Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 2, 1915, p. 1

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jvtfjftit sttt tytt volumk xiiino 311 hvrv uutntcrlmtmi ialtl in ailvstir acton onta1uo tilultsuay moluringr ihcokmmb k 2 1018 awntlion rrieellao ir amuum singiih oopljffis th1bm okntb elje retail rm jjms vmi i in ui uliiiiinu utlt htlt i our tuuida iv uvum iiutuijoiii tl irwi yci lllally in atltaltct tfl mi imi1 oil r in tin- unltl kii h sillicriiilnn ilicii llnuiil wliatl ilia hut mr wl l ji t lvu tu ij liwitlvijm talil vi ilitilu luiial l aiivubtfino llttu irinlfut uurilau lliaiil 10 uu i i im lurlfiin an i 1 111- it m illl tot i ill ilvailuulil iita ufilimtl niirlon illn nllnpa ll in hilrll u lirlltl sill rliaiuul ar- luilv tibu1 iii alvtrlla lunit in u it lu u14 ailvfiibhiutnili hill la oliaucl w ii hi uu i it ii ihslrnl fir titiulilu iilleiur lliai tjovd liluuut1 lliu hl twiulirwllloi uiual b iih lor at miiur r u xii seaiuitta onllixitoj nionlltlv ii i muoiiu litltnr ant itniklrtof 4iubtmafi otttctotv frillos gitav m d c m mccill 11 cl llumhunnu u ii i p 1 uaaov uautaau llanruu uwniai asaoouriom gro ottw tryadsrlab llr aetna ont d osteopathy ii 13 h sow aiilhihhs ciimoniacttc dil iiauilh h iioixoiv av ulllfll uaralilllullillim- ouol maura ifhjftii j 1 1 7 it i in allohm libit hid iuu otllo oil vkflltlnahy anion ontario rirailualant out rtn wrrluarv piillairn 1m olrtm arthur kit cli ii m01100 ulil hi galls day or ulfilit riuitly ailelitlad lo j uiokinnon w u a uttkfj lisriutir hlinlior ami nun rubllo ucmoano 3 lleloani liloclt iouil hi rant uajpli uousy lojusii ltuibb ivan a eoial sltaa- d j m ijiul jmjh ldu d tnlkllanvoui ijmlanch nuuah nuuiiinmun jutlliai it lualiliunurlo ovar william- htora loon mn liooli ol nil kuif ntatn 10 orrtu iarlaillcalh lnvuri ifurrip tlcin urnlululnanil ilqllti imad prouilv lou m aumahl iiinntiiri 11 i moom 1otnnu of mauuiann urumu irlvbt n i 1110a spwllriouq ixjulrnl ic404 1 mdlhalli aultinnuiil porlliu iioiinuiu ol uoilluuioii luiini il ji1 uukiirlnaml llxiuiiy miihh li haltm enmluot j uiiu iniufuotii 11 ami tiwin raaannalilti turiiu jnlariliy lotnir m mim i air alajnn ultiilliniilu rikllriirti in oiiiiun ii wlllt lha lull wliorj- rrtrniimitiu n 1 iuu uau ituwur- tlaliioii liuiui ii llrluia itli ntvitkh iutm ntuou anion uilt nnntvu iiiiiiiuiiuih amciillnu uiimlu a hit 11 1 inn in aalia in aaiou tn4 vlaldlty tfahua to u1u on llnur d augxnivicn murvoyn bnlidivliilniih pltitih ro iwrth uoucrliiltonu bliioirtnli etc certidcatcrfor purchiihorn anil mort- sanoa hurvoyu for arclilltclk llulj- era ami munlcliuil conncllii drain nfo koivorta titiiatuu sc mcrohants bank dbdo ouhlipu piions 10m oht j d ohigibzt5rs book binuull qiubm bt uaufc auslttb out llmltd audit nan httbauullaltiovxra hdma uiuil in gom oh lllblm hvuiu li0auul olliur llnnka axvti woftk vuduptfjv haticuthd the old and reliable granite and war bio dealers wh w raiiiuranlumm ami illrsot luiiuurun of all k 1 ml- of unuuiuuiital uml llawihlmia trmh wu iwll illrwit in nuvauntouitiiiiiit whol ale drlom lltua aavlna our niikuiiiidiia in tr haiti wo liava tlia ul aiiijatiia aud ili dhiv aflmlmiilnalii llialtomliiliitt wlm tiaumtar- u numuli tnola hly wu nau ly italayaiutm ffniii hilinlrnla dl itnr ouaohll in tiwloanl llnc iltnm mlmrmoiiiara liava lo aliavi law aiiltu hi iriliir in atnhuut w havr tha larilfat fiul itimt hinnb 11 f llratilu in ui imtolnloii ir liinro limn auv ilivtnlaauralu inawtxt wnar lnalihiialo ilnufmra aurf eu rluv tin jrtu anil in not uimny lie iwaana lid by 4iiillttu nut lifimraiil auttiiliiaimillrll aril iim i miilay- itimlianlrn only and defy hamilton sons cvw no- folk aittf uvuolhlileti hh oumtilm savage co uthblllil iu4u jkwclleh gul1pii the old and reliable watchmaker and jeweller savage co ouelph ont horse blankets knee wraps and rugs bond store guelpii ilnutu unlliiol m 100 llhinlivlii hmil m ibo to utk w110i litaiiliut nt ie in 4tm kxtra uliecliil nl tluo hftliitflkiwnii lliilwu ilnu line s4ia3w sih7j iwoo kiilu rnuh fur i or cmriiiftc nt 300 uml lso wu lliwo wliul vv w1111i loltp tho bond harbvvare co tlntlmd phon4 io i a tntwoliu ounlrtl neither time nor expense ntllliur timu nor otjmjiito lu iiivcd in hrintfjiiff lo liu ihkii dlnio nf pcrffctlon at wlilcli limy tire w fade bell piano exrwrt worliom nliilleil oiin- itviiilnn luoit ninlcrlnln all cnntrittiilu lo itn micceus tlia i nut rum en i of rtcortil- nl diirnbillly mnanfirctfiit tone ami cinvutb flufiii b01 n omit hv c w kelly ca son 33 lower wyndhum st ouelph ont jpravlngig ttoftomto cana04 vunumnnanauannnuadr muumum s grain a b i chopping g well done and i quickly at only i 5 cents i i per bag i s harris st co limited kockwood ont b hafhuiihdnadadanananadm robt noble ltd flouk nnrvnl nntlniiul kliiaw cliolco piv komi ilrnii hhortn wheat clinpa oltuton moal cotton new moal ollcatto oat cliopm rolleil oalh tlruotliy neej j l warren a representative wanted at once ior acton ami illnltlct for tlio olil aud kullalila konihill nurseries iiuumuwhyrmnln llo all wliilur whim you cnu tnlio up a iwillk likiiucy cluilco 111 ol yiijlutr lor niitliik iilunilbk jtltwral turmii iluuiliuimti fro uiiltli kxclimlvolorrltovy wtllo iinw for particular stone wellington toronto ontario oid otvix knvrrok when piople ueacii toutv thay muni in mokt cniut umihla vi uio 11 lviimu thoftoufho try tn gut alontt wllii orjluury lensoa annoy tliulr friend and tliemnclvfii try our invluihk lllfticul lanua ground on liia prumlua a d savage optometrist mig optician a successful business career succenftil buslntia umu 1rm0uiia an the foutuutloa ol titaii uraar the early f orautlotl ol tbs thrift habit th ac- cumuuhon of a competent ihould b commanceil during bovbood tlierc la little dim culty la auatalaltiic ui effort lur a bejlnainj baa bi ad lantlns auccaaa in itf u not attained however uatll aound depoaltory la fouad foa ooea mousy 1 9 the bank of nova scotia bttawclle3 at attoa oualpb norvat uliton and 8uwatavll oatthabaat it my towohtffl onvkhio i a flomiuumul ucha 1 ol ilia ludlia otla i nnna luliair in cautdal lralaau in atmuu ilman i calalnuuu irea wldlul urni niiunajau aril fresh groceries now ratuitih now currant now datoh now nu lb new pcela new spleen flna lin orcanraaotlansv 1lfrtclaan line of ianuy caliea ald pastry vratai ovory day coobed utatii hani lucon with tho homolllio llavof dread and othor goodb dellvorod promptly dally j r livingstone huofla0a to m 8 itloh mulhuat aatot fall winter stock of boo is and shoes now complete iluavy lines lffjiit linos working boots sunday shoos goods to suit i all customcru of best makes and latest stylos wo back the goods we offer and mako our prices satisfac tory wo liavo rubber rub ber beds slippers mid pumps our repairing is carefully und promptly done call kenney bros maist acton out to old aunt many3 wo uut it iithiiunt o liroilier ml no in tliout nlil tiny of ilia lwt nuiibliltie of youth wlioii lha hatnnlayfl ciiom vcto llirouuli ami tho humlnya wooil in tlia lilolion too and wo wont vlaltlnif mo mid yon out looid aunt nluryul ft id comen linoh ut clour to day t tlianih i nni nu lialil attyfiii nra fray out liy tlio itam lot und down tlia lune wo lultor uttnitf in tho dust nuiln an kitlit ii tho tlm of tho dropu of lha rain out to old amil mnryu t wo crcun tho puhtura mid through tho v1hi whoro tho uld ttniy iin of lha poplur tttood whora tho haiimierliift red hcadu ltoptit away anil tlio lnumrd rnimul in tho nlearinu liy and lolled nnd circled un un wnnt hy out to old aunt mnryu and than in tho dinl tif tho roud nywht i ami thotomno wo in i nml tlio ritr men and tlio hum lilnlmuy uith hiiuhiiiiio prcuil aw llilob a hitttiroii noiiuiry lircod our curou ikjmhi und our itourla aliotul out to old aunt mnryv why i koo liar now in tho 0ion door wlitiro uin luild hunluro up the aldaa and oer tho clapboard roof- and hor face oh met wowit it cood for u itoy to aae and wnanl it good for a toy to ha out to old aunt maryat and o my itrothar ao far away thla la to toll you alia walu tiiday to molcomo no- aunt mary ml asleep llilw inoriilnii whiiurinu toll tho lnyn to come and till in wall out to old aunt marys 1 jeauti whilcomh itiloy vtltcl jfttmilu tuflrjitig the homely little girl ithanlid j dglami alt v i1at y i tibta voti tlto homaly little rlrl stamrwul bar foot youro mean i tlio homely little girl liurnt into n iiajulon of toum tho children who hud boon lauuh- ing at hor ware friuhtonod to uoo any ono in audi a ualon and tlioy ran and loft liar alone- hho hu a forlorn looklinf little craature enouh hor foot and hands wore too largo for hor aliinny little body hor luck wan all rounded over where she carriud the bab iee about liar oara ntuok out hor eyoa wore email liar noe and mouth largo altflgatliar it aeoraad ao the children thought u if alio were juxt made to laugh at and they novor nwliim ut ull liow cruol it was to taugli at bar i if lliey had tltey not or would luio lono it aaioiir all tho children in the acboot there wan not one who loved beautiful things lllin the homely little girl ttio ronoa in the harden tlio glow in tlie aunaet auy the liahyiiprcttyouili arulelhouwuid lieautlful things bealdoa tilled the homely little gfrte lieart with joy hod alio nob been remind oil ao often of her own ugly litlloltody alio would have licen happy all tlio time- of course father and mother and tho liahloa laved her ao they couldnt oea bow ugly she wan you never can whan you lotopooplo but lhohonuiy little rirl aunte end unolei aivd eoualna und uorstof all tho children in the school aaw nothing hut bar homely face and iter awk ward mttlmmjii tiody thin wan a groat pity for teamed the homely llttlo jlrl to loae eight of the beautiful thing in the uorld mid of courno there arc few things worse than thin ran pouilhly bapait to any one thing went from bail to worae with the homely little girl site begun to look upon tlie children a enemies and ovary time uiey laughed at hor ttie flow into a pawiou bhe waa even orou at borne sometimes awl her mother had to scold her and the babies werent as happy wltli bar aa they used to i every day tlie homely little plrl rrvw mora aud mora unhappy the worst day of all came when ba lew luto such a i urrlhle tasalon that alia frightened the children it seemed then aa if thoro was nothing ntoro i o look forward to its bail j enough to have children laugh at you but to have them afraid of you aa if you were i botuo liorr lbh monster that aomauiiqg you oant endure that day the homely llttlo prltt oould not go home for fear iter father and mother would aee her awollen face anil hear rar soha the aolui wouhl keep cowing even after the tear had stopped if father ami mother were to bt bar in that plight they might guess tliat tho children had been making fun of hor and the homely utile girl felt elm would rather never ro home tlisu hjve that happen 8o alio crept be hind a wall awl thero alia intaadculta suy utiuhtj felt sura nn one would siupwt what hwl happeoad how loaff she was there 1 do not know but all at anoe she felt a mir in tlto air ami a cool wind on her hot face and when alia looked up liter standing over her waa a i crwtora ao beautiful uiat the itomely utile i girls heart quite stood still with wonder it waa ull and airtight and it wore a gar- metib of light the color of the aunsel lu face waa tha moat beautiful of all for it waa ute face or love aad joy tho homely i little girl looked up into tlio angels faoe and all hordreadfu trouble slipped away like olnuda liefora tlie sun pear little auter said tlie angel and at tho sound of tho voice there settled deep into tlia homely utile ftlrla heart nstuinem and joy more wotulerful tltau words could vkreeat would you ilka a beautim utile liody likemlhovaskerl ttteangel tha liomaly little glrlaeyoa leaped to the angel v this itody la nuuleof love slid joy utile slater the light in the homely little glrlx nyo fadoili site remomltered how she hated the ohlldraout sahool think said the atigot how you love the iwhloaat home the homely little girl eyes lluhleiukd and think hack utile alater to the time when all tho children in aolvool ware dour utile itahleu not so long ago either innocent end swet thay ware like youra at home thoy had no wiah tlin to do any harm v tho homely little girl had nover thought of tme home of thein aro not lovotl very tnueh at homo thay know ao little ultout bind- no- now the angels voice was full of love for the children at snhool flomo of- lliew do not lno lieautiful things uu j on do alio thoy do not hale beautiful things as you do they have no idea how cruel they aro whon they laugh at you the homely tittle girl hail not thought of that either utile sinter ahull i tall jou bow t inako a iteautlful body out of lnn iim jj v the homely llttlo girl llflw br anno t i ho angel iho could not neak tomorrow said the augol tabo an apple to achool jnd glre it to thechlhl that has boon tnol unkind if be refoa it laugh i for you may lie sure he feci j aaham d and ho will soon he your friend if be anntchee it and cnlu iu nomas uimtw for you may i o auro bo knows no klnkaeaa ut liome mulo ttil ug inning little auter and every day do eonte kindn to lha children nt chool fio every ilay you will be fashioning out of love and joy a beautiful itody liku mine floodbye little sister lind llie lie it inataut the angol woe gone tlie next morning the homely utile girl was on bar way to school with the apple i her satchel ono of tlte children in the school came half way to meet her holding out an orange wa were mean to you yeaterday said the child wouldnt you llkasn orange y oh how that one little act of klndnts paved the way for lovd to grow i and it did grow many a utruggle it bad and many a sorrow was mixed with joy t hut the homely little girl kept on doing as tha nngol hail bidden her hho thought nt m thouiend thing alio could do for lha child ren at school and for tlte liable a home and lovo throve so fast that before site knew it she and the children were tlte heat of friends and they thought no mora of bar ugly little itody than did tho liable at home still there waa utile change in the home ly little girls body her feet and handf iter aura ami nose and mouth were just aa largo and horeyes just as smalt still tha angel had said she oould make for lierself a iteautlful body and although aba couldnt understand tho homely llttlo girl knew in hor heart that the angel had spoken lit truth so she kept on being kind ami happy and aa lha years went by site lie gun more and more to see into the mean ing of the angels massage at length one day when she was an obi lady aha end a great many other people many of whom bad been oh lid ten in school with iter were all together in a ptaoe when something happened but all at once tlie homely little girl and all the roit of the people found themsehea standing together each in a new body which ha hi nisei f bad fashioned during all the yeara just passed where the old bodies luul gone no one knew but tlto new onee were not a bit ilka them so small and so colorless you oould scarcely see them i soma were black and terrible to look at i soma were fair and good to aee in tlia tnhlit of them stood the homoly utile girl in tlte new body which she had made out of little kindly seta of joyous love kveryoue wee gating t bar far she waa beautiful just as tit angel bad said tall and straight ahe wits attd clothed in light colore of aunsel her faoe was mast beautiful of all far it waa the face of love a humil monkey tli leading male of a troop of monkeys is the patriarch oomiuanderlnolilef and affooluo fighting force the natives of india call him maharaja and properly ao for h fs the type of savage despotism ho usaa his large canine teeth to maintain bis power and to secure the lione share of every ihl rig ami is easily moved to a parox ysm of rage hut tit tyrant has bis trage- die on of which la described hy mr j i- klpllug in ma uan ami ibest in india on morning titer cam a monkey chief taiq weak and limping having evidently been worsted in sever ugh with another of his own kind one liaml hung power less ida face and eyea liore terrible traces of battle and bo hlrnted slowly along with a pathetic air of suffering supporting him self on ut shoulder of a female a wife tha only hieraliernf ma clan that had re mained faithful to hint altar his defeat we threw them itraod and raisins ami the woumlejl warrior carefully alowed tbs areaur part away in his cheekpouch the faithful wife seeing iter opportunity bahlinp feat his on aound hand ami open tug bla mouth deftly aoooped out uu ator of relsltia titan aha ut and at them very calmly ab a safe distance while be moved and chattered in impotent raft ha knew that without iter help it ooubl not reach home ami waa fain to wait with what patience h mlttht till tha raisins war finished this waa probably her first chance of disobedience or of selfasser tion jn her whole life and i am afraid aha thoroughly enjoyed it bhe led him away at but possibly to teach him mora salu tary loaaona of uila sort cauutwr uov tt one afternoon a stranger debarked from a train at a hustling town in th watt ami headed up tho street vlually he met a party uiat looked ilk is natlie pardon we said the stranger halting tha likely looking tarty are you a resident of this town t yea sir waa th ready rejoinder of tlio other lteen iter souiethlnff like do year what can i do for you t i am looking for a criminal lawyer responded the stranger have you on hcrer well reflectively answered tho native w think we have but we cant prove ib bn him theres another side theres another side said the minis- ternwlfe softly how do you know atbed the visitor who had told uio discreditable little tale strictly in confidence aa she had herself learned it in tho hooin of the wednewlay afternoon sowing circle the ministers wifo had not lteen present snd it was only fair that slia should be put right about this fmnily of nawcomera in the par luh ho nut thingu bad coma to the ears of tlie sewing circle that were not well not exactly right theres another aide repeated the minsters wife not no softly this time in fact litem waa a notloeablo little ring of indignation in bar tone which died cut in at sort of wondering pity as site noticed the challenging look at her caller youre glad thorp is anotlier side arent jou t why of course you are t you tee i know all about it you uerant ut tlie meeting said tlie other atlflly if you bad lteen you no 1 su tlore at the house and i uwl raw o mrs lubhltt j if oii could haw ween what i saw i i aw too with my own eyes that daughter of ibeiru la an opium hhe lnt their daughter not any rls lion not oven a friend or a frlendu daugh ur just a poor girl who had lteen sick so long and so terribly that tlte doctors them- solve had made liar a victim of the opium habit and tltey bavaglton uplheirhom their very llve to il they dont say a word about it i just found it out with the blp cf lite doctor tlie visitor rose suddenly almost uncere mooiously ivor a moment tlte liotj looked troubud ami aghast had sha spoken too bar ply discourteously even f llarmlml flaw back ovr tha intervuw as she faltered i you are net geina yet you o you arent offended at anything rukir yea im trcing- offandad it im going round to seat all our ladi every single one of theoi and ull them the minuura wife held her breath for tha answer on may it very botd but it aomatlmm means a great doal to offend tha ladle and ull utem said th caller gather ing bar wrap about iter tlut beautiful other side o t breauied th mluutero wife graufully and tell tltani wont you tlut titer la anotlier aide always alsrsyat and it la our business to try to find it- zloon herald sister uilly paused at tit door of her slauva room and iter pretty foe flushed sister r she aa id bisur waa mendluga jogged ugly tear in robs sweater but alt looked up cheer fully bister lewis royoa la coating to call to night bert jeaeraonaooualn you know tlte one who la making auoh a name at col lege and i wondered buur smiled will mi tea it m dot she asked of course you can have lemonada ami nut too if you want them youre such a daar hilly answered youre sure you wont be too busy t for a oolleg celebrity t said bisur in playful mockery what else in th world ooald be so important t uilly laughed ami then said haaluting- ly i thought id wear my old rose why of oourae eald suiter heartily but liar eyea were again on iter mending t plainly ah had not caught tit hint uilly frowned- if only sisur would understand slie would proliahly wear her evsryday ilraaa and bateau apron on of ouurse it would be a pretty apron but noltody wore aprons nowaday what would lewis royo think if ha only knew what hltta really waa but that waa juat the trouble he wouhl not know with pride and toyalty contending in bar heart uilly went slowly uptulra slie was angry with herself for earing and angrier slill for being too oowardly to apeak frankly since she did not care ami alts thought slie waa angriest of all with hlster for not underaundlng shswaa a girl onoat tlie cried im patiently why cant abexomembert at elflht oclock lewie appeared with tha new song it had spoken to iter about and in flv mlnuus the two war absorbed in ui tuualo it seemed no more than ten t minute although really it waa an hour ami a half before slater entered with tlte uutcakea and tit lemonade willys laughter died buter bad on her very plainest gown for lewla royco 1 1 mllly made the introduction bravely hut with a robellioua beart what would lewie think after slater luul ulked for while in her pleasant fashion ah waa called to th telephone the young fellows eyea fol- lowed her aa ah left the room x know that kind h said the kind thats alwaya rdy to help a fallow out of any fix tha kind that th whole lulghltorhood runa to in trouble that works for you ami save for you and alwaya bo uma for a talk ill wager anything ah mad these oakaa wily a eye widened with surprise how did you know f all exclaimed i have on ilk her i ull you what a fallow feels ha must know ute right sort of girls when baa gat a sister like that yea uilly answered faluuy mind rbadino a young man am bla wife accompanied ijy their two children a boy and a girl entered a atreetear and aat down on one of ut aid aeeta th llttl girl waa a beauty while th litll boy with his strongly marked feature an1 freckled akin aa rpjlt th opposite directly acre ut aisle aat two ladles idahtly mother ami daughter tha younger of ui two looked orlucally at th children then she scrutinised th liarenta then aha turned to ut elder lady smiled and modo a whispered re mark the young man who had been watching liar leaned forward uadaut b aald you are quit right tha girl foituuauly look like her uiotlier ami th hoy looks like me that h had itueesed accurately what waa passing in her mind her look of coo- fualbrt left no douuv twenty years ago from our lasuo of tho vtto press or thursday boo bth lboo the gable end of cjeo hardys flue new brick house on tha 7th una was blown in during lost weaba wind fclorin mr alo wuldla hue a gooko which slnca the niliblla of haptainlter bus laiil ui usc which warn double joltd nearly throe months hnd pascod with out a fun oral inacton uijtll lust week when utree were bold on consecutive days on thursday tliut of willio thomas uu hold to tuirview cemetery i on jviilny tho remains of miss hoggin currle sinter cf mr ifugh molkiugnll was inurred in ralrvlow and oiihiiturday lha remains of mrs hwlrihurno mother of mr auea oerdlner were conveyed to durham ieople retired on huitdsy night alter enjoying the lis my btmospliere which prevallml the early riser on monday mala beautiful sight ono in delight lha yeof tha artist and imjwmutwl the old fasbioned winters our father- ulletuuut tlte final testa of tha ilonold huam fire kngine took plsc on friday mo 1 wunthn laying of a unm cf hoe from the tank corner mill aud frederick hireeu along vretlerick and down cliurch to ht jojvlts ciiurch where a vortical tram waa uirown 0 or 60 ft higher titan the eras on tho spire the commit ee uuit w ii storey john cameron harry oriiulall tboa e lilge ami j a ucorail bat evnl ng passed a recomntandatlon lo council fa the purchase cf tit engine tit council met ami agrd willi mr rdiald for ilia purchase of knglne ifou i uu hoa am all otlur mulpoint cf nglnafori1420 tlte file urigad la now officer as fol owe i chief john cataeron i ht litil i j j lawson i jad lleul r ii johnson 1 1 hectraaa o c hendarsou i knglnwr geo mclennan i how fu1 no 1 w if walker capt t c c hemlereoi j j iwsoa w l worji i witllaitis i cuir mat tlie ws hom reel no 2 i lloht- hut ham capt t jolm warwick murrey mcdonald henry bauer lliclwnl cook a lumshsw hooks ami laihlert t j lawson cajtt t olutons jaa mclm joliti harvey w andrsod a lawaon j a hpefgbt ooo roir j a gnaw w forua 1 uodcnau j wil son j h msttbewe john kvsiu a ii ouraey vrd rydor salvage corpa if swockltamer capt t 1st lleuu thos flambui 2nd lieut w will lima nauks ih fkitooi nciokr ur t t moores room maggie laird maggie wallace gordon hender son wm arnold leon hot we john moore cliaa mclein jeeslo harvey dalsynlckun mabel roe minnie harding clara cobban fettle ebltage edith nlck- llrt eva lvirryman miss a alophaua room minnie arthars harry loveya rohlna waluce jolm arthur httia mcdonald maul beper jamoa wilds geo arnold mine ma k palteroooa room willie harding frwl lewis edna swackltamsr ida lain algle lewis alice lewis mina ruddle miss m e nelsana room jennie grant ettle matthews tilllfl ilingham jennie harding harold nekltn jolm purvis walter mclennan hilton jean daniel ritchie malcolm mcesohern mr hector johnson la bom from i glaveraville n y and will remain until after christmas i mr and mrs alfred g easton of chicago spent a couple of days at their perenui home here miss j mcdonald teacher of lorn hehool who baa been home at alton ill from throat trouble has resumed her duties mr w watbine conducted the j school in hor absence mr welkins has i been engaged for osprlnge school a bbt when peter jenkins r turned to fjines- 1 hero for a short visit after having lived tetij years in colorado ho apparently ooubl not tay enough in praise of ida new home and i in disparagement of his birthplace his sentiments ware aa a general thing rcoelv ed with the utmost good nature by bis old j friends but occasionally lie met what the laneaboro people celled aoomouppanoe i now theres tlto oliinnte aald mr jenkins on day to a group of listener n th post ohloe whv thecllmatoherelint anythln thats worth talking about but out titer i ita fatunlng juib to ite out i there and uke ih tha climate why when i out uiere i only weighed a hundred and thirty pounds end now i turn ut wales at a hundred and ninety five i can ull you a story of lanaaltoro cllmalo thatll go ahead o that peter remarked obed strong qulsuy well i should like to itear it aald ur jenkins wlui a aomewltat skeptical amlla ita veracious en relate to myself returned ur titrong calmly whan i come to lstimliero i welghetl ita in th famly blbl jest seven pounds an now i aatu tho scales down at an even two hundred ur jenkins gavo a entff but tltaoltliens of lanosboro felt that uu repuutlon of ui ilhtg cli luul lteen esuuuh bomhth fau william aald aunt ann sklloa to her husbaml alter tits supper dlshea had lieen cleared away leta go and liear ut lec ture tonight unol billy had forgotun i utatuiere wsjalecturdatid vlten he waa reminded that a returned missionary was going to ull all about india at ut church be did not seem overantbuslaillc j i oughtnt to go anywhere tonight i grumbled unol billy i ought to be doctoring my sick horse woll youro not doing it and youre not likely o do it oat ready aud go undo billy meekly obeyed ha aat patiently through th lecture which waa both interesting and prollubl at ui close of bla discourse th returned mission ary said i i will ualt a few minutes- now for uut purpose of answering any question thab inuraattd persons in the audleuos may wish to ask itor half a minute hobody sioke than to tho liorrer of aunt ann and tho aston ishment of th eougrogntlon billy leaned forward ami asked t what do uiey us in india to our horaksj what have got the beavea f 4 little old town there ure fancier towns than uie little old town this i towns that aro bigger than aud the j wm pie who livo lu the tinier town all tho oily contentment may miss there are things you can tee in lha wealthier town that you cant in a town i hat la small and jot upnrdnwn thorn is no other town like your own llttlo town after all d may itn that tha strctt through tha heart cf tho town isnt long isnt u hie iint straight rut tho neighbors ynu know in your ourn llttlo town with it wolcnme youn coming await on tha gliturliig ntroolu of tlto glittering inun hy tho iiiluco anil pavement and walh in tho iulili of tho throng ouuill long you will lung for your ourn little town after all it wan here by tlia stilo in jour owu little town father courted your mother a maid j it was here in iho vale hi jour own little town thai ho hulldod n home in the thade it wan here on tho hill in jour own little that tli school sml the book you recall evry step of tha way ho jour memories say its your own little town afur all for it isnt by money you measure a town or tho miu that la itorder euatu i for lha hast things you gather whatever tha town aroconuttlment anjovmentarulfrienda if you live and you work sad you uada in your town in spit of tt feet it la small youll and uiat lha town that your own little town is lite kkht little town afteu all doug us malloeh seven sehtemce sebhosts apologia only account for wbt thy do not el ur karl of raoottsfulj what w gt wa must earn if it u to be truly our- david hur jordan roniathing each day a dl of llndiieaaaml of uood to link in clcar itottdo all human uou-hoj- oh thus thehwvoly will wo all msydo wlila la i for a good uwi evry day malt- hhd all tit yi- george coopw merit and good brooding will took tltalr way evarywltsre lord clvaur- uld and ute spirit of jehovah shall rt upon him ut spirit of wisdom and undr- aundlng tha spirit of counsad and wight tit spirit of knowledge and oi ut far of jehovah ito 1 1 i 2 tia sweat to feel uiat we may be in partnership dear lord with tltaei tis eweet to feel that all we do to mako our uvea sincere and true la known tothea ami that we shore aa partner all thy love and care mary d brlna meditation la ute great storebous of our spiritual dynamics where divine energte liehid for any enterprise and tha hero la strong tits ned for bu field j uartlneau cosfpetino with dicsfbui a bookseller once adtortlsed for a par- ur ami a man of all work far his bookshop among tlte eppllcsnuwu a big irishman gifuil with more muscle than wits ho walked into the hhop ami glanced about rather unoeruinly finally bis ayaa rested on a big notice suspended high aboo the door over a uble covered with lis i dickens works all tide week for 10 bhlll iga i ib announcement at ono inflamed ut a plicanta temper 01 cumo in to gll the job be shouted to tho proprietor hut olll not car fur it dickons kin wurruk all week for six teen shlllins if he likes oill not yej bettor kapa dickons and be strode out katllaniwbs kimdly iwyhbbst katharine is two ami lialf year old her father came home one af lernoon after working three daya and three nights at high pressure with almost no sleep he lay down with thofwllngthat lie did not want to wake up for a week half an hour later from tlie depths of ida dreams lis heard a small clear voice fauter i tits sleeper stirred and turnod bla head on the pillow father i father i ho stirred again and moaned father 1 father i he struggled and resisted and flounder ed and finally raised bla eyelids like a man lifting heavy welgbu he aaw katharln smiling divinely beside bla couch father i father l what lilt daughter v father era you having a nice nap v the pbo co they had disagreed they had disagreed about her cooking he bad sprung tha brontida about bar not being able to cook even as hi mother did wlnreupon sli asked him if that he so how la it uiat you liaenb ohroalo dys pepsia aa your father had t whereupon uiey disagreed mora thor oughly than aver worms are encouraged by morbid oondl- tlonaof the stomach sod bowels and so tub let mlllera worm powder will alter the conditions almost immediately ami will weep tho worms away no destruouv parasite oanllvo in contact with uila wed lolno which i not only a worm destroyer hut a healthgiving medlolna most ben flctal to the young oonatltutlon ami aa auoh it baa no superior asthma doaane woar off alone do not make the mistake of waiting for aathma to hear away by ilself while you or waiting tho disea is surely gathering a stronger foothold and you live in danger ol stronger and yet stronger atuoka di j it kellogga asuima remedy taken early will iwevent inolplenl condition from lv oowliig ohronlo and saves hour of awful suffering the surest way to leave happloesa be hlud is to run after il psnln rules for getting up on a cold morning i hay i will gat up sl throw back ite bedclothes 3 get out of bed

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