Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 23, 1916, p. 4

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witt fatuit yxtt flruss rilukhiuv maihii91 juki he was kind in lifalio wont his ultnple way to dluultuj uml futno unknown i uy if did with uludlle mil 111 flu i hsliepthlasinl liowkefln t heal rife llliill tho utile thlnu of avoryjlty ken til tul h w sweet and oloan i mind 1 if knew theareateattieed of ufa 0r lie hit ldnd me had ho dreams that heroes dream i urn cam mul want toller tlo i 111 joy ware simple joy that sectn not such as i should have or you i fouht lheay of truth to lead uy liable such km he nam to intl i alia be knew lifes one greatest need v h wu lin j if played in ufa tlto ureatesb part if could a run thi mortal plan i ife kept no evil in ida lieart 1 ana souuht to help his fallow man 1 the friend who cam upon hi way j if aunhb by flrntr ties lo bind awl tnad ufa aweet avery day for be wu bind bo lob m live mv life and know the eweebauu simple word and deed 01 kindness where i chano top at ufa on bteauftthungrieat need and whan i go upon my wy where those jeep shade wu creep and wind lash of truth but thisto y that 1 wan hind bkautv op work the beauty of work depend upon tha wny wo meet it whotli r wo nmi oureelvc ench mora ins to nltdclf it ne nti oiiouiy tlint must do tmiqulahod uoforu nlulit come or whether uo open uiii ye with tho auuruo to wolcomo it i an nppronchlus friend wbo will keep us dolljjlitful company nil any mid who will run ke tm fwl lit oiuiliitf hint tin diiy wna well worth it fntttnic lucy fjinoin phintgbb ehbors most editors try to eliminate error aa far a possible but non auooeed fully in delay to one paper estimate that in a sentence of fourteen utter it la poaalble to makeover three million errors by trans position of utter what inflnlt pout uutlea therefore in a whole paper a kw york publisher one uulertook lo tdat a book absolutely fre from error 1h proof wr read by ifitit or tan e part readera and avery una and word waa hbjaetaj to eloea and repeated uruuny yt wban tba book flmilly appeared buv injf error waa found on tha flitt page oo el mr sehool ifolunsaa triad to get a par foot laftia typographically hut tlta call forala new point out tltat the editor did not va auooaed in ctuntf bla own nam rlgbl ivhiia tha only book ever lieued fra frota error i soma aditioni of ui oxford wu wun thaflratof thaaa waa laadad tha publlahar evred asulaa for rry arror duooverad by anyone and thi plan aooa reaulted in tha detection and uuinatlob of all wlataka wuiy tttvuo rum uuu a man autaraj a baiba abot for t pirpaaa of bejajj ahaved an be waa ftocnevhat bollowohaakad the barber ea u tha eoatom in soma eountry district pot hi thumb la tb ctutomara mouui in order ta praaaont tha cheek suddenly tba raxor allppad auwlog a fereat gain in tha maaafaoa and babprang t hi ft with a yu cf pain asdaabar shut up man 1 aaid tba barbar bold lutf up hi hand iv out uy thumb i buhdyomll auut uia formar mutreu was talk lag to h one fnoraiajr whan auddrtly aha tuaoovaaaj a little pickaninny standing hyly behind bu mother skirt u thi your littla boy aunt uia y aba ald yea uua dat prvacripllan ooaja what a luuny nam auutia tmehlul ifnw in tha world did you hapfma to cat hlai that abaiuplyeaiubludat bwus ah ha th babd wuk ftattln him fllud win lii back bflcdfflbi law tt ttafemi otklmicytmilll dwn ludiuy rdla cur the mthhtd bk by ttuiai tb uthlu udiicya h faut tor it 1 rtaijy the kid- ndtfaui utd not tba uult poatia ilutuy imla am n tptul kidney aad bladder tnuelm tat tba dm bt all udimy tnuibjc ut toula ootuhaw 6as uatinhu aw yorobto ortt wrjtrf i uk fentart tmsitr in wrlunx you auuiu tba btoefit i haw rttelwd by ulat toawn kldiuy m about tkrw ylaviml wi toribly ahktd with luae bwland waa an bad i ootdd iut evn awp tha oof i was advlaad to try voiij rjaii mad tttfor l fcad ued oda loiz a trat latwovtoat and uy back was uyiutur mowtvtrikrpteoukbu j tt l cttriplttely ttuwd- i uibly rwottiinabd rfnaav tw lama back m jdoati kldnty shlla a tbn criminal tjll ftv tba kidney bm that our tiada raaik tbc mapli laf weuttztll wrappe koatta kuny 1nu are me prf box 3 hove for 25 at au dealeta etual mllbuni co tlmlled vonwlou oat wlieii ordering direct specify rroaa some hitch eh mules wltlmiit oloaiiunoim and punolualhy uhulciklllil l llimmull lo 1m ivn iiotttlnif dirty cloun attd olenr you no a ftwul conk wate nothinpf an hour lwt hi tlto mornlnif bni to bo run aflnr all day vuo a utroii iro for roantiiik nnd n olear lire for toiling doll lluli ulowly i mortt ipdckly throw hour on keroit fl4ma hlnmlntf door on oven hubou coke fall a four ilrfilof ismnn juloo make oako fnwthiu very uhita try mirlikllint etovaa nluiut place lit- fealed with red ant suit in tb oven under baking tlna will prevent aoorchtn on tbaltottom halt mid vinegar vill remove ataln from illaoolourod tea oiii tooloaii out la waah article lottheni tlry and afterward rub them with pr juinhl chalk and a oft brukli oarefally ro inft into all tha oreviooa when tea lialtjputlnutlita pot it should l filled up with lolhnr water am not allowed toatand with a fow tlropa of water at flrat slihio aleel mrtlana of stave with finely powdered w iii ling mixed with aweet oil aiwa i keep clieow well covered in a oheeu dlji if wrapkel in n vltioftar nioliteiichl cloth it will beep beautifully inolat and rotnlti itu havor longer ulali cloth aro pu icily mad freali and aweet liy boiling in oleun wator with a good lump of aula added when peeling onlona ugln at the root and poet upwarda and tho onions will acarcely affect the eye at all nearly all children are subject to worms and nmiiy are lum with thorn bpare them suffering by using mot liar grave worm exiartnlnutor the beat remedy of llie kind that can ha bad a cold sollled oi her luigt cvualng great pain- the cuhe was dr woodb norway pine syrupw mli d m vuvtting st catharine out write having derived great benefit from dr woods norway pliu syrup i tbouiht i would write and tell you of my experience when i first came out from kugutid i contracted a severe cold owing to the chauf of climate it settled on my lunics and caused me a great deal of pain i tried every remedy i could think of but sot no relief uy father wbo hail beard a great deal about the food qualities of dr wood norway shna syrup advised mo to try it i did so and i am pleased to giy found im mediate relief i only tool one bottle and it cured we completely my motbes bad a severe cold olio and dr wood norway wna syrup cured her an w never fail to keep a bottle of it in the see that none of tluaa socalled plae syrups are handed out to you when you to to your drtijgut or dealer and ask for dr wood it is put up in a yellow wrapper three pi ue trees the trade mark price socandboc lianufactured only by the ull- btird ca limited toronto odt sunday school lesson xiii first quarter for march 26 191 the international series text of th laon f1v vll 01 ouartarly review golden taut rev vll it 17 commentary prepared by rev d hi buama- just couf laitnr htoot itad faoaj lady io you uaa say you wont give ma my wooey back for this honk just beeaua i hava iwd it t vou know you advertise that it is your aim to hava only satisfied cuuomar ca utdatii hue what is tba matter r is tha print imperfect or snytmbg like tliat so tttsn why aw you not utuflad with tha novel 1 well i don t ule tha way it and kerala a chattily of honour that foal a stain lilta a wound hurt tha war is going to produea a rgnara ting force among the peopleand ttt foro will flml expwaafon in tlia drama ijtaa- rjrh harolurdt tluwo wl o are not going to help ills usjosty dotofiioiant and their fallow couutryiusii are going to help tlta anamy xlr dubo u i john hull is a itad nt alter though a goad llultltar sttliehar cannot le sure of vlwutii waking in tltno to wiu tlta race it limy oversleep luolf xlr u l mae- imti a btauvuical ifovk lira cl im wrlusg to aak uts rsrowna to meal the dona bar ab dinner and to tha jtonaaa to moat tli itrowu wm owe them both yon know otoaa lint ive bear that theyve just quarreuad and dont apeak aire clo 1 know theyll refuse and and w wont hava to glva a dinner tarty at alb nlgbta of agony come in tbe train of aatlnaa tie vlotlm cannot lie down and aleap la driven from hi brain what irratafaj rjw la th imuaduu effect of iv x u tcsllecba aatbata lumedy it wiabmtlmirrlghuultkuidltlotdoartbe passage and nablea tba afflicted oaa to again sleep a soundly and reatfnlly a a child inauton tbgaulnaiyurnarby drdggbt children ory ror fletchers c if one halroubled ulttcoruuaud warts ho will find in ifollowayu corn cure un application tbat will entirely relieve ufter ing obscurity lives much longer tlian fame only a poor love letter can be spoiled by waal spelling alllwe worm lewder prove their lnv tlmsy do not oaumany violent disturbance la tlwajtooiaeb any pain or jrrlpln butdo tatels- work quietly am painlessly so that um claearootlooj of tba worm u lupereep- ubla vat tbay are thoroogh and from uwbt dot ume u improveasaat in tb tuetdltkmol thnbrramdanatiiw iwlf the ills of life aft tmti hy confttipation when the bowels becdnu conaupatad the stomach gets out of order the lives doe not work properly and then follow the violent tick badacuesv the aourdeaa of tba stomach belching of wud beart burn water braali blllousac and a general feeling that you tlo not care to do anything keep your bowa regulav fy uahu uuburo- lutuver jilu lhcydu clear away all tba tffete waiter which coflecta in tlw aystemi and make you think that life is worth living mr b w wauoo st jfoba k b write i fanw been tnwbkd with cautlpatkw for the last three year and dtuing that time haw fried smral iwediea au of which failed to a friend recmnmended uvr pttk su4 aftw m tjontlieaalantlcftitt that z am on tha road tbreoomr x muuanrt tm- hcfpine ilaxa- f of nsniftilon of insaraal eroabte j voimsto uw ulttumalxlvwwtoaraasviat iso vkd for moo at au dniff nom dealer or ww ba balled cntmefe f prias br vkm t ifom oo isailmsl byth towtsot fkfldoh i llio auccildlilg 1 hl acta i 1 14 ooldon text i iv h u heti ifo nucotidcd ou liluli no lod tnptlvlty cuitlvo uud gnvo gift unto mou during tho forty dnyw after 11 lu reaur- roctlou whou iio nltowed ulinaolf ult tnauy llmoa to ilia dlaclplca iio ul uoi upoko of the klugtloiu of tfod which ifo will aurtfly uc up uu earth with isrncl na a tciitor irliuu iio ulinll como ngnl in iflu jlorj ntnv nu urn to wllnoaa to hint li tliu iluly hjihlt lkuflom ii lliu cnuiluii n f titer holy spirit acta 11 iij ooldon uxt 1 cor hi hi know io uot thut jo are n fomplo of god nud that ilia spirit of ooti dwolwlh in jou ho hjild thnt whou iio roflcucd lionn fjo would ncud tho holy spirit who would urlug to tholr reinombrauco all thnt hi bid over aald to thoui nud tubn or ilia thing and show horn unto thorn nut rhow them tultigu lo como nud guide them into nil truth lkdsom iii peter uarmou nt ten tecost acta ii 1447 tloldoii teat acta ii 21 wboaoeier aim 1 1 cult on tho nnmo of tba lord ahull bo amod wbllo wd wait for tho tonilutf of tin kingdom which waa poatpoiiod boemvv rojected tho spirit bau como to icatlo of a rlaen living cbrut at qod right band and to gather unlo illta nil th wboaoevera wbo aro willing lo re- colv nim follow him and suffer with ulw- lxaaoh ivvbo bpldt of life how vlll 1230 ooldeu text horn will 14 aa toany aa are led by tba spirit of god tho nre aona of god till bt tb great spirit chapter indorsing tb ncauy of tha uew birth and teach big that all bucii are children and belra of god and can never b aenarated from iii love- that lb father boa and spirit are all for u and that in christ all thing are froely our lkoh vtb lam wan leaplnjc acta 111 mx uoldetl text act 111 reter unlit bllyer and gold bav x uonev but wbac i have that filv x the iu tho namo of otaau christ of riaxareui walk tbl taan ever tof ty year of age wbo bad nover walked alep in all hi llf i eeu by all who know him to bo incurable walk ing and leaping and praising cod and peter teatlfled that thi waa th work of tho unseen living christ lxaaom vi the noldaea of felon and john acta lv 831 golden text i cor xvl is watch ye aland fast in tb faith quit yotj ilk mxt be atroug tetor and john after a night in priaou being brought beor tho high priest and tb council to ma awer for tb healing of thi maa dd not healtat to nay beror thm coondl what they aald before tb peopl tot th tempi that it wu tb work of jean christ whom thay crddfied wbo a alive luaaii vfl humbled and exalted pml u 1u golden rtoxt ix oof vlll 0 tbongb n waa rich yet for yw sake ix becaun por deepued and rjtd of tneit bat cboaea of ood and pracloaa th only bavtoar wllhmi to av proud pbsurb aa wall aa coal alouer if thay would onjyl otn to illm lkmow vhloha orofmrbood m jemualaiil act iv s3 v 10 oovsasi text x xl l ix love on aaath frofli th heart fervently th paw of th riaaa chrit draw tb bjuvwr eloa to him aod to xb 6ibr at lt uaw of tbd and for m usui bat aooci cuoaft and ubtrmoring bacau buat feat and ww have atlil to wait to a eonipany of bllvra bowstsr fww etttintdng with on accord wbal herid amrresiclar to ood u rare laaasom ofh evn hjprat act vt iy ooldan tet 0l vl bear y en another burden and ao folflll th uw of cltul that lb a6taa might eontfnu la pwr and th mfn utry lb word a coamutt of arj feplrit fulad bld waj ebcmd t attend to tnurmarer and to a that uoaa wa ueguctad lkaaom xth dlh of htapbeti act vll b4j vtu 8 gold tut bv ii 10 w tbou faithful ttuto dath and i will glv the th crowti of llf tlelaa oiled with lb spirit produo ditferaat rewult bl th cj of tver 0000 aool from on tarried with pr- aecuuanjj to the eaaa of thaphad ot each tnauif raanlt in aonl mybag and precdtd to death bofc h aaw beaved 0pnd and jeertl in glory lk4ior xl ueroe and rnahyr of faith tub at ij git 2 ooldad txt tteb kit 1 let tu ha with pa tient th hn that t iwt bafor tat looking unto jettu thfeud of thju tar x and th beginning of ehaptar all at ufor tu th gnat bead of faith and patlncj than la ebipt xl w have thu great llt of the wbo vr uoubl tuturration of faith aod p tteftce u dying bt faith and till watt lug for tba kingdom lkaaoif xllihlmn and th bthio- tla acta vlll ftao ooldn fiwxt act vlll 50 l nudrtaudt tbou what than wiawv xsraaonudti nt eat xwbr of tb word and ttuuty beard and ullvd and there wa jay ou aartb and in heaven tb lord uw en hungry aoul truly eeektag and by un hub and tb efoly fiplrit and a willing and obedient uatt if brought mm light and nt him no bl way r- joldnac winmim0 pub viotobitts when wellihgton said that th llattl of walerioa was won on tba otlekat field of hto ba mad a eonoret application of a prineltla which avery day of life illustrate namely fhat all our auooea and vletorla aro decided beforehand tb apwtaouur auoocas which wins applause lu praotlaad long before and won when there la no on to applaud no one to notice even tb etalwairt heroes of the rootball 6eu reap u an hour or two tf glory the reward for i weeks of hard work and rigorou self- 1 denial hut if vleuulea are often won before baud our failure too are decided tout time lung before they oome to ue th aohool itoy who item to shirk ami lo give dishonest work in hla ota teuke th badnom man who cannot be relied on the bu of self indulgenoe so ftal to btwceea of any sort u itemed early for th aaoa part onr chance to make notue thing of oar live will b vastly better if w raalla simb th vleiory la net to u woo ao day la the fatare bat thai it t being a or lost here and now no alum 1 a dozen don tsp0r daily duties dont argue with tho insvltshls the only argument available with a east wind is to put nn jour overcoat dont preach too much nona presohei better limn tho ant and aha nothing dont waste jour reeling veeliuu are too rloh cream to be skimmed tar uothing dont he too ialiont once in a wliflo said ituole then mau compliment hlmsstt on having patience when be simply too laay to niakaa klcl dont pack up worrlea ou can get them anywhere aa you go aloug ihint let your stream of life he a n muring stream dont usee pile driver to in on a bow or ribbon dont measure auooeea by accumulation fur this measure is fall dont talk over pret ailing caudltinn just make friend with your luob dont fall to love your neighbors yet pull not down your hedge dont kill joureelf with unnecessary work there was ones a new ungland woman whose epitaph read 8h hath done whet she couldnt don t leave the sky out of your lend scape castor i a vof infant and children ira um for ovw 30 yinm it was t ri jones was e past master of the habit of oareleeanee lie dropped things around in any old plane and afterwards never remembered where ttiat place waa on night he aroi from bed to get some madl elee and swallowed bla oolur button in mistake for a cough drop mary said ha to his wife when the awful truth dawned upon him i have swallowed my collar button thats alright responded his wife in a one of evident aathdactlan thew nothing to worry about nothing to worry about t returned father do you that what i said interrupted little wlfay vor once in your ufa you knew where youve put it it rubs tain away there is no lln- imenteoefflesaioualooverootdlag pan aa dr thomas hcuotxjo oil the band that rubs it la rubs lit pain away and ou this aooount thare la no preparation that stand aobigb inpublioseteem thar is ao surer pain killer procurable aa thouuada can attest wbo have uaej it suoousfully in treating many allwenta hotuiwo vou ah ajowfy teacher walt a moment tommy what do you understand by the word de beitt tommy it what youve got when you havent gotas much as if yoa just hadnt not bin in thu world a mau mut altur anvil or hammer longfellow drirtsif mwwina im rahcb kuulmi pnui uh uud half kniilo now i iroulmo frtwly in wuncn tloy aru ifeti urally uoo lud wllhu it objection utr tloulurly ulurn tlio doartji of lrenoh coiwir nnlimmudw ituilf foil curlminly uiioiikii thn knustnri urn thu mofct rnlttillinuw in llio iroilutim nf tlmlr ullyn ooitnr mn mj v iinwmuonitu at the i uxninhiirg iatnoo hiya the groy hutred mon of tlio ljimir llnuw ituhltornly iwfuso tlio i nglish cop jmr flio tioputlo hewover accott ibom ulllioiitn uord ivt chki vnudom nook thorn out mid mve them for i ugluh oiiiummr puiilderlngit an advantugo to ite ablo to odar n tommy tho coin of his country in change children ory for fletchers castor i a many yenra ago i heard th following notion read out in a church jn rnglaml there will lie a pruceloii next sunday aftemoo i hi the grounds of the monastery hut if it rains in the afternoon tho procesa ion will take place- in the morning a safe iju for hiiliorl women tha secluded life of women which permits of ittle hoslthful everolae s a fruitful oauso of dsrangements of the stomach and liver and is accountable for the pains nud lass itutie that so many of them experience lartueleea vegs table 1il is will correct ir regularities of tha digestive organa and re atore health and vigor tlio mwt delicate wonmii can uaetham with safety itecuuie their action whllo cltwitk i mild and southing palpitation or the heart ctuddeti frljht or emotion may ceitae a tnotneutory urreit of tlio hearts action or some excitement or apprehension may set up a rapid action of the heart thereby caushig palpitation palpitation again is often tlio result of digestive disorders arising from the stotnacb or may ite the result of over indulgence of tobacco or alcoholic drinks th only way to regulate this aerlou heart trouble hi toiiw milhums heart and nerve 11iu mr i a nklmllx ilatowell out write i was weak atld nm down my heart would palpitate and i would take weak and diixy spcllt a friend ail vised me to try mill urns heart and nerve wll so i started at once to uu them and found th t i felt much trottffcr x cannot rmlie your medicine too blahly fur it has tone mc a world of food mllbumi heart and nerve tills arc boc per box 9 iwixcn for 11 20 at att dealer or mailed direct by the t ullbura co- limited toronto out sub fidmt know king ueorge always does his bait to sat a debutante at ease but often iter nervous nee make it difficult on one occasion the king wsa v uk lug an exhibition of thoroughbreds and came upon a girl wbo had been preated at court a few day previously her embarrassment waa very obvious and his usjaaty wishing to set bar at her ease turned his attention to tb horeee are you a good judge of bar fueh i he inquired kindly ob your efsjesty fcumuered th young lady o on fttsedly i am afraid i dont know i vou see i rullyer never listed any faith will move mountains today if backed up by hard work work without hope dfawa nectar in a sieve carly la thought once awakened does not again elatabe catty la alway add always walk always pro- csj st auguallne if instead of a pid or ever a sower we couu oaat the gift of a lovely thought lato th hart of a friend that would be glvlag a twaiigeli must give oeorg uaevloo aid wcmeicnee snvalidd now in good health through use of lydia e pmjkhama vegetable compound say it is household necessity doctor called it a miracle au women ought to know die wonderful effects el taking lydla e pinkhams vegetable compound oven on those who seem hopelessly ill here are three actual cases irarrhlmiw ivnit winn i wiw alniilo i out fdixxl a knt ilnnl mm fmab wmkmuu bauus4 nvy work ooiniuillod nie lo btaiul all day i u6k iilu k lliiwinliiu vogotablo oiniiound for uui castoria for infanta and children mothers know that genuine castoria always bears the signatc of bxtct cty orwrpt- in use for over thirty years castoria vuw mmmvauh tv uiw v actons electric chopping mill robt h lasby proprietor having purchased from mr b f caldwell the electric chopping mill outfit nnd ooduill ol the business i desire to solicit a continuance of the generous patronage ol the larmern and qencral public mill will he opln every diy careful attention ivenevcr order and satisfaction as sured r h lasby thi grand tkunk railway j iabsunoicii olalrjb itl i ii wit fl hi illi t ullrlirumb irrillmitmllhl a i i no i mi jit i in wr no m 7 ij in f i him ii exchange your western town lots wu will tlliv f i value for a linn i a mount tit onotlionr mil dollar ufrth t lvntrn j tmii l i in ix ii tu wltli a ilikit diff r im tili r terms or fully i mi r v 1 uihldo proper ik in tin tu f 1 mdon or ft 1 ii iui hidinic ir writer tllitrlt l t mtnt rile w il mrti t tar iui t i n j trtlrn nnd in will i mil in fatu ry dh trit rntti tnslrkntlnl ditte iriirtis turn quick nnd aro rlj lit nt imniu rltn for par knlfini ui oi o iw 1yiftifrktd 447 wooluteh tt- ouhtril successful oardenino rtic first cunditirn is goo1 weed tliugankncr whether for plea nure or prnf cinnot afford to gam ic he mint liavu llio lct iced that money can buy our luhinim is boiling critically tested canfully ecltctid pdi grce reeds with goftd bccds gool soil pro parly prciind and tlio nece ay care tint garduner may expect rciiiltb becauwj all nature la uotklng for him ilcgin right by planting perry s stcda 9sipjk3k3a the b made ih canaoa j empire typewriter 5 bavco you 40 to 60 tr before you buy at our expense empire typewriter co 18 allldl4 tie wt rohohyo ont takfea dose in time iontlityauryyuuiii1uwomoldword by tlto attacuh of 11 ouurii or cold bafaty wri take a doee of chamlurlalna cough lumedy at ouoe it i uueim th cough ao uutltiiaoiidludppoaref it heautboeorvnsee and lungiiottiayarounnuintel by rhaiiftreoftempnralur- ctiauheiialns nentalne no turontlr or hirmfuf dru wbll it glv reluf from th flrdceoltumybtafelyugedwlthuioyouiirfai aflxabisattelkboe chamberlain sr d m febry tv co wladsor oeterle boots shoes ov bubbbes rtjawvi v au lines y kootwetu g fi at rlht prlc r all men s rubbers at q 0 bargain pnces fi w wltiliams mill slrol acton 7 he merchants op canada bank l4uuum 1m44 vi emit it cujj and was mailo vtrniikor ly lis unc afur i wu married i took llio compound attain for a foiuou trouliki and uftor qiwa months i oassod what tho jftllrif r is nullify described as eco g nomical manauemtnt a shrewd business man is spoki n of n thrifty be cause lie saves perlnpa only a dollar at a lime perhaps mere but the real kecret ol lnu ouccetjs lcs jn flio principlo of saving one dolhr will start an ac count with tins bank all local cheques casheil nt par jglwlngoj ttohonto cam4m kct0n livkry anil bus lin9 oamiral paid up hk4khvb wiiwh w uwd1vidmophohtb wttkomo 1mh h unit it rjimo awny as 0110 goiiorally koob uiulor tlio bulfo to linvo u10111 hiinovoil i flavor want to lw wltlmut your cnniiumul in u10 homo mw hunk kmoul ima fulton ht ilanigbun ivna hardly able to move arhatt foa minn unr alioul a year i had thai my hook anil liltunnd was hardly nlilo to mom aron my iiaad wmibl iitilm and x wan dirxy and had no aptttuto aftor takliik lvilla k hnkhiunii vckouiiio joniionnd and iivor jhils i am foulliik ntmneor than or yh i imvo a llttln boy olirfit uonuu old uml am dolnif my work all nlono i would nob bo without your iraimidlos in tho hausu us uiow aro uouo llko umm mm f k yon ail water hl allwrt ina minn three doctor gave her ifou lltliiliuw rmn vour inodlolno has luiliwd rfiillv was always sloklyniid dslloaboiuid sulfoiwd from irtvkolarftluh linvo dootors ravo mo up uml wilil i would k into oonmiiniitloli 1 took tardln k liiilchiunv vokiiialilo cnmiwuml und wlui tho llilrdl ihittln imimill to foal isiuor 1 noon iwoomo nirulail h l8fciiruiul aliortly aluir i was marrinl now i haw twonloo stout hoaluiynlilldivn and am ablo to work hanl mty ilay llrs oimmumtim dtiuuimim uanlnor m troyllllll1toiliiintlnnl wtomarlmvlthl to writ toihi liydubplnliluyom4l- acton branch f a mac lean manager dont worry llnvhiir iurilinutl thu i usry hiimiiuu nnd khulilll if tin ihtntonf tin let john wlllhms i riruitfullj hnliiit the pilron- uki uf in- puhtli com tur table ritruuill iihiijm tu nupplicd t n 11011 ihtu ilmrlri uuw mbatro altltiajrjb amuhosc mccann mill st acton out our hoy s mudu to uoaatiru huit linrtnteiit has caiioht nu uvery ctistotnor la lurfectly mtlsried the fjtylo kit and tuylorf mr nf thu iiies c iricei o co to ig oo unit 300 patterns of thu very iiest clothit nnd aerge to select from hrltik your loy and let ue maku up a uult for him to ida measure smid tiik hkw i h1 no hat r e ktblsolsr tetsrabant tailor mottai futhlhf werndhasn b cwhbuph omt s cement k coopci actum ccmlnr conlkactoit fur hrlies silos vviit floors ualli etc ako agmt for de laval silos scpiratnrs ttc ligh grade portland cein- tnt for salt dkllernts ipr set haiiion a hatxic i 301 unlvanlly bt uontileab

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