Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 20, 1916, p. 1

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t jvcf jrt tt ft voiitjmx xiiiuo 4jj sutr rm in adtawtw aotou ontahio thtfnbday mobning apbel 20 1jm0 bwirlpmeu rtet9im p attha sinaiib oopibs thhb1c cents ic ctoit r rss l vhki uihhh iiuiidiso kill uimvht actom omt yabafaovlluiimiilifriau qua dollar i yr itt tally in advenon 1 co t lulxevllhim in tli lnliej uuiwi all ulhiariinonit tlianoiilluueil wbau tha lime for wliloli lliav hava bau all baa a ktia1 til data to wliloli avary btiuaovlit loulitujj liduothl on ijaolilraaa labal atwatbyiainfl iutih yrenulont ailvermaa immtlttu and 1 aoval ittewrtiui uuu for w a eaupr luali cmuraol aijjjr ailvidl nil limavil ti vuarly ertdifieu a4wilmnil wlllwul utiaelha rllrbedatu wll bltiatjljii foiflm aiiil uliartfe1 aoaarrl- dltf treual4nl ejvertlaauenuniliat tat paid mi jldaaluajnt will ha eliausul ohm uh uoalk ll dalttol for oliatis olur tiieu fcbom taaolioaad the extra eomt64luau bjua b tela io a maula rata al i aeeeua u eel laatej bum ui 1 y u p uoouw keltm- uj promuior tost it fa a filmtorxt npjios- g1iav m i c hi mcclll ii o i finuihuaam tafawanallerrtenukoitui aaacunom km ottaatwjawuh litre- aston oal osruorathy oiatiitbyldlnn li ui hma tlnraf la h tuaajsye uid viulsrs ll in demutau hold aetou cuir0pn4ctic d hw nttiuina auivu0ui iftahriho uoimay iw uilt i will healths net el lira wui aadroa ulll tirl ato watuay tuwlav wlujair thursday aadlrvlday creu wuub u lajut vsrimjjjly j llw 6tuta fjnduulklab vetarlutry oalluu lix oflmlribux lilmb uuuuu ulll be oelwday er ullt proudiv sitttjd ta lk j uusauvoa oaneabilll faum4 id rarrrbiao iu wu a ulym uariuur ball hot and koury fuliu o0ua h uolan i lllub d0u4u1 mm msmfu lao vla gli nmu uud- hjnur drju bull udblda aoh llimmawi ml0 u uilirtw ooiiwf ulll utj sj4ui uamam oa1x4uv c vdaomvo duivhtetw d artjrcjla0 tf lutfiluioitt woman bookhiudhb a v4if of il kinds buj la tajar fisttij t hz u ba4 u r uooiui pmhuottm rriiijiiuljjl uij it- j kwut ilwtd atmhriouhbb dtr uttt pauiiu ol wdllataa llalloa iwl urd posuiti mij uu jy ui tiueltili lulw o3 wllii mlufedll aaj asw rwiau p a ov ruuj la eunomuau wltb vlmluhbuulum d alex nivkn htuvy suikiivuioiia mitu uiicrlptiona ul cvhlftcauhi for jiuroliakarh and mort plana re- ijirltita eic fmtfm burvey for arcliltoclh uuil- uiaud municipal couiullu drain- 44 iteporta kutimates cic metmcmany5bakk hldo otlllth ofaoda ims omt j whik uindkh taum 1f t atold oh lilblaa hiub ajcij wottk vromltliv kkboutho the old and reliable clratilte and marble dealers vtftt ur uamufuluiwhi kdii lumjt luituur mik wrimudlrmloouveuauiitkinmlwbalx luj mj uiua ilim ttw utbuww 0 i mb w hv u lt muhem uttd ill mlytoihttlilhlbootiilnlntt who 6u ni wmutthu t0 roily w nab vttmtnntk truta huitr4b of oiif nuatam i toroaut bd filow 111 wllw olllmm h u um liw aalim in oar to enllmit w i ktf iammi mill bmb buiii of jlrull l ibv itewlkmm at udm uiiu wy ltrwtujtim tu m wm wfavn iwjillluhtu uuh jxl lo a wmu ui ar hamilton sons oat xoifolh il wtlwlh nu uutcrrk savage co rtabllhttd id4u jlwclleh guclpii the oi and reliable watchmaker and jeweller savage co guelpb oat insist upon getting till piano value and vou out xs6e bell akt piano prnikwl by all leading iuuaiciaiis ortlsllc in npparanen uniunoiirsd toa qualideft ami construction the mamx iul- ttnlitial ti10 illl li uld only by c w kelly co son s3 lower wyndhmm sl ouelph ont c c speht fob uptodate goods silvrwir fan tatilwwau flsiw also ytiim cutlwiry hardwiaw thivfura uul oran hwair in vurilv pndor stova iuul iuuaa kwfdou hwatarfs euzitmll sovil otl stova mtockanlcal toy slljh hocky suok every article iu ol excep tional value a a speight uui 3lrtt aetea wwmhiimtiadaadaaaadocukliuua g grain s i chopping 1 r 0 well done and 1 quickjy at only a 5 cents g perbag harris v co mookwood umlled g h ont h wnaadddddaadaanuuuhhfet if you wnut a ronlly kuh ready mixed paint job lliuii you ulimild buy only marrinstnoub 100 pure guaranteed i hu llotid storo ltirriiu uvur sprtrjj ihinlwiiro iillcrnity writo or cull all information cbcorfully uulii the bond hardware co limltwd phono ioi 3 yartwlva oublph if you think of jwnwnnl ntloriithgut above nil elu yoti an uramlgil aa valu ii you think of averytliltitf el imjforu fitiod aiiraruncc you itru liruntlod aa nlovtulv llioruua uolcrw doiun of com 1jow hlnsi naiuiin lor wtarinc our now yu alnut moimtiiijfl ami tliuy cant help muuhiif you look your iteut theyre made hint uav vtmdvy guclph om ttftftonro cinua notice ti10 tjprlng term in bliawa diul um tlchnoli iorouto from april 3rd nittti into ilia kuiunier tortu for july and austist blart now and b rady for rumlunn in auiiipki ho vacations frw catalogue w ii bliaw pre a wonderrul burner wltv muih vouh uvkh9 if fan fjjulj bv ihj gil 09 albaltu lubl id oar low ib uuj tu j youv oil uniipd voil wol libw it ibauluj k ba th whit lull luvo lwtr oumw will ilv vol u utatl m lljbl ila utuaf kvu fcj- ullr j autlijaiiea i6 cjjiuiry iray uun u4 ii ulll niv u tul u4 hit lllalluialcsajoll uwtlli ttw uaa4 lac jujuoti twlitj vmt will kuril4 wiilmi ll mmlalobwscviau rrwbuabuaur imp lbt ud iwilmi wia 1 u iiwl lit mm j au mslimary bu unfm lodjy o wnulov lealiw 4itujf aj1u wbtaj vmuum h v flallhah uihum omt in the heart of the lily robtnoble txouu natlnaal for patry korval bimed for general iiw kiujrii choice and fiv itustfiv manltolwi ilmrd wheat flour feed ilrati sliorti gluleu men uolannlti oh cake ilax uem out chop corn com cliop heeds kud clovtr uuraoutb aulue alfalfu fliiiotlty cmmdlah hlueicraiut arl at iowuht ikios xuwahrkn manaobr tvlhpiionir now tor wet weather footwear kcnncy bros main st acton spring is coming and w havtf a full asaortraant of boat and nhca and rubbara and rubbar boota aultable ror lha wt waathar savaral llnaa or slaura kegal auehoma tor uea cakbmts clabil for ladle wa hava aohcol boota for qhlldran and rarm boota lor kaan and woman itubbara and rubbaraoota to alllt all iuhkm hanalrlaxmeelve proupt ail careful atuatloa d the hub d tlieiwrt of a suit you want i- dho whlolt flti and bacoraei you andiwnlcli conform to the ntner dutuuiuu iif both style and the money if men really knew jutt bow lha olotliu w mnlfo loot bd wear they would all come tare order ymtr bprlui uult now nud yet youreliolcfl f the new uprldg icooda geo f agnew oiu40m tallr mill 81 aelaa tloxa k ual uii ijim tdk vlolatu wra at uutm of bloom at on if ui walk but tialtliair joj- plilnii catlairt uar k ikmn uav itewl to tliam aa tliy daihml down tl tjaaaa to tha tilff touring oar walling at tli otiuntr tty war anawarlrtfr wav fwnri patty cautnaiit aaiaw in tlm ratvr of a iat taurine cr with lira ooiamn profaaor coiawah wiia at tb wbl wltb doctor vofbuah at lila aid tha two wt in such clou dlaouulon that vn patty haty algtial to iiav ut car atoppd bad liarilly inumiptad thri i am ao jud to fliul you at boot joau patty erud iachln otr uiotltra up to apaab to uiail- i wu juat ium yoo would l oft to tha futtl want oowjtltf afiijaor aotrw 6tlvr bovo- lant wofk tli woav tb pity parliaoai uh cola- man uld joupfaltw uylnif m batul lov- t inyly 011 tba glow haud of lira couniau j lrofaao coumau and wlf wm vy i popular wltb lha fcliu of nhkhalttjaj i ho ttuuiy eiog uilbga lira couovaopuubid for tlkahi and aucli way wu lara of iuw- liik vnry an faj at jh in tka colaouu boniaoi b oaudpus uiat it woulj ka iujad a atroujtw butt tllah joacjiloa catltaarta not to rapond hut not only all th uffl of lhooaaliiuu ilka th cuu- biaua tut tba luiya too and by youiijf and om ilia coloniaua wra hlmy td thar wer aotoa wko fjt iktu wall as tluwb if otily tbay took a war prondlnaiit oand lor a clitltlau ufa la woutd u iiur dub yat tha finiii rdukul high in moooilredata wauvalfeoll flu j joarjila aaj 1 auppoaa kva ka haa uhlnf you about it aald poity aluwit tb kaaw tunrua party y voa thats whit wa on solug to oaii it aald luy it aounda uloa ddawjit lb r and patty uaj back aiwi uughaj ybaa umlo forward again aka uul trta doititaa hoya in 6jaa to lav tkjr oar and tluyu uk ibjr two coujaa and juiu lawtto ui4 ailm you aaa lb will ba quiu llttla vaiaful foluvwiatf wa bav and pkuy qav alight uly coeala lift to tba bueb ya aba tumj u eva dirwctloa i dont know wbat cwaa tnotlir u galajt to aay about it wbai dau aba aay kva pauy aalaj coojlnif out 6ww bauly i bava not aatd say thlr to b ji yt aajd ea duji oouiajf ovw bar 1 hut i aw aum laotlwr will tbldk itlovajy your oouatlntf u la fth wu aayli yw tarday aba hapad avvy tuiauu of tba kaatar vafatioti would laarmtupfobaa and thata what our bjarla eauau will yuj aald joaphlo in bar quuily aaaurd way flttwugtb id tba quut orf by ourwalvn for what futura daya bold fu ua aivl you tuut ioak your ur ilia wlicottma lb that way too joaaplilna paid patty in a jantlvy aaroast way talllmrlb la an eiaui cuntl at hal uanti knoli arul utat tba faw jlbfuu wbo ar wltb ua will ba watbad ovr abj in tba bms all of tba rwjwooda tby will find ral rafrabbuut of wind ludy auj bcart- it will ba wothipjng in ooda owd utahi ucdpli and flddld nw laaplr uoda tba wuy w all uia oja- tdia j bordly tblak our lltlu tlaau outliik bau ftaoh tolldttkii abown in lu babalf tlaad turnluij la jtoaapblm aba aau dr obiub will u wltb ua iv vorbuab oaaaaj tba diuunloa and tumj at tba uantloa of bla luuua i was only aaylao ivwstor tbu you wr to im dim of tba taur 8ubtbjv too ob yaa ur cauaab tmtaiuiad tba dootor aad vry ud i am to b oountaj la book abwig by tba 1i0i4u wadt tba two fcfrla to u houaa pattya wava following tbam aa tba oar ttlulad forward wbaba dw patty aau bva tbaonly troulda wltb iutty coiaqjau in aald doaaibtua aba a o aollcltoa to baf averythlntf aha doaa oouuatidaaj uiat aba aoiiwtlbiaa ovardoaa it o llttla but huhly i can oaa no raou why tbou of u who uttd by tba vrtdoy aarvk4 tnoy boa take u lltllo mat eaator without blaj orlllolacd for ho dolin either motbar j away bub will ba bub tbli afbartwui bba uavtr tat asa tba vrldoy nlgbt aarvloa h will ba ilia beat wa vr bd prolaor fit rat ford think ami vry beautiful mvvloa it ajway wa that tba youjjg paopla of 8b jauaw prwrd caobyear for tba friday vanfutf itefora eoaur wbatbar tba uuatc wut wtatiifed to llluuliuita hf ifarforda abot eattartulk that houlwayagavetba younj paopla on uiltt vnn or wbathar dr harford- talk ulataltutd tha mualeal projpramttw talflht bo hard to toy bub tba i weaving of halpful word wltb aottlful i uualo an wm iloua at 8l jauaa aaobyear tuada a urvle that wua loobod forward to by youlff and old it la the beat wa hava avr had mr thaithoart aau to joaepbina bafora tha two aeparatad tor lha nlgbt tbo vtry btl and it did you young povia pwit honor wa ball all b tba batur for it i abigud you tbluk ao taotbar aahl jompblna thoiumlt wag a llttla oult for tome of u but w bav workad batd on lt and you hava yqur moatnpaoaa takl tlm inotliar ami thua tin two aojwntkul tor tlm night iterahod by alwp villi a imauii- ful aunahlna liaamlntf ovr tint world joaaphlno catbaart atood in tha wldtt roaptlon lull of bar bom thera war iiiibh aundlnjf at tba foot of tba ivawal poat and tbo nuintxl window lualdatha ball door waa bankd with iuiaa hut joaa- phlns wu not alona tba ohoirauaur of uu jatiiaa elm rob wan alandlng nar aalltfbt flu tl lay upon jom4iii faoa and a brlrbt light waa in bar ay which woi ratltar unuaua for doaanhlna hr man ner waa ranarally qulat and bar larinp lliabof a illy liartnabaa often aald itut now jonaphlna wan hardly haru wlilla mr flngara oaraaaul lb whlla i ii lea at tha foot of tha atajr bar ya mt fairly pro- faaaor htrdtforda wall i mutt uy profaau i tbluk tba prnont day sunday 1i100i damanda a braat daal of na aald joaanbloa kot damamla ul joaapilna 1 tba sunday kohool derrtawla notlilntf hut low prm opn th iloor of opportunity tbasa dayg in way tlit iiuik it poaalbl for uaof tha hunuay scliool to rab oat and upward oa waa hava tba cam bafor hm bowd and pauad down tit atapa and jomplilna watohlno blw notload that b llfud hla haad aa but ay fall on tha vlolau as though arijoylhff tbjr parfuua hut hi walk worf awlfb and aut- at tba oomoi- ba paumd and laid a itod ou tba bowl of a littlo lad wluu boart ratb bbgraaailwaly barrd tba way ufa do tblnga so quickly yi aaurj- ly joaapbln uurmurad wbo waa it jimpblmlr lit oath- eort aakad a ah ettt down tb aujrway and atood at bar daugblav aid profaawjr flutfwd u eatoa to tall m tbara waa a ttroog raqut fedada uat might that thra of our eboruaa ba plaoad od tba eaata pttirrautea tobaoiow i aw bura that la y anoouilta to thoa of you wbo atood by tba faraottoa aa patiently but you do uot nairn ta utwunundj uiotkmr that aom of ua wbo bva toad by tba ihaxlw an tired and wa npouj to ba eounud out of tba katr wrvloa and traatouraalva to llttla rt tba cououna y akej tba uotbr why yaa pvofaasor auad lira oouaaah or ffiiau and iv votuiah e ad i will b in thjr or tba dolnuii boy will taks tbalr two ttoajtia oad juiu loratt and alloa thar will ba abt twuty all told slaaply as etmig ada ria party tbawll ba bo fawni aad paokinir of bawiaw that will ba do by tba dutapfar ooaipaay saturday u after auarlaaoad bnakfaot w aball uav tba loajr auua of hnlwood for rwat and cotauuuloa aj worbl if ana ufa to call ll tbat in ooda owe taupu wonblp wltb patty ououm iiaagy aid ur cmtbcart a aoiiu fa bar yw atrlvliig ta vkftao tba orluouol of tba word lfour jou ara a way a d brd oa 1aliy oouiafl taud joaapblxa bka apoka not lo ah irhulaj way but lu tba qaut way barglilfruoda aaadattlrad ura catbaatt uld br baiad aa joa- ijiiaa and lookad gravjy uto bar daugh- urayaaj aw i bard oa patty t i da 10 wau lr ba bard oat ahoa i aapaeuhy od ao daar a girl aa puj iut iauy wji wa uuatnttai br jddwa faba tay ba kr tdocrmnu of rat worablp tba raaoa wby avaryoaa judgwi vuy u fcevawwly i tall kv amid joeatphl u tbab aba u ao dairoaa to baka aary oaaaatlajud tbat bar vry anvuty awakawa dial nub tby think wur tba u auoka tbara uiut ba lira m laugbd ur ctatboare lwibap yu ara rigbti tbaia but ara you aura you want to ula tbu party for auv jopliua t you at way- v-llh- ful- doat tnotbar bdag- iu tba ifaitbfnla ifarybody bialta a bobby 6f tba bainia of our bunday bobol i for 00 wub tba warn w bbascwd tb aa only flf of ua klhagoliijf to tba radwooda ad tba aobol u baited tdataihar ei -nord- lug ao it will not aula uob dlfiuda anyway thar you ara wrong- jomphld uua kudlootta baait will faal a dlaoouraga- maab wbaa aba eoufrotiu flva oipty aaat tba aupwautlidb will ba paload iba atoppl thaa addad and bow about tba chrut jaaapblnar tbaa wwa taara now in tint ttotbav ayaa jdrtpbltt ilftad bar bafd andgunoadat tba illua by tba ataltud window tbae auaoejd 1 sotaaltaay you alwayi uab ona raaob oa tlptoa toolbar to koajp along- wltb you bba turuad to tlta furthar tootd and la front of tha iila by tba una eurtaloi aba alood and lookad down upon tba tall aplko quaatlaulngly wby was lb tba uavar aould aba eotaa quit up to what bar moibar afckad t lifting oua of tba tlllaa aha looked down into tba baart oi it and tuurtaurad wby doaanb tny ufa bloota with itaauty aa tha illy t uvan aa aba said thu tbar oama to bar tba word j ut x ftav uy ufa for tha what hat thou dona for war quutly jueapblua turoad and kuad up tba broad atalrway to bar room two hour latar four girt raoalvad a not gtvciii hi at their door by kannla blahl uta oatboarta young tnatd a half hour bitar tbara wra four rlhtfa oua aftar tba olhar to domphlua oatheari uupboua wbau tba uab uleftbuna oall bad iiaaii llatenad to joaeblua pa at ad qulekly up tba ktalra to bar room and feloalnff har door dioppad down la front of tballtu daak wbara tba four not had bad ban panned uiut for a wbll tb roons waa vary quiet than tba oanary in tba bold cai by tlut furthar window atandlng atoob still twi in pamb with hu baaddlk black ay famanad on tba bowed bead broke auddauly into aoog and tba mualo thrlllad tb oaa by tba llttla daak caualnjf haw to lift bar bead qulbkly and it was aa to tba 0004 of n bird that ivofaaaor stratford tha ovarwofked bactbbtidb oh rar a tb apundour of illua and awoat a lb violet brjui com th jubilant tnornlnpr of raatar a triumph of lif over death i for fnah from th artlie qulknedboon full baakata of flowarn w mno and aoetur tbalr katinaoft wtala t capiat ta pallt for tb king- w bav nroped through th twilight of borrow ifav taated tb tatarrow of tar hut lo in th gray of th dawning break th hop of our long aluat vaarai and th lavad and tb laab w lliougbt parlabad wbo vanmi afar in th nohfc will twturri in th itaauty ofijkrlna tlm to beam on our raptuou eight hwt ttaataatjj pledg thr taoralng brna beyond troubla and toll aa th illy upprog in lu frbna from tit warm throbbltui hvart of tha soil and aftar all partlntc raunlon and aftar all waruurlhg hotna 1 ob dear i th balm for our baartaeha a up to kaatar w oowa 1 in th oountl rvmi blada of tba tnaadow tba abaan of lha daffodil gold in tba tratauloua uuef lha bodntain tba opaline uut of tba world in tha tinku of brooks through lha pas lura tba rlvar atroog awaap to tha aaa ara aota of tha day that i baetlntf in gbulnaa to you and to ma ba dawn in thy splabdour of illua tfay fluuarlbg viola braatb lublunb btornlnir of iuatr tbou triumph of ufa over death i forfnab frotn tbaaarthaqukikactadboaofn full baakal of how wa bring- ami aoatur tbalr emfja soft petal to oarpat path for our king allgbtly duoodragd ebolrmaataa of ht jfatoaa a w taocaeot ulr llataoad atbl ulefiiona raoalvar to tba ttlaar vluatat ton of joapkja oalhoart traoogalaaj by tb majority of 8l jam aa leader of tha young patopla tbara aa aba aau 1 i only want to tall you arofaar tbat w 11 will b a our tjao tba falthw afaatar uornlag and prwta tha profaaaor onawarad ta hla kuu way by ao do thaa a alaa of alwaya faithful baa baora drawlag powaw toward twal wrthlp thau m alu-ojl- lndr touring tmr it earultily look tht way doa it not profeaaot joaa am- d tustkats wont you oona in and aaa my ttaater lily 111 uoran r aij ifauo luad kind ly tba iiuu draanaakbr buaikbtanad ur tlrad back bba was erlpplod and plain butahaunipad into lha front md wltb aa tur of dlgalflad r olrahiubotf lad ooaipalud br to turn bar aaorad par lur lata badroont and rmt it lo ibu atrausw but aha had not od to laaaat tha albuatlon aftar a talaut bar ayaa waibund fro tha illy and treated wlib aatiafaouoa oa a boga gifrauad pxetur hancug at oo aid of tba rootd tba aubuo wa a uab of paafcip forty wbo pbotgvapb bad bead trataafarftd to gua and oolorwd ivuiy luaaatb it waa a lalalf drap id a fwl caalm flannal uubrwqula and hold lug woodaa cruolak ood a drinking gld wbb bad baad doorataj wltb apuabai of brown paint froru ca 4da of tha kum l a bunch of dry itatnorulua haunaa glanoa fauowad uua uoaan i that a tautw of yourat aba la- qulrad eaatiously uy lirotbar jarvy wu lha abwar w llvad ufrathar br wuu ha dud aiiw aa if id du too uy iiioa aba paiatad that buitarfly and ooodocj on that guaa and rv upt lb arlaatin a it vr kin a auddahi llbt catna lata lflaoa faoa aa aba aaw tba uaanlog of lha baactly thlbaalwbajdhjamlbj with a tiriu of sympathy aha turad to anothar putura wblob atood on tha fioor uanlng ou thawall tbu u uy brothr aha aau boftly touoriow will ba bu flrat kataur la bavvaml oh tb llttla dimi utebud ayaa travelled up to jwrya paotura and back again tbad sympathy trluupbad if you want to bang id thafa sha said i oaa taka jarry dowu nov indaad anwrd itauna swift to ddy hag pdaltl ra utanuoa of afw uln utea taruar and lifting bar brotbara plo tuaabaaaaltoa lha whjueod sianj acroa tha eornar on tha lajga in front aba uld bar blaok oaya oroaa and at ona alda planed tha baauuf ul illy in tha eryeul vaaa eiteotly aa aha had inundad toafiaaga thau m uui uoiana ahalf it look just baautlfdl tbara uurunrad tha imudramakar in paihatio raliaf tbati ilalana took tha udipruktd flngart into bar own saf t banda uua uorau aha said and her voloa tiamblad i am aura w ara both trying by what wa hava dona with our brothata jploturoa to bslp ouuelvaa hinaubtw oalvary and eaataa thw ahh darkaat and earths wlghteat lay wara jut oua day apart tba fadad blna ayaa ilftad to ulo wara glassad ovar with tear until thay laokad uka jerrys lu tba piotum vaod buaa you ml whuperad tha llttla droaamiuvar how aubt is flxku lb has baao ovar 1200 years alnoa tba rub was adoptsd whloh bulcaa tfauer virab sunday afur tba bmb full uooa aftar tha sun eroawa tha llaa by thu nrttangauaub of tbluga eaatar may eoue aa auly as uaroh 22nd or aa uto aa april both bub must foravar oaolluta between tba data tnanuonad tha word kaatar is said to be from tba qenaairi 1 lb i tha chrlw- ian paaaover or faatlval of tha raaurreotlon of cfarlal tba tgllh aatua for th day is probably derived from that of tha tautonlo r4daa cater wbeaa featlval ooourrad ab about tha satne tint as our eaubratlott of kaaut tha proper tlm for eeuhrauag tba faatlval was n tbstna whleh gave riaa to much heated duouaaloa tunonu early chruuana the question was fully oonalderad and flnally battled at tba 06uh0ii of nienv hoji a ik by adopting tba rule wblebtnakeii lb fall upon tha ant bun day after th qnt full tnaou ooeurrlug alter th slst of uarob uuring tba iiraatnt oantury eaetar bo fallen front ona to four tlue on ovary date between uarob 24 and atwil axoapt uaroh uii wbloh has ba slilpp1 nnurlyki twbht yca ago frort our inua of the proa press of thursday april 23rd 1800 ur the elliott ba let the oontraot for aftn bank tarn to it erected this aottf- mer iroiind wa ltroken on tuesday for um erection of a new reeldence for ur if p uoora oornr cliurch and fredertok atraeu lit sit or hla blrthplao tbo ion hrldg over tli r in on wil low btrsat to the tannery ertoudovarnla year ago by tit ut pnur uocaun u ulnp removed to make room for tit 100 vat which ait to he added to th lan yard th bridge will he rebuilt on john fltlaat tit flrat bambell match of tit season was puyed lo tit park on saturday after noon by teams selected from th glove and uoocaaln department of lit canada olova works harry jean captained th glova nlti and john agoaw the mooeesln men a vry fair gam wo puyed and much omusemant was aftorded th onlooker ii sevau inning th soore was 17 to 7 in favor of tha ftuve men w a fitoray was tha umpire th work at tit rub hatchery during the past year by ur jstn firetbrook end a number of carpenter workman and teams for several monthu is now oomueod lug to show fruit ilurisg tha winter 400000 try bav been auoceaafully batched the aursery and stock ponds will be push ed to completion this summer balldug pro to b buay a town tbla summer jehu fouter end john harr hava aaoli purchased lot in cook survey and or preparing for aw house adam buwart u arranging to build au addition tobuboua 11 t arnold has had iu boaa ba kaoently tamoved from lha uoora bomtad to bu lot oa wilbur street and will flb it up at one forty yar ago ttaturdey j j hill of tha great northern uft kockwood to carve hufortuaedla tha west ife u at present tha gueat of sir donald bmilb la uontreal if sy bu road will carry 10600000 boahau more grain than ust year and tha fralgbt and paeegar roaia will ba jj600600 a auaea luv j w iu will pacb tarwall rmocli lu kok chureb bat sabbath if u mloutry claa tha fourth in lha pae- torato of the oosngatlod blood anguat iu7 iuva john uelaugujd laobua oainroa end d u ckuaron prwoeadad blm ur iu induotlod took place in auut iks7 kv a iuair ulg tba paeober rev dr wardropa addreaaed tie ulautsr and uv ix btraban lha ooogtagatioii luv dr torvaao waa uodaaator during ur iwe putotata tha so uew maoaa on wuhw biraet was areeud a wall as the beautiful and oom- uoihoua hw ebunb tax bstbuct am uceftitt to the editor tb following rrou otuw citwei slbuu peopl thinking 1 ona of tha arguinats u l by tba liquor latsraata aaaloat llcanaa rejection u that it will lu- oiwaea tb tair laaoawpalgu for a re duction of twlv lara and sis shop in tha oily of haulllon yu- ago lha liquor leuwata puuubj a paper in which tha sulabmatwaa tbtade that bau rwjnotlon would ineraaae tba us twu la ifaaalltoa by tito milu on th dollar ii ara tha ota 1 tiacity roaiiraj la lioasa feee from twvatauastvtandeiooa la feee from six akopa or a uulof ii0fida wotaluaa lha dollar wvuld pioduoa slsalneoo on hamilton r which auow that tha law ef fa by lloenaw kwluetlon would ba bean equal la a tax uonase of but onevaigbtb of a buu laauad of a two- mill loineee a tulm- that u bub n saupla of tha bilelaaj- lag lutwamli mad la dafarenos of tha liquor ttmme iuauad of taxsa being increased by llansa tradaeuoa they ara frqbotly ra- duoid in laduna tututke gathar by kxttlovairnor uanley showed that la six liona eitui with au apiwoxlmata iiii uat of on huadred million dollar lha avaksgatax tata was ona dollar and eighty svaoanu on tba bundrad dollar worth of property la tha six prohibition cllla wltbaboub lha same semat tha tax rau wj ninety and oua- third oau on tba hundred dollar worth of poparty thu thaw that rata in thee wet bill waa tlonua that of tha dry ona uaay other plane rpor that tba liquor trafiu u a heavy burda on the tax payera uasflbera of lha dolphin cnuuby ivnaeyl- vauu hoard of poor direotor hava an- tuminoadthaoaviagfor tha vlctiou of tba liquor traffloeoit dolphla cnuaty inolud- ing the dty of ifarruburg tne than lie time tba revenue derived front tba liquor bi the liquor intareeta hava aeseaned ao long end so persistently that blua rain would follow closing a few unites bare that eoua innooaat peopu think lb nihrbt be trua kanasj city saved twentyfiv thousand dalura in polio expenses and a similar amount la criminal justice tha very flrat year aftar closing tba lara knlut for th tight every one can and ohould dlstrlhuta lluraturo do your bit to lift tba heavy burden and set your country free ii aukoit uh- ucpa bu no bell on all th mountain side proalams tli not of raatertiila there u no dep tonwl organ kal noaurjilloej choir no prteet to kneel and ralae tha chant luaurgam- hub where lb rugged mountain loom a strange mysurlous illy blooms in sluno sweet aurpaaalng song it swlno it oensar all day long and breath th chant lleeurgam a sbepltard on jutting rock iu counts tha newbom of his look wblu far off vaguely like a dream ha hear the oadeuo of a truant which softly sn lueurgam if sees tba plane but lately bare mow clothed in vernal areen end fair if hoar the droit of joyous bee where weaving through tba fragrant ireea th south wind chants lleaurgatn a rnd untutored lad is he like his own mountain wiblly fre vet not untuned to that wbloh tlige tb paiaa of eternal springe tba tnltbty ehaut lueurgunt a ullj pill for dalioat woman- tb tnoatdalroata woman can undergo a eouraa of pyumeues vagaubu p1iu without fear ofuiipleaaunttkmsequenoeri tbelraetlon whiu wholly eaeotlva u wild and agrae all no violent latins or purging follow their use as tliontandj of woman who hava used them eon testify thay rare there fore strongly raoouinandad to woman wbo ara mora prone to disorder of tha digestive organr than men pttayl fob bam twrribu drouth tsmmsi tarrlbl drouth men ouay there soma drouth ihat orona dry but this bucks a aye wvrauiohtybalruoedln rain it a peety we duna ba soma control owr tba weather aw man that wid hardly das ay bat juat oor sin plaou x mean pyod what think ya o try in soma o thaa new fabgud wattehn spparatnt dwd taumas iw reltber gang owwby to th mans lb nlebt au ask th ulnleter to py for aabwow weal awat oeordu y needna fmah ya needna faah jam i tlpuntu wu owr st blu tha itltar day an it wu am 00m f ort ha got f i aa blm h on yet whet said tba minutsr tammajl weal waalsaye ba 10 jauu 1 sni wead pi piy fo raj 9 to please ye but feint m doi will ya gwt till tha bhaeage o tha muna ay man but what woau ihuk 0 tryln tb fwe kirk mlnutar to put up n bib prayaat it tnlcht baj fawlr hod oaordu r- od wel div ye no aa that 00 mla- uur ha tha gtater part o the guba id bay thu year on lu no tuurj rwt eaayaoealdda aapaot ba would pray tar raldt kb that aooodnta for bu faith i tha eh se age o th unna he little ndla rala pu thukln- waalawet but it a trying uma- lbuka abovt him aa if la quaab of a raid tul what think ya vwel tammaet lv y ihuk itll ba lang oaauy f- i ruarmwy 0fwju itll bbb baa gu while for i never yu sw u ay sbapa shapin to ria end yt no oemla hut wa wre sura o dry wwhor a weak f if and our two friend meat agald- weab ueordu i gaerd to hear ur falruaa o lha fra on hudday an i oaa ull ye ba prayed for rain tha rlcht gate ou ya what said ha teauiji f wal i caanaguyou b jit word for word but it wj bomatbldg lik tbu t tbod kbowaaat wa do bot waat the tosaod usa rala wbloh shall pour doon la fury and swell our slnama and carry away our bridgae and hayeoek and tuettoy tha turnips and other growing bropa bub wa want it t 600 drlaaladiwu dhal- droaau for abot a ek atta ay toau thmtd jlai il jufc ft dwols- dreuu an na a daatroyln downpadtr and lal at last tala doe oocn to fe tha heart of tba farmer tbymet8galn a grand g4wthuday taumaa un ftutfloethaoawv ay man it doin a btle t guul but thases ua plaaaln abody though 1 eaw ttgfuuh w th gmla yonnar an ba fair balcb what up wl tiggu na ou w j uua jlb irlggit uhw- cheaa for waurin hu naepd an had tha two ast perk on th howunge a caa awra wle 6 tha rala earn on weal that was ft kind o lost ubor to mm deed wut an tiggu just new into ja perfeet furlin fury- ay tamuoo uwu fail tryin uau by th by i butd rat guld ana tba day lata hsart caordu whavt aidooo f its ualos o muckletoon that ws eraekln to one o bu men ay jock say ba hhab rains jub coo in uto k prayed wel forv aa at baa tha maenuter an faith tba craps wlr lr uaedlpu y save jyck tuaraa n boiuii ualrd uoo oa that naul w bad to aaw twloa deed ay prayer as ya bad jock avalletb much aay uaiha dyya think air that a rau eajoeee praywuavaiutsjvbpura jock 11 na doot naa doot if its at a reason able say ualn awsl returns jook wlatwiakuin bis ea lv ueo prayla for pair o uw ulduiaivd breohanuafrtre tb peat oalrt in begin la dald mroeet an tbab if raasonabu esfcrta be dealed ill pray gslri tha nlehb when tha uaepa ha enm naadoob the hamsae 11 oowa too ian twlgb in the paopua viiend for bprajfna and brulsea thar is nothing better for sprain and contusion than dr ttuutuu kcuetrlo olb it will reduce the swelling caused by n sprain will cool lb inhamed aesb and draw tb pain as if by ntagle lb will uk tb ache outofauuueand prevent th rleeb from dlsooloring lb seems aa if tbara was htagta in it so ripeedlly doe tb injury dlseppssr under treatment tug ktutubouita sav if ba u regular in attending church- ba mplouiv if ha doesnt attend church b u on lb road to perdition if ha sends hu family away for tb summer lb u mora than ho can afford hudoeentbauatlngy if ba ihappena to to auooassf ul lu buslneaa ba achbtvad lb by swindling k ha give freely to charity it is dona for show if he doesnt be u classed aaa akinflint if hu wile does her own work aba la killing barseir for the family if aha baa esarvant aha ought to be mora economics 0mb oh tub lawvkr tha overbearing lawyer igrtoranoo of what folks want uoet bhey tnoy never the uw exouss no one i it 1 what they need most they may always i the culprit ill be sorry for you then if you ever get id trouble get bav

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