Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 12, 1918, p. 4

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mini u y in iti mm it z la coufltcoy t in com i t mid 1 rwloi llim imo which men call irlittirrj cm hu ulr and gonial as tin hi lit w l m in ivry ollmaoa breath o ii mm i mnimtitca aliens into trusting rrliittlu i ivtu ita owner passport round iho ulwbo junu t fields in tl win 1 le cnthuqiaom don t l o a dead man remember you don l imvo to bo placod in a couln to bo dcud lota of dead mon wnlli around for ycora oat jour system full of onthualanm and you will not only maka oomcilhlnjr of youmolf but you will movo klad tlio heart of iho man who pays you to roprcrtant him jnlhinilasm lias moro to do with clonhic sales uiau anything under tho nun it makim tho othor fallow fool that nu journolf really believe what youjartj tryln to malto bjm believe you will work ton times an liartf and accommiuh ono hundred times as much and fcol en i tenth as tired when you work wlthcnthaaiapro it is tlio great est sldo partner tho greatest result- setter the world has over seen and it is no inexpensive that every man can cot tons of it without paying a cont down if yoti want to radlato conviction if you want your argument not only to stick but ntlcic well enough to enablo you lo tiaul in your catch you rouat vibrato with enthusiasm remember that moglo word en- thualasm try 1u boyn and lot us hear cram you as to rcuulta c a penny 17 if i were you my doy j would learn to be poll to to every body i wouldn t lot any other boy got ahead of mo in my studies x wouldn t e in the company of bad boys who use bad language i would sco if i couldn t get peoplo to like rac by being clyl to everybody i would never make fun of children because they were not nicely dressed i wouldn t abuse little boys who had no big brother to bo afraid of i would keep ray bands and faco clean and hair brushed without being old to do no i wouldn t rot nullcy aza pout when- ever i pouldn t bavo my way about everything 1 wouldn i crnclude that i knew more uian nv father before i bad been sixty mllca from home 2 wouldn t bo ashamed to dp right anywhere 1 wouldn t do anything that i would not bo willing for every body to know i wo aid try to learn something use fat every day and whenever x saw anything made i would watch and eeo bow it was done selected you arc your own master up to a certain point bomo young people have an idea that their conduct is their own business what they do concerns themselves alone but all tho trend of the times is against such suppositions you have no right to maintain on your premises anything that interferes with tho health or uia comfort of your neighbors it makes no difference that you own the land or that you pay taxes and tho name rule applies to conduct 1 ou are your own master up to tlio point that your actions havo u harmful effect on someone else every step ahead in civilisation cmphaslic i the thought that wo cannot 11 vo or dlo to oursulves that all belong to each and each to all t win thh war every ounce of the strength of each of the allied nations 1 must fce put forth to meet the organized trained and disciplined efficiency of the central powers that gigantic ruthless force which is the regull of fifty years of planning and preparation and every ounce of every allied nations strength isin the hands and brains and hearts of the individuals of each nation because they are free peoples now the individuals of each nation must live as well a fight therefore a proportion of the effort and material of each nation must be diverted from war purposes to living necessities so the less eachyndividual takes for himself or herself f persona use the more effort will there be left for fighting and winning the war every cent you spend represents that much effort be cause somebody must do something for you in order to earn that cent somebodys effort must be given to you instead of to the wart therefore the less you spend the less of sorrrebodya effort you take for your individual use the more will you leave in the national surplus for war effort the war can be won only by the surplus strength of the allied nations the money each individual saves represents that surplus strength so the truly loyal canadian will use less spend less and save more to help to win the war p w lbs authority of too m mater at finance oi canada a i for foverseasi thousands of mothers can testify to tho vlrtuo of mother omvio worm exterminator heeauso they know from experience how useful it 1 children dry for fletchers oastori a warts uro disfigurements that dis appear whan treated with ilouoways corn cure the better way thejrjuflcd to quarrel a great deal yes but tlic ro getting along muchf better now what happened nothing ho just discovered that instead of arguing it wao easier and quicker to admit everything and oak forgiveness relief for tho depressed ph alcal and men tut depression unuafly hay their origin in n tiltordered citato of i tlio stomach and liver aa when these organs aro denuded in tlioir action the wholo system is affected try tho official dats of the falra to be parmoloo s ver tahln held lrtj y lm processes dates of fall fairs 19 ib issued by tho ontario department of agricul ture toronto j lockio wilson sup erintendent aberfoyls october 2 acton september 2425 brampton burlington cooksvlllo erin fergus georgetown milton orangovlllo oakvuio itoekwood september 2031 thanksgiving day october 2 stroetsvillo toronto cnt1 angnjt msspl october nio september 28 27 october 33 october 89 september 1718 september 1418 october s4 september 25 many children dlo from the assaults of worms mid the flint core of mothers should bo to see that their infants aro free from thoa pests a vermifuge that can bo depended on is millers worm iowjurs thoy will not only xpel wormh from the system but act as a health giving medicine and remedy for many of tho ailments that beset infanta ltifecbllng them and en dangering tit ulr uvea bono- ftclally on tho norvoa and restore tho spirits as no other pills will thoy aro cheap ulmplo ami sure and tho effects aro lasting children ory for fletchers 5 a s t o r a peas e economy schapb iut of a scrape let your indisputably a phenomenon what is a phenomenon askod ono workman of another this enllkhton- ing definition is quo to in young magaslno it is iiuo this suppose you woro to go out into tho country and see a field or thistles growing tea- woll tluit wouldnt bo a phenome non no thnts qulla clear ogrood the other man butjuippouo you were to seo u jark slnclng awny up in the ky yea well that wouldn t bo a phonamo non no that nlao seems clear but iniugluo thtiro is a bull in tho field yes well that wouldn t bo a phenome non no itut now illll loob here huppooo you saw tint byij sitting on them thistles an 1 whistling like a lark weu that would bo a phenomenon how to got beard grow which la tho largest room in tho world tho room for improvement why aro the wtsrturn prulrlco flat7 because tho sun ucw on them ovcry evening when is it auy to read in tho woods when autumn tuniu tho leaves now tho doctors toll us that onions aro good for weak lunj s thoy ccr talnly do otrftiiktluii tho breath d il carricd lantcrns a question uu 1 1 whither mosquitoes are able t i o in the dark romluds a contributor it tho titory of tho irish man who hi i no audi doubts on tho question ho and a conn anion occu pied tho oumd room ono night and toft the grj hurnliiff low when they retired being annoyed with mosquitoesthey decided nit a protection against the pest to cxtlnaulah the light entirely presently lumm lightning bugs began slipping nbout tho room and the irish man noticing them awoke his com panion urul whlaiwred ita o use mlkto sco tits dirt is now they have lanthwtis looking for us women of middle age heel help u pau tko cxim safe ibr proof ual ijiu e pul iuuki vegetatle coaptistj cta be relied upon drbaeaill purlriff cfaanr f tit a addition to its annoying symptonu 1 baa on attack of grlpps whlcu lasted all wlnur and left ins in a weskeasd conjllifto iflt st times that i would nsvsrbs well arsis 1 read of lvdta fi rinkhanas vsgs- tabls compound and what it did fag womtd passing th rough tascbaax of lit so i told my doctor i would sry it isoon began t rain hr strengtli sad liannorins ijrnntoni dls- apmr4 and vo urvefs labia compound kas aiaas a well tronj woman so 1 4m all my own houaswork i cannot mm4 lydls l tfakaams ve ubu csapojid too hifblj to wtfmen th chan- of ufa it wfu mako joa wbolo tunue uko juno even in belowzero wea ther and will effect a considerable savins in your fuel hill these outfits heat the whote homo with ono ore and roqatra no moro carotaklnff than to ran a stovo for one room votl ar intereji3 in ffdrfll air h4atlng dont futitafp tit vritf for lookut jfo mp 110 kins street bas tononto b3riciiuot3rva3r tjtmouto clnadl paulnr tbrouffa u- mnnumxtlkmolf hlja orcbd st urlwu iii mw t vrl women wnoaoffrfromrroubnmi hat flmbc tftckcli blchtt n4 tfl blo should try thl fmou root albd brb rnnvdy lydlt flok- luuam vfmul cacopound u acton flour and feed store a have n nuj jly of tlio following now on hand tho wslltknown drsnds of kings choice nerval and nations flour nothing bettor bran oat chop shorts cracked corn rolled oato corn meal salt in colb luoili mid 2001b haifa and uarrvly uiecial umj in thicicln 1 1 u givl ouil ca1j mkai a tiual domestic llou hi oatu t1i13 uist cannda food huartl iteenno nif hu robert noble limited hinrv awrby manaqkr toye acton bakery m edwards co canada i ood hoard uconso no s du mill gtrcett acton to facilitate the handling of tho products of our bakery n nd to make it moro conveni ent for our customers wo linvo secured the shop next to wuuj pnfectioncry where supplies of our war bread biwvn bread tea biscuits calces buns and scones muy always bo secured wedding cakea a specialty m edwards co dutch in church it wan dm idc tiiirprino for everyone in flio tnikliinn nun t unn any wtinn tlio fhiiilnln at inn t i ot itutrh into thn tnirli fir mm on r rvtcn uutch is rutc 1 on j rlty hard i mm tiro hones olllrl nt anl faithful as thoy innko tlicin but not cry careful about hln 1 inifunni and moro ttian trjhlnk to itcnip mimit in ono any tlmo tho chaplain jot him ono day nn liutcli writi iipllcliif- rumo liarnrns for ono ol thn mulni hli una wnn about liki thlni now iiutui im kolnit to asl you to coinn to church hunday morn- hie i know you don t vrnnt to but i wnnt you to como aa a favoi to ms if iou wcro out no 111 tic llfclitnlnit rods youd at leant expect a farmer to let put ono on hln houno for a trial if it wdjjii t rolnif to coat htm any- ir now wo vo bcoi tcood frionds over ulnro- i camo to tho reirlmept haven t wot tlutcl admitted they had bean goo i im rmld now im dcallna in an nrtlclo which i claim will euro a lot of trout irs i m only asking you to try one uamnlo just ono well hutch wan in church fljndoy tho chuj lain had boon called away just brforo uorvlco and a vial tin clinpl0ln occunlcd tho pulpit tho rest of tho follows oociiik uutch lip in front were nlad to have him wjth them tha vjaltlnk chaplain looked out over the conffremtlon of freshlyshaved khaki clad jrqnncra for oorno- one to lead in prayor bomcliow his cyco faotcned on rod haired xlutcli nlttlnu only a few foct away tho httlo concmratlon of ooldlers itrow tenso as thoy waited for tho chaplain to ipcalc you could just feel ho waii colng to call on butch ho did will uilu yountr man kindly lead us in prayor ho asked hutch cot up every eyo was on him 1vcryono wondered how hed mako out belnc called on like that the drat tlmo ho had been to church in years uut butch was equal to the emer- ucncr let us havo five minutes of silent meditation said butch ilikipi ii t con- r sivtikl lv c tb eztntne wealumn oftaa ntaltala layalred hshiajwmkmm a itfurg bwochhto and oumo trooblea tottfi sfm ffn in si im u gtwm uiibuwlj it curies btronftb to tba orfaa ad oaectm rtcii blood to tatt mjf i2m dvsstd tecca m gastoria for infanta and chlldron mothers know that genuine castoria always bears the signature of exact copy of wrapper in use for over thirty years astoria women and asthma women are numbered onions tho sufferera front ast by tho countlcaa thousands in every climate thoy will bo found help less in tho dip of this relentleoo die- eoso unless thoy havo availed them- oelvea of tho proper remedy pr j j kolloccs asthma itctnedy has broujrht new hopo and life to many such tesumonlais sent entirely without solicitation nhow thc enormous benefit it has wrousht axaone womon every- whero would pretend uttlo edna ocetnc mothers new ovcnlnn drcoa just arrived oh mamma how lovely 1 will you wear to night mother vo diar not to night this is for when jndltj and centlcmcn como to dinner edila oh mamma lota pretend just for once that papa a a gent lemon v vnnity jolr children ory for fletchers o a s t o fi a new macmae shop itied bliow mnrhlmit 13 moving to the newly arranged premises tho ross bowl- jngahcy on main street where he will be prcparcittchiandle nil repairs of machinery promptly and satisfactorily b10tor malks a specialty having experience with all makes of motors repairs will be efficiently executed vulcanizing tires having installed a vulcanizing outfit satisfactory repairs will bo made to outer cases as well as inner tubes this depart ment is managed by mr d ross bring all your klpairs here main street acton fhed blow odd facts italy occupies tlio position of ths leadlntr motor car axpartln nation of europe lor tho first eight months of 1917 her motor exports increased 113 per cent aa compared with tho correspond ins period ot 1316 and 064 per cont as compared with tho qnrt clfiht months of lslfl vice for atimulatlnc tho growth of plants which when uubjoctud to the jhlt of this ipia attain twjoe tho suo of thoso left to tho rayii of the sun only tho experiment which has just taken place in a hothouao occuplod threo mouths i austria which in twenty li times larcer tlian tho wholo of tho british isles has a ixjpulauun not ezcccdlns hint of liiiitlon you just try nr for that indigestion get your organsof di- gestion assimilation and elimination working in harmony and watch our trouble disappear nr does it or money back one days test proves nr best the stomach only partly digests tho- food wo eat tho process is finished la tho intestines where tho food is t with bile from the urer it xnnat be plslo to any acnslhlo xcr- on who realizes this that tho stomach unr and bowels must work in harmony if dbjaatlro troubles are to be avoided or overcoma this xaet also explains why sufferers from indleaucm also sutler more or less from lioad- and j not so how raoch better yoa fed fxa haw quickly your slusslsh tiawchi will beoome as rotralor as clock wurk how your ooatod tongue cjtnt up and year sood old- tiro o np- pctila retums bee how splcndldljr your food will digest and how your enemy pep and lngcx revive hsk jtiat try it ylu toko no rlilc whatever for nature a remedy kit tablau la oaly 25a a box enoush to but twenty tins days and it jnust hdp and benoflt you to it takes nerve it tokos a tyt of ner o to stand behind a counter and cjmrko a man two dolloru for a norktlo out of the id stock you vriro uclllnjf off for twenty cents four ye aro ujo and ex plain to him that tho advance in price is duo to tho nearclty of material tho haiti moro bun it is one its of tr for asthma and catarrh of tho chluf rt n iimu inlntl tjiunmj llcetild ill tint used itttvrmiliy with nn inuth huclcss it can outuiirdly sufterrs from asttunu mid catarrh illl llml tlmt the ou when etirtd nceontirii to directions will give lmm oil into nlur many suit orena from tluo ullmentu have found relief in tho oil and luivo sent tcstl monlals if yoa are out of tlio inony un- fortunate persona who cannot eat without suaeiiac nftertford if you are- censtlpated faavo bilious tcpella headaches coatod toneno bad brentti variable appetite ao nervous losing enetet and feel jfpur health silpila away take this advlco and grt a box of natures remedy nil tablota rurht today and start taiinr il tilvo it a trial rot o iroek car two r jour cnuro tttlsiacaon aiwmy rfirarflbtt or iiuioo boxes aro used t- on nit iskcts tarj if i pie every u5 that the best proof of ita merits n r thd bal 2s wtt iilnrmu can tako for buloua- tios coosuoatlob indlrestloa and ahallsr conjphunta it is sold zuzx- ameand reoommendoa by ysur acton ont a canning record irocuro a well bound ten cent note book cut pictures of voffo tables and fruits from a ecod catulojrue or xaaga- aluo and panto a border of these upon tho cover if the cuvur is not plain it con easily bo removed and a new cover mado of oray or brown mount injf paper put ta its plaro lurchase a food quality lead pencil with a uttlo ring in the tn and button this with a cord of reasonable lonoth to the back of tho book put a knot in tho cord no that there will be iilunty of tother with which to att i to and yet tho pencil will always bo firmly fastened in its place now dlvldo tho imtfca allowing n jotcn for fruit another dozen for vegetables half a dosen for potted and canned meats half a dozen for roups half a dozen tor lelllis and con- servos half a dozen fdr iiloklos cu cut out some moro pictures and mako a llttlo heading fur each department iho book wt 11 bo a vuluablo fuldo for tho liousdwlfo to consult to discover how many a is of peaches or mustard x tckles shu hud wbolher thero was onouuh or who could liao uscl more if lud hud them as a rule cannlnff is more r le fiuess work and suoss work uuver maktu for economy and conservation castoria vol lnlantt mni children in us for over 30 years get the genuine grafooola avoid disappointment refuse imitations only genuine columbia grafonolas and records bear ibb trade mrk look for it before you buy- columbia graionola iou sale by c c speight acton oni railwa tiiuc tables rripk llul y como wort n 11 no j3 nj 1hj ihmday tnl a tl i a t loinc went ui 10 if 1 ut at a is p m toronto guburhal cloctr r llvy gojno wot 0 17 nm dill ui ut jay 3 32 p m lially x t i nll y rully txi j t lliuiduy 0 p m ii 02 a m b33pni hun lay only qolno ctuit 7 43 a m pally x jl lun lay iill x it hun lay d illy u t htwitljty t hi ify only u in lay only 8 18pm 0 c8 a m c3 pm fall term opcn3 ocpt 3rd lmott yonoo a charles gtroota toronto qlvci strictly flrat du tralnlnc for chol co bunliic ui io itlnn i our courscil aro uncxrflh i in canada do mend for our nrntluatem fi time our supply wrltii for catalnuo acton livery and bus line i uollclt with conll ion tho patronaj o or the uubllc comfort il lo rltii iiupplhd at reosonablo rnten special uttontluu to nu plyliif- convoyances for wed llmu and funerals motor earn furnished when roqulrod rjipresaman for tho toronto suburban hallway bus meltt8 all trains l e atkinson f when you need at any time buy rnoai w williams acton ontario faaious rou satisfactory footwear- reasonable pkiceb grai n chopftimg well done and qeuckly at only 5 cents per bag harris s co limited rockwood ontario local agent wanted for ho old hcti bk fontliill nurheries ihounuuiiu uf oielii i tiv n 5od rtplaclui war aunttmn all tot null fruits early htuiiu null t- uihiraffu rhuliurn i lunu t tho demund fu oi i im i il htock in twnn uut villus 1- lur booure a paylnj u berul ci in onco hot nnt taiy in v vylth 8toni2 tolling ion ebtarjllilibdo37 tononto ontario ntr invrfckhstf m sent ttvm kkaillllt unwftrtlty ave mowhtnvl k

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