Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 16, 1916, p. 3

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wedding and birthday presents wuldlnjr ulmc iiiil china imd cut qihuu l a 7 uhi n mlvorvwuo novultlui in hciuvt mr innl lvlurrlugu liloiiwuu i niiiil geo aoton iiyjstds unta1uo news op local import in milting inrtgiiugfl to soldiers cnuiilj cmluhhi hiuiom tit itriilgopflm mil john iuil hi l niu nf uorlm wiir flnod r4mit ij 21 ami 8 jo mil cmtn in tho pnlioo court nl uiirlln on mnmlitj for dtuoiihirly uimiluot und untitling language uttcrnd during tho iaradnof the lltuhuml ii tli mid ilhh ha hallow at horlln on rntnnluy ovening it a w vjioril a cpv tlio duuyolrib rod cross aid kljoj ajj iijd 1 -a- i iii voting flltiv lor our wow vmknu for utiln iii million lrcl and wcllluutoii ioo rurm tar wile overy uli if you wniit ii form writa tun for ur if you wluh to htll ur mxckauge write mo xv v iiiivo every furlllty for triiiiuiirllnjjc uiihiih hh i o your complrto tttisiufiirlloii torau- bobdmiio hollrlioil j 1 uiiivh ciiui rurtu hrlllim ihm i it hut it oigctown qthc retail jirc vtss t1iukhiuv maiicii if 1011 brief local items mow watch for tlio robinc the spring llnlu mo returning north ward wur tlio jircltv uttlo shamrock to morrow marching nwnj i ulnt vwiuuunlly iijiii wlaur doing thi limu ur ar mlu connor inllliicrj aliening uoxl week tuesday and wcdmuln jufctn audio from the i mot aid ihio for fit patricks luy lit llid morning march haa so fur itfon rcmirlmblo for the volume of enow which lia fallen ajoiwlsy waa o glurloun i inn i arneat of many such dtf noon to come tha shamrofk green an 1 lilrtla that in tuggut ht patrick y nml mirhi bnownhoalng un moonlit litwlclifliridca have boon wimlar with iho joung folk lb la week i lav mr avium ha returned from detroit ami will occupy hi own puliiii iidkt sunday c ii concry coinont cant met or laid mbit of actons grut huttiiditu diod 111 gualph uut week at tho annual moolfni ofoiuvlllo fall vair hut weob hoove i ontor nil tor of tho star wia ro oloctoil iro ilont hia rnoila wcro vo iwiillj flrlfuul tiy jc1iurjay night u btarm thnt tho rural mall eanruni wcrouimhlo to mnlo tlioir ram on vruay j cadcnly tlio ojoiuit jjuwi iliut of toraita will vhll m tiii ttiro on man day ioih march titiiiuru mi moot him th4raduring tho day tha county council of north unilxir uml luia imimmumi a liccuwi fco of j4ui for ftayoaa ull in g coal oil from jilnco to plaoo or from a tank car on a railway widinif lit w6ak carull latdn wuro nominated to mpluw tho trifalgar touucll rocoutly utimatd alex imtur ituovi iiihi c ii tutbir deputy itoavo ro ro oluctccl liy aouuriation that waa a iltiful iiicctaclo u hkh wan wltnta on ilowcr avonuon fun riinngo of two woman tha uonto of liquor trying to help ona another nliiiijt tho imvomont vloally thay hold foil into u no imnu vbare they romuinwl until liuil hearted uuwrahy aaiilfitcd them up ntitl homowan good for children motharal iliyaloiant ngrco i hut intor mml uis hotly hnlldina oloiiiouto of uraina ll d tha dark iiuriu unually thrown away saauodo tha limoialtnuhich jour child tided to harden bonos and tooth chil dra fed upon oourw tlarlt ourculu dovolap brmur rauuiico hitnobh tho llulgiro and uta sorlm honian nohllorn who con- ojoqrod tlia world fod upon tun hrnnda of anur grain food a ilaj ur jucliuiiia rottian meal a a onion t finally tmlunccd ration ttuda from toiornl onllro rralni itudolioloua iully ircprol in a mriety of ways and nourlaho ixittor thnn meat itaa natural himtuc musi irorcrs toll it manufaoturoil hy itiinnn moal co tatanto canada uiuyaby eolice for toronto bult of tho attack by soldlora on the prohibition pavado last wook owliifif to ttwi tinwwnily uml uibomiorly duturlancoi in oonnontion with tho hlu pfohlution parado in toronto on tho hth liufc hrlgdor flanorol xv a ioglo ami ghlaf ootibtahla llut col 11 d grauett of toronto have annoiiuoail thnt in futuro oua eouruny of aoldiam will 1o atalionod downtown in tho otgtiingn with u motor oar patrol and any mtuhohnilor of iioldlora will ita dealt with hy llio nohtiorx thorn- aalirm luataad of iho clvia iwlicc thua alluatlaatliio tha trnuhlo imtuoon civic and uilitary ofliolala rouanllnit iirret uml parilbuaat aockwood hock wood aant a ifood ilotnilutlon to tho bopirolilmtiouuradnlii toronto lawl wook bow of them wru in thn incko oroatcd hy thrumanlyaaldioramlioiiillrfrioil ultlitho tauudarttl inaullod iminy of thu ivovlucou laadlutf oltiwim without provnc ition rav jantm wuluor mothmhul ml n inter ofduelph who wan fotmoilv pihtor hotli of therookwoodatid uronioncinouii dlnd tail tliursday mr wull r u hoiloiifly iii blkbonaardlaft onoof whom u oity tloket asoiit of 1 t it iiwlph lati u mr witlber dlod on hitimluy tifr- ooon a doulilo funaral vru hold fiom datllrt btrdeb mothodut chutth on mon day iftarriooii itav tloo w llurkor putor nfflfllatlnff i liyiw- it la a hltfo of ruin wlion wimo thaoatoe your umhralla to bavo what you want 1 wealth to do wltbodd power no tnan can win tmrctm uiiioih lia la in ov with hlvwarb catabhii cannot de cubkd with iouai a vi mo at ion a uu they cannot rticli tho mat of tho dlseamr chiarrh la s locul dlaaiuwi uroutly liiflntmo d hy oonatltutlotiul ooniiitloni and in order to euro it you uiurt take ut inunul ratnedy ufalla cuurrli cuto taken lataraallyand aouthraugli tha hliodoti tha mnootia martaotui of tho hyutoin lfalla oatarrh cure waa premrlhed hy oit of tha boat phyjeln in thu ooiniry for yourm iided itnl crot chih khlpmml ihu w i j i don mirpal pa da ttxl2 41 dov rnmjhw jul 104 plntlrolm or miry on i amngoa liddk onttnnhnndlierohlnfa thoaamakt n totnl of ifloo nrtcufl thaw aupplloa u to lie aid of tlio army medical cnrpe annlvofsary arid tea mooting auntvoranry mrvloni will ik hold lit tha llritik huroh hiioaiii next rumlay uev mr hmllhoimnii tha ponlnr will pfaaoh in tho mnrninir at ii oclock and hev mr pnttoraon ofclmrohlll at 7 oclock in tha nv nlnp on monday evening nil old fnihinuod tni mmtlnpf will ho hold whan a nrlwl and int rctlnr progammn will lut prowinte4l appointed asslotant lady supt min ixiurn cohiman daughter of mr willlnm cotomtinifeaimtar and fonnerly of aaton who roontly gradiiatwl from tho nutms training rchool at the llcrlln wntrtno hoapltal has juat lian appoint od aoltnnt huporlntendent of tha ho pllnl mist coleman has len upending u fnw ilss nt the homo of her uncle mr fohn h colaman willow rtraet a now rflgldflrtoo on churoh st- mr itolxirt watnon lint nurohfced from li i ward lvnea hla lot on cliurohrtraetanil will rroct a now hrlok raldence on the uourty mr dyocn will rirtov tha houufl now on tho property to a lot ha re cotitly purohaitml from ilia toronto soh urhnn itallwny nn clmrcli ktreet oaat of iho mill thiahoum originally tlooil on tohn klrcct on the alto of tlio douhlehrtck i nio now hslng convortad out of tho htnroy garane hy mr w a rtoroy shoop affllotad with hydrophobia tohn elliott ird line fuiuealng liaa loqt flvo aheap and archlo modougall three fihpop througl hyjrojjiobla a mad dog hit them last fall as each sheep went mad it knocked the other about it in unumiul for tlimp to tit hut ona took hold of mr klllotta hired inina ooat with llu teeth ir jo telfer pronounced the trouhlo hyilriphohla and tha nnpectorwho camoout yflttorday agreaa two of mr modougallh doga wont mad about tho uatuo limo an tho aheev ttioy too were hitton latt fall champion spring cloanlntf at 0 t r station during tha wock a quarullo of tho o t hull and d doiartniant mon havo immiii hora couning tinting and varnlahlng tho interior o iho nation a a reault it now htundn out aplck nnd arum and manlfeata tho iniprotcil offecta of a vprlng iwiuae nloanlng tho roiling panels and oak uufmcatlng lmo been waalied and re voriiklted uo tiao alao the aettaaa and nlilco tho walla have haen re tinted a light pink tho radiator were glv a new coaling nf aluminum and tho alectrohera haa lcon hurniahed tho premises are now qultomuractlvo high sohool utorary society an interoatlng meeting of acton high bchnol literary rocicty wan hold but friduy current ovnt were guen hy mfa llarhara ilauli anil mhta ilaiel karli tho main foaturo of the programino was tho ioadlng of mi en oaaaya nn varloua nuhjoclb thoao wore found to ho very in lorchtlog tho moat original numlier on tlo programme wan much appnoiated aeloctlon by thu newly formed comb hand of tho high school after tlie reading of witty achool taper tha eyeopau- by tho eitrai mlta allola ourlen thouibotlng waaclnind ulth tho national anthem suoccssfail rod crou toa iho icdd criwn loa at knox church matco on biiunihj afternoon and nvenlng iu grulifjlnly nicocdfiil tlio uttanil umii wiim gol nnd tlio rocioptx quilo mt too hov ml mr uumou tordulu itelriimcd their in invgutihiji and made alt foul quite ut homo hi thn ten room tho toung lufllca of tho itcd crot club irtcd tou nnd rofroahinanu and conducted booth uhor iikii hoino homo mniln candy una dlhpoxied the ladlon tf the lutl cniui aid hooiity ucroblsn in nttomlanco iintltcraoud auntrihutod their quota in making iha affair a auocoaa the proceeda wcroalout6ia0ii wards or child mils aid society hinoo tha doath of mvs nutlay lat year mr frod nutloy haa undeavourod to leap thn molherleu family together in tho home hla long parlod of lllncsa with pnaumoniu thl wfnur from which lie haa nob yet ftil i j rornvorud hau i if on a trying one on tho homo nnd proper attention to tho child ron hint tucn impoualhlc tho matter wii brought to tho attention of inapootor vorton of the childrona aid society ami in conciliation with local inagulratoa and tho futhtir it wuadeoldad to malie tha flvo childran wartloof iho floolety l4ait vtl lay imipootor norton took willlo charlie uml coihuiico and halytlonlon todramp ton thoy will lie pluood fn foalor hornet ui woo 1 1 ua arrangement oun iio madr liarllo tho matronly llltlo daughter of fnurlmii who liun inotheivd tho other children ulttoo their niothcri ilouth will for tlio prvunit louialn with tho falli lb tlio ulhor to tjtvfimdu inobjimroh sploiidld dan quo t to ttunstdlotv thn lmligu aid of knavvhuroh gavo o- vciy onjojahloreoeptlon tothetnomlieraof tlia acton iluuwiti lutt thursduy atoning tho boldlertt urrlvod ut tha chu oh at h p m und i is toned toa tarfod progrummo of aoloa quartottoa chorutan and momlloni it noludeil a nolo hy sju ijurn akin und tho mane and tha hulls quartet to hang kaveral numura mhu nellie iviiiiama gavo very interettlng and utiiuilng reel t a tlona tha oftloer ol tho platoon oapu lapplatt uuut kvmiedy and lieut luy in lulef heeoliei thunkod tlio lad lea for their reception and hiwpltullty itav j c iviiaoh ii a waa chairman at iha conclusion of tho programmo tho otllcora und mon woro invlttwl toaurround tha table which uero lotion with an auundanoo of good llilnge it wan a verltahlo banquet und tho mon in bhb i manlfeated their upprodlatloii hy doing full juatfoa o tha lront urlety of oiillimry ilwlhtiea thay it iaoomkwl oimhtio f llm hu wioa 7irowduivhjuhf known oonihlned wltli name of tho lot toiobmio blood purifier tho ktarfatib onmblnatlon thltigaprovldad and on of tho lugrodianu in ii11m catarrh ciirala i rlduyoimlng iholloy hooutawerolnvited dut produooa auoh wonderful roult in by iho ladlen to onlay h kiiread which ojwwil oomliuona hend for toatlmooi- oj nlon jn womifttun rtj c1iknkv aco vioihtulo o hupplnoat thoy anjoyad tlio lea fully ah llruimlmta 7o and hang aevoral nliorm hi u jiprwlatiou of hallti vamlly villa for onutiiatlni ho ijdtea lilndheaa a letter from hfrot oould sends thtmkb to mothodut lnillob aid rote soldiers comforts thn folliiwlug intuiiling loiter uun rorainl lint woek from tjorgt w hmld hy ih if v mnorc hocrolnry ol tho liidinu am of thn mothodut churuh t tlio treunhnx llelgluiu iboh kith iiihi dour ladle t although i havo not yet dlutrihulod tha two ptirotil your ladlim aid were goml enough tounid und which havo just urrlv od nl lowed loo to convey tho thunlia nf the iwya mid my so if for your kind romem hrnnro although tho coin for in and d ui nl lea will 1m given nut to bohllerawhn ara ntraugora to you they will certainly all appreciate tho manner in which limy wera aont i am aorry to any that i am tho only ac mm ho loft horn among thrwe mio inarohad nway from acton oicr a year go some of them havo gono to heir in tt mating placa and othare through on 04iiaa and other are in i iiglaud have lieen in tho irenohcu for five month and nm jmt waiting palutly for our relief oilo of idem da a i havo lfdkimlovtr dtltho littto note in tlu pjirool and u ill gat some of tha lioya to write thanking tlio donor one i notice la from ml- aum kfrkpatrlck loll her i will get a nice toldlor ly to write her to mr andmn a t ilrown tell ihun i will certainly enjoy iho tea and far the towel i havo not teen so tunny ulnae i loft home vou should roo tho ono i iicd thin irorn irg or mher four of u iho tiamo one thing nro however u uttlo letter now wt cangotuwuih ntiorlv over ii iy hut nwhila hack ono u wcrk una what uo flgurol on hlnoe tho now year tho ueaihci hga tieon lino imt liefore thnt it urn awful mud to tha wulal and cold and wet all tho time wo had one lied tima during tho uet woather with our trenohra cuviug in hut now wo have the phuturo of knowing we have tho bent lino of ircnchoa along iha front our company occup u quarter mile and wa can go from one end to iho other without getting any mud aula ara dry and wo can tic fcleeh tilings are quiet along our front tha ictiiimi ironchro are 121 jnnla in front of ua ao wo oichango compllmenta oceanian ally with the rille thanking jou again i am your gratefully w j tliu 1 1 hergt ourdug i enjoy a social and personal mr kydiioy llama imn lukcuii tit nut ion nl llowmunvllle mh fuolli ltod vlailod frloiid in lu iiiijnlnit week miuh juan itonuioku upont iho wouk end with toronto frlonda itnv und mrj aviwn und children ro turuod homo on i unwluy mr d v matthowu vlulud frlanda in i amnio during tho wook hov w u mowlllhimi waa a g iot at mooroorfilt hiring hla utuy in town mrw robert craig lorulo vlnltod her alatoruiid other frlonda horn thla week mr william lolidimmi apont last week with hlndauijhtor mra d it mclvalg at krlu mr tleorgo flllott waa at toronto iau woik to tako part in tho hlg prohlhltlou parade mr and mr it hilton of aoton went guonla of frlomla hero over tho week end frln advocate mm hiuncar ifunl and wont lo hurling ton on katurday to utteud tho funeral of mm i oatheratono her mother inwr mr and mm jonathan lane of ijme houno uiiuouuco tho engagement of thwlr i daughter itaoheirima to murray clayton or ilallinufad tha wedding to lake plaoa the latter nod of march i momlu mr and ur w ii clem eut wont to hordla in npond a moiilli wlthmr licmuntnpiranla mr mid mm t h i ion con who havo i won lilra about two moiitlib milton champion thu hoard of education flra tecapo tulkod of for second floors and iron ladders for hoof or sohool tho iliurd met on mon lay oveiiing in regnln nn inlity tetaloii the member- ucro all pnuant chairman kennuly pro elding thudnnmiltoo on finance rrcommcndcd uv inont of tl o follow log urcounta ami iha hoard concurred and ordered cheque to lie lued toronto rfchool hitpply cj uhur atory upparatim and aupnliea 814 17 mr viotorklngof ilorali purchasad tho ifraln ilrewery farm of 1h acres al hornby hale waa mad hy j a wll laughhy leorgetown fraternal visit of young people upon invitation the rnomberaf the fp worth loagueapent monday evening with tha young poo pie of knox church tho luaguo provided an excellent programmo and tlio joung paople of knox church aarvod refreshment a moat enjoyoyaua voningshnurcourau waaupent ilatliluv lr wilton and rav mr avfson the re ajiectivo router wero preaanu suooouful military contort tho mouther a acton platoon give a military concert laat evening under tho audplcea of lieut col damville ihaolhoer cammandingtha loith lutulion the pro- gramma waa varied in aonio raapeota it was ulquebut itwas merltorlouaandenjoyahle art of tho hit of numborn waa given by tha men lu khaiil hut citiions of talent willingly contributed a gonarou quota tho attendance waa good and tho aplrlt ilfobtwl wai quite compliment ury to our soldier hoya a bright youuflf proaeher uov b w mowilllama il a of victoria unlveraity toronto praachad morning and evening in tho mothodut church laat bunday with muolihooeptance ha la n logical roaaoncr a forceful upeaker and in hln delivery la uomewhat i eh 1 rate giving tho imjireivlon that nnly after cere ful oomidflruilnn i oxproalon given to hi jghlu mr mcwdliama ie competing bin it 1 rnurro nnd expect lo nail in iha rly uuininrr u tt inualnnun lo jupan nut i rally hla nermann wiroof n miixianaty chmivtir uiut gavo vury urong imsona why tho chrlcthin churrh should ik ng- grokalvo in it tort lo aocoiuplmh the ovuiigollciittnn nf the world for aevenil during tho bumiuor month xi r mcwillliiint haw irfien mi per in tending uo in of iho work of tho heading cump association among tho railway construe workalnnorlhcrnontarloand alhorla mr mawilliaina waa u member of thataina olaaaovat victoria unlvcroity aa our own a lloyd smith ii a 11 it and j ril- ton urowii u a hlghor subscription prloo inevitable tho noupar puhlialiera of county after county throughout tho provlnoo ura finding it uiccwwry in order in ovoid aerloua loaa to increase ihcir auhtcrlption rata from tl 00 to fl flo all tha iiowpapor in at icaiit tun oountiba havo taken this action during iho week in mast cbm thaflratof july next haa ikmm fixed for tha data w hen tho new rata is to coma into effect aa proof of tha ahaohito noed for tho incroasod raia it la only neooaaxiry to qnoll tho inoreoud prloca on mock and inaterlnla lived in n printing offloo which tli ffuii 1mvjii haa been forced to pay tha paat week on a shipment of our epcclal nawapnper tho invoice aliowa an liioreaaa ofsopernont ovora uhlpmentof ulxweaks ago tho ink manufacturer inoroatod the prloo on au invalco of ink over 100 per ootil ubovo lut order on new typo than advance la 40 percent while faraaetnf new i i roller pub onunt uoek wo pild ul6o whewai the previaua lab coat only 20 tho now eulhurlptlati rat jaunauroilly ho hotd up any mora than it la by groe era on tha inoreaied prlou of tugar aploea und frulta or tha dry goods men on prouiit quotation fagmttons and drew goods ami ths butchers and farmer for tneata hut lor anil egg th for achool library p i ifntmanl chalk and orasera j h coiluiju aupplloa far rciaira tvlophoning war to oxirc opplica s bo tha hecretary waa f no true ltd to onler a car of coal tho mrtttar of oome oilequate flreeicap from tha rcond ilaor nnd uildors to and over tho roofa of tho i uildlnga uua dluss evl tho iloartl will vult thu chool in a body to dcciilo upon tho lienb piano to alopt and lo consider other imprat omenta for tho inui itonance of the building the soldiers co to hamilton upon invitation or tho mayor or hamilton rot parado of troops on saturday mobilize at milton tomorrow in resiionvo to an invllitlun from iho mayor of hamilton to tako part in a par ado of troopi atntlonod in that city und surrounding district tho ifllth hal urn ouoarln batution c i f will mohiliia in milton to morrow aoton detachment will proooodto milton hy special train at kaui thay will par atlo tho town and be quartered there until haturday morning whan thoy will proceed to hamilton with tho itattillon tlio vuriou unit of tha itutulian at mil ton oakvillo hurllngton tjeorgotown acton ttholhurne oranguiilto and grand valley will ho mobilised for tlie first time at milton on friday and spend tlia day in battalion drill children cry ror rletchers oa3tori a ha fa orippnhua bau and in quite pro violent in ihu vlolnlty mlu mnry flayer of llrninptou lu vlaltlug her mronlnl hoiuo mr- kphrlaiii hill of wnodatoak wau tliagututbof mr itvl cola tha later part of tha week mlu wlhlalloiiolui the guent of tor mi lo friend tho young people mutual improvement uooiety ha now between ho und 00 mom i era with a good attondauoa every veiling of maetlng ijt tneailay avenlug tho hjeatiirdordehata waa hhould fam aons anllsty declalou was given in favor of the afllrmatlva ladies man tailored suits and coats for spring and summer our expert hai just re turn tl from new york where he has t ecu red all the id lent styicii shown by the leading ntw york tail- ora and worn y all the kmart dreaserp individuality 1 tilorcd to our 4vii me isuremcntn with our out preference for minium on iccouni of the jreat thortiu- in niikriau it in advisihk- to place jour order nrl out expert will be at our more every wcdnefidaj af ternoon during thin ceapon george wallace guelph out hnn0uncinc our spring opening and the presentation ot the correct new fashions tn millinry and apparel tor spring 1916 thitt week in to be htvlo week at tlio mncdomld store the new sprinc ueaaon iu to be inaugurated h a review of the new spring hylen tho event will feature the hdndhoment and beit developed otjle created for ibe new tieason preparation for thu occamon have been in prorjjrcm for montlm panr plans have been made on a generous scale and the event will no doubt prove the most inter esting occasion of the spring peaiion all art inviuo to attend this stvit event coma tlilo wmi am gt acquainted willi all tlia lovely now tlilngd coma anil innpect ailmlra nslf lo iw iiawn and cliooiuj at will hieclal tllnplav will inchula new buitfl n1w iiiouhiis n15w nhckwisatt nicwcoat8 niwhkikth niw suitings niw driauis newcoksiits nkw dhiisb iaiiricb smautnew miliincrv vln a veritable gonlaii of delight n lxifliitloua arroy of ho ribboiied nnd uoflowcnd croatlona churmltig in their pictiircqiinea and moat felclilng in their iiawncue of lino and curve htylcu wore never mora faociiiallng lahlon liaa never n our blalory taken such a dec history t that only a big departmental store can feature n decided stop to ward prvtlim ami pricea tlmy nro of tha order the hub tho oort of a suit von want a one whiili fits and becomeu you and which conforms o the other domauds of both ntylo and iho money if men reolij knew just how tho ctothes we make look and wear they would all come here order i our uprlng bull now nnd get yourcholco of tho new spring good a geo f agnew ouatetu talloi mill si acton i d e macdoiiald bros l 3 guelphs leading amd largest store tg wyajham mscdonuu and cardca slrli goelph onl onbiiundhatd vouho wohkn anj slany vnum usa wanted al vne lo iralu lor ebolm ouea poaluaua tba d maud oa lb tuvoava atraat vonohto 04rrmio i fully tlmta ncr suuplr wilta aleou tor ailalar uuiar imw hoitieseekers excursions tuvadny march to octofaa- all rail evfly wednesday during season navigation grat lakes route p out ort tha pitlftea whera at year canadaa rnut wturtowupfoduomthafouaboinewaltldjiroryou iha anadian pacific will tslos you there sjva yon all the jorormauoa about th beat puccal tutd help you to success it 11 u 11 n partloularai from agant or writ w afanc toronto any can ad i a ti pacific tiekttt 9 howard dlatrlct imoat4r gllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll g specials for this week 1 older but to be healthy at aoveuly prepare at forty la aouml advice becaime in tha i atrengthof middle lifowetoooftcn forget that neglected colds or cnivh treat- nicnt of alight achea and pains aliuply j umlerndne atrength mid hrlug chronic weokueta for later years to be atrotifrer when older keep yonr blood ptiro and rich ami active with the strength ihiudhiu and blood nourish i tig iwonettles of hootta kmulkloil which is a food atotilc and utndlctuu to keepyotir blood rlcb alleviate rlteiimatlnui and avoid akkritai at any drug utoro meau m laowwe rareolo on l 19 988 9s children ory for fletchers ciastoria mend winter underwear reg ioofor mens shoes rcg 500 for another line of sliuos rcg 375 fur rubbers rcg 100 lor heavy rubbem nnd socks reg 23 for all soap 0 for 28c sugar a fow other lines at reduced prices this week only a lot of mens pauls at clearing prices 12s y28 1 7w shxe ii ttje brick store opposite new post office giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiimi advertisements show where we are wecome an advcrtigemcnl is a beckoning hand a token of invitation a rign of welcome a buslnui serving tho public should htiet certainly advertita- tuckon wcl corns and sliow on cugenieta to wcrvc the attitude of a buuintu serving the public yet which data not advertise u not ono of courtesy or appreciation a bunliicui winch uwa llio enpandiug factor of adverllslog i on ft lair way to reach itaftillot oaihio uitcntial dovel iipement to the people in and about acton you will have abetter service not to aay better valueu if every retailer in acton will advertise hio buoineso every week in the frui piiuqj shop where you ate invited to shop f th6 story of 6e chevrolet on look at tha ciir one rlda in itand youre con vi net d that nothlltff 00j1 compoto with tho chovrolel now uoto what the ohavrolet offors these feature would not lui w vofy roniarhublu in a sovaral thousand up the steep hills the chevrolet cllniba with oaoe already thoy a found thai the lever remains in high gearn5 percent of tlio tlitnr the feeling of iu and security you havo 11 a chuvrolot coi road although it hott eaiveclally high road clearance no that on cornea from ua tow centre of gravity it cllnga to iha although it haa especially high road clearance no that on any kind of rondo you havo control of the car and an upaet la not to lie feared vou wont tirain the chevrolet whether in tho fiont mitt driving or in thu tonncait reclining iirvt because ita roomy seats five people comfoitahlj hecomv liecativo it ima cantilever nprlnga nn nar nnd ihnihlif uctlog pattuted front spilngs no shock aburbera nocuisar third hocwhij itucnnifortubty tiphnlulorod n pahrikohl on oliplay at wllloutfhbya show boom georgetown ont jambs woods sales mauler irl a i i mfr4fr4hvm84 81 8 t 8 1 i 1 1 1 1 i i i b iii 1 1 iii j a willouohbv prophetor robt noble rtoua national or pantry norval dlauilad or kaueral au klnaa cboloa and flvo luuaa uulloba hunt wheat flour reed bran bhorti fllulen meal uotaiuhi oil cake 1iav ueal oat chop corn cord chop seeds red clover uamotith ahtllte alfalfa timothy canadian diuegraiul all at iowhht irioies jtj tihrshhl juwarrkn hamaohh tmlkruonh kvary tlnta we aae a tightwad in aetlort our ireapaet for money goea down another wwnnhh rlbbnrlriri russells give our bread a trial largest loaf best quality try our delicious cream pviflfa and our chocolate eclairs nassagaweya trip every tuesday arid friday russells mill st acton ont aerou from oovaracuiit bttlmlan si qbhhbhb hhhrilib bbtadba

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