died lklwdlw atouji oil ttiawufey march sfttfa ih 10 ooro l 1 rluule urol 70 year hifj in mlllon ut ttin reahlniio nf liu brotlwf irp uw mr runic iwrai m tumdiv murohjul 1d1i1 rluair hi 1 teduihi mi kkkhii at the item nf liu mil j ii msekenttttl georaetou ii on thursday 23rd march 1011 hmmiuiof maokaniiti his ihttt yor cmnv at cliealey man mi hunday march bill idillutlurlnahontly wife of mlllca h cory ami daughter ot wll luu hornby formally of acton agedstt year andersonel uddenly lllud at lvi credit on vriday march jiui 1010 william a aderson of namsafawey aged us yeata ffibc rtou jfrcc riss tiiurhimy mauohwr 1010 edltohial notes ax ihtkuiunnwo itku in the montfly luutttot of oaaajisa hanks for t eluruary waath heavy itwrwse in deposit amount ityftolflb6o0w th total in canada was 1110 000000 th lner for the past twlv months is v11s 000 000 this wu daw lrgly earning ol industries till olkaduw mauamwl for apfil ooii tain tads illuminating article entitled th aoruan war woman by eva mad dea a lady who he bad wli experience a ft teaeber la flemaa lru school liar txpri46 ha taught hr that lb wotaen of umiaiy ar trained aloioat uneon eeloaajy lo sot a teort sgettls of th oev mntumt fth rvl lb methods uied by wateu lo kp lb oavrahuht inform ad and th uaw lb impresalou that lb mm genuaa h6nd would do almost any thlag la bnur to r thlr ounlry tub bmkiurr of oeterio raeetiatf in wmvwlloti in torotkto adopted a tmolu tloa la fever of the abolition of lianglaa ilex htmy m not avra to capital punwi total tby would hv tmirtur eleot huuj to lib electrocution taking plaoe la very taselrj towel or soma other ontrl point if a sheriff eanaot and a substitute to art m executioner when a prisoner u to l pub todeetli lb ablly u aunpomd to play tkalrou blmaf which tba tttut 6bj4liooabufaturltieoiiitloi wltb a kkrudiy by fctt ocjwln oodooll moantly pauadai ouawa aay pwaod tmapaulntf upon or wltblii ay fauy w anjubji wbirt loun llkkdof war w wyauppllm uaoufao uimdmktord ululutoapialtynotik omdltuc 11000 or to luprlaoummit uot en omdlotf caa yar o both uoat popla ar no doubt ooavbuad tbat tb bwpjdf out ei upah li a blupla uatur but tbatto0uatd atj5t tujr frou vrllhln uttolaoway worbuan of allaa aaaay blru ov dwmttt aw u uoeh to bo faaid u ipenoas fcuaobfag from without im iuiuuk a rwldaat who pairuud 1 1 going in aad out of bu boum wblla a wfrltt plaeud wafl up was fioad 21 or lodiya is lub tb nun want to jail but lbs iwvotul liurty iaguo doaaa t car orillu tiam kot uinjr eaao whar lb boot bal vu afftd tbo iaaflua of oouraa had ao lotanat juat aaotbar uuapuof lt mlsahma and locooalauocy oolllavwood bolutls tfao ivsonal libacty laagtto waa fartdad with tbaalogla aliaomourlhllbtty to aall intoxicating liquor kow tbat prohibition u id algbt tba laaju will ptowptly jo out of lual piuuiitit hkahst aod hla govarauatit daarv erdlt for lb boafc atraluorward bunur lit wbuib thy bavo aoud in lha ehanour of tba pnjiibltloa bill introduced in tbo ualalatur uat waak proiiar hrt baa tbowo alnaarlty ami alrtufltji aod h hu baaa aaalatad and noouragad by lir nowall taadar of tbo oppultlon tbo patty llnu have haati diugardail wuuerjnlouauay dikar as to detail of tbo ontario frohlbluoa bill lb u a tub autttlal maaauro of hform it rprou hal ymfliam and it rfucu eradlt uaou tbo publlo uati of bolb parilh aad lam ptrttta wotkart to wboaa aaoria it u du timpaohiarrtombiu nowbafarotbaaa amuy pwvliua for ascertain ian by rafar- ojum after tbo war whether it la the will el tbo people that tit war auapenalon of the treftln all im rmiini ii it irolvil v esfo in tuliolt r irmiit 1 lint ill ir in it data will not lu f r u h it of tin liur title provlnreteiperunimi nf hm woiking of local option ufhtjatlun ahowa that pro- bltdtjoa oousaade prohlbltloa where tbo pobllo 0a09 decbw agaliiab tba bar by a ooduefabi majority aad ptit it out of bueleem tbaro u wldua a reaetlou in favor ol il a uial of prohibition aeaui to almmtbea publlo opinion its it behalf llall aad kuplre acomohoiia jwbv oo uonday inquired into tbo death of aduelph wan under un uaoal elrcubiauaoee tbey returaeil a vardlotlaylhslbabha died from a olot ef uood oa tba brain oauaed by m fall or a atrobe of peralyala tbey dj not atate what eauted tbo fall or stroke of paralyse tbo attdervoe abowed thai tbo uiifoiiunnte hu bad ooaauued oonilderable amount of liquor during live afternoon and tbe doolor elated thai tba autopay ahowed tbitlbobuaeorganhbi waa in otherwise good ooadlllou the average verdiob re luroad by a jury u nob tbo moeb enllgbten lao dodutoaub la the world and ibareaeenu to have been no departure from the beaten path in thte particular oaae guelph alar eury tun aovfkcut oovkbwutttjv la giving eoatldetmtlon to leglalauoa which wui help to aalve tbo prebleta of future hotel aooou rathletl la tbo towtu and vlllugee of the phwlooea where tbo poulblllty nuu thad aotna boliuv bow operetlug under lloenae uay eloae with tbo enforcement of prohll i tuti tfaialalelauau lb la eutod will be la lha direotlati of widening tbo power of tounoipalluee to a to glveoouuelle author- ity to uveal uunlelpal funde in a hotel rwopotluoa tw to greut uupllott from y other epeelal prlvllegm to an ladlvbiaal r oonpaby of udwuttaht or opemllogevboulwltbla tb muoldpmllly with eeb euoonragetaeei iveo bsualoa tlooo to prtwu mtonwlm u to believed bottle een le operated prosubly without th koveeuo of tfcebar and provide aooom morluloa which will he eatlacactory loleoel aod tranaleat umde udtfoetor km appreolauog tbo woo- iialiillaetioeofnowewoo children ifoie aad baoro tho eehoole aro uhlag p mom geeilewlagl driooomnilue aro teylog to a lb copetaeua of lb owjdreti tor a day baawtlfal u duuroa on edloved lo balptaaulmewardaiberwiuawtoaly beipeaeke be kefp beep boa uaatl- military motes ilo tuitioa hollowey wn horn from itiafpliovar hun luy irnr itohble of i tolly anion liau eiilluteil lit aoton platoon a returned aoldlar luu well aald marred hotly for ins in praferetioa to a kfarrod ooiimlatioa corp xvrry weteou who li leen ulil tip for threa weeke with the tnumpa li alio to be out again ara you doing your lilt t canada luka you to do it and do it now luffuler to day with anton platoon of dm 181th the aoclal evening under aimptoe of ih oftloere and men or the aotoo platoon will be held in tho town lull uile evening aoton platoon will parade to the metbo dial church en hunday evening luv mr omtcher of clumgtu china mill preach when you have offered your life to your country it la tlmeenoueh loorltlole tho who have in the meenllkta ethmoe la gohlab pt melvln boperand arthur anderaon went to orangeville yetlerday lo take a oeurae in ecoutlng with oller men of the 1uth there jam lbiraton formerly of acton la now a member of llie iwli linoolniattalion arul la doing uuard duty at the punla at niagara yulu koth of the eon of mr ilobett uoore of iht formerly of actou liave enluted jamee la in hamilton and lome le a mem bar of the 7ut lutulion ivery eligible man who le holding 1ok from enllfctlng la helping to prolong the war volunteer your name to cept wpplalt of acton platoo i to day llev mr loauell of mouaater unlvr ity preclied an excellent aermon on sunday evening in the luptut church to which church the oflloere aiul men of aoton platoon paraded tbnt eveulug lir and ur torrance ueardmore prwenud each eoldler in aolon platoon with a field mtv ice pocket ulrror of buruhthed ateel in leather caae ontufaiay the men appreciate very highly thle very uaeful gift borne young men are toping to eepe by closing their mlnda to all una of duty and honor and atlbing the hetur dloutoe of their conscience they ar sinning agelntt otliere and grlevoualy injuring tbeiueelvee it j p rcerrow relved a letter on saturday from hla borne el uu1louhir england taliugtbiit1ilatwolrothe joliu and walur have enllateil end that a third brother william le employed in a muni ilea factory private edgar dureton of i company 7ut battalion cuelpb waa in town on saturday saying goodbye to aelon friend a tlve 7lat enpecta to uate for overui thla week mra duraton accompanied bar huaband lie re- carp i i ceer who enllateil in tbo 7lt uatulioa utt fall aud who apent the winter with the battalion at chatham has been unable to pau ih dual medical ex amlnation he l working at hie trado ai cupeater at cbatliam twenty montbi of unprecedented war liave paeeed in the world hlatory there lea beeo notlilng to compare with it never waa there io much at a take if nermaay wins nothing cue really matter and yet tltere are some young men wlto ceuhl doo the khaki wlkoarebaayingtliem aelvee with insignificant mature and dodg ing the doty which ataree them in tbo face bahttsman b j hyhds improving li at mo t convtuoswrit camp at boulogne praoco fleeve ilynda received tbo following utter from hla ecu robert by monday inoralngii mail i boulogne france uarcb 0th 1010 bear folk i i have juat received a number of my lott lattere from the record offloe london thure waa a batch from the home folks and auicoooafrom ur a t brown am now euuooed at no 1 oonvalee- oent camp butau pretty well tunvoed up yet wa before a medical board bub week and they told molt would be eotno tlbm yet before x ara able to return to tba trenohea thar ara very few canadian in thla camp wo receive the very beet of treat ueut we are allowed out every day from 4 30 in the afternoon until h30 and on huwujmfrnm aioltll h10 it glvea u ni mrtiinil i l r tit inu pw u- of i ii i i i hii i uiiuii i ii ulun tliu fmitcli w plo ure line to get uloiiu wltb a good many of them have tbo idea we are french canadian boulogne le very ancient place particularly one art where it la aurrounded by an immense atouo wall thle aoetioii wee uted lu napoleon time aa a fort but th old town lias outgrown itself and now there le a modern town outside the walla but wo many utreeu and building construct ed in recenbyeuii which to me look very ancient i suppose it is on account of toy living in suob up todelo towns as aoton jeorgetowii and oleiiwllllama ws are getting eouv real wlnte waath er here now veuerdey morning there fell about throe inches of enow we feel keenly i be heavy damp atmosphere it la to be hoped we will soon have warm spring weather have not received auy pir from you ilno isat january but like th utter they will likely turn up i hope th flnda you all in good health and quite recovered again tall tho hey lam anslouxly welting fur ih 181th bet tallon to come oor vour loving son bob l1 last friday evening lluehousa uutld paid a vialb to the young itapleu oulld of boston church where a moat enjoyable and profitable evening was spent follow lug tho usual ouatora the vlaltlng oulld provided tho prograumowlth theexoeptioti of tbo address ou th topic which was given by hav w o rose paator ol th boetin cbuidb two bug alelghaprovldedtrana portatioo or th company numbering bonfe thirty person mr john urowo who hu been aerloualy iii with pneumoohi i reeoverlng air jabw uobowell fifth lin i very iii with heart troubb ur and ut- b- wheeler aad family in ved to tioftowa thle week ur and un wm uau and family of anton spent sunday with fniehotie frlosd on toeeday vetting of bus wash th boae of mr and ure jonathan lsao was th evea of pleasant kalbarl of frieada who prsewted abowv of f nl bottaokeepl artioiea to their tuwghle- elma a earpwaeloii of ibalr good wiehee u view of bsevptooeldof eaarrug pr0hibiti0m for our province will go into effect in september closing nil barroom liquor store and club lloonse heferehdum after the war tho promleil prohibition i iii was intro d iced lu tlta lrovlnalal lauhture last woeb lt principal featura aro i wolilblllon will fro into tltmcl in beum ixn- navt by direct leaitlation all licensea with a few exceptions will be extended after uay lab until date- fixed uter payment of nominal fmofsorflo lleferemlutn will be taken afur tl wr and a considerable time after return of aoldler the aob fallow manitoba act moapt for luoorporatlon of improvemenla taken from ontario license aot wholeeal drugglate will be llosnaad to bell in whelaeel quantltla for scuntlflo atwl mechanic purpoaee upon produollon of affidavit a to use lo which liquor will be devoted retail licensee will be issued to drug guta permitting ael to iwllvlduabf upon a doctors prescription ami to a doctor not more than a pint at a time or a yet truury not more than two gallon at a urn ontario license board will be reconall tute4l willi menilkerehlp of thre awl charged with sdmlulat ration of th new law bill will not interfar with importation of liquor for prlvat use or keeping it in the home ttie tale of liquor for sacramental scion tide and mechanical purpose will b arranged for brewer awl dulllure may ship their product to other province and othr oountriee no mention l mad tf eompenaatlon for flnancud lose that may be sustained by lenehoilr further than the eautislort of lloensoe until the act coma into foroe at nominal fee heavy flue ranging up to 11000 and eanuncwi up lo eight months ar provided for infractions of th uw ontario oooe dry will never go beck to tlw lloeiue system wutur lb uak qfdrugttars into itull liquor etor u ailvlaable even under the precaution pro videil le aomewbat of an open question esquesinc towiship c00kcl the pathhijutor appointed for- the current yeau mext meetiho loth if ay at the march meeting of the township council last week pathuature for tli year were appointed a follows i i m j carton 41 j huffman 2j u iteurlsop 42 ben harrop 3 luvldcoxe 43 w ii reld 4 ja bprowl 41 tho mullen ft f bomervllle 41 jss uokachnle 0 1 mccacbem 48 o h hwltxer 7 nell uocallom 47 1 o tuily h nauian dredge 44 w 0trander 0 g allanoe 40 w u berth 10 o uulbolund 00 fred thoupeon 11 t 1 waudns 01 j hyatt 12 rd joyoe 62 wm bmellu 13 w hampshire 03 john bird 14 u turner si jno a cook 15 i elclsaao us tho audreon lfl w r stalker uj e townsend 17 w snyder m frank chiehalm ih alex lawaon mj r huffman 10 robert blerk co jno crewshaw 20 humacurrl 00 peter gibbon 21 c j russell 01 v ucdougall 22 w o boou 02 wm lynd 21 wm ucdonall 63 f wrlgvuewortb 2 drooks 01 a j ruddell 23 p u fisher m w j little 24 ja hurk odj it lindsay 37 herb cleave 07 jno frio qfl tho kennedy flflj e campbell 20 r 8 headerrta 60 jas bold so a nollingreo 70 wm oowdy 31 wm hardy 71 jas uood 03 a hum 72 walbliarcbuant 33 uark oiven 73 a uoclur 31 tleorge uiao 74 sew harrop att w uakoery is orahsm uonalr so bant trimble 70 ja uobowell 87 wm hunter 77 e fjward 3ft uojgia bainee 7fl j b uouulan 30 alfred kvaaa 70 joe allan 40 w a bbortm uo a shoniu til deorg roger aooounta v ere passed as follows i w j hsmpehlrespreeilinggravel r00 u turner operating grader 200 mk pr le rharity 10 00 ltolrt bilfmi nfiiid1atutelhhnr 4 00 lklru touii llefull rinlnif 2200 j h bui ilui k supplied ii 17 mutt i ew luiduw 40da gravel 4 00 jno ihtlantlne refund i 00 henry uy salary as collector 2500 walter brain error is aaaeesmeab 6284 john hiimphrlee 847 john wilson 14 william wuy refuisd dog ux 200 uoved by j l bundlsb woanded by john elliott that on the reeommendatloo of tba township auditor a resolutloa be passed by this council authorising th council and ut lidding oomultte to pur- ohas with th ctergy iteeervesnd railway bonus f irnde lovemmen county or other eecurletle approved of by th government tiiat the lending committee eonaul of the reeve deputy re and th treasurer carried council adjourned to meet on uonday lfllli uay do mot 6t1b it try a package of ir jackson roman meah lb contain 1u per oeuu uxed and 10 per oent uau both wonderful food tbo flaxseed le rendered abwdute ly odorhuut und tasteleae i y eleotlcauy de prlvlng it linseed oil of oxygen and cbaag ingltlntoa resin if porridge i made without stirring lb positively hi bo hint of flaxseed if stirred wbll boiling the resin again tako up oxygen from tho atmosphere and 1 changed back into lln seed oil tainting tbo porridge do uoo stir and rouen ueal vorrtdge is tho woe delicious nub brown breakfast food known 10 very nourishing aad prevent indlge hon and oanttlpatlon uoeb grow su uado by roman ueal co toronto cuuade mnuory strawberry punfe for satlsficilon and profit leidlng varietuaf4oo per i eoo fifty plant each of four choice varut ties ttariy and lata for loo send for prion hat mi m mallohy ontaumi canada i the afahihg an ablo und inspiring looturo by rov o a llttlo b a ouolpli tim lofliurit on cmnda in thn muklitf lu the winter oourm of ll kluu h ordoi ileal hluuum whh given hi tho mtl dubhohoo itooiiion monday evening mil waa a lltth g climax to tho mmuoii h notlvi tiex rov iargea little b a ofclmlmer lrentiyterlaii church liml1i was tho lecturer ills treatment of this important but jecb waa oompralianslve patriotic in structlve proplietlo anl elwiuent cann dau origin lier hulory her geographical and political divisions her clmraouirlrllen and rwumroah iter popubttioti punt preue it anil futunt i er relations to ii e omj ire en i to iter nwn people wera all ul ly and ntelll gently dealt with the lecturer linivroued btrougly that we wave a part to play in the empire in iiiih lend calling upon our energiex 1- rom tiit to weal an i north to south our people have local prollems which tit whole country will do well to understand tlteh rol lenm appeal to government tochurcliee and to schoola tlie war la complicating our national problems hut the outcome will it a development which will a i road minded nationalism an i an enthusiastic and loyal oltiaeitshli the lecture throughout wa rcplelo with interest and atery pert of it appealed to all to play the vart canadians roud of our country an i determined to do our si are toward intelligent hel ful anl lad honor lug development the sunday school orcltestre and lie uisse mason contrilmiletl a nuttilier of musical numliere which all akprmlatef klwlly worilaapireclatlveof the apuu dil lecture were spoken n iwhalf of tlu k o it c by llev h w avlaon 11 a ii 1 the pantor and by itcv t c wiuou b a principal stewaiteml vi i uoore j p x in bright new goods spring novelties j flu bbrrtlnlilnt3 ffilit jhttlioulsl ffilinrtli acton iiwaviuuhma udminlau new waiits in silk crepe and voiich in white mark and natural sliant- ln a l new idvai lonj hiclvcii twowiy lollari etc very attractive viluu new collars in profumon of htylcu and matcntlu verv special irench kid gloveii in white hhek tan and browm tcarce foodh at 110 a piir limited quantttv ladies plain ciihmciu ho c lilactc rvu 8 to lo at a pair jjkp tc ilkc 40 imported ginwums in checks and fancies i l and itijc a yard special values in linen hand toweling thin wifk from old contract five patternti at itilc a yard hendersonlst co mm st acton ont a word for mothers it fa a first c mistake for mother to ucff- lect tliiir aches an i pallia ami suhtr in silence this only lrul to chroulc slck- us and oltiii sliorteii life if jour work is tiring if your uerweare excltallc if jou ftcl lauguul waxy or deprentcd uu slumild know that lcott riuuulon ovcrcouicn juat such condltlona it possesses in conccutrateil fona the very clemuila to invicorote the blood slrciitthiil the lusiua nourish th titrvse and i uild itrctintli bcott s is rtrnirtlieultig thousaiul ef rrolhers and will help you try it lntl ft now ir to kin in oal notice the bprlng tenu in hliaw a dual lieu schools toronto from april 3rd merges into the summer term for july and august start uow end lie ready for position in autumn no vacations free catalogue w ii shaw pre exchange your western town lots wc will allow full value far a limited amount up toonothour and dollars worth of weitem town lots in exchange with a slight difference cosh or terms or fully improved insulo proper ties in tho altle of london or guelpli including sower water electric lights gas cement aide walks street cars past properties and la well built up factory dis trict oracloctreslaeutlal these properties turn quick aud are right at home write for par tlcular to oho w vairirialld 4ww6olwletiitjc auajlph arthur brisbane says country weeklies give good results at a meeting of the american advcrtiscrn acsociation arthur- brisbane aaid not the country publisher but tho bueincss man is the chief sufferer from the fact that our merchants and manufacturers have not utilized the country newspapers advertising columns ao they should and can be utilized remember these facts lie who reads the little cross roads newspaper or the larger newspaper ol the fairsized town is a man who buys everything he lives in a house and on land that he owns ho is interested in everything that the bus iness men are doing through good advertising you can sell him everything from the paint on the roof ol ins house to the ciment in the floor ol inii cellar everything b tween the roof and tho cellar everything in the barn and iviry tool in the held he buys and you may sell him he is not like the dweller in the big city flat who gets his water though a pipe his light through a wire his heat from tho basement and whose shopping consists in getting a readymade suit of clothes and a readymade dinner in a tin or paper box the man who reads the country news paper buys everything he buys pumps lamps stoves auto mobiles clothing dresses books paints farm implements fur niture carpets oils in this room arc two hundred and fifty men and individuals some of them represent a dozen and more manufucturing enterprises there isnt a man here could moro profntably advertise in a country newspaper in proportions to its circulation than in any other publications on the earth i emphasize the value of the- country newspaper as an advertising medium for it has that value 1 he acton fhee press is a country weekly and has a large circulation over 75 per cent of its readers local it is centrally located being 35 miles weotjof toronto in a thickly settled and rich farming community bend for sample copies and advertising rates address fsjii hpmo5fter freepnef8 acton ont uilv- itranrfiuh riiroikjhoiit clnicli oonoav a ill it brut missionary anniversary tkrim 11 1 mnrnini mid evening by rev a t crutclitr mi 1 try from clilnn liomu mi fur loujfii hpliinl mil 1l by tho choir ftimday school nt a 30 all wetlcomic ii0uhb 10 itknt mimsloti ifivtu aprillsl h0hse an lot f0b8alk tmiat ioi tlorui la frat ta notuu at hi fool r r ii jw 1 ave 1 un uodli si i- vd isftas i ottiur 1 kile ur hlilrlo joflmii ul vnudv y aston jeitiin0jehtate8 wilfj you liv luiial nwahulbu usasmlry iim noilo wild tl a sutilli u r an lull tfiiruwyni v 1 wullllolmiusrt4l i ii o atllo fill i f m ml help wanted kviisrlsiioulolnvu c iluraol iioriij sail kl4ru t itta w 1i111 ily i taca ar slvued iwj jon 1i1m 1 ox 101 fuuy iiitw olsse tkamin6 ill at con i rumt i rick rtlam m ths j o0 11 r ulll ml wlllii4tam lltru acuiu faruan elirlo iu1 as4 u id i itujtjtoujiuoi lhiiaiuwtturill t1 ainlt to ii oirunu 1lu no b asloe houses for sale ow riyj nil jr u4 oo cuuasau natlli h ritloml tatujh suj ibtiooul i r la 1 aim mat lu til tud brvlscd tu titiag br issrs i rl uj urtna ulakl vanmattku ueliiuftj hanitarv wokk tllu u lor ludt 1 1 a now a couuule saal- isrv lotni r uprorf blujsj u ft- llni moallorfliorclailw aluwu u ftamxl lo 11 nriual v ssullaay uu sil- linrv u si ner lvli allr wbiue id m um i j llty to j ll uin ifa id ii a n4l u kr umi iwouiujujjulaii orjsr wli lsk4 tmum atuultoo willi 11 cuttivq tlc cuurclj mil aalm folfsale buick roiljtuca on llsln bl1 tallb utmi lot iuim bo 1 mii waur trrm tiluftrla hal i lruli irlar ua alain twmi bllrbsa si 1 jidlrr wtwulil aj our twarww lllomudliuin ivo cillsj willi to till public health cit1xen0 ahb hatquetmkd to cohklv wlyll yiik fublvo 11kalv11 jtov notice ti laraby fllimliu a i tiilitiu f vciaa rrt oirl fonlwlib uiauaaibslv callsra iralui ij lix sltsv wui altesu oiboildloc u i oifcsr pjmui suj mtaa ttierslrtu all i n iunar snj atbsr sabmatim llcb mar oooiuor tin pulill blili aod m title ll m cqiui latul ur tba lamb ar ftl ut diii oawllcb ltiu kenlurr i will eommsof j s btnsr luapmtlnu aajfurtaer iska not et tbsi ilia notion at ihm vablte llmltli cl tr lltillina lb hmplrju o boas- latwn ib 13th ol u anj luu of btei- tr tfiaapl lu 4di ai ul to tat roai any iwallldit i u0 idluliii from soy ursa oa una nuti ilk ra kait dmr rum aav auarlla saiar au i malady cwan4ij ulll b atateily 411 r lu anias iv rtmulto kp tl elrpruiii ii adtly c aao till tburouflbly aittsrj ilo h4d3 tuvuui ibw uupuipejur a oa llarct jtb 1jij 04 a wonderful buhner why ruin vuuh bvfcbv yuiu ml leuipa iiuuuul 1 1 vjlt liulnjtrfjalcwa tl t ul liu lut i tuo lauii uuroav will livw v u i hu t itftl ultlmr uas or viae- tr km 11 i 11 i iu as tour ordinary taiohy hi uv uui an i ll wl 1 utv ad britths a hunt with til ilualcml oiiuawitti tuu bus lui wllliwv la wl haul i jv ur no 8 tlum ll ntlttit luii tiistuitfae tuulueb wla it u uk i ll aaiuw aa u unlluaty biuesr iirtrtu r writ tor tlmorlpuv elwutar uvutauaiu 1 avirxmtiutv ii t i1allhan ohhuh ont o p new wonder- lan the fhloavhan tu 1 lmmili tlio l line 3 pirts ikllnof hhelm t bayuhdav aphil i jowul 1 iuh with l hall monday april 8 pihh1i 3 of tlio hrokuu colo wbdnuhoav april 8 ktmmiku nf 1 inluc ospluxle 11 fullowlnut in i mat of poa pro dtictloiihi 1 1mrailn mntartluff april a hie uckuiiumhon car- mun tlio riuiidor two llttlo oniliiuiu mid the sot ilium oath rl gregory d q p n the hub thu tuirl nf a suit ynu wont 1 cue which flu ami uocnme you antlwhkh uniforms to the other lutunntlu of hotli htylo anil the moiiuy if iiicii ralli tinuv just how tho clothe we make look and wear thvy would ull come here ortor jour bprlutr bull now nail kt your choice of the new bpridg geo f agnew oualou tmlbu- ulll qi actoa d