Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 25, 1918, p. 1

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tfam forty fourth year no 20 acton ontario christmas morning dlclmber 25 1018 singlo copicflve cents flljr artmt 3tee tytebb tin acton inrnb rwtsa is pub lished every rhurnday morning at tho nim ifiraa building mill street acton ontario tho nubecrlptlon price in i go por year itl advance poatage in charged additional to oftlces in tho united ftlntrn itin date to which mil arli llonn aro ittl 1 is indicated on tin it 1 irtmn label vihj ittiuno iiatko transient in v rtln ni- nt a 10 enntn per una agate m imircinnit for flrnt insertion and 6 mil ir into for each nutwequent in- itl n contract display odvcrtlso in tiin fm tdo inches or more per an ii mi 10 con tii par inch each insertion utrtliomentn without apeclno dlreo tlonn tv i ii ho inserted tjll forbid and chart cd accordingly ii i mooiu2 ldltor and 1ubllnhor tllup1iones jmitorlal and business oitlci uealdcnco business directory thos gray m d c m mcqill urc p cdlnburgh l r f p b aiaojtow uombor british medi cal association etc office frodcrlck street acton onl or j a mcniven phyaicun and surgeon omco and residence corner bower avenue and elgin streets the resid- enco formerly occupied by d h hen- d croon acton onl veterinary john law don veterinary suraeon acton ont graduate of ontario veterinary col lect 1880 ofllco arthurs block residence mill street colls day or night prompt ly attended to legal conveyancing houro 3 p m to 3 p m at real dene n h wanbbrouqh lake avenuo acton ontario dr j m dell d d 0- l d g- dentlst honor graduate of toronto univer sity tho luteals anesthetic lined if d wired offlco at rcaldenoo corner mill and frederick street miscellaneous marriage licenses h p moore issuer marriage license private offlco no witnesses re quired issued at roaldenoa in evening raxs passa offlco acton ont francis nunan bookbinder account books of all kind made to order periodicals of ovary descrip tion carefully bound xtuunx neatly and promptly done wypdham btreot guolph onl over wlluama store n j k elf ft lloenaed auctioneer for tho counties of hal ton welling ton peel and dufferln and the city of guelph acton ontario tho rve prcoa office anton tho mercury offloe guelph tho ncwallocord itergus or with w j gordon harness maker miibbunr sales entrusted to it- j kerr re ceive attention from date of listing to date of solo ust your sales with me residence young street acton phono 86 acton call at my expense j e cheevers book binder quebec st east guolph ont hooka and raogaxlneo bound in handsomo and substantial covers names lettered in fold on bibles hymn books and other books- all work promptly executed winter term begins january 6 prepare now for reconstruc tion days our home and ex port trade will demand the ser vices of bright young people got the new catalogue to day shaws business schools tor onto w h shaw prea d alex n1ven ontario land surveyor and civil engineer surveys subdl visions plans re ports descriptions blueprints etc certificates for purchasers and mortgagees hurvey fur architects builders and municipal councils drainage reports estimates eta melean building douglas qt aulctlii phono 1084 oni tho old and reliable granite and marble dealers we are manufacturers and direct importers or all kinds of monumental and headstone work we sell direct to our customers at wholesale prices tliuu jiwlrik our customers 40 per cent w hava the beet appliances and tho only mechanics in tho dominion who mil operate jineumattu toou properly wo can glvo references from hundeds of our customers in toronto and other pin cert where others have to have law sulti in order to collect wo have the largest und best stock uf granite in tho dominion oy more tlian any tliree diwleni in tho west we are logltlj mate dialers and employ no agents and do not uniij or pest customers lij bonding outlgmirant agents sollclt- itib orders wo eiililoy ouly mechanics and defy competition l hamilton sons cor norwich a woolwich st quelph fl sensible men do not keep surplus money in their homes or carry it around in their pockets they put it in the savings bank so that it may earn more money for them decide now to let us help you to save interest paid every six months the bank of nova scotia 0600000 12000000 lkuxjoooo w k craiiau actios uvuic savage co caublhd 1b48 wyndham 8t quelph watches diamonds jewellery liorary desk sets fine china cut qlass silverware silk umbre as fountain pen8 speclaliata in wo4dtnir mad blrtliday slruj ixpcrt watch and jowollery ttonfurvm savage co 70 years in business in quelph is here kenney bros vull assortment of bent llnea for wjqtor wear including ielt boots heavy winter rubbers overshoes heavy mackinac socks our prices are right and our quslitlas superior repsirlng promptly snd nastly executed kenney bros main street acton safe buying ono of our mudo to mmauro blug suits mudo from i uro wool uhsolutuly fust dyo serge clot lis mudo to muatiuru for flu per winter comtort nothing la ulcer or more miiif rtuble than ono of our puro wool scutch twmd uuliln funt uutur mudo to inuiuure for 03 up overcoatinqq are of tl ocat rmnu of i ths for wlntur wear in llio trudo wo innkq ihtin to you order llrst claou in uny ittylo from 20 up i jlomil 11 i ivi h r e nelson phona 40 next put oltioa quelph the bond habdware co ltd brassware makes an excellent christmas gift jardinieres 10 150 1j vz35 vlo 100 hza rem poih41j0 10 1ji0 1xs anh tray c5o 75o 115 ao0r unuu kattlca 92i zf 4x0 nlcjclopuitod copper tea poto 5175 fl90 1210 7ps nlckloplated copper cofteo poti 1c0 1 76 1m 2jxx nlcklo plated copper tea kettlca woo i0 2xo 2jb 2jk w have what you went the bond habdware co ltd phon 1012 quelph right glasses correct glasses will put an cud to those uncountable errors do you make clerical errors consult namrlvjtf ajjujk ojni 03 rkhmokq stwor jtordnto canada ssg5ffisa15absffiaflsffiffi msxfflsebfflxfflfift b3soos3 mttmsmsmmtsmss a christmas thought oh chrlstmoa la coming again you nay and yon long for tho things ho in bringing nut tho coo til cot gift may not gladden the day nor help on the merry bells ringing 3om0 getting in lonlng you understand homo hoarding in far from saving what you hold in ynur hand may slip from your hand there la something better than ha ing wo ore richer for what wo glvo and only by giving wa live your last years presents aro nraltorcd and gone you have almost forgot who umvo thorn but the loving thoughts you bentow ilvo on an long an you choose to havo them love lovo is your rlchca tho ever no poor no money can huy that treasure youra always from robber and rujt your own without nunt or measure it la only lovo that wo can glvo it in only by loving wo live for who in it smiles thru tho chrlstmoii morn tho light of the wldo creation a dear little child in a stable born whoso love is the world a salvation he wan poor on earth but ho gavo ua all that can make our life worth tho living and happy the christmas day we call that la spent for ills sake in giv ing lie nhown ua tho way to live xjko him let ue lovo and elvo lucy lnrcom on christmas day dy roaalle q mendel fvltahtfwftsmftw xt waa christmas day 1he snow wan falling heavily in tho street there was holiday cheer in tho air the christ mas bells rang out their message of gladness the day seemed made for happiness arllno who had invited twelve friends for christmas dinner stood at tho front window waiting fcr her part to arrlvo as oho waited many elelgha hew pant and nappy voices rang out but nhe saw or heard not for sho was lont in deep thought arllno had promised to give dudley grant her answer on chrlstmoa day d although she had had two months weigh this vital subject she had not yet coma to a doclslon dudley was considered by all the first families as ttio moat eligible of arllnee- circle ho was a clean good looking prosper ous healthy young man of fine family if arllno had told many of her frionds that sho hesitated accepting tills para ton they would havo raised tholr handa horror and cried what tnoro docs nhe want sho hlraclf did not know that was tho trouble when ho waa not near sho felt ubo loved him but when ho waa with her often sho became dlu satisfied deep in her heart was a little uncertainty once he had angrily kicked her brotheru small tramp doc this she could not forget and then again ho made iiport of her nettlcment work and her settlement friends this she could not forgive but sho surely cared a ureal deal for him whether tho feel ing was lovo or not that won che question turning toward tho library table she tenderly toyed with the rich red rosea that stood in- tho high japoncao vaae lie surely la thoughtful alio murmured my lovo is like the red red roio sang out her small brother with a twinkle in his oyo as he passed tlirouuh the room say els can i bo bctit a joyous onfuslon wan heard and the merry dinner party cumo bou idlng up tho front u lairs wo re starved rltd harvey wo colkctol ono by one na wo rurjie ploiija and wo o brought our upretltcs wltn ua thiito guud nown laughed arllno with titurwllng eyes for we have tho blfcgent feoono in gooucdom for dinner und tin nni of tho family aro going to aunts motlior nays wo should leave nothing but the tx nes hut where la xr trudet asked icnilo ad thoy removed their wraps hu is tho only 0110 mltuilng dr trudo r exclaimed dudley hi surprise arllno why did you invito that man who liven in tho tetuumciit llecuuno hu in a friend of mine iiiinwcrvu thu you in woman fliuply 11 f juat telephoned however that ho would bo uuubli to cumo to our clirtnt mas dinner us he hu 1 an utnorgency call adoelor vr jiu coll hu lltn his own you know i eui pose not ussertod bulluy with a ehruif of his nhauldora if ho spends half tits time with trying slut i bat leu tills truito cures iniro fur icttlemunt pro lcj thun ull his million alio putlunts put together i wajier thlu hurry cull wait hnlv to some llttlo gutter creuturo t arllnu drew u long breath but sul 1 nothing thu lolly crowd was soon seated ull utxiut tho beautifully due orated chrlot mas table iii rolled merrily on but eo mi how fur arllnc tbcro who u llttlo rift in tho lute and tho words ouly a little vuttir ircature kept fiaslitpu aioan 1 ir mind in thu middle uf tho dinner an the lauhhtor wun at tin liulllit the inuld hull lid u nuto to at line t maruing tix ro a u llttlu txi- outbllu inuum- llw says boll wait for uu unowor arllno opened tl o folded i umr an i my tiny warf throu don by an utmnobuul can you come back he wttst fuittatntab hnd there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the held keeping watch over their i flock by night and to ttic angd of the lord came upon them and the jjlory of the lord shone round about them and they were sore nfrmd and tho angel 3pid unto them fear not for behqld i bring you good tidings of great joy which shall bo to all people tor unto you 13 born this day in the city of david a saviour which is christ the lord and this shall be a sign unto you yc ehall and the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a manger and suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host prnising god and saying glory to god m the highest and on earth peace good will toward men and it came to pass as the angels were gone away from them into hcavcif the shepherds said one to another let us now go even unto bethlehem and see this thing which is come to pass which the lord hath made known unto ua and they camo with haste and found mary and joseph and the babe lying in a manger and when they had seen it they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning the child and all they that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the bhephcrds but mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart and the shepherds returned glorifying and praising god for all the things that they had heard and seen as it wa3 told unto them st luko n 820 mmmmmmmsrmrfmnmxmmsmsm 1wawamppavmpmlmvmsam wllli jimmy 8 tic oris for you rictia coin i m norry on chrlal mua to ink yi u htio in vero ulk reupectfuly mm ilugclna without a moment a heultutlpu ar lino aroiio with u little tremor lu her volco and bald my frlonvt tiny bun been hurt bho lu crylrik for mo uu alt will fortilvo mo if i go wont yout you im havo juul an ood a timo without me and liny needs me tho guests knowing her interest in lilr aeltlcment friends readily anuurod htr that thoy would tako euro- of them clveu au but dudley a runt ha re null no j ullonl an alio went for her hat and cloak hu followed hor pro testing it a all nonocimt your rusldng off lu thla way u polling our whole chrhit mas j urt lies lui you prt uused to toll mu uonit thing to day cant you ouiil ono uf the mulju to tiny multuf fc mped arllno t peultik wide lu i n ft fjruy 1 iny ilouuu t utd he u too ruitid iui i l liofltoua to have liar th re lirsurttxt tiling well i wi it m at uuid foi mrts utxotli j bcliik too liutiuli uii aood bye dudley nild al no ox ten ling her hand and thoro wuo u t mo in her nwout vibrant vuieo thut tho man hud never htur 1 liefoio long arllno an 1 jimmy ur lived at ttju tunuiiiuiil h uiiu jltmuy led thu way uir tbreu ulhtu of utulru throujh a 1 mt nurruw tailc hull and uoflly optmiu i thu dix r f a duury lit tu arln hr uld lo 1 i sill when mrs hug face lit up throui h uuld 1 know you i uvon on clirlntiiulh luy i in glud 1m here ooltly una we arllno us she km it ilunn by tli bod an 1 placed hor noft loo huud un riny n fivin 1 i row at lrniln vain nlio trim to iulij tho hltd but by durtioo thu llttlo gill tiueaino calm and lutu in tho uftcrnoi i sunk bink n hur lllow in u iliwu aud ruutful lliei arllno rlolm dr ii aha aha i il 1 all ho tl i enltrt 1 into thu yes but jou dl 1 mo fdun 1 than 1 lou 1 lie tmawftwl uu ho iiuscd upon hor wuh due i ym lutlietle lyuu i knew y u wpulttn t fall uu when mm lluimlnn item fur y m clod bkiia yon llttlu yoinuu lhu lo tor took btth her hutida lu hlu mil the lit the daly u guttur hit i tlunh 1 i t i mill t un 1 in uiiui tb ughl it 1 i lu u mu woi lit uriilntr uuuy u i jeillm a hlu nurimi at t wull t tilio surely will the doctor an nwcrod eomlug closer to her and uou ua you were so successful with ono patient can you give your alien tlon to another eoaor now to day on chrlstmasr arlluu uukod in nun rise yeu to day and every ottier day tryeui replied with u quaver in his olce you aro tho only one who can i uro him who is hu alio asked softly uudur hur breath a mun who nocdo you more tlian tiny mure than anyone else in tho vvurl l a man wtic loves you with all his heart with all his soul with all hu might will you accept tho cano 1 11 try murmured arline and as trudo opened bin nrmn without oiu moment a hcaltutlon alio nestled clouo u him then raising her radium faro uhu iiaid an 1 on clirlutmas too noble sayings ikluduuus to thu wrouid la uwver without itu uxcullant reward holy to liumiui kind and uvor oeipublu to ood john qroenlouf whltthr it lu bi ttur to euftor wrong tliuu to 1 it und huppler to bo suiuutlmce i hiuted than not to trust johns n hanliiluu la thu uulurul llowor of luty 1 hllllja lirookn you will flu 1 uuicllug to bo like the virtue c humility whleh liiutu calm he i if hi irll hud u woi id uf either bl jmlmu uttoiidluil upon it itu uk lu be pi pared for war lu ono of thu munt wftottlva means or pirscrvinb i ou u ourtb wwshlnicluu the tonic in 1 can ihero la a tonic in the wonlo i i vn if you uiu fat t ntr a hiudduys work n a tilul thut lookn rotoasal or a tomttu tlon that hi ixuil uoiiit un well as utiotur it will never do to bo doubtful of youi ublllty to bo u mutch for what ii ikj f m jou doubt in uhnput uu i a 1 ui den air to uuy i um hot sure li tuuily us fatal au to uekiuwlcduu i in l do not fclvo stiuh uiougl t u linliulevn tl youi heart or tin i b wi r li hi think jit ildru a in b 1 uttlnu till yum i uol fur tile can el hid ttu od un 1 i tin iiuthoi twenty yearo ago from the issue of the free press of thursday bocembor 20 1q0q tho soldloni of tho crttaa havo been invltod to go to gooriotown now yearu nlrht to take port in tho pro grummo of tho methodist sunday hchool unnlvoraary tho hockoy rink was well patronised un monday durlmr tho morning an exciting gamo waa played between two teams of thoclub in tho afternoon tho lco was riven up to nkulom generally andryj oxelllng tfhio waa spent tho mercury wan down to tho xcro point ytsurday tho sunday school untertainmrnts durlnu tho week wnro enjoyed by till kl albans cantata banta claus is coming consisted of a varlod pro gramme given by the children and young people of tho ocliool tho baptist bunduy bctioool were enter tallied by a ncrlin of colored lime uffht views of the city of london the methodist con lutu tho message of peace was liven by tile school the ncholam of tho disciples sunday school wero given n tea and christmas treat by tho teach ora tho chriatmon promotions in acton ttlbllc school took- place- lost wookalsa tho closing exercises which were en joyed by a goodly numbjr of parents and friends of tho children thu appreciation of tho members of tho methodist sunday school orchestra of tho valuablo aervlcca of mr j c hill their leader was shown on salur hay evcntni ut tholr weekly practice in an informal manner ho was pre uontcd with a nickel plated music otand encloicd in a leather cane the municipal council and school board wcro r elected by acclamation tho council reeve j b pearson councillors jamcu clark isaac pran els john clarke j a murray trua tecs ocorlo hyndi ilobert holmes robert walk cc ii swackjiamcr a a secord and wmil kenney married smith mon at aahsrovo on tuesday december 22nd mr david smith uu iu of qladatone manl toba to minnie daughter of j h nixon died macphlitsov at tho homo of his aiuter in luw mm janet macphcr- aon i tower avenue acton on chruun iu morning peter macphor- non aged cl yearn what shall i give at christmasttoe dive lur to tliouo who cry for crumbs and in up their homely larders high for lo the joyoua sejuwin a here and chrlitmau ernnca qlvu handu t thoiio who need a lul le nor cual n thouilit of raco or creed ulnca lirothurhoud in all worth while at chrlutmustlde oivo stcpa lu thoao who cannot plod on their own erruudu to and fro above tho crlap dcccmbor ood ua others go dive thought lo what you beat can do to clioor tho heart and booth o tho mind und muuo tho world aeem good and kind to ihosu leas fortunate than you qlvo sinlli brlngu uloom an puiri and bray dca i air and bundu tlicm low o er llfoa steep road fur umllca with them ore rare give iviiowlodgu to tho dull un- tuusht for norno there are who do not know with wluit our christmas tide lu fruught and epoak of 111m ttio manner burn beneath the lastcrn stars pato glow glvo couraga to tho foartns band that nuodu tho cheap of friendly hand and cheering umllo and all good will give courage then to eueh as they this day qlvo heed to others and tholr need thuy know they foci they havo desire hor la it what you think la best but rather what they moot ro tulro that you should 11 o und do and uoy on chrliitmoa uuy give iuu toiler not tlio scornful sort but laughter ileal abounds with happy wholeuome morry uounda and so lu fictloua us tosbrlni a llko rcifh give niirthhu heart tl at beui for all upon thlu day tho heart thut greets tho lowly un 1 thu hltli tho licart thuti gruwe with sympathy knows but lovo you by fur thoso who pui the chriutmas tree no rrult it brum in autumn days in c rchnr ii tinny wide hut oh ili ihiuiilm i rn liutnn down at tho ftlnd cnrlotmau tl lo whon winter wluda are piping loud and ull the world in whttn dim la itn njilenilld hnrveat tlmr ulkin a wondrous ulrthl whut otln r tree ouch trranuro bear a or hriiirti aurh perfect juyl an 1 ami let and laughter bubbling out rotn llttlo clrl und boy allx thorn w the gtory of the christmas tree once upon a time lonir hno winifred an 1 lifcjlnh prlnre loft wcutcx witll a train of followers to lake tho n on pel to his heathen kinnmon in thurlngla and hcuno on christmas lvo uioy arrived at their destination they found tlio pooplo gauiered around tho oak or glospian sacred to thr old hunlrad irlent of tlior proclaimed tho nlsht to bo tho death night of tho sun god ualdur tho deautlful thor was angry wltli iila pooplo and demanded tho moat precious tiling in tho kingdom un a sacrifice to stay tho culamltloii which otherwise must come tho people obeyed with fear and trembling asulf tho son of duke ivold and the darling of tho people wan chosen tho boy consented arm ed llko a soldier ha kuelt before tho great atone altar to receive the fatal utroko hundrads weapon waa raised ho waa about to strlko tho fatal blow whon suddenly it woe arrested by wini fred who from behind turned it off with his ataff tho great ax toll upon tho stono ultar shattering it but asulf was nafo then winifred preach ed christ to tlio astonished crowd and proclaimed tho birthright of tho sav iour fairer than ualdur kinder than kroya lhoaood create r than odin tho wise whon tho crowd was quieted and ntlll wondering at his words ho hewed down tho blood troo of thor behind it unharmed by tlio ruin stood a young fir pointlnc to tlio slaru the old priest raged tho pooplo cd pointing to tho hr tree winifred seeing their god was ipowcrlcaa listen spoke again this llttlo tree shall bo your holy tree tonltht its wood la the wood of peace for your homes aro built of fir it lu tiia typo of oycrlamll- ing ufo far its leaves aro over groczr ond ncc its finger points to he cn let this bo called tho troo of tho christ child outlier about it in your homes not lu tho wild forest there it will shelter no doods of blood but loving gtfs and rles of kindness they took it horn in i ho great hall of tjuko alvold a dwelling winifred told the sto y of bethlehem and tho angcla eon ul llfltencd intently they wcro charmed to oil uncus tho bo nulf on his mothers knee whispered into her car mother listen now i hoar thoao anrclli singing again behind uiu tree suiu say it wan true othera say it waa prlnco greirory with his companions at tho lower end of tho hall softly diamine their christmas hymn glory to god in the highest und on earth peace cood will towari men so runs the moat beautiful of tho legends f jio chrlutmna tree whether truo or not it jjlves new mesnl tho trceu which doeohititihoinoi and churches at christmas tide it picks out tho moat precious lessons of thu chrlstmaa lido and weaves them into a nazw tobe forgotten picture both beautiful and real thouutberaru jenny wrens christma8 a wealthy man in washington whose now houno coat many thousand dollars and whoso business was a fortune lu itself had only one uttlo dauhtcr twelve years old he called her jenny wren because oho bad gray oyes and waa so tiny and sweet as sho cl tattered beside him ono day u llttlu before christmas she said suddenly iulhcr i want you to oak thu nuw boy in your office to tako christmas dinner with ua to dinner what now boy jennyt wliy father you know tho ono you send homo lately on errands ho jlookn lonesome i think lion homesick all whooo ytnarr loadpjouiert asked hltn yesterday about his home iroursssbatpsa a and his mother is awtdi money to hor every week to nay rtnt and well sold papa and there was uuaptcioua twinkle in his ayes whr- bold it too perliaps tlio larr man waa tltlnking of bar or both his llttlo etau i j ho oftlco boy ho we voi down close lo jcnn on either clioek ad aro always uuecr to look after tho r jenny tucked catheru arm ct there a a dco almost cried brought my b looked so ion 4b heortad ipy surprises 4iier and hbj new ho put hltf fa co j a and klssirfrg her ded jonny weonj chicks wo 11 havo iow boy herself under her onfldently and said old fitthar now i x yesterday when ndle and i thought he room a ly letter to baltimore read oivo joy to all it may bo bread fi jn one or just u nmllo or yet u sluibfgj toy or words of pralso or oven no but bivu them ull and you will glvjeror joy t ile qlvo pralso to jrm that yol many things iood frlcndu and health an l llfos long npjtjr i rulau t i him for all thcuu uinft ana be t of all tlio urotht rhood of man aud glvlrm tl cuo ybu will liavo llvun mum by far than i rlnco ur pottiiitute or modern mldos iou will havo feivun letter lliuk than stoeku und bo nil a or lands or dludijiis you will havi jlyn tt which neither pomp nor hiivir nor highest lulluonee can ei tnmuii 1 lou will liuvo ktvun thut vlilch 4ohlnur fjeior nor ftinr can tuy iou will tuvu tlvtii tliot which he wuu lvur ttviin to thu lowly und tho imm ei mfort and atreuuth und hopti uu i kiat uu 1 uturucu un 1 fjilh for t f thutio thti uu uro thu lorfoet t hrisl muu glftu inndo thu wccka thus my de will be j i m wo 1s v famll nnd jr uttlo mother this letter horn jolly and you 11 cry for joyl tli it acquainted with the loveliest i y in washington i novei- will lie f cslck again i was so lonely in big city but mr ward hai d lo tho bin homo r2uqli but that is no thin oweot woman woniorjy a christmas acrostic m for tho u for tho it for tho it u r led ribbons for rod ribbon bowii merry und bright santas duj ro wo hung up tho tououati ru h t r thu holly thut uhliiei throujtl tholuue it f r thu nlti ion u null fi r in vain 1 h r thu ie or tl u valuy un i hill tl f i thu tituekiiliil f kaii la lo 111 1 f r thu tliihil tiuit haiiku on thu tre m f i tho tuu ilti of luuithttr un 1 fcluo a fir thu at uont remembered and dear h foi thu uuouoii u glad groetluga of mabol livlugutono frruik 1 y school wlll thorn wo all our dear a 1 sunday hymns id i stayed to chafcli o mother it is ull your pray era for your homcalck boy lnai blranj0 city i cpuld hardly sloop i waa so happy 1 he whole future of tluit boy may shape itself from tho homo influences or that family uleganco and luxury used in ula nauio tho love of ono llttlo b l roelulmed tho glory uf god and her wide open cruy eyes saw tho lonely boy u need weep uluayt wldo upon eyes dear boys uud girls open your homes to the homeunasrmd tonoly- the merrtinff star i women toy makers two nlnuru mrs a h cola and mlnu m u chaff vy who ruft a toy foi tory in vancouver nturted with very little capital or piaclilnory now three woodun hljudlugtt comprise the fac lory wluro t ightoen womod nro em- i lyyed and it is aiitlelpatod that tho utart will bo doubled in th jjcar futuro to meet the demand for well mado toys mini choftoy said ivr ycaru i have hud uhu grontout ambition to bo a toy muke r wo feel that children ore utter all tho business uf woman and wo fool that toys or irood doil und wt rkinuutililp are not wasted on even lb young at thlldren i fc what tiiliiltik 1 had in nn rhluetu ohlce and lunt jour i mndo up my mind in view of the great sliortaw of jrood toys that now if over was tho timo to realise my ambition r mltt v sm

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