wallpapers celling papers window shades a jlaklou ahohrmknt r- ko skit ahohaiilu give us a call matimtaic lio la iuibd geo i1yjmjdh jewellery and vatiay hood aoton ontahio real estate varus for nnl in mull on acrl mttd wttluuuluii km foruim lor wale every uuc ml you want u fauna wrila me lor stataioaue or if yonf wluu to well or evohause write me w have every lability far trauunrllutf business co your eaaaalete tutlttfartlau correa bi4uvuri kollrlted j 1 wlllilhuv furiukllluu h pedal fat 4jorulwu lie ctoii 3te trass thuilllllav ualtcii 23 1019 brief local items iiu sunday nest sunday all foohiilay iient thursday llurllngtoti itaa been ltating an opld tollfl of mumu load morning ihne you renewed your vhkk lrwta ibcriptinn i luepaetor dotty lias been officially visiting acton frltoala thla wk quarterly tovuw harvloae will be held in lha sunday ftchoola eat bumlay the tuckers ere heglnnlnp to run it u contrary to law now to net tlte tlth the hoard of imueetlrui haa iiiwwm utiued uaohlng german in the public bchoole of iuhu ii r and lira wm flrowit have ta moved la their iiw home and ih now get ting settled ture owlua to tit uohlllullod of the avm im eoeilrigbrttji oils yar the usual militia muw turo tkurt enelll a fmmipla of vhluiw4h ovciuta have bastl rid i tiff rt lit fmvmttl title wk tha chuf itaa hla v ort ittat a ooitrrtfetloue1 no no- fv th ttd ctom fund wu taken up in hivok ckumb qd bdhtlay amounting to 941 00 mr m kcuakey toronto will apli id the malhaditt church ami sunday ttohool tuut ftundsy annual muwlortary uy it la row annom cod that ih new llmbk road will lu running ihrouah aotod by tlta btwl of july or live flrt of auhbt twenty fueof tha ttudanle of lite o a u luiplif toft laot vruuv tar uoa al to farm part of tha unlvrity corjv for oftaar ic a oanurel pnnt can irani it ft wu i fnvi ika irvinrhsa infiniuura wrlttan tm uxnl ubmii uyat i am uluvji i uiu4 follow at flrt optwriunlty ita dorllihojaithckhinnciiu vduulh yar of pul lloattoji ukt weak uojw tk nunaathrnt of mr k a lfiuwa u oaulla haa enjoywl vary pro- kpmfa oarr tbcunim tlwl lrva rnclaty tiv voato laa acliw 1141 to urn h c fjupin aeton tka raoalpt of 637 00 a daatiaa fod actoa rmtrloilo vounjr ratoui aawnuy tt tlau of ilw ubu ly kaon obaixb oullj on tum buljet of tk muimi ity of it uhii buim l tu gva kdmjaa war haa itaatt okaugvd froal uooiuy svilttf 10 whjiway vanltij wat iiu at varawell kvflnlntf with mr and hi hluurd murray and w fenuuooa uvi cum ot mlw of a ulu typ u4npruj aliout hit a tauny frlawla kr of ur aioaso tukl uuiuafitfu wonlaa will ayupatblu wltlt tilima in um lo of tlmir ikouaa wlilob wu btiraaj ao batunuy afuhwmn laai wjalay vmln lubtaon forty rati fifty of tlrt froiula aiwl iulithtora of llr uul ur t 1ihium uurray wt at uir boo flrt una fhr to bid ibuu fahwall i4 luey nuiuvdii tn thalr fim rmutly purchiboj uur frfn vlltag sir john alua bailiff inovwl 10 tl clmlr naiunt oa ur vrtj wamt to ruj tha followlntf uurtaii dtua llu ad ilka liurnuv ahu iauilv it u with follfitftf of pnfounj lat that wa lava uuul4d iwm to ulht that we toay xpft to you in as ftir u atw worda can oovy our fuliuuti at your dajurturd fua our lutiui ubd that your nttovul ulll l nit t avtry tura la our wolal lateroournayourwbol naartad itttahat itoth n woru and imcreation haa mdukvdyau ta alt it would u lwio ihw to apnralka in fomud wonla tha 1 of your atmitoth l 1 light amonjr ua your fair ludjrfubnt your ttihuouoa for kwtnou ua your fair lintjifiient aluabls bye w do ha havluff 110 itula satisfaction in tha fact that you are dot jolnff to tur away but that w ahall saa you ami yuive you with ua frfjuiuy aa ungilila toltaua of our r4sud waakyou ur and mra mumiy toaoupt uaa ohalrf mlu ulllla tkla tahla aiid illaluu and uia boy this atua tdtltuf that many puaaaut yar may ha youmln uhlob to tnloy ibaus and that thalr valua to you may ha la reoalllhi toyour mludh plaaaatit auoolatloni and ota if ood u4oi tn wbloh ymi ur iwul by your nod on befiair or italuliliorm mufl w uoanriinii kluned on belli tfitadu ami italtitiliorm fauuty frlatuu hore 1 llauica v wtft atthoproitcr tlma ura ucattliur ur ifaaaldx and master murray kingthury taaila lha pimiiutlnna ur murray math a nultabla reply thaakiotf tho rimtow for tbolr ldudneaa to lira murray liu family atu htmwk ufler whhiha pteaaunt tluio waa spout in noeoh tttakltiff bahid aitd varlnua amuwmenu a houutiful wpiut una troviil by the udlaa all rtumwi imbmi wubln mr atul mr murray ovary auoeoui in their utumu ura john donufa luolpli la vuitiittf trlmjm haw mf and mr k k luff bury vuu1 frlaada in nawauaway oil huiulay mm mwiry moon lluulpb vwm 1r inouw mr uoliitoah lura laat uoab 0ot4 what will if will bo my faltli wumrloud awl foa i itava not wlltlntfly plantwl a tlorri in muytttairf woin ohildreu ory roil fletchers oa8toria news op local import fatal crosalnp aooldont hoar hornby mr kiiilt who mjtlilm at llnnthy wmr hlruclt ly an outbound o 1 1l wuoiikr train wlillu oroaalutf tbt traolta on moiulay iff whb carried to lha uoarmt houa bul dlwl two bourn i ilar communion at knox church tli irnimralory rvloa of knovcluircli will iw bbl on prlay evtirilntf at nlbl oolmk ltv iv l itom ii a of mainsworn will proaoli hov mr wllbou will pnuh on huiulny tim uaorainent will bo uditklnlairml at tlio cloo or tb nuriiliiff aarvloo painful fall on the loo mr li trtfit dill wuttuluwl a vnry uiluful fill on tha wvment at tlta wtu of tlm roldanoa of bin ban in law mr it mc htorkoii llowor ateuut 011 friday morn iuif lfa atruoh hla haul ami a fraatura of lha akull wau at 11 rat ftuirad lfa haa ahnofct fully roovrod araln hnwaver the hew post offloe clock luavo hyiwiittlo iian tha ootitmot for tu itifultmaiil of tlta illuuilnatod dial olook for tha lt oflloa aiul cuatora- ifoita iuln itaon tulvlaail tlwt tha clock u on tin way from kiiyund it will wa wily u inbullati wllhln a oouplo of li ion tha a llalton atotharalartf contribution ura u lanlla of hurl lug tow can in all prolyl llty claim ilia itonor of liavlny th larut numtar of koiui nllbtad to lgbt far tb tlrltuh fruplr itt tlia county or tba dominion jawoa lit already in tlta trdiwhaa two aona ara at toroiito wltli tlm aacoiwl oohllmrtit om at j0fctown wltlt tlta uitrd oontlnfrant ainl anolliar itaha at tba drill bull a total of flva buatta to amend tha hydro at tha ontario mydraflaetrto comtnlulou itaa dcuul to aak tha lafluutura to auaiwl tin hydro a el la audi a way aa to anaua tha awtaelal itmly to taka mr tha luaption of wlrlttft- uiua rsluvlntf tha tnuiilolpalitua of all rpouluity tha draft ull haa haan apfkroxod of by ulr adaiu rack and hla oaltaua tbla inathotl way lia tunr aftlva titan tha lul6uirt by tha muntnipal ahwtriout lut it la likaly to cauaa vexation tulaya to luiilura of tan leivlntf thla wak for tha war mr w o c kainay aou of w kannayj i fonamly of tha fuux lahmt who haa jutt aompitl hla oouraa in vt6injry mlanoa haa lii aafeniiwl for psfautul wrvtoa ly lha imtbh war niuoa u uft yortuy for hall fa a uliatioa haaalla on halunlay in ooatpaay with a uubttk of othr canillaii vlrln ary hurmtw for fnaund iv w if fowiry jr of toronto anootor of aoloita aona apota to uava ahortiy for tha aat of war to do hospital work unique tteapobja to a lady taaehar oua of our laachara tlta olhar day au tl to luir piju to ll ay uwa tltura wblcb wlgbt ha uaod in auputnlnp lawwia hba woa luueh aurpriwd naitday torwoslva froni a lilt la aonbf oua of our fumii famtlua an old lithniijicj marriajfa c4hlku in ooora in mank wbita iil ly uillincc to rooolvo audi adoouiuont if proiflrly flllad up tljo liardly bi wliat to do wllb this ono itut kraoafully acooptul it aa a tlonsra irilmta froin a loyal piijill tba oratorio of hon ki os cliurcli ctujir will diva a uinat attraoilvaoojioart on fatr motulay aan inj tha lulling- fatur will ba liu raixlmlnif of tha anlaoilld oratorio ion ly j a faaria tbla haa wasy sua fwjmimn and inoludoa choniwt quar uttaa trios ohu d rolutia parta tha choir haa ln ry auomful in tbalr rvlmarau mr ii wluguo choir uul ar la tha oouduotor tttatawill alao la a uhm of othar nuntura by mia may wiumu abd othan tha utkata a how uavben and padlar uoaaaaa tlta hurllofftoa qajua aaya 1 chuf tnfgar eoumaoottl ou uouday to aafonoa tha uawlwv and tadlan by taw an organ gfihiulsr uada hla apptaraoa on tha atraat oa uottjay tuul lha chuf uaandad a faa for puahoart and pajjiiutf bittnia tha onran ttrlmur objaclad and uada a haaty ralraat out of town outuawlayha atofpa1 a ua padlar with a uau abd wajron 8fulealuetalthaloaaafwfrffls ha auo laurvuwl tha drlvara of tha itnatl wajpma frod habtllton and lhay frtatad tha ownara wara willing to pay tha ho tha chuf will ooumuulmla with tha owtura at oaoa and anforoa th by lawa the oddotuowa at houa tha ajghth annual at bonia of aotod loda i a a v in tha town hall uat tburwuy avaalujf waa a tuoat aojoyaua aftalr tha atlatulanoa waa huva oa hurt drwl awl uvly flv liaiujr pwidl tha iwooaadlbjja thraughoub war full of puaa ur th ikroiprambm inolutlad uuuuf by mr hpenear humorut totvuito uua joanl orr tha oddfallowa quarutta and oamfallowaomhaalra uua h ttvoaip- aoti waa tha amotapanlat tha luaohaon wnui espofiully appatlslnjf tba at howa oammlttoa wara ofohu lalahtrtan it j mo rharwui n manabli ifrmnk holniaa n modooau and r u ufldomald a aax utla of aalarfwulhy- itatudlau fartd howe destroyed by flw on saturday afternoon tha homa of mr alonio a wordou on lha aaooad ua nillo abovo acton waa totally daatroyad by are mlaa wordan waa aloaa lu tha houmattha tlma mr wordan uluft in tha hualt cuttlnjf wood ait oouaaquanoa tha liulltiiu waa eonauiuad awl only a part of the oontanu wm uvmi tha origin of tbo flra a not poaltlvejy known but ulu wordan thluka tha cloth with wbloh tlta wlpad off tha hot tme alter d lunar may liavo haoowa tsnltad hitliout hor know- iigo tha itouoa awl oontauta wra insured for ikl thla houaa waa built i y lha lata john wonlan huty yeah or mora ago and it waa tba hlrtli plooe of tbo btaaut trirator anil ilia otltar wainbara nf tlta family mr uotxleu rontoilelled ami improved the iwlldlhg mierul year ago ha u tnaklnb arrange menu to rohulkl at onoa general nym- i mi by a mt for mr aiul mlaa wordan in umi loaa of their hotna hows this vvoooar ono hundred hollar luiward for uity tuna of galurrh tlwt cannot 10 our od by llalla uif art h cure m v j cuknkv 00 toudo o wa the uimlerahtned lutv known v j cheney for tha taut is year and believe lilu perfeetly hunoralje in all luiilnaaa traiiaaetlona and linnnolally ubla to carry out any omigatlona wade by hla krai 9 natiokai iumkirctuuyiuik haifa catarrh cure in taken intornally acting directly upon the mood and tnuouua hurfhuef tlmiajatevi tmliuumuiu aant frtta yvloe 7fi oonu iter houla bold by au0ragru takaljlalla taully fill- for imutliia personal amp travel notes soolal nnd poraonal itomn of inter- oat to proa proa ileadora oleahed duntwa the wkkk mra outiiit of 1 on into vulltxl aoton m11 ilt u t wul miatou maarthiir or toronto vial ting- ai ton friend mr holmcao hlmeim apent laat woek ultb frieiubi in toronto huulor jnbn i mooro wuu boino from tluelph on ttieuluy nlbt mr william hinall or hllbriila vuiud mr ul i lam loliiibtone laat week mr john moluao wlwi baa itoon tterlouii ly hi for wnonl wuoku la ulowly improv lug mr jamoa koolt la grnduitlly recovering he waa able to alt up a llttlo wblla on tuesday lira tamaa hmltb uml l1o are leaving aoton on harurday to join iter bun bam ut how nuiii villa- mr tonutliun latuo or tleorgotowtt la ending w few wmib wltli lier motlier ura tho roknarvllle mr ami lira taiuoa haveru aiul mofitor willie of hamilton were gueata of lvuit mater matlbewu tbla week mra folitic kelaon went to harqlllon on mouduy uvaluivd tbo funeral of tier uncle llie uw alinan a hall mr tack cliapman arrival botne y eater ay from quebec to atteivd tlta fotwrul of bla gran i mother mra ilrankloy meara cimrlea and milton llendarwm atuwlwl tlte runeral of tlta bile harry ii mccarthy in toronto on monday cor w j tlould or tu heoonj c4h1 tingent at tlte iblbltlou jrouiwu toroti to waa honiu on leave for a day or two hut ueek mra john mokinnon who haa spent the but yaar on wr rami in kanaagaweya will return to her raaklenoa on main htrt in a few day a mra harclayand iter two daugiiura of gualpli ruturtieil homa on tuewlay after pending a week or ao with mr lurcuya ratlter mr jamea hoott mr and mrt ii if warden ami mr aiul mr doiudd uclror of ulph wtsa ht atuiuliiig tha oxiwiowa at ifonm uvt thurbuy avenlng jujbt uuott who liaa bean ooaeoed to bla root tor a week or no wilh a tavere altaok n grlww la alda to lie out again are gud to uy reformer ihncittt buwah waa auueurtlly voo arul tn rubia bu uhool duiua on man thiy mle luker alunt teachar in the high taboo waa iwiwaver taken ii and unable to ha preeaut that day mr jalwac turton lrotlier of tha lata wm yurton willow btrt actoti waa killed rveontly in anautouioblteaocldeatii uelbounva auuralle mr turtou waa tlta australian rkrentatlva for the ufry ifarru co mr carloa willlama of flaulthta maria aiul ura itlohard hnnvervilla of loulo1 srrlvul ltore on futitrday ta vijt tlielr u otlter wbo uam ln very ill ura wil lutua la inucb loiter hut ura romerville la remaining wllb tier for tlta uminu klalllhapad ilia mouulgltoii inut lrl lay ovnttlng by tbo young pooplo 4 knox cburob in eld of tba lud cro4 koulity wau weill ulunilwl tba proo xxi of itui evonlug were ovor fit mra v hillh wliob4hlmwltlmiuetof her brother mr irn luwiel for lite pawl tnoulh hue returned to woodstock mu viola kentuar anlettalued a few of iter younjr frlentla lat tueaday evening mlaa kdnahayer lu bnute from mnmll ton on u vialt to bor wrotil mlha tboitiwon ofhtowurtowii wuu llio gueat or tbo mibwju utuipltall on humlay mra inhu ii nolaon of aoton tpnt tba week end with iter puienlu mr ami mra l moruery has3a0aweva work will uhartly ooumiauce on tlie una new brick obuioli for tbo rlieuexer 0011 grega 011 tbo lluelrji lumber co itaa iteeu awatdoil tlta uoulract for tlta lumber up mr w 11 taylor ofaiiandale la tba urbbllocl tbo mum 1 a ltarby bnve oainnuuioei tlielr harvuht of maple nyrup tby ura tbo largtwt mabera in tbo towiijilp uml luuou very latge nuuiber of troc tapped oilletts lye rats dirt obituary mho jniiji hrahkili a dear obi tn ly ttul varully utfaj on ilumlay ovonlng in tlto urwmi of mm ilrankuy at lite itomc of iter win in lav ur lonrga j c1iamuan main biroet ura drunk uy haa iowa an invalid for many year but waa a14e to ba about until liu friday when alta waa auiod with paeutuoala wkleh waa i lie laituedlate nauee of bar deatli liar maiden uaw waa uarguiwt roblnaon ami ehe waa boru at bamuion huuiber ijnoohbjtlra engbuvd in dux willi her buehaml tl ula john ihvnkuy aba came to canada in laal hllogoa a farm they tied rujnhad la himoo county uar btaynar ur branklay diet in kugland while ou a trip to the old home tenly year ago six taau yeaw ago hut full tit old lady oia to acta ulth ur aiul ura cbeptauui with whom aha baa aver alooe made bar a bha wu the tnotltar id ulua fchil drd who aw wldjy aeattarail mr- chapfauua and mm lawroa wiiium aoton in daaghtara and mr john w drank ley manager of tha mlnudkihl fubca of chatham k ilaiklbaigt uajor llrankley of ilia r n w u police aro aoop tba lata iv chaa itounaon of llrrapla andraw ilobloson of naw ork are hratham ura brankley waa a uioat lovable old lady and taada immarouji warm fruade in aeton in her girlhood a homa aha waa member of lha metbodlet church hutupon her marriage aha united with lha aiftieau chukob and waa a member of fit albeve hera tha funeral will ba held thla after- noou at tt30 ooloek zaluow a hall a wuf attack of pneuwoau reaultaj in ilia death of mr zalmou a hall at hi homa whherldeii araoua houth ilawlltoa on friday mr hall retiiwd from botlnaaa in lnuthguliheiw elflbb yeara ago and baa tinea btoareeldlng in mamltlou ha waa thyoutigetion of tha lata au hall kaq oaa of aotoaa esteemed pioneaw and waa born her in 1uu after oouputlag hla aehool oouroa tinder tha lata ilabtrt uttu he went to lha ohioa of meatr ileardmora tito aa their bookkeeper in tlta tannery here nearly fifty yeara ago about ten yeara later he went to uraoeuliga where be nupertntamled tlw ereotloii of tha beard mora tanneries a few yeara after ba formed wirtnerahl with lha meaara hrelthaupt o ilerllu aiul then went to ereob a new tannery at lmnetaiigulahena fw the firm of llreltlwuptbroa hull ha wu tho superintendent of the tanning bua inewtltera until hla retlremeut in 1007 mr hall married mlu jtemlma wright daughter of llio lata utavlea wright of lllnlmtob in ktolior 1ht2 ura hill two umi and a daughter alirvlva they era churua a ami mra iv parry haiull ton and f kelli civil engineer on tha tranuoontlnenta hallway in hrltui ool iiuihla mf end mra hall apent their early married daya in acton he waa a member of tha building commluee of ute melhwlut church atid nn active worker in ivnielangulabena ho waa for year hup orlnteudenb of tlta hunday school ha una u atroiig uberal ah a man ha waa highly esteemed the funeral aaa held on uonday afternoon to hamilton cemetery it la no rieuura to tno to triumph over any one i do not impugn tlto motives of uny one opposed to ma children ory ror fletchers oastoria colo ice cream tha mara fat in the cream tka lanoer tha cold taate lett an odd appllcatlou ul a rry ab- atraet tinclpl of pbyalm b to outrol at will tba cold uato or bra cream if an lea cream tnaini factum rlab to bare but lea cream luntc cold n louo tlma ba can do au by nuking wimple changes lu tbo rryttin mlituro be rraataav tha actual tornimraliiru of tha froaeti crwaiu bavlng llltlw 10 do- wllb it tba schema has bii worked out by chetrtbita or tba own fltat colbfaa tba acuullrtc iwluclpla u that of fepadad battls fba awllk heat of an artlcla ha the intensity nf hnl uvdd to ralaa ita leuiuriliirtf 11 glvon niim bar of tbgvtfm or in vpifl th rupld ity with wbhli lb urilclit anpa up bat watur la taken 11 llw umndard ead scuntuu know tin apwlflc itvut ej moat feubalmuria loiupiirvd wild wu ur thaaa cbeuilaih mn fully worked out th feuiclav heui nl milk crvahi and various other dulry rmlurta dla eoverlng thai ptnv n hue 11 low bttedae iwat nnd that rally auutotirv do tux tak up bml uj ipilrkly nnd ft raetlvaly aa dua wiiivr tbla pldlna why ilurlwte wild ulb ka fahta an cold ubvn hwy hrat rmcb tba uioutb bul dn not ulv lit- cobs taatu long they liurv u tilyli kftatlte bent hmt nubbly int up bat fnai tba tiuuilh titan iiwlt wllb lea crani ilia muri fui ituru u la ba fonuuut the hiuur ib npclft bmlt arordlogly u nry fiit rrvum wui not ul duugriibly told ut hml but m aftoourul of bv rrvam in ilia uoolb will uialutalo ita cold tata lodgar thus lha rold tuate caa ba iou trolhjd by tba atuounl ut fat uaad- batutdav ieolna io hindu ego dance rwleb kd oimeurt feal rvi by 01 juaqiae- of tba butty wuoderfal fwta trf- fwrnad by llbidti jutfure oaa of tha uoal rnwrkabla ij tha egg dabea daaauy it u culd by a ftirl ran uatkauy drwmd bha uukaa um of a willow wbel around which ei atul dlatacaa ava thwaiu and at lha aod of scb tbrwad tbera la a aoaa baid open by bad tfala wbe tba ath puca on bef bead while aha carrlaa a ukt el 00 twr arm wbo tba tnoak atrikaa up aba beiaa to daoca and tba wbj btlua to apla amuad fcha tbao ubaa aa ag frooi tba baakat puoaa u to oaa of tfa thread nooae and lhrowa it froni bar wltb aufflcuat forca to draw tb knot light tba aofnnhis of tba wheal kaepa tba tbrwad strtbd wttb tba lij at the ud of it bha haa ukaa auotbar eatf trod tba basket tbicaa it la another oooaa abd ratwata thla until ihera u an a b vry uoooa iir fautaalki eoatutna her perfect motion mud all tba s wlogltur uii strdtrbad tbraada at asa waeut m rurioua elftbt it rumiubva much nri iu tuacut tba datwa ror 041a faiw ulp would eatwa tha tgga to lw dashed logvlbar and tba daucvf to tm dugrdcd after daiu lug fttr anus lima wllb all tbo egg awlimtng round her bead aba tubfe iboiii out ur tit uooaa 00a by utm till lb ttuu befphm iba wheel bal aiuvd utul in uwibiii unit ugabi plia tbwtu lu tlta huskit ii liar ana a fur ilk iturfuruuiiuv iba aiwctaiora sra allowm iu viuinliu ilw ugga to aaa that tbvy ura ruaeloiidou idaua mietal cumuh cloolurf a uiw r iba uuwt blstorlc pota lu trviuidl it uus hwra that 00 uuud irbluy april si iun urhiu hortilbmu uud tlm man ur muuslar couuauubl uuu ilaalb roughf tba uium llrtati wua billet lu bla lout bbiurd earl ur orkney uiul tmltliuaaa parish vd hbux umi iijwkj irubuwu aud iu uou ihiiimi ur auhj lu lava taluo vt lury rwmahwl wllb tlw ikab bul tba duuea ivuiiiled dublin lu modwu tlium ucuuiialla inniulir meat lugs tor tw vrwra 10 luiiu eulmlalad at clouturr but lliu nun hug wua problb- ilvd by lha liovvrutiwdl uad fycotiuall wim lull iinitu tibi trial for cotuplraey uitd ivnrktml though tba verdict waa vvvtituuiiy mvcraed by tba booaa of lord luodun cliroiikte weutdrtt hoar tha oawa an akivpiluiitilly vulubla golfer waa vululy ihlmvurltig 10 move u hall wltb tilm driver iuuulug in bbi utttuim be vsplikl wutcbliiu bins u uiuttll girt tiuldluu by llw liiiud 11 ullll etualtef hurt liiimmliuitiiy viaioua of tjybig gulf fllla umtlied ucroaa bla tnlnd vou uugbi uui iu bring your uttla bmlbar hara ti itiutlouad tba atft ou wm all hutu air came tba r ply uaa aioiiu tleaf usebabaja handy flra kuiar a alpboii of auda water hi bo exeat lent dra oilliikolslter aa tba eatbook acid saa in tba auda water helps to atlna tha flatuaa tba alphuo can ba tilted uttd iba hum will caff to a eoo aldwirabla ualttht aucb aa iba top of a bhuuog ettrtaln safely over lb u i have a nlca llltla borne la tba auburba hubw t hli bvtta do you no j i pusmul tlmt stag two yaar aodu rillaburuii 1uet usury artwiva siwuf w dolhtr tar far toting thut akitcb iiroiiitd town rat inn mil ntfu lire- tj ah hdltor well mini a uui i itui uu your bmnl vy hrn iii i llu load ceek 1 h t 1 uu lira jakar u ui ai flinliuli hoi bar utvim itiiiiinura abiar esgugrr compamyumg fto tu fuiionil of lloeio larkluou ubo dlel no auddoiily 011 tuoulay was held on friday aiul wus ry largely nttendod wlllwrt talbot ol i ramoed apitmhod ufora mugktralfj watt last irlday charg ed wilh having- been under tlta lufluonoa of lujuor while n n ft0 option dulrict he wax oonvlctod and iiimmi x ami cokih ha was aiaoeonipilll lo pfy ua ooaib of u itrevloua ooiivlotlon a man iihiiukl rok u bilioror whoreuldea in kramota wwachargeil in polios court 011 trlday ultli ukaouii tbo oaenoe having iteen committed mi huiunlay but ubilo the dufendent was under tba luiluonoe of liquor ha wan convicted uml flneil 610 ami cotu spring shopping can be most satisfactorily done at macdonalds all your nuodu thin uprlug dmiahl s ouelpha hlggaat depari iieea lilggeat in muortr blggett acale of prices ior every man u price whether big hether for luirunial wnar or for hnuehald umi l ut hu bout uiipnliud by mni leparimen n alortr ibti uora that la biggeut not only lu niw but uluo lilggeut in liuul 11 u of mercliaiidltur yorltik ilia blggoat raiigo of choice the blkgost vnhien uml llic small wectiti glvo thu blggoit vuhieu ncw spring apparel tor won woiiiou boya aud girls wo have- hroadout witectlnna of wunrliift apnar nnd mout fortiimuck in ilieu llmea of financial strain our moderate prlcea urc tills ear tuinirlnlnglv low nuona ati ehamlrta toya weat ro1vm sue vv stui uttatf uon viath uaatrortha boy urn wvll un rof tkatauau home ftlknislilngs iii ourllouaa ftirnlahlnk den unhhwivtd auction sale a j nauaoawhva cattiije and plgs tlie underblgtkd lias received i untrue tiona from nat tho n holauoiiuih to sell by public ouctloti ou bu prumiaeu tot 97 con 6 in the township of kauugaweya i mile iiortli of icnatlhbuli on uomdav had oil totfl at oua oclock sharp tba following iiorsfb 1 roan mare 0 earn old in foul lo monlrove man 1 pair of clyde vffry beavt iflllyonll riilug 1 j ear old by lllack duke 1 black colt 6 mntilba old by napoleon bonaparte colta rking 3 eaio ull inatcbad uud 1 ft k dul cowh1 boroushbrvd pulual angua cow duo tlma of sale 3 polled angus hell im 3 jcaro old wltli calvesat foul 1 rid and white heirr 1 years old with calf at foot 1 red durban heifer 3 jtaru old with calf at fuot houtehi caw with cair at foot black jerwy cow in full milk due in july red low due in april roan heifur 3 tears old due in uay rati heifer 1 years old due lu may hereford heller a years old dua in j una youno catti k4 ilerefordgrada heifers riling 1 jeam old s durham grade heifers s yearu old 1 iolletl angus htifcra rlking a team old s itr riuing 3 years old rtlcera und s hcuiru hmiiiie 1 jiar 1 ltf auura 3 icarnotil uioronoli durham bull dark red 1 mo mlu old 1igtt t vorl wiw duo june 3lh 1 tamuwonb wjw duo junu alh 1 york now willi iu pigs j wucka old at time ol sale 11 nlga s mouths old ao pigs a months old uiplhmentfli tcamulcrs heavy lumltcr wagon g mmi na nuw guarantee t to inrry 0 turn 1 pair bobetulgha 1 national trtani h4piralor ijo imstf 10 cordauf dry wooil 4 i tuetivla bukwluul 7 lugu pure w under cash over lliat amouut ten mnnlba crvdit on furniahlug appoved alnt note 3 per cent per anuuw off orcash nr cattle groin and potatoes tlirea mouths credil positively no rcurve aa everythlug od vertlaed will ba sold 37 3 oua u orawlvy a a uolmt curk auoiionaar lepattmeiit you am ever n waloome vlultor we will biiom you thu taw w tit papers ctrpeis linoleums curtafuu drnpirltn etc d e macdonald bros limited guelphs leading and largest store cor wyndhsra ami mbcjobcii siii guelph oni figure this out for yourself suppose thnt inbtcnd of selling page fence direct freiqhi paid we sold it libc ordinary fence through agentn and middlemen t yon buy from paoie y you pay only one small wouldasijoosaleamaiiageruualary add one cant to ihewouth of your rce no but it would add sevural ceala a rod lo tha pr1cii would ai too llock mans salary add one day to llio lire or your fence nobut it would add so 10 its belling prfct waul 1 tit it vl deaura fsl aiuaur u aaatiialou ta voii ita bslu le kf ibeeammilbfllia win votul t woulj balp if maka rwilairaw uuae ry fw when yon buy from paoie you deal direct with tho jry you pay onlyone small profit ltetwuon ou uml and yon get the tlliit fkhcic ut the low fbi ulllflg hiri lor iueulltijaif luiiiunilauiaiua ruioi tvjj i price list mkayv atncv ttaa utui mmoi tluuyi l w ji i 1 sit 1 1 j 4 4 i is vfctijsnv sv cost pack pknck wiearb debt bcaiiwo ii u boncully made ihrouftliuut all no o wire no q lotku jtnnt aa ij m- inaetjaa m ii n iam uritalm fluwl cdlvaililna u 1 1i10 iiuvtuil htliht at roll nl tswoterfermi srecf ax knca mukll h tll km lslr slecb mbasauch ttt cats 11- 1 date i it uaie 14f oaia avrteeu- ull jour orl lo ilia 1 rirml riot niiavcii lultt cast cl mb irter ll lrl page wire fence co ltclifisfi ilb7 kin uu w toil onto a obuhb uwalkavtlle it pace fences wear best si latents jwiiatvavl3iss hawah hahion hltyslcwsicluirlustt bpoox0orxkxockxexoo morris saxe this week mens choice suits tweeds and worsteds at raincoats worth 500 for mens pants sere and wonted corduroy pantn overalls kc and spring underwear mitts 12 do a suits special unci of oudotb 2 ydi and 1 1 j ydi wide at per yard carpel sae it m 89 24 189 wv sttxe the brlcr storo oppoallo new foalofifico hxxxx30000rooooooooorc its hard to understand 6 why will yu bo so particular about tho cliolco of a uuit j a overlook that conaptcuoue item the hat slylca in huta change laplcu itiuuame as everything else why not bo certain that you are 1 1 ktorm y spring sis i ahow you how much aatufoctlon lis oo will buy wearing tha correct thing by makfng this nlora your huadquarteni syiowing lha new spring sitka step in taarwhaat taua healhimuw r e nelson s wvsulluua atvaat s ouadlmi omv onfarmprdinaqef do you know you can take aa tucb crep sou tan orr b half the too acrav prupoily drained as sou can ofr t nerpi not drulned and saa half tba labor t tltarae avytn- t uamaeuoaa te vu imtw ihi- ltebaaltaaaetwra in mtr bank aeteuai rw armry aa ikatmm i we maw aaj ike itwnuat uaja yea weeay rw ike tue if aaoheat aa ivwleiuifaiaw lfratfn ttfeaaaw rulikumuj domsulon sawaf pip co limaterl waaasa 1 njuoo t j lujlu- ibay womm wilh fefr cmalttlms neve aaaiu to tblflk that they naad aaoccaalottaltdambu uitu aa wall aa auuid yt aaguefc of thla intarau bathlmr abowa itaelf lu apotty aud aauow oompjextoua aa wall aa la uvaafulbaadacbaaand bthomnasa ltabecauaa tba liver bacomaa idugauuv and waste matter aecumuutea which matora cannot raaborawltbaataaslatanca thabaat chamberlains tablets remedy la chamberlain stomach and tirertebleuv wblcb atlmulatathauvertohealthy activity removafetmeoutkm oently cleanse tha stomach and bowobj arid tona tha whole dlgaauva system sure safe and reliable take ona at rughtnnd jon feol bhuht nnd auuny in tha morning gat chamberlains today dnifdatn 26c or by moll from ctuiatwula uedujaa ceasaaay tereata 1 saabaaammaswesaaasaaaaessbaiaa st farmer john and the telephone il would never use a telephone farmer john hod aald when being pressed to put one in it will just be uaed for the women folk to gossip ovtf and now that the telephone has been in a abort time it makeo aunt mary amlle to ice how parmer john runa to uae it a dozen times a day he is surely retting hla moneys worth he gets prices dally from the nearest market on alt kinds of produce and sella only when the nuulcet is right he makes no more useless trips to town to replace broken maefilne parts but finds out first from the dealer whether the part he wonts is in stock in a hundred ways the telephone is saving thus and labor for parmer john blest if i ever thought it could be of ao much use to me he says x could never do without the telephone now the telephone can help you just aa it has htlped parmer john consult our local manager now jfaawy half relapfww u a totia blatant slallon the bell telephone co