Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 23, 1915, p. 4

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ffltye trtnit m igtos tiiuiutoay iiirimiiru m ioik miss stead amp miss huray llttlo mlw hurry all huatlnaiid flurry cornea down to breakfast lu minutes loo hnr hair n u rumple her ifowuiau crumple bwh tto tuitn to billion juitl liook herself utraliilit mho hunt and ilio tuehes por noodles and hruhe for itoabu ami far piuilu 111m uiuulrs and lawn t if ever voud find her ium follow iwhlud iter a trail of kiu liftttoim uml ulirwla of iter uown but little mum httmdy llv eohonlllmo is ready alt smiling and itiinlnic uml neat in bar place i vi jlh no need to worry hhe plticn mlio hurry wlto but yetorday aat hero with shame in liar face her heart beallnjllfthly willi duty dona hahtly bite vowed she will never an in chaiifto iter nt live i a uml tbo selected the w op it to the editor i the following from the white ribbon tldtags should be spread as wlilily and repeatedly u ofun aa poeslbla till w profit by the example although russia lent war it seem in many rspu to be enjoying a new lteaven and a new earth tlta treasuries of tlie savings banks are bulging during tin eight month ending april ut 1014 tha increase in tlta savings amounted to only th25o0a titan tlta war came on wltli iu unprecedented aspen but prohibition u tha order of tlta day in all russia and dur ing tlta eight months from october ut 1014 to april ut 1016 tlta lncra in tlta savings hanks itaa amounted to 8iw000 mo or forty time aa much aa bafora prohl- bltlon tfta effect on tlta liaaltli of tlta nation haj baan just aa marveltoun tha falling off in diseases oatecielly uioaa caused by alcohol or those to which alcohol ootitrl- butaa haa fallen off over seventy par cent from july to december 1013 tltara war in fetrogrcd olona 07 suicides hut belwoen ut same dales in idltaulcides were reduo ad to 14 in warsaw during tlta eaioe periods suicides wera reduosd from 410 to hoi foots ilka tins mutt rouse people to shake off tlta use of uita daadly drug hub tlta liquor intereeu itava employed tha most lavr writers to deny tha truth of tha feet wa miul remember that temperance paopla liava nothing to gali but uta welfare of tha nation while tha liquor men ar fighting to reuln tltla money making monopoly u arnott u1i- mci h the f f tha fall fair aaaaoa a almost iiara again tha following data will be of interest to local readers i aeton ysll fair bene it and 2j abarroyla oct 5 brampton bept 2h and 20 burlington oct- is cwadon oot7end kwa ool13aodls vargua fiapt 2fl and 20 bvealton oat ifl oaorgatown oot fl and 7 milton oet 12 and 13 oabvllu sapl aud oot 1 orangavllla bapt 10 and 17 ylookwood oct 7 and s btiaatavllla bapt 23 watacdown foe 3 was cantaitly trtifaled with mb had nine oh hit amm ay ohol guirttodk mmmi mm9 durkd hlhl doiu an cauud by bad blood and unlaaa tha blood u uuda pun you catbt expert to get id of thtnt oiuteuut and solve will do you to kood voq must gat at the tut of ua troubla by tuluv a good lutttual uood piirifylnc midlclne tuch ai that grand old rtnudy uurdock lilom llltten mr batnuel lluckur tauwaaouth m writes laat auhiuer i waa oonataatly troubled with boll i had nltw aa uy irui at once i thouaht tt was caused froid bad blood to x got two bottle of uurdock blood ullten and bafora tbs brat ttottla wu dona 1 bcma to feel a yreat deal tiettcr aiul bort the uoand ana woa flnlihed i did bd have boil oat hava v had 00a klace it cauuot recomtiiend hh u too highly uurdock ulond lllttem u inanufactiir mly by the t milburu co umlted tofooto out olo uuusm tmvuiuiqki turn up n wrltaa t i oama iioroaa what 1 ballava to ba a fact of a rathar inucabtlog eharaour tomlay in 1872 whan vranoa waa paying bar indaunlty to oaruudy it waa atipulatfd that a oartala amount fchould ba paid la kngluh mvahlgua hthbga to my t engluh aovaralgba aa eau ba ptovwl bayoad all doubt ara baginulaff tobitar through kagudt banka today knowing that tlta bona lit which thay vara atorad hava b unopanad all thai yaam aad kept uo doubt aa a war tfcaat tha faob that thay at tha original aovwalicaa i au itiforaad on high banking aathority la bayond all oonurovaray i not this vathair algdlnoint f children cry yob hetchett4 c wtcohua a utabaa tha yay to baootua a laadar la not tha study of tha art ol parauaaloh kavair ulad about trying to ouuc your ualgbbor to do aouathlng be ta dlajuelioad to uodar- taka davaloii youraalt uartt to hava oolalotuiof yourowu if a bum la atrong and tuoldad ha beoomaa a laadar without bylog othan turn to hltn laatlaeuvaly omwboattattputoaoflulmlaadarahlp la any othar way than by aalfdavalopiaaat u ukaly to dagauarata into a nura wlrapullar dao kultw mom kxririimck johnau aald hui fatkar im prlaad to baajr that you hava darad oi dla tmta with your uotbar but aha waa wraug pi replied john- tile that baa noudng to da with il aald thafalur you might juat an wall ptonb by wy avpatuooa and laara onoa for all that whan a woman aaya a thlntf la to it u ao wbtthaa it a ao or not a musical match im fmul of imulo aald whuliington llaitoook but im not plumb oraay ovor it hi hart wulbua inutd to ita tlta man were gmlltnriiik nltoui tlfo tilola of tho ooiliiiy store itaya it writar fu ilia clilodgo mawa tboiimmkor tlltotl hla olmlr luiok agalnat tbo talt lnrral und continued ilart bo uulil wna wry fond of muaio but never could learn to puiy ho didnt know onouuli to umud a tin wuldtoilar with a buokamllhi ruip at a iblvaraa but be had a right amart ulmlra- hon for any ono who could had itstan to ut by tlto hour whan i wan praotialng on tlta flddla with teara atandlng in bia ayaa he got licked oonatatitly when ita waa a younk un for follering tlto itaml hed go to tha moating even to baar the tnualo ha waa alwaya trading jaws harp and mouth organa but ha oouldn t do anything with era it uwl to make old man walklaa bopp ing mad and be allowed llert navard ba woiui bla aalt ha waa mistaken though bart waa a good boy to work when there wvt any muio round when tlta old man died and hart got tlie puoe he ralaed blgoor crop than any one in tha town hip the glrla all made a at at mm but be didnt pay any particular attention to litem all bla apare time be spent llnten- lnotoomooho play tlto flddla or trying to do bomething lilmsolf in tho una of muilobut be novor did one night ito went to the lyoouiu at the uhoolliouae ami tltara waa a girl there that wan visiting low meakina folk bltad taken toutoiuton tlto piano and lawd luul hla piano imulilod to uta bohoolhousa ao alia could play i altall never forgat how hert whiatled and atawpad when alia pounded out silvery wane i aaw aha waa a girl but aha waant a apring chicken and aba waa built ilka a fenoa rail perhapa her faoa wouldnt hava aeamed to homely if tharad been any homelier ones round but thara waant but bert didnt care anytltlng about that ha jest tried to atamp a liola in the floor till ehe noma agin and gave tit uaidena prayer titan lta ralaed the roof till he got the beautiful blue danube the neat morning lie want over to lewa um wore hla beat oletlia and tlta girl played silvery wavea to him a few nlghta after that he aald to ma you can talk about your horna and flddlea and guitar but to my mkd the piano beate lhani all two montlta after that lta married tha girl and moat any time of night or day you went by the houaa you could baar silvery waves or blue danube ualdana prayer i ealoulata bert waa aatlafiad tha only thing that ever made ma doubt it on time about a year after 1 aaw him at a country fair watching a fellow that had one ol thetu things you bitch outer a piano and it plays for you brta eyas jt ituck out of hla head when the fallow ahowod him how it worked and ut hli rua it himself any puoe that you want aaya tha fallow heres tlta ualdana prayer i trythit- not raueh says bart kor yt silvory wavea nor tha blue iunubla anything but them and when wd puyd iomathlng ls the fallow had handed him ha let out a long breath and looked ovr at ul walkua who waa atandlng by tha pukl booth and aeamad lika part of tha auhlblt 11 oaly to utlak v ba tays kind of to hlmwr mf only id hava waited i if only id have waited t usb learhed aluoht ilke hiatiy another kaw kiiflad houaa- wife ura lnxn waafmiliurettouuhltb tha odfajltloitwi oitatwo three kour oako tl7o nrltlimellottlly jtrogfwmiivo recipe for which oallu foroneoupof biilter two of miuw utroo of hour and four ptfii her dnuuhur iraoo who marrltul aovaral yaumagohud went to han vraualaoo to live iiin recently come hack with her children rot u vuil when the tlnleat of her gnindtiona ooo duv iteggixl for one- twotbroettive cake for flipper mr ireene laughed the dellgbtwl laugh of the grand mo liter llleaa the itoy t kite cried junt liaar iiur to count i billy odii nounl motbor aald orrtco but units what we rail that oako now over hiiido my cltlneut nook impart to limbo it the oblhlreii tire very fond of tide particular cake no aoon altar ieea arrival i iindertonk to teach him to make it i bad learned by that time that it is uudea to tll him mw to do anything i hut i hail only to make u duldteforo itlm and then lie ooutd make it nxnotly an well an i so f mew u rd out tho butter uugnr id flour and began to break the egg i broke thrte one by one end turned them into the bowl for heating r but ua the f ourtli aeeuied tlto leaab bit doubtful i upted to tha door and throw ic into the wil and oomlitg itaok to lite table i itroke anotlter egg wbloh proved to lta good hltortly afterward i happened to ite in uta klichen when fe was making this cake he broke three egga into tlta hwl aa i luul done and then atepped to the door and threw out the next egg which waa perfectly rood when 1 troleated ita aald i makee cako aamee ulkaaa and when i looked into hla evpraulonleu eye iomehow i knew there waa no uae in combating lite oenturlea of the chiiteit empire i gae up and just changed tlta name of uta cake it was eaaler utan to make lea over 1 uuaeutarniteumeuam subdued when one in a auftorer from muecular rlteutna tlim he cannot do better utan to hava uie taglon rubltad wlut ir tliontaa kcleclrlo oil tttere la nq oil utat ao speedily shows its affect in aubdulng pain let tha rub bing be brlak and continue unui eoao u aecured there la more virtue in a bottle of it uum can be fully estimated fcljlilillii nmnin nrniiimiinmttt blpffwlrf fmirolcodiucalioiilwj lumiitkuinitjcoiilalnintiki onliint mofithuu twrhinml notnaucotic hat i hit llftft owupww- wortrtaxoovulalenajrwiuh neaa andjlobflofslxfip castoria for infanta and children mothers know that genuine castoria always bears the sign of in use for over thirty years exact copy of wrapoar mm whuvauh v 1 they re fine for kiddiej uccaulonally uie breaking of an engage- inentonablea itout tartles to live happily over after tfaith may be all rlybt in il plaea hut it doesnt enable a man to deliver uta goodi on aolied uie time a woman never feel absolutely aura utat her huahand lias loose hauts until become home tlfllil of middle age mrtjdoictloteli of aw dt tieinsf symptom durintf chanc of lif cuul how she found ftuf uu llit woita bha waa a small and vivacious pwraou of ud and had beau allowed to tit up for tha lata dinner only oa ooudiuou that fch would not speak aitoapt whan ooa of tha guests spoka to her tha preparauonm for uta faat liad bwj carried on during iter abwuioo at beltool whaa aha entcrod tha dining room on up- toa with eiiolteuaat her geia lighted o eomaeaadlad fruit ordered from uta city and arrangad li uta beat chiua dlkh in ui oanurof uta labia- liar ayea fairly bulged but remembering bar promlaay alta asked ud quasuoua until utadiuuer waa wall underway she bad baan wriggling in her chair for aotoa moments and at tut ooutd bear uo mora mother alia cried poloung toward a pahlouhuly alluring pear if youll juat tall ma where you got it ill never speak another word aa long aa i live i why auffar from oortti when they can ba ualnlaaaly rooted out by using uollowayx cora cut was so weak wouu have to stay in bed belleville nova 8cotiacanthrm year ago i waa suffering badly with what tha djoetora called changs of ufa i waa so bad that i had to feuy id bad soma fruoda told ma to takelydl k iuahwa v ubla compound and it haloed ma front tha hral it la ih only rnadleltia 1 took that did balp maaad i raoommsod il you dont know bow thankful and grateful 1 am i glvt you parraualod to publufa what your pood mdiin has dona forma un uiuoh doucarrrat baluvllia yarmouth co no a beou sucb warning lymplonij aa mu of nrrocatlorjhot rlaihshaadatbaabafk- aehadrad of impending vll timidity aounda lit tha aairs palpitauod of tha heart iparki bafora tha y lrrjpi- laritua coruunatiofl variahlaapputa wekneej and inulatuda and illnbiiej ara promptly hadj by inuuigmtt wo man who axe approaching tta period ba ufa whari womans grat cbanga buy ba axpactad lydla k pinkbami vaarauku com pound btvbjorataa and suwigthba tha f vtuaja ortanum and bnllda up tha weak ened uarvoua sy it baj carrud many womn aafly through thta eriala if yaai want uadel sdvloa writa t ryala ajplukkamhiaaa ga avatllal tyau mum tar ulur will ba aeef d anal hawerji fcy w aad staid lis siriat wjiiastca latxtuir w atemhbh ireuluasaj eeamloalw klva ealutt ht olaartabaa au unuriuv tu w 4 u o taaiokg co yoaomto chamberlains v itablets the moitr word an irish drill sergeant wtui lustruetlng aotno recruits in tlie myateriaa ol inarching movomenui and found great diffloulty aaya a writer in tlta new vork world in get ting a countryman of bla to bait when the omamand waagiten after explaining and illustrating several times ho approached uta recruit alral itlm up silently for a couple of mlnuton then demanded bla name fltigerald aor waa uta reply did you ever drive a donkey vita yea aor what did you uy when you wished hlta to stopt whoa the sergeant turned away and i inroad l ately put hla squad in motion after they had advanced a doun yards or so lis bawl ed out at uie top of his lungs squid halt i whoa titxgdrald i anotmkq httasom aunt moll no in the heatloved woman in ttsymuuth for her charity is alike of hand and heart llk many oilier oxoel- lent persona aunt kiuelino la not achurch- moinltcr hut alto a regulur attendant at the vlltngo church which iu no noar her cottage na to too in under tho name roof- when at uto clou of n recent utrmon tho min inter requested ull utouo proent who luul never united with the church to retire at urn and of norvloo ovoryliody was surprised to boo aunt kmollno rise and start down tlto auio aunt emeline the minister called softly utat does not apply to you 1 that isnt why im going aunt kmellne responded serenely i smell my dinner burning up nearly all chlldran aw subject to woruu and many ere horn with utam rparauiam suffering by using uouter flravea worm ei terminator tlta but remedy of uta kind utat can be lud uany a man has ut a good job gt afray from blm because ba harbor tlta dalusloo utat no other man waa smart enough to fill bis plaoa ttta avaraga wife thinks site la iter husbands guiding sur but mottltushanda rafua to ba guided wa cannot blame a man who uoda a dogs ufa if ha growls 8vupiuiy is mora oftao mlspbuwl than loat bo it wow bay your kladword uov do today tha litua thoughtful act utat ao lotux haa btoo in uta background ol your inuatlooa postpone your worrying uu umorrow put off till soma othr day all faululndiug aod bluer spesoti leave for soma fatura hour tha complaining which launalnea tv avil it deplorea and wearies ua ears oi your frukls ivatpona all utaaa utluga but do tha kind act and say tha cheerful word itere and now castoria vto lota uj chluiwi la uea par over so ifteatw yhustwoiithv matmwfc hurt iu nw mm curtd hw i vou will ba careful or it t the la a check lualde aald roberts mouter as alta handed tlta letter aha had just sealed to her hod ill taka it right to uta pott ofhoa and wall it before i do tlta other arraude uta boy responded and went hla way as tha door dosed behind blm aunt mary on u vlalt from a distant bute shook bar bead htf j daj 234 john ht gouuj i dubiously i wouunt trust the bast boy uothar smiled aeienely lvrltapa you would if you had already trustad him many smihit btk j t umaa uml fouml him trustwohhy ovary tl mlibuma heart and nfrvepiu fciniiu time aha aald ad x am at curad woman todav and na t jh 7 t j i thla reply tails uu secret of how to win auoli high praise 1 could uot cyan awmp tha floor rior could xalmp at l night i waa to awfully tick ttfafr ffiad to aty n bed y l ohildroii ory rob rletchers castoria foiumo om we are avrmor forgaulng utat our mayouoarui la brief and wa waste tlta libit iu frettlbg imnung for all kinds of grief making moan about tbo wojther magnifying evry 111 as uo loll along to gvlher to uta boaeysrd on the itlll all our llttlo griefs ami wonrloa will forftako ua in n day i ovary dark unllction hurries anhlouato lta on its way but wo lawo it and touter aiary trouua wa can nail we toll along together to tlta boneyard in uta at life should its a cheerful nnibu but wa make it ooa of woes and wo houl about uta bramble ull wa overlook uiaroa we ignora uta fcoentod itoatltar looking forutauilstla clump aa ws toil along to gmber to uto bonoyard by tits dump theroa so much to tuako us joyous theraa bo much utats good ami bright i tltere ao llttlo to annoy ua if our hearts are only rifht i why bawl forui from lungs of leather protests fleroa when all is welt as wa toll along togeuter to tha boneyard in uta dell t rtrong as any one could be today andau i doctored for over two year but tot no help until x used your pills u uilhuma heart and nrve pills ar wc per box 3 boxc for tloo at nil dealers or mailed direct on receipt ol pffca by tbti t mil bum co umiud toronto oot there are two shies to every story tha victory you win spells defeat for uta other chap had otutof our suffragatte bean in mouier eves plaoa what a foci bhcwould iwve made of that wake i constipation can cured tfcaw it nmhlrlg t atttnal hilleiris liu liver nil few thb ptljiewt mm a cumming manchtiler out writes x have been troubled with constipation toe over five year and feel it my duty to let jou known that your milburu lavaliver phla have cured me i only used three vials and i can faithfully say tliat they have saved ua from a urga doctor bill x ii burns ijiiallver pills regulate the flow of bile to act properly on the bowels and thus keep tlieni regular irreulai llowen ura tho main cqum of count pnt ion tho price of mlllmnin tikauver imlls is iftc per vml nr 5 vials for tlflo at nil dealt rn or innlltid direct on receipt of prlc by tliu t milburu co limited toronto out ohildren ory ror fletchers ca pills that have ilaneflted tltousanda known far and near aa a sura remedy in the treatment of indigestion and all de rangements of tlto stomach liver and kid neys parmeleea vegetable pllle itava brought relief to thouaandu when other apeclflos have failed innnmerabla teu- mouiala can it produoed to establish uta truth of the osaaruoo once tried tltay will be found superior to all altar pills in uta treatment of tlta ailments for which utay are proscribed had cholera infantum i6ir uu ms wis li a vry mothers cannot watch their children too closely for signs of cholera lufaiitum as thu dleoe comes off tbouunde ol infauts during the ltot cummer mouths mrs geo w garlimt prober brook kd wrlue lost summer my hoy joe then a year old was taken sick with cholera infantum he was to had tha wait nutter from the t towel looked as if it bad come from a broken boil i sent word to uie doctor who was at a neighbors about a inllc distant and ba said my boy was in a very daugerou condition lie sent mc some tabltn whkb made tha child vomit and when he learned that they caused votiltlng be sent me mora tablets to stop it in the ineautlma x hod been rlviux dr bowlers lutract of wild btrawlxrry wbkh i continued using and when the bottle was all utd my iwhy wot cured i tboutb it only fair to let you know about ft dr fowlers kiitraxt of wild straw berry has been on uie market for the pait 10 years and li known from one end of canada to tho other as a positive cure far all bowel complaints wbea you ask for dr 1owlerv be uru you jet what you ask for a uicre are many rauk imitations on the market the genuine is manufactured by the t ullburu co limited toronto out price 35 cents cancel thb unkihd w0 ubs borne ol uie older boys and girls have douhtlaea studied cancellation lu achool dut utera is another bind of canoallatlou that can bo used by boys and girts of all ages vor example two boys were speak ing of anouter boy he is so slow n games said ana yea replied tha other butbealwaya plays fair he la ao stupid in school said uta first itoy hut lta alwaya studies bard answered tlto second thus you boo every unkind word spok en by tlta first boy wua canceled by a kind word from tlto second huppom utat uie next uma we itear an uuklnd word wo try to cancel it by putting a kind one in its place applea of flold lly addition of magnet und an oxide an extremely ehullo rhus haa been brought out in kvanoa tha oerman vlllago of itemborn haa a linden tree which is said to bo mora utan xfitto years old it la easier to induce u man to aroept a favor than to take a joke why is ones favorite barber alwaya busy wlten one la in a hurry devotion la tho last lovo of women saint kvremond women like brave men exceedingly hut audacious men tuu mora i acton fall fai 1915 wednes thursday septj open to the world large revised prize lis splendid list op specials the acton citizens trials ol speed on the track single fares on tlie rnilwaj grand concert second stnrj to sec rein ry for prize list geo havill president qeo hi special prizes hor3e3 no i rest team of horses in class 4 by frank saycrs lumber to the value of jc 3 best iilklistcniilnjrdlorso in liarnecs 1st john mcgibbon cash jjoo jmi ajiimclean cash 200 el j most slyllili uonli in liamcu cash fjoo by jfolm irvlnfl j i 4 nt lady driver by a mccann cash 3 1 5 heat exprew or delivery horse 1st by geo kdwardt coods to i tha value of 5 00 and by boclcty caih 300 yl 6 beit slnisle turnout 1st cash jjoo and cash 3 00 by duncan campbell 7 deit single driver owned by farmer within five miles of acton to lie driven by cither owners wife or daughter fold broocli by geo ilynds secretarytreasurer value a best groomed horse on grounds by geo edwards whip value 9- novelty wnce to harness and bitch to rig trot horse once around tho track unhitch saddle and go as you please nncc around the i rack 1 ut caili j 00 and cash joo by it gregory 10 beit pony and outfit by j ii mckcmlc caili 11 beit snrinu col to got by brookficld laddie ut 500 and joo jrd 300 off service of hortc for 1916 by jas husband cattle u beit grade cow and calf ut cash 5 00 by henderson t co 3ndcaih3 0oby jos holmes b oo duttett 13 beit 10 lb lal or crock butter donor to receive same by mr campbell toronto i box comfort soap 100 bars value 14- best 10 lbs butter crock donor to receive tame j by j c hill cash ij best 6 lbs butter donor to get same by kcnney bros pair of ladys boots value 16 beit 10 lb crock butter donor to got same by tho simpson co guclnh caoli 17 beit 10 lbs duller 1 lb prints donor to get butter by groceries limited toronto cash ib beit 10 lbs hotter in blocks by maker who lias not won an eaton prlio at any fair since iqi3 choice of the following 1 a barrel churn cat ii j no 13788 b cabinet silver plat ed tableware cat 1 14 no 13064qj c tea set not cata- logucd value jo 50 by the t eaton co toronto 19- beit 10 lb crock butter donor to get same by dr h a core cash 20 hest 5 ibxnxk butter donor to net same by b f caldwell goods value 31 beit 5 lbs rolls butter donor to cet same by johnstone co goods value 33 beit s lbs butter i lb rolls donor to yet butter by john living stone caili 33 best j onepound rolls butter donor to receive butter by n p mclam cali 34 beit 3 lbs butter wrapped lo comply with law by the acton free preu 00 butter wrappers printed to order of winner donor to receive butter miscellaneous largest and best collection vegetables by the toronto dally news one years subscription to the txilly news value beit 3 lojvct bread ami dozen bunt donor to cct aame by robt noble co ltd ut 08 lbs norval l lour value j 40 and 4b lbs norval dour value 175 3rd 34 lbs norval hour value 90c beit 5 ilia honey donor to ku same by dr j m bell cash beit pair live hens honor to cct same by morris saxe cash ueit pair dreued chickens donor to cct tame by harold wiles cash beit uie potatoco donor to act same by dr i m bell cash it baa iotatocb donor to eel aame by d a henderson lumberman i cquarc 3xxx b c shingles value voutocs donor to net same by titos morton beit uj potatoes donor lo ret same by nelson garden cash colkction pjjrcom by w landdtorouitti 3j- 34- 3j- s 37- 3s 39- 40- 41- 41 43 44- 4s 46 47 48- beit hap iotatocb donor to get aame snuan i square 3xxxb c shingle beit baa voutocs donor to get same by titos morton cash beit uj potatoes donor lo ret same by nelson gai best colkction piccom by w landiboroucrti cash bet collection of plants not leu than 6 varieties by womens institute ut cash l 00 3rut cash 7 beit apple pic by womens institute ut iaih 100 and cish 7sc beit layer cake by womens itutltutc ut cash eloo and catli 7sf- beit cut work on white linen open to members of institute only by womens institute acton lit cadi iioo 3iul cult 75c bett 5 lb honey in comb donor to set honey by c deverell acton cadi best barrel spy apples samples ihown apples delivered later by torrance beanlmorc caui beit barrel spy apples taniphs shown apples delivered later kliuit yv beit barrel spy apples samples tliown apple delivered later by c c henderson cash by a j mackinnon caut la jiyt bet llaa snow apples donor to tet same by d m henderson caili beit barrel klntf of tompkins apples 1 peck to he exhibited barrel to lie delivered ut november by h p moore caili beit barrel spy apples samples shown apples delivered later shown apples delivered later best barrel spy apples samplci by a t llrown cali beit uarn1 spy apples delivered later lo donor i silver water pitcher by jas smon value beit pair drcued ducks donor to rccclvo same by d c russell beit loaf homemade bread baked in happy thought honflf donor tn cct bread lit loo lb white lour can value aiooj and white bread box value si 30 by geo havlll bee collection of six amatucr photographs any slia or subhjet by e j hassarxl 1st catli 3 00 3nd cash s300 beit mounted skeleton of n piali open to tl e students of acton lllalt scliool by wh stewart ut nih 75ci andcaih 50c best ojara raspberry or strawberry jan by t h euerbrook ct toronto s lbs rc roto tea value beit ustanl pie by t ii estcrbrook ht co torootoi ut 3 lbs red rose tea value 9150 3iul 3 lbs red hoe tea value i 00 best 3 imperial quart jare fruit donor to get same cherries ttaipberrlesstrawberricsone of each byjohn charlea61bs black tea value laraeatand best collection ladies fancy work by the robt simpson co toronto ono piiw carvltia set vdluo rett pock onions donor to receive acton vrce preu l year beit pair mens woollen milts donor to net mitts r john 11 smlllucasli best 3 pairs mens socks homemade fine to lie handed over to the red cross society for the soldiers by john r kennedy four boxes toilet soap value beit eight pounds honey donor to get honey by nelson co vulue beit pair dreued ducks donor to ret ducks by joe gibbons cash beit dressed goose by acton free press 1000 nutter wrapper printed toordcrofwlnnor donor torcceive goose lleali and heaviest 5 dot fresh ebkb by nelson co one dox tins clover leaf salmon donor to receive egs value best and vastest silicic rood horse by s ii mcgibbon georgetown caui 1st 3 00 3iul 300 best dressed goose donor to receive iamcby asachtgeorge- town cash best 3 bags potatoes donor to receive same by a sachs georgetown cash bett pair dressed ducks donor to receive aame by w ii fos ter georgetown cash best lady driver by t ii rum ford georgetown flood to the value of 5 00 1 ut j 00 and i 00 best 30 lb butter lit prima donor to receive butter by w j patterson georgetown cash 5 00 4 00 4 00 5 00 5 00 6 so 5 00 4 00 4 00 3 00 3 00 i so 6 os 3 00 3 00 l 50 3 oo 1 00 i 75 i 75 i 75 i 75 i 7 3 00 5 00 5 oo s w 3 on s or s or 5 on 7 ot 01 3 2 5u i 31 3 so 2 o so 1 buy madeincanada goj x sfs

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