Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 13, 1916, p. 3

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wall papers ciming papum window iiiaiuu cukiain polks weearrj n complain utocp oin nc rt0 low murrlngo lkuiuum irmmd geo hynds sky bonio in mlloji from lorniito about ono how rldu in a plucu uuy cull guorgotavin j a whiouglrtiy ronliutl ho hutu nhotit oa furinu of i i to runt uiiulu mill iilxos no fancy ttdk no iruo jjiriui ilu uiiru hnu got noino it los if your fjirni in not i o goodi your pinlltn gritting lo just inuu a trip to george i own good fafmit lo you liull ntiow kite iuton jfltb jjlcss thursday april 1 1 11111 brief local items hot croas liiitti net woek neat hunday will he ialm hunhiy imoss of food bluffa continue to noro plane 111 lay spring now caroimu tho oarth how readelb tlio data of the label on your paper t trout flthhig waioii opena two taeeks from monday reattitnhcr i ho lanier monday concert nth town tmll wlulsr fro in and a tonus are over nml glorious spring la imro itcaowod on tho litli april toil year bjui on tin oth this yewr the new major cars srw beginning to put til an appearance on our ttreeto tha tchool chlllren o hamilton ore oolueuag 30 worth of watto pajwr vkly put thi in yourdiary that nn the fuli a pell two inches uf enow foil uhen tlia wind was in tlio aauthftuu mr l- v- atulntun litorjuiati loot oaeof his heat drhers hot uuol through lufuwtaatlon of the howde net market hta decided to impose a lldmim fee ol j1 ml iijum all motor car owui who taka imswiikufh for biro the comity road com mi wiener will have ilia action of mad from airy lake down to tlio jiiuttii repaired wliortly little april wli o tcirful llitlo april why aa stij latent j on a wo i c041m cltaerf ul for ujfand acmlling o the enwrfd from acton to tin mvulh linfl lo imj macadam fuul undor tbe count j ood ittud ayatom mil mini mer td ludlyom aid hoctaty a arranging t gatlter anotlter car of wonta utur ianr bomu old tioola inaffailnei tugu and ruubr iuv il j hmitliwni wlio wa riven a call lo tlio putorate of tlio luptlat cliuroli haa aooaptad m call to tha clmrch atbwanua ura jolin mcklnnon hat loaned liar tirtu and will boll licr ntocb and imploinont ort alonday jtth april hlio u 111 tlien return to liar roaldanco in aoton a 1 itavla haa on appointed toun eulfc of bratnptoo nta nalary of qiuh it- 1l prloffu solicitor will ut uo for koapluff tltlnga atralglit loyally uanld ayrup la lioymniim to oomo in to market in ainall quant i ton ami at faiwjy prlca tha run of up liaa n ntuar maajrr and ilia proapecta aro ibat tt uaaon will ta aliort- xue by law to 4lvo a now initnr tiro company xawilion from i aunt ion and froa wur wai earrlfld lit llramiton liy 419 to 4 hi company premium to employ oa man aad pay jjooo par montli in wnyoji tltaliicrcjm a pricoollooal iiqwpoienii la th oluwa valloy totl w ulior july 1st tsaxt will ba n llttlo leu tlian 010 0011 1 por wk cartalnly tlio puliliahora aro not imposing nnytlilnff in tlio natnro ofu lioavy eburifa on thoer iutmn lunfrow mor eury cleanup pay p eatly organization fleulrod to ob- taltr besultuai citizens should bo in tews ted iii nuny canadian oil leu mid townn cloan up d- imu licnninnan atabllliod euatota and without niuoli apoclal ftltort on hm mih of tliaaa inttrcslcd tlia work u efficiently can led out in innuy others bowovar practlcully nutuinu haw iwon or la iwinf done duo to tlio inolllnlanoy of tliou rcaponallilo or to inilmkruiico num eroua lannlolpilitloa arc in a nudly ncgloot- d uto hi iii id 1- net d on ovory liund jriiiiullnti oandilimitt uiitidii duaiiup in aphnir u noofijity owln lj tlio cold u eat i tor and llionlniiidiinoaof sno mjii- itury condltlonu 11 m not ul tliolr liout luna and alloy uuy- ktoitio liilurod with fpirbajfe aitliaa und uuato wior 1 luck yrdit callara mid uttloi liurbor rofugo which u imtli uuilu4a und duuorouu with tlio moll it if nfllin nnw lliia ucouinu- uuon uohpoaed to viuu tlio iliaulnrr of garluia parmlla of npocdy dcoiy mid a very fldnaoroun condition inut nnoo cntnh- luhed the auccoa o a ckan up day depend entirely iiuin ihu cuu n ixuil- era oro nooofcoirv mlultiaio lio niiivomant tojjot lliu pntjh r ulllnliilw lulnroilc i mid to awaton u pumic intorohl aoton hiw omkavourod to mulutuln tidy btrmls und sanitary surrvmndiii hut thor room for improvainout onpiitlkul efforla for a l mull noons clonn up would 6 produotlva nf evcollent result tha binnlolpalliy should pro v ida ulll- olent carluka fdoiiltloa for raninvnl of tha reftia oolleoled furnlwh plucou for its dla ipaial or destruction und ylvo every aii- bouwaement for tha volunlnry effort of cltlteu to mukn ttiolr homo town moro claanly mors healthful and mora liomo- ukl hows this weolfuroia ilnudrod dolhira itouard foif any com of orlarrhthntciinuotlio cured byhalluoauurlicun iuhh caurrh ouro fnw wn taken by eaurrli autfewr for tlui pant thirty 1v ydaro vma inta lnmiotua known im tint rarwfc kvliabbt remedy for uiurrh hmiim cktorrli ctiroanta thnmuli tho illond on thft muojuk wtifao ukpdllnu tlio iolaon frow llto i hood and lioullhtf the dlnoumml mmilotlh afwrukltikhahn oriunh uuro for u hbort tlm you wil ma n tjreat improve- bt4ib in your tfeueral liaalth hurt ubluu ir0urrli ouraatunodmid kl fid of calarrh hand for towhntonluk fnw v k cuny ac toledo ohio hold hy nil fiinjfulfu lu news of local fmport litwn bowllno nnd tonnls a nimlliiif of nil liiumftlwl in iitiwn lliwlln mid jv1111u will ihi hold in tlm counoll clianilior thubvonluu t oclock nnturod itoouiahtlos in our twenty vrw ayo oolumu will imj round roooriltxl thnt in irldo the loo unnulluono from hanuoreoita pond oh april 11th thin year ll laal of it van- ishwl with the rain of tueuy ui 11th nuturo haa n wonderful nveraui avoimeaa in her working tho board or education tho hoard met mi monday evening in regular moullily aeuaioh aoeounu for a enr of coal were paused mr john it keiinndy clialrmau of ut hoard waa appointed the mpreaonullvato tttejid tha annual meetlno of llietruat aaaoclalion of ontario nt toronto 011 the ioth to i7th april tho proo library board tho library hoard mot on hatartlay ufteruooti trauaactexl the builiieapreaent- od and duauauyl vorloua mattera of in toreat to the library ii i moore wan appointed lo attend tha annual convention of tho ontario library aatooiatlon at jtor onto on monday and tuesday ltli and 23th inata farm koueo dontroyod at oaprinjr mr itaurt irundy wlio pumluuml tha john mccutchebn fnrm a year ago loat ida roaldenoa by fire at noon on monday mont of tho furniture waa taken out the iro oriiii from a defective chimnoy mr oriiudy bad only 0200 inauraiion on bull tlnu and 200 on conunta hia low will imj considerable tho mothodut churdh me it sunday ilov ii v avuoi ii a b p will oocupy tha pulpit of ida forwar chara ialalay maioorlal uuji oait tiuuday hav i m moyr tlia pavalor of that church will pruch la tha uttlbsdlu church arton luorulnrr and availing iuv ur mover ia on ablo prsooher and tli oon lrrtation her will an joy his vlait cohooh in knox church til oung iops guild of knov cliurch haa acuri mitaoudyswarrlnr e locution 1 1 1 toronto awl mr el wood odkd ijarltone ouljji for their oouoert lent tueulay evsnlnj ihih inau in add itlon the prouraiuma will httludaiiuarutuj vocal ami inatruiuental soloa and duels by local talent tha twin protiilfcea to la of iiitoroat and plaaaura rav john mo ho ii comtnir tim hmi crou jlrla club for our vvuunded itave arranqnil for a rand patriotic mam in the town ball 011 wed uolay avflninu hay ird whm ltov john monoil tlio popular pastor of vvi mcr ituad iuitlbt church toronto will yue hio ranuwuod leoture on hopolsoi and tho iraunt war furtlterparticulara will lui published later tho woodelilrtuhmrl nuptlttli at tha borne of tha brldos parent it it no j almaoowedneaday april isth flna yorniuat daughter of ur and mm william dinaham waa uuirrivd to mr 1 krnt woods son of mr and mr jamua wood a arthur villajra tlie joung couplw loft amid it thower of confetti and tfood wiahaa for rrantord where uiay apent a few days with relatlv upon re turning they will ita at home at it it no 1 alma splendid war pictures shown mr it l irogory of wonjflrland domrvoa crwllt for ifivinff tit peopla of tlimoommunity an opjiort unity of viewing tho olqoial motion ploturoa taken by soldier camera men and entitled t fluktiug for franca wltli tha allloa seven roels were shown depleting tie tile fleldu in france bolfllum berbia and uuaela many pliawe of tha war wora vividly illuatratad and tlio pictures throughout wro highly oradiublo ami lhoroufllily inureatioff count da lciiopj stops a zeppelin count jacquoa do lcaaepa waa in charge of tha antiaircraft huh which roomtly brought down a hap pi in in france thia information was recolved by friends of count do fauuepa in toronto laat weak count do leaaeps appoarod at the aviation moating in canada oomo years ago he married a daunhter or sir william mao konila alttrof mrs w w lleardwore who rothlod in aoton at the time count do loooepa was aetorat times in aetoo attraouveeait4rconmrtprtffrautimo the eaatir conoort to ha given in the tho town hall on monday evening 24th int will htvo u varietl and inureatlng prohrummo tho metltodut huwday hchool and epwortb iogua bava united tjinakotho ovent a moat attractive end enjoyable one tho proflrammo will in- oludo kilter choruaea numur of splen did drllla audi at march of ibe ajiias iteil croaa boy fioldlers ttie ilrowiilob motion bongs recitations trio ami tha hunday rcboo orcbeatre noorultlntr hooting- sunday kvenlbfif tho recruiting meetinge will be reaumed on uutidny ovontng there will be a prow- inout ludy spuaker who will address the meeting on monday evening a meeting for men only will bo held col itomvills o c tha llutl battalion und other offloera if tho muff will ihj preaent the battalion band will ahionttend thero will be mov ing pictures of the war and an address hy a returned aaldlar vie gibbons of tlio ird huttullon who was wounded at st julloii ami ujieut four months in the der ma u priuon camp ut oleaaen ite oibbons has upnkon nt 1h leorultlngs meeting i a cry man in acton und vicinity should attend beautiful parli pro son tod mint raulittlu und lutifitl mlucatlvo und lutaroailiijr worn tho uplondld pictiir hiiowii of iuris in tho town hull on monday owning tho views of tho oity us a whole lu groat boulevarda parks hardens rlvors bridges und llttlo lakes the world- renowned architectural beauty nud sym- mo try of its churclies palooes puhllo buldlng and inttltutlone wore me it vivid- ly pottrayml hy lieeuufully colored slides many of thorn rare nnd cwtly all the reutures wore okoeediugly luuieatlng but tha masterly deaorintloti of the views projmiitcd by hev archdeaooii ixivjdwn of ouolph with hu intlmato itlitorlcat biidwiodge of tunlty lu varied events of the centuries made them ataml out with m reality und lutereet hot often engiulered in a leoture of this character the arch- deaoott nuutt his early yettr as a reeideiit of ilivls with bis iarentii end lias since bean un oocealntud vlaltor to this wooder- ful chief city offreuiea haiseonaequehtly imufoctly at home with tho llluilmtlon ami description of its numerous uttraotlons an wall ui or the hutwry of iii versatile imputation both under monarobleal and republican govormuetit it is to boregret- tel tht u larger audience wu nob present to enjoy the unuvual opportunities provided by hr allans cburab umler wboaa tuhoe the archdeacon whim kind as to deliver this valuable lantern lecture intorostlnaf missionary address mr a t criltolior mlaaloimry front ciitiugtli wtrnt china waa a week lalo in tilling hiu oiikageiikitit in tlm methodut church owing to illiieah bubble vltlt lalt hunday was noun tho ibm weloomv ilia addroaaen bail tha rtwl ii v practical neat or a roturiiml mlaalonary ami wero delivered with a fertornml with a 00 vino- big infliioiioo which oould only it aoooni- pliihnl by a whale heartel evperlanoed and sincere mlaaionary from uie field mr crutcher ahowed ery vividly tha need for tha work o th oburch in china tha pros entfavorabla opportunity for tlialhouloatlon of tha chrlfctlan religion and tlia inunsiva work and encouraging rauluitliigaobiev ed by tho christian mlaalonariee much valuable information wasglvett and tha foot onergetloally hnprejutej tlmt uie support given tha mlaaionary auurprlaoa in weat china is faithfully and effectively adminis tered mr crutoher in addition to apeak lug morning and evening also oddraued the hunday hchool in a hljjhly inureetlbg addreaa in tho afternoon ituaaellm ice cream 1arlor will ojten friday nlghl ilverythlng new and clean nellsotta fco cream 1 good niuaio pa6tuhe lands f tlio moro fertile tho land ho iwltor tho iimdnre but for eco- no 111 k- ronnous tlio rough field nnd mill led hllltldua ahoiild in tlio llrct to bo iiuih fur urnam the incrtmuliiff pra iinnlu nml of ferui labor will ifh n innko tlio fortllo field a in on prof ituble in pasture tlinn in tilled row tlio coiivciilciicp nf untir for tho etock should not imt mr look ex lo choosing u field for a pauture ft trtrcrermrfrfrcrrcrtrftcrtrtt tytrftflrcrtrfiri hiuviil wai to hut koilu miiy rarmru uuur var- trlii to ionu hour liandw iluy a tow ronta worth of hydro- chlorlr arid also lltinua papr ot ho druggists then trsl t lie vurlotia colls 011 your farm with a ando or largo uugur luko a mil naiiuilo to a depth or seven imlnr mixing it well now with a handful of una inout sampln mnko i aiiucei miupm foru iour in u little or tlm url t bclnu tnroful not to drop onv on your bauds or clothts nn it hums ir tho rrnult is qullo fr 0 bubliliiik 01 iffur- vescaiiro it nhnwu thnt tlif noil con tains ronnldi ruble llintnloiio hut llttlo or 110 foamlns initlentt a defic iency nf lime mnkn tills test with soil known to tw rich in 1 1 mo or with a sample lo which you liavo nddod hue then with soil poor in mine and you will sac the dlrforoiko distinct ly now mako n ball of moist earth from bdotbor bniidrul of tho samo saniplo of soil break it in two lay au ono part a bit of tho bluo litniuo pa per loavo for a fow momonta thon opfln tbo ball again if tho bluo pa poi i a turnod rod tho soil is sour or acid and probably quite deficient in llrao if it kocpa rod nttor drying the doll la very sour if tho blue paper does uot chango color then tost tbo soil molbturo with rod hi mus papor if it turns bluo tbe soli is alkali and not sour no amount of reeding or talking will teacb you half as much n for you to mako tbo do touts youruolf many farmers waste yosra try ids to farm sour land or tlia poor lu lime whereas by touting it in this cosy way they can boo at onco what it nsedi li3ap fjrot of cuumihitl a disease quito lrvalcnt in kaatcm and mlddla hlates tho angular leer spot of cucum ber la a disease qulto prevalent throughout tbo eastern nnd mlddlo westers etatoa it waa reported as having been present tho past year in tbo provinces of ontario and quo- bee tha treeenco of tbo dlieaaa la indi cated by angular dry brown spots on the foliage which by dropping out or tearing glvo tbo leavoe a ragged appearance although tho disease ban been known for many years in tho field and has been conceded to be of bacterial origin heretofore no organism baa been named ita cause aa a result of experiments recently conducted by the plant pathologists of the federal depart ment bowevor tho germ causing tho dlseaio baa beon isolated and iden- tlqod it was found that the dleeaoo la eauaed by a bnctorlel organism en tering tho leal through minute orl- fleos in tho outer layer wouuda not being necesaary to permit infection young etome may bocomo soft rot tod or crack open but no direct connec tion ban been found between the loaf pot and the soft rots of tho fruit a heavy infestation however often materially reduces tbo crop by de stroying the active leaf aurfico of tho plant a kouul measure when ono has land to meaauro that requires greater accuracy than just stepping it off mako a land measure by using hardwood ploces fiveeighths or threeauirtera of an inch by six inches havo lawor points wo feet sin imbee apart and mako a round head lu tho baudle to use grasp tbo top lightly lit tbo hand holding at tho sides then whirl hatullo to briny tbo point to tha front in tbo direction to ho measured continue to rovulvrt tho measure cltanglng tbo point in ul- vanco money 1b 1oiiury lu tanking up ou ogi idlon to not forgot a llbonl allowance of nun- hdituo hut remember also tlmt it takes mora than suushlno to produce oiss it noode puro solid grains and lots of thorn the poultryiuan who emu mako his bona lay ogge in thn wsntor whnn they bring the hlejboat prices la tbo one that shows bis ability hen kaurlfe tbo luteal ami apparently tho moat promising sitro destroyer of lira on mature fowls is vasellno nnd blue olntinont mixed tottethor in equal parts a pleco about tho else of a lrati nf corn ih well smoared over tha bkln of thn fowl in tho fluff just be lie j til thn volt it should not b uhbod into tbo skin but should ovei it npaco nbout the also or a jlftilit plecn prohibition ooos into foroo in ontario on saturday lgth soptombor refebehd lolo prohibition will u put into force in ont ario on befit liltfatiemti the referendum on prohibition will lie taken on tha flrat monday in june 1010 tho liquor license act now in force lu tbo provhim will be repealed when tlia ont ario temperance prohibition sot goea in- t effect if when the referamluiii is uken ilia people vote against a continuation of pro hlblt ion which la a moat improbable sup- poaltion iba ireant lioenae i told era will proltably get their lloeneew back ami die trlcta where looal option la now in foroo will remain dry in other words tlm situs 011 will le just as it is at present those important announcements were made in tha leguutura by the hon w j hanna provincial secretary tha house hod spent the greater part of tha afternoon and evening in committee on lha prohibi tion hill and all but tbaoontentlouaolauaea wero pasted tlia aecllons of the ull which require more oonaide ration were left over fordlstuslon at soma futura time mr howell leader of tho opposition said he regrattod tha government bail hot seen fit to make provlalonforiho act coining into forceatan earllar data ai it was a war humure bethought july tat a better data lor he tha following u lorrmrchool report for tha iaat month bu iv clare uilv alvln kydar iwulu walk ins ju iv carolina ryder ikmajd mo dougall kala motcacharn iii cfua khitora johnteie arnold mcdonald ilonald mcizoelrit laura lamurt willmar walklna hugh browu ii ciuuj jmle ryder maru lonls itey johnston ifsotor maodeoald hamle uououau i cuy- campball miller lordon john ttou sod angus mrlclbru equal 11 cuso katliuen miller jack me dougall laura murray tlordon uadougall h- a jauntkk teaclwr mr b timllk was home from toronto over hunday mlas bertha brown u apemllng a weak or so in hamilton mus dorothy neuoa vultad friends in toronto this week mr victor tlun ton was lioma from tor onto over hunday mue luelht heed is spending the week with friends n toronto mr oudatone huaband left this week to take a poaltlort la parry bound mlas maa it moore apent a ooupla of days tills week with frieodw in toronto misses kllxauth modonald and hannah wallooa are spending several dajs with friends in tttratfonb mr mouilun bmltb wbobasasituauon with tlia moeuoa puuuldng go toronto was home over hunday mm heglnahl f jobnatona and her llttt daughurs uave for their home at boakatooh bosk today ttev j a wilsoh u a spant monday in toronto willi his brother who was under going an operation at tbetleaeid hospital mr henry bell of toronto spaet a day or two in town this woab ur ball has a good poeltlon in a munition factory in the city mm john h comerom of o lovers villa n vwhohosbeei beranuralngberfrlend mrs j a murray ilia poat flva weeks re turned lioma yunlay mrs joint harvry was at largloi yealenlay attending the iuiimui of hor bre uterlnuw mr john a loelu mro llobert jchnatoa and ur oeorg ljle olo atundl mrs ail hmltli of falrvuwpbuw wlio has lewi vlaltlng rebulvea la chloago mln naiolla and baakalehwati tlia pt yaar returned homa but weak mrs brilth ed- joyed vry much her extended visit and rturnd horns in axceludt booltb three vbabs without liquor social amd pbbsomat 1smmmwptllcfltccccclt delightful new wearthings ready at thfs big store for blaster and for spring affordable prices are not the least attraouve feature just ono week for spring nhoppcm to procure nil thwr needed now apparel before eantcr and every facility at thn micdnnaulo store for o doing broad selections including suitable ahsortmonts for everyone the moot delectable of fashionable now styles wide price ranges and a thoroughly efficient store service no doubts you need have no doubts when making your selections at this style centre for you obtain not only tlio better fashions but values also that can not bo bettered and qualities as reliable an our word of guarantee whether spending much or little it will pay to come to guelph to macdonalds ii wouu b um4 uomultf huu of ootapititt6a toultavoulmjljwutaaliy llnu uullcri ii bopfel u lift- uli wouu uupt lkl hjuf la utplrlt whloli li vm bmiub aoj mny out ll tplrll of tb a- ii 6dgbt ik dioum u wtwuj with ik ovuiulm of ubu u it wouli ooalu tlwd u iumm of 0 btookii m m m m m m m m 5 h st m m s waste paper rags 5t rubbers wanted bv the red cross the acton red cross aid society desires to secure another car of waste paper and in addition all paper boxes old books and mag azines rags and rubbers obtainable they solicit the cooperation not only of all citizens but the farmers ol tho community and will be glad to receive contributions from all a general collection will be made by thu boy scouts about the first of june but if any desire to have contributions gathered before that date a card to the undersigned will cn- bure prompt removal the receiving station will be the old baptist church elgin street mrs w ft stewart convener of commit 1eb to the motoring public we have just completed our tire repair shop and at the present time have one ol the best equipped tire repair plants in tho dominion of canada we are now in n position to handle anything in the repair line if you have tires to be repaired we would advice you to get them done early phone write or call we also have whatever you require in acces saries guelph tire sales and vulcanizing co s3 upper wyndham 81 guelph o ktbddvlfjayiriv0t piiohm iw 1800 spuing amb suuuek 1800 suitings madetomeatum leave your order now for a spring suit and avoid disappointment hatter sunday hats hats your new hat is here positively the new est and everything new in furnishings w co deverell the clothier actoa ota nbw suith mkw coats nisw mltxinbrv kiiw ihocku ror mem nbw 8uitb hliw coats ron women driclls goods auitinaa new hats all manner of nbw iuknibillndb nisw ulouseb nbw skirts nhckilxinob new gloves ron nova complete auuoimilltltb d e macdonald bros lum guelphs leading and largest stohe wyndhmra mujoruull and cardm 3trl guelph onl miiin chevrolet model 440 400 f 0 b 0shawa the car with a sensation some reasons why my 1916 car will be a chevrolet i hecau8b the chevrolet is mode lu canada tbe chevrolet i tbo product of w c durajit ono of tbe greatest end feremoet car uei in the world tbe chevrolet i one of the strongest motor car companies in the world tbe chevrolet u built and every part of it la guar anteed and becked by the well known aud moat reliable firm of mclaughlin limited of oalmwo tlio chevrolet is equipped with en electric starting and lightning ayttemoj may be found an much higher prlcedcara tlia chevrolet u equipped with tho simplest and moat efficient carbuiotor of any cor regardless of price the canadian curtis aeroplanes ar equipped with the tattia carburetor the zenith the chevrolet bos one or alrongest and simplest engines sites considered in the worttt tbe chevrolet is equipped with cantilever typo rear springe of chrome vandome steel beat treated and tested the chevrolet front springs era a double side acllod shock absorbing spring giving doublu efficiency over any other ilagle type the chevrolet owing to its uwn individual oocutruc- tlou with overhead valves and dlroct ignition the eaileet of all care on gaoolina the chevrolet la known as the wlurd or the 11111 and will illiubeny billon blah that it ii poastble for any car to climb the chevrolet is light strong inexpensive to buy aud the upkeep is below normal the chevrolet list a stream una body with crown fenders mohair tailored top clear vltjon wind shield ammeter speedometer and electric horn the chevrolet ataering device is a very strong double spur adjustable to wear gears and la so coti ttucted as to give tbe operator most accurate control of hla car the chevrolet owner is at home even now in uy city or town in canada as there he will find service station that will welcome him and give real urvloe order now oa the rapid sales of this wonderful car u fait overtaking the manufacture is j a wilutnohby proprietor ge0h0etowm james woods sales manager llll lllll the hub tbe sort of a suit vou want is one which fit and become you and which conforms to the other demand of both style and the money h men really knew just bow the clothe we make look and wear they would all come here order your tipriug uult now and get your choice either new spring good geo f agnew chhrtou ue urn st ation d a uhhhhrl bhbtlhb dustbanb not only collects and kills microbes in dust but it also catches the dust particles themselves keeps them from rising into the air to settlo on furniture and curtains and there fore practically does away with the necessity lor dust ing many diseases are con tracted from sweeping dust order u tin today from your grocer see that you get dubt- bane for imitations ate not so good dtfmban bmw oo ltd otuw tiadnqpt jsmm russells bread our bread is taking first place in acton why because of its purity cleanliness and appetizing quality we use lake of tho woodb flour and fleischmana yeast these com bined with the long experience ol our two bakers gives our bread first place ii you have not tried our bread call and get a loaf at our expense you will be delighted with its goodness 21 loaves for lss dainty cakes and pastry fresh every day our lee cream parlor we will open our ice cream parlor friday night everything new and clean ncilsons ice cream upstairs russells mill st acton ont a l tlfl annn g hats hats hats bor9al1n a hats are tbo finest high grade hats lu the i woildnt the price ejovm au ihouewspruigilyleearehere the kino hat is in aclaas all its own at the ptlce bee the new king styles w0lthao5on hats combine style aud nuellty unaur paused hy any bat in tbe trade at the prlmmand0sm our specials the latest nw york styles just to hand bee j them today r b nelson utrbt iwilas ksauvel rumlsbsr cftuatlph omt

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