at high speed accordingly ho asked why they were going so slowly well explained tbs owner with just a touch of impatience vtry body carrying home garden tools now and you cant run ovr a man without setting a puncture warts are uuslshtly blemishes and corns are painful growths i follow ays corn cure wilt remove them new machine shop fred blow machinist is moviiie lo the newly arranged premises rhc koss fowl ing alley ojijloln street where howlll bb prepared to lianjio all repairs of machinery promptly and satisfactorily motok nepaiks a specialty havinj experience with all makes of motors repairs will bb efficiently executed vulcanizing tikes hovitik installed a vulcanizing outfit satisfactory repairs will bo made to outer cases as well as inner tubes this depart ment is managed by mr d rons bring all your repairs here mala street acton fred blow for all parjenera q com bined textbook nnd catalonue it tells you everything study it before you commeneo your scasoua work free for all poultry wcpera and etoek rataem t book that tells you what to do what to use and wliereto get it write for it hang it in a handy place of infinite value aa a ready reference dominion seeds limited london canada muscular rheumstltm qubdud when ono is a sufferer from muscular rheumatism ho cannot do better than to have tho region rubbed with dr thomas icclectric oil thcro is no oil that so speedily ntiown its effort in eubdulns pain lt tho ruhblnir le brisk and continue until caso in no- cured there is more virtue in n bottle of it than can ha fully estimated enough for two nora had heen iiullty of what wan conn i ilc red an lndlncretlon no the mln- trejio of the liutino had her on tlio car- pct if sueh a thinn occurs again nora nalil the lady i uhn11 have to jfrt nnotlur servant whereupon nora wltlia crln manonded i wish you would mum thorou easily onouffh work for two of ua you need more than a laxative to correct constipation oil organs of digestion and elimination should bo helped trynr and ceo how mufih better yon feet nr today keeps tho doctor atvay fo live and lm lifalthr your body msttumlsm muil nroimrl dlfcnnt yoi food nstract all tho nourlnlinxnt iro the proeasaes or dljrnauun nnalmilatlni and elltnlnatlon tlio work of oio tnmacli liver kidneys and ixitrnls tlie failure of any of the vitnl or- ffons to do its work properly oncls the action of all the otlinrs a forced bowal movement iea not help conntlpatlon it only re- lj llnves for a few hourn the con- x dltlon uiat consupatlon brincnv aiout now if vouoroujwvl to taklnrr socalld laxstlve pills oil purees and the like you know inhtlity won tquvn pot to bo tftjdnjf tlmtn ail tlie time- tloroover if you ntlck to any ono laxative youve cot to bo tncrean- thjr the data air tho time that can do you a lot of harm f3toqdoinir yourself with mi eh things jaot lonfrenouph tonlvo naturae rem edy nit tablets n trial aiul lot tlia results show tlie dlffcrnco nit tnt- lotn are not mere imwril movern thrlr fiurpobo is to corroct uia condition that mluces ooneuuatlon and c yoi real rool ittwuty sppetits resuuts your jlvcr and bowel ujiftnl plvo your a irood cleanlnr out natureb itsmesy ntltsbuu is not harsh it is mild tmmf pleasant in ac tion no krlplns- or pain svsr follows fcfc its usa but it la uoronh and sure wliy its action on tbs dlsnatlvo borrane it promotes assimilation w whlcli means extraction of full nourishment from yo food bile into the intestines improvina- in- tcaunal dices l ion lastly by nuy rrneouradnrr mora vbrnrous bowel and kldnor action nit drives poisono impurities out of and cleans up your body try naturva rsmsdy kit tsbuts and just seenow much better you feel in every way got a xso box today nnd take one sachnurht for a week youll say you never felt better in your lira nit la sold cusrontssd and recommended by your drncaist rauway time tallies at acton qrsrid trunk railway oyatsm qofna waat no 29 x na 31 x 813 am ioid a m no 33 210 pm no iff p gm pm no 37 b12 p m jolna csat 02ii am 32s pm a12 pm hundny tralnn paan throunli acton col n k went nt 1010 a m rtru ennt nt 700 n m no 2b no 33 no 3 no 38 toronto suburban electrlo railway going we it pally cxccjit hunday daily except flunilay v pally except oundnv hiinday only tluntlay only d17 am 313 p m 809 p m 1102 a m 033 pm e j 1iassard acton ont ver how the toronto daily star gets you the news of the greatest event in history not eince ibo cbrutian era has any event w changed the course of tho woheps history as will the decisions of thapeace conferences the keenest journalists in the world have gathered at versailles afl their ingenuity and resources will be exercised to get vital news first but among them all there wul be not fmer group than the twentyfour men representing the to ronto daily star somo of these men also represent tho chicago daily news so you may judge of their calibre how the toronto daily star illustrates peace conference news hourly while the conference is sitting our men will cable 4s as these cables reflect each possible change in the map of europe so will they be recorded by despatch and illustration in the daily star six oclock at night versailles time is 12 noon toronto time in our office at 1230 a map showing changes will be drawn at 1s0 it will be engraved at 225 it will be on the press at 330 the paper will be on the way to subscribers by six or seven in the evening most toronto daily star subscribers will know what hap pened at versailles up to and including 6 oclock the same evening star as the attest news service in 17 wires run s into our office in addition tlie toronto daily star is alive to the entire news of the world and it presents this news to its readers in so graphic a form that the more reading of the paper each day keeps them well informed upon ail those things that every man or woman of the world shquldboxin- versant with you cannot read the toronto daily star for a short while without feeling that if is the paper you need the truth of this is shown by the thousands of people who sending in a trial subscription for three months re new their subscriptions for a year before even the tliree montlis expire send your subscription in now we will mail the toronto daily star to you each day at the following rates for 1 month 25c for 3 months 75c for 6 months giso for 12 months 300 cut off this coupon and mail ittoday there isnt a newspaper on this continent that has a faster more accurate and more com prehensive news service at the peace confer ence than has tlie toronto daily star to publishers toronto dallx star tomato bear sirs please enter w as a subscriber to the toronto daily star for please find enclosed stamps or money order for name in full rr v r- 1 address months for which tjie toronto daily star qolncj et pally except sunday daiiy ozcopt hunrtay dally except sunday sunday only w sunday only 743 am 2o pm 01 ft p m ds8 am c48 p m freight and express kxprcsn carried on all cam krclflht nouvorcd dally by nnncful oxnrcaa frelirlit nxprenn ar ivolcht plckcdup at nny add re on in toronto o n annrff accnt acton acton flour and feed store wo havq a aupply of tho following now on imnil th willknown brand of king choice norval and national flour- nothing battar pran oat chop qhorts cracked corn- rolled oats corn meatt salt in jtotb 1001b ana 2001b boss end barrola special line in chicken ftskd arva oun calf ueal a trial domestic holled oats hei debt canada food board llcenno no 80 robert noble limited henry awhey manaqer when yon need boots shoes at any time buy fhom w williams mill street acton l famous for satisfactory footwear reasonable prices uptodate goods at a a speights silvcrwaro in tablcworo fine variety also fine cutlery hardware tinware and granite ware big assortment pandora stoves and ranges famous heater small stoves oil stoves lvcny article is of excep- tional value c c speight mill street acton t3he acton bakery m edwards co cuuihtu food ilimrii uuuittte no 6ui mill btiieet acton tg fiicilitnte the hundlinj of the products or our bakery and to make itmorc conveni ent for our customers wc have secured the shop nct to wiles confectionery where supplies of our bread brown bread tea biscuits cakes buns and seones may always bo secured wedding cauea a specialty m edwards co acton ontario t hjji

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