Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 25, 1918, p. 2

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hlrthn majti aires and deaths ar now char tod fur at tti followlnc rat mi illrths 2co marriage toc dontlin lori memorial cards doc 10c nor linn extra for poem died dalial rirumiiliti on monday hoc- ember 2 ijib i riwnrd henry ialc only non r the into henry dale florlnl iirpj 23 years iiakiai mlllon on haturday io rrrnlmr 21 101h of pneumonia cecil houston eldest non of is k pari i hunhand or poor i ormnby larl hln apth ynr ije arton 3to7 irraii chiiihtjxah ducemiieit 25 1918 ofjrtetmafl it is beautiful to olvfl on day to tha idaal to hava am day apart ona diiy for oanaroua daada for good will for gladnaaai on day to forgat tha shadows tha rains tha storms of lit a l to ram am bar tha sumhlne tha happiness of youth and health on day to forgat tha brlara and thorn of tha winding path to ramambar tha frulu and floworai ona day in which to aid tha hunqry to salute ths poor and lowly ona day to feat the brolhar- hood of man ona day to ramambar tha harolo and loving deads of tha dead ona day to oat acquainted with ohlldran to romambar tha old nd tho unfortunatof on day in which to forott yourself and think lovingly of othtraj ona day for tha family for tha ftraalda for wlfa and ohlldran for i ova and laughtar tha joy and rsptura of homaj ona day in which bonda and toeki and daada and notaa and intaraat and mortgaooa and ail kinda of busi ness and trad a ar forgot tan and all atoroa and ahopa and factohaa and office and banks and ladgara and accounta ahd lawauita ar caat aaido put away and locked up and tha weary ho art and brain ar glvan a voyago to fairyland may free press readara ganarally anjoy auch a chriatmaa day thia yaar welcome home to capt bcardmore on l ad with laception c a gold watch by the mmlttoo an oohlf citixana intcrcotinq expcnicnceo arc nclatcd an liitcrrntltljr iiu idont in connection with tlm lhruilmnn trn and ontrr- talnmnnt hnld innt 1 hyrinlay nvnnlnir tt ihosliipinycea lf lhllilrcn lie drill a cordial weir ucardmrtro w from tli in mo to cnj t torrance o hud jmit returned nil tho prcnotitatlnn dm mntomiry mild watch by the i to caption commluoo on behalf of the rnixcnn an u tmtlmonlal of mtocm after uunta clauu hud completed hla s editorial notes at tholr b convention in toronto last week tho united fanneni ajwo- clatlono passed a number of axcehent resolutions among them was on to perpetuate permanetly tbo prohlbltlot of the manufacture sale and importa tion of lntoncaung uquor in canada nu another which favored irivlnar re turned soldiers six months poat-dis- chsxfto pay these were both carried unanimously itatifleauon of tho national prohibi tion amendment to tho federal eon- wtltatlo by uioneceasaxy threefourths s ouda tmltod stales by next jtebruary it is prod feted in a survey of the pro hibition situation mado publla by the board of temperance prohibition and public morals fifteen states have ap proved the amendment and tho board declares thit thirty other states tho leeluittturca of which wut meet nest month will vote favorably on the pro posal for nationwide prohibition leffal advice generally comes hlsh- at tho rarellmr of iviqucaliig township council loot week the bill of a torontt lawyer amounting to j160 00 for ser vices at tho hearing before tho ontario hallway hoard at aden in connection with tho proposal to annex a portion of the townnhlp lylpc contluous to uio town and naturally a port of the town this sum is ten tlmejajmrctp as tho township jtms ever spent for for tho comfort and con venience of rojldento in that portion of the township ii wlldgust juinxo and t mrqluro nanir quartetcqciety much acceptance miss pearl wail uceorapanlat for mrs nlckli i kaport ohowi ra- indrow moloxxl an auatrtan encouraging summoned beforo il p moore j n buturday cvonlnc on the chorbog q acton hortl- ujiltiff ktosaiy lnaulttnc lansuaso held in tho town lady shapkeoper in her ntoro tri evening maajdaajmiq tho clmrce ia by tlld becre- flpo ansocloty had en- rlng the year vibnt grant of lrfvc0 00 from tfco had paid two wortlcul- cd frv dur- llobert tho forrt watch orfoded mr douglaine by 1squealn ilank a to utieo of lllly ajadofe tho the acv tha flrat annual aulu that 3 ao- the annual mooting culturul bocluty hart loat wedneaday tho report present tory showed that ttm railed 130 members htt received a governi mvasra work of rilutrlhutlnfr prrjento to the children iind thoy l enjoyed their chrlntmas tea mr oeorgo ilyndn j 1 took tho chlil r lie extended n cordial welcome to captain hoardmore apoka of hla splendid norvlcen for king and t homo and overneau and ro- fprrod to tho t reil iiatlnfactlon felt now by all tho people of jannja that tho war la over and our aaldlrrn are returning io no ifgaln ho rrferrerj to tho work if tho ilnceirtlon commlttoo organlxod nliortly after tio outbreak of tho war how they had endeavored to fittingly welcome homo the bravo men who 1 ml cona forth in our behalf to fight for king and country they had endeav ored to treat every returned uoldlcr alike and all voro glad to mako a nllglit recognition of tha real ocrvicoo tlioy liad rondrred ho then called upon ii i moore j i to prraoiit a gold watch to cupt ileardmoro mr moorp nald that when capt hcardmorq wan about to embark for averncaa and tho hundreds of employ cca of tho compmy with their families wcro aatiemoljd to bid him farowoll ho had been honored with being the spokesman in behalf of tho men in ptnhing the captain codopaod and a sofo return he esteemed it a furtlirr honor to aiuclally parti c i pa to in the cordial welcome homo ugaln on behalf of the citizens and it gavo him great pleasure to p rodent him with rtio civic testimonial w captain deardmoro oxprcsoed very sincere appreciation of tho welcome j extended and valuable mrrnonto pro- aented he won proud that ho was an acton boy and that ho had had the j ipportunlty of doing oven a amall share in assisting to win tho war in 1 ores try battalion to which ho was first attached whon ha went to fran m effective work was done in cut ting town forest trees and converting them into lumber for uso at tho front whllo not on tho firing lino thcao men were doing most important work work which had its direct effect in winning tho war later ho was transferred to a canadian tank corps and this sec tion wait justbchlnd tho front with orders to go into action whon tho arm lotlco wojo si capt beard mora spoko in tho high est terms of tho canadian men and tho splendid dorvlccs they rendered this was truo of all of them irrespective of tho branch of service in which they were engaged he expressed great ap preciation of parcels sent to tho men by their friends and by tho hod cross and other organizations theao in variably brought pleasure to tho sol diers brief and very fitting words were spoken by rev l m moyor rev e v maunsell and mr john h kennedy another energetic member of tho ho- ceptlon commit loo tho mooting cloned with three cheers for capt bcardmore and the singing of tho national anthem santa claus camc loaded tha oaanlmorn chriatmaa tra and tea pro u a i i joy to llundrada of chlldrana haarta ihlhlrti hupplu ivlth tho fenus hi dflllrhtod innn j y and tho reived and tli satisfaction a i hanks that they irrd with vurl motiir tlin fo tasto of christ upon their klddlrn presents they rn lil i co nmlled their exprrssnd inward ployed by thoughtful cou ncil at chris tmau presentation to pte eobt w stewart civic wo i corns at tha high school at homo at which ho wa a oueat there was an item on uio programme of tho annual at homo of tho pupils and toacticni of acton high school last friday evening which wan a wcl- imo and appreciated surprise about nine- oclock acting iteovo henderson and a deputation from tho cltlzons reception conimltto arrived at tho hall fur tho purposo of extending public welcome to ptc itoburt v stewart and prooent him with tho testimonial decided upon by tho com mittee in all such cases inasmuch aa ptc h to wart hod been u student of tho school itseemed to b especially that this ovont uhould form a part of tl b indents annual re union chairman mr chester plank incited uio chlc deputation to tho plat form ptc htcwart was uccomiianlid by mapper v loujiun uluo a uoldlcr returned from tho front and a former student of acton high school acting iteovo henderson extended n most cordial welcome homo to i to stewart on bohulf of tho people of acton he congratulated this bravo young soldier who ho said was th youngest membtr to enlist in acton platoon of uio lulth bate he then lied upon h 1 moore j i to pre sent uio clvlo testimonial to pto stew art mr moore said it gavo htm especial pleasure to havo a shuro in this parti lar welcoming function and presen tation because pte stewart liud spent veral yoarn in hta uince and was en gaged there when ho unlisted ho first proposed tbico heirs for our bobble and tho hull wiui lllud with applauding acclaim by the hilii school stud outs tholr friends for their returned soldier hero coinriylo mr muoro ulso tspoko of tho brav ry which hud char hulicterfzed this lnrpld yuung soldier ihcv thofjtur hot i iuui tneuts in which feiss fluted au huatcjhud purtlclputiil in lyanco wo urn iroud of him ho said and glud that chora and syj rtturnud homo u bigger und lniuitlon uiuii tluut whon ho went away of the boyu in khukl tio tli donation heardmoro ror a copy of tho canadian tl him uokor it in loronjuo iod in ut cmbru ostrong lu ut ilrunjt in i had been tho intention v u at uuolph iiiiy to make f distil- ixpiauk u homo from land wliowaif to tho -lia- h hlrh had nu li ccrn for their mttio i lime i tlio annual christmas tno undhho clirlstman tea prepared for all tho children of the employees of messrs beard tnortr ei co and the acton tan- tllng company under tho ago of six teen wnn hold inst thursday after noon nndovenlnjt tho children and tholr mothers of messrs rcardmoro i co assemblod at tlireo in tha after noon nnd tliono of tho acton tanning company at seven in tho evening tho large christmas trno was ixyiu- tlfully decanted and brilliantly ilkhtod and was piled iiirii at its liaan with presentii mr john mcarth ir mado a typical bantu claua and as tho name of each child was called he presented a worm nweator or sweater coat to each the committee in chargo had none to the trouble to nocure the name and ana of each child so that the gar mont rach received was sum to fit after tho uftn were distributed tho children and tliotr motln to a aubstnntlat christmas t a ihey wore nerved with abundant of wtches znko ice cream and coffee and did full juitlc to this preliminary to the cuotomnry christmas feasl it was a nr cat pleasure to all to hava c tpt torrance hear dm ore and mrs bcardmore and miss 1 rands and master knox with tnem again mr a o bcardmore of toronto mr trod bcardmore of montreal mr p v smith manager of the bracebrldgo tanneries mr john clarke of tho acton tanneries were present and made themselves useful in giving their guests a good time mr prod board- more who never previously had foun 1 it convenient to attend this annual function wis greatly impressed with it and sail no would endeavor always prenont in future tho well dressed haipy faced 4 children in the midst of uielr chrlntmas pleasured an 1 rite men t wcro well worui coming frojn montreal to witness among tho bovy of busy ladles who assisted in serving tho kiddles and their friends wcro mrs torrance bcardmore mrs john clarko ahd miss smith of buobrldkr mlrs may wild- gust played popular airs on tho piano during tho tea tho presents distributed were not confined to tho children mr john clarko was urn reclplont of a skill fully executed crayon drawing depict ing his experiences as a fllshcrman in muakoka last ofummer mr peter smith received an elegantly bound copy of tho book of laws of tho methodist church with his name inscribed in god on tho cover ho promised to study thia ynlumeudiligcnuw capt torrance beordmore was called to tho platform by tho returned soldiers reception commutes am on behalf of tho cltl zens of acton presented with a gold watch tho lnfluenco of this splendid christ mas benefaction by tho messrs besrd- moro be co la far reaching in thia com munity tho pleasure and comfort to the little folks and their mothers will lost all through tho winter months goinq otronq raid imd weekly flta villi uio btmuynar li n lio i nmily h of montrciil in having its hlrtlnry 1 heir nilbnrrii fltntn for thn months of nuvembcr nxcifded by nluioil 20q p4 r ifiitjf hn name mouth of any previous y nr decern 1m r will nlno bo a record breaker tho 1 amity herald pu 11 in hem urn lrfrrtlnc plans for nlaboratn improvements the pub lie should not conform that great week ly with a nmnll dally paper of some what nlmllnr nmnn now in liquidation there in no rear of such a thing hap ponlig with thn family herald the word i amily should not 1k omitted in the n dil re nn of that paper wo aro informed that their offer of a ynr album free to all who aubscrlbo ollll remains good but tho demand is no great that it may havo to xk wltli- drawn b4on tho family herald id big value and tho album in moat at tractive uo it la no wonder they aro securing thousands of now subscribers in m emoriam mark sutton a well known resident of erin pass ed away last saturday when mark button died at his home lot ie in tho third concession mr sutton had been ill alnco early last spring an opei ation in juno affardod no relief and ho gradually failed until tha end came mr sutton was a son of the lato mark sutton br who died about twenty- flvo years ago thirty ycara ago ho married mary barnes daughter of tho lato may man barnea two sons sur vive wilson b on tho third conces sion and john i on the dili mr sut ton was a man of kindly disposition und very retiring he was a member of conlngsby methodist church tho funeral was hold onmonday to con- ingsby comciory dr ouy h waijiacb dr ouy ii wallace son of mr and mrs a 12 wallace toronto for years luc mod residents of acton died at hbi homo in now york last week wallace was a graduuto of the university of torontil and look his degree in mcdiclflo in lifffft jio was lor noma time assistant toprof n orris in bollovuo hospital now york ho vol unt cored for overseas service and was tho staff of moore barracks hos- plttal shorncllftij for over a year owing to falli health ho returned to toronto on leave and underwent an leratlon from which ho nover fully recovered ills offer on several occa- lons to return to service with tha c imc was rejected owing to the ondltlon of hla health ho then jjo- umed practice aurrt madison avenue now york he is survived by hla wife and one brother harry wallace of london england dr wallaces mothor was miss maggie grant daughter of tho lato alexander grant p acton mrs wiluam burns mrs william burns died at tho old nn homo dear hackwood after a two months illness o wednesday decem ber 10 at tho ago of 66 years mrs ill rim was ullcn dlcklcson daughtar of tho lato alex dlckloson who was one of tho pioneer farmers on the fourth lino of eremwia her mothir died when she was a babe sho was adopted by hi r uncle and aunt mr i mrs john dlckluaun sr uuli jiii uhti llvld until hir marriage to bums nearly 2 years ago tli retired from the farm about two yuru ago and rtinoved uiu farm 1aang sol to mr clcarinq auction sale in khquichino l oral i tho undersigned has boon instruct cd by william wcnnery to sell by public auction on lot si ran g on friday january 2 at one oclock sharp tho following hoililhs1 bay marc 12 years old 1 ray colt 3 years old good in all harness i brown colt rising 3 years 1 bay colt rising 3 ycora cattih 1 cow duo in january 1 qrey cow calf at foot 1 roan cow duo april is 1 red heifer duo april 6 i bed hoiror milking we 1 black heifer milking well 1 red cow dun in march a yearling heifers 2 year ling htoen 4 calves slirnp and pias 7 leicester iweu 1 brood bow duo to farrow march 3 fowl 10 whllo leghorn ilena 0 plymouth rock hens 3 geese and i gander quantity of timothy hay 200 bush oats fit for seed o a c no 72 200 hush mixed grain co bush barley joo bush mangels also a quantity of turnips implements and iiarnlss 1 t do u bio harness 1 not plow har ness 1 sot light driving harness 1 set single harness 1 frost wood mower nearly new 1 stoel sulky rako in good repair 1 peter hamil ton cultivator 1 brantford seed drill rain wagon 1 democrat 1 sat bain bobsleighs 1 wagon box 1 buggy 1 cutter j hayrack 1 scuf- rier 1 sot tolton harrows 1 ploury j nr f 21 1 masse y- ii arris separ ator rood as new 1 funning mill 1 whcolbarrou 1 maxweb70lprr all i new knives i crowcut saw 1 a rind- atono 1 vice logging chain num ber of oriln bags forks sho vela hoes etc 1 set weigh scales 200 iba ftove terms sid anl under cash over that amount 11 months credit will bo glvenonfurnlalung approved joint notes 0 per cent per annum on for cash hoy grain roots and fowl no rsaarvo aa proprietor la leaving tha farm p your shopping at the store where your money goes farthest we con help you in the selection of your chriatmaa purchases the chriatmaa rush to on h will pay you to mako your selections early just a few of the many uoeful holiday gift what nicer gift for n lady than a drcaa length of handsome sjlic imperial ducji ess in 13 nek only 30 inches special at 275 yard- fancy sitfnc sulis done up in 2 yard lengths for waists special at 400 per end a grand coneclioiv of ladleo neck wear in ninon silk crepe voile and oreondjes the styles arc beautiful and make a most acceptable nift 25c to 175 ilandkcxchiefti for gifts for men women and children there is nothing more acceptable especially for friends at a distance handkerchiefs one in a box two in a box and three in a box very attractive at 25c 30c 40c 50c 60c and 100 mens linen handkerchiefs at 45c and 50c ladies hemstitched linen hand kerchiefs at 25c ladies fancy handker chiefs at 10c 15c 20c 25c 30c 35c and goc childrens fancy handkerchiefs at 5c 7c and 10c call and look these h nd- kerchief3 over camisoles and boudoir caps these dainty creations make suitable gifts for women younr and old they are mode from combinations of silk crepe muslin net and lace special at 50c 75c and sloo girls wool seta scarfs and caps to match at u0 200 275 and 350 girls wool knit mitts all colors at 25c 50c and 65c a list of very useful christmas gifts hand bags at 75c 100 and 150 purses at l00l50 and 450 string beads at 25c and 50c fancy hat pins 2 for 25c fancy brooches at 25c 50c 75c and l50 mens tics at 50c 75c and 100 mens gloves lined and unlined at i 00 and 20 mens su3pcndcrs mens garters and arm bands mens hose at 50c 75c and l00 you will find a great display of merchandise at this store them over it will help you make your christmas purchase drop in and look mill stkeet we cell for caqh wc sell for less acton if old watoh uljai the year utlti and t belntf made to atflajw uoclety will wv i ho t 511 to 1 tmllo genorourt distribution erin avalla ik in a pofj lo ly wlll-v- he tiy ir 0 make even irtjett3rj j in the iprlntflilievtewart mado u brl mrs maud mulloy who tripped atwater pipe on tho pave frq bur rcaidunco and fliiraj l has aitorljml li 77 uld farm homo wlttro act isnderly tended by hor brier but in mccab was of a nute hln tttl mut1 uurns eon- vheit uru extensive auction sale in tim township op ihun farm stock implemsncs kouw hold furniture hay qrmen nd roots tho undemlfined has received in- tructlons from tho admlntstxntrlx of the late wiloert awrey to sell by public auction on lot 19 2nd lino erin two mites west of osprlnce tuesday january 7 1010 at eloven oclock slturp tho folio wine lioitskh team of heavy bay mures well matched rising 4 years agricultural i ieneroj itirpoo team loroo and 1 mare lycars well matched 1 i lack marc 8 years 1 bay cult rlahm 2 ycara catth3 cows 6 years duo to calve in january 1 cow yearn flue to calve in april 1 black cow 7 years fresh 1 qrey cow 6 yearn milking well nnd bred 3 men tha i lied cow 6 yearn bred 2 months 1 lat cow 1 heifer fresh all rmxhm pradca youno cattluc htecrs riolng yarn 3 hoifuni rlalnre 2 yearn 4 blrera rininir 1 year 1 1 elf cm rinlne 1 year 4 uprlnic calvs calf 2 months id younc calf lrutcau huicep 1 ffood brocdlnbewta ox ford and leicester v iioqslime biud yokkbinriss 1 sow bred 3 months 1 sow bred month d pigs wclfihlna 200 it a several of which have been bred 12 piss 2tt months old 12 pljrs just wcanod 1 registered tam worth boar i owl 12 iulleta imlllmlnts1 hinder decrlnj 7 ft cut with truck und shaaf carrier flood as now 1 dcerlnir mower 6 ft t nearly new 1 doerins side bake new l international liny loader in good shape 1 seventeen too tli culti vator complete ivlth beed box and qrasa beed llox and threo liorso at tachment maaser- harris 1 thirteen tooth cultivator 1 com kjng manure bpreader- 1 hlijlr avagon with box and shelving and aprlnf scat all com plete 1 democrat wnson 1 truck wason 2 ssts of heavy bobsleighs 1 llat ilack for bobalcbiha 1 block itack 1 turnip bower 1 interna tional threo drum kteel itoller open hugfiy cutter good as now 1 two furrow biding plow 1 oang plow 2 ucury plowu 1 tolton plow 1 bar re bpuiyer bet of wide harrows with throe or four horse attachment liar row cart 1 disc harrow j colllo dog 1 hoover lotato uleecr now ilow potato digger fannlna mill cutting box larso hat bcalta 2 000 lbs iluoaoy ilarrbi iulper 1 iron bcultler 2 moulders new goto 2 hay hiicltn htahln pimtn whlclbar- row btoiioboat arlndstono ilmcry- ndiclusa bhli tune uuuio eecondiclusa hhluplci mntlty of lumlmt jjlelri- wood nun y t ull pill 1m hope cixr uiul am era ijbti dfc jj a merry christmas to all our readers turnips farries mullin arc again purchasing tur nips for shipment at acton rockwood and other points wo aro paying highest prices for choice stock farries mullin acton ontario postponed the sale of 200 shoots the property of d lcitch will be held at lot 14 con 5 erin on monday december 23 roy hindley auctioneer r r no 3 acton o io cleaning preaslng repairing your clothes thoroughly cleaned in banitary workshop pressed and repaired by expert workmen wo can make that olduit look like new try us guelph ontario for christmas ladles suk crepe do chine blouses all sizes ladies sift blouses sizes ladies voile bjouses sizes 31 to 11 silk hnodereblels lstarkman mill street acton the merchants barak of canada comparative statement of assets and liabilities as at october 31st 1918 and october sjsllqias aboettit current coin ihilkmilt in tho cintrul gold itcucrves ilojulnloi noteu noils of other llnnka cheques on other uunka f ilii tan cca duo by other banks in cutiudi ualanuls duo by ranlcu anil bankltic corroopo in tho united klnedt llabincoj duo by 11a nku and uunklnff corrj owhom oiijn clrlilv un ii rrnmcnt mcourltlu- u hinder twli ttl rrrajiloii he bobpolio jw ciiibcih or lraln lofchlnj nt to the naino 3 twto ihublo wan moat t ul whlfllolreea 3 neckyokea tepdauthter l lveb lltw cbahis clovlcea nd rellrltik uaunl4iv- 2 uots doublo lluriinan ilovuled to ull tho i uot ull lomploto act llslt duuuui urrlaii llarnoaa dumlqlqo and lrovlmlal oovrmmont mcoi cjtccpjlltin market value ltullwny ami other utmili lcb3iilurcjj uiul ktokn pot exceedhu market value v cujiudlan municipal ttecurltlea ltrlunh irclsn and olonlul publlo sucurltleu other than catuullau call loans in canada on lmj vbiuwtioru than in canada i and dbtcouniu in canada k litd btotk i october 1918 k tioo goo 00 1 wi 010 00 7 obc 1h 00 63 wo h47pwoo 1 2igtti 00 1c jju 464ilu 3 033 375 00 it 167 cuw 4 01c 6700 mokocper bho i i iirlvliii next fall roolccted aa h r i isrs m ylft his blbt in tho b uld in iwldnnto h hrown ut vm poaluno ficre donald ulrtctore mrs plire jul uuomo o hud tried ubueli wultanui best in tho ij slahkor moore li havo ivad the uhortunlly but mul u m id meet the frhnrtit orrurnirrt hcr owll ir- who dud in infancy was l gamble mlm dnyii 11 xi n n1 was ulso lntrodinl m t uiumiri uurn llblot l lljsutr hwill- n iv ltiloiiul il u 10 lt luirlcy ouljl au iiioi vv iv indued 1 too uuulk tl 00 1uu 1u t call lajis curretil loaiv uio of lilrit cuiront ioaiui cmiuda io uublllllea ot c jer contra ileal instate other thi twrrdub debt wttlmulnd lum not uiorv lh duiiouitb obiowhero than u llobato or interest ustomers under letter of cxeoit ilank premises vlilcj for one chiidj tfcai vriii- vvr how i whl till bappr louilaji und tctvou a uome bolntt 1 hsum martha graham mum lauretta qray il unwln henry lluuer ii j moore geortco mann audi tore john cameron und n tho prenhleht llrnt vifo lrtnident iviuubas ulno hud hal ntuplh nlllu t ills iulilp thut ronnully 4u1wu munlolpallty will in duo tlinu lunimuj wclwrou him und iinm ut thu uual ivlfl in reiomdyoii of hln ttirvlicn hup ulno hud i xi itutit expurlciilcn mr el delebutea vlnclal ronventlon in toronto an honorarium of 16 wau votod t tho becrctarytrcupurtr in rccognl hon of his valued ecfvkn dudnff tho year a resolution was panned riouetlnu die dlietorn to roimldor tho udvls ivbillty of ho nil hi oun or more public vrur to be ad daubhtvrn mlllu and mrs uw nttl homo fuim and who uvea in manitoba but in ontario nuiviv hi r p tjy of the whole bolljiho funeral to i- bat unlay f inlater uockwood ui ore thomas imckl uik tho ilun to- jbyterlan iho pall boarurs nuaipro n lltiirm strlpun mute but tloquont that ho biitnt honorable wn tnliuil in lumhlnii ti wurd tho luilna mprumlim thaulm tor tho rccopllon 1 thomnn ivhiuiy i tdrel him by his former follow- and llobort latcraun rneeunrn durlliff the ymr to no u utudoiiu ha did not fool like luhuuxs uresned by ooino cutnimtant speaker in hlb war exporiunua from the plat iitural and kltulrwl topics o t will aiwuyu bo tlud to b hlian a iwjrii to mr h unhand two watson hdtn huriirm brother thoinau c c lv bu lit now i iin lullo bounl ijiiiikum 13 ym inunlly tliik ltai cnrihl lit lutouil window lutory un mhada 1uubo iioiluteud with oprlntcs wll uttmdrd lbe wtl toultremi io laval creatn llep- i litis itx t neaily new ijaloy chum lever 7 altathnlont cream caii h utter ltowl hlciulou 11110 lhrlnln ialln etc 111 turm went half of lot 31 in tho of tho township or ow i v iii comfort mti i htatir wood i lutlm 1 all leaf j ivltt lien 13 y unlu hui carihl lliilotct mhudts 1uubo ljank pr wilu lulklii uluo off win tlio mlnlntor un tlxa uutji uulutloii lujid r aaaola not included in the forctiulii t liau1litild thomas clark 1 thlrtv conclusion- or um mr lci w be offered for uale subject turu on alc jz j r huirhortlculturnl j mb bo dlstuusr htnp will he lountf folkj hln iiu ken in emovmiko tlu uniitruci and set up tho director of tli tloral section of the acton uatloi vull lulr exp isseil uppni 1 i ull x- elation of tho interest tho members of the horticultural boclsty had taken lu makins tho exhibit ac last rail kuir tha best lu its history prlm lie uny information i meiiliti ho t 7 vcrauthm with his inlkhty kud to bt home have opportunity i liik with the dtuh ot at- tou l- 1 this oetlim of tiie pnitrnmui ml j will iwcn fu rmhm lol and the nalbvl anthem und joyliut tl nts mid e utudeiita no cim for mlltonk police msaistrat 1olko muulntrutu like of milton huu reported to tho inspector of iga oiulcu thut ho bad not a slnclo couvlc r tnr the jmist three abo sprlnii balatieo i never falluik in thirty duya uul ho bad not a nlord for tht h lrw wliwi ver iiolril 4d ujtcjj i cure ivud pasture iii rtrnui to day of aulu tialuncu ithout tiilwtl tli 1mb 10 and under cash over that amuutit 11 inn n tlm credit will be iihi upprtvol joint ft for couli hooli llay t imv 1 bono 36 acton v k graham clerks notca of tbo itank in clkuuitiou deposits lcmand deposits btjurlna lutervul llalaiuuu due to otlu r tmnlui in canada uauiulcnduu lu uunke and imnklnii ior in lho united klntfdoiu und forvlun llllbj payable actciituliitd under lotteru of trialii ulvlduuda dellurod nnd unpaid llabllltlui not included lu tho forrsolui 418 oov 00 333 b72 0u jt0 hot 00 316 oouuu 413u70 00 5 110 23 00 fl 6b0 00 101 c04 30oo0 1 j3 3u3 00 14 bio 00 ocloler 1911 j 737 bs 0 ijwm 000 00 6 31913s 00 6 60se76oo 70600 168 670 00 1 641 146 00 8 662 607 00 3 096 36 00 8 0817600 c 68j 31 00 3 37761i00 c 07u 101 00 3412300 630 7 0 3q3 300 s70 b33 00 gb6 000 00 a o oo 130 6au 663 00 1s 63 bfl3 0o 57 380 06 00 60 997 s66 0o 6113899 00 3 381 303 00 830 7600 17 0 082 00 mac a how rul mu new advertisement tiic methodist church oundavn dcccmdcn 20 thn pnnlor will prtndi ut both tin mortiliu nnd nvrnlnp in rvli i you are cordlolly invilod came puroc found contains nmull num of nomj may bo had at lmuii ikll i ollicl mr for ncnt nlckllnrf hune lorner of main lllreet anl i alrvlrw avtiuie irr reasonable apply to mahgaltlt melhaao 26tt main htr artick atonc fon oale or to rent tho brick store nnd rrnldonro on malu ihreot opponlto tho ilyder a mowat olovo co in for nolo or to renl lr partjeularn npply to onoitnn aonkw 21tf mill btrcel acton tax arnnano 10ir m i re du n on nov- all out it 1 wild ii t nxiii in nut be paid at ourt i nu th o book i intuit lie clood by ikcrmbcr 1 3fl 2 w j lib id collector notice to creditors in the surrogate court of the county of halton ia the estate of archibald john mnckinnon deceased notice is hereby clven that thi creditors of archibald john mackln non bite of tho vlllaira of acton in the county of hal ton ihirrluter-at- law deceased who died on or ubout the seventeenth day ot november ad 19ib at tho said village of arton and all other persons having clulmu mrnlnst hbj catato uro reaulrod dn or before the 17th day of january ad 1310 to send by post prepaid or otherwise de liver to harold nnnh rarratr of the town of oakvllle in tlia raid county of ilnlton barruitcrutlaw tho soli citor for allan jamoif macklnnon or the town ihlp of hay in uio county or huron physician tho administrator of tho eatato of tho bald deceased tlnir christian and surnamen addrcsuon and descriptions full ptrtlculam of their cuilmu duly verinod by statutory lc- cbiratlon and tho nature of uio securi ties if any held by them and not eo la hereby further nlvon that after ono montli from die laid seventeenth day of january a t 1919 the said administrator will pro ceed to distribute tho aaflota or tho sold estate according to law and among uio parucs lh titled thereto and tliat the aaid admlnlatrator will not bo responsible after tho period fixed for such distribution for any claim of which ho nhoil not then have received nouco nn aforenald dated this 17th day or december aj 1918 allan jamc3 mnckinnon md admlnbjtrntor by harold n itajtmnn hla soucitor po box 478 oojcvllie ont 254 xmas candies in nplto of tho ohortaco of candlea wo still have novcrnl hundred pounds in larso variety for chris unas chocolates in bulk at 40c 60c 60o and 70o tb in packages 30c to io christmas mixture 30o and 40o tb wo will also have- ice cream bricks for christmas and new years canada food board license no 8- 13595 harold tviles kllll street acton wonderland friday december 27 down to earth with douslas fairbanks a bennett comedy saturday december 2b master crook with ldmamk brecse tuesday pecemder31 the thlnku we t wull wallace held and tho contlnuci auhtilltv thi wnmnn li lliu web new years matinec and n1qht the savcii swann with mur guertio clark r l gregory christmas good things at m edwards co christmas cakes uciit ad lurk lmd and plain wedding cakes all blueo und iocirutlniif cookies doughnuts timed cakes ginqeroakes uran gems buns antjrolus mince iies apple iles raisin iles fruit pies orderu curcfuhy nud ivolupuy lulled m edwards co canada lood uuurdlluuuue no i ul3 acton ontario 0immtwt 2ii 4 i ff iigk

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