Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 15, 1918, p. 2

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nirtha marrlacn and deatha are now charcm tnr at the following rtitra dlrthn scl marrisen 60c- lkcathti cor memorial conu t0c 10a per lino extra for imimiu married hann haui in methodist church milton on futurday 10th august 1018 by ho v i m moyor acton usulsted by hov alpheun ix mar shall j a muton capl ltov qlomn w ifann m a chaplain petrrwawn camp to hunan m liar iluuctitor of il j ham hilton ciiititiciintninuiiy a the homo of1 tho hrliln i imciiu kdcn mllbc on- mfiikllfc cgj august 1s1b by aeorrjr stephenson ii a- i- rer katharine anna tho younifent daughter of amnxlah klnabury to corp udcr 1 crint only can of j i crlat uprlaaileia ohio dieo cahrolj- at hla homo 116 uocarlli ave nun toronto on haturdajr 3rd august 1018 ilobert carroll former ty or acwn iroougiali at hlo residence or rredorick htroet acton on thuru lay ausuot 5th hub jome c mo itocall acod c7 youv wnliamion at tho goncr1 iloo- pita guelph on tuesday asst 13 1818 kuia mann wife of david williamson in her 7gth year wibwclb- at the residence of her dauehtcr mm thonun matthews qufllph on saturday august to 101 s laclnda wurwcll wtfn of tho lato henry wrwcll in her tilth year 3lj artan 3tw tytzas thursday august 16 11b editorial notes canadas war bread la matlo from 90 per cent wheat flour and 10 per cml iiuhatltutfa this maltea tho loaf a utuo darker but it la just oa palat able on ever if properly made and just on nutritious tho canada food board warned bakers not to use oru nclo moana of whitening war bread a oupply of substitutes for wheat flour in canada la twins rapidly augmented tbo rood administration haa been advlaod that dearly 200 000 000 bushcla of wheat aro stored in a ub trail p de tails of tho guaranties aurroundjiig tho 101813 wheat iiarvcst in that country crc olao transmitted tho australian government haa guarnntocd cbjnty- thrco cents per buhcl and to tbia tho commonwealth haa added twelve cents making the prtco for wheat there nlnctyilvo centn per buahel to tho consumer actons rate is again 30 mills dy caraiul oversiaht of controllable expenditure council i ablo to strike th oamo rat as last year thio include- patriotic and war tax council tiiwt in regular ncaalon on lm ovfilni with councillor lcen- woodh til ilarberand henderson and ilocvo hyi di present tho dixit nth icjort of tho rinanro cornmlttto rccommonded payment of tlie following accoituui hi duo account tho moliii- y llectric co for tranaformtr 20 00 canadian itnieuton larap co 27 30 17 30 ol nmtal account ja-t- llfimloruou treetn walkn 23 12 jon unlnroon ilro and uyhu- is 00 jos honiltidon iarlc 15 00 thcro are several flrnt clans abort utorlea by can ail ton writers la tho canadian mafoalno for aucual the lllustratlons by uary ejipop aro un usually cood roopo by wullarn iiuco inbkc la a mo vine aketch of the troop train delayed for a few hours at a junction point in new eruiuwiclt- thero am also personal and travel alcctchca historical artlclca and a cliapter of sir jokn wllllsons onter- tolnlnt reml n lace noea it la credltablo to acton alunlolpal council that the tax rata for tbo year is kept down to thirty mills in tho face of increased coat of all labor and material necessary increaao for main tenance of tho public and tbo libjh schools tho increaao in the county rate it will bo smnted by oil that the council iwuj endeavored to be- econo mical in lta expenditures this year other towns in tho county and else where in tho province will have con- eldorahty increased rates tjho caln in national cciency la so great us a reault of tho war- time liquor rrstrlctlons that it la certain great britain never ulll return to pre war conditions in thla regard nccordlnb to a statement made to the ajtamjated ircaa by boron daberuon chnlrman of ho control board of control which haa to deal with tho drtnk problem ilsron dabernon said tho rocuui- tlona 11ml tine the hours of sale pro viding for tho dluutwn of aplrils and tccr and forbidding treating havo ra- nultcd tu remurkabla docrcaoo in drunkennum and tho diseases incid ental to drinking comdutoory medical and dental in- upoctlon in tho scltools of tho province is being considered by tbo department of 11 il r hon pr cndv mlnlalac of hducatlon announced at ouelph lout wek tp a joint meeting of rural leaders and public school inspectors and teachers attending a summer couroo at the ontario agricultural cvllen officials of the de are making an investigation and pr cody intimated that ho ho pea that tho mutter would bo dealt with apecdlty ho said ho was convinced that tho ojotem whun introduced in this i-ro- vlnco must bo compulsory and unl vcraul tho council or tho little village of lrln la setting an exomplo in tho mutter of prohibiting motor spoodlng oti tho streets which acton and other larger places might well emulate the last isauo of tho local paper con tain od tho following advertisement auto bpcodlng nollcoall parties spoedlng autoa though tho- village of irln at a fusier rate than 1g miles an hour will be prosecuud according to law liy onlttr of council w wilson con utuhlo a jiutnber of motor driven who uso our streets appear tu bo on tlrvly oblivious o the uruvlslons of the motor vehlclea act llxceaai mvcody no rwax ughta at night parking on wrong sldo of tho otroet and other violations aro to bo opaorvod dally sg2 13 tho itlmatu ot receipts and cx- lrjnilltmt3 for tl o year wero nubtnlt- ted an follows hcceipts hydro services of municipal oincer s2c0 00 hydro debentures oltl 422 00 hydro ieboiituron new car oo hydro jinking fund 1017 202 00 140 00 hireptn and walka co 00 comotery iota and dlcglng of 300 00 payment cement walks 100 293 00 iayment cement wallto fj0 295 00 payment cement walks 1317 70 00 beordmoro co annual pay- mont church btrct oet 00 fw tny 1 1c0 00 i11 fnr 300 00 town hall rents r 1110 00 ly 101 00 mbccllanmjua receipts 10 00 ilato of 30 mills on assessment n j f 7010 00 i 0scs 00 payments debcntureu and coupons s8g7 00 sinking iuntl 1204 00 county rato 4 tea oo vrlrr ht 11c0 00 public school maintenance 01 to oo streota and walks coo 00 krco library 282 00 rlro and light expenses 400 00 town hall repaira and mointcmuieo 200 00 thiihitm 20 00 printing and advertising 230 00 interest on bank advances 250 00 hi invito 140s 00 street huhung 11 g4 00 300 00 i20ccg 00 a bylaw wan passed making tho rata for tbo year 30 mills payable in two instalments september 14 and november 0 five per cent additional will bo charged if not paid fourteen days after theso dates tho clork was instructed to proparo tax notices and havo them ocnt to tho ratopaycra in compunnco with tho ni- oesament act tho matter of the violation of tho provlsionu or tho motor vehlclea act was discus ted it was decided that itn provisions bo enforced tho council also decided to erect a dangor signal at tho intersection of main and mill streets and reaulro all vehicles to mako a full turn and keep to tho rjght sldo of tho ntroet when rounding this corner it was polntod out that unless thui action wan taken an accident was sure to result doctrlclan wilson requested an in creaao in aaiary tho council wits wall aatisflod with mr wilsons ser vices anil decided that hla salary bo increased to 0c per month 777145 foe acton schools the board of education pmaha estimates for tho year tho board of education hod tho im portant matter of tho passtos of tho estimates of receipts nnd expenditures for tho year for consideration at tho meeting on monday evening tho in- crcaso in tho cost of fuel over 20q and tho inert noo bt teachers salaries about 3400 necessitated an increaao of j600 lnum amount required to be raised by taxation if a ninth teac la found to bo necessary when tho school roopeno next month a further sum will bo required tho board tret at 8 oclock mem bers present pv mcphenjon chair man robert scott c c- speight and d c buasoll tho clghuf report ot tho committee oo elnajmo itoaaod tho following ac counts c c speight paint eta 115 c5 james syrain oil etc 2 3 stationery war tax poatage etc 3 36 imo- tho estimated of receipts and ex penditures for tho year wore prepared and confirmed as follows itccripta ijcglslativo oront-coutlnua- tin uchgol tb county orant continuation school c2s 00 legislative grant tho public school 200 00 continuation school fees 225 00 non reside ot foca lleard- moro co 140 4 to bo raised by taxation aico 00 obituary matt1ilw klnnv matthew ktniijl dld un ivitlay at bin lifmo tit tendon in bin bint year ho had a prolur ntroko atoiit nl wcekii ago ho was u tunticr and lhrd anil worked hero f r u number of ycani ho removed to iyondrm thlr loen yearn biro and lived thcro with hli son william mni kenny died in milton mr kenny n body tvoii brought to milton on saturday to tho homo or bin non david from which tho funeral took placo to evergreen cemottry on sunday afternoon itev alphctii ix marshall ii a conducted tho aervlce two nous samuel and joinph runl overseas with tho 164th battalion another ttioman uvea at cllovcmvuic n y milton champion iloiluitt cakkoll ilobert carroll oon of tho lato wil liam carroll for many y iro a resi dent of acton died at bin home in toronto on tho 3rd inst tho funeral took plaoo to norwood coinotory on tlia following tuesday mr carroll had boon 111 for nearly 11 o montln with heart trouble and wui a ureal nufterer hut ho alwayn liad hopes of hotting woll up to about a weelt booro lio died tlo was very anxious to live until harry their oldest boy got homo tram tho war ho has been in pranco throe yearn in novombbr and in only twentytwo now their rtecond boy lins to report on tho iblh of t us month mm carroll will bo left uh their daughter nnd younjrett boy f nlxtoen much nitn wuiy will u t for tho bereaved family by their numerous acton frlondj james c mrdouoali after weeks of buffering james c mcdougall ed crick street entered into rett but thursday 8th innt- early in may ho underwent operations for ulcer in tho stomach and appendicitis tho altocla to tho iiyotcm was mora than it could onduro and at tho end of thirteen weeks ho pasned away mr mcdougal was tho second son of our venorablo follow cltixon mr hugh mcdougall rredcriok htrect ho was born in caiedon flftysovon years ago and camo with h parents to acton when o young ifaan of twentytwo ho was a carpenter by trad o four years ago in december ho married margaret moore of allut who survives htm they had a luvppy homo and tho nyin- pathy of tho oommunlty is with mm mcdougall au well as tho agod par ents whooo home tics liao been fre quently novered in lato years twenty- one ycani ago their oldest daughter mjn donald mann pasucd awoyi nix years ago tho oldest son john died at seattle wash five yearn ago their daughter mrs arthur narrow port hope ulod four years ago their oon malcolm dropped dead at his own door and a year ago lout juno tho youngest daughter nelllo passed away deceased was a member of knox church and of tho chosen friends tho funeral on saturday afternoon was largely attended it was conducted by ttov j c wilson b a assisted by hov il e jonea neighborhood news- town and country i turn of intareat from various local tioa covered by tho fr press rockwood tho school tax en for tho township of eramoaa this year amount to x3 coo joseph w armstrong wau paid jit lout week by tho township council for a lamb killed by dogs the township council has rm sensed this village for 700 for tho work undertaken by tbo commlusloncru this year tho rail fait is being well organlx cd secretary gibbons la hustling over tho territory covered these days to get tho prize list and apociala in shape milton tho total of 11239 40 was collected in tho recent campaign for i ted cross funds farmera report a huge crop of oprlnir wheat in halton with a largo yield of other produce tho factory of tho mil ton shoo co limited closed on monday for its an nual vacation of two wekn mr and mm e wilkinson loft oi saturday for pino plains n y where they will spend a couple of weeks landlord kennedy of tho commer cial hotel is having his house ro- paliitod and other uo improved tho ited cross packed and uhlppod hut monday 90 pairs socks 48 grcj shirts 72 bmtcrclolh handkerchiefs ci huckaback owlis i personal property bags 30 stretcher cap and 22 nets of pyjamas on wednojduy w il clement a little son bradford seven ycaru of nge had his left leg broken between tho km t the ankle at kcwlck where his dudlin mhui ethel sprowl who was no seri ously injured i t week in urn dually rccuvt ring durlnr thn ecirlc ntonn lnnt thurri- lai a holt of llittnlntr struck rlono t tlm duolllnf of mr james m sai r on thn we it sldo of tlio iidujio an in- dnntluit wiu iiiudn in tho nod nrd thn niutl and erth rrw nplutujrrd over tlm roor on the opposlto sldo tho rlqrirto oul 1 ran down tlio cuvo and watrrpjp npll itcrlnc tho coniloc it then run along tho wire fonto toward tho outbulldlnru and iipllntcred tho enco totu in its courjo fortunately t o lierlous dnmsre wnn done a homo gruxlng ubout forty rods away wan occn to rise during tho utorm but if knocked down by tho llshtnlug ho nuu- talncd no injury oakvillc iho odltor of tho itecortl visited hlq mother at wtuuhatn for a couple of duys during tho pent week lloyd anderaon g t it operator hnd two lhnrn in ills wrist broken from tho hack kick of on auto crank mum ircno humble or toronto au thor of that popular war none were from canada lias boon holidaying with ber friend mlns mabel mckio during uio past week tho big two mauled ochoonor wove crest tho training ship tor boys who will later go to nea oh h m warships wt in uio oakvlllo harbor on sundai in tho evening tho boya numbering v r forty along with their ohlccru uttuiidcd knox churcli civic holldayruassed quietly in oak- vllle savp for tlio incessant hum und arrerch of tho automobile ono would think nil tho cam of overy imaginable make shape and slxo wero brought into rcqulnltlon lakenldo park was a tiuay placo scores or people brouglit tlielr tunchen with them and enjoyed a couple of bourn at this beautiful spot oakvlllo u prldo ilccord qeorqetown dr clin a being away for a holiday union ncrvlcca ore being held last sunday morning scrvlco was hold in the methodist church nnd in tho oven- ing in tho liaptuit church mrs il u hendernon in spending a couplo or weokn at windsor ur joseph mcandrow left tills morning for a visit to detroit mr and mm george mclean of vancouver h c aro visiting in town hov it f cameron and oon iuso ore upending a few days in toronto this woflk mr cameron will go to hnm- uols next wcuk for a visit to his old homo town v mr 3 wnltcra stable an king btreot- was destroyed by flro on satur day- tho house ignited but tho ore brigade extinguished tho flro there in order to conserve tho water sup ply during tho dry weather all water users aro forbidden to sprlnklo lawns otrectu- or gardens from the town sys tem a fow stalk of oatn from j a wll- laughbyu farm at limehouao mcauuro clfc foot tho womens patriotlo l oguo cleared s80 ie and tho m m m club 83 10 at their drummers hnuck bootlia herald mother cllllt wenr ho fell from a tree into which ho had climbed champion in tt po eilbla for groups of people in many of our cities towns und oven vllluguj to undertake somo form of cumpanyfarmtngt this gouitlon hi be lug asked in u circular letter just issued by tho orgaulxatlou of beoour- ca conunlttoo of ontario tho idea is to enlarge tho activities from com munity gardening schenfos to grain production on farm lands clroujui of business men and others in urban centres are urged to organlss nov in ordur to take over good vacant land in tho neighborhood and get u ready firculllvatjou uo that ii nuiy producu a luls crop companyfarming opr- utlous are now being curried out with a great deal of ouicosa at st cuthar- liimt barilla windsor owen hountl weston u 6iiwu cltixens or every town are nk1 to get togelliur and tlk it ovor 7771 4s ux icn dit ui1es sahirica fo- 1d1s jo 70 00 puel coal wood sawdust 725 00 building and r pairs 100 00 maps up poru i ua und library books 135 00 supplies 80 00 contingencies 71 45 7m 46 tho board then adjourned tlio proclamation to be found in lost issue roller lh dtuurtera and uuacntecu under tlio military service act from liability to punishment if they report for duty by august 24 it is supposed that many men who failed to report because of lack of a proper under standing of tlio act will bo glad to do no now it is believed tills proclama tion will bring tu tho colors many men whom it would bo djmcult to uthcrwlsu roach men who are still classed as deserters an4abjicjitctl pfter august 24 will howover tho proclamation states bo pursued and punished with all tho ror mid no verity of the law hubjcct to tli judgments of caurto martial which will bo convened to u such canes and other competent til- bunals tho procuuuutlon provides that those who employ luirbor con ceal or assist such njen will be held fltrfctly icoouituble as offendem and subject to tq pains pentltlus ord for- felturo- in that behalf to luw provided for tholr offense 30q0 people cai be scalcd in the great chautauqua unt at georgetown auguqt 2g26 sw wef program in another column crewson8 cornera wltd raapberryrplckinglseboul ovw for this year miss lioaslo kingsbury vlultcd wiui friends in arkull this week mr and mm muyu und ml n lucas of milton visited st mr m crowaon a mr a kingsbury licn mills spent uio woekond at tha homo of his son here messrs lex and darwin cripptt wore homo from ingorooll ovor tho week and mlnjilo jeun i ulul and clara grlsves arkoll visited ut mr c j kingsburys lant wook c w lumburt in c reliant la now giving his whole onto to his ntnre ho lu rushing out bludoa twlim thui days in largo quantities the severo electrical utorm ncrom- punhmi by a heavy downpour of rain whlclf loosed over hero last thursday pluyod huvoo with fruit and other trwea home wore blown duwn and others struck by lightning and great brunches hurled about mr jniiuu jim bio met with u urlnus ions whun three young cattto which wore irajun in a field wpre struck and killed by tho lightning i limchou0c miss e i vena of toronto opmt a day or two with her sister mrs j n newton mrs woods and duught r of to ronto uro vlfclutik ut mrs ilolcrc doughty de uiujsay and jir pa rkcr of ouelph visitors at liu old homo- stead over hunduy mrs j irwin und daughter of hamilton mxnt a day or two last week with her slater mrs meredith miss mclhce of owm hound has returned homo ufur spending a work very pious autty ut mr wm newton a mr john m murnhull of north buy njwsnt sunday and mondny with hij parents mr and mrs it s muroliall mrs 1 iiwooii uutlph returned homo last night uftt r o ponding th week end very pleasantly nt tho honitt of j ic brown misses olive und ldneiin marshall lsi master italpjt iiitmhull urc ipend- ng a week m two wltji mr john m marshall at north luy tho rein or hist thursday woo very wtolcurae although thn thunder und ufhtnlng werrluua uevvrfi no duiiiuo was don in tllo vicinity naosaqaweya tho wedding of miss katharine anna kingsbury daughter of amax iah kingsbury of fcden mills formerly of tho ouelph ituud to corp edgar l rlut or tho canadian expeditionary 1 orcct ut london ont was a hanpy ovcnl corp crist is an american young man who saw service in tho united btaics army but recently en listed in tho canadian rorces hov geo i stephenson b a- performed tho ceremony mr and mrs frank mayors and children ot toronto spent a day or two this week with friends hero a severe electrical storm passed over this section on thursday afternoon tho wind und rain foiled oamo of tho grain crops pretty badly tho ughtn ing struck several trees and a barn on mr nightingale- farm but np serious damage was dono sacramental services will be held in uio cbcncxer churcli next sunday ltov mr stcplicnon will om elate bev donlol walker of toronto preached in tlio lbenexer church last sunday lu the interest of the belgian refugee itollcf lund ills sermon was greatly enjoyed tho annual gnrdon party of tho ladles aid society of tho ebenexer churcli will be held on tho church lawn un vcdneaday august 28 good programme is being provided mrs hurry couuton und family of muton are vlaltlnb relatives in noa sa ga v oya dirrj- bpeysioe tho annual picnic of upoysldo sun day school was hold in mr lphrulm moore a grovo on frldny august 2 and proved a most cnjoyablo cut tho workuni or jjio school wero nrty u slstcd by rev mr itoso of uoitv il church in giving uin scholars a r n fltmml til line huudrci- tir present tho lint of prlxo winners was us follows baces girls under 0 years jean 1 too eve a r i lora hayiru margaret waldle bos uudcr a y eura frank ltobln on frddio monte i th girls 6 to 3 years lenu wallace uary mlcliu i lora sayura boys 0 to 8 ytaro jinimlo bayers mvlvln jw lvank itoblnson girls h to 10 ycaru martha busier turn wulluce icarl luster hoys 8 to 10 years wllilo chlldcr ocorgo wallace douglas hobtnou girls 10 to 13 years mildred mac ilitreon dulsle tolman winnie tol- man ilojii lo to 13 yearn wllilo child- cro charlie sinclair 1 rcddlo kmwurt girls 13 to 15 years ml hind mac 1 horuon duuilu tolmuu winnie tol- lloyu 13 to 15 yearn freddie stew art james roliunn charlie hluclutr over 15 yaro itenu joe nora wln- lold winnie roluuui jack turner hoys sack race juroai tolman willie cluldcrn jumcn mills tllilu siek race dulslu lohiiau mlldrd mat lharsoti itoyu tliruo h uud itao juiucs mills uid juincs iuliuuii claiunru mc arthur und i uohliiion jack wumld and albert ulniitoiio boys biscuit iluco jack turner juck waldle fred stowurt potato lta co wlnnlo tounan dul- nio tounan m mucphernon boys ioiato ujco lien wallace albert livings tuna douglas kohlpuon slbarrow race james tolman nnes mills ben wallace and wllllu ciiudcrn jack waldla und al- licrt uviugutoua lcdlu luno jumcs mills und m riierxon willlnntin niriliur and 1 loniira allmi jiihicu tolman and uululo tolman girls boot raco duulo tolman m mui phoisoii j sayora boys boot ltace joins- tolman wrlllimton uuidnur jaok waldle ill k a back ltiice jack allnrt ltvlngstoite wutlo ben wallace james mills itiuu tolnuiu tug of war won by lrln women a kuco mrs ituuacaic rn huttn jtmirltt llumpahlia girls mlucutt ltau1ulnlu vmuu mildred m ilitmun winnie lolnuin girls ttneo iuku d itni c mildred mucphuruoir und uulnlo 1 olrnun 1 la mills and jean iuyrtn wit lite tolmni and marlhu j outi r waldle hllduru at the big sto s specials re shrewd buyers are looliinjr ahead the wise onei arciayinjr up for nrrainy day ecry day wc get new price llflta on different lines all liowlmr an advance in prices the following have fevanccd 25 during the paflt ten days dreci goodi in silkfl and wools prints nnd ginsnams towcllingh table damasks shirtings cottnnades ilanelettea in white and colored have advanced 50 wc are doing the bent we can by buyinjr early to give our customers tho lowest possible price look thia llt over it will pay you- bladc duchess sulc special at 275 yd linen table napkini special at 50c ca blaclj pailette silk special ot 200 yd silk poplins inblock nnd colored a special at s1g5 yd cream serge dresa cooda special at 2z5yd serge drew goods in navy gray gar net green and tirown special at 225 and 52- yd a 35c ladlcs black lisle uose for 29c we have in stock 10 do hose in sizes 82 9 wi and 10 this stocking was bought to sell at 35c and is good value for the money this lot of 10 doz to clear at 29c a 25c bleached longcloui for 20e yard thi3 longcloth is great value today at 25c but better still at 20c 13 free from dressing 35 ins wide only five pieces in stock to clear at 20e yd ends of table damask at reduced pricessave your good linen cloths by buying one or two of these ends they come in good lengths 2 and 7i yds the 2 yds for 90c and 125 vh yds for 5113 and 155 all linen crash tondling special at 30c yd ah over aprons m jjood quality print special at 75c ea large hizo bed spreads al 5350 and 4 125 white voile waists for 98e only two dozen in tin lot of white voile waist sizes 3b mi 40 and 42 good value at 125 for 9hc girls gingham drewics we are shov ing a large range of gingham dresses cxtra good valuo at 48c to 250 house dresses one piece house dress es made of good quality prints gingham3 and percale- in stripe- and checks sizc3 30 to 44 spixinl at sl25 200 and 2j0- extra good value in flanelettee in some linesof flanclettc the prices are 50 higher than wc arc asking to day and hard to get at any price we advise you to look ahead and lay in a few yards wc are showing at 25c a wide width of flancl ettc in pink blucjtnd ray stripes worth today 30c yd wholeale special for 25c store closcs on wednesday at 12 30 noon conway mclean odxl street we sell for cash we sell for less acton help needed for western harvest when travelling to western harvcit field 1 go by canadian northern rail way und give loyal support to tho people u lino purchaso through tickets and ask for routing vlu grand trunk t to ronto thenro cunudlan northern information of valua to harvest hand 1 is glvt n in u leaflet entitled harvustors work and wu gci to be had from any c n it agent 73 osprinoe tho splendid bunk burn ot mrs nell meltuii lot lu firm line 1rln was destroyed by iru on tuosduy night tho family were uwskenod about 11 o clock by tho reflection of tho ore tho seas on a crop of hay u quantity of barley four horuc u calf and u nnv bugy wore burned tho origin of tho llro bt unknui it did not break out until ubout two houni after tho thunderstorm draw on your customers through tho merchants bonk with branches in all party of cajuuio- and corres pondents abroad this bonk is in a position to present drafts promptly havo them accepted and collect payment with tho least possible trouble and cost to you the manager will bo ffhui to tokaup this matter with you th mcrchants bank hmdomcalmontrttd of canada established is 04 acton branch georgetown branch i b shorey manuccr c w grandy mmbr maf wa j ivl ph j bigger bar bigger seller the bigger comfort bar means more soap for the money than ever before think of that in wartime the quality is the same tho kind that gives comfort the largest sale in canada comfort soap ak for the bifgr bat your grocer can caiwlyiupply you no premiums with tho wrappers in wartime if you aro still gotting tho omallcr bar howover itn wrapper la still good for premiums j u9 cbnrorf soap and gtt a brighter cloancr easier uxuh pugsley dingman co limited toronto card of thanks a word of npprt elation u duo u master lalcd mcdonald t th i titntpt aid ho i nve to our huh i uthurlno la it wcdneiilny while w n i nil in in corporation iii i h imit her balance nrd ft ii m h i fi into th water two or lhr tin i mil cuuld not reiralii ntundln iilti n iird raw nh wan in troiihln iu 1 already badly rriihln 1 11 ti i wil into tltr water- an l renruf d in nli rumpt and proper action un tin r with for- icotfulnesa of hln own t imv iiioki aro true uimi of pr i nt ut mind and heroism slut n li thuuu you hnlrd iu3v and mh i it 1 jojls jlct us all motor tu chautau qua at georgetown- many farm laborers wanted for harvesting in western canada gelng trip west 51f to winnipeg betara trip east 18 from w1nn1pe6 qoinq datks tkrritorv ifiwa uuoo la oaurla wrt f sialtk pua la ad ifhhpj toraato oa lu otuito ubora uam ml luvockruttor lto fimn m lunahob u ktm juactlq tadw ft i tek i o totou iostmlburr dlract lias rim buiu- eo ult he mru bnuua k1 muo1 nil mks um bmll to twit bkhwlm rma iuq- nl- toiwt ucntroll so bufh a us- at 30 i and tuuo- in oitto wrm ud tiosta utocau oi inclus iimjum s4 wliuof one tu- oag bsuawlkcitiw tnur wubs juo- lumvo oodcrfca u klwr aliguit 32 w augult 20 lyj ttlo toionio sod nocu to uolua issi new advcrtirunuls llic methodist church rev i m moyth tattor parsooouo vyillow gl 0unday august iu ii a in un i inl il u i if a ilaio j 230 p m iutulll i t linol 1 p mtim li t m itunity coildial wii om1 io l 1toiu1 at all i kill i for 3alc i1y phivatl iuliim ttt- rlajtno rurtr it i houaii itrock aveiuif t li i tri i lh lit i li ml toft watrr 1 ir irtl lilui ui ply c4 jl hi mi vii 111 ii nd machiniqt5 wantld miilimuui win 11 lltty iw ntn the hour with hljlr iwjl l mom com pcttut n n modi rn h i iikuutui apply muuuiiiii i mltij nt taylor 1 oltuli o i lmlli 0 2 in iph pntado fine town phoplhty poit i ll that wollbullt tv o i i 1 rlllmuu on purk avenue ui i tun 1 it i there lu a utablc hard ui il mift water fruit trees anil i ood ar will noil tho who i i il rli or liuuno and ono lot an 1 t v lilt 1 1 imp- aratoly 1 or i i i i 1 rtu ulars apply on tho ntumi to i 1 vi tliti carld of thankd mm jamci f mf irmii tl up rvel otcfl v ry murli th i rent iflnttiniia shown by thr i hoi rn i iiml nl tlu nclchbors und frkmh dntlii tlio ill noui and at tht rum 1 ut h r into beloved hudjnml til tl- llerul iri- hutcit sent by th i n 1 1 1 ml mr and mn hubert munn l und in bandy mann mi unl mm aiieti maaon and mr und mm w ol u the constant call for well trained stenoiraphera and office qjtilatanti promj li u i to con tlnue our work throui h tin summer rnontlia kntcr any tlm shaw u bualncni srhools turonto lroo catajosuc w h 8haw pres roy hindlley auctioneer baki rondwrt il u v h n in ontario inrm htock ueul i- tat und merchandise bind er e good mock on haul can supply farmem uny tlm of uio day prices right well amortid stock of groooo c w lambert crnwtam comoro ontario wonderland j friday august 1g honor system a pox standard plctum with an ull titar cii t to lu llnw cnrfo walsh miriam t op r and gladys llrockvvell v moui mcnirrlplrrnn worth neini saturday august 17 kloltls tjr honor goldwyn ptrttir kith t m aiu tcrecn tcletni and a lillllu juiodei comeil v tuc8day august 20 a vltikruphti auu uil pi- node li of tho mm ry hlii coming tho yert f th storm country with n ma i tin djo and lho in mliuiit und ha lie chaplin r l gregory a good investment hat a th i ui h t iliilin at the guolph business collego study thin ono v n if vo n- tlmo nt jiu ut nth utnui 301j jluiuiuiltiiiuiu ul i j sluo fll ttlltuil 111 1 i i tit i xt jptu in tut 1 t j7u0 100 on it 11 i v il hiutluuul ll i n 1 i i llltl cd p itunlil r m iv m inent think i i start august lb vjiu a l ooucr pnn prop gualph onl gbandiiruhriesn harvest help excursions 1zd0 to winnipeg lliti st pir inllo tkyoiut august 20 and 20 lvom ull station t b twtui i wi out and tointo tun miituiit und pitlijruvn uutuiui nlm fiimi dutluns north of i ontitu to mil liuludlitf huntsvlllo auou5t 2 and 2d lxom tonnto und till nt tlloiirt west nd soutli theirtf in ontnrlo for fnilhni jiutlults i i 1 id nuy csuiut irunk urlui aiuit oi c u hprnltik ljidrlit ptilniumi acciit at ii a holmes agnt aoton ont phon iw9khhtr

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