Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 6, 1916, p. 2

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ijawaoh lit acton on monday in lawn w10lflt and mra john ivtwaoii a laughta lllltoru warmed haiuauh 1aulv at i li homo f tha itrldoa trnte take a van u acton on wediiaaday lanunry alb lold by llev x o wiuon if a k x llaaaard phm ii anton to mariaret daughter of john harvey lv acton flwikt muwn nana on novornlter fltli 1019 at iti man mooae jaw huk by thn lie mr wlleon iveahyuhan mlnlaur mun i uowllllawe of vor william id john l tlrant agent hank of hamilton mawer baek formerly of oeorgatown ont died loan in mount itoreat on saturday january ut i old vranoa charlotte ntoklln beloved wife of john llo in iter 7hth yaar xfacriiutuon at ui horn of her aon in law john a uaokay oekvlllort wed medey december mth 101s catherine maekay rellob of tint lain malcolm mao phareon formerly of acton aged bit year qckvty on wedneadey morning december qoth 10ib at is ortou garden toron- to ulu victoria amelia boott aldeat daughter of the lata hev jame boott owen bound anil onlyfelater of mr hcott 1uit toronto ffijj ctoit jfm s tiiuhbday januauy 0 1010 editobialh0te3 how would it do for adtoa to do u koto other town ar doing vu i tk a oeneuaof all medically fib unmarried wen of military eg 1 thla and th rhuua phut might very appreciably ineraea the fcal allalnertt tub ganatal oftloer eowmandlng ab bhoraelln camp baa humed a dlvuloual onw congratulating canadian troope oa their good conduct th general add i th proportion of drunkeno i tea than the tuual record of regular troope tfwi la haw of pe 1reat llrllallt now ha wen anougb in praua to fao uia ttuxtmuu effort th otnuul era capable of waking the atiaounoacneut tliat th indian troop who have bu in that country for a year u partofthaakpedllloaary foroa hv beau u4tiafd to auothatf fht of ojiuou eodbrnu tha fob of ilrlulua oofldai alontf that una canada contribution of udu la iuw to u ioereaaad to a04000 acwx atlll i th uoaovlahl dlatloo tlodof imingthaodlypliminoduholiiuta put flva yaua to taptal th looal optloti kpylaw aud thd tl j raal waa oarrud by only ajx voua on itooday om bound aftar uo jaart axpairiaao with looalotuoddfaud th hy law to rapaal by 478 of a uajmlty la 2fll plao raal votaa war itoaalu ut uoaday tbara war ealy four rpal oontaa la vry boaoiwhlob local option im auuij tuh vaub joat oloacrtl lua lrodht about aou ralhar ataitlla chaaa la th fluaiwul poaitloa ol th dtkdltflod whit qaft haa borrowed a oarar bafo uor thaa half th loana hav oonu frou within ih amntry of th total borrow i hfti of malu0to0 ow iwo00o0o waa aup- plud within canada tlu uaasa that in auaj of uillloa of dollar laving th ooanlry la auraat ohajraa thay will o into th pookata of casadlaaa whit quudaii iiibarb ubt to unlud btaua aad eirltala ha laonamd to 9170000000 pa aonub th trad halaao a bar favor abth chwa of lu flaoal var will it id atloiauj b 150000060 la of thte ouigalio th paapl of th uwdulaa ha 6t odly wad bqtoolajag l l dooi- graatly id zem of dhri- daoda tmu yuuk wmu jam vt a it tuadly wdrk again la th iaoal oftioa ftrtrilfi ea udoday with an bgngui votaof 10113 ro to 7600 amid a uaj orjty 03013 for blajrtrf th urrwja id thajrtapaouv wuilloipalltul baluvuli braatfonl port arthur bantta wood uoofc 0k villa ojiava ivrry efcwad tjmaa1 fill whlthy oladco aod aaral twaahip at ueuily dahund lria eafrylng out th will of thta lu laajorlty what jdatlo u tltar a law whlob p- vuilsaluaaa of bnutuord who ar oumd w balaoai f rota eloalil thaoi ha- outa 9177 oluaadi aat uwf ota la aoaltlo r uw u a majority ol elo- ujtm a thfhuh wju aahjaot u th will of th bunowty la o of th uoab lupor tub udag4 ajfcitja th abllo baaltb aorak aud proaparlty naarly a huodrad hanudou thtu taaiain opad whlh th will bf th uopi ay ahould b oloaad chfcws c quit a tmubar aroiittd bar art adftw- log with eolda loroa bohool la balog rlbud and tit tobolar at aujoylatf aaothar waaka boll day llr and lira algr orlppa aotoa pat buoday with frtauda bar uu emily vcminir kiln apaab laab waakatur w a uurraya llr and lira wta daanla ipanb now yaaraholklavaln luelpli mr w a murray apaab sunday ullli frlawla itt erin ur and lira jama lloor and mlaua qlx and urta upaot th holiday with friend in uatrolu vt oaorft laiaaby and urt lutanby lualph vliitad at ur j itsiinatta on sunday utfclar cllffwd moiaifall eramo panb ut hmii ab ida hlntord mr u crlla ur aud mr arch ctirrla and children aetoa apant tha holiday ab ur george flvaluw ur tlaa ivoa and ehltdran waat to- mato nponfe th bollday ab ur edwin hhim th alaouoai in thla townahlp on mon day rault a follow i rmv ala ueklanon uapnty ttv bwuk oouttclllora jataia uuloy ww bur- mm and bam olbaoa daputy rmv uaawloh baaaarvad faith fully la th council aad tha lootora luv nwardad mm by kiting bin a atap thla yaak nona of th oottnolllom rvd in laab yva ckmofill ur hohartbuiart jr of inguwood haa txiroliaaad a w acr farm tot s lat eon aat f oatr road oaladon froaa llr e j uobhja rauwaauad by j jl wllloathby oaorgtowp oat actons welcome to her returned soldiers whs cordial and enthuslatlc and was attendod by many of our citizens gold watches presented tha wotoonia to our aoldler who hava roturnod invalldoil from tla war arraiikl by tlio joint oommltloa of tlt counall and loading nltuoita for tuaaday averting won h cordial tribute to tltolr itarolain and loyul aarvloo acton giunenn llaml auortad tbo turuod olil i urn bergt coim and 1t ijina iwjtli ol tbo ath luttallon from tha button hotel to tha town ball ab altflit oclock tliey weraaooompanlad by lieut ilouffua lieut collier 1tn walkfar of tba 7fltli llatullon and it george it boarrow lt walum vu llaforaab vu mattbawa and lt bwaekliamar all raoantly etiluteil in ui new halton dutfor- in ilatlaknn igltli tha raturnad aohllara and tit aooorn uiiiylnoeontlnant warairtat at tba town hall by llaav hyuda chairman of tbo raoeptloii cowmlttaa and otcorted to tha platfonn am id tha plautllu of tha larg audleno tlia mambara of th cwnialtta wsralao aaatad bn th putonn tit band playad lha national atilham arur which uaatara harold and albert wllduat aausr with aplamlld araot patrlotlo aooif th ltaav than cat lad bargl cola and it lan to th front and addraaaad thaw in warm word of welootn ami mad kind ly rafarano to thai loyalty oourajr and pralaawortby aarvlma in behalf of th ftoiplf until thutn of thalr balntf inca- paciuud for further aarvloa ab piwaant if aald th clllaen of acton took thu bkthod of aooordlng thant a whol haartad waloooia and mutf avpraaelon to thali appraelatlon of thalr itarvlo work aa aoldlar of th klajf fracn our own town if aald th ootnultta luul lucidad oa behalf of tha townt praaaiib each with aotn aultabl taatlnwmilal which would b aiupraoutad and thl had takats tit fortn of a gold watob ur if p uoora baoratary of lh coot ulttm than handed to each a baabtlful opafl faoad gold watch larlajr tha bom iihudi th lclpianu and th following laaorlptwn with th naua ol raoipunb kslkakhrau to bamilhihy w coijdl c0 k v ilv viiu cittkkwa ar acrow 1010 th 6im4 of th watcha t thihw ullri modal no- 14 alu toanufacturd by lha auarloan watoh cam oa toronto and eiwclally annavvd by tbatu for th coj ulttm th movaomdt a a full jawalld walthau nickel with th new atyl of ailvar and gilt dial uaklng a uoat eod put and durabl wttib of th ulw daalgua 8att- cola mml an approprlau twply sprajmf hla alnear thjutka fat th eplaadld vaoapliaa and vajuau lt of th cltlxana of aetoti if appaalad ta th young ua of tha town to follow th iauu of thoa who had alrady goo to th war and thoa who had raomtly anlut ftd evary oun vi binlij and lh bw loath baialion would wakwu thd to uiair aarvto roll- pta lanaauo thankad tha eluuna for thalr and wluu vuluabl jlf l bhf and approptut apaaeha of wl oocn followed by iuv if w avlon u a a d itav j c wluoa 0 a rev c ii 1- bulth u a i- ilenddram u 1 and oapt w j pappltu of th iftufc uattatlon in aaxh of th thaaiawpli of th bnav rturud aoldlm waa imhhj and th youbjf tad war ash6rtad to aaliat to buob thalr ooubtrya nd bavyt ooua taarf a atlrrldtf rvcmlllhjr boajr uxi wildht bmltb uaaa aod harvay oav a patriotto qtuutau and th biad playad uraj patriot alia thahall wa with flaja and od aaab aid of th arob of th etaft a lam bannar bar lh word waloficm to our llatuntad sold urt ilajaapaotad ihatpti joha bahll would alao l praaaat bat b wa da id tw oata a gvld watoh alao await him upod bi faturd to towti th bacrauiy kad lauar ol hfrml i rotai ool dootvilla eotdtnaadar of th loath uattaltod dr g a wand utjor a u a uaau a cdd djv and ool a l noua of w val mvddo badial dvlaw caiinied i 0ratbpul ackhowlkdoembht y overwhelming afajorltles itt hajtoo and elaowhora tha otuwtrtiotloo of a publlo ovruad rujllal ryatatn iii waateru ontario daflultaly mmured at tha olaoliot on now voara iuy a monday of all thn tnuttloljialltlea whloh vtlnl hjwn llinlldi radial project only four wont uruliut lit by law tint towtifliljia flf waterloo north eautltoiki lllanohard and lutal vuura tha tntytl remarkabla fact in onimectloii with tbo voting tlroujbout waa tha dvold d iiatur of ll victory of publlo owner ah i p in aim oat nvery plac wbnr a by taw oarrleil tha opposition vote waa comparatively amatl tl moat atrlklafr anamplaa of thla wcra tha vlllajj milton and port credit tlia ralctayera lit th laltar municipality turned in a vol of 131 to 10 whll lit oourtt at milton altowad bub two ote klnab tha bylaw anil iso for it naaaaawaya gave tlira to on for tha by law trafalgar aevan to on and emiub intf flv to on tho rou were ltow email in eoh of our lownahlpa when thejhin dies oaadly ha woo th chana will kruct upen our poor planet if tlia niu ahould tfo out how loiitf would it b btfora dtirkneea would up- pwr on tha earth link h raudar ifurht mlnuloa ohititaeu aacoud und flv hundred aud alvly au tin lliou aaudtlm of n aacoiull at tho aud of hat briar interval of tluva tha blue curtain of day would dia- ppaar aa if aa atmlkbty band bud auutchad it otf bud th dom of ubjht apamilad wiut atara would inatauu uaoualy arcb tb aartb we would b tdutujrod into darbuaa ao quickly that for o toouaut uotblutf would bo vulbu than th plareldir raya of th alar would baglu to atfct our oy aud aft- r that sradually our imbtadbtlo aur- rooudjuip would dimly euanf trota th kloooi tbr would b alarlltbt but uo tuaodlibt for iho itioou ahlua uly with raoactad wniitflu at flrmt th dhrfpprrihh of lh t would u th tbbitf uumit troublaaotn to ha but as tltna wcut on a chill would bejfla to ctswp over th auula aril aud out of tbo dark ttud frown air all artund th clou a tuillbl auow would decod bu tho nitiimibrhr tdolatur eoudeuaod wliau dnya aud wk had alapaad lb uuful cold of outar apnea would thill ibu atuoapbaiw down to tb aartha aurfae aud auluuil and vatabu llfo uould ullk pahab la tha udlaa w hilar ol uuuaraaj tilibt action of peroxide u cuha a wohd but dtea nat am it lh hiue pracaaa it would b well for popl to ti- danuud what part kid of hydro will do aud what it will not do r- tnitkad a daallat just uftar atractla two old root ou which a urffo abaca had fortiiad it la oil of llio beat it bat lb vary bal aotuaptka w ba but it baa iui boullus ijualltlv uany popl luiaulno tlmi it will beat a bora puco lu flu nujulli yet that u juat what it will not da i bare juat lnjartrd parol ida and watr into iim ttiiiuu in ih kuaih from which i pstnated tho root 1 did that to tualruy th pua i bat bid boaii laft imiiiiui by tit nbcaa for that la tba u of prroxida it ualia chamhrallj with tlia pita aud kill lh frffi that make it hut tlili u all that it tlora- aiul if yuti rmittuu to ua it yuit will iv mm uut lusillns la ataad of baslcnluu it ieroildo ito- proparly usad hua injuml nlmot aa btany luoulha nu it luia bnbthl th aor plica in your tmtuili u rlaaa now nd all it lll u sou wllibif 10 kf u cuu wbll ualur hal it iarox olid will tux th thatln fact it will rata id it th daiittat titan prarrib4l a heal- lag wuau thar niv nmny aitch oa lb market but nj on imrlujf a tool it pulud u ftwlbth tu aalyct bl owu ahotakb 10 co bhimk tha tvawe hlba crek bridt tu nolaod t0wtthlj how undai cou con judjp elllou haa dllvnd jadunadt la an fiapai taut aotloa broohb by th town ahlp of kalaod laat jua to hv tha bridge o kalaott known u th twalv uiucraak bridg daurd aoouhtyetruo- tur tha judfla awad make it a oouuty lurldg tha brjdtt in quaatloa u oa what waa otto known ai oovarnor bluioaaa road ruaalnjr from torouto and i now bhawu avixindaa btrcot and at m point wbr th a road oroawa tha ravine of th oraok uhlolt ratlnohavar hundrod faeb daep ly front ihraa to fle bun irvwl faab tabla ab l bu location thenrljtlntilltrlilgawhabluh aiunulnfkttioruvliib u abort dutatio frotu ita top und uae built by th goterninaat sotuo thirty four jear atfo wbu tha brldif ravjulrad to it reidaoad tlia got em inent lafc it in tha hand of tha towuahlp inltuild it arul tocoonooilioeoebaomtlnp waa mid doun tho bank an uah nui to near tbs tvl nf tho craak awl tha apan iilnir wi then hy a brliltfo partly mid by a till of aarth nn i ntona and tha utlaiioa by lha preacnt molalapan tlibbradaluadliik down t tit brldg la aoota ititoaa ruaottad aavantaao per oettl making it not only dangarous bubaaoulneuhoefatilaeal dattt hava ooomrrod a naw hrldg with rpergradaauiubuforuodarnroad build- log la aatluatad by oily englor uaoui lutd of hauutou will boat in tha neighbor- hood of ioooot how to cook bomui afeaj porridffo invariably tu douhl boiler or ab ballar in baala of bolting water ifav water bolllag in both velj that in loner ooa baited io utt blowly atlr la on oup howao ueal to aach two eupa watar cover aallu outar vaaaej aud ttavar atlr agala vaa wbll aervlng vs early break faat cook at avaalng uj aud warn la tnoralng ualag a huh ttoniati ual ita a dark autbtowtt gramuur rlob pat- rldga it bourubaa better than taaat twavaata indlgaatloa and poaltlvaly rallava oonadpatiod or uouay baok aak your doctor all grooara 10 oanta and u enta llatl by boeaaa uaal co toronto vha flrt canal bulldaa oatiaral co tint u u thu la teat canal builder to fichlcvtf tatar hot h haa bad huttiy prdcmora nnd tbo carluat so far aa li kuown waa ouu narant bja wbo nearly su00 jeura ago opou d a eatul froui nippur to lb eu phralaa thla wm tllacoretskl by tit oaora a- itartou n thklpberlug mum of tha social t rumuruu tabula at th tduaauu of tb uulvrlty of wuuayl vanla 17a found a labial tlalvd lh year whu th dlvlita narambia opeuad tha tuoutb of tb canal krlu ut nip- pur tltu wa ot au irlab rauah ao far aa la littowu but it waa a great vut lu th hlatory of nippur which gave it tra importation fuclllllaa with th rdt of tbo world nufitd sip waa a kltib of itabyloritu uitd ho la reapoo- alhl only tor fluaurlug ilia raual aud alaraa probably did thu workv tha land af catlla italy may fairly dalu to b salor auoiig tlia uatloua of europ to far aa lit limn la conrrad tba paalu- ula lina bn itnlht nliimat aa far bach- in etin bwmt rcliu accord liilt tu motpnumii hit itun prufur uvrt tbo liilitiblliiiih of iimj aoulhoru uirt tf tlio timiitrj am tu tho orlu or bu immi tbori u thy iiuruiiil lag- t ud uf ti klnu iltilun but hlu itiinio luibtt litivo baou proiiuiiiifisl vltnlua and vltulua which mrana a bull calf uitd it in aay to rcwiiiilao iii it au al iumiiiii fit italy aa tbu lurnl nf enltla ppfctiikir flub paarla ouu uf tbu iihmi liiiimrluiil litduatrlaa of lli tliilmiuii lubuidu u llitf galhar- ii uf pluu ituiirltt it la the unly place lu iltu uorhl uiurv iiuhw iwarla ar fuuud tltay ntv nut taken rrou tba ojatur uliull but from a btiell raaeu bllnjt ii largo aiinll aliall tailed a h thta paatu wbco perfact bring vary blgh prleaa oattlna in trim votiva soliig to tba gymuasldu prvlly nwtilar now awat your vca mil ilawklna cillm hut liar ilihn moiitttt hpo ami lu abotrt tlirct iiioiitlih iiiurrt ill bo ready to tall bltu lioaiitiotlitr hull fight whetua nmrly rfory apwlwtor tit a bpnnub biillllfilit cartia a wbhilh- whfcb ba hlnwa if lie iotielovra a toreador to hmr- hmkpti ntty vt lha niloa of tlir ifrtnip knforoad trulhfulrtaaa lltnhhu ivbawna la tho bloat trill ii fill until i faliuw rltihba vm wig witt lint mtn u h luid taamory bo hita to all- b in hut truth ofsorvlcosoffioratcolofl in savin if a r-oliow-soldlnr- nt ypros h will ita nmiomlwred unit wbon ibn kmku vutmi k thektrloiooh nf hflrt jolam in tlta eiiuaifliii0ittm ut vpniu from bldlnry iiwin bu mlurii itivalliltnl fret it tin war thut lm refuaxl tor ml anion to publub imtllouhua of bu own oouraukiih exploit under iro ijithint liavo rooently boeu raolva4l from rautivcm of pi wll loukbby huuno who wau acrloualy wound- 1 at oito of tha vpraa vtiuatcaiiiaritm lahl april and whom heru colea carrlwl on hla itack for over four hillii away from tbo llr ing hue thue eaving bla bfo miaa i lion 1 iluiiua or edinburgh hlaur of pte dunne writing for bar ntolber aaya i wo thank you mora than wo oan aay for your tfmst oouraji nnd klnilnaaa to my brother wllloinjliby when ha waa wound wl in that torrlblo ont went weara unkteful indood hint ilto poor hoy did not fall into tba hamlu of tho enemy and wa feci thai auoh might hava been tha nia lflt had not hoeli for you iwaaluaky in italng allowed into th hoepllal ab aberdeen to aao mm poor fellow hla leu- la in a horrlhla aute both itcuaa front kite to ankl ar broken itt four ptaoeeand a bit of th bona a hilaa ingaltcffother that la prohtcm what to da with tlutt but its la umler tit car of on of th flnaat mtrgaona in boollaiul lrof uarnock who performed th opera hon on lh klnga aeoond aan ago if a much nteraetad in tha cam and will do hla beat tha poor hoy haa had two oparauona already and wa hope th neat will it th hut if haa ueter been oh hie back during all thee month thli a vry hard on him altar hie fra caaadun ufa and hla opau air kparunoa at ballthury and n alaitderm wa all faat prtiudar than v can aay of our brave canadian boldlar i aw banding you a btitall iaroal uhloh i truet you will acoapt with our beat thank far all your klndnaaa if you ehould vr h in edinburgh whleh w bop you will w ainoaily invlt you to look ua up and you villi raoolv right good welootn nallav ma youra very gratefully and alnoaraly ffxkh o dchkk wab amd boaal bepobh prtfraa of efforti for curtajlmeat of tba uouok traffla nlnataeh huudrad and alutaait doo not dawn uiular akla bltogatltar black it haa always uau aald uab war and eoclal pro gr v inootttpaubhi and oa geaaral grouttda thu la undouhladty tru in can ada howavar aud particularly in woturit canada war and toclal raform iwa tohava ooin togathar january loifl in hvakatchawau for vauj aaw th liquor uafilo atlll homing lu phto i 1016 ea th private aal of ihjuorla that provlnc mtjrly aholubad aad oaly twaaty thra aovaratnantowned ahopa left january 1015 in albarta aaw lha liqi trad lllll powstful i january 1018 taoi ovrwhalesd it ita bt voted out of nutnc by th paopl and th door of very bar and atop will elo on july utol thu year and afur tluvt data tltar will alo h no club lloanaaa january loifl in manitoba aaw tha rouinaovarauant atlll tntrnohad 1010 uu th norrla tiovrnmaitt in power and pladgvd to th btoat farraaoblng aoclal tvfarma inoludlng th aarly bubtnualoo of a rafarandutd on total prohibition during th put yar la urltlb caluat u the liberal patty undar ur drawttar bajtakeaoda naw uao of tlf and haa alao adopted a daflnlt atand la favour of a tfraaduu for total prohibition it will b intareetlng ta watch what tha bow covaduattt will do eab of th oh lake th progtaa haa tut baad quit w bpoctacular hub nevar- thalea it ha bd rd imno edward latand already 1 dry noa bootla hi dry with lh axoaptlon of halifax nw itrubawlck haa odly a ljul ovr on bun drd rataji lloana aud la qubao tnor than lhi fourths of th paruha ar dry and botabi vlotorusfor tatuparaao hav wad wou during tha put year particular ly la lacblaa aad thra 111 vara th ontario situation la utprovlag ataadlly and lha raault ol ur rowua eaupaigna of aduauloa oomblnad with th world wld oppoaltlod to th liquor traftlo with th advent of tha war hav had a atroag influadoa tba year baa aad lha inauguration of tha oaotr lloaas board alao th algaluoaat aaw fcoovatnetib of tha uoa partlaaa ooatultta of ooo hundred which ajtoa for aa ontario dry by tha flrat of july tha vol on uoaday on local option eloua hi additional barroom wbll tha vota at tha capital city of ottawa for r duotlea of lloeaaa oarrlad by 34u1 btajority a by uw to ioa sfl bar rooaui and 10 liquor atore thara sotto baadidata ougbt to tak lh nat our for thalr ingrowing politic 1916 we wte oiir m giistowiers a hppy prosperous nw year 1910 henderson co mill st acton ont 9m0ooaoooooi a w0mdbrpully equipped oftoah- ixat10h at tha town uajl 9 nlghu of jan oth 7th an 8 th th talliotbnalaon ptayara company u oompoaad of artlat of favorabl raputa and tut defying ability tha maiugamanb la oftarlng for th flrat tlut in tlta town hall acton a company of exceptional utarlb proved by tha moat aoeptlcal and theatrically varaed audlanoa and praati to h th tnoat tnerltorloua and aatlafylng wraniaation of it kind touring canada title year tha raptrtory of playe lualf adda a plaaalhgdluinctlon which foretell ui pro- apaeta of anexcaadlngly dutlnguliad au gagatnant th following haxo baen aatacud for produouod ab acton fit elmo ln ilivar trail of tit lon ami lina among their many faatura at five special vaujavlll acta which ara by excellaucy lit cuaauaband moat dwlreht aort of bdtwtalnuatt and alao a mg featur with ltd ahow th mahathtaat looka forward to th attentlv pitronaga of th tltaatr going itubllo and lu raturu for which guaranu thla attractlod to b on of tit woab worthy of hearty tupport of any almiur auua- nsaub avohrad la thla town lumsmber tit dataand tit prloa 25c saa chlldian too thuraday widay and baturday jaa 0 7 6 special mgnuulo baiurday alurnooa at 3 pt luogbiauaaul oohool uatllalsaiumbr liar when urully brat fu- wuhukuh1wij wtiu i eaujaad klaiw now turoarf dauand r our atada aua wx hlliotr fetdtpdl dustbane not only collects and killu microbes in dust but it also catches the dust particles themselves keeps them from rising into the air to kettle on furniture and curtains and there fore practically does away with the necessity ior dust ing many diseases are con tracted from sweeping dust order a tin today from your grocer see that you get dust- bane for imitations are not so good duuae uu od ltd oluw wtu voubg hljtb giujj tlhjprtwl dnotr wlui tiiliaunuou lt4yr vows uii 8 hlflbu tutting january qui a sensible gift pure irish linen initialed handkerchiefs half dozen in handsome box t and 2 all firstclass stock r e nelison iwvlhnllatw wvhdhlunaumk ouaum out 164th halton duffer1n battalion licutcol perey domvllu cooiwaajjak watch us grow we arc now 125 strong any requiring information may re- ceivc full particulars at our recruiting station the old post office acton sergt coles recruiting officer cu iw h d town hall 3 days commencing jan 6th talibottnelison fjjaxero presenting st eltno lena rivers trail ofthz lonesome pine s big vaudeville acts 5 prices 25c 35c children ise matinee saturday u fflljr jilrlluliit otljittirlt jetton ii w avihom m a0d ulntaur- hundav jan oth a m hnht tbu church at hmyrnn hi lmid in m rieu on ilia uuvoii hurihuii in bo hook of ilnvulutlmt i tvo mlniito ucrmon lit ttoyn uint irlu a n tli din i tviinii unlit mt v it howled a ilnly pittlicr honr mj cry i m txt strive to cuter in by ilia narrow iloor audit nn i suiillicbt h fidlnjf c u pofls ninio 3 rilnj wldn tbo fialoii diblu stlnfil at 3 3 in all vklcohr vmm mjftt fin lar will ol uu i a koltool jlrl liy leavlutf nolitt ut tnihmhhittti a tli iriti am airlnlly fori id lau fritnt tra luiuu i inta w n in ii bill t tia tlh noil naumjawen alan id let tula noia di ii iunlajy ilioia who aribaaa lu thoot- ir u will jul 1v1i joiimii ill nnbit wkddinh invitatronti aulira valvl fliilkh atr aa altarila by tbalila miru hi ii ecjtir it i oharuri tlia aattia tlaaa twatilihd mvitatlonanr khooutmiamatiia la al la nif iinltoaiiviijtma hltilttid 50 bl 7 01 iu 10 b5 uariluo lloua laiutl at tttua vaaaa fjjbc u fojl ialk bmcu t 1 i liar i ami wft weiar tutu alctrla lluliti ilrul la trler au didltta ttltetiao and taiilrr woodaiat ion ttjitotms atilalttmt uil two cl lata wlili luruaaa aiko a luiiv tlmugi i lutiua and uliar toiot ttiiaaliuut uaw lot aala vn ttaiuaulai ap- kecruitm wantkd si ihoufil tiioioi ly rla i aurvlcalo uluco of i aad tlitlr bloj luli1 tour la own town b- plyto llthqt cohuh luruluu osuer u aaio shaws businbs schools toronto canuda gtva tbofough courwrs ulilcb lead to jjood aalarlod offlco appoint mento prca catalogu oxplainu lnur any time w 11 shaw prcsmint htatl ofuca vouga st gerranl sti torunto notice tin annual meeting of acton abticui tural society will bo bctd id the council cliumbtr at actcm tuksdav 18th januahv i01a al 3 30 p m dusinctb- tkctlon of officer aad dlr- attorator ig6 receiving tlio annual report ihu secrtnry trejiiurer and of tlio auilitora a qoo1 attcodaoco la re qutstid glo iiaviil geo iivmds president hec treai crand trunk railway system i winter resorts speciatitoundyrilr vaux lono liwlrbtotovkha aahevillo and mot bfrinffa n c chariest nh c nuu n p hot bpringa ark pruncb lick fjprlngt ind jachgonvulaandallpiorldapoinu havana culu and now orleaua la via now vork and rail ar ateamar ntcording in destination or via uuffalo potmit or chicago bkhmuda and wkert imdikai other health ucuirta mount cleruant midi hattlo croik ulclt bt cat bar uaa well ont predion bpringa oat pull partfculantouappllcauouuoraiid trunk aganta h s holmes agent phonat nfo 13 new wonder land theatre ph1uav jan v tlio warn 11a of virginia 6 patluwitli niancho bwoat thla nktiiio ran fur nun year at th helasco lluftlro nv vork city and f nciinow lodged to tt the one grcut claaulc of tho amerlcau civil monoav jah 10 ispltodo a nf tho master key wudnlfbdav jam ib kpilindr 33 of tlio enplolle of kluiiie tho tvlllalo heart coming- ikhlnd lliosceuwa with mir pkkford l gregory a a robtnobte flour norvul klngi clinlco national aud flvo koafia feed llran hlioru wheat chop gluten ileal uoltuliie coltoit ied heal oil cake plait ileal oat chop herbaoum thu gnat tiloclt toulc all at lowest price j l warren ho4

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