Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 20, 1916, p. 2

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iilridiiiapiihllh wimii n on awiuwas iii niiiijii ii wnrlno dov april ulb mllh l mi d mm n0w11 andirwi n dmulmtr wnoiu aluuwis at thn mm mlllon on wednodiy april ijh him hv lluv w m miickny willliini ilnnry wwwli to herllm ailaiiiunn liolhnf urn tuwnxliii of naaaflanuoyu hi unkihod in fiction lit intntiu on hat unlay fltli april huh ihmi cart hoy llurd tiifitnlry njroil soyoars nikii at nfiigii man oiihuiiiiay april und 10111 llvliocui arthurs widow t the late joint ninon in her 7fllh your oaiiriun atotkvlllo on saturday 11tli april idii1 lit duncan cameron lveabyterbui inlnhiter in hla tilth jour uitu v l at the homenf liia daughter mr hauler nalanu krniuoaa on monday april lui john irlovo sed 7ll your mrdnuii at kthal on tueadny ihth april 1010 harwh moiliall widow of the late duncan maltanald ami mother of kelt mcdonald acton nged 7rt jearu in meuoiuam buitii in loving memory of iuinm hinili atn wlfsol wellington hmitb who dlod april 2lt 1011 lone but not forgotten tin btvtiiam vauiiv stirring recruiting campaign austr1ans are not welcomed luigoly attended mootlnga on suw- riuymid monday evonlngw t1iuu8day aliuljo 1010 foreigner trouble quelled the inurflod auitriaws to be homov- ed m soon u dominion oovorn- rnent glvei perrnlttlon robelomebs must qhadually uk eplaled reave hynda sent out a call joiterday afternoon in wliicli hie citliena were in vited to total in conrsnce with wpron tetiveaof luarimors a co at the town lull at 30 oclock lodueutalhs unfortun eta iituitiort which had aruen tbee waaeerovidad hall mr a o reerjmr and mr rormnce leardinoreiit uf fcjjr pmiud the pollion or tucmi iul tli trouble etrwriencod in muring ulwr tfkcy enprewd tualr w0hngnaa to rcfvt tlie ci titans in a lair toortproails on the ontio or the crnploj total of the interned austrian in order to avoid any tericus breach tty were given a y ripwtful lar- vhttfeu aektioua put bi an- quaioa ui fullawioff nolutian wu put aj carrvwl by tt ujiiting jj by il v uftow cortdd lv willlud iau tlut if hr luar1 uart co wul srs to liao th rorty laurad auauiaa loiltt to actou dnriotf tl wk rwoww within tan dy w hir if juwihu ami it tha g will rtttw aarto yradually m l a itwjr otlkv foriuo aipha willi sj7ub0lia bun l tbu ut tlu lotellbg will fccopt uch jjfi la gooj taltb uaart bmfjdo co tfffj to the uu of lb rolutlon and tha difficult ryfillairf bw bam to h aittuj a to6flj raolutioa rju6td th ofticr wjounijiiij tha iftub battalion to haa aetoa hataoa rturoaj to lha town at mm olai to th uttument of th uwlua i bl4l who ftf lha mm ww im puuuj yuva hyiila haa th afcauraaca that tha tauutii will w rtaiaj to acton lddiy fcdttfl dultuiko vim rtwiax lrpt ujort tha owwll of th kupjm ust ott tha tha nuhui viaana llidluaf uu iua- plia war upwim rmouullnfr to 1200k taahua fttwl ihauka to tha nlolltaa of tha tjoobdl uatiapoly tha fliuiwui tljaafttli pf thawmitlfyustowlnfc- yhamwlngaoftlia kwlida hua tha ufllaalnk of tlu war hava ufd lomaamj by 3flfl0000000 rouhlaa tim douiwinj uawl cooimiulonar u wiwifg atmnaouu afyoit to wa that tha 66rt ertwaid un huppllml with uooil uttl eoni thla spip- l uiun much of tho hl ear did not uatura pfrtjudy and non aaqnadlly la vrylowinkrmlnitiiia wr tt tuod luranolt luw luaururatei tits koail oora ooatral 1ollov w prolat tli fnrnior th4yaahdoutliblhoverywakoftlirromcr- of iawl mh who have thalr ooro lntxo tad attd npjwov by riovanttnatit inupco am 1i4a luta cj urowora may lia obtuin d frou tha local ikmiicli of itopnttuirml or aftwoulturaaiulit itiadvluihla foruluinlw m frb4w who intend buying uuxt corn if bfc6o aimohmwi vo upodul rojjuliitionsof th eduutlottlwpahinant n cna of whonln that hav ba approvetl by tho inpflotnr atudaau wilt ha allowad to ottlut for rnor aaajsarvloaatid hava trwirnuindlnir hiiowm withaatakaulnatlonforontraitoa to normal bohoola of faulty of eduratlonkrov1thl thatlathamtlirtatloiiortliauthiyhikihttiiil ut hava tat bf40toillymnpltllbelrmv raioouvmaamlhiivalaeiihirfilarhltanil- arioauptoarrtiiaotji aflmmrprlvlliiko la aliow1 taatudantu wlioehruifo tn work ftti tha fr for a period of tlirea tnontha indudlna tha aohool bolulaytl wasg ura john mckfobflu ban roitwl bar farm to ur wiuuun uoouiioukii of flaorttttwti awl u bavlntf clearlntf huouoa aalo ol turn atook tun ltuplmont on uotusay sb lnu tba paoplo of edo ui1u will rebuild lba town ball tbay hava tha wick oa tha ground ud ara ealllhtf lor toodar tot tba amouoti of tha ball savaral ol tba turn mptmaooail feprldtfplowlajrbutwotib it will ba un walthuwaak a r ulgbt warm day would bom pub tba land ut ahapa for feaodlna tbauapla auar aaaaoo ia newly ovar for thu yaar thara waa a fair run of mu laaawaak tba fall whaab and elovor aaotna to itavo atood tba wlntar fairly well with favor bla waatbar from now good oropn aboutd uraalufcl krfkctivk speakcris at both tlio rcmiiltliijf mmllnk hiimlni oirtn- injf urnudod ilm town hall to tho doorw itmnti ljmlitcmiiiol tho rhnlr und with well oliuhtin uordu iiitradnooil mrh mula ciiiiiplmill mohnr toronto wlltor in dilof nfthu nutloinl cdiitury thu orjiim or tha nntiniial council or wniihin mm molvor iloluiircd ii dtrniiiruddroot from a woninnn hhmlihunt hi in hhouail tho wvnitioii of inntliom ulmi mill bwcetlioiirth und tha tlutj ilu vnh injf upon thoin to willinuly roleniu tholi inon aruorvlca in dufouco or hlnjr mid country incidentally mm mc ittir wtnlud tlmt luir two bona woro nnlmtotl und rondy to tin their lilt in tho rout con lllct in tho doftuicd or tho nnuo or riirht und protnutlon ol tho weu blio luflda u itiiiiil to tnon who ar etijillilo mid who hnio nnt pnlloted to join tho color atone minn mrdvnr mid ml may wiidht nmit ooloit and uov 0 ii k hmlth m a m nil o a hflor nddroui on momlny nfternnoli mru molvor liald a mooting of tin- hilllou to furthur exploit tho work of wdiuon in lha war uhaahow wl lion women in many wnlun or ufa can tnko tlio pliico of man rilaaaliir than for urico tta anldlars alio la a convincing utiikor und la certnluly ditthualabtio in tha matter ol kaciirluff moit for anlutmant oultea nuintmror the hulloa pnwnt gave their iiamca uu willing to in all in their pawr tn rclaasa men no that they may join tlo coloia on momu mnrtiinj tho liand of tha iniili battalion uudor the ulerlil or iliuidmantar 10 war arrktml from milton ami bjient monday and tuesday in aut- ing in tha recruiting campaign thy playoil alxjut tlka atrmta paraili with acton platoon and gae a lllwral pro- gramma of mualc at lie coacart in tha town hall on monday avening tha band darea jr4t pralae for tlia atata or pro flclancy ihoy haio attained tlielr imula haa ii proculon and a udlury air which la vrj crcililahla to both tha conductor and the men tha menu moetlug lit tha toun hall on mondav evening attractad a full honta tlia progr4inma waa full of internet througliout but tha raciul of hla pnonal aipcrlnncm by ivivatadlhuana of tba 3rd iltttallon who wa mtriounly wounded at ht julian and taken pdaotur ly tlia fit- mtn waa thu eatura of tha procoding vto jlhluna la an enccllint ajieakar awl hla well told htary waa listened to with limn interact ilia aufforinga an a wouul- ed soldier in a uannan phton camp wera vividly rluiarud tliou prant dkl not wonder when ha cxculuiod with vahou enco i hato tlia tenanns uu upaach a ono of tho ktrongott tliat liaa hoao told hero hy any retiirnail toldlcr and hla cloa- lug appeal to nun to enllu tad help lha poorfatlowa in tho trench a who ara uu- ahl to udvanco to any dlntaoca in driving liick tlia foo bocauta of tlva urb of man to ollow up with ncaury rvlutncxaiiitm uaa ictie lie flibhona sj jkmch was not without re- nit vrl naogavetluiir niua at recruits at lha cloa or tho ouatlnj col iljravlllo o c ruada hla llrfct vlut to acton oa thla occaaloa ha praaklad and nuulo a brurapaoch complluianliagtha acton platoon ujwin ltair amtaaranoa and cooduct km appealing for additlotial man major wright of tha haadquartvra atafi and ueul itoberts of tin lucruiting loaguo accompaniatl tlia colooal toe programua of tlio a n i tig locludad a niiothsr of cioalleat moving plcturaa aohu duata rjuartattaa and hand uurahara by tha luttalfoa ilaod and a trial apaacb by lr a i fake tha autoog phyolelau avotheb actom boy killed corp- hoy uurtl who wont to entf- ufld in ddoeubar killed in action wemohul eettvick 0000 pttlday on tuaulay faraooa tha following sad mhag waa raoaivvd by ur tho hurd i doaply ragrat to infond you00ft25oun- twrkoy uurdolflflully wpovud bllul la action april aliui aaittauy ukhkuai corp uuh oaluud in tlia s0tb battary oualpli but juna lie apant ail uootba in training in tlia camp thara and waa ona of a apaelal draft of uau for ovaraaaa nuula in daosmher ha kft ohruttdas weak and waa in ona of tha training oauipa in ktigland until aliout tlia llrat ol uarob when ha was aant to franca corii hurd cam to ac too wltli bin father from erin elfihtoan yaam ago ha utcw to nturdy lounhoml and wan employ- ii forbear with the acton tunning co ho hud many frlamla in acton he wa a mfinilicrnr tho mothodut diuroh anil of tbokitiuonorllohbiilocta4intliabun- day hchnol murh mjmjwthy la folt fur the urloben father who fuulw tho death or hla ohlaat eon unu1 keenly hlualhtera kflllound ilanal mid bin brotbur james ura ulo in groat uorrow tli ron it tba iwirciivenwnt a mciikirlul hurt leu will 1 ohold in tho mothiuliht riitirth nn onod friday mora- it 111 lit oiiiucl tim mrvloa will lw conduricd by luv ii w aviaon m a h it tliowtnr ind itov u 1 lmiar of milton tlio lattttr nf ujinut wau u warm frinml of tho into corp hurd during ida lihuinriitii lien tlio olllixjrn and men of aattm plutuan villi uttand tba urvfco in lnulj dalurmpad tho cunnilliin lani la now out in lull foroo yon may hoar tha frog uaiui tnna nightly wemliig bella nro rlfiblng merrily in our utile town ml ah midtol wuddoll bun been apandlng tlio lait oouplo of woeka at tlia manoo aim kpliriuro hi1u tment lha weak and with her hitter ura j u thwrtpwhi ml ijiifc teaahei at the peaonek aoltool ban eanvanaad the nullt of the eoo tlon tn raise money to amut in getting a ufa und drum bant for tlio wellington tlattalloo roger broa lib pond waa iwdly dam- agtxl by the loo jam mb oiihoan blnolalra family are alok with tba utaaalfrnj th mutual improvement society baa oloaed for the aeoaoa tba beef ring alerted hub week ur will flpaar baa taeured a poaltioa for tba anmmer wltlt ur 0- blaeuir ur ollw h1iu waa tba gueat of ball tnafad friends on sunday hla raotber mr e hittx who baa apeut tba paeb montlt with ftleoda here acoompaplad bun brooobrltlgo bofutod to allow allon enemies to sottlo in tholr town they them c on to actom a dlapntoh from brucobrldga to tho toronto wporn on khduy oald i ho dla pleawing to tha 4iht tnuuom nmpinyol ill tho muulioku mid aitffln canadian planu on tha muukoku itlvoi horo wuullio arrival of ton atiktriaiih from tho liilitrumenl camp at hmmttliii morning that mayor 41 h o thomaa induoed them to lve town again tim auntriana took tlio next train to acton whero it la xald thirty mow fallow oou n try man wore uben today to work nt the aoton plant or lha company muyor tbnmaa oompllmentetl tlia tan nan on their heliavlar which averted a altua- lion which at time tlireatoned aerioua trouble for the muaknka tannery and tlia aiihtriana the only regretuhle uatura of the day won the burning of a houao in which it waa propoaed 1y the company to abetter lha austrian after their hrrival liem the oioaii betweeaii the workmen and tha aiihtrlaua waa tlia outcome of tha out- klde labor altuatlen at die muakaka plant luoruitlng oflloara made inroadm on tlia atalf to auch an extent that mu had to be hroujiht in from oulahle eventually uieaa too round their way into the renka of the 12nd lutulion tha men claiming that 81 hj ier day la nob enough to lle on in thla town workmen uald if belter wagae were paid there would ba no marelty of men but tle couipauy did not fall ia with their viawt arrangamentii had been made with the dominion loweriimanb to bring forty austrian fromtlte internment camp thirty togo to tlie aoton plant aivl the other ten to remain here on tha arrival of tha auatriehu here notice waa given to tba coupeuy that tlia men would not work with tba aualruna and tlia workman remained ouulde of tlie plant wliere tliey wra joined by thewerk- men of the pleut aeroee the rlvsr twtt hundred ooldure of the 1221 batullon alto looked on mayor tboaimv vlilt to tlie plant rulted in a prowim to hava tlia auatrlana taken aay and a big erwd fallowed uietn to tlie illation and aaw thoi off on tha train to acton tlia men at ilia uuakoka plant did not return to work tody6wlagtotbeabewe from town of manager kvur a bmlih with wluwn tbay will bold a eonfereooe to- uorrowanddluuke tlia local labor eltua- tlon tha fnkk iliuui intsrvuwoil mr john ctarka the muagor el ua tannery inter uti here od uooday relative to ti abova report and found that eo far aa tha in ft us of forty interned auetrlaua to acton e concerned tlia btauiiant la practically oorreet ur churka oleud in axpunatlon that ow ing to tha reduced uumber of thai employ- eaa caubmlurgvly by anlutuant of many of tbir tdao ivera and iletaadoval of other wlw hava gene to outelda pojuti to tela altuetloaa vacated by man who have dilat ed there they were unable to fill their oon- trecta for army requlrvmeiit and other important order during tba peeb wlater uiey bod inoreaeed tba rata of wage in tha hope of retaining their employee and attracting outeiders to their works btlll they found themeelte abort of oven learning tliat lbs uoverutbent were re letting alune from lha interntnent oempa to work ou farma where labor was bdd becautaol theaulultaant ol eo many far- tnare eoae and farm bauds their com pany applied to tha oovratneab for a supply of man front that eouroa forty men were eoaeequeauy rleaed from tba lateramaat camp at spirit lake ontario for their works tan to go to bnoehrtdga and thirty to coma to aoton owing to out trouhle at brace bridge last friday all tha forty men were brought to acton tba fiiei vussa called ur curkaa attention to a ipaetal dlapateb aenb from acton on friday whlob ataled aa fallows andseked aa to tba truth of the au lame i forty auatriaos arrived here from lleerat and went to work at local tannerl aa uaoy aa iso auetrlana from laurumeat eampabava ban at work bare ab ona lima that eteiemanb u nob true to faot eld ur clarke wo have eob previoue- ly employed any men from tba inummanb oampe one man who bad been in our em ploy for tome time and wbo bad been intern ed from aoton waa released by tba authori ties without any aollelutlou by us ha returned to aetoa and wa took hlmou again i wlh you would aey moat emphatical ly said the manager that wa would much prefer to employ canadia or any other unglleh speaking men throughout our worka wa have bo deeira to bring in foreigner but tba ekigenclea of tba pres ent and tha oanditloni for aaveral years pait hava forced us to do f b unlit a few years ego there waa no work about our tanneries which kngllah speak ing eidployeea were not quito willing to undertake now that is all changed thero la neceeeary work about our eetav- liahment which they aheolutely refuse to do and which in tlielr own words freely ex- preued they nay no white man abouhl ba okpeoled to do wltli tha growth of our worka here tliiu claw of work ball naoeeaar- lly irwirjuod aiul we are obliged to luring in ereljjiicmtn do it jut uh tho railways bate beun forowl to do in tlielr coo truot ion woik and thooltlea hi tba movatlon for sawem urul audi work it waa not our ohoioe to nil no in tlia forolgnre at tha oulaot with refirotifre to tlio forelgnere you employ in oilier department said tha yuw iwkwt tlia complaint la freely made by tho men that you put tttetn lo work teuldo jour cjiiuiiiuii and other employees uiy uietn tlia wit no wage and in aomo cuwut higher wages and iwiulre the expert- enoed employees to teach tba foreigner hla work aa to uh wagea paid oald mr clarke wo have no alternative but to pay tba minimum wage paid to our regular men our contract with tho movarameub in oeouring ttiewi men reojulhh that wa pay them lha full minimum wage in order to avoid trouble with the luber organ huttlooi we have never paid them higher wage than our regular employees aa is rumored you nreut liberty to go over our pay rolls and verify thlu for yourself conoernlng tha matter of teaching the iteweouer thla has always been the policy pureued in our workx every man in our employ except petliap aomo of our foreman came in on exactly tha tame baals and waa taught his work by tba okperlenoed mate wa eelactad for hi in ware boneatly ewleavorlng to treat oar men right and are iwylng tbem as high wage as arc paid lor similar work by i our nooipetllort anywhere in canada the faob that boores of our men bar boen with us for years and tha further feet that many wbo bv from unfa lo tlow left u acton platoon 164th att marnonof thu btnvn hon whn linvo enllutod in aoton slnoo tlia foith vvim orgnnlod with tlllmh 0pficeh5j tba following urn tho uaiutm the nllloom wllli tlto tnon tiululeil in aotnu llaloon nf thfl 1114th llutliillnn hliico re cruiting ooininoncod horn w 1 rihtiatroaitai- if m kenmeiv 1111tinanv 1te j p kcaiiuow coup k ikoiuie c matthews it hwackhamek pte a wathon e ead1 wm 1iuuhhon 1 j cookev k ht john v fahtamik k eahhown v oheen com o w cook 1te j winton m kamsy j kahhoft m cookev k k hauit k m holklt t it itoddii h bcutohinofl h ii pehhv j t uahs1i a yuuno a utllhhsn c moork j uitavibii it btewaut it hwackhamek a walter jko waller a aniiiuoh j millfl alex devoreflt t a ucluiu a e clifford 41eo witheits a 1acb ii partoh w il cook joe layoock jah i louttet e ikuuviian ln utkinkom a uunuah fredcukamer k puffer if fllahkh a j fluethurftt iiy wallace l w hewitt j r wattioh b tylkr j w uill9 ii ilbuith l atkinson a cook j v 41ivenb r deforkut i rab1tord e g stewart w dobhie a lastaluk t ii cox iflwbbik j uarwoob b wallace wm huffman neilutnabb allan leibiiman albert bi8hop a decker herot w if ainflwortii tba tdu whose nams are marked with an were unable to paaa tba medical requirements for what appeared mora alluring tltualloiia outside often whan wa needed tabor tha worat way and hava been freely takan back when tbay found tba promised employ ment did not materiality to their satlsfeo- hon is surely a fair answer aa to our treat ment ol tba men who work for ux have you been sick then you realize the utter wcnkneia that robs ambition dentroyo appetite and miked work a burden torvatoretliatetrengtliaiiilstamlnathat u ao eeaeutlol nothing baa aver equaled or compered with scotts jlmulsloii be- eauaa tta atrengtliaustalning nouriib trtent invigorates tlio blood to dlurlbul energy throughout tho body while its toulo value auarpona the appetite and rtorea health in a natural permanent way ii you are mn down tired nervous overworked or lock atrcnotli gt sootts umulelou today at any drug store seo4t uowne irureate o spring novelties irv bright new goods ihlu blicrlistmtnts new waists i silk creni and voiles in white black and natural chant ing all tho new ideal lonu uleovus twoway collarsi etc very attractive values new collars in profusion of htylea and materials very special french kid glovcit in white black tan and browna ucarcc fjoodu at xiio a pair limited quantitv ladic- plain casbmerr hose black mzeii 8j to ro at a pairsbc itoc mc 0c import d ginuhams in check and fancies he und i4jc a yard special values in linen hand toweling thin week from old contract five pattern at ijjc a yard henderson co e i tr naai a mil i ill llpnttj i tu3 win tlie wr with tlie ucllvfuia which will eiuum toitlng pice ute empire a will require to put forth us full collective power in men titul in innocy lrom thla viewpoint it l our true policy toi umint our financial strength by muluplyhig our productive exertions and by euerculnk rigid economy which reduces to the minimum ell expiwllturte upon lunurka and noncantiau only hi till way ihall we lie ouc lonwwefccduilocjiuwdrythe withdrawal of sohmrty of our workers from indus trial activities repair tlie wtutage of the war and find the fundi for its continuance it cannot b too frequently or too comeatly mprebwd upon our people that the tieavutt burdou of the conlllct itul lie before ua and that industry and thrift a for tliote wtio remaht at honie auprenie patriotic duties upon wlowj faithful fulnhiicnt our weu and caviuently our national safety may ultlmeuly deotnd sir iuoman wane umtur y vvuvu produce more save more make labour efficient save materials from waste spend money wisely let us produce and save the war la now turning on a contest of all force and reourcee men munitions food money the call toall is to produce more and more it may bo nrccfcury to work harder tltc place of thoue who enlist nmat be taken by thoec at hoim men and women old nnl young the more nc jmulucc the iiion wcranwic pmducc more on tlu firmh nnd in the flurdena save more and help to uin the uar lltt u5 not waste our labour in this unrtimc all labour aluiuld be directly pro ductive ur elumtd la asjatlnu in pntduvtiuii make it aa efficient as pnmulik if your lahrur la on immcthinu tlut can imj poutwned put it off till alter the uar and make your labour tell novi maid m war la the lint bualneaaol all canadians ettlciency in labour is aa important aa cfuclcncy in fighting the government of canada 3 the department of agriculture the department of finance let us not waste materials rkuin at home the larger jiortion of tab rice and uacb ia spent on the lionu- food fuel liulit rlniliing arc any of tlictc tliinga iwinj watcil t sjo oh 11 vcur uve from uastc in ccry home in cinid i u ill more than piy the interest on a uar dclu of saw mm 000 let us spend our money wisely arc you epcndmil jour moncj to the hckt ailvan- tajjc what do you think of gxtrn ime in war tlniot tchj of thoiirand of canidimt u dllly nakinn tlicir liven for ua at home in it nut our duty la hu cirtfut and economic i v cjmdtan duthra are nn import ant part or the uar ctiipmciit malctlicm till have a war savinga account buy a war bond blue llio nlgbt bau n tbuusnud eyea aiul tlio day but one yet the light of tlio bright wortd dee wltb tba dying aun ttio mind tins a tbouund eye and the boari but ona vat tho light ol a whole life die wlien love ta dona pvniicle w hourdluori -afijslili- a good habit the saving habit in easily acquired you can open i savinuu account in thin bank with one dollar and add tn it weekb or momlilv without in- convenenct geokgkyown bbanch ewluiawirtliuiakl ivsj ur hats hats hats i bor3al1na hats are the flneit high grade hats in the world at the price ijmlth all tho new upringatylcsare here thk kino hat u in a clou all its own at the price imko ilea tlio new king styles wolthauson hats combine style and quality unaur- pauaed by any hat in tho trndont tlioprlcolwandtv4tt i ourbpcul tho latent niw york btylea jutt to hand er them today r e nelson heihan vhuoip hsus hruimljie wytulbaufl stvaat ouulih onv why why why can we sell bread of such high quality at fit per loaf because we biro ua help we buvo no bookkeeping enpeneh we liavn inmll rent ihuwfore tlio ton timer gets the benefit why not patronue thu man who ioolb after the welfaro of tho twoplo nnd who give them a product that uuuaurptueed for quality thorn la no wmtte for our bread keeps molftt eo long that it la olleu liaril to convlnco toms people that it la the day before linking watch our window for fancy baking hurford fc chisholm superior bakery phone 20 acton oat m such a comfort itn such a comfort not to have ta rn out when the weather la cold and stormy dut it in not nlonc in imd wcatlivr that u luniso tcleplinno iti u ittwminji it tuivotiuo many utcjis nnd po many precious iiuiminti every day tho year round that no home nhoulu be without it- the coat need not htand in the way no inutnllatton charge just a fimall nnnnat rental fill out tho coupon bclow- ind mail it to im toay iv biltfltpoo caefcutawl toe utall vlfihah0 vo of canada cknturtunipuamti mee ma about jzeelcfemos itefapaone tfmrvum utiif jhrtiioft tttmrci arloti iv w a v i ron ma hd mlnutor kahtkit suniiay snti inl imiiilc by ilio kimdny hchool ut lli icrvkcj lliu orcliuntm will in uliit uilh morniiik mid uvimmrr a m thu slinhlur nud the huperln- tomletitrjf iho stlionl i m 1 ho mini ter iiiibttrt by lieut i- j moito if inronlct a former mem- liur of ihu hdiqul mb i smith luidtr id fong aionlitil invitiimou to all sunday stliool nt u 30 alu wbxcomh k0s 1ou hatching j w niinilraln ua lfia mtuue bi 1 mil or j ittuntu tor ml ml a bivod laylue teaming movlnu 11 run hoksksforflaiib oni fiiui niiy o rirejau lutillnif rilniiilira vur auj ilibtoaabu lirousn a no mar in fnttl aiul brra fcu rlilus nvo year idra n4 urjua rwahla- iliakc vlnnattsmt lit hi aillalj k for hatching nil iso iimlnl ona nrau 1 8 mslan lliiunili iihii i will lioillhj nuuilibt ol ou 1 till i iiaioliluw tf kw iii till n 11 ao in at roiilliloli aiul sit wto sa eiuut hii tk tlia thwlir1 a uru vlfiorouallrl wltli ilil of vlullly ve b- oliawlrsrauily t i u lull 1 a ubtimu ful mnchwoa l w lulm u 11 tn4 4 um ralalhl u liei n 7j wnuli ll i ua im t to dm elilfrljor s ninri3r aa ba u luavvay tf lion vuextoa oat 8aiitaitv work ami ii ty mn lt ruvnuiui aiunuou for tl4ulaa- alm asj ufllilv bmiliaty tint ltu 11 j ilia inuuw is a if ur wait la lit f u u 1 oi li wlil lavs txmupi b fpu sale iiicu knljint na llilu 1u xh lllrl b all w4iw iwn clti villh ir iu thk public health orrixwnu aiibj hakluktsimo to cow ply ultie thweutsuia msf alyle aot a riulr4l timrthwiu la j bnljioc and otlir iala h lliaralromallillrt dianur au1 ubw a wlicu mar oodauccr lit publls lualth sjid te hava tba tama oomrllm by lbs ufalu eey tj uavasiuooulucli tlsy tli maalury impu wllleonimioa udaralluatmuouattdrsrtjaa tk uotlea tliat tha amilon ol ih fmbus llaaliu at iirntilblilna tha kuplus al bes ltwmit ilia isiit nf ua and lin ol hahov lr aicapt in una at laut to i- from any awillloa iiium ami w tt ttma any ate w una wlili hoars uapt o1tr rout any memlat watur aiul roauurly eleetuaj will be atxtatlr aufiwail all iriiliotii bra aarnrnlv raqoauajte k tlialr preiuum eanalanll efaau sad lberoaly laultary q uyjiwi run of lis uufelatpelily aemn uareb suili loift ad maorys strawberry plants for satisfaction and profit leading varetiees4oo per 1000 fifty plant each of four choice varie- ttci early and late lor si 00 bond for price hat n u hallohv dleohalm ontaur slgravlnrig ttorofjto cnao n new wonder land theatre tonight thu plnmlorur with wuhfttn inrmim by thu fox pllms vnioavapnilu kiltucny with lonnre ulrich a htorv f a tli id of tba wood trninipl inttd inuuty hatuiidavashilbb pnthorhood with hobart doe- worth monday apflllu kplsodu 6 of tlio urokeu coin wbdnkhdav apnilftd eplaodoa of nonl of tliunavy d l gregory a auction sale fabm stock and im- piijemjdntb thu uiidorhlgncd lina boen initrncted to mill by public unction for asna john midkinnon on tho proiulicj lot as con 6 nmuga- wuyn on monday eth aph1l ut one oclocu hlinrp tlio following iioksits i turrcl lmmi9ynrold j i brown in nro h inru old i brown maru in foul oattlk i tow ilno tut june agd rj yuirii i tow tiunnoi cd o ihj in calf r year a liolforn r inl tip a vonnt old v htccrcau rkni nun yent old a nowu i yunr old 30 huim nud oiiii rnphlur implkmkntt 1 liltulor 1 seed drill t hay rnltt- mnxkeylinrrui x niuwor 1etur llmuiltnii 1 cultivator ulnioit now 1 uiitjuon new waggon ivnx hjirlut nott 1 ahiigli 1 cutter t plouuh l imv rack 1 wlicol harrow i ut dnilhlu ijurtion 1 o nliilo hnriieas tnnii buy nn bunlioln oi out for send 40 biiiiliula imrluy ruw clialuu logging clinlu 1 hot vvhirtlutrii11 neclcynke houri hhovulftiind uumcrriukolhtjrartlclcai thumb all 1111 mn of 810 and uudor cunli nvur hint amninit ten months trudit 011 upiiruvid jultit note hay nud foul liuli ftvuptir tout pr annum ill for eaili pomtivoly no ithorvn na the farm fa iuuuhi v a maclean clerk 11 jr ham ucilouoer 5ji

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