Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 16, 1916, p. 1

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wht jvjttjw sttt tfts voiittmis xmno hh ktvary huuerliihon vall ii t ayai r acton ontario tuyjiibday mottkting- maucii t al ihtbmrillod rrtc l do ir annul sing llc oolmkqtinurjiu cmntb mi l mi hn ul ikmhut vuhuant uileuy in uulta hla ino l il t 0 nrmil scrllrs lilt lilt iirrll 111 hit iliaodiilllllltf i wlisn tlla lliiib lur wll ii 111 v liaiu i i h 1 hoaeaiira1 i in t i lol iviri mil jorii- lau la iwlil la iluimt innlml irosa 11 u advhhtkumo iutuu tra i i in wnrtun millu 10 ail ir vln rill hue lur flril iuatflioii aula cnti t it in i lir isoli iuiit quant liisalllmi lontmot iiinj lay ivcrlun utnu lor co or ihrliu i ion ir milium id eattu it luili tiacli i mill u uilt conlraa 16 kwiilliib nialtur u cuuta i nr inolt cadi liner lion ailvartlaamaiila will nut ncclna ihiontloiii will b luurud 111 mill i atl clurtfat ooo 1 lualv tratuliut ailvurtliauialit must lw raid la advene advatiuiaiitj wtll liatiasl one aaeli mmiii il illrl for olianuea i f uuar ilian sbava waullonej ilia eitr comtnaiilon must b hlj ror 41 iruuur wm all aeaouata eollou4 luanllily ii p u0ouu k ii tor ml rrotxlator npi tiubins dirftrtary tjkdwal iii05 gray u u c m mtgill ij lt0 t bnrubuaait ii ur p ii ouimw aailarriauuurici absociariou utc offlu- svajwuh hlraal otti ol ithy dr vullhon al lil mhos ootik i aluirliiiniciiw ofaulllltliioi llocbln iiilsa ill ouw llouhi1 iv h viiialaia an i vildaia at uiebewlmlou dotal aclou cunioriactic da liauiiiiii not low w luiuoibactoh llsr1j liullllna ouol byauyfnouo lr iw jcil i will lm atoi booie f lira wm atil rjmi 11 111 hlil acton uonda tuuuv womanuy tuuihuv eudrrmay olaaou weali u a m loutu vktkrinaxy j ohm lawiov vltmuiauy hultoluj asian ontario fladuata nl ool n viilbiloary couaa uno otttmsllliura lllocli imihiko ulll til oaju dur or nlutit row i lly attr jl to a j mioeinhom uimiii iuiluiiini rowvuvuesa qktcm ulll btrwt id parmiiaa 1 11 oak wu 4 uhbn unliur allelic otas no a ucuiim 1 uouytdlmu htlilva i lal allau- du j u hull uub luu uuutiar aotou itiauxnuuu lba fcl lualjaiida coiuti ulll ami vitijiluk uau6 oiuntutv ov yoaouto umivkunrv yt h ajumtlmlio uuj ii daruj d vixcxll4kxo us jpttaj hoili human booblukduli wyo4ii44ii ul ritjalnl onulto 01 wlllitwa hlor aaamwl tuaks of all uluja mail to wilw vaudwlaofawvrytlmarictiooauullvlmiutul iuihtlai m auiiiaok liohnhkfl u r uaouu nlvuoslaa nowluuwjrjiuud iiuj t la lb vulnx srw 1 iw oalu 1ov0n a j ubuil luhuahn alptiouwub vjivihy coubiih of wallluaton iuhqo ivi uiuui uy ihur u mima u or t aiation uuttbma iti liuilotf in doiiiirdmoii sill ill mir wltrajnfaliuauifutaaiiiilaltiuau lailvav- uiimau bj uailb onluia lull at vuuu 1 im mom attou will ramlvs lumiuiuaui anstiilou bgaialihumuau toaalaahi aunuil vtoluliy wimu vo bull am ubtrr dalexnivjcn burvayu uuiwiivibioiih iluns k- actit diacrlptioim lllucirlnt utc ceiudcatehfor punlmuuni und mart- suf burvoytifor arcliliccts duil- aintaud lluuicipal couutjii dralu- k keporta kutlttiatua utc mchchant3 bank bldo ouhuju cphou 10 ont quabmht ktafct olmlpbtollt baokj bd uaiaal btltautlliai oavaiw mahma ulural in colj on hllilw hyiuu bdolitiukl oili lloob atl wottk vuuuiyitv lijcitouylcp the old and reliable granite and marble dealers sahutaatuirflffl mill illntfll liuiurtr uilapraloiiuuiaulalmuilllimuliitatifl dir 1-1- savage co uhtmbllnhmd iu4u jlwi llck guli pll the old and relinble wrlchmiikers and jeweller savage co guclph oat vnu can buy from u a genuine victor- victrola tw 3350 h payinfc s down oml is oo monthly nn i lliat n barkuin come to uo for n cnlnlomic c w kelly fel son 33 lower wyndhtn st quklph ont c c speight foh uptodatc gbods sllvtiirvriat in tablaawariai kins varllv also kin cuury hardwr tlnvr and orn ltttvabk in variety pandora stova hnd hsnj famou hatrai small stovu oil stovwa m mechanical toys slltfh hoohey sliohat graiviopliontr roorda every article it o excep tional value c c speight mill slrul aeloa dustbanb not only collects and killu microbes in dust but it also catcbes ilie dust particlea tbemaclvea keeps tliem fmm rioinf into tbc air to teuc on furniture and curtains and there fore practically does away with the necebsily for dust- in miiny dihcates are con tracted from sweeping dust order a tin today from our grocer see that you pet dust- bane for imitations are not o ood oufctbauts wfrf co ltd ctuwa huhuhaiaarjadnandaadraimhaibth i grain j chopping i well done and 1 quickly at only 5 cents i perba 2 harris v co limlled g mookwood ont h a compliment hiilldcm cniitraclorx und uuuuru way to tm uhn ltookntldniihnwlwari you eertnlhly liatvai llmatooilm wo tfimrmitci unit if ou ncu our liiilldingii imrdwiiro iiiil oii uill ur luirdunru hint will plmns ou n- ntjlo qn illty mi i pri wo timid firnilj i c litnl iioiki unrdwnu write for in for minimi wu iiiim juki utiiil mi uiint thobond hahdwareco llinitiut 1hun lo 1 a tontwlo ouilph w wk wi jlldrmivootiroititniiiril wiioii aam blm tiiu mvlutf our eiiatoiuar 40 m naitt w h th inii hllana auid uia twilyttlaahkulualh iha llotitliili u who ouop alt bmmiulalj iaoih mtiiilv wm tmo l wanuamrrouhumlr nl niir duatotnaio in torouut and nlbw ii i a turn wtmiw otliant tiavai to aaaad liw uiu in nri la cnlhwt w hav lb iiuimi ul itmt aiiifik of iiiauiu lu tha odmliiluu or idom ilian y thrdalr lu aba waaa wnr lltluil lmlm avlld tu- pwy tut avaumi muii it not auiioymrtmiitw ionisrabvmalliiif ouloiiaraiitakiutaatflleli onlira aujlov lyanliariina only auj djy jmamtiuou hamilton sons 0a hotfow all j woolwloli hia oublvu mmhmhhauaqanddaadarjdmalalblm quality glasses perfectly fitted nfltr cure fill ilxamfniilloii lu our way try it we ailino ouii own lunbku cjulii rvr grand trw are you going west the grand trunk railway hicr wdl iiomcsccltfps excursions kacli tvittdoy march 7th to october jlst idtlllliivl ticbats valid to return within two mootha ihciubivo of data of ulo wihhiako hd niuhi taiuw acohontom and return ihxio prnurtioouto low rntta to other ikints in manitoba basuuilhuwan and aluortu full particulars uud ticucta on anijica hon to a gent a h s holmes agent phon no 13 now for wet weather footwear kenney bros main st acton spring is coming and ws haw a full assort man of boats and ahoaa and vubbara and rubbar boots suitable tor tha wat waathat savaral unas of 9iatn bcgsl abukholdjri for me a cupkis clattle for ladles w hava school boots for ohlldran and farm boots tor man and woman hubberaarid rubbar boots to suit all rtaads hcpalrlag rceclva proubt and careful attention robtnoble flour norvul kiiirh choice national aud plvottoics food ilran hlmrtu wliuut oiioiw clluldii ileal uoliihlne cotton ied meal oh cnbo flan meal oat chop herbagum th ktvnt hukju tonic all at lowctd prlcon j l warren toasts for st fa day lfaraaron fow toaatit for ht ilttrlclitt t l i i fit patriek win a niitloninii who thru f t ratify niul hteultli drovo all llio auabftm from fr1n heros a iminiwr to lilt heallli j hut lint loo iimny lnnuirh ltit mo qo iitrohud uitd limn iuruat ttiujjimhl kuiot punluli mul nw iltn nnltih nuuli tforou it tlio luiiil of ilm fli anrcou no k re ci 1 1 ikrou to each lid urnl iu luillii lul len i lfciot in ilm oiiii uo i mo lirct mid moat ailmav lul hiwi old irtlmwitlirlh mi irlnli niui tint if ida fir inn i ill j nr li tin nil irmi iiilu i ma tloii liy iluv my ilrciiint hy nllit aiolutbf ihco otonh lico tom monrc cniiio in tlo oi enlt ff or enmu lu i ho morn clno wlili ynu ro innbnt lur ur cl uithilut wnlntiit a tiiouwnl ucloouiui j ulllliiil hem u froyou and llio olicnir ion cunio in ro ll o nn ro ill mloro on old iii1 tmm ilmm to ould froliiml tha homo mv my ctllldllmkl ilflrou to llio thaiiirooli that urows on liar hharo j its long tinea i uw l ho liilla av rclllarnfly hut ocli how i loe 1 1 wjin krla atthor i liru to oulj ireland i may the uer liaio illntyi heras to har haul i h llio im roamlno afari the thouhtav liar loauty is ivar i for m and lrolijhtoin by lolfo laluo a llg otuulii bihar utrut ti on 1 1 ireland i tho iruh fnrater i i drink toharheatlu in a nm cup a tuy i iisl licry iriuiman lo rcmimur iu i luliiiluoa and loin mo in toattlnu h patrlcb tom ilunitill drw up in lha aliad at tho aida of tha road jompd from tha car with a wraruh fa hi hiid and lifting tlt hood haan tolnspaot tha aiiailt pinna ha was a haallhy vtll built inulli bntloaltfnif lioy of aavenuon with a taan tun hurnol faoii cuar grey d a etmht nou a iiioutlt that aliowel a udu of humor and a chin that indicatod diur ml nation tra liu mot noticcahu faturaa 11a waa tall or hla ycaru and had lha loo of oo who spanda much tlova out of doora ttio autoiaollladw6a qulta ai lull a leuhjion aa ita ownar it waa small hmig and hylt in weight wora a eye la oar than a full grown runabout and was pati ted a hrlyht rd all aicaiit on wliaala which wro palntod huck lu nama waa puff thani waa no doubt alkout tha nama for it waa oonapicuoualy ialntad in i uclt on tho pjmilfn unb ha hlml tlto aoat tome father luul projiowd oalllno ti car k plurlbuu unum alnoa it waa dcldadly ooa out of tuany t tou liad built ithiioulf i ha had got tfc pan at uoond lan1 hara tltara ard anywhwa thaauull twocylltul twalv horaapow ir anslna tliat iuppluj umj tuotiva power void luul plakad up for aaair at a rapalr aliop lii klnguui tba toily ba had huja blmulf ami tha angina hood b had bad niadaat tlw local uauiplng wotba you would navar hav auapaotad that undar tha two ooata of brilliant rd pal at tha liooj waa oolhlnpt mora uian a fair quality of aino i thacar was air ooalal and chain dtlvan and wlten tom drara it ovr rough roada it ratiuml liba half a daaaii dhdi pana but for all uiat it oould do lu thirty wiua in hour and potbapa litar war it pariultud to toui htd apaot butetof ha apar urn that aprlug in ihjiuidk tlia car hut li hail had a grat daal of plaaiura to aay nothing of hia final triumph ulin ha biad hla aral trip through kingston to lha oonfurlon of tha feoffor who had pradlctad failuro i but puff luul ita trouhlaa juat aa urgar and biora aapamlva car havathalra and ao far that uutnar muoh of ita ufa hid haaa bianb n uia alahla undirgolng rapaira if lha truth war told bowvr tom got uhnoat hj muoh phuiuro out of puff in tha atahlaathadid outof puff on tharoad for ha waa navar liappltr tlimn whan ha was tinkering with tuaohlnary thla woming ha had overliaulad tha utile car with man than ordinary care for hi uaa lo msba tha run to urutol and haob a waiter of fortytight tallaa all told tha trip uaa in lha nature of a auprataa teat of puffa anduranoo all luul gona woll until kltiftttonlay two luilaa behind than pun bad begun to abtp tmd loaa tower and turn bad at last bean foroad lo nveatlgata tha laveatlgatlon howarei- waa not very luooeaaful i both aparlf plug lkiglitandappardtob firing ptffactly with a putaled ehaba of hla bead tow ra placed tliem and bagau to eurvey tha wir ing it waa at thla inometit that a wund up tlio road towawl hotua draw hla attan- tlon he had baraly time to ralaa hlaheatl and look liefore a htigo touring oar raoed put him lu a cloud of dual yet it did not travel u fnat that tout falad to identify lha makev it waa a spalding of tha latatt modal a big lix- oyllodar ear palntad battlathlp gray wjtb btlght red whaek in tho big tontiean eat a ingla luuiangar a man in a light gray overcoat aud a clotlt cap tha chaur fourwaa in brown livery all thla tow aaw more tha car waa loat to alght round alwnd in tha road it did not ha waa aur belong in kingston for there waa only one auoyllndtr autowoblle in lha town and that waa a wright probably the tsar belonged to rrutol for the bpaldlntf factory waa in that olty it wan rioabtlee returning front a trip lo kltigalon ha oou eluded u etartad hla tugltia agajii and ollmbed back to uia att puef atarted elf wdl nd ton waa oongraiuutjna blntaalf on litiut ii r iiattb lata disthot heprcsontatlvo of dopahrnent of agriculture for llalton w v tmionu sumciior to lieut haw u district uoproaontatlva leaving unwittingly repaired ilia trouhla whan again thaartgina bagan to miaa fir it fcakad wary puuling hiaerrand nuula it itaoaaaary for hlro to reach hhitol hatore tha bank cloaad at twha ami to ha did not dare to spend too much tlmo on tlu read aa long aa lttf mailo t twenty iuihaa hour arul it wa dnlns that and more aa tha awall jjlo4uoter iowd ha ueldad lliat ha wouu heap on aftar he bad dllvrd lha envelope that waa in hupoclatt tlta bank and thus dona hla fathers erranj ha would laob for tha troulje if leaht and it ha aeld to hliiisii withaaoill ntaylh ill drop round lotha flpaldldg faetory atwl aelanr lun for ona ollhoukjd only ha added half aloud u lia awutig round tha turn they will have to give tae aooivthlng to hoot t tha hxt inataat ha waa atarlng aheail with ielet lleyoiul drawn up at tlio aide of the road uma ilia big ear tha rhauffcur waa leaning under ilia raited hoed aud tha pajwngr waa watehlncr from tha ear aa tom approached he atowed dawn a llttla he would have haan iea thanbuuan had ha anpariwina an instant of ulld aatlafactlm iufl bail out him soolhlnff ilka elfthty dolura whareaji tha hlg8paldlagaatofae wellbuew w prio d at nearly four uiouaand dollara and eertalnly aa far aa tha quality of gt thra waa oonmrned the itlg ear waa at that siooiant infarlor to tlia little one a tonj appreaehwl ba noticed that thr wan in tha grey ovreoab looked eroaa and irrlutej ami that tha ehauflaur waa wor ried it teewad rather rldlouloua for hlu to oar aaalaudoa ha reileeted but never thalaaj h atoppetl 1 dont auppoae i can ba of any help air v ha inquire thauan la tha ear aliook hi head impa tiently with only a glanced toward him i bat tha ebaufaur canting a qulek and woadarlng look over tha abutllcarand wip ing hla handa span a hunch of waite repll- ad aroaatioally not unlaea youve got a apara cylinder whatr cried the man lo tha oar cylinder gone y puume brokaa air thought maybe it wu only tha valve was atuob or some utlufr but i gueas its the puton all right hut jumping oat 1 snapped tha man in tha eray coat- you cant mend a broken puton rod i no ilr and aha wont runt no elr not to apeak of rhoe uhing tha oliarge baob into the carburetor we might llinpalongabout ten mllee an hour mr atietohar but i shouldnt like o say tint wed riot poll another cyllnilar nut ive got to get liaok by eleven i can we get unoihor oar around haret theres sgaragaatkingelon iip may be- how far bak leltv a walur of three mllee 1 guew about two and a half tom correotod tha paaaeuger looked at bla watch and frowned impatiently i auppoae it woud take half nn hour to get it he said its 101 h now and my train ltmvee at 1104 tlteroh bus than an hour and ive got to get that train to chicago- look here 1 ho uwiiiig round toward tom will that thing youve got there runt ye elr answered tom coldly he did not like to hear puff called a thing i will br snapped tba well there fifty dollara in it if youll get wo to ilristol in tlma for tint 11 04enpra4a out you do it i tom shook hie head no sir if ha i cub now therea only fortysix ulauta and tlia dutuuw la twnlytwo milm thla car can do thirty oa good reada but tut tut i tut i ay oar that can do thirty can do thirty avail you pjb il i tell you ill give you fifty dollar if you gt ma there ftnt that eoodgb r ptanty tlianks raplled toni quudy hut im not runs lag vry well today ronmhing wronir with my plua i gueaa t or idayba lu the wiring anyway rut ur putehar was alrady ellieutlg out of hla car dannie i ba said sharply bring soma spare spark plugs 1 ha waa acroa tha road in a soood jot your plugs out ba order tmu ami ia if mine will fit ji a move oct if you want to earn that fifty tom healuted for an lnunt tbea ha aaid ill do tha lieat i can sir lly tha time the chausar bad found tha now plugs tom had takea tha old onaa- oul fortunately the new odes fitted and lha chauffeur quickly aarewad theea la as tom oonnected the wlra ur vtetehar a- sued directions to tha ehausatir flobmy liag ivnoia put it between my feet bar you stay with tha ear and illaand out am have you towed home put it in the shop and tell uorruoa to give you something to uu while its being fined uat ukatiotomerrewaftarnoon all right soul new lets sea what you can a he pulled hie wetcb out agajn youvo got forty four minutes i tom started the angina spraag to tha seat threw in the clutch ehaagad to hlah npaoil and bounded geyly olf the seat was narrow and lew and ur bletoher who wan of tha ordinary height and alooklly built filled bia half of it to overflowing most unoomfortablaaaat x was aver la heexolalihed what make of a car is thla fargoadnaaiaakar hurlll twotwelve modal a replied tom gravely cling inuf to lha wheel as tha car swung round tha next bead is the road never beard of t said the other wont it go any fatter than tblat tho hand oa the speedometer was haver big bank ami forth around thirty tom drew tlie throttle another tutob and the band went to thirty three tha new spark plugs lied evidently dona th week for there never wai a skip hew puff wu run ning oa smoothly aa a bpauing sin i thats better t grunted tha passenger holding on tight to keep from being joun cedout- if tlie thing atleks together we may make it- how tauoh do they get for them tilings 1 it cwt me about eighty dollara an swered tom tooting hla born frantically as be ww n wagon ahead oh secondhand eh t moat of it sir i made it myself made lb yourself i there was both surprise and admiration in ur vletobera ton a well youre a mechanic my boy ill apologlka for any disparaging remarks i may have made rotry 1 hurt your feat- lug thatll all right replied tom aa he swung almost into the ditch to get round tlie wagon tlie driver of which was feat uleep on the seat it unemuobof a car hut it does pretty well and i havent broken any pistons yet t hum i aald ur wetoher well end her along sen if ahpu keep this up we may make il lly jove wave got to make it 1 f wouldnt miut that appoint- tnant fur a thousand dollara 1 lt har nut auotlinr notch ouvo got a strulght road hut tom shook hla head id ruther not wo can inukn it ibis way if nothing hapjionfi mr llntehor griintal tlio lllilq wao gali g ut tit baut njwed to tom who vn clulchliitf ihn wheel with truhicwl liiiiujaa untl inlciilly untchlnff lha muiii hhatiil itbcomod lo leap imattho funceu aa if it warn ullv 8o you niailo thla jourolfv mr i lulrhpr said prcaenmj munthuio um iwiiiolhliignf n job ilomulo a fuu mj half hut riioro una ii lmrp crack t mr tutcliivn aliln of tho car uddmily aunh mil ho grub ud uihlly nt turn in uu effort to ktrit mu halunoe au tom wt tho eumrgoncy brulic tho car nworvl and camo to n mdj tom mied out uml lowtid the da mug hirriiu lnitl ho reported i nl ujn thought limy utnolo light hprlng 11 wall tholl run wont lha 1 yw nlr but lt going lo lio uocom fortable liecauaa the luulyn right down on tlie asle uu your lde tbey wont on with tlie ipaeilometar wavering round thirty throa mllaa an hour twioatombad to alow dowu i onoa whan they croeoad tha roai bridge andkigaln when they laued through lha little villaga of wett adanu at luurvala mr rutchar earaf ully releasing hla hold on lha car took out bis watch and reports tlie time tcitthlrty eight he said aa they aptwded up again hayund wst ailama how much farther r about twelve mlhw wall do it if wevognt toilo it i a few in in ii to later mr plelelicr tniflvd tha air tihvt hrtfllug up l t she lot water in your nululor v no sir t nhaii air ruilcil hmalia like it a long hill rote lu front and tom pulbd down int throttle another iiolrh or two puff took the hill flying and mr putchcr grunted in unwilling admiration lota or pouer whala thatl a dull hiun llnj nolso waa coming from iur tha car put tii uald tom woll huva to run on tha rim ta forty soveii mr puuher an ucuncvd iii vio do it v if shall hold togatliar i ita only ala mllaa i tlnnk whw you gt hla side of town where the two roada branch at uia powder fao tory take tha ilghu ita a poor road but ita a mile shortsr and gota straight to the station luoipty lump 1 went tlie bcly sgalnt tlie aste i thumpty thump i went ilia hl with tha tut tira houk hoak i went lha horn thaliltla car lora along e mlnutea later tlia smoka pill abova urifeul was in alght the road grew rough er and wagona bagan to dispute tlie way at tha powder factory tom swung to tit right on a roud that was rutted by heavy ujing jui fifty aavon ahouud mr vutehar abova the nolbo tom noddad alud of thm tha city with lu tall cblmaaye ulching smoke waa now fa jain alght luff jutnpad and carunl but kept lis pace thr uiua more and seven minutes lit buddanly an encumatlofi of dummy from blaoanipanuu seat tome fte tr villi ng far up tha road a quarter of a tnll aheail a drsubihlga spanned a rivmr and ap proaching it from downstream waa a tug boat even aa tom looked little puff of gray steam roe froi the tug and au instant later tha whiua buta from it reached him bka wu signalling for tha drew i tha uoder had already bua to swing tha gaua that sattua it i groaned ur pletour tom oalcutatad tha dutanca pulud down thelhrottla and puff spraag madly forward luach paat ma and blow ilia horu t geapsd mr putcher ouveil honk i hoak i bonk i shrieked the little oar the bridge under bad closed one of the two gaue oa uia farther thla ami wee hurrying toward tha other hoak i bank t book 1 then be heard iauaed looked from car to tug boat and railing a hand warned them back out tom never healuted on rushed thenar the brl ige was oily a hundred feet away now and ur vutoher shouting unintelligible word wu working the born madly the bridge under bad half closed tho aeoond gau whan ha changed bis mind am hastily swung it open there was a roar of planks under flying wheels a eworva tlio sound of a rear hub glanciug front the end of a ctoaed gate arid tttay were over delim litem a wratbfnuender sneak bis flat in lha air 1 three minutes put 1 gupad ur hatcher but tha sutloa wu in tight and betide tha platform stood tha long eipress still bonking wildly puff dashed through tha slowmoving traffic and pulled up with a jerk at tlie platform waving at tha an glneer ur fletcher tumbled out dagl tom pushed it aorosi with one foot thanks i ill have to send that fifty whats the nama t tom ilurrlll sir but i dont want any money all abo ooard 1 called the conductor nonsense i tom durrlll t live in kingston t youll beer from me day or two i lly i mr irletcher rushed away and was half pushed up tha ateps of a parlor ear aa tha train moved off ten minutes later atlhabeiib tom put a question to the man at tho window i is there a ur vleteher who lives here in ilristol sir r pletcbert certainly ur henry l fletcher uvea hero and and what doee ha do please t ho f why makes automobiles of course havent vu er sard of the hpaldlngcart oh lmurmured tom made right here in bristol a fins car my lioy not liad replied tom carelessly u ho turned away week in tha cylinder though vour days later at breakfast tow reoelv ed a letter in an envelope that bore the words abolish the bar hn went from hi linino my only tou when hia country culled for limn t twh haid lo art hut i had the hop thnt ha might coma imck ugulu ha rouched tha cntup nml they gitvo him drink and he iiuier cringed the sea f ifu una hurt nnd ilkil my thirling i oj and ho ii never coma buck lo mo ho unu no irmilurl o fjn i huitou riiub lies von wheiu uu drunk inl la t piiiatill thoboiic iltnt ulinn 1 mil called hulluthcrolouiihoincmn ho wan not to bin hit i nt rind im n bo fur gried u ill nml n nl m 11 thoturol mufl ihodimnndiinl hut 4hfiullir iic4llill thoruh ii i ijmcrlljjhl nnd fit rcer fo and nilrmdllurtiirkfllhiti unr oh im n i rotlcri fl with 11 jour innjir andrj abolish iho liar a mother flp tiling a itomolilln cnilinii ilristol thn in hwro uh lilf no rinl ileur kir wti ri liimtrnctrt ly tho prohldoiil mr uc r i hoi char to do iher tn ynu or jour tinhr notif our mwlel u uiinaluiuta till i j f iiiiia 1 lio rnr la hero at your tllnjtoml kindly cull or acml for it at your coiivonlouoo awaiting your liutructlonb wo toitinhi ilespeclfully jourw sliahllng automol llo comuiiiy par w w morrison manuger aud what inquired toma father a a little later will you cull thia new auto mobile of yours t k plurihus itletchar r tom did not hoaltata i giieu lie said loally i ii call it puff the hecond twenty years ago prom out iftiuo of tho ptoa press or thursday march 10th 1806 u illlum colemai piaapurchaedfrain ed ward portioi of hnnuvllu tho i rick houao on main htret in which he formerly lived ham it la rinwvtlthallr john walton jr has purchased tho f trni ol hl father mr roht wmuoh lot j7coit h 1 hquetlngaml will shortly romnvo from manltoki where ho him rusdatl for a uumbur of jcary ii uj may warwick ia leaving acton lora aido lu oloveravilla n v and waa on pri day ovenlng lat at the cloo of thaservlco in fit albans church vscnieil by llev mr hodden on bah all of tha congregation with an addrose ami a handsomely chasad gold braosuu msa warwicks sarvica in hwdlug the mutlc and as a hunday hctuwd leechar was much appreciated 9 ha iioma of mr harry jibhena at ciiuichlll waa invaded by lotit saventy of tha congregation without a won of pre vioua intimation that came well laden with tlie nacwjiiriea of a social evening ur und mrs llbluina wereprentd with a very appreciative addreta touching their worth and wurkln thackurcli accompanied by a haautlful gohl chain and baal for ur gibbona and for mr libtons a spundad sllvar crust sund a very4aaeat social evenlag uu spent ur tlio edmiston raturnul home from braoihrtdre last weak lor a short vacation miaa ida thoroa who has boaa vultlng at liar fathsra liare for soma time ha re turned to rochester n mr jamoa stevenson near crew sons cor uero diail suddenly whllo working with liay in hia barn on tha 13th of thla month hla daughters wadding had taken place in the itotoe two days previous- uauhim piauta starivsjij at the home of tha hrtden father oil march llth by hev d hlrancliarr john ivrker lo martha anu fifth daughter cf ur jam if uuveneott all of kremoaa nujasiwrt atttiolicme of tlie brides straits by rav henry caldwell ur ohn william nellla namaawoya to kl- uo a daughur of mr jama soott kquajng i 111 i flriivbkniv near crewaona cornara on march 11th james h htsveassu sgd 64 years couiumu at mr lioma in naaaagaweyau on momlay march i 1th tha widow of tha ate john colquhoiin sgwl 101 years 2 months botttbj and 8108 homer rodheever tho musical director of an evangelist uid in a umparancs ad drees at han rvanoltco i onoeona visit to england i noticed that tha ragmen instead of shouting rags hones old irani as we all do shouted iuge and bottles t rags and bottle i i asked an english ragman one day i why do you yell rags and bottles especially whats lha point- of it welt sir ha answered tha point of it la that uy experience has shown wa that wherever theree bottles theres bound to ba rags philadelphia public ledger hiddlbs what portion of the uediurrenean le th common cord of muaio like t ana k o andu aegean sea whatiathedifferen vlietweenthsueyor of cork and a childs rocking horeo 1 ana one is mayor of cork ami tha oilier a horse of wood why s an old ladys cap the most econ omies article of human clothing ana because alia never wears it out what is worse than raining cats and doge v ana hailing omnibuses what in most like a cats ull ana a kltuna ull a pill that lightens life to wan who is a victim of indigestion the transaction of liuaineu becomes su added misery he cannot concentrate bis mind upon his tasks and low and venation attend blm to such a man psrmehmis vegetable pills offer relief a course of treatment according to directions will convince him of their great elcelunoe they are oouluiantly reoom- wended becauea they will do all that is claimed for them it will cure a cold colds aro thecom- wouest allmenu of mankind aud if neglect ed may lead to serious conditions dr thomas iccleolrln oil will relieve the bron chial paaugea of inllamniattui epecdly and thoroughly and wlllatreughtoit tliem against subsequent attack and aa it eases the in- llamnuttlon it will atop tlio cough because it allays all irritation in tlie throat try it and prove il

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