Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 30, 1914, p. 4

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jutort jrcc jrcfis fhurhday july 30 1du mbw timbjbi e demand imw inhitii ewld dvntki tuul in llin that in our flllier u outgrow tum wtrp i after 11 koiiinpunrticuomo taped by wlw llltltl tluttl we or ly lliouttutl icrowth of truth ftlioe i rirw ami rotten rte for fohaagoi a hi it ootua i hvu no dread of wlutb tiled for liv ilia dimlnct of mankind r think i twt jo world would full apart wiw we tear uromuiit mora or la i gath la et i nl liut iiirbrluonod altb eodia change is fitted to the houri tairror i turned forward to refloat promise of ln future not tli past uno wlbmthaxipmok uty laddie delivering milk was eytopped tbwhor day on hu round by two i polio qraoer vlw asked hint if hi i emptoyoovor hut unythlng in the inllk t toh eyet wm the liinomitt unumer vm ofboere thinking limy i tad t clear oao ol mlnlumttwi odered tlitl loy ulitporicn if bo would ull thetn what wa nib hi t r- ah udl the tioy with a qtiii y wdp il tbe mhihw lliobuli x tout b ye we will aldhe oftloor fllee 1 then said the little fellow ch sjxpeuoa ww duly luuwlet over with mm question now wlut doe you employer put in th milk j tvhy told lb toy with a cunning aeule be pot tbe btauun in every time 1m teas any cot the html xjver mil the action of the wrer u eaally dlmrrangtjd abudaenchlu j cikim exposure to the element ovr irabjlgenoe la norm favorite food ettoe la drinking u fa of tb huma bub whatever toey be the cauae lvrmew vegeuuefrlmoan be relied ukxi m um lmwi oorraotlos umc oatt l taken they mm tlw loadlcw llrw itllhi fcii tly kv w atrlot kinontf booh prof mumtloom castor i a for infant baal calldraa enumrorovr30yar cinto silferet with palpila- tioi of the heart aid nervoat traible un john leniilkki oat wilteaz cannot prale muhurnai itcmxt and kcrva xhtu too much for year x buffered with palpitation of tfca heart and nervous trouble fto that it could not lla down to deep i tried al most ail other medicine and got no wlur until x wu ndvlaed by a friend who had been benefited by your pill to try thetti i did k nod after takln four loxra x found x wu altuort cured and x mm solnjr to continue uuaf tbetd for k bever tot anythliat to da tna bo much ood i would kdvua any one troubled with their heart or nerve to do the batne b4 x am dotajf milbuma lloit aud herv kll in so cent u ixri or 3 boxea for fl2bj ttt ull dealera or mailed direct dd reotlofc il prlcaby tho r mubura co umltad toronto out thm nnmrtvhrthm cidt father lruy telu of an irlkhmnn v1 had eluhtmnu th itoyu maro worihleaa uxy follow wltowontthroujihllfbalilrkltitf trvary wt 0 work tliey could avoid th old father tolled on to support thyn until finally ha totured into tha urava at it- fumral th ljht bonii offleuuftd aa 1h bearera a holfihw wlto had biwav aympathlrsd with the hard workltur father aul who bad fiwiuonuy ditloid the khlft leaaoemof thamhl ahook hla haait aadty mm tha oaaltet waa borne out artah arrah i he remarkej sort aad ita the flrt time the by over nave the old man a life t cfaloag luur- ooati tua auoaa ol grmham bread wth apple jfhf aad obopped fatal graham bread with cralapple jelly one plane and preeerved b thl t ntbr bwl parte of raialna flge and date rfeopped aooly 1 with lemon juloe aad tomato 3akad bean tataahed to peat 1 neaurd and fldaly choptd oaury leave ajodeerve between brown bread i oettec oheem aerved with wotteeter- alineaoos kbd finely chopped olive veal end ham pounded in pu lutd nalxed with ere butter buc tablwrpeone chopped hard boiled ctbogeta paper ooeuueapood peafcleb tnlaed with mefotrija tlljii ww bald bhn to origg hotfere bulam i to be en kjpweud doesnt hit tdtythlanehhekr- t to my thafc 1 vote ywuethlekel otujhtto veu huu time than x has to etody politloal neerfltlonal and x u perfeotly wlulnrf to nenept her jedg in ether wosda yod have the faome olyeerwua w did oixtotdicu futon tor u kioal loy 4 imp art urawbtf htom 4ft w 111 umuwlmtitfmi m wmi u471 tet yod an ulw aiulbdulalk did uaraoldw aaa la tu hulllplaa td uaaaaauapaai aad m blaadwialgka toltfkaaf wuttptdabaaaimavlarf oi it t thy ata madarfal lilna iu talapanw aald ata jl aw lia o taufujupj all it uaau- aadofadla4 w as qalak tao tab la lia bau malok alat ti oonl lor it lt la ura blaadaruca wby w i ot it laa gaot oa taa aalop maat di thought she would lose hei little gift fnm un aumu a tiaair v mn wm hint 1m hbaaratan avutttey toronto ottti wrllre tat miri ante of jeaaety 33rd 114 th t kubam cottlmlud toronto oot nxkty fo m uttle ilxt ho eu juet one yenr old la july leet ghe bed cos eteot end awvere ntteeka- of eununer cowplabitd mod c bccalcd to dreif on her k loof despite the meny mncdle i tried uy ridchbore told u ha had rowfl bo week thty tbmiht x would boea her one olcht while wnraloar her ml old friend of mlao happened to come toamrneandaiteitcuituflwnhotitiny hewellntvrlnc ultteee ebe naked ton to try dr foerle bxtnct of wild btraw- berry i bent a little w to ennr druc tore end botuht bottle end biter hevtinr rjtven the beby one done x noticed n maerkable cbiuvs and aittf stvhuj her three or oar doece abe m wds exaja auad besmn to walk which aha hedaot been mbb to do prior to hee attnek ahct fa mm one beaithy child tmd i owe her life to that kindly edrlw rrt an old mend i would edw ell pothen to dr fowfcrv n proov wt pbk fa tbctr medicine cheat yoore truly ad men- w- bow when yon nak or dr fowtera bx- tmct of wlm s ten that you get it t if wip tf weian w ttrnorry vjju domt ohildren ory ran fletchers castoria tl n marvellou thlntf when the euiw efteoted by xv thomaa eouotrld oil are cmfuudetftd the heedy and permanent relief it ha bnmsht to the beaerjutf whererer it hu been tud it tout be re- ftsrded ut a mervelloue thlnjf that ao potent a medletn hhould reaelt from the uk in tnedumu which enter into iu oowtkneluon a trial will tkfuvlnoe the mod akeptloij of iu betdliu virtue was always troubled with boils aid pimples tmu eat im a tarn alii ma it euanock auooo armes all alood or bkla dwea era caused by bed blood and to letltpure and ka it pura you uint remove every trace the impure and morbid butter from j fcyvtcm by a blood it aoch ne jpurdock blood bltujy dp klpllnt 5ie wrlteei rebotbertdrfbbolhiand could tut kt rid t i 1 alee had all idndj of ft tod tay faoi from aarlyufcr rjctifl late id the vatt onerjliav wend told me about yoor a and that x had to bet bonte jtn to borif y my blood i got two bottle of your xtordotk blood bulcre uid hi a abort time x waj cured and x hdve bever been troubled with bolt ot isfmple alnot fimoekhiood bitter u mannf eel bled mly by the t mllbun co lbauedv toronto oct uilwa worm ivwd not only kiww loate ioteetinal and other worma bet they ax remedy for teany other ailment tf ehlldreeu they btrittlm the voann htomeoh asaloet uuiauene andaxetooioal la0refuwbthtilljanwfo ueofappilt8 xaiervuhmeduiorntthey will be foaud taaefnl and they will earrw to allay pein and grlpua l the which children aa ofteel aeitw x popular man la no who doaant nay etaarcthinnitlmeapenbeof hi friend the hnea who admlu that he 1 aeeli ateatal made turniuhbf hi life w aot baug bora women a woman love a man hi proportion to hi ability to make her anry i onae never coaii to the min who alt onadryioabxaiidwhulwlwu wople are ao much alike id thl world that by aedlas- uitii with one yon kit children dry fob fletchers c wow 1h arrrri oy um ilawvwji atmoeweukatowoeitarney ueed to ull akodatorytwnhlmralf wehad been r- ad to defend opoteruter and advued bint to plead mjluy uutjtentdldaand a there wee in the mind of the rweie a sxed idea that if a piodr plead miky he doe ao beoauae he bu no auoroay the judtf aaked him why be made that plea ilooaua uy lawyer told me to did h give yod nay reason for- uv van he told toexwouubaveitoeeov beforathlejudxe the court flared up and ordered a pie f not guilty to be entered and the ooenlr uter wa aaqdltted um buwt uaval mh ex hero ah my hoy wbeti x played itamlet the aydlonoe took itf minute to leave the beue vlclona eitlomuu ooldlyrwa he lame tauth home people think truth liko rubber will go farther if abwtobed the prfca of tha krfnl b m 1 k aaoiaifac land oaly by tha t- hkiroovhotubm lira odell had a caller on alternoou and invited her to remain to dinner the invitation we aoomud and the linetean mid i 1 am ao fried you can atay air ivr- ker there i to u a joke on mr odell he la always orltldaln my cooking to day hie mother came in and i pereaeded her to tank some oaken wont is be fan ny whan be and fault with the cake and i teuhlmuuit hi mother nude them her- bel when the oakee were nerved at dinner that evening mr odell avoulmed i my dasrlfande yon are oerteialy im tbeaa oaken am ee genius md a club centemperary orltlelam ae an unfair aad mereli waenea the world line livitr ttiii nil ce la ablcb ther wne tnom uxtiirm for qu honing the validity uf rotilompornry indgment it would iw thu luilntit of tolly to aspect poeterll it tiiitbtmtl tato the vaperlnua of mti uppruailntloa which in shirting it ulrmut rum be bnlverul to tbo person n til bm iltuntred trom critlchm into colloipo from tlln- into cekwerle itmlwii it is tiutlilng lees than n truism that the uiperienc af the nrtlst in all ecu hccordlng to the verdict of history 1 identical with itself in the word of sidney lanhrr the artist ahnll put rorlb hiiutbly and lovingly the very luat nnd hlauit that i within him utterly rtffturdkaai ut bootempornry critldkm what powaible claim can conteinpurary critlrlsin aet bp to respectthat crlth lni which ttoned bipben boutud luul far u tued- aaa bound oolumbti in ihatn drove dentu into ttille nmdtf httukuepeura write be aonnet wbeti u imsarnea with kortuoe rrnd xlsne dyefc bare ull ton to tor prirndlao lter hop aeniuol johnson coullng bl heal on lord oheeterseld dooratep reviled abelley as n dbcledn dog killed keats tracked joke on oinck bchnbart tboren ueriloet and wagnei and com milted no many other impious foulea nd inpmlllo that a tbooaabd lettnrs llko this could not bofflee even to cat loonethedir the verdict off the intellectuals baa iwaya been n vedtnhle etnmblleg block lit the path of gaolna it u from rnen of astohtlsbed uter- kry repnuuoa asserts emrnard bbw shat wu loom that william make waal mad that shelley wa spoiled by liv ing in n low net that bobert oeren wee a man who did hot know the world that ttuskld i incapable of comprehending political economy that gold is h mere blackguard ud i been 1 kola with a wooden um thm great utlcbitt accepted by hi miekuiwi lis tvuitr u vlllflvd by hi fellow inttat- cuu it wa the rnuelctil ittlturw of europe which pronounced ungtwr the luferior of uendelseohu uud ueywr- beer it le not enough to any with the brtt- tbnt hbtbor of cnuteotparalna that cotiteitiporary crluclaiu i iiwr coaver- ketlou it i tif tett little irtoru tlnta tnera koealr one 1 often inclined tu qo uon with lowell whether the powers that be in crltlclsoi are really the pow ers that obght to be rrom at blbald ifenovrmmt eoropthtn bramsusta the cheapneae of llother titwvev worm entermlnator put it within reaofa of all and it can be got at all druggist hoaeaiy always pays but iim often alow all women are beautiful ingenious and truthful booldlng women are iam rtdliulou than ewearlag men sveu the fool remarks 4 a tauluonarecan pass for wladorn ohildren ory ros rutchtrs castoria two prleooere had juat btepped itito tha buk uarle to be conveyed to priou one wee a ugafaut the othr wu a thief wot are yer a aalvfclllng for y akad the bigamut of the thuf uho was weeping plufully i wa thinking of my wife and having to leave her fcouxj the thur 0h dry up retorted th blgamlet rmndtaauiijling an lw leayln two of ml f wilsons fly pad v poison i th4mro am many imiu- iotu of this best of all fly killer aaaf tor wtuco awawtr woej sjat itwng feuirl kvcuui aaaprbslnleaalti wd nun or woman ahoald hobble pain fully about beoaumoioornawhedaooertaln a relief is at hand a liouowayhoorncure if bolibdy had too much then averyliody would have enough busy man are uauauv so hpy that they have ao time to realise it always aim hlghar unui the mark 4f the mark 1 a dlntiie in her jtiu llost knee would rather get the blurt end of an argumeut than keep quiet l t laoeuse a man doeant know a woman that he aak her to marry um are your bowels ever constipated xi you wish to be wefl you mint keen bowcbopeti attytaagawityoftbs bowels is always dwngerotnl and tv be ottended to at once futhebowcbl tease to work properly all the other organ became dfcrangstl mutmrn laaaltvcr pui work on the bowels gently end naturally aad wttt cure the wont rnaea of coutlpetlon urs a cummlna aaancbestcr onl writes- i have been troublod with constipation for over five years and x test it my duty to let vou know that your mlumtrae j hus have cured me i only used three vlabi antt i cau altbfully bay that they have saved ma f rotu a lane doctor bill uhborns xaxallvcr xflls are a wonderful tiwdy for all disease or dbv ardem of the uver or bowels price 35 cents per vial cr 0 vials tor 1 00 at au dealer or mailed direct oa igillettse v lye cuansnimnfccts jj thl billlvbitlmbladai hunt it wa u cleur hrdllug day toward the let of november und froiil tlw hill which we created by the old vtalider- dalti moualou could u uoen uvvi of country touched hjf miryluu t-olor- tbe nuset ulid criiuwtu tit unit uud hltt pie the urotiii of llitiliilatlng thul mid hills broken hurt illld llirtrv h i lie bny of ml mm wtillx thtr tluiir kuuhttm of brook ur utrelclidu tf umii rtmil what iilrr cried omlttiti lib hiird4 toaalng back his huad mid tultlnjf ti long whltf and what n day for n biiut e-u- oed hex telllngford loolfujf mat itlchnrd to whero umlly kaiuthirdillu wa chattering to u uroup of tuuii in red coat checking in br horse n the hound atrugglod to bo off atmlnlutr nt their looshe with every uue iii feucb good fettle it ollabt to bo u grant old mce she lausbttl tucking a atrand of bfue black hair beneath bar riding bat tho eyes of illcuurj und telllnsford met with an understanding uloam tach wa cooulmut of tlw other ibougbtalhiit whoever hrouoht itatk the braid that day wonli win a prixo of fsr graatur valut ilotli mi u ktww that tbulr futilru butliuiui ttwtidrtl inrdely on tho mo ruin k j ruu rur kui lly wau u homuwoiuiu from the up uf her riding boot tu tlw itubt of her bnti gaimtleted dimtr hh ut immeaaur able utore by raai lonutiry ridim tbir- liitf leap hlid ittilrhrmdlh w4iius ti wiiy u mail tuuld not kti hi umhlli htm ii it in riijllyu mind tii diiyliiu ikf iould ikvt koiip itu in hd though i think tlietv tir vlrin ihiiuilly n grtut uh rou country rid intt smiled geiil itf rmiautlmtu jtndef rbtltr wimwo lovv of outdoor excmeitteut wu neither uo defit rooted nor of such imiu ulteritamv an kiullyv tmlly shook her baud lltur aunt lulu wh nnawered ym dou t in tlw taul undtrsttiud and i in kur i could tuvtr explain it bred in my hom i hi i ail if i baa lhl in ibu ohhiii tuys i abould bv bud it tournumeiitritshliig of itoraee liiuiiiiib of upturn aiilliiteriug of nr- tmr tiiata what i cll u wooing o uwrti iinihlliitt up i demand txir immih tilul huud i ltd a i tlud it hiird to ileiidv betwvtm qrnltaii tllchurd uikd llek tvhliigfurd why tulr held uitd fair play uud let tlw bel man wth bometblug of thl headstrong reeolu llou ailrrwd in th bin a uhu turned suddenly in ber aaddle uud guucvd at the two toed ateured triumivh glowed ua tho face of illclurd ultfru detor inluatiou wan writtea ou telllngford hhe gave h little uud- uf tatlructlon jltey were well utntcbud ibeae iwu the other toeatber of tb fjinder- ihiw boustf lurty wvr uot umiwutv uf the dmbw that wu imltig playvd im for their ey uud it uddeu to tlw t b the rnorulug u th algual wus riven the dogs tmlvitalied and lite ravalced swept gayly down the bill itok at that h1h uflkpd ur itoyee tbompson a uuvlee who pound ad id bar mddl shea actully uot the reat wen lost for km hy was already in the distance galloping nt breakneck kpeed while at her beeli roliowed tuchardn and telllngford the reef of the bunt ktredbled uftor thero lock sea mad id favor ulctulrd his mareb feet ecircely toocbed the artb aba took fence and farrow ilka a winged creature telllngford wen not bo fortunate at the brink of a btxmud be wee forced to pata etid faatenl hi eaddl girth lartly from itfecitaeneat and pertly frood ennoyanea he fumbled with it longer than he bad inteodd and whed be rawed hi bed the other were already far bbeld kutliy lauderdale aad luehards atlll in the lead the bound had scented their ojmlrry and were id full cry teulngford coueidered there wan a croeacut that he had tried onca before it lay throogh ditches and brambles and waal fetoreacted by ave bar fences suu anything at a pinch and ha would back atleetioot bgahut every uaiw id the county u conjjrrtluhtlod hlmaeu ou thu nechdou 0h uomeftt uuf aa irteetfoot went forward ut u iwcy that jostined bar ntuw her coom now lay bcroea wide meadow filled with loan gran and starred here and there by purple aster and skirted by low atone walk in who crumbling chink vine twleted and acromt whoa loose sionea edttlml skipped and chattered rravov old girir tried talllugtord bw hand on meetfoof gloeay neck gabtly urging her forward at that rnoment there reacbeo him sharply and piercingly tha utter cry of a child telllugford drew rein uy the wall circling a ditch that wetroot wa about to take uy h fenull cbuhby ngfliw one hand full of uowera pricked hlruaelf with brdrdblee irtooaht telllngford aluud be aald cbeer up aouny ileti never cry for a hcrnlch ii wu for nrnintf irleetfoot oil agilu when the inert nee of the- iihi heap by um wall luot home tu him he checked hi bora and dlatoounted all inalsat later he stood with the beiplfea burden la his arcda tha cbllda yellow bead reetod against bl ulnmider one null arm hung limp aeroea hi own vltb aw ttnderatsbding almost buftwn meet- root stood by tha wall ilk a brotm mtdtua whllo trjiiuaford inomiled aad then want slowly hack aeroea tha ueaoowa toward tha road th child ttcovaring from bu ttuoor begaa to aob tolllugford toothed him with tender awkwardness uud waa guiding meeifoot to th erst farmhouse by tha roddsld wbeu a wottutt wu down tha path leading to tb door untying bar checked apron an she went her bacn wa toward th approaching trio bobby ah cried etobbyt tbe boy stirred la telunford inn i think 1 have found your boy uadv am called talllugford geutly and bl thro aecoud tnorv won tujodlog for tha village physician tbe bound of the bunt bad long ajuca died id tba dl unce it whm ttfternoou when telllngford reached the lmudtirdnlok itrom tba dining room ram sound of talking and laughter in tb ball be rust era lly lnuderdal tbr wne a look ou bar fee that ha bad never aem before im awfully sorry be began abrupt ly twfattlog tba crop of hi riding whin in hi band -botyouarv- uetwused uud could go no fiuihur tie wo a umu vrbo always found it wttny to tell of tb good ated of otuers but balk ad ruhmrably wheu l tilim to tbo tr cltal or tola own he inuttervd woina- tblng laartlenlata nbimtt too tone muddy dltrb and a bad fall s laauawraul uurruyad htm rui cool acosn i or ii milddy fall your coat i tlte liloat conspicuously sputles gurment that i tiavo ever seen aha rettiruod ilryly oh i uuy lnunii tvlllngrard hot i rally awpt uiut him btr hihld bold high that bo bqd not carod to win wa evitunf but thtit hv muoilht lidd to that hbmlllatlou with ixciikici was more than she could iwsr hlw wnm ulad she told lierseir unit it wns lrut tun itlchnrd who tmd isiiuit off irlmti- lihmtit vet in spliu ut tliu uiluiies1 here wa n stinging mlat in hot io und bitter tatch in bur throat a sha mat before bur drosaltig table that night while katie tbo htald bruahod bur hair brerythlng had untie wrong that day in big ihliigh hm well n iti llttlo uveu tbe gown shu hud liliililud to wear that evening- hnil imjvii loft iiiiilu- isbod und ahtf wuu ftmvd tu rvpri- inand katl somewhat ulnirply tcstlo burst lillo ittdru hhir hid meant to flu lab it uhu cunfuauid but that morning the thlw of hor ulatur wboj lived on thu rond to tin- illume hllpped ou tlte muddy atone tlf u ttlt ii und broke bin arm uud kutl iimiw id of sewing on tbo gowil imd polio to sisi bow he fared 5tou can hsk mr tollluuronl ir ita hot so maam aba coikluthsl tear fnlly twm ho that found hobby end carried him home and want for the doctor afterward of tho troth of hit- nssrtrttou uts lenderdal questioned nothing do you know where mr telllng ford i nowr she demanded indeed x oo maam he bidden your aunt goodby and i halfway to the station then tell james to saddle dolly duupung instantly and bring her to the aid door katie gasped and obeyed while temlly labderdsle throwing a scarf about her shoulder rau down tbe stair to tbe driveway her silked din ner gown bwlahlng at every step talhugford tusuntlmu rod toward tbe stuuou hi lips rt in h thin imrd line he found hluistilf uiulutlr re peating bl rnorolag advice tu llobby men nv cry at b acralcb when behind him cam th dying gallop of bode telllngford wa hubk with femsjuunent ut the vuloa of kmlly landerdala hatle and coatlea und in evening dree tearing down the road straight alotijildti tb cart abe cam and held out her huud if you cuu forgive and forgot aba pouted and if you still care oarer cried telllngford jorklugotf bl overcoat and wrapping it about bw after she bad tnipetuouely jlppvd front hur boro and clambervd into tliu cart all i cau my i lltatiit hob by and tlw hixtii huliwl youtig person in m anlt of wbll suillii was pjgy at a wtddltuf in tit apring 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i tactical health hint ihdloeelu in uu cvrdliiury cusv of indlc- lion iuiv lu ill slumld lw prc- iwh wluii tin nyiii tuinn iwfilu it will prohnhl iw uihvuvrr to i huiiiif tlii ilut i utlm tliv ui lltmt tuklim far khtimi a wouk ut u ilmv mlllt uiul it iioiiiu lug ill urdluiiry fikkl im ti ii u u4 lo ulrw rio in lrrituhllll of tlw tttnmut u at it lalir dug wlwu llw irrlluumi ut iy w praumd itt butt- uuluildiil ii urudual ru turn aliuuld lv muuv in ordliuiry dkt ltutnwi and firvvn vitwable h iv urtktve wbkll should be pro mbltcd until u beollby uale of tlu illgmdlou hue beu eetdb- imutl tei und cogee hud bet ti r tu tvitlatid by tocoa hud a rvidiril n4ul food a little flne- i dlvkwi muttou or fowl or trl whimltd hrt tw tried beef mlmutd in iw takeu until tbe healthy wluto bda ten re iatab- tluluvl it will bo well to rnol lu tin- mhx for healthy dig lluuttuit thora should be rest futh luirorv and after tueela and llwtllwfiukilkhoou betborottgo- l mvkltd by the teeth it 1 uuiuiui11 tht a lee amount uhmild im imbuu ut eacb meel in lb individual think be ii uhl ittitmum m mm women of middle age mijoucettelle ol hut eksv toaalng syrnpforti ourifiat ckatise oef ufa uud uaw ska fotind relief ltevlunoencuacbnthxa year ago i we snjferuig badly with what th doetora railed obaug of life x wa m bad that i had to stay to bed bom fvieodj told m to ukelydia k xhnknamb veg tabucomroundaivl it helped m fvorn the flrel it la tha only madialu x took that did halo rn and x tacomlnend il you uwt know how thankful and grateful x ant x give you rwmiioei to pnbllah what your oda medicln baa don form afra bitson dotwami ueluvllie yamuouth fa novabeoua bucb waiillitg kymptoml aa tens of auhocauoariot flaihehedchosbev- achef dread of bupettdlug evil timidity uunda in th eara palpluuptt of tha heart sparks before tba aye irregu- uriues ouatipatlon variable appautev waekncea and inoujetuae iwill ar promptly heeded by ublllgent wo- meu who are aporoachfng th period in life when woman great change may be aitpaetod lydia e ihnklum vegetable com pound tavigorata and stretigthens tha femsjeotgeiusroarwllldjuptbwsal ened riarvou systern t has carried many women aafaly through this crisis if vu waataamlal tujvlc wriln i illi plbkhaatatoelriae lie couh aeatual lraameaiu tear leltar will a effaaad read bbmi aawrrrd by a waauataad wu lu strict eaaldeuoe awful asthma attaoka isthereamem ber of your family who i in tlte poaer of tbla distressing uouliet no mrvtoa yoi cau reuder him will eaua the muglag to hla auenuon of iv j i kollogg asthma itemsdy thin rmarkal4e remedy restm it remiluon upon what it ha doe for other it ha a truly wonderful reoord covering year and year of aucoeee in almost every pan of this oouunent and even beyond th ess castoria tb kind ycul uavo juurayg bonsht smal tvhloh xiag lieen in uae fbr ovor sm yea bag torne tllo algnataro of and liaa boon made tinder lit erw q bonnl biinorvlalon alnoo iu infancy jos6ca4s juiow no ono io dncolvo yoia in tills all counterfeit imitations tmd tutnsgrmmlnv3 but sxprimeilt tlmt trlflo with mid oudniiucr tha bnulth of knfluit and chlwlrcii xuxnurienoe ngniut isxporlment what is castoria tjastoria la a xtarmlesa aubstltuto ftr caslos oil yum roriov irop and boothlng hyrupsu it la imcdasuit xfc contnlutt noluior opium jrfirphlno hor otlier tturcaila bubatanoo itu ago lu tttt ciitirantoe it destroy vorrrt and nllayu iovcrlnlinca it cure olarrlioua and wiwi colic it ruovcrf toetlilng troublos oirou coiimtlwtlou and jflaiulohcy it aualnitlatog ilio voai veguuta tho btonutoh nml ixowolu njlvlng xioalthy mid uatural elocu x7bo chlldrontt luiiucc 20 motuoru vrlnodi oemuine castqria i beam tha slgjiatmo of always the kind you have always bought in use for over 30 years actons electric chopping mill i chopping et rolling done thuradoys fridays tl saturdays satisfaction guaranteed flour and feed for sale b f caldwell acton mill street matthews photo aciod 4m the grand trunk railyvaa iabsikmobim tha1ms1 u ilmia t wt ilmia i im ilulab jow klsew 4a si losja n sn vi miw o s4m i0 la vi h9b w id it- umm v imperial counter check books tho popular imperial counter check hook manufactured by the applefonl counter check hook co limited ham lltou may be ordered at the vmv pkvts sample and price nf all styles shown on application 1rompt delivery tboro lira mora imitertals in use in acton thmi any other check dook 0j5 aclon frea preaa local aokhov wonderland v moving picture show vvo havo roccnlly mtulo u change in bur programme and horoalunwa are allowing five reels ovorv monday wedneadsy friday and batmjuy ovdnlog entire change of film each of thoie evening abmimloh ohiulbkm t r c gregory prop the bertin slaw giutti martla works ratorsviarroei designer had builder of tlu uansloenms uonbmsnt markers sad meadalone end all kind of autiatic chueterv vora wu hem8trebt aobrft acton ou uiltow aatuoannouunanc c h rockwood i chopping mill all chopping will be done speedily and e1l on plates or utotiek plouif oatmeal j bran shoru the bent at lowest j prices harbis area ttmiui ockwood out i uma1hmamuwmumtfwnaulmhmiialmakatfmbtfuamaaamma istell say notice g all slraw and pauaras hall at half price g today at r e nelson berehank 1salto buosvurauor ctoreyscloves u at warmest kind for com weather tougher horsehide will never 6c bund because die best is used or storeys gloves and gauntlets and yet the skin because carefully tanned by the chrome process is made pliable insuring da extraordinary wear resistance waterproof and the best working gloves an the sold at al atores insist on storeys mm baadaobaonaadassa boots shoipk btjbbebs a atiiirt dquunaouuituiaaadad i all lines ct1 t right 1 i au memorubfc barffatn pric mooanonnoaadanoaodri w mill street wltjci reet t aten imualt k hamiok isuawyjusaitas ovca a ul patents a

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