Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 9, 1915, p. 3

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wallpapers ceiling papers window shade a laiioic alifohtmijnt iliioicemtcaqoruluf cilvo u3 a cull maiiiiiaoic iliounhku ueo iiynlas jewollay fc aoton 1uaxjwstate and utllluuliiu juourw lw ule ritry ji wiut foriu wrllr for mjliiilr ii you wlxli writ tur y lin- iiriiuy ror lriinimlsiu bumuimi in your tomill- hiilliinirlluii mm- poudrinv hohrllftl j hiokiiidv thrui hrlllnu siilnlll imiructowu thuimdav wilianilmml bbief locj tict jour t iico ry ac foil fulrv lewikcr hm noija hopping udcd i ho 1 tlu t corgi towns mill will soon bo i a uuinluir fi lilxtr luy altrulticiiii iiiluiili a suiain iliotal h again ut u electric road an tho tannir property tho junior jcuiiu in nrriiiiuf for n nit ut tin hfloon on hulnnhiy after hm chohui millinery oj ninjr will imliiliun u ltlnvln mil thursda lllh ami 10 tli liit- tho cuotcf the clning ul tli looms on lnt i llay uu dearly aiuunlago- actoijb j- ftchool hut now a lirgor miaixiauffluii cur before oor ililrty llnvo rcgirteicd tatiusttct hiindny hchool prtparing i ir u big mil day msri ico on tlio mill iiuu an nttoiidniico of jjo f tliy ta twin all uftorgctiunlill totonn tlio jtti inst to bonus tho ll- iminlcii ilmldn toronto lo llio uia if 1001 tint concern c a llnnl kin ol kt allwnn to ita ami v silver fruit ill owmguil l of aolon ura iirol id lw iwient at nwcinl 1uidnwm uiuotlrfr of tlio hoj crow m soholy in thiilr auuiug room alwr i ltuohn muro thi ittiurmlayvftcrnion at 11 p prof k vunuttor of tlio htato jrli nlturo at athuni ourjia fort bhurtlll farm hiiicrintcn- wllntunt dollovillt made tlio a iiionkniit call nntuouhiy will m l n auptrluiouthuit of ltd liovonxl hit cuntioct- miwiny luil ulcu mul uuot ulio iliaruu of tlu hliiiiid houaaikolk krk- your licro mul tlio mm junction lnrciotirii 10 lo uutth sltwjjj ii j car wltli auoyai- niifw- mr- wiuiiihu two h acooiiijuilul itlin llniinjitoii bunnri umilu froh dr wm 0 c kenney vchfjii now on duty in tho military i votorlnary depart m on t in i bolfftum tii fultnwliiff lotto r uoa rcoelvoj on jiojj ly mr william kcnnoy j i froililbon in hoilimi rolulum aiijf lotlt 1011 ur dnl i tuva juttrecofvwl your icttora and tlio rkijuri i inipjuuio you rojiil utiout our liljr lliow lioro on tlio ifttti it wan certainly a mlf rrtlllory immlwntiuoul i ouinmcuooil utautmuiin tlio mnrnliig und taiuul until about uliw i imvi lioan over in mi llio caimilluii i anil mot llutu lmwfonl a uhhi jiyu moalurcliys wiwfl liorac now anil two iroanib anillwily t wrt o lu i 1 very inuminji mul i moot lota of ojlo a upll from ifonit kmiji ulio wua in tlio uujittilibn uith mo nt houioj uur lilnio iilctor mill xix or wiion olliora liaduvnuiilkl my a- i v ti una jirottixl to lio rank of mujor junt lieforo wofvo nvorluo tliat mukch it muoli nicer illiorxout a iiloci ioir uij ner lit i rola bo u nil luiok from tlio ffiinu iit oocaiiinimlly a ulioll i tlioro iibm licon un out- of foot anil moutli dluiano initio urn roinoof tlio iiiumh til loniiotliurtllhtrlot jjucli to toll you i imnlly irwji nnw tliat u tlio imlnl lunuhiff nftor ntcu liorwit ftrnnitk jmt lio uih uftcotetl uhj ikcbhi r urn jiclllnjf numbo lml fnr wo x full- kind rctfariln until will aihiivlhitnli in tlilti kootlou of all ollior dlhahou put to ll tlio lust fow joarti wan icoiirnlilo for it kreat pronounood it n local iwmi local nmwlleji untl 1hc to euro with local l it inonrtilila tturrli to in a cotlhtll llhorofnra rwiiilroaooti it- i lull v tutnrrli y v t clionoy co m only conntlttit onal itlhtalioti intornally i lil hm i mid inuooun tlioy offor ono r ottjwj it uluiouro nd tout i mnn lain fcnkv co news op local import tux dlllfl lio in if sunt out collector hurvoy lu noiiillnic onl tlm lllli for llio year tlio ijrnt luhialuinnt in iiulilo on hiiturdiiy jltli hoitemlkr und lliunonnnil on hulurdny juli nnvomlier mrs snydoifl ry chub dond clmv mr will hnyiurvtulnty llttlo loiiy wliioli una micli a imoritoatliowo mill wliorovornlio wont tiufortuimtoly not int ii llio luirn ami orftotl lilmuilf with how wlionu ho tllwl on tiiowluy to tlio kreat sorrou of lila mutreta ouolph won snturdnys oamo tlio jviokiiijo conduit co of tlio imluu- trial llahctall leuuuo won kama from tlio acton club yesterday hy 1 to tlio acton mnnnomeiitftmi tlio ualji lwy n khi time tlio luutorle werot vor onulpli nuimu and hofu slid for acton kdmoiida ami white mercury a goad slrmoi us well as preacher the methodiut couurqatlon iwinitwl lawthunday tliat in llov mr avlson tlioy i linio coourod not only on piiorgctlo naoto mul on alito irauolicr lxt a ocallat of oxcciitlnuiil inu r it ilia solo at tlio niurn liikhurvlco wnu rendered with rii1i full lutritono volco und wan lilylily accepublo- hov mr wuklnibno purowoll itov ii if wilkinson m a wlo an niructlonato farewell lo tliu canortalon ol ht allianh cliurcli last bumlay otenlnff ifo roirrcltod inavlnif ua itiaiiy yaod ilenda and oniiroaiwd slnoera llmnba to u lor tlio many uiiidue64 ixutowed iur ami mra wlllinon and elillilren lute uiu wook far tholr ivaw lioinoln ilarrulon st albdhs churohs new km tor c ii k hmlth ii a tlio new roc tor of hl ahuina church will enur uwii tho work of tho lucunibwiicy of this arih thb uc he will jircach ma in augural utruiona next tiuiulay itev mr kmitl uilt ft ml a cordial welcome awaltinj him hy tho coogicfration of hi alutna- tho town generally woonisd the advent of all food men congratulate aotont loyal spirit rrofcftwir 11 m kierrlood d i una of tho cftactlia kiuukam at ac tun a 1utriotk- cauiuljtn mutiny write tlw fin i im- uimouy that i on0cl hrlof iuit tu your ton very imicti and that i waadolluhtod to und to ucuu ino and carnofit an inurcat id our nations uolfuro vou wero all ier kind to ma ierunally halton fejuhflrt iriitltulo tlio annual iomtlnuof halton tocliora iufilituui will u held on octoher ail und nd in tlio korinal ficliool toronto the riroaentatlvof tlui uoiurtment ol ijl il eal inn will bo ivlnciiial wro hcott ii a of tho turonto normal tin 1roalilont of tho institute tlila year la mr a if u droon principal of tlio corkotovm iutillo kchoni and tha hocreurytroaaurcr ii im minnlo itonnott of acton succouful educational annlvorwry itut a lloil hmlth m a u i financial hoc rotary of victoria l occupied tho lotjilt at tlio cducatioaal arm i onuiry of tho motliwllt ciurch with great uccoplancc kotoml olomont of inurtut comhluol to nmdor ue mr hmitha wr- ico hora iimiuual and fntreitiny ilo tiont mivcrul yoani of mh lioylickul day hero uaaa pupil in acton hiqiibciiooi ami uw oa a mom bar of tlio atairof tlio uerchinv he la tlio aon of an oaieemod formur paator lie v a c hmlth d i furtlienoom thmwr- vlcoa in tho old homo church inaugurated b la itinerary for work in the lntarl of thaunl erity ouulde tho city tir mr smiths aildroawa wer foruful informational clearly iroontd uno and logical and wera dollverod with an ornplunia which carried com lotion ii a frank statement of facta wua admirable iii conclao atory of tlm hlxtory of method lnm ami tlio founding of victoria univorslty liy tha molhodut church bhowl that methodism waa horn in tho cnlvoralty of oifonl and that victoria collojro wan tho llrat unlvernity otuhliihcd lu 17wr canada tu charter ilatlnif lmck to will today tha church luia uoventoon oducatlonal inatitutlarih located ut convenient oliita in tho arloua conforoncoa from ht johna kowfoutwl- land to vancouver u cwllli a en rollment of 113 itudenta tha offerluna of tha day in reajunao to llov mr smiths eppoal were unusually liberal tha urgent in fact over oontrihuud by tha church hora at 1u educational anniversary i meahly 95700 raised for the patriotic puhd icoulihuilrvui ltjs j ti murray 10 ut a iewi n ml ii ilrower j fill himio ft imi i- hmlth 10 x w llnlwooli fi 00 d hohrrow 0 00 whan 000 i mnaalau 2 00 a whlta 12 00 i hall 7 m ii 7 crewfi c i tho sunday school liera will hold their annual plo nlo at illiia bnrlna park next saturduy t jul to a numliar aro taking in toronut imilhltlon tho many friends hero of mrs will tuck mora rurprlned to hear of hor deatli in i took wood on tueaday of laat week i mm tuck who waa fonnerly mua alice lucliortlson litd in tlila neigh barhrod a hor life her swoet personality won her many monda who will bympathlxa deeply with her jutrentfl brother and sinter anil i lior huhhaiii und little onea in their aad allliotlnn ijut wodneaday mr loorge ijiunby of thla place and mian elaie phillm i ilph wereipjibtly married in acton by by itov h h wilblnnon mr ieorge and mlw ktliol dumper attended tlia bridal iair the happy oouple spent tlieir honeymoon in toronto mr and mm ii hoy wanahorough of uuelph ialtetl wanda here uat week mr jo crowann humllton ajjent the holiday ut hin mnthora homo hore mr and mrs xl a damper and clill- ilron oaptrlnyo called on friends hero ona day list week mr and mr c s cainhlo uuftulo and mr and mra vanntoruian and children of ftunlph spent tho holidays at mr jamoa lumhloa mlfta kuiml honnla vultetl frlonli in f lueljih uat week ba profchwir and mra i o vatuuitter ami little duuyhlciv virginia and jauo of allwnw leorgla aro ultliigreutlveiilien prof vannatter la connected with tlut eitate college of agriculture ur llolrt htiortill of rellevllla w tho guest of ina mother thla week mlas wiui towel who la been the guest of cataract friends for the pat couple of weeks relumed liowe ou tues lay oultoa number froos here took in the toronto knhlhltlon during uie week now that the voung lwpuv society tnoetliijfi have been discontinued tha young oplo neetl tn get busy and arrange a liuirury aoolety oraowe other organlaatlon for proiltalile inleroourae during tito winter evening which are coming the youth of n farming community have mont leisure thou and can ojoy their ovoiilng und prove tbelf lulnds if properly guulod crlpiia n ijjmltert a ciirrle woods wilds isaiah coon i ii jeer a mccann aloir crlnita dhmith d lllsuoh ino clarka i ullrleh dorr jno molfat w jumea hunter h cunningham d colletto holivero w mailero hcarlo rohn caffo loocanro h habalino i frank h antonio itemei i uotlelith 1 i nykyforuk 1 hymiko ii couch mcruka 41- ianluck m hukat v luualuck a aloloul m huucl v nicliafarom m antomany t kurlun k hiuftuick m itadiiui in papovluh p a ilelolt j wlnchurch ti hauwoi h uarfrwuk mllelukuli i nylefarioh m luhork h ktraahik h piulor ii htwep li- ijadotwek j ildirti h calyn nordlo c kailmlnoik j audrewa n krowba m hhawnuk j ouraily metro iiitruk k kailmoik j ulcaullf v lfardlck ll 1ymarowbki it- heinlck i irlnutone i fledaawek ii iloilalak m madiurak m iukeiau m pyli p itachu w clyn p- idniowoaowskl m wudlnakl m fenioroaky p i uoara a turek h lunynluk v itomonow t marfaranxuk c ilukatciery a haint j koxoria if myl m marllnlnk mug hudab j tu j so ft 00 so 00 ami aotw it oo 10 00 10 00 boo a oo i0ooo 2 00 1 00 1 00 s oo 2 00 i vi a oo 1 oo n oo n m t oo mmi s oo n no a oo a oo a oo 1 oo 5 oo a oo a oo a m ft oo a oo a oo 5 00 1 00 0 oo e oo a oo 8 oo h oo s oo 5 oo s oo h an ft k a s ao s oo a oo ft oo a oo 1 oo ft cq a oo ft oo 1 no a oo tt oj a oo b oo h oo 8 oo a ao a oo u oo 3 oo a oo a oo a oo ii oo e oo a oo a oo 1 qq a oo a oo a oo a oo a oo a oo m warklnilnak a oo if haulok 1 oo w nylnk a oo f nyclnk 1 oo ii minka oo p minlnohuk a on c pnstnruk a oo h fennyhuk a oo ii paahuaok 1 oo ii ferula oo k nykyforohen 1 oo h anil a oo a allora a oo k agina a oo k pyaolo a oo h axxojisrdl a oo a salvo a oo i uraf a oo c iloneoa a oo w lukon a oo f kloain a oo n lukon aoq 1 ukem a oo a i a co fi oo p mildn aoo j carol u fl oo a- matsjauh fl oo o cardana fi oo p bthal i oo total for dhlaion fc4 so vl cardon 8 o 1 union jno wood c s mooro morrla baxa oanvanser division no 0 morru save captuin railway conitruction camp llouald mckenile fj 00 wj dawd 1 00 tl itosj 0 j mouland i 00 thhlelds 2s ii anijun w f h mitchell ji d konnan 1 00 z loono i 00 aawtrjajih 1 2 ftlucellaiieoue m 2a 6 20w it hcott c moore it sinclair u fiax canvassers orthidu sirnacuitkinu acton lodge ioov jjoo 00 epwotth league of tha molhodut church s00 w dowdy umehousa fl 00 cliaa t moor athena ohio 0 00 chan 8 lanibta liuffalo n y ifi 00 cwar ismond hatueoraek mich a 00 dr deo moore frankfort intl 10 00 albert lalng uurllnfltoti vt 1 00 mra a m bmlth new york fl 00 mra anna robertaon new york h 00 john oole detroit fl 00 angua kennedy ogden utah 0 00 iraml total w d mr and ura w oowdy spent sunday with friends in naaaagawaya mr and mra w jrelg and aon of nrentfard are visiting at tho home of lira tfrelflfl parenta mrs imhble of iuwiiumi n ependlng a few dajh with her mother mra w w scott who is seriously ill mm dowulrig ol ingersoll has returned homo from visiting iter parent mr and ura j mctllll a llttlo aon ghuljarui tha iumjw of mr and mr john newton fourth line mlas 11 polklnghoroa who baa been holiday ihg at waubaahaoe barri ami oilier iwlnta luu roturned liftwe ur t p ivetu vlalted bis aon and daughter in voroatoufctwmat auouklng in lba exhibition mr douglna dowdy spent u few day with friends in toronto and attended tho exhibition and other plane of intetaal all who are doing lied croaa work are requested tohand latlieir eontrlbuuoua to mr w dowdy by the end or uils week children ory for futchebs oastori a nlu duitlnt il kwliiit ami iwti vhcivii kllllllwmi llnlkll llfim tliklr urocairn wlisl rri st fkrsonal and travel notes efoolaj and poruonnl itonis or inter ost to pro procs roaderd gleamed durum the week mr arlof dills wau homo aver the hoii- day mr w j patterson deoruetowii wan jn town on monday mlas lima mcpherson hau iwmn appoint ed teacher at vaaey mr william maaaloa of mluhell vlult fcd acton fnenda thla week mr percy hownrth u apemllng a few days with friends in toronto- mr fret molauglilln of detroit spent labor day at ufa homo hero mlai margarot drown has returned to toronto to renew her utudifta- mlsu mary xfopheraon lias taken a ioaltlou ateacher at uldfopl mra tliomas ilrunt la spending a couple of weeks with toronto frlonds mr und mrs ii d drown were in toronto aaveral days this week re frank molntoth ol drill la v 11 ted tlie lioine frluiula here tliia week mr and mra j o matthewa and jamea ultfcl toronto rahitlvea tit la week maura andrew and michael tyurlen gjwnt tko holiday at thbir homa liere mlaa lily fran ku m has iwwn cpsmllng a week or w with fruntla at ilrlghuin pta tlioiiiaa dennett of niagara ounji vesa home for a uiort vlult this weak mr hdward twwidahi olliualjili eput uuiuuy and monday with reutivaa hns- mra f a dallouay ami uika vibe oalloway of toronto vulted ac ton irienda uat wet mrs j k- willlamun hoa loii v lulling during tlm woek with frlonda in wct toronto pnnciul w h htewart bient netaial tlaya during tha week with friend in toronto mr ami mrs j c- macltadgalland mua i xfaiin aro ajientling a fow days with friamla in torunlu mluoa fi neely ami f ilrodio of alton wvre guala of mr and mm j c mo- dou miiiktrfiet mr aivd mra george waluoe und tlieir babythiugliur ol duelpli wora liere this week on a short vuit mlaa klva mclaren ol juelpl la npnd- ing a couple of wedks with ura itufua wordan cliurchhlrool mr ami mrs dickson of west toronto visited at tlm homo of mr william land borough otr the weekend i dr t alliert mooro who preaclietl in dalt on holiday spent a low hours with hu brotlier at xloorecroft on monday mrs wall co frank o in and child ron and mrs finnoy ol wlugham ware gueul thla week at the homo of mr ii frunkum i mr horlwirt pugvloy of tkhouoctady n v who wun a rwmant of acton aoon ynara ago waa hero thl uook run owing aauaiiit4ncuu maasra charloa suion hubert bintli and harold u to wart of ilarlin wero here on monday attending the funeral of tlia lato mra jennie umitlt mr and ura laorge ifortqn of huniia fonnerly mlsa ijiura alenander spent their honeymoon at toronto and at her uncles mr thos martins church street hut week miss edith smith messrs robert and walter car m i toronto mra william jeans floveravllla n v mr und mr welh mua hao and miss drace jolm- atouo of toronto attendetl tlio funeral of mrs- jannlo hmlth on monday minnas larno kennedy kuie stewart margucrito htownrt margaret wilson alloo jolinstono and joan wilon with mlsa kerr na ohaporou uttentled the iloaer convention in toronto on saturday bepunnwrttli an aoton boys promlnonoo we have received a copy of the pro gramme of the hlflth annual meeting of tho uhafubury association of uapttu churolim held last week at west rutland vermont atthomeetlngontueadayeven- ing the speakers were prof ab hobart i d of crour seminary ienn and mr al hart lalng field secretary of tlio vermont antisaloon league mr lalnga subjeot waa a whlto state and a saloonleu nation mr- lalng waafor many years a resident of aolon lie hut won a promin ent position in the eastern states uirougli his strong advocacy of prohibition of the liquor tralllo actons tax bate 24 mills this inoludos ono mlfl for war tax nndahalfmllirorcounty patriotic purpose payable in two instalments tho miiulouii council met on tlmrwlay evening ji iuat tlm meeting waa an important one lnmuoh tut the atriklng of the rata of taxation for tlio year was under consideration tho total rate was fined at 21 mills tills include the dovemment war lav of one mill and the countys special uv of onehalf mill for patriotic obligations our ratepayer may consider themselves fortunate in having the rate eld down to thla figure tfumhera of the i towns and village of the province find j themselves facing a rate from five to ten illla higher than aclona tlm member wero all present lueve hynds occupied thtf chair tha connnlttej on finance presented their estimate of reoeipts anil expend tur for the jaar oa follows ilm rw for collection wo have turned the corner of summer merchandising and squared away for the fall now for tho straight cloarout road of choicest valueglvlng with no bondinr curving or turning aside hydrocommlsiiioi service hydro commission old dehaii- turoa ifjilro ommiiulou new debcn- tursa uoenseu and fluea town hall r venues coindlery hi of iiloui strut and walks railway taxation ikardmore a co re church ht property ownera 100 pr cent wafka property owners 00 per oant- walka mlseetunvous dog lanes loll taxaa 21 mills on aaaasament of klfiiu- 000 9 20000 44200 tutiaa jrjioo 10000 if 10 x utlsw go 00 0033 20joo 20100 aaoo oaoo ktoo 1200300 no autumn ever found uu iwtlcr propaicd to meet tho ilomnndu of tho occhk btrnln coatly living and imjiondliig uenrcity in iniiny lluot of niorolmndliiu wa tiro prices dujwndahtu valuon brnnd uolectlott und rolltifiln quullunu in the mntttir of utyla mid fault i on wo hnvu inrn ijiiriii mniii i-j- j year j triid nro not ioniuwliit niildlerly dignity nnd nnlior y oiumiuor uny a jirn niwnyu lull of liitortmt in tlio micdniiiild hltiro the did iippertutillloa in income ncqiialiitud with tlioiu now uttnictlvu fnnlifoiu thin year tlioy making uelectloiih for there imicnrcity of muterlaln nud qutiuucn in tho a tlio best biinlllfafcuilltu to be t in n 1 1 mo nt fi untie int ndy tu nffur ulnnnniicnl tttir of atyla mid fnulllou wu huvu lung enjoyed nnotjiirtllud pnnitlgo in thin vicinity tut inn lu mill tn ha upliohl and novor iiurpuitod pnvnlity nnd tlintiklitlena gaiety lio nuur nioilon lint they hnvo gained in nttrnctlvunui hy xoniuwliit unldlerly dlgiiit nniblllty huptoinbor dnys nrn nlwnya full of inlvrout in tlio micdntiiild sluru they offor nplen- r tlio iwutdnya for inrkou nnd early uelictlouii urc cortnln thencwsulk and coats depart me ui aro now nt the l ictlon nnd lowitoaa of price a jn mojllult styleii und iiiodnritto- womena sulla or ilkowiiwwomo1iii cnata price rmm1000- ratiglng upwunln in new dress goods suillnajt and coailnjjs arc now lu okcollent rflugp mnny linen linvo not wt ckmricticed the unlvoratl advniiccii in price f hew nro values to ho nnaptved tip with avidity not only for mm runlluesn of price hut nhn for the aaoa quality of tha fahrlca ami tlio getiiilnoncnnof tliotlycfi it wilt be profitable to shop at macdotiatds this week d macdonald bros ouelihs leading and largest stobe himuti wynjhau mcjontll nnd csirjcn strta guelph onl woman would not give up thotigti slcka stifrint at laut found iwp in lydu e ttdafhllb vttgtav m cofcopotin blcnuooov pa- when i taho1 taklfltf lydla ji pirtvhami vegetable comnoand x wai la m dreadfully ranjowb ute of health bad internaj trou ble uul wa ao tot- treftiely nervoua and uroabwted tliat if x had given in to my feeling i would have been in bed a it wu x had hardly strength t tlmea to be on y feet and vrhat x did da wu by a great effort x could not aleep at night and of course felt very bad in tha morning and had a ateady beadaeba after taking thaaecond bottle x no- tleod that tho headacha waa not m bad x rented better and my nerve were stronger x continued it uae until it mule a new woman of me and now i can hardly realke that x am able to do so much a i do whenever i know any womnn in need of a good medlelne i highly pralao lydla e plnkhama veg etable compound ura vuawc claim mid h tulip bt rlchmowlpa lyomui llava neeu velllar wowea for forty yeara bow lydla elxmnkbante vegetable compound haa restored their hcnlth when aufferlne with female ilia thla oeeounta for the tmornioua demand foi it from coast to coast if you are troubled wltli any ailment peculiar to women why dont you try lydla b plnkhama vegetable cow pound t it will pay you to do ao ada e pink- bain licdlclna ca lynn uaaa llvlj atoa spooluj lovy of one mill for pro- inclul war tun to lo addetl to lands boilnawa and incoma ta amnu aa ipecilled in tav natlcea kvitmuti ukh hinking uula lrftl h7 ulio kcliool alnklng fund and interact hre iirotoolion aluklug fund and ntert klertric hglit sinking fund and interest flouting debt unking fuud ant interest htreetlmprovemt prin cipal amuntereat cnuent walka 10019 cement walku lull 11 cment walks princi pal and fntorwt widoniug mill htreet principal and int hydro debenture prin cipal ami interest puulo holiool addition principal and t 4jj8j 41603 publlo fichool malntonanoe jo0ooo hydro street lighting isoo00 free illirarv lflo50 prlntlngand sutlonery 1 40- 00 interest iso00 htreeta ami walks 8 j 00 clwritlea 4 1 00 fire anil lght i600 town hall 17500 miscellaneous 17000 cemetery oooo ralarioa ilflj 00 county itato i85so ornnu and contlngenpies 45 5 8i6joaao io oatliuataa wero atlnpted and the payment of taxes lie for two instalments hat unlay heptoinlwr 28th and haturdsy november 20th by bylaw jsijs 443m 50ijj 3j0i ujs4 i484s 6o6 4j csmtlpiusa- by bub puirtf tfvthyrtbr mauyuvmm th esisfete 5l k chamberlains tablets wenina bl frlontt a- poagb oa bats clears out kaia mice etc dont die in the house loo and 2ao at drug and country store why you are nervous the nervoua aysluut la tlio alarm system of the human body in perfect health we hardly realize that we liavo a network of nerves but when health ta ebblug when strength la declin ing the same nervoua system gives the alarm in headaches tiredness dreamful bleep irritability and unless corrected loads straight lo breakdown to correct nervousness ftootte mauri tttoa la exactly what you sjumld take lie rich nutriment mita into tho blood and rich hloml feeds the tiny wen ccolla while ihe wliole eystent respond o to ita rofreali ugtonlc force preefrouiharuifuldnigi boell at bowuayikhilo oat banking service tfala bank undertakes every description of banking bual niii and our aim la to have each cuitomer feel mured of eourteiy and attention in our oslcei the many services performed by modem bank aj at your dlinoeal and every tood builaeai coanmuon large or amall u welcomed by n the bank of nova scotia vamtm carr al ojhum suuntrvkt who umum bbawodjfl at aetotlj oualalt woivalj multoti and btrtatll c c speight for uplodate goods suvatrwaur ha tadiwir rbm vatriatv alao rtn cutlawry haurdwauraa ttrtwavt bmh gtaul- rtwarsb in vauiaty pauicforei stowaii uuf rauiffaa faonoua htaavtawa stetaill stovata oil stovaaa every article la of excep tional value cc speight mill strut ado the hub lo now open for btisineun uilli uftill lino of uamploa or pall and winter bult- ings i jo different pat tern to choow from fit and workmanship guaran teed coma in and have a talk with us u geo f agnew custom tailor hnrvlh ou auud mill st actcm mekts h miluoan iloa a wellequipned meat iliop at tho corner of 14111 and voung streets acton the aecond brick building from the otr crouln andwiliaunplyallklndaoffrhsl amd cumhfo ubatfl of best m quality at reaaonable prices mcatdeuvered to all cuitomera piratclasa refrigerator mop open every evening iarmera trado eineclolty aollclt- ihalieitcah price paid foreggs audiwultry miluoan imhmhmiiaaddandadddelh ladies would you like to have that now fall suit talioibtt dv ah expkrt ir so com to guelph any wednesday mr roaeu our new york kx- pert on lad leu mahtailoukij biiltu will be here at thla store every wednesday afternoon urrowtu wan with m nil lout tuuoti and cortululy proved hlm- boirtobou real urlt in mnklng adieu bultn r- our many oatlttflod ciiktoniom h lout uoauoii la aunlclout proof for i ua that our expert 1 alt we claim him to be every unit guarauleeth mr rob4tu has juat returned from nev vork and bos all the new i ideas ready for you prices very l moderate references from soma tj of actonn best druased ladles f p geo wallec i guelph ont hsibtmmaaaadaaadaaamaihhataii just opened in hills block mill st acton general repair shop special attention to eavc trough ing windmilln pumpa furndco and plumbin hot water heating roofing gaaoline engines jas harden son acton ontario baglui authwism naff1wft cplui paid usfui college accounts parents who took ahead lo the tlmcf whon their boys anil girls will go to collogo uhouhl make regular savings to meet tho oupeiitto our savings department will receive hucii deposits georgetown branch w n ukay uaaaiar bank of hamilton actons electric choppinq mill open thursday friday and saturday jhorping and rolling both eatitlfactorily done b f caiidwelil acton ont proprletoi the merchants bank op canada bi 1h ufsnwlmboua thrift io rightly described as eco nomical management a slircucri business man is spoken of as thrifty be cause he saves perhaps only a dollar at a time perhaps more but the real secret oi his success lies in the principle of saving one dollar will start an ac count with this bank all local cheques cashed at par oanrail paid up 0tdoo nuchval vumdh anu undlvidkd momih tui acton branch p a maclean manager buy madeincai

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