Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 13, 1916, p. 1

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wht jvjrtiw sttt tfts voiiumjc xiji no 12 wvary htttmcrl pilau fim in ailvatic aoton ontattio thubsday mottktikg apimt 18 1010 luhplitfm trice lm fr annus singijm oopibjs thklfllfl dlcnts ic rton tfrrs press hvuhv mi iihii v monhiun vuui iiiiiin humumi mill utbkut arrow our tkhkaohuuimnououoiolurir year tdetly iii ailvanou wlr0 to iilnciribiia in ill united uuim all iilirhlloiia illuaoiiluiuari w ilia lima for wliloli limy have i w i- 1 1 bu aiflrxl lia tm to wliloli ovurv ulwil loo la halt la ilonoi on tliu ml iron leltol advaanaiim iutuh trauifimt elvarllae umu 10 eauta ior noniiaroll una for oral imsatlou au15 oaiiiu iir linn fur uaol sulteo- uetii ittsarllnu omit rot illalav advurtlea utqu tor tu or inoliia mniv isr auuuut 10 buli per inali eooh lutsdl li yinarlv annus taavmdlutf tustlar u cuiila or limit eacti luaar tlotl aavsrueemeuta wllliout amalna iljtmlloua will h inserted till forlilit sill etiaruej imohi- inalv traualuiiiadvertltaiuuiiuuiuat be xala modvauoe advartleauienla will la oliaiiaed oue aeeli mouth il daalrthf vet aliens nfiansr then six usullotied ilia aius eouitoaltlou u1us1 b fru loa- at raflulav rata all aeeeanu soiled led uioutlily u v uooutt smftor ou1 rreiwutor kusimfis itlrtttarp iii03 gray m d c m mcgill lilop bdiumduu it n v i- av n auioow mou ilmjitlau if bdkux asaooixtlow kto qme aveae rumi asian odl t osrror ithy o u vbi1nohoaidi hiion 1 ourtini atiiicpurnicuf ofaulilitatailinti lluwibnnuqlaa 11 knural in it vueslaye aud wljavt ui daw i u lou motel anton ciuuopkactic dm haurcil ii 1iollowav cuiunraictu- ifsrald hullillna laelrti on l ivabtfno ucnrtay uoiii i will ls at die name of urn win ail ivriai inn irwjl axon u outlay tusj lav wsiuauhytliuradav osvd vrlday of ascli we cu u a ui to j j m vktehwahy j a to a ontario oreaust nf out tin elfi1ary coliflallmj oths artliuie iii mb lll looce ulll ht jell day or night t mi v aiuajad m a j uukinuon lakkiairaia gaucrroa nawvuvimaas ovtrtcs allllbumt in lrbinj lilaali wu a uellhj uuiular unll ilnr ami nt utjr fublla oulaa ko uolud hloca duualaa ilrml kaiidy u lata uilaia gwo iulal altso- d u j u ukix ldll l d ii aju ajultk uawaa qauioatii ov toouro uwivwhairv vb uua ajiuilla 0j if d jj d ulmcicllaimo us jhloahoiu hohan hoouiilnotiu b4 of all kloda mail v wj kill bmil w a r4 bbu nil v oa m alt ui a ob mohhuki u p uooiui umam ur ilamnaa ucauea vj t a ottm aovon li j kuuu lwsuskd adctiotiaub vd u coudiim of wall i aa tan hajloo il dasulti aikl ilia liy of oualili awjuuj wlili uiufastlou mu aaaa bltwuia i by utur ta ortou p a ojr caujaa alii rwlamim la ennuwtlou uiiii lu taba jfiuauui iduu aajajvt- uauaila ufit4ialatialiiuu dalexnivun oaitaua ttauid buwyoi ami civil ataa survya fiulhllviufonii pinna ro- caria odbcrlptloau uluunrlntu etc ahlflcateafor purclmuri and mort- 5ifmi burvoyufor archltucta uuil dnbil municipal councllit drain- g ubpaiut ukiimalob utc merchants uank bldo ouullrihi miou 10m dmt jr 13 ohbbubrs iouk iii ndu it mauaa lalukit in fold on hiblea hjiaq uoka utd olbw hooka axti w0m1c ruommiiv kxkoufhd the old and reliable granite and marble dealers w uura uauufaaluvdraani ilihjt ltupaitra of auhlma6f motiuhiuutatnlllajllnti wu ll dlrual to outfouatouiaraatvliivtf iwly uaabanlea lu ilutltomlnlod who 6aot l mwatuaua loola ly wa nan llajaiaalrwa hmnuafl nf uur uaumati it tb laioaa ud liaat atnab of iraulta donlnlou tut utfrm tltuu auy thratlamlu ibawait wr ixiidmau itoalant ttd ktn- bio t kitvuta aud do but kuuov or tkmlua laramratiymiillhknutliinohtilaiiufauuiijt mbn- wi mtdoy tiiaatijiulaa only ml gwy mapatlilom hamilton sn oir hkolu huj wmlttlah ala ouulvu savage co uatutiluhoij foiu jewelleh guelph the old and reliable watchmaker and jeweller savage co guelph out insist ulon ahttino the piano value and vou gbt me bell art piano iruisod by otl leading musicians nrtintii in ojiponraticc nniiiitiiajil tono qunlltlmi aud conatructlnn tho mout sul- tlnntial tlio dull urom only by c w kelly si son 33 lower wyndhcum sl ouklph ont c c speight i on uptodate goods sllvwrvara in tablwar ltnaa vartty also pln cutlatry hardwajrw ytnwjra tnd orui- haawaraa in vmrtty pandoaaa stovsa and uuiii famous haatara small stovas ollstovaa matcnsnlcijil toys sleajha hoohy stloha crairtophons haoorda every article in ol excep tional value c c speight ulll atwal acted s oral n chopping s well done and g h quickly at only j p 5 cents li per bag h h g harris 6 co llmllej g kockwoob ont p uaaddnaddadandduuummm roblnoble xouu national for 1iutry korval tueuded fur jjoitorul iih king chalet and 1lve iioich munlloba hurd wheat flour 1 feed bran ttlmrti gluten meal uoloulii oil cake 1ux weal oat chop corn corn chop seeds hot clover uamouth auibe alfalfa timothy cuuudiau lllutigruiiit all at lowkht puioies xl warren manaoh tbtbphonh mo 4a if yon wiint a mully ic ready mixed paint job than yon nlioulil buy only mahtinsenour 100 pure guaranteed tho uoml storo carrleu every bprlmc hardwuro iiuioanlty write or call all information clicorfnlly iiupplled the bond hardware co llmltad phon io 1 a tflrttwailva ouelph liit j iw innafss not ulunyii but no frequently aa to mnbu it a rule cheap rend y in rule tfluca cd in tho flrut placo nmlfo chponslvc com pi i en ted loiibia iiocoaaary lutur on ofwwl rlnsnea alwnyu nave yon money the koncj op tim plouaii i nut tliroujxli tho furrowa tlio hrown iomiii aprluyn hluh thaaunliuhtluuomtirj tits lilua nf tho aky ilrluva prnmlao of auminer of fruit and of grain i out tlirouuh tlio furrowa itw aprlrtytlmo ouln 1 i cut through tho furroww i tho floah of my auwl ta iword lllto but iwuioaful hnw hiippy i fool tim winter la over tli slimmer u near i i out through tho furrotvu vor nprliiif time- la hero 1 i out through tho furrowa aa if in rilroam i rmi tho oorn waving tlio faint koldan ulaam tint lloama in tlio ammmjl i hurry and itiiwi i i out throunli tho nlrrowii vat aprlnotlmo ha coma i out f hroiiah tlio furrowa wlthloyhimyooul i wkli tho wholo world mlnht h happy and uhole i wlah that tho awonla of ilia nations mltlht im jukt ploua and tl bprlnirllmo mljlit oom oer that ma martart h sangaur jr imio 0pticiah ai 1hi hsf ofruc auuph oum grand trunk wwstf are you going west tho grand trunlt kallwny system will iiomeseckcrs excursions uuch tiiliulay march 7th to october jltt incliutivu ticueta valid o return within two moutlia incluau e of ttato of uale winnifata and hium fiat kohohton amd return 1hojm proimirtlonato low ralcq to other point in manitoba esaauatchcwnn and alberta full particulars ami tlcbats on applica tion toafronta h s holmes agent phone no is lohffis ttoftonto canaoj notice the hprlna term in bhawa bual neu bclioalu t oronta from anrll 3rd mcrqct inlo thu aummcr torm for july and austin start now and bo ready for position in autunn no vacations ircc catolocuf w ii bhaw pros a wonderrut burner uihv huih vouh uveav if you caul i li ll lu uv utiu luiil la t tout a l llis aauia aul aa yaur oil umpv yoa uoul 1 hawa ii luullj at out ttia wklu ualil luvo uwv lluruar will ry lub tlalii i lb wi ait yvv ii ouj vou will uaur aa wlittctit abmtaaormujujlud mmntllldlu- rwhulinieauy laiuytliat uaj a ruialbmt wua i u ual lint caiurf aa an wjlnajy uuu for u4tltitfa oliiilu- u8ulih ohv mow tor wet weather footwear kenney bros main st acton spring is corning and wa titv tt fiill tiaaortmant of bootatmd ahoaa and rubbara and trubbai boots autukbl ror thtt vat wamthat 5vral unas of slatcra rctal auuaholdca for men 1 empreta claule for ladlca w hav atohool boota for ohlldron and farm bdou lor num and woman rubbara and rubbar boota to ault all liaada repairing receiver proupt and camful alttjofi pataaaahadrjubdhhamajhuatidaari k s lansings plug- es i ged half dollar br an btluvha ohttnoaum wood uumuuui nmmhahdrjnnrjnnhhwhuhnnrjncii ow who could liv lu mn ftttouitlt to pau that off on hta l lanilno pur eysd wild dlarutt pluffprad halfdollar m etnpti hla oluuig pookat hlne h had mad hla youthful antrano into tho bualnou world alx moutlia btfort mony had wwimwl to aculr a usw valua riw important and lb waa tllhltartn lug to uy tlis taat to flrul that h had bun cheated of a luiiflolhir anil im juatoertain tha fallow wlio ovarlw wnq did it on purpou th old fraud i if i could only find him out l haatily lansing ravlwed tho aftarnoatt prom wham could tha plugifid coin btv hav count t tha atrt car oonduotor t ho for ldnalnf rumamlwirad ita liod paid hla faro with a nicks at lha alor wbem ha liad twuulit tha naotilla t no not thaw olthar for ita hod handed tha ulaa man a half dollar ami tha tla had cott thirty ova oanto ah ha hod it i tha banana ouui from whofiarart ha hod moda a purchaoaat noon i vea ha hod hand ad tha man a dollar and had undoubtedly raocited thu j4ugud lllty can la in chang aud now olcounta it waa too lata for lilm to demand that tha coin ta raplocad by a food ana ha oouu navcr hopa to flud tha awartliy faood owner of that partloalar cart oould not evati ro0tftjltad him from a half daun otliar fruit vantlors of counaa ita i now what ha waa gwlng nia lanalng aald wrathfully to hlinwlf tin old ihuf i whan ons la oaminjj only twaty flva dollars a month tlia loos of avsn fifty wu aoiumaa mtlwir urgd proportions and laiuinaa faxa was datonnlnad urn hod evidently rachail a concluilon u ioclki half an hour till tuppr tlm whan ha wont into tlia bout ilia fatw ami unela war sitting on uia ioraaj alda porcb thalr fooaa hhldsa by tha availing papars hut both looked up with a twiu ol ffrwjujj labsjng sank rathar waaully into on of tlia porch rookara hla fooa atill datkanad wall h would find touva ooo to t old coin n uli roaaonail h wouldnt ba tha lour ha fait hla fooa bum a hula as ha thought this for ian ting wu a boy wlto prill d hllhislf c imlrl ajjuam howavsr ha naurnl hlmulf it uuab rartalnly woint fair that im hauhl low a hall dollar of tho uiooay lie hd worbad so har1 and faithfully lo earn botaa ona bail dollltsratoly oliaatad lilm and surely h oouunt ba lumad for simply raoowlajf hla own hut ha fait tha soph try of thu roahii avan wbtu ha would hoimvuow- ulal tohlmwlf ifuuph l tfila feiclahutloa ima frou bahiod bis fatbava nawvpapa i saa tliayv caught that fallow kingman at but poor wratoli i i oouunt balp fl- lag a sort af pity for bhd though ita good thing to gat blu uhlrid tha taia klnjimaa t kingman 1 lanainga vncut oaoro uhoad lha iiattw aa t emargd for a uioatanb froni bahlod hla own pa par dont romamaar hlw why tliat fallow from wilurd hal faldta t hair chler papara war full of it but nlflht found out ha had haan emhwulliib amall tuounta formadlha pat sad its vary strang ba wasnt found odt bafara thla ha waa tdakhig tracka for was loo as soon as h knew ho couldnt nover tlilnfra up any lanasr ahavad on hi miistaohtand dlagulaail hlnualf ganarallyt but no na tlvadatocthoa got hlw tn short onlar i rammhr altout him now tiaiislugii unola noddatl and roturoad in ahalmiaart ml faahlan to hla papar but ur vtbvtm eontluuad toruwlbauon tha anvrmlty of klnguisiis oaausas a food thing haa cauftht ba rauark- od but st tha wm tlw im sorry for tha poor fallow and hla family lb nardaat o alt on tham a ilooant looking chap isnt itat am aa nlcaiooklng a wlfa ami chil dren an youd ami anywhw whola family plalur ami tltalr houa and long inurvlaw with him i hrlngaamtnto uia llwallftht prtty qulok was oaugbb only hu nl well lt pitiful end for him i urtt hum i ur p6tr brothair aant- sul from bahlnd hi ppar bub ijuttltig llttentwl mom aluullvoly tfila world la full of chtata ita aald aplolvly and they srant all of tn found out althai lota of thamthstouaht to 1 itehlnd tha bam are going soot free i hla flhr nodded that well theyll suflor for ifcaouauue queer whab hum thoyll uww h want on madltatlvaly liaroa a atrahm ramldlng sorb of statainont from tha fallow- noma reporter iiuuuiged tn qtt a lot of onky out of faint ustnlfih i daotare it loeka a ii th fallow must ba unhalauasd mentally klngaun i man why what make you think ao f fnalng infpjirtml oh the way bew trying to shova oltlha rwiiablllty i suptoa be taala ilaapar- utfl talla tha rwrtr a lot of stuff about bin early hlutory and bow b slartatl in ufa without having a fair ohanoe ob say lliun to thla 1 and with an avolatnatlon half of tllpgutt half of pity for tha man who had bean listed to justice ur peter read aloud i kingman claim that lie ho never hod a square ileal when he wuwln the frooery bualneaa for a time at infill aud haling btreeu he waa made a liankrupt through tle dlalionaaty of hi partner fater when he ltad obtained a comfortable position in tlie peojj km- porium malignant fsto ommad again to pursue him the ttore was burned to the ground the nlglit after iu inturanoe luul bean ellowetl to lapse and he waa again out of work with a beautiful young wife and three fairy children dependent upon him oh nonunse how these reporter like to paint thing up i and ur psler gaveasnortot duajuat thats tlte way it goe on always it wsa fate that was apalnst him so ha trie to whitewash hit own crime now by putting it onto the otltar fallow what sort of a world would it be if one went through it trying to pas on to somebody els all hla own wrong i going on thl prtaolple clieatme and ill cheat the next fellow to even thing up t oraet world wed have li little while wouldnt wot iehouldayuinuoh at be folded hla paper llut fortunately tit world isnt given up to suoh weakling and rogue after all lite majority of man are trying pretty hard to be daoeut and to make thl old planet a little better instead of wonto uncle uearge luul a kindly honeat fsoe whlob shewed plainly bow truly be bellevad what lie 111 cora few moment ionising brooded in allsnoe then beetoad to come to htm with convincing force wsa not be himself in what might seem to be a email way planning la go on that principle of cheat me aud ill cheat soma ona eue to even thing up i why the thought made hi faoa bum holly would lie ba one whit culpable thin that italian fruit peddur wtio luul taken him in if he now should pose lite plugged half dollar into tome other pair of unsuspecting hands t t1tre oould ite only one answer to this lansing roe suddauly from lite rooker ill he back in five minutee tell mother he said plenty of time for supper ive just got to go a couple of blocks he welbed briskly and a if he foared to let himself b detained for enotliaruohtaat the two block that led lo a little park lite end of tlte suburban street in it center wsa a lake where be had often puy ed la his childhood with the other boy of the aolg hborhood it was a pretty silvery tittle lake with a few dp spot which he knew by heart- ii made his way to the bank end in another moment some thing that matched the silver of the water spies hod into itsshinlng depth he stood for a moment gating st the wldaalng oon oantrlo ripple aliat followed the splash til an lie walked soberly how huppere just ready hie mother said baonifagly as lie came op on lha porch ami i lute something that i know yoo ilka lansings faoe lighud you always have wlutl ilka mothor it said and aa hla eyee looked inlo iter lie was thankful that they could meet her clear fax so squarely produce produ a smilb tha bax tab9 there l a f eoe for yoj sau ooa nun to onol bar a they were eroaalng tha city ball square isat it grand you seldom sea foooe ilka that nowedaya they or bltlng ralbar rare vw said hla eompaauwi but must live oorrsctly to have such a faoa a mans mode of life will show la hla faea no matter bow bard be may try to conceal ll a reporter we walking behind tha two man an i overheard the oonvertatloa boardodl ao elevated train at perk puc happeueut to take a seat near lha nun who faoa hod attraotad the fevoable attention on lbs oppoite side set two woaia and a little gitl the chill suddenly sad appar ently wllliout any cause began to cry qulao ly laberaelf the younger woman who swldantly waa the chiua mother bad tried ta comfort her but to no purpose the child con tin ud to cry and the big tear rolled down her cheeks until the handkerchief borrowed from iter mother wee wet once aa tha little one looked up she caught tt eye of tha man siltlug opposite her and evidently saw something in hi face whlob attraoud her ilir blue ey opened wide and a smile spread over her face leaving tha bjg teardrop and a little redaeee about tha eycasji tlta only evuenoa of the sorrow whlob bad convulsed here moment before the man smiled too and the child glided off her seel and crossing the aule climbed up lutohis urine and settled herself com- fartalily on hi knee the mother mb dumbfoundetl for a moment and cast searching kuho at tha man in frost of or who uiideimtandiug the situation per- fectlyjuld reaaiurlngly t it il all right taadain when the train stojiped at emteentb street hey all got out the two women walking on ahead and the uulo girl ounp tha man luiiul won chatting away per fectly happy anil contented tha faoa of the world had changed for her ub tha preeattce of that men atnlbj and tha teaj of u moment before were entirely forgotten the bell aouudrd twice the gates aloaed with a bang aiol unj train wheeled he ay to tlte upper iart of the street leaving tha reporter staring at hi knee vlfty eighth street all out 1 called tha guard tha reporter a prong to hi fectand found that ha luul been carried a mile or mora beyond hu station thinking of a child instinct and a man smile whan asthma come do not deapalr turn at onoo to the help effective dr j 1 kellogg asthma ltemedy thl won- derful remedy will give you the aid you need sorely oboklng cease breathing una natural and wllliout effort other thousand of them have huiforod tut you suffer but have wisely turned to thl remedy and eeeeed to suffer let a peek- age thl very day the joy of life yes and the rewarda of life are reserved for those who create roientlau artist- arohlteou engineer the creator of industries the builders of butlneae these are lha great motive force of the world in them bums the eternal fire that urfre humanily forward and up ward to wake two hude of grass grow where bub on grew before to carry through plan for extending the arm of commerce into lha waste place i to crest new mar ket to rear greater industrie te feel lite impuls of creative effort to add to the sum of human power and knowledge there lie the thrill of llf love itself i creative anyone con be a consumer anyone can be a wastrel anyone can spend what other earn bub the work of tlte world la done by tbo who contribute to human need to know tlte joy of life to find the rewords ef life to beet serve your fellowman a well a yourself produce i system magazine a iiumohoud way 0v ukuttumo bbspomfllbiuty hargrove vspr wo popular among the worker with wheal ba wo employed he wajajwsyiln a good burner ta wo slow to attgr and quick to lougb kvr upon hi up were east aha of eodg or a merry joke he wee a good wokr whn be worked when anyone stopped by hie tusk he looked up with a smile hie round frank freckled fane carried ami ability en it aurfeoe hi em ployer liked mm one day ifargrtve wee given a list of eddrei tha lut bad bsn earfully eliecked aver and the on to whlob ha wo to send out etataanta waj indicated with small cross thoa namaa twpraaented the one who wra bthlnd with tbair aooounls hargrove at u woa promptly end in the course of e couple of day all the statesuute wr malud three day later hargrove was summoned to tha oaoa you teat out the statement didnt you horirrovat waa this tha list you used in gaitlng lha qddra t the manaffer indloated a name halfway down th 1il no craea there u tlirel no sir did i send blta a sutemeatt i do not remember it well yea tauat have tent him a fcuu- meat he an old customer of our and a good one bub hes something of a charoa he slways pay caafa and be la furiously tagry at reoeivlng tha state- wsot- whet a joke on me haigvove sold with a laugh a shade of irritation croed th face of the manager ha see ca the polut of odinlalaurltig a reproof bub ha restrained himself wbn be did epak there waa no shade cf aoaeyanoe in hie voice well it cannot be helped you are a careful worker and uuuku will happen of course lam very terry lb happened will you pleoaewriu him a pwaosul uale 1 apology 1 hargrove laughed again yea of fuwrw 1 will 1 can just see tha old follow storming when ha go that statement again the look of annoyance in the man ogvafao but he sold nothing and har grove went beck to hie week a few weak later it happened that the three men nf authority wr ut in arriving at the cfiloa the boy group j together round m tuek and enjoyed themaelve they told etorlea they glaiw j ever the morning paper they puyd trick on aoob otker kine oclock ball past nine end sill the men hod not arrived a pattloulaiiy hearty laugh was being la- dulged la when tha manager himself step- j la he loeked at tha irroup gtevely havent yea any work to da boy at ba inquired then ha passed on to hi own owe the young men were flushed and uboemfortau but tha door hod eoaroely closed liehmd blm whan hargrora buret into laughter caught u in the acb he cried aud didnt we nabob ut served us right of course for we knew we ought to be a work you look like coavlobi boya tha transom above the door was open aud the manager beard the wont atv the laughter he said nothing but looked grave hargrova woe really a good work er and a likable young fellow they really enjoyed having blm in the omoe hut they should learn that kghtlteartedueaa n a buslneee office must be subservient to re iponsiblitlmaeaumad la murmured a few week later hargrova buret into uunh burnt a vtty unfitting moment and the mansger uuediboverwlthhlwafterwhlcb a sense of humor j idaeeed thing but even ueuluge cab be overdone it 1 n good thing for a man to be industrious but if baearrlmlb too fir ha la liable to injure hi health it la a good thing for a mn to be ambitious but if ha let amlil- tlon rule hlw hie good work will lie weak we urn want goad qualities under control your eons of humor la good and we like it w enjoy working with you out when you bring your lensa of humor into business hour remember tliafc it must how down to bualue interetta neejmjn slblll lie m not be belittled b humor bore heiquicklykaveyou a persist ent sore that refuse to heal then try dr thomas kouctrlo oh in tha draeslngl it will tttcp sloughing carry away the proud flesh draw out tha pus and prepare clean way for the new akin it is tha racogulsed heaur among oil and myriad of people can certify that lb liealed where other oil felled utterly twenty ybahs a00 prom our iue or tha fro pru of aiiuraday april loth itaxj handereona potul we clear of toe on uortdey- four day tulur than but year site fell wheat generally has a fine ap pearance ibis spring work baa commenced on a new lrshapej stone driving sited to replace the one blown down a few wksgo at thstlrlekchurcb rev j w iue has acopud the call to wt tcrwibo junction and the presby tery ha appointed rev d strachan of rack wood to declare actoa charge vacant on the flrt sunday in uay and to sot a uoderator of seaion during the vacancy rsv j e howell u a went lo tor onto yeurdy to attend the funeral of the rev jeme graham who died on sunday ur clrahani was one of th beat known uaa in tli uelbojut ministry and died at the age of 70 j ears ur j vyfe and family have arrived in acton from harris and taken up retldeeo in their farmer home on church street while orkfng in the blacksmith shop of jsuee aruleraon at kdea ulll the other day jama husband had hla hand crushed to such on tent that it will take a few week to got over the effect tha house cf common adjourned at ave mlnutee to uldulgkt on saturday and the aagab continuous parliamentary sitting in thl or any other country came to a close the bouse had been ooatluuoutly la session since uondey a period of 120 hour during tltoe five day the flow of talk hod been oeaealeaa with tha excep tion of two hour eob evening when lite bouae roe for dluner on uondey tha remedial bill was again taken up and i still under ooueideratlod rev j il robineaa a pfamlnent uetb odat minister one of the leader in tha old new cariaeiflou branch died at ottawa en uonday the liousekehpefl nothing will ouaa and sweeten a sink belter than a strong solution of washing sods and the refrigerator llkewue should frequently be washed with thl if you or caught la tha rola and lha color oome off your coat onto your blouse put your blouse to soak in milk overnight when itooon la good end sweet tha lean u inn and a bright red and tha fat is quite white to keep lined a good color drop a few places of camphor gum la the drawer a tabieiood ef common toda and a cup of sold vinegar poured dewn tha sink will clean out the moat stubborn of clogged plpee a cupful of vinegar addm to lha water in which colored clothe ore washed will often prevent tho color from running neit time you get a grease spot on your floor try alcohol to remove it and you will be pleased to and how easily the grease disappear tills will work when any amount of soap and water fella rub parafiaa on tha wrong aide of cush ion cover to prevent filling from worklnj through he cannot read hi tomhstono whon lie dead if with pleasure you are viewing any work doing ryou love him tell him a man i d if you like him now dont withhold your approbation til tha parson make oration ab lie lie with anowy llllevoer hi brow i kor no matter bow you shout it ba wont really core stout it i if wont know how mawy laardropu yon have sited if yon think soma praise la due blm now tha time to illp it to blm fcor be cannot read hi tomlatona when he dead 1 more than fame and more than money i- the comment kind and sunny and tlte hearty warm approval of a friend for it give to llf n anvor nnd it make you stronger braver and give yon heart and spirit lo the end i if he tarn your oralsebestow it t if you lik him let him know ft i jit the word of tru enoouragemeut he midi do not wait til life la over ami he under ueath the clover for ha cannot read hi tombstone when he deed kyorrt dripped from the htreom they shot hiu to tha editor i cor pronci qtoddsrd tha presiding genius of the solentlflo temperance feder ation of doeton had occasion to get up eomeammunitlon for a local option fight at hudeon use one of the feature wa a stuffed hawk that had annoyed some farmers by killing their hens tlte angry farmer shot tlte hawk and btuffetl il mis stoddard put tit hawk on exhibition in hudeoa with ut letrend i thu hawk billed forty hen lld tha former license blm t they shot him tha farmer did not say oh whats the use let em go on killing the hen so we con get the feather they did not say if we kill thl hawk same other hawk will ceme and why dl criminate between hawks t if we could k llf all tlte hawks at once it would he dl fereul lit farmer did not say that hawk has got lot of money invented la claws and we dont wnattodktioy all hla property the farmer did not ssy i am ogejoe interfering with a hawk pemonal liberty hasnt he a right to make a living just as see fit t why sltould we interfere with hawk private busluea and dictate a to what be shall oat and drink the farmer did not try to work off any of this sort of rot they destroyed the hawk that wu destroying their chickens just so tt is propoeed to destroy tlte instil tutioa known a tha saloon which la grind ing up the eona and daughters of toon ia order to make money out qf their down fall h ammtt m n mil v ayastofosuuxtmy those who hav haoatna aoouatouied to eleeplug on th ground rolled up in a blanket find a soft bed positively uncom fortable and of course one who it used to a dawn mattres would ueb iron bead to foot from one nlht of sleeping cu tha boor thla illustration bsnaelosbom how easy it la to farm a tosta for luxury or for the opposite there are few thjugs more dangerous or mora foolish than cultivating luxurious taste unless wa are in aiioelllou to gratify them without difficulty tho young people wlio always want eouethlug n little mare e upon vetliait they cam afford have paved the way far being mlearablo all their live what mb wamtap to kh0v the professor was delivering tho bhai lecture of tha term he dwelt with much emphasl on the foot that each student should devote all the intervening time to preparing for tlio hue examination the examination paper are now in tit band of tlw printer are there any question to be asked sileao prevailed suddenly a voice from the rear of tha lecture room enquired i who live priuterr war and forest tlroi canada last war sod tho eneui hoa tn be fought on lead and an tea ia karaite asia africa and canada in fan ids wo must fight among other u ayn by keeping our production of uecosaanan np lo tlio btjfbeet point and by couteimni our re source oaa of our mast xaluabto ro eouroe ieourfort wealth timber will ba a demand to rebuild ruluod 1uropa and to carry on our own devolojuuent made more strenuous by the wat if all our forests were to burn down our snemu would bo delighted it would uteau tha erippl log of canada are cuuadiaim going to do anything to delight their euauiue if you who go into the forat do not desire thl then do your part in kijng down foreet are thl spring and summer by trig that your camp are la drenched with water and that you do not cereueely toe away burning matches or cigar or cigar ette stubs before they are fully ax- tlngulahed every acre of forest burned luakaelt that much harder for the empire to win tha war end daisy bo that extent our development after the war fall iv roolkt at a charity baser lu a small provin cial town a great attraction was a tiny grey suede glove which ley on a rose pink satin cushion above it wa duptay- ad a notice which read i the owner of thla glove will at f oclock this availing be pleased to kus any person who purehaeaa a ticket before thai hour it was such n aweet little glov uiat it oould only belong to a lovely rirl at least en thought tha long una of young men waiting eagerly as the clock atrucst t promptly to tha miaul old leaydoce tha local butcher appeared uaydcek te a worthy peroa but not a beauty he calmly picked up the glare and remarked i well uebts till glove belong to ma 1 liougkt it this morning im ready for you so dont be bashful una at a time putsel cahcbl tu uhki w0bd9 borne of tha older boys and girl have doubtless studied cancellation in school but there i another kind of cancellation that can be used by boys and glrle of all age itor avample two boy were speak ing of another boy ha i so alow in games said one yea replied the other but ha always plays fair he i so utupld in school eald tho first boy hut ha always studies hard answered thus you see avery unkind word apokeu by the first boy wus cancelled by a kind word from tlie second hupjioio that tha next time we har an unkind word we try to cancel it by pulling a kind ono in its place nov so gukat l03bb ur iiogah was busy washing when hogancame in dropped iuto a chair and eel 1 1 well korah 01 ve lost me job ab tha oil well but oim tied 01 aint terry ltolaii why airy thankful for tliat v asked ur hogah ti alay aeen aniwerod llogan if 01 was terry now nu wldout a job shuro oid bo loaln ave dollar a day instld av only three and a half think v that darlln

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