Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 23, 1916, p. 3

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wedding and birthday presents wedding itiiik i i iiim clilnii iiml cut gfoiiu u 17 uiiri hlucruaro novultlmi in knuv tur mi li murrltigu iluiiic imiiilii geo hyn1s real instate varus for utile in htiltoii keol kid well lug o it 400 rurum lor awlc very ulw ir yon wnut u fkrtu write tui for rtiliiloauc or if you wlab to well ur vxrunutfc write toic wt biive every itarlllty for trattunrthta bliuluruti to your complete uutlhfurtlou correh- koudeurt uollcltci j t wieuiclllly tuktn ttelllliix rllrhulht oruclowu bciic ctou jrvee ijtsfi viiuiwuay maltcif i miu brief local items this la equlnoiinl vrnli maple sugar tlmo h ul li md oaltstaif ralalflln llolntoinlll an occasion 1 iur o i ur in dill being shipped thl mou shttollmir i imiuh la i10 cowing inouotono in during tlto pit jcir 111 ill 111 wool ha douhud in price soon with boaplng metisuitm tlto spring will win ff tier treasures ami now llerlln kansas proitoun to eliaug its tennan name march has roally affurilod tho bout sjiell of sleighing of r ho winter th uiapla true aro thrilling their bar juice spilling in in in j u nugar cainp- the almanac 003 a spring commenced gd tuesday its hard to hdlioxo it him daya tit farmer who hoo motor 1 ir nro biaglng far spring to open at i dry roadu to coat sgi tto iaen were thiol in jnntjli police court i ait week for ovpruualnt pro fleruian eutitiants in that city spring tuny emtio nuu an rapidly as it likes hlnuoid llowora and vcrnalgrecna will li cordially welcomed oood morning lino jnu renewed your fuki puiwi hiiluliiiluii 1 xanilno lbdleoi jour wlcl pu no uobl watson lot li llfttilnio nats gaways will littl i mi una ion d farm utock 00 march totli it j korr auctioneer til estatoof tho lulu tiller l hoard wore valued nl 01 or shh oho huw licet disposed of by agrooinant mr luardmoio died intestate tlio itoinan cnlholic chinch at ilea pier wu dsetroiod ity lira on hut unlay bsowleg tlio ii ro origiumod nt tho fur uaoe lose 810 two ur jamas c imoruu of ihirrlo col legists inttituto lint itoon engaged to act a substitute lonelier until lulj ut at georgetown high school tho members of tho lrovlnclu iofi latun will qo to liiolpli thu iiiorrlnjr and pand uiday vfoltlntf tho ontario ajxricul tur college and prison rurin ur ii c unroll han on larked lilt itooery and provlaiun toro hy tnliinu in til lo craain pur lor tho inltor will ho loeattl upbuirs wlioti tho uuhoii opaiio tho rata for uwt ollico money ortlora payibl4 in unllod hut 01 h nt itoun inoroaa ilia oluruo now it 1 suits 011 huint up totbooand lorontton hiimt fiom 9i to 10 a druouon austrlmi ljinjr in hiioh tank at tlio corner uf llmrili mid izinln btmttts for half an li inr at moi m fltlur day wm tho nhjoot of tmiiu a nalhurintf of ipeotatorti iikiikiihk ohildruii nkt sunday will ho tpi irturly review day la the sunday hahoon in thu moth odlat b0i100i a junoritnlc movlnit picture rawlaw nlll ba hold uiid 1i10 oooukltm will i to tuadd a couoral rally doy rvii u iu timo lo kliid thu- ul i id 10 noruo to thaoleinior4ijfli xtiil 11 thrifty uition uiaotlier day too hat uo cuimii yot a notubid intuit on that pirt tli it com oh in oonuot withchafrim frtipioiulj tho iliirtiiiyinn i in tin him 1 nmmoiio d lt eighteenth jo ir ior thu tumiitoon yiti lht ur k a iliiru lm k itt dutlnlot lio lux jfiv n lti r nlituuiioy 11 llvolooal uijiurmid lu nurtlnh riptoont d tha pluoo wiiilii im- i itelj ucuno thu moond town in ii than has9a0awcva ur t h wa laoo hat lu 1 iory ill lint a now tvciiuring uliu ii 1 cjk it viinnu r u fauirlr kcmunh mttuml uraj a melliucwi nir li 1 luft liiwt tdaulay for indian liuid hiu loronho ihuiuii to in ika u lu fir two n mill nod then join dor innh md nt i iiimiitan tlwy will then tuttlkm lit h inaual uluannlu mud i uii in ii imilmu laat waou utuni linj thu pui uitui in honor of lior hrothur in lm mr unriiu itarwooil tito farm rooonlly nurnn i h mr suivo oartmlian huahtion s 11 t mr urn unlj ur john jkutliy it id u uny micnufnl auction uiloof furiil ntnoli aid imilomoiit- on woilnoediy llilitint m unuluy i- ntlriiiiruild mill iiinio lot 1 ijiihimiiu ur hrldrramiiii nl utwi lm ur- ohtttail the firm of nniu iliid iiunr knutohhnll inoiul in a wuil a uaiura uottun urn n llu town lino bear arkoll hail n vury nmrjtsfut huio nl fartdrtook mid implmnuiiis on lildfy laxt onoof tlio liratlinr i1111 onllhtvd mid urc j cotton thonthur irothuitt uifo uuolnif to knglaml with linr iluiijthtor tlioy aail froat kow york noxbh4timlny sawing lionu aro nnw thn onlor nf tho day vannerd nro promrinf for uprlnir work ur 1 j flllliorthoil intoniu to hnild kitchen to tilt iuiuho tliln mi id inn oatarbii cannot ul cuncd with rjuai aitiduauonh an ihoy uutuot raaoli thn hiut of tho diweaw catarrh lanlncul iiiuuum urnntly inftuono id by rjotifctllmtloritd oonilitioii and in order in our it toil moat tuuo un internal ttmvly iimiim caurrh j1110 la tnkon lauraallymiduouthroiihlt tho hlwilnntji rnuooua aurfooci of tho hihttim iiiiiim catarrh curo wau preiorlhod hy una of tho baalphyilolunu in thunointry for yonru xtlabainputl if porno of thu imht iaiiiom known unmhlnod with hnmo of thn iwt blood inrllltr tlio jwrfooi nimll iittlnti of th liiuro lljitt in ii tllrt fttnrrli cnro i- wliat unnluiui umili unndcrfiil ioidt4 in oatarrlid omdnloim umid for lohmniil all frwt r f oiikmv co irop tnmo o all dnul-l- 71- iuuj ivillly lli- for tmit ipatlon news op local impoitt contilbutlorm io moody bolslatis m11 ifavlll ivohldotib of thn woiiianii iihlitnto rioila thitt during tho lil liirtucii nionlliii ac to 11 iiutitnto hav unnt ulnlhinu nnd otlmr oomfortu for haitian wnnion mid ohlldran to tho vuluo of 117 propltltlous wonthor fromlsod if au itoino woatlmr prounolitlcalori nburt tho toiiiparatur and prvailliitf wiiiilnntmurohjixt mm voriialkpihio rulo tho wtiatliar for tho fcllocnlii ihroa nmiithu u ara in for a ry una fljwln llio tnaruury tood at tb at noon mid tha wind wah duo boiith that day castor conoort easter monday rljuolal iliur aorviooa will im hold in tho molhndut chnrch on ikuur sunday in whlolihjio sunday school and kpwoflh iouaua wnmaadln tho inyloal urvlcaa on monday avinltrjtiri iuur comoart uilh inureutinu ami approprlato prg raiimio will lo nlvoii in ths town hall afiton is bhlpplnuf broad kow it la not no vory tang kqo lno broad uai ltaltiffchlppml in dally u acton from toronto ijondon luolpliandoaoratown kof bowovar ac ton hat hakara wbo bmnortlncc hraail both mra i c huuoll aiid hurford st cu minim ara ahlpplno hroad tliy from tholr baltariaato ontilda hilnts sflorarriarttal sotvloon moxt sunday on friday aftamoon at thraa oclock a oervlca priwratory to communion will it hh in knon ci mi re 1 1 ttav it- v cam cron ii a of 4iorotown will praoh tha uniiiii on sunday mowing tha aao rnmetit of tha lurda suppar will ita dia itonuul luv f c wiuon ii a u10 utntor will prsaoh another military funotlort tho military conoart uld hut wk vfca boeiiccvufal and wpii patronlud that tli oolodra and wn hav arranged ooathar aoclal event to ba hold in tha town hall tiaitthurtday evening both inat thay invito tliaatundahod nf tha young poopl of town and country and avpect to ipftd an enjoyahla alanine catiada in tha making on m outlay naut march i7th uwltlv thoansplcoa of tha k o ii o of tu mathadiitsuniiayhclumlluv tl a uttu it a uinlotarof chalmara iwhyuwaa church lualpli will gtva an adtlrwa on canada lu tha making in tha ubthojul school room tftar will lia bpiial iduuc a canllal invitation in extswlvd loall tho uaptlt churah whon lu call to kav w u uollonahl to itacnmo pattor of tha ilaptut cliurch hora roaoliail hltu ha had already aocptl tha piitarata of tli iuititt church iuji orlon tlio church liar u naturally much diuppolnttul laat sunday kav it j smitliton of uomaaur university tor nnto prachatl at tha cloaa of tlia day icoa a congregational motli g waa held andacul axtondd to ur suiithtao haroiiuabtmlaidiorttluiatneanildsrtliaoall ixifora giving ida reply tlta aoiduraof ix company did not iarada to tha ilaptut churoh an the men had boon ianooulatod that morning and a number of thorn war faring from tha affdcta they will ar oils to thatchurch rant sunday animals cruoly starved in eftqueilnsf olllolala of tha toronto humano hooiaty onbatunlay discovered a revolting com of iouy to anlmtlb on a farm htwj oaorgotown and ilarahy inspector hall ingall found a number ol horji and cattl evidently suffering from starvation a three year old colt was lying hi a hoi un ah to rlae and two ware down on tit float of the harn absolutely help it tranaplrad tlmt one cow hid been down four uml ami tho other for thrao woeka many of tho other animal were in an omnoutod condition there waa ahso lutelv no fool available and omo of tho imau werncstlng man nro tie soiityti olliourti htul to bill two oattla and th own- cr killed tha here tha society offiwr tliu remainder of tha an i male adequate ly fnippliwl with lood and proceed lugs are hoing instltutod against tha owner itav fo ruier 1 50 for tho weekly paper at a meeting of the mmiipaper publlsh- traol llulton iv ol and uuffartn held aft linnnpton on hatunlay last which waa ad- drnsoi by mr smulllleld president of tlio cunudiili irosa association end others tho fnllimtig resolution waa pasud un- iiiilinniihly 1 that thtu inaotlnir of tha ii uinii lni4il mid ou fforln vrtm ahsooib- turn ii in fttvour id ntlulng ihe irloo of ll o lond wnohl rn to 91 ao per year a policy ncailtiucd hy changing business oondi tlon the data nt which the change in prico will o into effect will aniiouocotl inter weekly puhlulicra havo been fight- liijr off thin ralan in prion for a long time nut hteoilily rising rloea for several year i nek onovrrythiiijf tlmtgoea to the wak ingnf unauhuimirnru forcing thifni to cither rnlo prlcca or n out of liusinesa in llruna county the prleo wsa r voh nmry ut in troy iortli and huron ciimitloh thn iidm rata will go into effect duly ut on mniiduy thn pnhluliars of i inciiln mid wultund cnuntlaa dooliled to rniuu iliuir ruto to 81 10 it u likely that hy thn 1st of january nokt uior will not hu n inn il weekly puhlishcd in canada at inuor tlmu tho 1 ml rato slierliourno iannuiiilet splendid loaturo by mr hampshire llio iiioinliorrt of knox oulld on tuelay onning limtanwl to a vory in term ting ifo turn mi lokminti fmni thn wur hy mr willlum 1 u hmnihiro rfbcotoblunok mr iiuinuthlro pointed nut examples of hrnverv nf our boja at tha front and em- phasiied tho tplrlt of pattsnoa and self utorlfloo ue need tho danger of muteria ism anil losing sight of tha tlner ihlnga of ufa and bolng graody for gain uo also ro tarred to the desirability that tho education of our lioy and glrla ha directed toward iloinooraoy not inllitorum tha drltlsh cnvernment overcama tha objections of itiilioiir union uml llyod ceorga found thatdtlnk wan tho omifii ofagreiit deal of labor liitjuoionm tin people aro waken ing liouuid tothofuut uiut drink waa a urentur vnomy thun tha merman tha wur iihh brought out tha gallant way our men answer tha call to defend tha prlu dpi of tha empire which queen victoria aid woro founded 00 tha llihla it he rim eloped m rellglou feeling in tha empire mid people ara turning to uie itelp of the higher tower and ara taking a more wr- nua view of life in closing ur ifantjt- tthiro hrimightt out tlta bason we could lotirii from itrituh hutemoi after the bvtnroltnv w 1 koae ii a oflloaloii clnnoh gavo u short addrota chi the dan- uerttl millurntti there mm a aplendid prograunna of ialtlollo choruses hy eaten iflrlttaiid koim by mr lloiitlihin utid mr wlldgust social and personal mru a 1 sontt of llrmnploii vbltcd hur buhi limttlaut ueok mtt4 hattla couk iiltotl frloiidu at tlnorgotnwn over htiiitln mun aggie huott wpont tha uook and with frlendn nt ilratnptou mrs frank iviiiiamu nf toronto visit ed nt her fsthora homo on saturday mr adam hlldenhrsnd uft tait week to visit his hrotliar fleorgo at johnstown n mm john sutton of jeorgetown in wjmindlng 11 fow weeks with miss manila masalos mr and mr- willlsm mokahb and cameron visited friends hi hamilton dur ing the week mr and mr john martin ur removing to oualph this weak wliera mr mnrtln has lakon a situation mru john ii cameron of fihuerstillo n v la her nulutlng to nurse mr j a murray wlia is seriously iii mr snyder afllerllti sient a few day with his daughter mrs august anderson willow street during tho week ur and mrs robert ulhbons returned home last week after spending a couple of months with relatives hi toronto mr j vlotorcalemanaiiperlutendetttof tu central m c a printing depart merit toronto wan home for saturday and sunday mr it it warren who for twtilv year haa boon manager of the standard iublish lug co and canadian ilsptlst toronto has tend a md hie resignation to take effect 1st june mr wat run lias beau a prom i nan t factor in tlto puhllthlng inlercbis of the iluptist church ami hy his eutorphe and busluass inethou hue won a large hvsasur of suooeui for them 6il0am the anniversary irvloolnllt methodist cliurch on suoday and monday were quit auoowsful tlie sannouu ly itev mr smitturmh ami llav mr lattroti wr appropriate to tlie occasion siul enjoyed by urge cwogragatlona tha old fauitonatl taabiating 00 mon day evening waa wall patronliad thow who attaivtel ua well as tlto- wlio pro- vldd tit uogramnia wr urgly froid acton itev mr avliuii doliverrj an interesting sdliva and mug two solo 1 1 luelu iuu and mr harol i whjgust ung a well reiulstul duet i mus llsrtu siiiilh arwl the miuae uaon ung a trio huh all fcrtjoyed mru a t ilrown aivl margarst keargavo splendid rtfatlngs a luet was sung hy tlie lltllo uutes ta cutoltcon and 0110 of these llttlo ladle alio contrlhuted a rcltatlnn master llarokl wlldgust waa on tha program ma and sang a solo which brought down tha hoot th noagdwea orchvitre ruitdarvd a nuitior of lively selections which kept the owiof tli dancing taction beating llm kev mr smltltrman waa chairman mr it m lamtierte sal last weak waa qutteasuocasa mr rambwt will likely move to ac too shortly hat catarrh is it has been mid that every third periion has catarrh in some form science has shown that nasal catarrh often indicates a general wcakne of the body and local treatments la tho form of snuffo and vapors do little if any good to correct catarrh yoti should treat it cause hy enriching your hlood with the oil food in bcottn ituiulnloii which fs a medicinal food nnd 0 1 nildiiij tonic fr from on j jiurmhil drill iry it to it c iloune toroiilo o11l military motes i win to corp jack chapman wo homo front toronto for 11 week end visit lluglersh stewart ami k tuffer warn homo from miltun on laa from saturday until tueulay corp s cjeorg want to milton on tuas day to tab a course- for sergent in the n o os class threa thousaiid canadian bohller 11 preparing to go oversea have married since diluting or immediately before 11 blnut t i ilendaroou sou of hon itavld henderson is now at tho knglrteer training liepartment at ijiusilowna ivrb otthwn tho tuon of acton platoon in vita the young toople of the oomiuunily to their aoolsl event in tha town hall next thursday evening the military doctor was her on sun day and gava the men of the aoton platoon their second innooulatloii of typhoid serum rome of tho men war rather indisposed for a few days afterward word has been received that farmer bohm who enlist will ba granted leave of absence lo assist in putting in th spring crop their pay will lie continued during this intermission from mllltarydutieeuuder certain ootid 1 1 ions tlie uoman who didnt raise liar boy to be a soldier lias no right to live defense of am other womans boy ssld mr ijntoh w hates at tho caruegl hall prepared neai rally in tlio united state tit other day or using slandsious lantruaga against tit king a uniform a visitor at tit king edward hotel tlulph was fined uit dollirs aud cota by msgintraie watt in polio court the uun uaa under lio inlluauod of liquor at tit time atteltlana has a lteu mid hy llt fol lowing un lr during llta wk 1 u k collier alan lwtuluk thoasoott tho h cone khaki la th 10 polar shd for tnae clothing this spring any physically fit young man c ho sccauinodatad will a suit of uila particular color upoa ahdum tion to th oitlcar of th irtui luolio1 at tl recruiting station in tli ell iit offlw momaitiom without a vote a vota would be a wasta oftlmo and honey as ontario would go llko manitoba the indications now are that thagovrti idnt will onact itrottihitioii through b hill in th uguutur and make it sujl to rwl on a straight majority vol alur lit war if ha measure- wr lo b p by a vote of th ughtlature it could also l ravoksd by tho uguuture whil if pajssed by th people it would h for lb tkeou to rmtal il tliegovernnwnt ci adt tha legislature mjithwl without causing th criticism that tit country is being divided during tli ireaent crul th feeling among member of th lag uturoeeama to b that in view of th vot in manltolia it would be u wost of 010 nay to put on a referendum during ill war tli coat of sucti a province wtd vot woul i be between 100000 ami i so 000 th aunt 00 uld be savod by a vol of the legislature 00 tli prohibition blll ills understood 00 good authority that the present intention of the government u to ir tlie prohibition bill sat a dau for it coming into operation tli mo to be about tlie time ontario would baooua dry in adoption by th people of tha referen dum home excursions every tuesday march to october all kail every wednesday during season navigation great lakes route boalmilmf out on uuapxilrlcauhere lit year cwudai oftt wheat crop wit produced there is a homo uniting for you th canadian pacific will take you there elve you nt lie information about tha beat place and help you to aucccsa 11 it tl it 11 particular from any canadian pad do ticket a gout or write w ii howard district psstgr agent toronto itiiniiin rsushscp russells bread pure clean ci sweet in order io cut the price of bread you must aluo cut quality and weight our bread in made up to a standard qunlity not down to nn 8 cent price in two month our bread iiusiirsb liny inpreahed over 400 loavcfi prr week tina surelv in hufricient evidihce iliit our hreid in civinr iiood ratikficllon our drivers nnd salouman are at your service try a inal today and bo one of our mnnj satisfied customera russells g millsh acton onfe rnaaofab tymidu wrlttcrj dy chilonnn bum fntiuus hrvina tt hav out- llwd thalr au rcr miiim if i lie ift i11 11111 li hum in 1i11 11 aim c inw i111 mi mi 1 hi uiilihim kurylniu i ni mi iulih fjinku i i in hue 11 i11 ulili 11 iinhlliu it 1 ll im tlie in i iuiiiii ihu imilitr or itni lirun r hh iirntn h it iii fir i hi- juimi piipiilur nr hi iminim ll un ilium in 11 ht uim 11 men- iril mid lie mirilud un piihll nihm 11111i piiimturlli hui yuiin 1 1 mix nt 1 niiih in iii wur ur 111 ilmi i hm llluiivh itfll hllllj it lilt mtlllll 11iiio one if tin hcht liuiuii liminm in lu itorlil n llurr u 11 i jiidnf iuro i tali i li 1 ll wim wrlitiii li la tut wiiiim lu to hi rcihlirnl iiniiilmod it u uiild unit lu fix htiiyliitr lu i he in if nf u luhl nnil i klnc m rimlu iliinip ttlilro 11 ik 11 bo i iiiichi i in lliieti utverl hi i 1 itxiiitl iii unit in iihihi hionn mtrithil lu lkl3 rein tlmt lino until it h in tun oft in dancor tlfl in win- oimurd chrln llati ounuril tin mm nrliiilll urlt tan by 11 hoy umiglrl ln iiicr rnw encli oilier 1 tin boy uun pmir lit nrj iclruo while wlni illfd in fun lu reached mil n hood nnd llio tilrt wti 1rsiicen iumor xmltluiid thu fuu in that lu n lliv imi kmi tiled tho lltllo girl una not imm ix actly when icirlo white uruir hlx veracu u not kiioun fur ihey mrii found uiuoug his paprru nfler itu deal it- he tifld work ml noma ttiimn lu algebra on the aauia aheet twenty year laler ilia lllllo ivuule fourteen yen re old nrote tha xertj bftlnnliig rvutiilralr tet your drooplug heart bo cd ijm not sorrow dim your rye mid onward then to hntllo nioro which ittiido a hit hymn of uhat wuh reully ouly a set of veroo trviuce llldlev llnvcruiil wrote otto or her beft i in mi hytuua wliett alio wnu a ulrl ur hi ecu in fatt it wu ibo ttmt iiiiiik uf miy important whs vr pcmi d tlin i lit ial lillc bymii thy fdfa wtij olvet var urn it was m rlbbtml ou i ha back of n clr- rulnr in kiirll und fltwt read to an old bedridden tvnuiuu who liked it ao much hint llio lltllo nlrl rvpented or hir flrut intention tu- bum u aud br tuther nmlc the well known tunc lura to it ijiliiliifi til lilt cjrlii drtvtna- as uioi irium iuulllpl lu number it i 4vldeiit that li rsmulngly cdreful drhlng li rallm fr rim drlvw who hltu her up rudiugini not uuly bl ohijmiftly but lhuutril or ullifr mo torlult itiuv nre drhir win fair io ttl icum mktd whin tbtiy mint to croerf slrcelu- thtiro nr druer who daub nroimd coriiorwnr uinuj u huulirinrd ut liljili siwd it can iitt lw too utrnojly cuipliiihlk4d ihm tho rtnlly iuiiiuttiit drlicr iilnnyu hug liln mr uinhr con trol that ho nhraja ilrlia ou llio t lux ury that orcry othor drlier tuny ba cflivlos ur may loo bin huud cuutloa marks tho competent druor itocklea uu bclougvi ouly to tho jay kuusml city tlmo 0h didnt dane lu i73j o geutlaman living tu usuiv ahuv england uatofd samuel llald whi dld after a rn titer stonily nod tnott unhappy tusrrled hi lu lib will ba directed that all his rust pa to to ba glvou hi ulfa ou condition that auu should dmico upon hi era to fmui tltnu to time as tha will further lust met cd that hb remains should ba taken by boat to tho needles and from there cast lulo tha sea this of course pre vented hi widow from fulfil hug tha conditions of tha will und thus lust her tha property he however had his revenge for th various temper ah bid exhibited and for tho remark aha often uutda that aha would yet upon bis ova ihpoipiapqspcjbpi iiofrtrrrttrrrrqqpqbaoii g w as fresh bright and new as this the first week of spring rt ara ample spring stocku in guolphu loading mid largest storo our buyers havo searched fur ntid f q wide in tha quest for tha lieit available prlccu tho liciit obtainable values nnd tlio most procurahlu trenmires u yq sj tho way of fast dyes aenrco wool merclinmllue el rs cl and thnyhavo ferrolednut treniiiirogoodnof nmaxltig vnhio nnd imvo itought nora copiously tlmu in ry 5 any past aeaaou so that w are consequently now minima front any impending scfgo of good ncnrclty or quality v o inferiority rz g kacli depart mo lit has n clear frue ringing meuingo of wide ktocks nnd of goed prices llach dpartment ry c in a complete store in itself yet each message lioro muct iioods bo a brevity va that waillpapwr detpetrtmamt lloautiful now styles and surprisingly low pricos ths mous lrumlahlntf bpartmant many eld price m canals and rugit tlmt nro gold mltie bargains thai mllunry dpairtmrt a gulauy of new and novel head wear for spring splendidly priced ftsmtiy to- wmir dpartmaml all kluda of ready towear apparetfor womun and children fill variety miperb quallllea and attract ivo prlciu in tho face of preaotlt day market cojijilloiia the staples detpartmamt splendid tub fubrici in gooa dyvs tnd at good prices far spring ami uumniur th mein storo kvcrythlitg nnd tho liest hi montt wear in this bio new department thai soya oapartrnart as comploto nnd as oepetidable ranges for soys wear as for mens d e macdonald bros ouelphs leading and largest store wyoillukii maedonull kadi curdes slruu ouclph ool iiiiiiiiii i till ii tttlttttlhit til lhttl iiiiiiiiii lltttlm-t-t-t-t-l-t-t-l-k-8-t-t-t-t-l-l- wde chevrolet price fully equipped 67500 the product of experience who would think of buying a high priced car nowadays when you can get one that combines all the fuaturoa of nor ehdeuslva cars for a uttto more than half tho money the chevrolet wu specially dmlgnod and built to i provide what was felt to bo the need in canada thnsa cars ara taking their place among the very best makes and nro proving that they ara worthy of your attention if you desire a serviceable car at a moderate prlc- car that is smaller lighter and mora economical to rim there is everything that makes the c minute and comparable with car costing considerably more drop in and look it over j l tttlloughby proprietor georgetown jambs woods sales manager 4tlllllu ii i ll i i ii 1 1 i 1 1 1 j4ttwlitl4 notice the sprlna term in shaws bnsl net schools toronto from anrll ird matye into the summer term for jul v and atiffust start now and be ready far position in autumn no vacation re catalogue w ii shaw pres tfoflonto canaq4 onhhundhttovolino wom1bh soj usay vouuff men uinlul at nnoe to trslu er ehulee ostre unaittons tlie de- uisua ou ilia t31 von htrt yomohyq onvmhio is tullv are time ear supplv writ at one inr taiileular muur now the car par excellence curewulkatawuwujielaan tllu tat owuim when buying a car you should rmhfa tlu diffomtieo betwooti tlio ooaontiab audi uu eaoentialo do sot lat mluoi ftatum take your nttution away from tho iapuiant points of value the valveiuiioad motoy la the most poworful aud nllaue type and la toed lu aeroplanes and submarines wlioro steady powor and reliability are a vital necessity the molaukhllb motor oar co la the pioneer of tho valvwbvuead xcotaa in canada bvery horjaughita valvoinryoad motor is guaranteed to develop and deliver more power with leas rannlitu thou any othor make of angina of tha same atte wth a helaugbun you have abundant lowbul mx thu 7110 regardless of prlee you cannot secure greater ecdeianey atf titta laxuiieima aottjfoitt than in a from stfibb to fxtjb othuuto write for our fre booklet iairrn life and 4bidoni joe huston agent mlllor ont twelve branches thronghout csna1a

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