Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 22, 1918, p. 4

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t arlmi 3fret irjesfl tjmjiltual mhjtllirij 191 h thc muqic tffat cahbico i vo lilfcl wltli 11 iu 11 tlio world ti ii lld a in lolhd with bn uuw wl full 1 ivn tuilil wllli llm moil who vtrttv with it an 1 t vn lollrd with tho men wh willi ajij thin in tho tul my uoul woul tell an it drift- the liu tho ix and ho loi lilt ullfh liu liarbor liar dun t carry woll lauifh rinffn far a near tho iiruiii r lift chrhitruas ntar i itliii don t rarry woll if a luuch riiiaa far keep hold of tlto ik ii kncp abof tun ijraef to uccfiito sad hitirfu noto cord of lautfhtcr a i tho moanu that a uliih don t carry wall nf u laugh rinjes far fjuicituma w annum dairy industry in lyianitooa no induulry in wslnrn canada has mono iifro ran id utrldea during tho post tow nm than tho dairy indus try urarh of tho provinces of jll berto iioukutr ho vrnn and manitoba has tflvon much attention to tho affcment or thin industry tho result n is an ovtrinrttiaalne output which lu indlcatij liy tho quantity exported after tho tl omen tic nocdo have boon supplied from manitoba fifty- air oaro of hut- tor wero uhlppcd during tho unit flvo mootlm of t its joar as compared with twentyflvo in tho corresponding period of last oar this la only two earn fnvrer than vau exported from this province durliu tho whole of ldlo xsst car a total ot os earn mra sent out of tho prowiooo tho buttev la mods up in nrtynlx pounds solid and four hundred boxes maltn up a carload o that u cor ot butter at prouent prices bi worth about 1000qo in all probability muro than ono hundred cam will b txportfcd this year tho value of butt rxporto from manttobn this iar will therefore amount to rooro tluii mullon dollarn a bcelnnliik la alno being made wlui th export of ehceso tho nnrt pari ood leaving w lunlpej for montreal s fow dsjrs ijo it wan only two yearn afio that manitoba had to import more than fifty earn of checne for home con sumption loot year tho quantity im ported i is considerably reduced and now fgr tho flrst tlmo tho provlnco la in a position to export ah iho butter and chrooo i bolnflr lorwordcd to montmxl for shipment to thp- allied countries in rjuropa unitain rtaiqco naodito it tiuliiitm it will bo mi it hi to ntiti i in thr ullnh mm ah ri4 lo i h rti 100 brv din dtm i in of utility truths of tlubii whlrh will ollibl will imiilllt of up u fow rabbits to mi of mi it mid tur it war ihmiii in uhitm ibbll xilliuu n- w i tit t libit uljitloiiii it in iiihdupdto 0 doo lly inilliiilld ox- in rtly in nlui tinn uiipurtniont u dot ilhd pamphlet hli iviiry phitjiii of rabbit idth f- brtchni- and food u i with illurrunin uf uult- icu thin paiiiplilxt drawn trtiitlon to tlio fart uiut au li ontulim a rtilntlvuly nmall t tut tlin lmt ruumo for all who uri abhi to udupt it lu to otnblno jihllt with ili uipplni itubhlt rl4ih fiil hit on tiiitlur wjll upply a mi ul iui rlrh in food im lksf r mutton 1 r x unpli 3 ibi of rabbit ml 1 lb of bui on will provlilo moro iltruuliioiiii find fatty food than lit proldtd by four poundu jif bij rabbit llm humility dont want to fiqht knol i lory li told of on f ah an who ui 11 unti i hy ml of tho 1 hum i ii t i l i iulit hi i w ovl r on i i 1 1i irod 100 i in how awa what tin pair of t if yo lur i th imt catarrh ss it has tcen said tliat every third poraon has calanh in some form science haa ihowii that na tl catarrh often indicates a jjcneiul wc ikncss of the whole aytcm and anulla and vapors do little if any good to correct ciurrh you alioid enrich tour blood witli the oil food in scotrs kmulaiou which is 1 medicinal food and m building tonic free from any harmful dru try ityoul bcii a doinw toronto a i oundord medicine ly of upon tho yiari nf ikiultlnn i tnodlcliio thlu hln can imi hlultiifui oluscltih it i lllii cotiipoun iotuilo uiihiitnru ovivlfjini mid ii dlkiullvuoriaiiii u1iu uttulnid i tli it tin y rank i tlio ullltii oho npln in tin ir com muiinillutod by ululary clfcct liavo throurh io mnltiont a ui u otundard uld romombor poaltloi thoy llio weak cat i nd an ci rtaln to have a mid uirccablo offirt on tho li iitlvtt ortano castor for infanta and children on use for over 30 years always bears t sjsnatuto of z tho niro inn t o but tho ulow uru tho battini w iyjt to tho owift oldom fuvoritoa i othlf l tt i hp ul ll follow loan majric it will i bruliio lit r dlnrolorfiur it inaclo in h lju pi tin ro in xi a on 1 ilntrlr ollitiir ihnt no jilunui an if by t f itnl inn un if thi iihodlly do children ory for fletchers oasto r i a a diauoque of the day hhofuy hi r ho darllull eoo you uinlu blio wan it haiiadt ii inn tho null nrramhlo for itkitl rlly oj ivful tho bin ul a rinc fiqht oiipdi 1 from tlio i tui inl by a frln t hhhllnir lfnn th y ii jiilrid erntrliri jn thr ul vory hndly nockl hat0 off to u0 aqaini i vi i 111 it th it 1 11 itn ifnki d atut i hi t ill with tin mlvnurod point ii arrlid tho id 11u n rock id lavo hoii ithlnn loliu quit laxatives pu t mr iir tonight tflmonotf feci rjgm why il hi t yoi to rontlnunlly doo 1 11t1 laxatlvo pllla in ond calhartlc ctloii it weaken and makea con- rlrlit today to iry rt in null in lrt i 111 it w hbu- ho- a rnun iiul 1 ni out kttinir lnti hht and o slctp la ttu infanto and uio child will bo tot if tho itorrna mlllui dontray troato it nourluli without loatoful uleep tot thrivo thl i cannot nfant bo troubled with u worm iowdlru will and drlvii uiom from noble sayings n have good will to alt that lives lotting unlamunesa die and creed nrd wrath mo that your lvco lo mode uko no ft olra panuinf by mr kdwin arnold naturo la a voluma of which ood la iho author moses harvey sco in ovrry hodjreroi mark of amraht foot eplcji in each pobblo underneath our feet charles kiusalcy it la a rood thine to be hove it la a good thine to admire lly continually looking upanlic our minds wilt them- eelvcs crow udwawi dr arnold i must toko roy turn at tlio mill i must grind out tho golden xxalr i must work at my tatik with a re- luto will tovar and over again j ono phi po tollartl a great mind like a great ehlp can not movo in ohajlow water glvo it mca depth and oca eoom and it phflll bear cotkocu to oervo the notlono dr thomoa i tho oytitrm and aft rwardo tlio child rent will bo undloturbod tho powdoro cannot injuro tho moat dollcato baby and tluro la nothing uo eftoctiyo for rcotorlnc ttio health of a warmworn infant ohiiaren ory for fletchers castoria to mend drop stitch how many women have looked with lbmury- upon a silk or jlolo stocking that appcara almost unmoadablo bo- causa of a stitch that has run down thalegi nt such a run can bo cosily menaed uso o tiho croclict hook pick up tho dropped atltcti and contlnuo crochet ins all alone the ravelled part care must bo taken to pick up every thread as you work alone tho laneth or the btocklne puatru tlio last stitch oeurery wltii s needlo and thread if two or more stitches liavo beon dropped tho rip is wider but contlnua worklue each atltch in a strabxht line if the vkork in dono carefallly uid mend will liardly be detocted impttiencc ovonnan utiid qthor honator jont bo impatient about tho slow ncim of tho world war tho allioj have iot a blc job u1ilij of thini and it will toko thorn a lone lone time to tlnlili it irnpatlnnco then hi absurd tfcj ith iuj ubuurd an tho urchin who uturted on ror ichool at tho aeo of neven njid on urrlvlne homo at tho ond of tho unit day ualsod a nowu- paper cneerly mid turned to tlio comic paeo the urchin ntudlod tho com la paea lntoutly tlntn lie toooti it down and tald in a dlusuitcd volco tjiat jjno couu of a uchooll why do you say that doarr jb rqq ff fnl u1 tloro ive boon e1u to it a whol day ha amiwi rvd and uln t loarnod to read yob ovon fuol it in tho i hho ilrnvi boy hlldron will b of j playmatto liw- a f nobly i hi ir you i hilt homo dwir mho jauloti li an it tin tho phlldreii now limy uj oomcthlne i think he yea iwop tho hi jjumine fiho oh darune viin tots know that you ruldod yard and broufht tuick u nai winter i and on y thl nr o lniln inu ilrx pit thnt dally iniriliii will i i uniuhosnnry you no it no if you rrt a 2ic box of nituro a remedy nit tahlotn and tuli in i u nit hi for a wok or no nit pliiihid do murh mora than mi rely tuiio pb inant oasy oawol oc- ttm j hln iikiluliio nrtn upon tho dlitrntlvo uu wi ii mi rllmlnutlvo ontana pniiiiotrin ixtkhi dlffiritlon caunra tha body t j t tho nourlahmrnt from oil tlio fixxl you oat irtien you a koot hjirty uptmt btnnitlu nn tho llvnr vi rroitu hill iifiniim rriulntt kldnpy on i imwii ikilm and ruo tl i wholo lhli- u thoroiij h olaiilnp out this nn m haiti d kou will not h i to tnko mrlli lint ory day an o canlunsl nit t unlet will km your txxly in condi tion inn you fun nlwnyn f i ymtr lt iry naturoo irmcily mi tablets and prii o this it la th ixat bow el mi hi inn that nil inn on uml costs only 20n p r ihix ontnl ilnj rnouith to loat lw ntyflvi da n noturo m horn- oiy nu labloo lil mild euaranmed and rocommontled by yuur druscisv i uarrard sctom t mmmom tablets better than pills i ge1 a soriuveri illsfcl zoc bflx cultivate mu0ical talent it in n i ix il tmm in cultivato till li iii llumr thin n hnrdly bo tho avrrspo will add to whlln i i a pr ralrly wi 1 tlilnir to mmpuuhtni illn fiil populnr and pnun imuru thut iniiht ilnifn thn itult mil mi ilni hns fiomp- to liorh ty und ii i jjo it often bap oplo who lank wr that thoy uro un iiiwiy very unhappy httto boon o pared uiiit head the hat triirrktio tho vio- for a iiornon who i u i ood nccom jolln in alwii nuii itlrl ottou unit huppplor worth tho it ii playod niukefl i tho banjo in imp i nt will h uttrai ti o lay l tho uku- to in by way iy to inuko oomo a iiiiiuliul ncci iv r will mulio life vi o und others is i tlrnu and labor newest notes of science enrdii rivrlii annually yiold poundu of flow r pnrutuly xlth thu mi i lari t i uil i a whlth but ii nut hi has ryoo en which 40 000 000 u builders oubht ntii urn vol tlrr ilowi ri in tho world ufton more tlmn thn o foot in dlamo- tor and woljchlnr up j pounds am tiroilurod by pluntu riwine on moun tains in tlnj rhillppfni i in to ml oil for hlldrvp learn inff to uwlm but uluo uioful for older per sons in u imdy harm tin which holds an inflated tubo liko u nniall automobllo tiro at th wiih lino uafoty hi tho fiatorii of a now ffano una ntovo thut u im fuol through an oxtroiuoly until ii iiihj from a tank at a din lane it win m it lu kopt under pressure canadian national exhibition aug- 26 toronto sept 7 children cry for fletchers castoria s tho klndyou have alwayo bought and whrch hna lieca in nso for over thirty yearn has borne the olgnatnro of 7 and luia b fjindo under hlu pcr- vy- c cupervlsloji elnce its infancy all countcrfcltu imltatlona and juctaafiood ore but expcrlincnto that trlflo with and endanger tho health ol infant and children experience apalnst experiment caatoria lo a hnrmleca ouhstituto for caotot oil pmtgnr drops and soothing syrunc it ia pleasant itcontaino neither opium morphine nor other narcotic oubstancc itd offo ia its c for moro than thirty yearu it haa been in constant uso for tho relief of constipation flatulency wind colic and diarrhoea allaying tfcvtrishitefifl ari3injj therefrom and by rcrnlating tho stomach ana eowelo nldo tho nesimilation of food giving healthy nihl natural nlecjj- tho childrens panacea the mothexfl frlfcnfl- genuine castoria -always- pbcara the sifmnturo of in use for over 30 fears tho kind you have always bought iusymjufejjs miss kelly telia how lydio e pinkhan vegetabla coxapound restored her health to haw lies 1 thy 1 they cant tli rhlldren sound and tho first naro of a mother 1 1 ho healthy if troubled mi uno mother orsves nnlnator how do you speak you irobubly huvo hoard tho ex pros slon i 11 say mo iiou uome euy oood ulbht and a neoro of others of a similar imturo iiuvo you learned to uso hum if you huvo lournoil all tho latest sayings you nrobflbryr bard joumolf as a wwlllufurmrd psr- whon you vol the intruder punished a michitrrm iamo warden in making his rouridii enmo upon a youthfu ilnh- crman to jatlnfy hlinaolf that this boy waa not dluoboylne tho basi ilah- ine law tho warden took his o trine auh out of tho water ho found only citluih porch ami uuckum on tho line to found however a fow feet further tho htroam u lareo black bass wrlesllne on u iitrhie weieiitod with uvntono naturally tlio warden mado linjulry uf thu lad tuuchluu that nsli 1yjiujiu uti th plained tho boy titat basss boon lukluk my bait all the morn in ir so 1 just ued htm up tlieiro till iot tbrouth iluhlne llijllnwayu ut by tho r i curo takes tho corn try it and prove 1u work and water plentiful i loud ory rmui mlidliaex o ry prl iio work o or no hid m retontlj d klnjti crous is tin geriimiio mui w tuch nn ii beted trtn un tho in s in ijao n rako tlvd l polled ti dr uj it ly mulinod u lrlik to do no uu thine pluntlful 111 certi for tho un arm uoh ioul lod lu huu uml uro oiii- io uiuttt rlnw bad ier may ik ho has tint only thlnea it y ari work and ilul aro you think lout tits use of slant a mark of laziness or ij-hor- say u fallow is nomo aslue tho shortest and j nuyliitf bo is a kood how a person of ic euy usltcst fallow lout ltl a emoii may ba indeed by the com pany bo wji ilkowl tin may ho judjftd by id i btli bluiij ia the tefufio or io slothful it ib an indloa hon of cart i tjiiiksu it in nut u iln of smart hut 0 lainrwnre hiane axprsolino uro not invontod iy cul tured porionn the noxt tluio a slatiff ajprosslon comeo to ifr lips hold it back and think uf tin pioper uxprosslon for which it lu a nubatltute lxultanio whan aathrn cdmes dn not doapolr turn at om to tho liolp effoctlvo dr j 1 koiloi ku asthma llomody this wooderful reiuoily will icivo yon the bid you neod in nnroly rhoklnff cooatut breathlne l naturukand wlthot t effort otliiro thousands pf bom have aultired nn you ouftor but huvo wisely turnrd0i thtu funiuuu romody eaurd to nurfr clot n paekaeo thb very day blqojn than ypur work do a littlo titkirw than yohr work have mimi intt rests outsld th itsc- esssry onoa fjo tusk is treat enonh to bo tho measure nf a human rul concentration is a opl6ndltjiblnvbut to booin jin sbaoruad in mr limtsr- taklnjr that it boco trios your horlwo is td limit your wvwirrrttr when using x wilsons farads rti directions carefully ano c follow them fur more effective than sticuy ply catchers gcin tolunellc sold by uruiiuuitu und grocer j everywhere stratlqy littlo iy wn door and unit would ih1 ilv that wan loft i x4 willli tho mother wlllioffaco all rlslit mlndto till 1 i door children ory f0r fletchers i 6atobia nowarlc n j for absot tkrs oirffered fram nervonn preik- down and rot to weak i coal j hardly cfjpd and httdhesxt- oches ovory dy i tried 0017 taintf i could think of and was under a pbj- eieiana cars for two years a girlfriend nad used lyclla u plnlhama vef- tabls com poasa ass tha told mo about it from ths omt day i tookitllmjjsji to feel batter hd cow i km well and bl t do most any kind of wsrk i bars been rscom- tn t ctmr- pend erertdneo and rrivo yon my per- mualontorpubltah 11118 utter miss fix kkijy 7g so hth sl newark n j tha ttmson this faaoos root and herb remedy lydisij pinkhsino vepetabls cwipoumd wa o roeecosfnl m liloa kellys esss was becbqss it went to tha root of ber troablo restored ber t normal beslthy condition and as a result bar norvotianess dissnpesxed icecream wn huvo our parlor opon ovory day now and wo intend to elva ui coo 1 at rvlco ail poaslblo i co cream hulk 30c m pint les cream oricus 30c esoh candies right prices toothsome varieties debt qualities naromwiles mill street acton flour and feed store 300000 admissions bold flrot day of advanco sale conio with tho crowds to thofireut- coteiposltlcm in tho40 years hlotory of tho cln e the heroes of britain r a product loa of etous fores nnd beauty t with 1200 participants all tho colorful -psrnphf- nallm of rotnnncoond his tory jn the maklnfl in- ptrina drams tic n spsctacls ercry canadian boo id see movement life splendor a patrloticthrlll in cm pease eccnomiiy furnaces thirtythreo ears of extenatvo tar- tuufi tuonufucturlnff enables na to put into our ouuhs the best ideas and prao- tlrrs of scientific and skilled trial no- whom rlso can tlio public obtain a znaor economical or moro durable beating appliance ttio name pease la caa on every furnace that icarert our four- dry tills is your jjil 11 nfiv j hljjl no substitute xrrtt tar g tvckf rasfrllln lis klm strtet east tqiionto ostahio low on hu t4io wollkn iiupply of tho followlnff dran shorts rolled oats oat chop cracked corn corn meal toiij 100th und zoorb luetfi hplriai iivl in cijicickn fkid clvl oul-t-aitj-mfclafj-31-tktai- ulimitul holluii oath t uu hlst robert noble limited henry awrey manager help save western crop 20000 farm laborers wanted 12 to winnipeg oomrortablo tli rout b trnsxmclj berries mx xnodaratb price bpoclal arcoin uuxuuua for women osu3 ttoeluo uouto by ojf jl tixouralofi ustsa from tun auquat 22 bpocul train srtc i in i nronto unhi mtmuu at 10 p 111 for lafonnstlos a 1 hiowii v n jt ai mil at on mi0wsismmjmimm canadas victory bonds at j8i and intercut b yoar dond duo 1at oocor tiher 10jj yisldlnu b 7uv 10 yai uondi duo 1st docs ibor 10j7 yoldlnj cov iq yuar tcitujt duo 1st docs nber wsi yioldmy ui0 in 1 del u imoiiio luiu lho niont ulll lt li ujiudu ttt lull htnont imii oitwj will lo m pi 4 lit city of calgary bonds irlce 5100 uiul lntcrcat yicldint- 7 w h hamilton co douglas uhg iuclph phone lz2ff one 1 cunt litatotk ad igjiceiuur dtsplsy csvcmraeat obibiu daacmmtrsboss of voes borsd truaiaz by so crippled boot t smudsj o fscufy irf 1 coioauj rkltrtf d ubsr- wtit ovncot gotptgi pstristlctadd bow ottnts moildiukd bsod albai wbiblu u n ruand a wortd cp other special attoacti0n1 prbroof odruuajon is un changed 25 cents consult your local name refisxdlrrjl railroad faxes acton bakery m edwards co canada 1 ood ho ird mill street jo no tou acton to facilitate the handling of the products of oyr bakery and to m ulc it more conveni ent for our customer we have becured the shop next to wiles confectionery where supplies of our war bread brown bread tea biscuits cakeb buns and scones v may always he secured wedding cakes a specudty m edwards co feed ulow machinist is moving to the ncwlyarranced premises the ross bowl ing alley on main street where ho will be prepared to handle all repairs of machinery promptly andasutisfactorily motor repairs a specialty having experience with all mulcj of motors repairs will be efficiently executed vulcanizing ttiles having inbtalled a vulcanizing uutlit satisfactory repairs will bo made to outer cases is well uj liiuer tubes this depart ment is managed by mr d ross bring all your repairs here main street acton fred blow railway time tables at acton grand trunk hail no i no 3 1 nn 31 no jkj nn 37 no 32 no 31 no 3 1 filiiuluy tr ili i olnj wul t ill i c is p n toronto cuburba i i 9 17 a in 3 3 p m k 05 p in 11 03 a in 032 p 7 h a in 3 0 p in 5 ik p m 0 gil a in s 4r p m hlh li lly hilly i i j in uy ii nnlny it mi idy gomy cuit nllv i i tiintiay il i i bimisy dili i i inlu in liy only fall tiirm op n licpt 3rd jjptt yonpn g charlco gtretit turonto olvini iitrittly uj tl t ilnln for eholrn luniliu lui poiltlon rounii i nltjuii x fll il in inula demand for our jraduatcb fivo tlmoi our supply wrlfi for it uoj uu acton livery ni bus line i nollrlt with i 11 1 pfitrotuij of tl ol ii comfort ill i u i ii hpeclal itttiuitlnii l i ivlnc conviiy uu i f u i lli an i uncraue- motor cars fu i lh i whin roqulrod iciriuimun for hi rornnu suburban ilauivny bus meets all trains li e atkinson acton ontario get the genuine when you need boots shoes at an time 6r ulty from w weliams acton ontabio famous foli satisfactory footwear reasonable ikicls grafonola avoid disappointment refuse imitations only genuine columbia grafonolas and records bear thb trade mark look for it before you buy- iia cirafbnola hok saui dy c c speight h acton ont wainied for harvstin in western canada gflfortrfp wisfw tbwinnlpeg returd trip east jw from winnipeg qoino paths auguit 20 tcrr1tohv a iqiysgs is onutlo wcat ol huilfft 1alu i matl lijn tw btteek rsnbura 14r iburttjli mluwmnu mr mute i pumi tsuoau as msls uu bnuop mi it j i j august 22 ant auqut 20 vitinn ti it j o ft it hiu ii imd krtun bakt i i iniio onlmfcrwr1 u1 wtji j limuuto to uj iihiaius mutklh t3tfc owl kiuw tulua on ovra atuvl wlkirtou 1 ln w inline- loatm lttmmi calaldi a uul pent iluiwrll ikl he thtiiui kniutwt hrum 4itimu tmsnm ihi nuiu n lsoli ikiu iraim well done and quickly at only 5 cceits per ba haiutls a co ijnnuxl nockwooa ontario local agent wanted lor the old kvlikle fondiill nurserifs tim in wur rl in 11 uinh fruity erti ly i iilii null iilu utjljullu lliut ul l i nit te llm lini1 i ti i iihtul ltujt ii luuiu ji il v11ucu u tu y with swne wi lllnfvron latauhliu iuj toitonto ontaitjo tenpps i promptly seetlhec lnh jlna3i fin- our imvl xxqjrrf twajiu wbleu sul t at iicc- mauion jfcmaltiurv u unrvrrly rtyo mrhiml

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