Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 23, 1915, p. 2

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kjimiitovai mount feonwt n day 10th august to mr nndhr i4vflljtoilti sou wednesday hnpulrtlwr i lit by t w uarwr w cimu ingham kiln to mary nldost luituhtei of 1 a itovon- hi 1 1 11 toronto herns llmattlm homo of tha brides iwwntu hevonlh hi root port huron 4 loll on wedubsdny hptmw imnd hilton 11 uiiulii mni of mr ami mr lyman h ilitliu hu cuir mick to myrtlo m dauuhler of mr and mm lowis i in 1 1 wauuknmail at waltner rood lup tltt clm roll toronto on wednesday iuplember mil idio by rev john maonell uuud liy rev dr norton kmesb awlnv wirrtn ion of mr antl mm it 1 warren ui hslton lload and mary kdna daughter of tlt ut robert v hufl and mr uabe olfl huron bked roauii in kuquoulnif on thursday kept dili idlbdaun asliford beloved wife of tits uto ldwht hoard aged h7 yum mmuviliu jeorgelown on kept htli 1010 tltomas mltousli aged ml years funaral thurnday itatfl p m wijuw on vriijay hvpumur 17tli at hi ule ratliutto im cork sttot guelpb iv 1 v h wilson wimvik in orongevilu on thursday bspt oth vratte wiioowidow of the ut j ii wllco of toroato and young daughter of th lots john walker raid cuirnaths home lot 3 con i frln tmar crewsott cardero oct thursday ibui rupuatlxu- kligahetll oolsmah widow of the uu john henry oilppa in bar 7ttut yr ffibc ctfifit 3ftt s3 thurhia bepyeuueroj ioib ed1tobulwotes clbukst elluyilhhow ft leutuucy toflv th united outw a nw pojllon stuodg the grat mousy burksta of th null it la said ly grtst financiers that tii tis a fie opportunity of developing into in in urnational money market which will out last ui war and puu her in it new roll among th world a 11 aw for couosrltd action in market ing qtnadaa grieullurj podu6t to tin lwl advantage u it aim of it subcommit u of th duiiium cuoal caiiaja kaji hj a iiuimjui ljrvt but btitt oouuuua hav auo uuarwl boubtlfill crojm u1 willi tin almukral ooodiuona uumj by ui wkr th uld ajul diatrllnuad of tba pro j uo ibaiim a ootdpiioatml rxoblatn tub ibiau of uv uuottlad cf tain uita fall ia ihuufwi buu4 oamplutat u by lha fafit tut uellj hut but aw u4aj in cajrylnjjf am to uttluj bulm bul plant tb aatlr hliipiftadt of lroi ort frotn lab 8uw for u yar will it u totiuauj b not ua tlan i50ooo00 toda cajiajiah fcuaidtjilpllft bowvr uihi that thay bav safflout bottoua to baadu ail th qaio uovtant frou vt wlluaw and pt arthur to uoauab actoms patmmic pump portuer at6b buldattti now in the united statu still contributing the rtind wo s7l4so ddrino tbfl wak tt following addition- al contribution bava btu raoalvatl tor abiaam oaatributioa to tba canadian fauiotla void pmulutly aoknowudicad m7a8jj jamas urown los abmial ual 2000 ckpt john bhaw uunatlli 1000 uva jauas lurouy ualltwill 500 s71ibs capt kaw writas aa followa i uolloa iii bfittf uu 101 a ii 1 uooh j v baa patriot vuul acton odtarlo dear vriand i isoolowd you will find poaul ojr for sid uy auur uia darelay filvaa to awl i eoatributad 10 w tali gfab lutahat in raadlsk tba latura of tit boy who bav oa to tba war from haltoo county aa tkay appear frou ubm in th vkb lvkda wa ih truly proud of our eouatrytom i am awployad tblayaar by tba molina too co and war boay at praaiat gat- unst out a urga onur for drllla fordrlllinfr abrapoalaballa- oaamauufaatorygauflfty aad w bav auo tuada an ordaito go to vh vranoa wuitlng you tuooam in gatung up a good fund i aw tary alooaraly jiiiinbiiau obituary una joiih ii out phi of crawaoaa coroar who had baaii in poorbaalthforaoonaldarabuuiua paaud away tiafc thunday 1mb inal hha wu bora in irauad about i mo and earn with bar paratttit mr and mr jobs colatuao to dubdaa la infanoy lfr bar fatbar followatl bu trad m aboaualiar for a faw lean aftarwardu taking up and during a firm on tb itroek huul uaar btrabaa bh was niarrlad tbrd id euputabar 1 h70 to mr john h orlppa of crawaoaa ooroarit and bar bow baa ba oontlnu oufcly oa ibalr lltu farm avw alooa liar httaband dlad but wlntar bb wa on of family of alu ton nd two tuugbtot of wbou bauual oolaman of iloekwood la th but roijalag tba ut joupb ooletaast of aotou wai bar aidant brotbw bbswaa with b- buaband tnaubar of th dlaolpi cburoh at uvartou tba fa nrl wa bald to utat puee on saturday tba barra being uwurc joel laall wlllau uurtu jw moor luster mauoo it if wauabrougb and william vovall 0m the m o honor tb publuber of tu vkully harau and weekly star mootraal air aaklug etroag bid for that uauufdl piotur fall of p0 ndtud or tba vuxd of honor it l ajumd tba publubera of th family hareld bv in wind ulna it an a prteeat- uoa put if that la w thr la geat treat la fetor tat raadar of tb vauuy htld end waaklybtaruilautonih in rifljih tba vawlly uateld of montreal veaaaoawinkiiry 0a 1mm ut y ir t 2jiu hea a uut2l lartekab o u iruia 1iszzzi pttbluhem wlu mw6m m raul ttv th vtau ol honor u aunaung k auettuow iw knirooe bv motor through the fruit belt story or a llolidny outing in tho niagara olntrlat inst week told by ona of tho party good roads aid in faumers moh jlvoit u noiiuonklftitiillyjmiity wmiiwiiio motor lur u fou tlnyn of lolnura mi iiioai kocknii of oountry to vlult tlio wlnilo upicotl with tho iiiimi dttalralila autui woallior hud oitn ban u roim fare imllday outing wliloli it lu dlllloult to hurpami thin mora oulllno will gva muim ainall idn of tm onjoymant wliloli aeoruod to tba kditorand ida fmlly in n thrmday trip tiirouuh tlio nluyitra itetiiimula aiul around tlio kulu laat wool ttia iarty of ave atartod from acton early on wedneeday jut a llttla dulilouu aftorilto minntuni floodi of tlio prooaoilliig faw ilaw of roada and wwitlier route clioaflii for tlio imko of varuty wan down tlio iiiauntuln ovr ilia now county roud to milton which with tba ttxoeplion of a inlla or m under oonidruetloti wu found to lia in exeollftnt ooiuliuun from thfliico aoroaa to tho oualpli road below cam pltoll villa and tlion htraiultt wutli till nelou and with a ullght detour tha lake bltoro wan reooliwl at milton calla were ituul on ona or two friomla and oiom with tliflloully poor old milton naturally tha town is proud of lu two or hi ma lilocki of ooncrel pav lug on main itrat but ut any unolorut walgh ui outlook wall before attaaitirig to tfeqfotut ooina of tti uhw lrvlloj ktdefctru after a rainfall pouluy tle wont tiutidnwl yarda aneounured on tle wltoutwohuimlieil and tlfty uiu outing wmiaat with ona block off main trt durlingun at tlie loh of the county with lie tiuiinoa strwt running within twenty ft of tlte uke khore looked very inviting on n lot day with iu in rf dmvna brnulid wltii the unt of the hminir itloati here e call wan toad oo ijiium harria who ie vtry happy ovr uia rciit tnbtalutian of a new cot t mil prwo vroiu hurliitatou a apundul rootl uda ocroa tlio swing bridge at tlie canal and on for four or flvo iniue through lfauiiltona oolouy of iiubiitier booua on tit luoch to one who lioa not teii tlila diotrirt for yeara tltfl number aud ctuxaatsr of ue reauunoutf la a reveutloo lb wrlur rihiolm tlk idoc frool lupitwiaill of twuty yoarn ago whan the traliw to ifau ilton all wvut aoroa lit luich arul en looted to find 1l on it woa th a btrip of uud wltli an oocaalonal ueatberwoni couajie handing forlorn and unpaiatvd along tin loko ohor leavinjr ut ileach aectiaa ona geu in a fw lullaa gradual linpraiot utat tlte fruit ball la at hand lwch treu in cluupa begin to wake their appearaooe and tier and there a farmer i itch garden carrleo a row of rape vine the lupreuion la vorinad when tlie ear u turned on the main itaulltoo niagara folia road at h looey crek and nuveu a wagon pluil high witli empty bukeu btotiey croak with its manutaent to laiure beoard and tbeberoeeof lhi3bringe back vividly onoa geograpliy uteoaa of the happenlnga of a oontury ago in tliu to- richly hi tor lo district what with frequent trolleys loaded and empty fruit wagons and an abundance of uotord of every aloe and deurlption traalo on uila biahway la heavy kvary fanner has car o the viaitor e told and this can readily be appreciated wltea a motor of umoi doocrlpuon u aosa eltlier poking it noee out of a ham door or being oteered by a buxom daughur down the farm una ilere beeld tlie looal tiaala on aeea frequent big caw bearing american as well as ontario uobba putea the majority of tlteee being bandied by be- gogglej oliauffeuni and driven at any thing from thirty to fifty mlua per hour leaving btoney creek ilia road grows evea more inviting to th lover of fruit grain holds are left entirely behind and on heee aorea of peach orchard and luaolouily laden vineyard with here and there a field of tomatoeo there may i apple tries through this eeotlou but if so they have to b looked for in moeb caaa th fruitgrower aeeme to beep on or two tree of winter varietlea around bock of the bouoe whar tbey provide tlie weloome abade not afforded by ui amaller tree it bad been puntud to reach bt catli arinea by a aomewhat ulaurely trip on th flret day urlmaby wo peoaed however juat before luncheon and eeeing tlut the party waa aomewhat inadvaneeof aebeduu a detour was made to grimsby prk where on of tlie hoteu fortunately wtlll remained open anil aided in tiie aupdylng of an ap preciated luncheon her a few belated bummer reaidenu and uuaioms people were found perspiring in the noonday heatt if itluulbeen like this a month ago told on of ui latter we might bavo lied oottie builneee tliu eummer itwaaliot on wednesday od no tula take though an open wind shield and tha breota stirred up by tra el at twonty mile per hour afforded home measure of relief one could fairly breathe id tha odor of the ripening poaoliee and grapes along tlio roadside and occasionally ax one of tit frequent canneries of th district was paued a pungent whiff reualoiicent of home cauuptuak log was enjoyed beams villa vineuod and jordan were passed in quick succession sad after climbing two or three rattier long hill th first of any con sequence since leaving nalton county tba chimneys of hu catharine were seen and few minutes run the road passing in over tba oread truub tracks down th hill over tba canal and up into bt paul street brought tl end of what luul leeii planned as tha first days trip blnoe it was only four oclock fiowever since oven th little tot of tha party gava n ovldeitoa of weariueu snd the lur of th road iwlntf strong it was decided to vlult hfarrlttim uitd tliorold coming lutak tnhu klttu ror diiinnr ami tha tiluld tlieu tun vllldgo with thnlrvtirynvideutimpbr umklng induulry are of strong inuircbt to tho iiawsmwrinaii tltorold on tba top nrtho mountain ahd otie of tho centres nf uctlvily in connection wlui tlie new onnal la n brljjlit bustling mntre lvogroulva tlioram uieioal slogan imm to npidy rather more logically than u usually tlia oam with such pltnueu nhoaeii by over optjrnutla itm eiuta men here k cl was madaon alitor tltompaon of tit post wliaaa paper and whoa personal nllueno ttava had a good deal to do with procuring soma of tha farllltieu which make ilia town what it 0 just across from tlie 1tmt ofllce is a spundld new public ijumry a duplicate of whlofi would aild a rood deal to seme convenient site in acton in bt catharines one sees evidences of patriotism every wltera if uio ltoyti of the oily und dlatrlot era not doing their duty nnd judging from tba local enlistment thsy aromt i not the futlt of tlm city fathers home genius ooneelved tlte idea of steiiollllng wakening up plirases on theooncrete pavament at tlie street inter sections aiul wlierever ana goes he sera surlng him in th face such ehalleniug sutamenu as fight or knit bocks your clrl prlatuls climn has j one what about vou v even th city ball clock hoars lite stirring lnicrii4ioi tim to enlist one ses too buholtee of rl ooku as well ss ktublcud stalwarts every where and whan told that these are port of tit caiui guard iteglits to appreciate some of tit pttas of war the tarly riaured at tin wei land and spent a ulght very tastully at litis famous old hollry in themorolngaruii was mode tlirougli lite choicest streets of the town ami tlte maibat visltel where naturally an abundanoe of fruit i in evuiaooe pbacltee and eroam should be no luxury to tha fit kilts ruut a laktt of poacliei blgnr than one se onllnarily ih snj of tha marksu ouutde this district was purcliil for twenty cnts biwi a sntall basket of thre vnrulu of luaciousgtapoaooattwvlvaoauta ap4e were to be owi titough not by any means in abundanoe tit catltarinw was uft uhiml in the middle of thursday morning on the way out tit canal la crcaad aiul a mlu or two fuitbor tits rood buke a suildeo tulour to crow tlte huge new canal now in prooav of construction awl which is said to rival in biaiiy rvapeeu tit much talked of and wiltun about ditch atlatishw ttworb from part waller to bt calhailnee has gone on wltii little funs anil not much publicity so that oo la ssloundad to croe a gully which mokes ut old canal look like a will hubie and which eppoors bugs enough to aoat lit urgwoi llur at tit crowing bear bt catharine tit excava tion is being carried out in solid blue cuy and to coo tlte drvdgna taking out bugo spoonsful of a ton or more and depositing these in tlie full sire cars of which thtw trains at uaai are working in tlte same lerel gives an idea of tlte immensity of the undertaking which is to provide uraely for tlte carrying of canadas wlteat to ut seaboard in decades to come paaslng through homer end uter st davida a glltnpa is gained of tha monu ment at queenstoa then palninp th top of ut escarpment by a long pull up a uonetooenoouraglng road through two or three mites of heavily wooded defll which woutd have made splendid cover far the indians in d rocks days the twin cities of niagara valu and soon after a delightful drive ui amli of rood frontlag tha rivar book tlie foils luelf came into view thto on of tit worlds wonder at our very door has been described and vuiled so frequently as to need no reference it is worth calling atuntlon however to th beauties sad facilities of tlie pork and aurroundlngs on lb osaadun side far which thanks are surely to b tendered to the niagara valu commission a compared witli similar feature on the united bute side of the river possibly one of lb puasanleeb sections of tha trip was tba drive up along tlte river abov tba falls to chip pewa end furllier to duek creek th road runs within a few feet of tba river bank without an appreouu bill in th elgbt or or tea mites and with comparatively little traffic to b watched for only the speed limit prevenu a par cf fifty tosiatymile hare also soldiers are ubiquitous pacing ui lateraatlooal bridges and roadways guarding tba river bank and tba electric power bouses tbey look mighty ilka bus i too with bayonets always fixed and with muskeu a shoulder on fear llttla for th success ol a oerman american inva sion so long as th border u so efficiently patrolled kvery corner almost lu th park and along tli roadside shows a patch of military tenu with the gray blanket out airing a visit to the niagara district would uot be compute without a sight of the mlllury camp snd the boys at work ut niagara- on thelake so leaving the falls in return a new road was followed which tho motor league signs labelled to queenstoa following this an passe two or three of tliejiotod stock farou of tba district ami at tha head of a long bill down tba heights turns into tlie park hero tba party enjoyed for a few momenu tha woo- ilerfulvuwdowu tba liver from tba bos of the monument and then after slipping down tba worst hll ol the trip which u quit a steep and curving aa tba foot path leading to th heights struck into ilia road to tha take wbatevaralsatba ullilia hava don to tli niagara district tbey have nob improv ed the roads the passing of th trans port wagous has cut what formerly were esoelunt highways into ruts ridge and d cool summer desserts this lu tlio time of yenr when it is hard to know what to buy for a dosoert t modi lime why not imvo uometlilng cooling in the way or ico cream we will deliver any quail tity from 5 con is up our candy department always has a full lino of chocolates from on con to u oo cents a patiml in bulk and in packages from 33 ceiiluto 1 1 ooeacli don tforgetaurlctfcream parlor we maktt a tiuw dish every jaturday our new dish for neat elatur day is a mary pick fords dessert coma in and try one and also enjoy some music from ournew tire fonola harold wiles mill mttttmr thank you mania which sre not partlcu urly grauful sfur passing tha oilier hcvlunt roada of tha district however lit camp was fetched without particular dlflloulty sod a short lime spsnt in watch ing ths inanosuvsrlng the caidp and lu vsrioiia faaturus liat e beau ilascribeil rtatfelly iu tit fuss phiuh during tlie ut yaor so tliat rnpltltian is uunecttaaary tb trial nal plana conteuiplabxl tlte spending of tli second night at niagara on tli lake but here again tli party was ahawl of schaduu audit wosdeclud touke a bit at isast out of th homeward journey with a view to lightening tlie nest days mluag the camp was uft shortly four p m and alter a ruti of five or si mlus through torn iteevy sand and loam wltera ut wbeu sank almost to the hubs and where even a ronpeotbu pace was u l urly out of tlie question tlte stone road was reached at vlrgib twenty minutes mar brought bu catharines again in sight here witli an hour to spar before dark nets fell it wss decided to try to make grimsby for dinner 1 previous to this tli kditar who driving and had ben kajng si log titer unfamiliar roods hod ben careful and even cautious tlio who know him pretty vall howeter know that lie poaaaa aes utent strain of sporting hood which istisbl to uiakeitsalfevtdent at convenient seasons how he did make that car hum oiar tlie rood would have been somewhat of a reveuuon to thos who see him only when eaeroialng his magisurlsl duties the car a mclaughlin c37 which has bean somewhat eiunsively advertised in these columns during tli last few months toped along like tli proverbial sewing machine purring away as if site liked it too and uklug all tba bills one or two of which were long winding pulls on high for mile th speedometer anger bovered a if glued at well wed better not bty how many notclies above tlio twenty per hour mark or there might be considerable danger of a summeosf rom lb road constable of tit district anyway urimsbv was reocbed about a quarter hour before th tlm estimated aad in good time for dinner wa would ilk to whisper just bow long or rather bow short it took to make that twenty mile from 8l catharines were it not tliat stories of motor speeds are being placed these days in about the same category as those concerning big ash awlthe writer does uot oar to have hu veracity question ed th night was spent at orimsbya delightful village inn a real hotel which has roiunurily thrown out it bar and which offers tooomuodatlan equal to anything between toronto and niagara falls imagine finding in a town of bare ly tba popubitioo of acton and wltb less manufacturing a hotel offering rooms with baths aad seven course mails the utter wltli tba fruit preserved on our own farm rnspu syrup from our own trees etc as runs part of ui story told by tha menu card around grimsbys inn hangs rattier aninureetlagslory partofltbad been heard before but by reason of a trhlsl incident when the party wu resting on the hotel plauta after dinner the remainder and what proved a most enjoyabu result came out quite a number of years ago two lioys brothers named hewitt whose father lived on a farm about tuo mlun to tha eas of the town ilka a good many other canadian boys at that time burd the luring call of the united htatesu tbey went to chicago a time went on prospered and eventually secured tli control and assumed tba manu facture of tli miehu printing pre a machine which u as well ami universally known among printer u thelbuger u among aewlng machine to make tlie story brief tliey amassed considerable fortune bow urge probably even tit peopuof grimsby do not know though it is whispered that tbey run into several cohuxu u thg4 3 xi new fall goods every department in tlie ntoie in ilive tliin week with bright new goods the pick of tho market in their reipective linen new fall dbtss goods in all the bet shades and fabric bought early nnd bought right grand values ai the market ia today new staples including bright and attractive lines of wrapporcttcii kimona clothn flannelette ohcetingti etc mns and boys furnishings new caps new hats new neckwear new shirts new underwear new hose new suits tweeds and worsteds very attractive linea henderson co mill si acton out hi00xxxxxxckooor fire sale fire sale l commencing september 25 fair day o winfi to my stock itclng pirtlajly destroyed by piro uti sunday morning beptembor islli uml tlio halatico amount lug to i 00000 damaged by nmoko and water i um putting on solo thlu nmonn of 3 00000 worth of hals caps bulla undurwc ir waterproof coals working shirts nigllga shirts droos khlrto hweater coils overalls oddpanta itracou llaiidn gartem cuflf uiiltons tie clips collar 11 ul tons silk and wool box and many other urtklta hnaco will not permit u compleu onumcra tlon of the numerous lines wo are offering 10 clerks wanted three parcel boys wanted apply at stobe this stock includes all the new fall wear and it is only ulightly damaged buy now dont be sore at our neighbor consider ihese attractive snaps 1200 waterproof coats s1h 80ft 30ft 2000 suits of clothes 1000 suits of clothes 125 underwear all wool win ter weight for oh 75c fleece lined underwear 09 hats up to 250 or tiff sft 10ft dreas shirts negligee shirts up to 3oo2tt so to 80c ties regular 50c and 75c will go from he to isc hookon tics regular 25c for 2 tor stfc working shirts regular up to 1 00 30c sox pure wool and cashmere reg up to 75 for up to 30c odd pants at your own price dont forget the date thursday september 23rd and continues until the stock is all sold w c deverell mill st acton clothngunrjfurnishings i i m clrj i c c speight for uptodate goods silverware in tablewar ftns vawtsjty also t1n cotliey hardware tinware and oian ttevwsweln variety pandora stov and ranaaa kamoua haatara small stovaa oil stovaa every article in of excep tional value c a speight mill strut acton bk4ktt suvefl you 40 to 60 try before you buy al our expense empire tyiewmter co a alulalda st ww roilohts ont smsiwuuokhwfl l- u 100 lbs im llpurecamgl p antic1 lantic suaar iiiiiif etu lb llm wyvl eta qllty ironvfasst in 10 20 and 100 pound bags guaranteed lull weight when you buy lantic sugar tor prawning you get more than the cbokxat cans sugar ol line even granulation and brilliant aparkle vou gat it in lull walrht baga containing 10 20 or 100 pound of thin matchlem augar vou can alio gat lino or coarao granulation in tho 100 pound baga bt uoublk ymacg toronto toronto klmc lonvn toront and il 45 p- i lfllyj svohlkai ieavo toronto x and ii oo p tti dkllj icfpiipmcnt ihtjaw panama sjlojr ucducctl farosilo angelca and bn dil pull partlcuur on application to agt h s holn phona

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