Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 22, 1918, p. 3

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neadquaotkils for wedding animuktilday ikksents iiorcni 147 mluiiwuru krilvci j orku uiil mliontm valley cut jlmii 1 unr itlfvf wo nrry tlin muul rornitloliiijlork in town marttlagc ljccnoco 100 u cd geohynds acton ontarh news ol local import jjf artim 3tw hrrfin tiunt u wmn brief local items nil motliotllt m of ji ill 1 jlnptlii lthcr i ivlro will hi mri li ami ji tho tan tli iiual oriji of toronto haii bi mi nji acton iall talr m n g uoruf11 work hi n batantlul v ruildu to hln iph btrnl hncl in your nrwral prion f acton i all uir to day thu i m i hot li irmly for ircmi mr jolin arnow of ilurliioy mu wrltcii all well wo uro jum iilur ins to cut our win ul thnra uro majniillreiit lit itlu foujir com to bo imn on thu fun nil all dlnctlonn juut now thin y ir hnrvi htltitf opt rutlii are nearly nvi r thu atiuiuluiii rt hail bthit aafoty huiim d 1vcry ilny tin tauqua thurciliy and uonouy ut cioriotown tho younc laillfu of tin uto red cro u fjocicty hud i picnic at tho urocua oi afternoon tho tcmiioraturo on sunday won very acrccuble tho mercury m lu- tered twonty drrem lowt r than the previous sunday a now cement pavement la lielru laid in front of 8l joticph n church with a uubutunuul cement horao block at tho eld drive it is predicted that owlnn to tho ubjunco of txicrhnutn and thu ncarclty of mountain hjui btrrlcu tlila year a mild winter in uurc tho brlclt work of tho first ulory of tho now uhoo factory lu oniiljt 1 tho timberj and jolntii for thu ocoitl floor are br int pi lend mian lulu somcrvlllo of ioiidon fig with nucii acceptation thu nolo ahldo with mo in tho metluwllst church but faunuoy cvinini therell bo no wornout uleateii on tho track at acton lull fair thlu yuir qenuino attractlonu which all may en joy ox bclne provided lnntead tho herald urffca uuvgeoreotown council to do euro an adcfaato uupply of water for tho waterworks nvuten thora is niwayo u uhortaco durlnc tho dry nuramcr monuia tho influi nco of tho atton hortl cultural socloty on arton la anuront in all parts of tho town muru howuti better laveici well ktpt jrurd nn muku tho town mora attractive than over before a letter from mr it 1 jolmatonc bank a toon bauk uayu owlrik to trout and tho lack of rain in tho bprlng tho yield of craln in thlu province rill not be more- than cci of what wan ex pected thcro in a well dovelopod crop of sturdy burdocku und other noxloua weeds in tho arva between councillor uarbcrn nroporty and tho hoi cupled by a family of auntrluna they should be cut at once kocp tlio old clothes koine do tho needed sowing timuch the boys are tar away tho bills como homo if theres mill a unlnc through tho old loths nhinlnp turn tho old suit inuldo out till tlio boyu como home thco mooqlliht nlchla havri 1ccj fine for sttlni in thu harveut men from townhave usulutcd ut john ilud- dlckn itobort walaci a hirhanl browns and others aflrr thur rtfulur dayi wort wua comph ted tholr asslstajica has been valuabli v mr mrfod of thrr cktr- trlno fu i il 1tillvnr niwui bitsl in rijnl1 of tho wholi and vicinity rhanta but exhibition hallway and liotrlo road iturliuf ih n in lnjr nail ciul li aln id if ivhu lu at 11 p social and personal mrn juiilui multlk wii i vlnllliif mm hohtrt 11 iinott vlylto 1 f kn at 1 rlndalo lont woolc mr i homiui tnntilii or toi lu vjnitinu acton rwlatlrou mijuj 1 1 n urown of lor isllml frlondrt lf ull wjk mm j 1 oarfthli apd mloi thi pom ii wtk mr u i v lm liniwn hi lrmwufiopltal mijui vimnttr and mlun ida liu r vlnltlti frluulu at halllnafad mhui alvu llurd of toronto vluluxl militarv ncwo ii ii iii k m ir it ii th il iiirbm u i llihtini 1 iurontu th lltlh lliittnlhii c p liunliii pre dm it i iirln your clothe ihuroujhly llcaiiltl in mi m t try workihiji pre icd nnu ktpmritj by expert workmen wo cui make tlmt did uit look like now fry u allace ontario gulum1 wist mlnnlo wk win fr mr i dw ml twoitlulo of uitph vhul ll j hero thlu w k mri lluvld if imith und minn monn iiiyliih at mjirurouim hcach mm j i biarrow and porla and ohnlyn njo viniunir frlondu in toronto mioj irunrhi lirlcknnll of toronto hi upending a ftw days with frlondi myrtlo mi rut t fnw dayii with mm itnruo car tni hhoppard ar orimto lptxill iiiul lur vhiltlni frh i una ijcjiiio muiun lu holldnyini h hor friend mian mario mi ixiod iulincmton klbt rho mi f floworf and vo i xlilhtllon ot flowers and hi n iph unrth hy li i i i iii i i ik i xl tho ilhhonu holpod with no ono wi wllium iind mi in vu t ihlcu tho winih ultmilliu all u hd crflfib hocloty hirvcit hi r farm i und rljht utnto to mr ut north that urn haii for work on tho imo tlmi n11 his son 1 man luiu hi en in poor tit nil hi ii lulunc i tioltlnt jid uix tli of kaull ht- has bi oil jlsmlllon chlldn n hi with frln mlus iiljjilmtli wiliion mnrlo la kpendlpk a di mlui riouy mlno llello atophonoi lxdlilayimr in ijundus i tli ii paut vrook mrs i 11 wudku and hitn npendlni tho wiuk at at cathatlnou minu lorna kennedy and jark orn npondlnt a coup i of wueka with rclu- uvcu ut wlniiham mlmi llla mciniomon and 1carl col by of toronto upent tho wookond with acton riionds mr and mrs hlolby and children of nincara fulls arc spcndlnc a wook or so with friends hero mica ilelnn mcdonald is qpendlni a couple of weeks with her friend mlas alloon lavla mitchell uiv er and mrs hujh johnuton hit it i more have ixen guojiui ut tho trout ponds ihia week ir william ovonn of munt iortiit jndod tho funeral of tho mm david known on baturtlay ilu hi j u t u i h 1 in t 11 in undid in whllo in trulnlni tif t tain in th titntiin ii in i n il hllln uou of join him jtcn in h i lr 1 ti i u i irk thy i ii main i 1 rum w iivi rtnl to flu in on 1 t hruary 1 ii i wuo 1 nainiaiiu vl mi i tra i h- hi i lout a onto hoy who l arganes this frjfi klnuuti followlnj- clal truln- cotliuo ut 1 to til iloyal air i orco r ilnlni it stamford in his nun lieut downey ollllld iabl hi lit tli hlu und in miutliiuii on hlu this ippi rcd in tin u oup o of ww ku ulii w to a tr nd in toronto tiiii il ut down y w in during hi huih until vor uuddonl one day mr itu and cullod in dr trlnury to illuirni ins tho occupied tho last hunday c wilson ii vlul tins rolatlvi pulpit of jcnox churt n tho ubjonco of hov a mr mcdood u uo mons were lint topl cxpuultionu ui wcro enjoyed by tho coiierv ration a o t il employee ut otluwu whoso bump of urloully lu undul developed applied a mutch to u pool of alcohol to ulu if it would burn tin other day ho found out uud it will coat tho o 1 it und iu cuutomen jli000 to riulr thu iluimij i cjiu by tho flrw ho tliua foolinhly ulurttd days arc med for thl lo11owiuk lu tholiut of duyu uuiu i fur tho caiuidlni nutlonul lhlliltlun munda auuiiit hi wur vi tiru i u slid oim nine day r tucuduy auuut 7 hi liool t hit dnnii duy wodncsilaj auuit j wimwiu day thursday auluhi zi- hu dy lvuluy auluut 3i ji u hiy huturduy auiutt 31 1 nh lit n and coivstrvallon luy monduy ijtpumlmi iilor luy tuuitday hiiitlinlkr 3- anmrl an day vodmilay tupiiilxr 4 1 milium day thumduj lkptcmlr l muufi tunin and 1 ruimporimlon duy lylday hcplnilor i ln 1u fiutuiduy fptiuihi r liltvim uu i jillilotlc day fall fairu coming acain tho oillul oalo of tho lur to u hold in tlna vvlnty j ia1 lo w aburruylo a ton urumptou llurllncton coolisvlllo krin fjtmit t v oram mlllo oukvilln kockwood altvllh tprpato cn d uutu aftnr a thort lop it ui trouhlo wan uubstanio or xvhlrh wun hi been f will iu refcrr d to v itipn hnaton ttuk mr llert hud j4 pl l 1 uuvuh dhd in by hot imo nurmod 1 a hiiilni u vi- uo tho trouhlo that duth nf hlu plipj wli plai i npk of th forc sumlnntlon dr ii bin opinion that th aid by ikuiio foreign oliioiiuuii woi 1 sood hurley chop ho had ph matter was ulno trout agricultural wlio haii forward od ri d to four different nation gazette tho httllcmpflol chudronn bholter tho chlldn uu mioltur for tho coun- tlej of iv 1 and hultou will ho located at milton uiipitu tho citortii of nonio county iouiirlllor1 to tkiid doublo tin amount tnciiry and lilcii aumu fur proirty or nliu id to tkl the iiperly pr ooljn aiicd ut muto mrolbthin phu o at 53 cioo ha ctid ut do uud iblo tin aniomii tho pi rati pay urs will waul to know why tin ir n prison la uvtu wrv tin 1 en to upend thulr momy und thu hultori tiuc payors may 1 urlouii lo iiul out why ttu ir ro- i ri liitjnj wiro inf iinxlouii to iillvu tbli ilulbr tjiatfd out of their own oiuil oukllu hucord colobratod her clnhtleih dirthdsy mri iboninu hhaii who ikjiiovcs iihu nettled 111 ac to u boforo any otitlt hvluc niilleiit celebrated tier ou-h- ului birthday laat iiateurday mrs 1bb i o lu th juurhler of tho lato 1h im ui ovirton u ho otidtuud u bluclnmlth ii on main btruot in twmyo stnj wnn mmr lto luto 1 lid yearn m ida the und u ttlid ii 0 nrtynlne 1 m irriod the b dliul throe mm liaii hlldrun ill in enjoying mithodlih chi i floor oubntitutoi 1 n la i f iil t iu poiiii i of i dun if vl iy fl1 on o hpny w 1 i ultyn flue mm alice i lour hvu returned from nl li friends at jir their dint mluu marcarot konnody has return ed to toronto after apondtnc tle past iwo weeks at her homo hero miuuni w a storey and a j mac- kinnon aro npeudln tho weok on a trip to montreal and quobec itov and mrs moyer loft on tuesday to upend a week or no with friends at vlnoland und port dulhoualo mtui ilawthorno was at i otim i week vultins her friend mrs 1 drown in alexandria houpltal mlus 1lorcnco campbell und mru jacknon of toronto uporft ijuni with mrs collier brock htroet miss homo t ioatmu ii j htowart nun reluruod j hamilton after vlslllnir at iter mot i be wu for thrw wockj mr 1 i hurnlo teller mtrchantu luink has mtuinod from his forlnifhts holiday at hlu fathers homo ut chat ham mr and mrs ld uckucuo and buto of toronto upent a couplo of dayu last wml with hlu aunt mrs j j kcn- pr o a and mrs mcnichol and miss vnn of toronto woro cilli ni at mru colliers xlrock utrcot duxlnu he week mr charles a q matthews mlus hull und llttlo miss dufllold of tor onto woro truealu at mr jumeu mat- lliowu tills woelt mlua annlo wullaoo who haa been in tort william and windham tho tuist year la now vlsltltik friends iu tlic 1j homo here mr horry jtlcy rotumod to tor onto on baturduy after upendlnt u with it f f f dmnrliter mm holn rt crous afncu blroel mru uconro thuruton uud dauihtur of littleton k ii lu vuiltliu ul tho homu of her father mr john 1 bunuui if urdmoro creuecnt hi iipuudliii hov j c wilson ii j a wimk or uo lu toronto hit ti rnutvul of uctiuulntauiishlpj in tho hulls of knox colkt1 mluir iiuluu nit kiln who has boun li wlnulprj for imvtral monthx r turn i to ai too iut weok und lu utaylnt wltl uvr sinter mro a h drown itudnlph sti luocil flioro bop und iluy aiiww nturml on haturluj fnnt htauliy purk irln wtir th ad beon euiuiihin fur a wek or no mr and mm john inllu und the i ihroo childmn arrlvod from eultui on monday ami u vlultlni ut th homo of mr alex kell loiox avoini mr and mm thoufua sin ppurd urn mi robert churchill of toronto wi i liur on thurjday atndliu tlio fun tuil of their llttlo nelee doroth ui lulu r lllfldleltl und thu path mmjuy vl on ilutiti dollli vel la houpltal vcrtu m ut of ouu of hci i win imrforiivml u rn v a coliauan in of uisjlcr atli mro david mcke id mu4 col- td tho funeral i on t am duy ii i villjks ntll ui ud lllnhop lili 1 if uiy si or of m uiiru 11 ml kuuwn iullil in n route thre uuh oiitur nlhr wlu bud pun rltlnir th i iu iu i r ml ir 111 ii f hilllt nluitod lu th lb bo ivo mint ry ti if thbi fill i bid to mrvln after hlu ilnlijr fur urtlll ry an i dr cul and it yi l u will tuko ilulnj at lr honif vlll proliubly thu loin ny bit in itd cn aprlu luuthtor li lu ti mi 1 ni nd tho 1 unci or tho othir h nn inlllluiy n ciul nrvln who will uay wu ui not loyal to our adopted country t mru t anion was nelllo mini lb foul rdaiuhtcr of thu into tolonul allan und upout her iflrlhood dan lun her hunbind wa tho imlnunt letal toumtol john a cui who umu hl utul i acton wlui tlio lato w a mclean mr und mm oiort o wurni r und babo mru william snydor mm a colby und mr and mri cordon at klnimn und dorothy of toronto huvo ixui i impluj in teutn on tho shorn of corporation pond durln tho woulc und eujoylnir tli iiuiuhu immensely mr and mrs pltilip tirillltlts and two ehlllron of detroit mich who uru on u molorliik trip throuih canada and new york blati vliitcd ut mr ilonry llauura on monday und tuea- duy mr tirlilltlu lu u nutlvo of mount i oreat but inovi 1 to tho mnltuj stuttit lit ivy pink tafttm 10 up wide rcjuliir 2 00 lor sljio a yard white bilk 10 iiii wide regular si 50 for 5100 yard white chine o silk wuu regular si 7s at 135- tafffta kibbon 1 m wide lic yard 8 ing wide 25c yard f l staricman mux struet acton the georgetown high school mlitrl ulitli w n r clp j a upe if mithnmaticti mi alborti mcn if modornu anil 3io m no mabnl hov tiifunrcinl wort ii u a to b o a- ten mint in art 0 opcclabl cdriaamkohivfar ttoromto ca4ad4 fish fish a wonderful bea food campaign a good investment ordering your fall suit now sec our fienuine pure woo guaranteed cloth in navy blue aijo taney suiting in brown fancy checks uud tripes all wool juarjiilccd eolorb blade to your order step in and see our valued re nelson phono io next pot olfica guelph 1 i provln u jh rwmo of tho m tin ni urn uiilu think that ii ull u t ol t ur 1 rful miliimlu aim that from tho ti jrl lui tlnm i ln i liitoduti 1 and ii ird to ni not cod tho advortiso lho i orimto taperf7 i know that lust weuk for itinr mui kcrol wnro no id than i huvo oold in any i of my buiilncua here cam pair n mi ntn of my cun- ir tliey worn ui e mackerel mar ro n train o and won- of unother planet rythlnt tlmt comes ally the thoy oil moment l traimifrtilt vjio went unfamiliar not no to day f them n con sult uio doll- mlllloi i inn d in oiuurlo it hi th t cnio way i ou iy h hca 1 lull why do i harp on this bea fish nturr you ask imply twcamui it lu the only uv nun thnru is to out down tho hljli rout of llvtni and save beef mid pork which our allies need at thu front and ulao for tho incrcanoil tim 1 ikuu fluherieii am dctdoied i tho limit of production tholr 1 ill uclibi prurtlrully sold b- riii it li i ik n fruni tho water but if ontario will cuuuumo 100 000 000 nioro su i lib than ut present thtiy cm iwi provided all i n ill soa 1 lah quoted now iirjivn in nfrlrorwtor cars by ox- pr ii ut toronto and my order la i xiin md ut ouo to acton ho ir in uiwayu frcjih and no in huddlb lb 20o lake fish very scarce union i rout it 22o hit 1 1 ill tlf it urrlvj ib 22a ihnon i rout st aks lb 25c rt ilt iltrrlnc if thoy uxtivo at mark t yrlco s j stauffek fish food bpeciallst catudj 1ood board liconas ni 3 10435 phonl 40 acton ont the farmerbanker alliance ui is deli isful harvesters urgently needed in western canada t to thu poj lift rtn itloii ul i lu llttti vby i i iliit loyal t aluo to liarveat lu u lealul utltlod i k and wutu lo bu n il afcuiil vou go to your lawyer for leffal advica to tho doctor for modica advico why not to the merchants bank for financial advice if you want u loan to buy cnttlo hogs or equipment if you want information us to l lotho5owho make a huaineaa of financial matters and are in a poaition to pivo you uound and impartial advfee head office montreal acton branch giorgctown branch of canada esublisliod iao4- i b shorizy manacer c- v giiandy manager one bar ira every five free theres economy hie wgger conifort soap bar gives you more soap for tlio monoy than ever boforo tho weight has been increased because as you know there are no premiums with the bigger bars wrapper hewj la a real chance to save in housekeeping expenses comfort if yoo really want moi good soap for your money youll jiuit firmly ask your grocer for tho bigger comfort bar ho can upply you if you aro utill fiuttimj tho former amador comfort soap keep on oaring tho vrrapperu they aro still good for premiums 1 it ijiit alwuy the price you jmy that dctcrtiiinfi real value boniltimtj xeevivi price ufc iiskcd for inferior eiihty mcrcliuiidit nouwni ircre at macdonalds ui over priced lor inituncc if you spend soc herb for an urticlc you cail feci luto that you huvo rcecivcd uu article whoc real vuluc u 50c you have our own uvurance tor thi- and proot positive will reveal itseir upon careful inspection of our mer chflndiso c thcrc never was a tunc when any one could really afford to pay more for an article than it was worth but now in thcm strenuous days of war it i trebly important that you receive 100 per cent value for every cent expended at macdonalds you always find dependable qualities at prices that give you exactly what you are entitled tlin annual august cleanup which will continue throughout the bal ance of this month offers unusual bar- gam valuer moro than 100 percent for your money on this- special clear ing occasion new autumn garments arc being marshalled now for the fall showings autumn suits and coats form the van guard of these early come assemblies a little shopping expedition to macdonalds it will always prove interesting and profitable d e macdonald bros ltd guelphs leading and largest store wyridham mncdonnel and caiden streets guelph onl j- spring lammm every saturday at pattersons meat markejt highest cash price for butter and eggs the pastures are dryinc up and cattle arc betting cucap wc are now selling btcf at the following prices choice hid roasts lb choice shoulder roasts threshing roasts lb boiling beer lb round steak lb siloinstegklb sausage lb smoked rolls lb smoked hams lb 20c 20c 20c 18c 30c 3jft 20c 35c 35c to 40c nlvv potatoes at 35c per peck choicc butter always on hand our slor cloe t 730 p m monday tuesday and thursday n patterson main street acton ont 20000 farm laborers wanted 12 to winnipeg at tr mil bvrood 2 mr mil lu wtaoip pfeu lix cvxrof ore bin imugli tttvlw laindi bcrwlctt t moderate urtoca bpoi ll at inieiinjlloa lur wanieu mjul m uexuia uuuui uj ixujs ciirili 0ta rwi aetuit au jj an 2u u i uf rlu miit willi jlui i tulu fl ill luiuutei ill uu tin w lururumtluu a 1 lliuwu n k aiii a ion lul in or wrltunarsl lmjsaruer ihjil klti rt e tore at tw huwlir m katl wh lj ndi an1nqrth ernsriiwmi e a j haasaiiu j vw tomorrow feel right get a as box acton okt

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