Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 6, 1919, p. 2

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illrthn marriifw md deaths are inw rhnrnefl for at it following uliihn 60c marriages coo dentin coc m tutorial cards 10 cra for poems if f i sf married atkinhon mattonat hamilton on thumlny january 30 1919 y rev jonoih uilllii leonard atkinson ol acton i wlnnlfred mason of ham- lltm ioviriih wlllil on thursday january 30 1010 at ot stephen a aiibhcari churrh toronto by ln w c hubbe alfred henry love rltlo inly son ft mr alls r a ii lovtrldbp towceater northerns j nj inn i to marcarel doors pat cronn mflt only daughter of mr unl mra william will 120 honcee vullcii avenue toronto died pimcl in acton on wednesday jan uary 23 1310 junu price in hie 80th year htauk at hamilton city hospital on i rldoy january 2 111 hodoin hlark or laquealns in hi 42nd year john1tonai ci bernard avenue toronto on wodneaday january 19 1310 it 11 johnaton ic c aaed 6 years iiolmi 1 in naaaajraweya on fri day january m ltlt charlie aon of the into duncan holmes and liar caret ilolmea a ted 8 years kul at calffary alta on january 17 1010 robert lawrence earl the you risen t aon of mr e j carl of milton and brother of mayor tz v lorl in lila goth yettr in ubmor1am johnston in lovlrik memory of our dear daughter lottie johnaton who dtod z obruary 6 1816 a prccloua ono from ua hajijrqna a voice we loved la stilled a placets vacant in our home which never con be filled on a year haa passed since that aad day when our door lottie was taken away god took her from thla world of pain to dwell in heaven with mm axaln liotukil tf utn artrnt 3ta ftaaa yxrurui0ar februaiit e m editorial notes tho popularity of victory honda is emphasize in the trading on the can ndlan aj lc exrhansraa these- days in controat to the movement there was keen on the aelling aide of short term aecuritlca thla la doumiesa from a realization that the yield on good se curities la on the more downward and nhrowd inventors are naturally trying to secure no much of the better paying bonds as possible according to an announcement the ontario gazette february 19 has been jiet apart throughout the pro vince of ontario u a day of bumble prayer and intercession to almighty god that ills blessings may rent upon tho peace conference and that under ills direction and guidance its dellb era t ions and conclusions may result in tho establishment of a worldwide peace on a just and permanent foun da t ion in memoriam tho milton champion pays this fil ing compliment to reeve little of milton the newlyelected warden of iloltop county john f little is not tho riw4jlutanian to be elected to thi wordenshlp of llalton ttt bo is the first native- son- to bgtfina honored had srt5bt years of experience la municipal matters has been one of the moat capable members of tho county council for firs rears and win do good service as its head y more soldiers welcomed home corp mslvln so per ha jehn j jen nings and pta 0j4arri arrived from overseas last thursday it is some time since our citizens were informed sufficiently jn advance to moat trains bearing home soldier heroes 3 it through the kind informa tion supptltid by grand trunk hallway officials a largo crowd aagaffleied on thursday venlnxiqrteetlhe 548 ought homo lance- h- train which c pte john j jen- ant pte oeorge harrio these intrepid soldiers were given a cordial wolcorao homo by their friends nnd ringing cheers by the scores of cltlxcns who had gone to meet and we 1 co mo thim lancocorp soper who was shot through the lung in one of the hot engagements in franco has almost entirely recovered from thla vsrv sett j llhtlr or th olmrch for hours after the engagement and was in a critical condition when re moved by tho stretcher bearers pte jsnilnia was rot only wel corned by his wife and little three year old daushter but b a dear tittle daughter born since be went oyer- seaa it wu a happy family that cacorted hlro home that night pte iltirrls is not very widely known in acto l ho enlist i in union and his friends removed hers since he went overseas ills three years and more of sold urn ufa and experiences have evidently agriuo wfth ttlni physically us he came home in the piirk of health and every inch a soldier a public reception wll be tendered tlieuo noldlor neroes at c date to be flxod by the hoove and receptloi commit toe mil i ol oilcif ul nnjtt infonnotl in wuii red lv 1 i cm thl i mock i y mm hubert agnow of tho dratlor hrr nloro 1 lftrn a now wlfo of ueorca llrnitott lit- vnnroucr ii c on january 21 lllin kvuu n ilauchtor of the lato of i rco aiiaw and wan born in arton orly four yiars obh it 1883 ulio rrmi vc 1 with her purnntii to hart nfii man oho wan marrle 1 on dtcenilx r 4 130j thoy removed to vaiirouvr tant icooinbcr in tho hop tliu tho rhango would bo bom nclal tlireo lltllo ilatichtnrn nro left flha wan u ft o 1 wife mother and nolslilior un 1 u loyal tncmbor of tho prenbytrrl n thurtli jami 1 p1uci- to oik i ul uuventy twro yearii on tho farm on whlrh ho wua born lu an experience few moti imvo hut thla was tho iiapny lot off james prioo flaln lltruot who entered into rent last wcdncuriuy 20th january at tho rlpo old bko of elfihty yearn ho was tho oon of tho lato lvaim irlcv and tho homciitcud woo ut the north west corner of the acton croon road and tho sixth llnr laiucnlng mr irce is tho laat member of hla fathers family 1jcnt yearn ago tho amlly real on co wan destroyed by fire and shortly thereafter mr and mrs irlco and family removed to acton fifty years ago next october mr price and abigail campbell daukhtcr of tho late john campbell of tho seventh line were joined in wodloclt blx children were born to them of whom throo survive howard of acton uert of toronto and miss ilcrnlco at horn mrs john wllllamiion another daugh ter died just three inontho ago mi price was u man who enjoyed the eatocm of tho comm unity from his early youth until hlstremoval from thi farm to acton ho was a member i bt geomo a church georgetown since then ho has bean connected with bl alban s acton tho funeral on bat urday was largely attended inter roont was made in the family plot at greenwood cemetery georgetown elsie viola mcgutcircon on wednesday evening 22nd jan uary 1310 at her father a home 3rd lino erin township tho death oc curred of elalo v uccutcheon eldest daushter of mr hugh mccutchoon ue early aco of 14 years her hln extended over five months and borne with heroic patlcnoo and cheer fulness party in december she un derwent an operation in- quoen alex andra hospital i crgus and hor con dition sccmod to improve for a timo but a recurrence bf tho dlseoso soon took place hor nufforlngn becam more and mora intense until death anally released hor throughout her illness sho greatly enjoyed meeting hi girlhood frlcndo and companions whom she recognized and welcomed to tho laat nialo wan always norqowhat deli cate in health hut her mind was ever keen and alert sho poaaod her en trance examination in juno 1017 and afterwords took up continuation work for a year sho then devoted her wholo time to music a subject in which sho was particularly sifted at school flsle was a general favorite hor gentlo and amiable disposition won for her tho admiration and affoo tian of all with whom she camo in contact her capability and willing nesa to accopt any part assigned hor made her licrvlcea n valuable asset in preparing for entertainments in church and school and in this capacity she will bo frreatly mlssod tho general esteem la which ahowaa held la evinced bv the sloom which her early death has cast over tho entire nolgh borhood her sorrowing parents and sister have the sympathy of tho com munity in heir sad bereavement tho funeral on saturday to churchill cera etery was largely attended thi services were conducted by itov j c wilson assisted by itov r e jones several anthems appropriate to tho occasion were rendered by a male quartette led by mr a t mann tl o floral tributes were beautiful the pall bearers were messrs david robert and william mccutchoon a murray chester allan and alex mcphedran una john zfatthews in tho passing away of jano brown widow or the hito john matthews at the home 68 fermanagh avenue tor onto ono of tho first born residents of this vicinity was called home mrs matthews was tho daughter of the lato alexander brown j p and her hltir place was the homestead qlxhatprom- lnent pioneer the property now owned and occupied by ajrjlnlan lindsay on jhc actbn crhjiroga bho was born nearly istjfrtvo years ago and lived tbeix tfntil hiy marriage with her late husband nbty two years ago llcr father was not vinly a pioneer and a leader in tho community but was of the founders of tho methodist church in acton of oturdy united empire loyalist stock he took a koen interest in tbs welfare of this young community ho was a power in tho church and for eighteen years superintendent of the sunday school mrs matthews often spoko of tho experiences of tho early years of tho yfslts of the early preachers of tho building of tho new church bringing the wood and iho candles und heatwr jpn oid coughs nd cougherit 30 dftorisnotv oouau mar ttiir roit craujiajt shaws schools toronto ont havo a reputation for dolnc vor thorough mi rl that partly ox plains why wo tuiva ton nrihui in toronto iluslnons bin rthnnd an i civil hervlro courucn write- w ii hltuw i rcol lent for cutuloguo notice especially to farmers i have opened a commtsaion offlco in connection with a grocery slock and am prepared to handle everything incidental to farming if you want to sell or buy anything from a watch chain to a baby llcphant call and see me chester plank main qtrcet acton ont nxt konney ilron hhoe otom something 7 new if you have to sell any han chicken gmio ducks or all kinds or hldrn from ticunks minks coons weasels 1 i cu or any junk or farm prodi e call by phono 60 alcx oildooro box 201 aoton ont or loc mo know by mall your ad drca and i will ho promptly ut yonrjlnco i will paytho h lull cot cjuiii prlco for eveithlnb i buy and i am aura you will bo uatlstlrd good strong honie 7 or 8 years old wanted at once alex gilboord acton ont izers la your eppcrtunlty to losors cslast caibamactnccrrora la peiuaa soaaacistioq sod poor choice of woftla lfiinmlkiiimlmfpmlu wsr bras iocrcaae your rftlflrocy whka resoltaia power and sococaa websters new international dictionary u an allknow ing teacher a timvcroaj question answerer madn to meet your n it is in daily om by hundreds of thousands of suo- oesaful raa sad woaea um wwld ore 40000 words 2700 pages woo ii iintrstloas 13000 dloankphlfsi eq trlea to 000 cecrspalcsioobju- ciaxo nthx oxlfwt avmrd fsaams 1 aclho lxposluoa mdal and dcnut ato sabsbs white fr svnjtwtn pun free lkt umz u roa mm tu ppx oic merbiam co gprlagosm maas u s a clcarinq auction sale cattlc ohccp and lamdq tho umlorolgncd hoo rccoivod in utructloiui from h 0 wilson ui soil by public auction nt thl bta tion hot u acton on satunpay fedruarv 0 at two o cluck shurp tho following dairy cowij 2 fresh cows with calves at foot 1 milk cow dun iebru- sry tt 1 red cow 9 years old doe february h 1 red cow 7 years oi 1 duo april 17 1 rod cow u yearn olil duo april 3 1 red cow c years old duo lout of march 1 red cow g yourn old duo april j 1 rod cow g yearn old duo april 0 1 holatcln cow duo april c i rod cow milking 1 jersey cow milking young cattl1- 1 two year old ilclfcni will mako beef rlngern 4 heifers rlnlnh 2 yearn 1 durham htl for fat 2 htccrs rising 2 yearn 2 htoora 1 year old 0 yearling heifers shll1 blt lamlb 1 bouth down lwcn fl iolccstor luo lambs terms 10 rnd under cash over that amount 7 months credit will bo given on furnlahlntr approved joint notrs 0 icr cent pr annum off for r j kerr auctioneer ncr cucarino auction sale in thl towns1ih oi liun farm stock implements etc received for tn military ncwa j pto john p scarrow went to tor onto on monday with a view to ar ranging for a soldiers vocational oourse btretchcr rearer jtro cooney sent homo lust week a rather unique army watch and shield whleb an from a german soldier henri j victor coleman ts now lu l clinrie of a y m c a hut at dor- lihtybuthcrland scotland there ana j each nboub 200 canadian forestry corps men tltyro pto heber wlllums who was re cently dlodiaraed from further mili tary service has already been restored to tho starr of tho merchants ustnk and has received a position in the tvncb at uarn la a very rino german omcers liehnet has boon on exhibition n tho faas paiess window tho past week it was aent homo to jim fred turner by corp turner of the canadian ordn ance corps pto adam algeo who o nils ted i ac ton in 10h has returned from over seas ho wus in a number of hot en sagomonts during the war but escaped any serious injury pte algeo msr- rlod a wife in ireland tibe arrived lu toronto this woek mr and mrs algeo jtra arranging tossule in acton pte leonard atkinson did not fol low tho cjcimplo of the so doo canadian soldleis who havo married english and french wlvrn over there ho remains 1 truo lo his caaadlsn sweet hear visa wlnnlfred masou lurall ton ond they were married last fri day congratulations leonard services of tho early camp meetings in tho beautiful grova opposite thi resldenco of the lato alex mann such noted preachers as dr egerton i ty croon dr alexander sutherlan 1 holland llytand and others of tho early divines preached eloquent and impassioned sermons at thcao services in the leafy leniido reared as sho was in a godly homo where christian influence und fellowship prevallud it u no wonder that mrs matthews was ono if the first fruits of tho church here seventy years ago oho been mo u mem ber iller life was beautiful in its simplicity sincerity gcntloness good ness and her intense lao for tliu church of christ her pastor rev g c ratfour tor onto paid her u high tributo in his address at tho luivnurlal service lu the methodist church han on friday afternoon he saujf tiiut loycd her bavlour sho ipved her ctiunii ph bow she loved it sho loved tier church paper tho love of christ lived in her hfo oho ha 1 a real experience her h unbn ml who was nlo a v onwor of acton having corns hero with lilu jiarentn from wullliibtun county li 184 predeceased hor about olght years kour chlldron survive all residing in toronto aluxundcr mrs william brown mm j m 1 crnluy and miss mu e to ut h into thcjr urtoctlou fo caused them to aattlo neii togethor mibm mugglo devoted her luo to the louatum loving euro of her imirents and tlmy both appioclutud this most fully l i r many years thoy ro uldcl in ait it bjt nhou fulto yuru ago removed to t r nto at th j funeral tiara on lvkay nurji bers of their friends euflmrud to pay their resiieli to the nimni ry 3f o 10 whom thi v mtwuinch mot hlclily tlic funeral scrvico was coulucttd by iu v g c balfour toronto and rev i m meyer puntur of tho ihuiclt it was a colnol iojilo that tho deuth ot mrs matthowo occutrsd on the eighty first birthday jj hor sister mrs na icy uumcrvliio who rvoldos hcio bit owinv to the inflrmltlrs of ago was up bis to ultcnl tin muniorla n vice here arfe eight good rea bdn why you should order your suit here 1st we msks clothes right 2nd ws mak clothoa to fit mads hers h 3rd clothing- sty is 4lh w uu the dt linings bthw ssll only rshablo goods flth our serosa are fat color 7th our sultlnas are the latsat sth we tavt you uw hsr vou run no risk when you or dcr a suit wo do whut we say we aim to ptcauo and wt sue cood put uo to tho t at ordur you suit to day at r e nelson phons 40 next post olflas quelph tho un lcrilgne 1 structtonn from robert young jr to uell by public auction an the pro mlsca lot 11 w con 3 lrln situated tho 2nd lino ono mllo south of oiprinkc on tuesday pedruary 10 one o clock the following hoitslfjrgroy mure 10 yearu old norul purpose ilay jlorao 7 years old trnral purpose cowa cow duo march s rod cow jo march 3 rod cow duo tlmi ilo red cow duo juno 17 white w d i aucunt 21 roan cow mlllc inir well 1 at cattll 2 btuem rising 2 yro young cattli- 2 hleurs halm years 1 heifer rising 3 years btooro riding 1 year 4 holfcra rising car 3 hprlng calves good ones calf 3 months oi 1 hogs york bow with 10 pigs c wocka oil york sow with 13 pigs 3 wceku old york bow with pigs at foot 23 fcood thrifty bhoats 6 plgu 4 month old wolghing about 1g0 ns poultry 20 pullets 2 gocso 1 implem1 nth maiuioy harris rh dor mower no 21 1 loury plow 12 ft iron harrow noxon seed drill bprlni tooth cultivator houfntr turnip puljier wagon 3 in tire with box hay rack top ruggy 3ii new whotlharrow muotto cream hcparator 60 i enqopostu also tho usual small fajmcliattels harnjisfcpi b team harness 1 set tluwle harneau gltaln and eld 100 bushola of mixed groin go bushels w uarloy ic bushaui black barley 30 buahals i cos about 2 tons good timothy no reserve as mr young h rentsd his farm and is giving up farming tlrmb 10 and under cash over that amount 12 months credit will bo rlvun on furnlohspg approved joint notes 4 off for cosh hoy grain fowl 1ut cattlo and fence posts cash roy hind i ay auctioneer consolidated phone lrln r r no 3 acton l h biiorcy clerk tnsss53d vqu will always find our nloclt frrah nrul bought in the lowest market for spot cnah ixjk carefully over just a few of the special ilareainj wo are offcrinr this week hlcaehcd shcctlnfr2 yards wltjo for goc tim hcctinr ia worth 80c to day we have it in plain bleached only heavy weight free from dreeing special at goc heavy weight cotton shirting at 50c per yard we hnvo thi3 heavy shirting in black and white and blue and white stripes only tho wholesale firms are ask ing 55c for this shirting to day while this lot lasts our price will be per yard 50c doublefold ginghams at 32c per yurrj ti113 13 one of the best bargains wo have ever offered comes in pink blue and brown check doublefold 30 to 37 inches wide fast colors worth to day 50c a special at lfcc heavy cotton tweed for 75c wo bought thij twlcd sometime ago for boys odd punl and there 13 no better tweed made for wear and 13 untcrablc heavy weight special ot 75c all wool i actory yam a 20 per lb this yarn comciin natural gray 3hado and i all pure v0ol 3 ply a splendid yarn for men b ocka special at lb j0 men j socks made of this yam ner pair me mens heavy wool sockfl in plain grays only izcs loj and 1 1 heavy weight regular prict goc special at goc c ff the delineator the fashion authority of uie world a whole kjpc1qlil year for only d5c what you bavc 12 single copies at 20c 2 40 our special oftcr 05 subscribe now and save 145 last opportunity at this price do it now store opcn3 doily ot 8 a m closes monday tuesday wednesday and thursday at g p m friday at 0 p m saturday at 10 p n- cleae mills mill street wc bell for cash wc gell for 1e83 acton new advertisements the methodist church rev i m mover pastor parsonsa- willow ot 10 ii i r int 11 am mornlnr w nihil 2 30 in uunday hcihmii 7 p in lrnlnr worship hurra nont i t tl n irln flipper mid rorrp ion of rnrmborn ail wi ixomi coml farm wanted to rent trim co to 100 nrr i tarmfr apply to thi 1 rt mil sm oltlci 31 2 acton for rent mm mckilnii houic corner of main i trftt unl lulrvlcw avoiiuc trntn roasonablo apply to maitgarltr mcihaac 2c tf main htreet drick gtore for oalc or to rent the brick atom ahd residence on main htreet oppoolto thn ryder mownt glovo co in for ealo or to rent for part leu lam apply to gl orcj13 agniw 21 tf mill htroet acton notice i will bo at tho meat ahop next baturday nternnon kt i hint to re celyo payment of nrcounta due all accounts not nettled by that dato will bo place 1 in niy lawyers handn for ollcctlon nl il pattlrso do your banking by r f d mako tho rriiiil yourmessengor and eavo yourself tho long rides to town deposits may bo made butter and cheese cheques cashed money withdrawn juat oa easily and safely by mail as m person wnto tho manager to toll you all about this convenient plan of banking by mail or call in and havo it explained tho next timo you aro town hoadoffico montreal of canada establlahod ib04 acton branch georgetown branch l d shorey manager c w grandy manauer ford prices iho policy ot tliu i urd motur curai any of canuilu limited to sell its cars fir thu lowest losalhlo 1 rlco onsintunl with dupcu lublu quality la too wull kn wn to rj ijulro ci rpmriit liioruforu lujiu o of priaenl loiiduluna then tun bu no ciiwnuo in ft i rl f 1 or 1 cum j kerrva list of qalcq thursday february 13 uhnor m awrey tot zz con 3 icrin htui k anil implcmuuts friday february 14 julm ji lirffto ltockwood ritock und luiplements tuasday fa br uary 10 j rci wilson grand vullcy htock und imt lenu ntu h j keiui run abou 9 coo tour inu 090 coups 070 flsds n 1078 bun jard chsbbjb 6 ortst on truck cljsaala 760 those ontario ulu all n ar 1 i rlcos n 1 ublc 11 1 orj i lu wa tax iliur bu u xuept tn jck and ohna clearing auction saije of farm stock and implaments the undersigned has rccolvo 1 in ructions from elmer m awrev sell by public auction on lot 2 n 3 1 rln township on thursday fedruary 13 tho foil i wlnt valuable furm stock uijil implement ut no unlock utiurj honmps aioy goidhifc risliib fl yearn ulred by ilaron gartloy ray killing rlulnr 7 years sired by ctltlt ixnl groy mare rulne years siro1 by mmitravn mux hay ho rue arruifo 10 years old ray horse aire i hpun blai k colts rlnliii and 3 yeum wall mutthd itay colt road rlsltitf 3 yw catti is ruun cow 8 ywru frxsh with calf at foot ilcd cow 0 yearn fruali wltli calf ut foot roan cow years mllkli tl wall brott weeks re 1 8 years duo april 4 rod cow 4 years dun juno 55 hp ttod c w i years duo juno is red cow 4 yearu liking woll vol nil c a rtll pi hflroru rising c yearu tfood be f r 114 em ltlack fitocr ij 2 yturs 1 air htacrs rising years holfor rlalnk i yours pair i montlis old pair catvos mouthii old hhlr 1 rlfl lx ices ttr lwwi lu qooii ordor unl younit 1 oxford hum 1 iusrl york how duo munli 24 1 irk how duo marcli 2b 1 tarn worth bow bred 4 wooku 0 purs 3 months ol i 1 ork bow duo marx h 10 poltltr y jo 1 lyinouth rock tient 13 i lyiuouth ruck 1 pilots 1- will to wyundotto lions 2 white wyaml ttu cockeruls imll1 mlnra- masse y harris hln ir g fl cut noufly now pcnrim sooder 13 sjiout marly now lot r humllti 11 i ultlvutur nearly 1 uw 1 ailainu win i 3 in tiro with box 3irly now ivorltitf mower 0 ft ut iho m uarn w 4 an i 5 section attach out gilutun hi mill r cumbliiutu 11 lolk ruck roller uut hot nluljchu arly now huktfy cutter 1 uuiiiiik mill imutform tulifi 2 000 lbs lul pel hay loik and ropo z 1 leury plows whtmlbarrow rutf holder qrindot no tliitf cliulns quuntlt 1 f lumber und euilar imisis 1 siiuare hhlimluu c kuiuui ci ul oil llarrol 1 dosen train lla 1 vi duicn catll- west end meat market imcenery evans choice cuts of meat beef pork lamb veal may be had every day at reasonable iricls lard shortening sausage butter rtd eggs always in stock courteous attention prompt delivery satisfied customers mcenery evans license no 0 462 main street acton ontario notice to creditors in the estate of john melsaac yeoman deceased notice la hereby ajlven that tho creditors of john mcloaac late of tho vi llano of acton in the county of llal ton yeoman deceased who died on or about the fifth day of december a ik 101 at tho said villas of acton and all other persons having claims arrqjnst his estate are required n or before the first day of march ad 1910 to send by post prepaid or other wise deliver to harold mash iarmcr of tho village of acton in the ruld countj of hal ton barrlaterat law tho solicitor for william thompson of tho township or esouealng in tho county of hal ton farmer the execu tor of tho estate of the said deceased their christian and surnames address ca and descriptions full particulars of thoir claims duly verified by statutory declaration and the nature of tho ao curltlej if any held by them and notice la hereby further elven that after one month from tho said first day of march a d- 1919 the said executor will proceed to distribute tho assets of the said estate according to law anions tho par tics entitled thereto and that tho said executor will not be responsible after tho period fixed for such distri bution for any claim of which he shall not then have received notice- as aforesaid dated thla 30th day of january a 1913 william thompson exocutor by harold n itarmlr ilia solicitor mill atreet acton ont 31 3 stock for sale i have for sale a number of younc cattlo an 1 itrcih cows also a number cf plrst claim lwra and 1 wc iumh and woll broken threo year old colt prices nnd term rtcht rlaki vannatti r rumlnufud ont lot 3 con 7 lrfn 29 tf gold brooch lost lost a rold brooch a south african souvenir bcttrlnr dinlj n of pick ntiov i bucket an 1 ropt a miner n outtlt r lti valued in a family kc pnako rather than for tt iritrlnnlc value 1 litder will bo rewarded by leaving with mrh road knil1it k younk htreet actoi il sw wilson stock buyer line rono into tho buaiuc111 of buylne cattle bhcep and lambs far which ho is prepared to pay tho highest cash any havlnr stock for aalo will bo promptly visited if they will leave in formation at the bank of nova scotia acton 1 x 500 for 400 andetiery dollar worth more jiuln rkti lb hhu ola ut llll la he ul lu 1 li w harm t h initio liar ford motor company of canada ltd forrpoisjtanig dr h a coxe aglnt acton ont and tunny other urtlrl u too nupioroi to meiitl 11 hainsilhh 1 ilarnean uet llo i ihlrtl llurm hot lican uuldinu lllintlll grain 0 bushels marquis sou whejit 1 iuiuied 0 bunhuls i ctts l bushels lunloj 40 bunhola lluckwhca tuunril 100 i uuhois dujs iii for seed 16 bushels oats feed 126 bushels of mlxel uraiu hay 4 or 6 t mil mixed timothy an i l vi in 301 bunlieli undue irhihl hoi d n 1 iliyr ijiviii heiiirutir mil 16 neurly nw lul i luf iiblo daisy hum ituyul jwcl hum ruttar howl print and othor ktrxvuneiiuw notice to creditors in the estate of michael knley soldier deceased notice is hereby el von tba tho ere mors of michael kaley late of the v ulnae of acton in the county of hal ton tjoldlor deceased who wm killed tn action on or about tho cloven th day of october a d 1918 and all other persons bavins olalma affainct his estate are required on or before tho first day of march a d 1010 to nend by post prepaid or otherwise do liver to harold nash farmer of tho vlllsxe of acton in tho said county of hal ton barrister- at law the soil cltor for maexlo kaley spinster or om vlllate of acton in the county of hulton the administratrix oi tho cntate of the said deocased their christian and surnames addresses und descriptions full partlcularo of their claims duly verified by atatutory declaration and the nature or the so curltlea if any held by tiiejrt- and iiolco la hereby further fflyen tluit after one month from the oul i urol day of march a d 1013 th 1 aid administratrix will proceed to 11 tribute the assets of the aitld cola to according to law amour tho par ties entitled thereto and that tho ualil uitmlnlstratrlx will not bo responslblo oftor the ierlod fixed for such dlslri butlon for any claim of which sin uhull nut then have received notice oa aforesaid dutod tats 30th day of january ad 1d19 m ago 1 12 kaidsy admlnlstrtrlx by harold n paumlii her solicitor mill stieet acton out 313 notice applications for clerk and treasurer applications will bo rccoivod up to i ehruary 10 for tho position of cler and treasurer jfor the corporation of tho vllluro of acton salary four hundred dollaru per annum 312 geo hynd3 clerk ey auctioneer hvk stock rl ai kfitatu and mlitchandihl i conaolidsud phono eria 4t 1 1 r r 3 acton guelph business college we are very busy teicher omcc iotco htudontu mukiiik this tha btcutcat yer in tho history of our collete wo want you to becomo i leu titled with ua what do you oayt rlad think act mil come alona ltbruary 3 guelpu business college quelph ont a l qouck principal 1lhmh 110 ami unkr creuh ovur hat uiiiount 11 mi lit rllt will ho lvn on rurulohiujr vi 1 iiivuj joint hi i mr 1e1t rr f r eash iviwi ruin ro ts mil lluv uali no raerv sa tbi farm is 6ofd h jnlf rr auctlonaer 11vdmrmlluuicic4v vbomi3fl aeton o jar e jtvo cieanlnu lroialna repujrlrui your clothca thoroughly cieaiiltl in 34hii tury worjphop prciscd und rcpuircd by export worknicn wo can muko that old look like now try us geo wallace gullph ontario ferrys notice to creditors 4 in the litate of alexander sprowl fanner deceased nutlco is hereby alvcn thut tin creditors of alexander hprowl lutu of tho township of kauucstnjr in tho 1 unty of halton farmer doceusol who dlud on or about tho twonty- irth day it novuihber a d 19ih at tho tiuld towusmp 0 luquealnir tt d ill uthcr pcrsutuilfcavliik eluiins ou t lu oatato are required on or in tuio ttiu uimt day of marcli ad 1910 ru i lyf poat proiiald or otherwise d llv r to huroll nash hinder of thu vllluiru of acrtun in tho said county if hulton rarrlatsr at law the soli lur for radiol hprowl wjdow uf tho township of lnquoslna and william itolmrt ktunny nhoo morchaiit of tho vllluto of acton in tho county of hul inn the executora of tho estate of thn uald deceased their christian and uur iiuiuus addresses and dcserlptltiiue full iwrtlculara of ttiolr claim duly vori fled by statutory declaration and tho nature of the oucurltlco if ny held by them anl tuillco 1l liu y furttiur lvi 1 thut uftor una mouth irdm tho unl llrst day or murcli a i um ihe tjll xrculors will i roteed to li itrll uto tho ausots of tho said tstiti ui eurdlnb tu law umuni iho ui tits untitled tlioretu and that tho sal i rmt irs will 11 it be rcoponalhlo uftur tho period ftxod for sueli dlstrl butii 1 for any claim of which thoy 11 it then luivo ruculvad uutleu un uuted tlila 30th dax uf jaaiuary au haclir l hlrowl wll llam r 1ucnnly 1xdout w by 11aroi03 n 1 aumi h their tluliilior mill htaot aeton out jl jl wondeklajmp friday february 7 trouble buster with vivian martin moot uhlne roacoo fatty arl uckl comwly saturday fcdruary 8 douiflau lulibuukii in lu iuli 1 fir tho smoon no 0 if urltulna uulwurku itoufi ui 1 rlou iujt v comedy tuesday fedruary 11 evoil dauthtur with jlllllo llurko tho outlnuod photopkiy episode 13 and th uuuul toiiuilj comint i ih a nurtlur w murnuarltu clark r l gregory saturday treat lras nph slupma t of cocoa duds utur than mai i hul ro lb hupr i l o ftoc iiunut almond wtuiiut m i iluilerwuloh luffy ruluj- 40 m for 23c wuluut ant v all un lr it hi eolilu t r 33a harold wilcb cands food oosrd llosnas no 6 1568b mill street acton

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