Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 23, 1916, p. 1

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what jvjrfri sttt tt vokrmic xri no jh mvery bubacritoti vm in advent acton ontabio thltjttsday mobsflug mamoii 2u 11 sabemp4it wlcail m rr auuuw singub oovims tbkmti1 cents qllii cfnu frcc push l vur1 illlhh huh ulsrt uiu brmiur actum owr yafcuu or iubbiwition ono ilollar ir yaar luleuy la alvanoa l ml aerilina in 111 upluj bietae all uul orii ili iluouiilliiu wbaa lli tluia or wlnoli tin y imvu ihhiii tiem t aplrei t tlalu lo wliiol every uiilaorlp- leaubeldisilaiiaiml duilumlclroaa labal abvaatiliwa iutlb transient alvartlae tmtt lulloii contract tllai1ay adverliae bmoulwm or limliua niorf u annum 10 ukviub uili inmdl n yuailyoouiraala traadltibilleruc0ula ilueh naoli luar ultlt biiticino illrdailnua a wfil be it ladmm iima i be ii ali ktwra mmiimmj ilia axil aoiuitujliou iuu be bald w a raulr h all asoeuuu eellaauj tnautuly u l uoouu itdllo eul protwular aaln8h fchrrtorp rpiios gray m u c- m ucgill ilc k atoimauwoif id v v n oumaw uawattmjvumlldlil aftancuyiom lit omn- juuh hbhl aetna obi otropatuy rvu vitus on o ar m bhow outuufatuin piitalcuw olflajtdjtuulinne luousnnuuliji til 041 llimn la m yumv and widaia a tbewlsua lloll kttaa ctuiiomactlc l ifaupuh ii hollo wav cutbcrvxcrah uniu hall jin ji oualptjonl btamtiwo lonl4t ija wjiti i sill lie at hi ttoaie ftl u4 wm u lr uill klcl avumi u6djii tii jay uumo6vttiarliv aaainruay ol taati w dy u ioiii m vktvuinary j vlatwuwabv buuouuv jum oolail on4ix if oul lo veterinary collage liaax dalribni illotb umludm jill ul gall day or a lab i touiitly iuajd la ix0al ft j leaoklnnon orruauui hl4a in pmwbiah hi ww uilimn iwut- ualialloa ul knlary public oolai- w 9 ualaan i plo imualia urul drju hkll ubhldb duiitlt aovdf 1 ioim ni- w u0m l hljaaa cutou will aaj ifjuli uabdat qubvfah ov touiuto uuivksaitv tw uwt kluulixl b d u iuill micftavxo us ijiuxngib wuhaij bookhlnuult wyttabaw ml iiaalulj oaulio oyr wi uuui a hdiib of all kluja mj ut twjx m abh1aois mcunueb b p uoouu pvi4u0bua mo wl ta tteaatvad imoaj k 4 hhuji llahwinn auctiouiihu ydv th- cuuull of wolljuihaii hallob 1m1 abuttllu uib ally at luulul- u i4auj with mluruotlai luuliii ttuciiau uij yjwm lutwuu by utur to oftop p ft at calajoo ift kmumewt in wmiiolnu vlui ilia atutiiattiiaijiau lidvar- bjiu ofdafi lult at vuum 1 hum i will bj1vu liuuiodluta iiiaillmi aawmllo taamlm iu aotou and lalolly wammm yd itaix oa luirr dalexnivkn odtmrto lttad uvayoahu olwll eurvy bulklfvutonb riauu ro- ivaru debcrlplionti ninujirltilu utc trtiflclc for piirtliumjiu unil mort- simw tiurvoyti for arclilfjcts hull- 6ial municipal councllu drain ifd lepoik littiiatua etc merchants bank blpo vxumlpm imiott 10a4 omt s4ugify jmbbfcumi v oualphoht 0mk al4 uau1h bottbd la luujomktttl lubmattti od muiii uiumi in told on ulblm uyttiu book md otkm honka aejci womk ruduitliv rvucutud tho old and reliable oianlteaiid marble dealers w aju kauufaeturara hm1 illtfltlbituwt ol al kiutmnt unuuniautal nrt haaillmi walldiiwittanureulntiiraiwtial ial bi uu avvlutf mr nuituimaim m iwr isttl wm liava tl le ailalim aud lb uavaslmft iftflih ijll1y wa iwb r hutkuada of our euom la iwl miliar llw win r hara liava lo 4iu iii orlr to anlloat w bw mi au4 b4 hmhim if uraalla lu lha nr iaw tliau any inrlalfimlm waar laaltlmata dnaura auj aoi aollall amwitn and da unl animv nruat lvaawlanllytmiilmrtfaiitu si4mna mllov hjibii4iu only ua i dafr atmihkluoa hamilton sons car hi lolk j wjiiwiiii 8h ouhuu savage co kbubluhftcl i04u jlwixlih guhpii the oij nj selwhle wnlchmnkcrs and jewelkr savage co guelph out voti can huy troiu u n ocnuin victor- victrolafoi- 3350 bv pay 1 ok is ao dawn and is oo monilily isnt lliat a luruaiu come to uh for a catalogue c w kelly q son 33 lower wyndhom st ouelph ont c c speight pok uptodttte goods sjlvrureir in tblwair rtn vrlty also plna cullaiy hajxjwiurw ylnwar and oraut- ltawaurln vatily paukioir slov unci timngm kauyious haalwre skxltul stovava oil stovami mouintcl toys slftfh wochmy suoh qramaphotm rcorda every article is of excep tional value c c speight ulll slrttl atloa dustbanb not only collects and inllu microbes in dust but it alsa catches the dust particles themselves keeps them from rising into the air to settle on furniture and curtains and there fore practically does away with the necessity lor dust ing many diseases arc con tracted from sweeping dust order a tin today from your grocer sec that you get dust- bane for imitations are not so pood duhtbaii mr co ltd gltaw mnnaiiiitfabridbtinnrmooriiitfmiiiiii s grain chopping well done and i quickly at only 5 cents i per bag a good mechanic in not only known by tliu jfwwl iooih lit lines luit liu bnnwu food took mil will iim notliliim elt iioihvm tool depnrtmnnt iu a koqa worumnn b ilollfilit wo invito yon to impact any lino wo reprcuont nml our makiilflceiu tool ntoclc in nt yoiirlhnunl mramtlctya toolai warood toolat wo have wlml von wnnl the bond hardware co llmltau phunai lotatantwfcjv oublth quality glasses ivrfectly fitted after a cars ful kxam inatlon l our way try ft wm oklind oum owm ilatniikh wo opticiam at tttt mdt chxi robtnoble plouu for general uu klngi cholco and kive haft manitoba hart wheat flour reed ran short gluten meal uolauln oil calio ciax ileal oat chop corn com chop sekb9 red clover uunioutli alajlc alfalfa timothy canadian ulucoriua alu at low1sht trices jlwarrkn hamaokm tulkfhomu crand trunk ivims are you going west the grand trunk railway byatem will run iiomeseekebs excursions kacb tuemly march 7lb to october jut inclunlvi ttcleu valid to return within two mouths fnclualve of date of uld wiwmiiato end vtur at wdmontom ttil mum hum iroportloiiatefow rates to other poinu lnfanllolui saskatchewan and alberta ful rartlculara and ickets oo applica tion t annuls h s holmes agent thon no 10 now lor wet weather footwear kenney bros main st acton h arris 4y co timllcd rockwood v ont khaki and blue hurrili fur tl a 1ml in klmklolad wlioiinhly tnbealiu ulttntl anil fact death at every liraatli on tit flaiil in a foro lyn land t to town una near to niio one dejr a lioronnlaamcil ly all inaimiicli aa ho miitryucall a juieari loo to i ho i toy in m up who njianda nil tho open baa ilia tiltlhla and dnya with aniilnua favo to leap oltl fnfland free ho la rtmly to flflht hv day or iilrjlit a ha iouk tlia llom lodraat whan tlm 6 f hntijo pluok will how and conio out with lila lioiitl la ho imirah for th idue and ilia bhabf too fur ia know that hriufna aona on ui aivd land wlllavarautid a match for thaheartleaa htinn huli ii uccoll springf is coming and w have a lill akiohirunt of boots land ahoaa and rubbam and rubbatir boot aultabl tor th wt watkr savaral llrtim or sutcra rf arflhhoijca 1 tot mb entpkh cltttkld for lrduft wa hiava nohool boots tor ohlldran nnd farm boots lor and woman rubbsrs and rubbar boots to suit all ktaads rcpalrlaktecivci uronpt sad csrcful atuatioa i a ax tha hlg gon uar tin lira a don awaka with a atak aad rlalnff up ti4tfii rulhlntf lua ttota hlaay6a at u drat ha tttouqlit it wa tlia paal of tlia uii in llk owabisrtul mhoo ut cajlail tb boya lo fir drill out lha ulukfuft- oandua akmihi uim uia ciodarfitaa tliarowa and tura of cot and uia toonolona af omix voloaa uc tlia youth know at orica that oma waa tho bunk tiouiaof ihaooid fitaiwurd trfln that it taoaflta thirty time to bu ami tlat tha uvakfastcall would tound in thirty win- utaa roll out aud git into yr dudi i apoka a voloa clot 1y not tlia voia ol a man tuttlia voloa of a youtit no oldar titan hlmialf juupoutl an waka upafut- waida 1 it waa han k uy paallntf uia drill lioy of ilwmina and utora martin oould toaa aalda llta bunkata tha youth hid 11b t uia foot and jttkad hjw oo tba floor tlwtawliatwdilo with bookua who ahwp too uta in tufa tu drill boy dourj whiuadotaa flaiinal alilrud man uuhad oproaiiouily alahin acoaiital tka iaaft baodllbo i ut luprama good natura and dodanijj hi blub i and wlnara boota hurrud oat in i lo fit in with tlia crw at tba houaa only a wab ntar ba had giudu atail frou a ulropoiua coramarclal hooj and had acoapud lh flrat pallloo ofhwl hltnthat of aaauunt bookbaapar at ihe ookl htandaid ulna blgh up oo tba burra kavada rnj ttlumalt ufa p ti ulnlng camp wg far dlnraot ftaa any ihlag ba bad v known i la youtb oauyu tba aplrit of thlnga hlawalnduty waa that of tlukmpr for the u gitii arlnjf up ilia tlua allpa frooi iba nlftbl ami day forauun and from tba ual bouaa luing faithful to duty and carafui in bla wwb baaoou won tla ad tn ira han of hud aon uia auparlnuodahe ami etookllo tka bookkaopar tba tuan of tba craw gtaw to ilka hlui too tcallilntf that in tba haw bookie tuy uul oaa who woibl kap an ooourat ronnl of thai t tlma ooly with 1uu rally did uartin uv troutoa hana work waa that of aaiyyltur tka nawly aharpanl umi drllla frou ota uaoblna abop dowa nto tba dap uva and blapaawbaa tba undotound ulimra uhorad nodutlit it waa uora a uatur i anvy tlian anything alw bub rati aaatd- d datarulnad frvuti iba vary brat to maka uoubla for uartin ha waa a typloal boy of tba win big imwad strong of nmaela liard batad and rough in lath inannar and apaaeh ha qlorlad in bla reputation of ihaliiffaajjiitar end it waa quit avuiatib tliat ba waatad to lupraaa uartin qiamjoa wlthtbu doot you frjlfe tlooku tbat ftot two tour oa tba eotdpany but night dan niflindad whaa tba two boya bad flnlabad braakfut and wara oa thalr way up tba trail toward tba tdlna sutratsoa if you bivayektra tlua rotlb ulfthb ahlft lha fomwao will give it to bw uartin anawarad ha niakaa up tbaklipa its only my hualnaaa tooollaob thaw but forgot to tall bin ivu ad voukoahaad and maka lb up fill in allp yourlf ftlva nio two boura ibata whabaoomln i dany wav oub any tlbtaallp with out tba ordar of tba foratdao or of a laval ihwa martin lufotinadhlra calmly you hhould bav afjrni up laab nlqht tkata th ragulat way llaglar or not raftlar im tall in you what to do 1 tka drill hoy rapuaj hotly itahad baau walklnr abead and wbsn ba apoka ha whaalad about quickly ilahard flrau war drawn and a wicked look gtarad from hl huok ayaa vou uaadne think ou can put on alra and lord b ovar ma uat haoauaa youra a book t a h with iun kelly waa for martin ifrandon a tlilnji to ba avoided if huaw tba drill boy waa aavaral pounda liaavlar and wu6h mora powerful than hluaalf vab ha had no intention of eringlnff or laoklnfdown uror him tvelthar wauld ba diiraftahl tho rulaa of the ooupauy undar which bsworkail uartin bod won a raeord ai an all round atblata in bla aobool i ho know that prow and etmnluir waraoftan of bettor advantatt umn lruls atreiiffui and hard utuaelaa if irnaw io that avan better than hla vara a pool baail and oalm uinpar ii qulatly fnhl ad bla arnta and unfilnchfiifrly mat lha tax of tha drill boy i did lint know that i waa putting on alt hmld and x tr uliily liav no tlaalt to lord it orar you but i lielleva i know my work and im ffolriff to do it if you will gab an o k from lhanlithfe foreman ill rlatlly pub in your tint with tha bookkakar 1urpot and determination irlownl front hiaaaa ower waamvtraii in tha clean i htblnllo bulkl of liu aupplo lody tnoush i iaaii kelly atood aliova hlra uim cam icloaa tohim with ihoaa drawn bard batn ho did not atrlke uartlu atood imtuuv- ahle aki tin drllllioy finally turned away atounlilnu up tho trail flood for you hoy i apoba a deep imm voloa tiaar by then a big band waa laid mi hliahnulder and turning martin found hlmulf looking into tlia grljiid faea of huilaon ilia kuparlntendent im glad you didnt fight hint i baa a hard aluggar dan la and hea knookad oub full grown matt with tbota alatlg haunnar flta thought auro lw would hit you ittt ijuaor uutlifj didnt i dont want troubla willi hlui uartin auured him id muoh ralbar gat along paaoaably tbata right lad tlmta right aaid tba uuparlnundeat nona of un want to 1m run over hut ita not to our credit to fight when we an avoid it 1rw berry ien treafji you aa ha doe i b ought to l your friend you tan bip hltn and ha ncada it ilut ha laiit altogether to blame i you inuit biabn allowanoea for hltn and take liitoaooount bla lack nf advantagaa if bau always lived in tha win among rough aa uiu tuotbar dud whan lan waa a baby i rammbar bar well i ah waaonaef tlia heat women i vr kuw waeolled bar tlia wliiu aug in thoe dya beoauaa of tba good aba waa alwaya doing in tlia eaup had alia lived longar tiling woud bav gone differently with han but hu fatlir wa juit a ug flud mlnai lik tlia rr of ua and ba wau bill ad by m cave in ujftw lha boy waa un year old fiiooatlut llm dan in baan ohllgad to rub for blniaetf and lb trail la anything but eey wa uu who dig for gold bav a bard ufa i often wodar if tba y going folk who handle it a o utaly and apand it robijy aver atop 16 think of bow muoli wt and toll and aorinoa tliar u bablnd ilk aagta on lblr money tli big euprintkuit kept hi liand od uartlna aboutdar aa lb two waot lhjr way up uia trail what h id gav tb youth a biur undaraundlrig of tba throb bing putting haart ol tba ulna lb ka il ud within him a mora kindly faallng far ilia flannel tblrtad fallow who tojud with uala and brawn that lb world might have it praoloua gold tby war up in thauiadow of ilia auinpulll now wbo thunjrlng batury toad it impoaaibu for iludaoata voloa lo ba longar board but uartin fait lha pruut of tb htd on bla ahouldru tb auparinteivdnt ufbbltn the youth looked up tha foramaa and got tba tlm ajlpa of uioa who had wekd oo tba afght ahlft ruaalnglbrougbthaw hurruiiy tia waj uhau to and tb haw of hi drill boy if av you pub anything la her for iun kelly r haoikod tblubing tber might b a biiukc what i tut fallow i tba foramaj raapoudaj bluntly not mab 1 iu gt nothing cat tba oompiay but nlgbl u work m tba tuy abift tbat all you look out for hlia b a bd oa and dont lt blu uad on ou t it will ba all off with you if you da uartin tuntad away feeling that tha btufl forauan waa both unkind aad uhfalr vat ba wj algb cbhgd bla mind after b had found tlia underground bou and beard again tba uory of han kallya lack of veraolty jut aftar tbla wban tba youth turned from lb haftbo and alaiiad lawn iba trail for tba ohoa b cam upot lb drill boy dauwaa oa bu way frou lb abop with a load of tharpedad aul ii balud abruptly oloa in frost of uartin glaring at blw taaaaalegly did yu get my limaalip t b blurtad no uartla abawaiwd tb foraian uld tbra noiblng oomlag to you let u uu yoo booku tbra eomav tbla eamla to yod t ihd you jt iat t tberes somatbla oomln to yu f tb drill boy drw cioht a b apok tb tliraat but uartin brandon mat hi tua ufllachlogly tba tlmakaapar want oa down to tb omoa aiwl turtwd a lb uw6buka tba climbad oa tb high atool bofor hi dk and bagautiuklag up bla raoorda for tb day if bad no ootir raiaad tb blind to let in hum light through lha duaty window ami pulud 041 hi graaa ay abada than lb cam fjv abrill llula front tb will wbutl inatimtlfaly h juupad down and uapad for tb door red ihlrtad md war pouring from lb bunkhoua ami olbara cam froat lb ahaoka ami oabla that mad up lb utur edjuublaoi tba wlalng eami all war running up tha trail toward tb abaft bouaa uartin toaaad otf hi ayaahad clipped ou bla bat and joloaj lb una of rtianltig mad up at tb gat fa earn upoa tb outpouring brew of underground workman l tb oag had juat abo up bringing it but loaj somatbltig bad bapand below thara m oavavlu i b haard tba uau aay tb old atopaa hav all dropped and tha new weak lug may glva way any mlnuu la ararybojy out did aay oaa gat caught r uartin aakaj fafully tha drill boy la down 0 yt hud- aou totd back ii got oaugbb in lh lower etopa w uuat gt itlen out i wanta mirttogo iiiaw with m ifud aon wj moving through tb open gat whll it spoka and half turning rlad a backunlng band to tb orqw thar waa bo rpottaa nan thf war among tbau who oarad to go down with bint it no ua apok on rrluil ditfffar with an ominous abaka of tnabaad th wbola lower level baa dropped by tble lime w oouldne gab hltn oub w wuab gat hint oub i hudaoa aahl a man tulob tber no tlma to iom 1 h atppad on tb oag and raeb- ed for tba ball wire yet none of tb craw auawartd tb eh 1 lb was too much ilk oourtlng daath 1 moreover lhar wa aometblng in their faea though they apok no word that au b w not worth while it waj only dan rally who wa cauahldown that han kally th drill boy ll unowned and unliked why abould aiiy of tbau rlak thalr ilva to ev a bouulaa youth f ii waa nothing to tbau com on i iiudeom urged for th third tlma had hold of lh ball wlr now and waaalgnallttg thecugltujar to down ago t another momanb ami ha would go down alon lludaou eliuif of thw all i igptet of ibom all would riak bla ufa to av that of dan kelly uartin ifrandou puahlng through tb croud had beard th vain nail of tba auperlntendenr ha taw tba man baug back with ebaklng bead ami remembering th lata mir tb drill boy apoko to blu b half agreed wkb acton hioii and iuiiuo bciioolh than gal ting oloa to tba gat la caught tha look of kurn determlnatloa ami manly purpoa prlutad oi lfudaoaa f tba word of lb big hearted aupariuundent cam aurglng through hi bralu ilia mothar died whan han wa a baby quick decision cau upoa uartin bran dot hold r i hold er 1 h yiud aa la ifaikad throdgh tba gate a mowent uewam lit bag dropped dwa down tby wt tliroagb tba buek abaft down eight hundrej ft lo lb lower laval of lb mine tbd with lighted ctula they groped thir way through a wt tunnel rom varywbar around them oam lb crak and groaa of btralnlna timber tb utulargrouod labyrlnlba bbook aa if in tb throe of an aarthqoak ton of loo thai rattled down tba atop od poured into lb drift oa and ou tby wnc following tba ud of a faint far cry that roa abov tba hubbub of breaking fir ami pin nor did thaybalt till lhay reached tb farther end far heck la tha open maw of a atop wboa aupportlag timber had bead truehad by tb tremaadou weight of aiuklng rock har th din wa urrlso 1 bug tlmbai war auapplug ilka ttraa in tli grind lug maw pjnoed betwa tb broken hull they found th drill boy calling for help liar w ar dan hera w ar i poke iludaod eaay new uutmlaut ami well gt you out but tb super in umlaut halted when ha reached tli toe mouth i cant gat through i l aaid i uuat gat an aa 1 no i hold on 1 let u crawl in i urged uahjo im emaller than you i icau gat through i it gav lludaon hi oandl and ratal ng up thruat hi ft through bet wean tb ipllnurad umber kvary m tb banging alow tattling wall of th atop ifaraataaed to drop aud cruah iba ilk ante uartin unafraid and breathing a prayer lifted dan to tha opening ami puahad him throuffli it then imul bla own way to tb now ovroom drill boy oub through tb gt lading maw tby wat ami reaching lb tunnel hudao carried tb drill boy to th cage and farkad tha ball cord in thirty aaoaada all tare war up and into lb wt pur air of tb out bid world a wltj cliaar rang from th crowd of aaxloua walling uea wbaa lb oag appeared at tb burfac a boot ran forward with ouutfatobad hamla lay blu on lb gra rigbb lhar wham ita eaol end aoft amka tha eupar intaajaadanb kindly somebody go for tba camp doctor i alab hurt tauoh dan aaaurad them oathay put him gatly down and aa ba looked up b found btmaelf gailag into tb fao of uanltt brandoa bending over him flay book apok tb drill boy feellug- ly i wadt you to foagu whal i aaid to you tbutooraltur 1 waatad to take lb baok aimoat a aooo a i aaid it you sot lha beat o wa right from tha etart thatal right dan itagoa itlaal though it had nevar happened but i waab you to know how i fa about it tba drillboj want on youv gob aomatblog ihat i wantmjtblog battar thu big hau and bard uuaclea uibb id had it too ifwell if id had ehabo and you ahall bav a cbano anawar d uutin flur ill aund rlgbt by wall tak a pulloll tnghar and lha bomii help young peoplae weakly tue cohd bettmom i felt ratbar eroee tiat morning i hod juat mbwad my train to tho city and i waa obliged to make tba unoomfoiubl trip lo a bumplnff trollay oar tb oar wa crowded to that eome of u had to ataml and bafar it hail joltad ua over fourtaati tatllaa of duaty highway into tha city tdoelef uy fallow paaaaugar looked aa unooufottabl aa i fait only tha eon- duotor wa cheerful and even bulling ii went through tba car aa wo paaaad tha olty lino and gathered up th new paper which w luul ct aldo and ar vangwl them in a neat buudl titan jut a lb oar waa paaalng a big red brick faum b carefully threw them oub eo that tby landed juat in front of lb imy curioalty waa orouaed and i stopped blu oa hi way patt my aaat would you mind tailing ma why yon picked up th paper and than threw them away y ha uuahetf wall you aaa ihat hip bouu la tho city poor farm and lha poor fallow in tber dont gat much of a cuaac lo aa th papars ao w oar boya pick them upwban w oan and throw them oub to thaw it lent uaob troubla and they appraoialoll uaaaily theroeonaoftham oub waiting for tbau of fuuraa it ut muchw oan do for than b t taakea thom poor down nml out ehopa a thara f1 a uu bit ulur to think thabanyono pata attougli for tbau oven lo givo thau a paper oir twa bomehow i didnt mind tho jolting am much after that i felt that i had heard s aamon- ooiigrattlonalltt uotb of th aomllad theatrical atur nr rook at in tbauapbliigoftb child ran let uadlag to th wind ouy ndahtry and teacb thau tb great rl of humanity and of matarui wvlroamaut around thav jr macklndaru 1 a medal toh temmihotom aaliaatrolud tbraugh tb oftlo with friend who bad tlopped in for a abort visit itogarultchallpauaml toapaafcoondatoend ingly to a young fallow of about hi own eg who waa pouring over aeveral aheeu cloaaly erowdad with flgura i aa youra atlll at it lwnlugtoa if i bav anything to aay about it ill aaathat you gat a medal for ttaady applloatloa to bualnam tb worda war ilaaant enough but aomethiug in itoftar ton ireuiwl th curloaity of hie fruad com n her hat itogreld throw ingopeo thadoor of a privet eftlo with ah impreaalv gaatura you dont man to aay that you bla friend ttogan but waa lntrruptal by ltoger af ry oh no i havent a private oftlo yt ihhilaur youhga otuoa but ha wont b in for au hour or to watl juat pratend that tbi i tli ofdoa im going to bav torn day in lbs dim and duuut futur hi frund uggaud miacblavoualyi taking lu with appreolativ ya tha bamlaouu mahogany furnllilnga not much roger snapped hack indlg nantly that day may not ba an far on aa you think i dont tike to boa it but im pretty aura iva mail mylf aolld with tha nuuagar im right whre lia can put bla finger on weuny minute and i tall you ha oalla upon in prtty often 1 ii bet wunlngtoa would like tohavatuy cjiaac 0h by tb way whats tb matter with fnnlngto you apok oluoel aa though you war torry for blm roor thrupgd bla aliouldan peau- logton t u by tliar nothing lb matter with blm mcrpt tlut ia a regular efflo grind alwaya with bla no to hi work theres no ckanoo of advanoamant for fel lows liko tbkti lliay dooc tak a broad enough iuw of ihair work i dont want to boast hut i think im going to ba able ark out umbo idrai that will b velu- abt to tba firm that what count you know idea what ara they 1 o loould nt tell you now thayr rather tsguo in my mind yet but ona of thee daja ill work tliaiii out and uwni wall parhapa you wont ba quit ao aoorafnl about my private ofllo roger bad hardly got settled to work after hal departur whaa the manager returned a few minute later ha wa oallad into th private ofllc wher b had bn dratmlng day dreams so short a tlm hafore i toallad you for a uttl laforiuatlon bjiichall ilr young aaid were udd lug 00 oattaio of our books for delivery at prepaid price to oltla and town through out kanaa and i want you to alt down bar and help ins figure oub what it will coat to sand tbeae hooka althar by parcel poat or epre youra handling ahlp- manta and invalor oontlanuy 10 i sup- po yaur parfactly famili ar with th rata and tb different roue roger looked disturbed id batter gf tba rats book h suggeatad but ur young interrupted impatiently tbat oughtnt to ba naoaary ultcball wltli your ebpsruao in handling ahliunaata you ought to ba ahl to tall ma whab tlia kauaaf k011a ar and what th rate ar to each rone i know tho weight of our books bub im nob familiar with tb paroel poat rata i can look them up lu th rat boob myself but i thought you oould glv in tha inforuuitlon mor quickly aik launlugtoa to 00m her 1 patluipa ha will know apparently faunlngton did know forba nmalued aaw tfmo in tha privet osaa and hi auwrs to ur youngs questions war ready and confidant of ooura hed know rogar grumbled tohluaeir that- juab tb kind of in format loa that an omoe grind kkapuhnlnff- ton ha at th tip of hla tongua a few day later pennington went to th manager with a acbant for different rout- ing of shipment- which it figured would effect ooiialderalila saving in transport lion eharae he carried with blu a num bar of closely figured sheet which had aroused nngara good humored oontawpt and he and ur young apaub tha greatar part of th afternoon rolng over them to gether it looks to ma as though it would b worth trying pannlugton roger heard tha manager say at but ttiat what w want th praolloal money saving idee roger at ma desk bit hla lip in vexa tion but again comforted himself with the thought that thin wan th sort of thing to h expected of sn oluos grind when hi own idas war worked out wall mr voung would havo something worth whll to aay to him but alas for day drama i th next day ltoger wa asked to change deaka with pennington your work is largely routine ur young axplalnad eareleasiy o that lb mk no differeno at what desk you work tlut i find that i am constantly having lo refer to pennington for information about our alilpmants and i want him where i ean get at him qulakly he t the best grasp of dolall of anylrtvly weve had with us in yr hogersi heart was heavy aa lie removed hla few parson beloaartng from th dealt if 1 were yob if isllttuttlrleouldba well- juatllkn you with llm a may cheek n fair huoh eyea of blue and shiuhig hair what do you think id dot id wear so bright and iwmt amll id lie so loi ing nil tho while id imi so baljiful with my hand ho quick ami geutl to comniuiul you soon would mm that avaryone would turn to aay tl good in meet that ohllil to day yoa yea my bird 1 thate what id do if 1 were you or if i chanced to lm n boy ilkaaame i know with criap curia aparkling in th sun and eye all beaming bright with fun ah if loould ho so id at rive ami atrlvo with all my might to b ao trns so hr poiila that in mo each mi might ushom a hero an in day o ohl twould it a joy to liear one looking at me y 1 my cheer and oomfort all lha day yaa if i were a boy i know it would l to indpndeao twemt yka a0o prom our imuo of the freo proas of thuradjty afflrh 26th ibm a vary svr anow tat 111 on thtiraday ami la said to bav been th worst tlnm ihutf thar war no train hr from 0 oclock on thursday until i p m on bat unlay and tha flrwt mall from toronto altar 0 pw on thurwlay wai r6ejvad on lfomlay morning a i ig drift at ken nedy crossing waet of acton required tha attention of a show plow three engine nd a big gang of man for uveral boura a coup of hundred cltbtaaa want up to ualii street crolng at noon on ualurday to sa tb snow ploush com through ur wm uatalea by falling on uu icy sidewalk last wadnexlay at th corner of bar bom sustained a fractured thigh during lh past week ihre of our citiian bav been confined to thalr rooms 1 uesar alex irani t if hard lug and robt oibbona we ar pleased 10 burn tbat all are now ooavabwcing alexander uolaohun thoet dli at orangavill m uarali 20tb h moved uto town front hla farm a short tim ago uaitrixn uidounux awubkwiin toronto oa january 2nd bv rv wm ptteraon oeorfr aunmi ucdowetlffflaorgalown bo annla daughter of th late banj andartoa acton lochxu awrbbaok at tb luun of tb brtd father on uarcb ihth by bav a blair b a ramual j looka to uaggl daushur of jolin b anderson all of naaaagaweya dixi vxattfo elora on bunday uarcb 2ad rav bauual pear agd 01 year ushmin crqilaalng near acton oa saturday march jut busan daughter of mr alexander uann aged si year uoowc at tit ulhodut parsonae laiiijrton on monday uarcb 23rd uary uallata newton wife ef liar t albavt uoora agl sj year uamihby at tli bom of a friend in oleoalg aftar a very brief ulna rot rlchaid i malmtoj ivrih priest of durham and son of tha late david ualoaey aoton agl 2fl year cooled bis osbhanifiia tb parla uatln print tin following written by count uelgar farmer cralry and oanfldant of don carlo and now a leading nutulw of lit carlist pahy th ayupathle of which ar strongly pro- tlsrman 1 i wa ab ivohsdorf when th war farok out i waa then jarmanophlle and wa pleased over tb prospect of german sue eete ou which ioouiitad i hurried to vienna and tb flrat thing i saw waa th aeert document written by tba german kuparor to the emperor of austria to inform blu of tba ordar given to carry oa a fsr of xtarmluatioo uy soul la bursting with grief wrot thkaiar bub it la absolutely naoaaiary toputaverythlng to ar and th sword i man and women children and aged must b slaughtered 1 not a single tree must ba left upright nor a roof intact with such a eytetu of terror th only one to id fol lowed with such a people as the yreacb lb i certain that tha war will not last two months while by proceeding with human tartan consideration it might b prolonged for year i am having reooura than whatever it may eoabwe to tble method which la spit of appeamnoea will greatly diminish bloodshed such atrocious words made tb flrat breach la uy admiration for flartnaiiy a few days later i read in in evaulng paper a apaaob delivered by tha kaiser to hla sol diet in which ha declared that ba had learned that two vronch mllllary doctor had entered uau and poisoned tb garri son wall with choler microbe than i understood that such a man was not merely cruel but a aharualaa hat and calubiat tor iauobad an opportunity of learning of the grief of tli russian ambassador who told on of his friend bow b bad in an interview with emperor francis joseph declared hi government ready to rnak important oonoemlous to avoid war tli aged monarch luul yielded to hla prayer and wuthariud blm to telegraph to petroarrad that all dangei of war was over th next morning tha ambassador waa hurriedly summoned to tho kmptror who aid that bo was obliged to take back hi word aa tha kaiser wllhelu had telegraph edtohlm if austria ti afraid germany fear nobody anil to burn lha bridge i have juat deoured war on llmsla ttil revelation compelled my conver sion 1 felt sure that tlio kaiser wlllielui instead of being tha instrumanb of god was inspired by the dovll tha honeymoon is on tho wans when hubby quite taking wibo everywhere h roe close to tho door of tli private omoe wjilla nothing had been said to ladioat that hla work was nob eauefactary ho kuw without being told that bo had lost tho ohauoo of which ha had thought himself so pur ii liail had largo but ratbar vagua amutlona and had forgot ten that in busiitem ono cannot fly to th top on thej wing of liexy idek but must advanoesup by step ami rise not by shirking but by mastering th dadl and tedious routl

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