wedding presents wedding rings wo tarty n catnpioto stock of bultablo wedding irocatita in fnnoyclock cut inii itogbia 11i47 bllver fancy china mnrrlug lilsiiiuhi itatiod geo hynds vot0n omtahio sky some 30 ml leu from toronto about ona hour ride in n placa tliuy cull georgetown j a wlltnughhy ronldii ho llitu nbmit 400 farnm of dlffurcsiit uhapea and ulu no fancy talk no hllo yanm ha aur liau got noma prlxo if your fnrtii inimt no good your pi ofltii getting tm jlut tnko n trip to georgetown good farm to you hell lhov she retail jfwe jlraa thursday bmittllll k 7 1010 brief local items anton fall air september joih and 3isl bonis firmer beta sown their fall wheat georgetown drutf atoras now olot at 7 30 i m llalii li much needed in preparing for fill beading don t forjjot tint tratelogua in ths to wn hall thle evening tba tamila court in town have been touch in coniinlunlon tlio paitwaab mr tidley o waterloo county la tlia new teacher at bannock bum school the merry paalu of tha school belle were roemned again on tueaday morning i aelonaali fair open to ilia world wednesday and thursday 20 ui and 2lt imls labor day weather waa vary pleamut tha day waa vary ganaraily olwervad u a holiday an inuroating letter r anton boy boouta und iliolr floout muut will appear next weak secretary hymla will supply you copy of tho prlre iltt of acton vail fair oa applloatli three rinks of aoton bowlers enjoyed very iiiuraatlng gamo at uuelpb oa tabor day mu wilton of leorystown hie uaw teacher at lome fioliool coiataeuoed liar dutlaa on tuaaduy tha bhoa factory by law willbegiveei i la arab reading af tha wasting of tlia conned next monday evsalng a matting of tha daughters of tha kuplrs will u hald in tha ruut hall next monday aftaraooti at four oclock thar waa quite a haavy fro eu sub day night in ilka vicinity of oaprlng and evartoa potato vloaj and oora wr uaakaned uauy people ara laying in unusually lerg aupplua of hooay awing to tha gaaerej scarcity of iruu il la cheap aud wholaaowa cltlaa eurally expire gralidcatud that tha proapaote for tha hmurla of a proaparoui ahos factory for ac too ara as tdoou rasing tly painting and othr iniptovmwtts ur john t eaitoo l trtutwtauj tha eppaaraoo of lib houui oo mill ru hotll db iiuriw ami tba inuw uu- tlisl uonieilli nl ktratfd lha uaw taulwr in llta idtury lurtmat of aotwi hohool tu uc lutt oil anl u aljy wins log tit lwut at kr ittlla 8k tha auaoi rolur which i j uuag uwl la tbcojuructka ot tha utf lsta roi o lha aotoa craaumd ltwwwi lha fifth aujajilb him ljj ua in acla lha r wsk uojruujng mwj- tha ui la a good tikh rovia la lktjat thir ua u c hyu lj ha an uulld hmhmb nl tj thmr bpjodlj lilh juu u thi i i- ur iituj 1 j of uta1 tlodaat uiltoa klajl lhi lha vuxm vitkmt oa llooiuy lnujj bbpua bf aial tud ooppw turklaa f lha 4 ptajr ajtallj tba ara oa wuuiu bt lhlioir tha wlhiiujlwuoj tk jujji vlaj la kta4yj bv ij tha lw utiri tektj otf lha roail uuly ita lijv- bkjit vary nouoauy lpnxsa thadhwl hibillar aotlofl oa tha koouj ila ujh- io u dlr4l u lloir ur avlmm f p a wk or w lo uukoka will a uuuu of lii ulnlura who era lujldie a thwhloj oaduraooa aad aajjylu iba ilkaka hraiaa ilia pulpit r will oojuj walhuodayty mr 1 i irtji iwlh 0a rl ruarury of tlo c a ujph u hjt u it llmi lualtu yojr fall vtlr ulwayajro u wu t us u qutit ptit u thatirtitlo iravhunt ur lortjauavlli tho olhur day by a iuiui uurmtad la uird- thatm iu woriit pakuptly rjuj tha lutdnu nil uiir dlrkclort uoik uod work totfthar un i mirk to it ttll lha fair 1 over lei ioa tall you wrw iiojog to hav tha bat fair yt thsyeax pall f o 1016 followlujc la m llat of tu fair la which ooal iadara in uikl latavud u mu- llabad by tha oaturto dajiutuaot of al cultural aotoa hico tl umuptoit 8pttmcs uurliuuton thaaliaalvlam day ckwlou 5ciahot4ti kwti oat 12 i fargua sapibftfr news op local import lost weeks tournament tlio uiinu tournamnitt hnbl laht uook itttlio llmrdtnoia court lit tlm mnrrltnl vormia altiglo double raulll in a win for llui alnula playont b tha aoora of 77 rainaa tojl more guooouful students adlltlonul hi hcbool eainlimtlon r nulla lvo twan rtiwru ilia follow hi cartldculea hav bafxl uranlwl to acton high bcltool oandldalaa by apnllttt gllva mowat art and murguarlto blovart arlhintlo for lowar roliool axamliia lion for anlranca lo normal bclioola und facultlaa of education watching for tha spocdom tha ilrlwara of nutomobllw uliould lia tnada hwara tliat mart bava itasn lutlonfrd at different polnta ulono tba toronto ifam llton highway to prvnt vxcaiutlvo ipood lif tltaa man ara inatruotad lo aba lbs psdof caraaiul wharo drivara arc found lo bo uttlug rrotbolr tiaxt trip will ba to maat tha niakiblmta oakvilla motoruu will raalua lbs naoaulty of dla oourhklng ki4illng to anaura tba aafety of motoruta genantlly hur ktwnply in favor of a shoo faotory tba hlioa i aotery by law will havs my vots and luduaaos all right ald ur tiamual lain oita of our oldatt cltlunh to uia fulu 1ukam uia otliar day i know aonietblno of tha vidua of auob a manu factory to a town loo aald tha old ganlls man wltan i waa in waurtoo a ahoa factory company thara wan given a loan by tha town and a fins factory wua built tha boalnaad did not grow vary much for two or thraa yatra but lo day it li ooa o thabuat thriving induktrlea in watarloo and i employing 100 haoda a you may tall all lha paopla i am haartily in aup port of tlis naw ihos factory for aolon briuin prpjl hext week tha groat film hrltain praparad which haacrtttad a furor throughout tha orltlah kmplra and wbioblaundarlbadlr eat patrooaga of tha king and ilia duba of cor naught and approval of tlio ilrltiab government will ha fchown at tba naw wondarlaad naiit tburaday 14th lnt willi oommandlbla antorprlaa and oonfl dano in tlia daalre ftf tha paopla of acton tba vary haat ploturaa procurnbla mr it 1 nragory baa aacurad tbla grat prodocuon tba plcturai ara blgbly ra oomwaadod by tlia military and naval autboritlaa and ara daaorilwl bj woudarful pltotographa marvalloua aa illuatrating urltalna powar on aaa and land and big with laaaona of tha daapaat import to ua and all tha world an able and fcloquetit preaohai iuv david wraii ij a paator of tha mathodlat churoh bruoaak praaclmil itara hut bunday rav ur avlaon uingln hla pulpit for annlvaraary aarvloec ltov ur wranpraachad vary abla and halpful aarmaoa hla diaoourmm war eloquant aipoaltiona and waro dollvamed witli an aftwtlvanaaa which oocriraandad tha mark ad altaotloa of tha ooogirafailou at holli aajrvle ua la a praachar of rar gift of oratory aod withal prmnta tha trutha of tlt word ef gad la a way which oouounda tha attaatloa and auatalna tha lntart of fala baarara a ualur of intaraai to aetoa roplala tha faat that rav mr wru la a napbaw of tha uta david w em who waa for uaay yaars an aataamaj yo- hiio of wiiiigawaya atuu pall rj2oth and 3ut itmllotlooa point to tha moat auoouaful fair yc od tka ffloth aad 2tat lnl ivou ail ovr tha country ara talking of thu favoflt fair kinoa tha phta lut waa ltoaj thla waak fcfcjwug tha attractlv prli4 and apaclal faitui haa ariawt tw oc utd dlrto froot prot havlll baj fwfiry hyodadowb thtoah lha aatlra lut ara aicrllog ihmusliiaa awary itoor and avary whj lhyar lo iir unoiiul tor to tha acioa fall fair of 1010 acta u 661 uy lifaiad with goj roja fnd avary qrtr i amipi aiihluuoii iark wlih uii6tory aaaocauntuttoaa aj wa havaa happr ualuj p0la alway rjy to eitaj lha guj laid to vujiora lo lha fair atidtw exd00 county bhj hrua lu d fubj is lw hi lu tjw mil ck at tviuly u nld yowiuhl o- a bhiiity tha cutaty cumuli ij tuli a w qj- tunmtto u py- piw puxu tot ft fciulu uug umi t- lulla ttjmvrwli aaj at i alrualara wr puj lo u cuiy cuibfll at ihjr tjj uai mii aj m tkii lrul u oj a uiiy kifcl lha 0lju klhbay dri iw1 imj hawi aiiaj to apjiawa ol lha puoa taj oitha wk wj bhaj tha pw paja foty par el cf iwji whki u fcfcliuj 4 u0oo to toacuo thjui tha naw uija would ta atknit wa hatlrd aij luuty mlw with a drikay tkua tmu wllaajml la ahoulaiy ft ahova waur at ih kldlaa puj a grja of thty tlva wmu ha ul i tha hlll hi ju tha fnibkaat approa uudw will la laviuj tuou camf hflhdim itamjoridureaiataapwauiigula ka 6fthimthftatuuod tha lullb fuothall turn puycjafrlod lygaua with tha iwth oa futurday ut hl to fldbjt tufadt i y is to 4 tha har vwiiug furhugha uuct bava kit ibaot out of trlu btur rvuliw may n aiwcld wavt tlaa harit 8lava ootirgo him piucil itt aiamlnauoaaut ilm p h i ucliool and bow rattba u u tpwllh uargtant corp t pwrry uuueiullnfcan n c o euw cwja t d ifyda gav upload id addi kitb y il c a waging on floaduv hla anhjaol waa a good ftol diar uil hla thaina wot divided u fol lotra i i luau muni aulil 2 put on lliu uul tortu 3 iut iiimmu umlar bla oiwa loaimlar tharu watw c00o man pkmnt acton hoy scouts at toronto participated in tholurtiwoll to ii i u the dukoofconnimght governor gortoral tlio uionibnim of aokm froup of iloy hcnulh hftd mi e mil t fill day on tuead iboy tmik tbolr llrtil itiportnnl irak that day and under ltd ifiildanoe ol tbolr elllclcnt hcout mauler kergt w caim want to toronto to tube art in tlio far well uindamd to lbs gntomor flenerl ii it if tho dtibo of comiaught at tlio fxblbltion tim troop una thirty throe atroiif and tbay looked well in their new hi out uniform ths imikur waa a followa i hcoutmaalcr w colaa aialau koout mauter t ravao troop louder it drown putrol leader j ilvnda h ulielile if kennenly corp a orr boout t multbawa m iu1i g tylor i kennedy v worran hoout u ariicw a kennedy g hoimr u martin u maaalaa uudman t oflluu n hteel c hymona n ilhlmina j ifollowax i wllann i colea 1 maaalaa hla wart w cook l forltea c i win if luail c pflfllouh hcout i diinoy military notes uaotgaiowo an i wlw y nlkb mtwiuon at tba otoaa jjjklli baslw fiil ttftn fi tbalr rskwou vtat 0tl dsirloulutl btratavllla bapt 37 tlto i04th battalloa eomuanoaa witlt cha taumlbly waa thla waak tha man will ha baua for four elaar days tba itaw arrmngamsub la vary luxramua to tha catabrii cannot be cubed with local apllioaticwa aa lhay imb cannot rtuili llts mat of tha duaaat lo ckurrhuuloculdlaaaaagiwtlymuanoal th homa papar u lookad for ajkly hy hyeoitftutloiuileoiulltlana uiul iu erdai ibaiuau tha waaklv parcal la wt wal ti nurwityou muattakoanfntarualranwdt qom hklla caurr li curs la tukett lutamally un notm tbrojuu tha blood ou tha muooux mui face uf tluf aualstn hmiih caumh our wan krwibd by ona of um ht pliyal elan in thin oountry for yoar it la ooni phaad hi aoma of ilta baat toalca known nmiblneil with uotom ol lha hht blood pur llora tlia perfar t oohtbl nation of tba fi ckrf woodooek eoaduetad vary in uraallag aarvlaa for uuv tnao ftf tha kmlh battalioti on sunday evening tito addrau wu sua and tba alnglng of the boya waa of vary baauy ehirutar all lha man of tha iwth battalion wars irroduntj in halls catarrh cur la whul vmoolrutad on augutt 90th uoib ei lha urttluom th wrmdarf ul raaulu in oat wit man lutva aor arua aa a raaull l mn llllnrtt sand for taslhuoulala fr e a 1 f uiiknkv co prepa toledo w e lb lllli battalion i play all druuua lia k 7oronlo kjhlulloo thla waak hall ftuully 1illa for eouitlpfttlon j p b pte dan kouee nnd pts arab rauu of tlio inolb nattallon itndon vlailed their alutar mm lolm lurr last weak a latter from pta d ii bmltb of tlia 114th highlanders aayatbat bla battalion arrived aafaly at liverpool on tba dhh angcuu they bail aplendll weather and a vary pteataiit trip driver norman bpelght of georgetown baa aufflolantly rooovarad from tba injurlea ba rooelvad loat spring while driving a motor ambulanoe aa lo b nils lo carry dispatches en a motoroclo in tba carapa in fnglami pts 1 i bmltb wrluu from blioraolilta camp i ugland of hfaoxpcrlenclfiolcrom ing tha ua with tba hill ililiulioii ho aayu tlio algbt of warhbipa cruima and other fighting craft in tho 1- ngllahclianiiat protactlng tba tranaiwrto uuuls ths cana dfan itoya real irs aa unior lie fore tlut hrlttaola rule tlio win o- what catarrh is it has been mid tint every third person has catarrh in some form science has shoun tint meal catarrh octau indicates a general weakness of uie body and local treatments la tlia form of snuffs and vapors do little if any good to correct catarrh you ahould trtat ita cauaa by enriching your blood with tha ml food in cott a lmiiulou which la a medicinal food and n tmlldhiff tonic fre fromn i imfuldrtt irylt a tennis tournament on labor day a tiitirnamimt held ut the lleardmorv court on ijtbor iy waa fnvorad wllb hnmutlful womllter a ins dayu hmirt woa wilneokod llin imnnafnvant ol ths lmy tlm inluod doublea handioap waa won hy muauuhy clark and mr paroy howartfi uiio demrvati tlietr anooeofl mlaa clark la amcui1y deaervlngof oougratuutlona on her ox col lent dlapbvy of leunlx nil day tba inenu doubleu waa won hy mer j wmmx and tj i oopor tbs double was left uwllnuhwl na aoms of tb udlaa liad to catch the 7 oclock train for ths city a ua waaverrd at beverley hours hy the ladle of thsteitnla cluh ami was noysl by all tha prlww warn presented to tit wlnneraand aahort peach waa mads by mr jnnk wood lha prealdcnt who con qrhtuiatod tha playera on their ability and thanked tlia ladles for tlielr ganaraua help tlia llsardinor court la on of tho flnoat in tho province and tbs tannla play ere ars appreciative of tluf bind ollloaa of mr nnd mrs torre no beardmors who wers liialrumciilal in procuring it for their ut all huimner ths iwiy who cannot bop bla grip ot tha ball will not er aoors n touch down husband 0b1ects to operation wife cured by lyduk e ipinkliama vegetable compound de uolnea iowa four years sgo i was vary sick and my lio was nuarly pent tho doctor etutod uint i would novor net woll with out an operation and that without it i wou d not live ona year my husband objected to any opcrrthn nnd got mcao iin of i jdlatl ilnktnmi vogota- blt cci pound i took it and commenced to gat hotter and imi now well am a tout and ahls to do my own housework i can recommend tho vegetable com pound to any woman who a sick and run down aa a wondorfut strength and health rastorar uy huaband says i would have been in my grava ere this if it bad not bean for your vagatable compound mr ulawckm jerrcr- bow 703 lyon bt dm molnaa iowa bofore ftubmltunffto surgical opera tion it la wlso to try to build up tha female system and curs ita derang- monts with lydfa e pinkhama vege table compound it has savad many woman from surgical operations wrftattothe lyilla plnkham mmlldnn ce ilynrj maaa for hdviiao it will boouulldeutlax new fall samples are here malta your iien-c- tion now while trarifce ii com pf etc garment a can be delivered later if you wish ervice- we practise it more than wepfearjklf tcl5tha tt uisvtt a oeotge wallace quetph esquesing agricultural so cleiyt96 till seventieth annual fall fair to be held at georgetown on wednesday and thutisdal october 4th and sth slni til slicltotahy lb iklll llit a ii claiiriogl acton j a timcv isqueilnj president secretary fruit bulletin i niacair peaches tlio popular crawford poach vollow fruo btono now at it boat bitllctt ivarr and grocn gajr plumn ako ready housewives aro ndvi cd to ice their grocom at once an tho crop will bo taken quickly thin year look for tho map it in your guarantee of quality from top to bottom i i un wonderland theatre great special feature thursday september 14th acton fall fair 1916 wednes thursday sept 20 21 open to the would large revised prize list splendid list of specials the acton citizens band j trials of speed on tho track single fares on the railway grand concert second mghi send to secretary lor prize list geo havill qeo hvnds president sectrcas britain prepared the new armv in the mokinp recruiting and drilling of volunteers making ammunition trench work cavalry artillery and mounted infantry royal flying corps and field tle- graph motor cycle machine gun battalion at work provisioning an army building and launching a battleship on a mine sweeper the silent sentinel the iron grip a battle squadron at sea with the grand fleet in the north sea jack afloat life on h m s queen elizabeth the submarine service 1 he hornets of the fleet watch dogs ol empire in action god save the king admissoa reserved 50c adults 35c children 2sc m saxes store news 1 this week special sale of boots and shoes special sale of rag carpet stfc yard full line of groceries uills1 aotom m saxe acton creamery this is a permanent business we have a wellequipped creamiry it u profitable to us ant will be continued without interruption we pay farmers the highest prices for cream and wo pay cash every time cream is delivered no danger of our going out of business msaxe co acton rt oi 01 nnnnnn russells brokd always full weight no bkimping no fancy named to cover com mon place products just splendid bread and big value no bread in acton can give no much real nour ishment and satisfac tion for the money as ours russells btrrh uumno haukmm mill st acton dnt fj hrihhhp gesso special prizes beat lady driver by a t drown iitj 00 mdfjoo itett and failed road llorte once around track atyle and ipred cantldcrad hy l il atunton rat j oo and u oo deal high stepper in ilarneu lit by ij j llphardl gooda value i500 und by charlie wong foo caili s 00 baa lhzht uxpreia or delivery mora in ilamata by j h uvlngatnne caih 1 00 ind by society csali t2 00 rett light horao with halter horas of any age by nelaoo i company caali gold deal single turn out entlra outfit to ba property of exhibitor ulcialijl oo 3nd catltljoo bydr j a mcnlvu raat heavy ifona on halter by chat dcrlter cajt uat colla got by urookfleld laddie ht tsjw and 300 jrd ti 0o of aarvlcs of bona for iqiy by jaa iiubsnd beat colta any age got by michael g rat tan by dr john sll archlbyora vvllki by sable wllka by guy wllkv by george willfa lat dam by lorraine and dam by alimdorr jrd dim by georga wilks 4th dam by sentinel ut prlia wrvlcaof horaa 1917 ut flsoo srtd cath jgo 3rd caih h0o novelty uace 10 liameu and bitch lo rig trot bora orics around track unhitch and go ai you pleaia onca around track hy u l gregory lat cjuh sj 60 itid cali si 00 cattle ii beat fat iteaat any ag by n paturww caali 1 is beat calf under ten mohthi fed on uoyal urpla calf mill pur- cbaud at goudwardtbygfo edward lit 50 iba calf meal dj jo liul 3 j lha calf mas fljs ij best 10 iba butter in blocka by exhibitor who baa not wo an eaton prlia at any fair lince 10 1 3 s choice of tha fol tow ing fa one clock cat no- il8 no ji1u4 valiia ioaj b oilm taa sat not catalogued valua iisby tha t baton co toronto 14 ileal 10 tba butter in lb prima donor to racalva tima by tha slmnaoa co gualpli caih 15 beat 10 iba butter in prmta donor to recelva urn- by groctru 14ml led tooatt cath lit bot to lb butur in lb prlntt doaor to rtcslve urns by had dcrtonftco cah i beat 10 lha butter in print donor forecalva tiw 40 puc ts sat by woodllsllet mckay valua 18 bt to lha butter in crock donor to rocclva butur d c ttua- tell caali 19- beat 10 iba crock butter donor to rwraiva tans by wold uc lam cath w beat to iba butter in crojkor pall donor to rcciva unu by j c hill cath si bol 10 iba lall or crock butter doaoj- to rcaiv uui i box comfort soap by ur campbell toronto valua j ba 6 lha yrlnl ilutter donor to rclve titoe 6 its t by jno char lea toronto valua 3- beat s iba butter hi prints doaor to rcceiva butur goods by johiutckw co valua uisctlljlstou 14 beat uirral spy aftplra donor to rvcalv tiine by w ch pair pant valua 1j- brtl barrel spy appua auapl ihown applas lo ba uvlleml later by torraiic uaardriuire caih lov bt uarrl spy applea no doian to ha esluuted appua dajlv- erd later by a- t brown caji v bat barrel spy applaa doaor to raccjv appiaa by jo holma cah ii- but barrel spy apple uuttpla thowa aprla dallvcri later by u- k battraid fort wlllutn ciah sgl bei barrel vy apobh arnplaathown apple delivsred laur byjaa syiuodcajiior aooda jo- best lurval khtg apple i doaert to ha exhibited barrel to ba dllvcrd itt noveniher by ii t uoorcah ji ut bag snow apple tlikior to rcclv tabm by du hcmlcr- wucah jj u4t ua kolatoci dodor to rcejv unif by c c htmurwod cih jj beet bag polatoaa doaor togtt aanw by dr j al bill cath j4 bat urve ilallot or krin potaloe donor to rcjv by tba acton frea we cah js uu gooa dreaad doior lo receive uma by harold wllca ch j beet falrdrcaed chkkeiia dooor to recelva utiia by v v dailayco hamlltou caih j7 bl ifaaja uad cabbajf donor to receive tama by gco klyihit cath ji bcil half pick otiiona dooor to rocelva kama acton fro fma i year j beat j cliroua dortor to receive issia by g hyttda cath 40- oaet 5 iba comb hooey donor lo receive tarn by gc sotier ch 41 ueetbul can cream donor to receive ume by uorrla sax cuh 41 beat aloavea brad and doled uuna donor to racalva iam lat pruaoh lb log family flour valua tifit d prlu 4 lb 4 bag family flour valua si oo by w t hortop ucat pair knit sockt 1st iba tea valur r snd i iba tea value c lb jl 50 jrd 50c ihll rjo sock to be gtvtn tolled croa society by t soc lb 1u jrd a iba tea vaiua bate r brook toronto bet a fair grey icnlltod woalled sockt open to udlae of acton o ba tent by donor to ioldiare bind knltldil s lb salad tea value ix so by salads teico for beat map of ftbiropa thowlng tha countrlc id color the rlvrtniountsiftacltleind coast water tha map b to ba not unallar than 13 inchea by 16 inches opn to tha atudetits of acton high school in s10a sad fie by w if stewart beat collectlona of six snip shot taken in acton or vicinity by b j huaaard iu caih ijoftlnd caah uxo trials of speed 214 trot or pace mile heats beat 3 in 5 purse divided 1st 95 2nd site 3rd 235 trot or pace purse divided mile heats best 3 in 5 94s and 48 3rd 18 ist is 00 500 8 00 j0o 5 m s 60 s m u 60 171 ii s s w j 60 s 00 5 w j60 s0o s 60 5 j60 j 60 a 60 s60 i 60 160 5 60 t 60 6 60 j60 460 60 7 jo j co j60 i 60 i jo i 00 i 60 10 60 s65 560 i so tl 75 560 fyoti dont have to st m m 1 iwi til i necessity does not demand that you should buy your ueua s furnuklnr faetv but whan you do batibkaction aud u bcohouv ara assured hero you will dud the very latast its hpokt ami outing biiiktu pyjamas itndlf hwkak j gautuks tibs hohierv and uenb puknibhingb d w th very btut nierchandht at cloao prices all through the atora b vuull require a kalu coat for the eol nights why not take ad h h vaatagfeuf thu special 816s0 coat we are filing today at ill 3jm s w upacuits in umbrellas ut ttuc bpeclal in everything thlsmonui 5 r e nelson s s mwhuft yataloe w mwasumiafam wyudtuut sttvs ouallru omt