Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 8, 1914, p. 4

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f tithe aitan jfttt rfgs iiiuum v i vnl u h 11ij1 what wan 1tv iii list dim u upldui tmr kt iii h wny muy ut 1 nltuoim thllhhlll lliurww imsslitu 1 will i huuri iimir nmdy hum nil tpnuil that in flitf 1 will flllti out she inn tit tml tlif hy hut a strang ulilii iiml liureye i tjtilok alio out urn woli around httlntf ttm tlilnu situ found win i wua tit p mi for in f to dread p thin lu wluh i li tl upldui unit o lou it a ii ontarios roads tauxfcar rnitiw im this world t hew o laawllum lull interastlng utoty at iii won i in th district of tha white mt a thousand roll to th south of khartoum to hauler rvprasonlntlva n stated t in th neighborhood urd about ht 000 people known as hour who are nmnntf lli tellsst tribe in tho world they are jet black tynioal negroes and do not practice either cannibal ism or human sacrifice tbey have admirable qualltlas and i have never teu eiriong thfcfcd a cos of cruelty to women or children they have many curious habit foe iaua romtt uppareutly unknown avatt to tbtttntalva nil adults have six of thili- towat otli ramovad tfcay take gnat pride and tuvot tnueb llen to tit drawing of their balr powder tbli- foe and wear oatrlcb loath tby have e but when at rtt of standing ou 0ti- like fetorka wlw andattparuooaj iiiolbrknow wtwi thir chlldrn or troublaj wltb wocm and lo bo lima it applying millar worn powdar th tn0t tttaeliv vanslfug that can b ul it u abaolou id euhiig the iyium of worm anj ratorlug tho healthy uxwiltlimi tottbtiut tobub lbrt h b ao fcocnfoct fi lb tiblld or bop of kobut ftrwtb itu tb toa uut- woriby tf kttnl juroiili6t a vjuluakui man at a ditto la jdbulu uw nwly fclotd buyor of nw york told tb4 klbrltif thit old uam eomlpuai bj ute1 dltpikltb tihu wooks ub olb too fcbiurply 1i bu umm wam uttu bb bot of wbit hpnl vud a uwly ruud omtul wa boldlrtjf riuod oa tb fedlotf of but victory atrioug bu vullort wta a rd fl biau wltb a fur ep tbl abov bt uft uowdy tw uld tb fur cap my dim ua go avsdlug ld tb omilaj aod w you wr ona of tnyauiljiorurabr on kiua bibo iwaaalgbt tha woman wltb aa uaal biuband vvy ukaly wubaa fcha bad soma otbr bltul it la malar for a young niaa to mat iov to bit than to maka a living for bar tixa kdiu who a govaruad by ha eott- ifllsaoa aaldom bad tho advlm of a lawyar uolaaf woribsba anpallad frott tbe yunj no ehlld can b hail thy mothar gravea worm uvurailtiator la tba bt medlelne axtant to dwtroy worua any girl em tualta m nma for her- ulf- if aba can indues soma toaii to caoa tha tuuaon wltb bar a toad navar raallam how wueb tmtua a girl baa wbo jilts hloi until aootbar gata buay aaj mmrrlaa blm obsvimo oromu ona morolng wblb lira cobb waa attiw wutuw houa in tba country aba daeldad to go up to town and apod th day with frlaad llarero- ter bad not eallad by tba tlua ihe waa wady to uave so aba wrote oa a erdi all out doat uavo anything and uekd it ou tba door tjpoa hue wtura at bight aha found th hoom bad baan rautavad and omrly avy thing of any valua bad baan taken ob the catd whleb the had lafe on tba door thesa words had baaaaddadi uuwka w havent uft tuub wratobad from atbma 8trgih of body and vigor of mlbdarolnvtnbly luualrd by tuaaliltntlooa of asthma who tiati 1u undar tba elouda of cdrrlag ktuoka and keep body and utbduetbalrfulloftimdutifiyp dr j d kellogg- aatbma ilamedy dlul- lu thaoloud by hniovlns tha eaiua itdoaanllava it doaa refctora tbe auf far to nortual bodily trim and mnntal bapnlnew you cant alwaya tall by a tuna 6tloaa whatbar ha hum blue uood in hla valua or baa the hookworm all tnant juat tba aatuv a girl with a faoa that would aeara a gaaollna ttuak up au allay apauda fully aa mueh unia in front of a ulrtw aa a putty girl do omldreii dry for fletchers ca wakim0 uvlm nuhab uooykjknd a tourut in rural scotland wbo took rafugfl for the night in ilia cot- taga of an old lady auktul har ri wake hint iujr in tba morning hvwartifrd bar tlut h waa nulla deaf and imp that aha would nut dluturh the ulnar gtiatu by any loud hoimii upon awakening uiuou later than tba appointed hour hu fmind tlmt the old lady with fct riot regard for mm proprlatleii bad slipped under hi door a ullp of ptiper upon whloh wax written t sir ita bauf paatelnbt yeod bel ter get up many a ttianw eonielxnee lie in a elate of bmooutnw du6ludtf until hu wife begin to lt up and tttke notice bu rmakohablu will you marry wet do you luvo me for uyeelf alone v wlfyof eourae did yt euppoie lxedyoiv th aaka of your elv imuoan aunte and fnur oidmald akv tara vo be reasonable clara ik mr kt4llm lc nrw lllnliwayn oom m l1 lo turn flio lit rlotf or dublle mnntlnrm bald by thu ontario llhdiwaye cominlu- elott 1b ilia fororuntiar of lb a urotttitnt rontl liiitirovtitiiont kcliotnv ever plan- nnd in u canadian province itrltuh cohunbltt le ongauod in building u road ayulem coattnu v mllllone and qunuea u epandlng ton million on ion trunk road pttrallellnk thn st lawroncfl and n aiding tnunloldfth- tlev but tbe ontario program will ouldlstanco the id all in comtrheti- elveneia and vtftor eay qeore w auaten in canadian courier what u the condition of road im provement on whleb tbe cetnnilaalon muut baufl plane ikow far hae on tario progreaeod already t ftober truth it in that thouib in twenty yaare time and money of a dlreet value ol over t0000000 been bean put on tbe road ontario la yet far behind hi net modern etaloe in toad improvement agriculturally tbu provlnco la the meet product la tba dominion it haa ukewle a greeter mileage of atone roada than any other province tint it falle meet houbly to ahow rood development at all in koeplng wltb lie productive potltlou in tho lout twnty yean the towuehlpe have pat about 30- 000000 in eaab and about 31000- 000 vtatule labor tloya ou their roada without improving them la the opin ion of the provincial hlibwaye engin eer much beyond their condition at tho beginning of the twenty yare the countlee which have bm im proving main market roade under the highway imprevdmnt act of 1001 epent up to tbe end of 1018 h 373471 receiving from tbe oov- erubiant an iu ehere of tbe coet one- lb i rd of that amount or mjm3 tlun tho total expedhure on county and towuihlp roida with a total mlloa of over 60h0 hu bw elnce lt3 a boat 933373000 cb and about 33000000 tutute labor day in one of hie annual rport lo- vldclol vaultitmr uclean etlmeue that in the orgauled couutue of old ontario tba t0 000 mlle of road may be elaulbed tbua 1 trunk roadj counctliig tha larao cltlae and towiw k pr cnt or 3500 iilla t county or leading market roadf 13 pr cnl or 1000 tdlle 3 mala tcwneblp roada b0 per cent or 35000 mile 4 secondary townnhl roada 88 per cut or 1e00 mle a wmtottl lfjrijairk another bbtorlca epot in watehi canada ba recently ud located and markd it u in the krovlaoe of uaekitchewau and in the constitu ency of lljy altuatsd about thr- mlla north or tha town of lly en tha chil the location la on tba alte of tbe old heidquartere of tba uountod ipolloe kuowu aa vort liv- ingetoua or uwan lllver uarraeka and in tha twtmllee waa an import ant point in the wil it waa here that tba tret aeaalon of tbe flrat kortbweet couuell was bald com menting oa uarcb s 1877 prlded over by lloa david lalrd wba waa luuuantaovernor or the nortb- weet twritorte at that time tbe member bt that notable council were col jan v uatlaod cou- uleakuiar or uonnted polloa hugh tucbardaon bilpendlajy uagletrata uatbew uvea stipendiary sfagt- trata at that uma there were no mtuex and the aurvvya were only being tobiuaaead la the far wait in 1iv0 tbe faeadauarter of tha noet ware moved about iso ullea aonui where the men putup new log build- lag in tint the country around bwan kuvar waa wept with prairie lira to which the old baracka feu a prey broga wor the ateda vat the aeo of the embryo doctor a big batch of aotua thooaaads or froga haa been obtained by the facul ty of medicine in toronto tjalvaralty tha froga are not used for winch dlahee tha idea being merely to try ejtftarlmenta upon them vorlnjlane a atudent will pith a frog that la make it immune to pain by deatroylug ita brain he may then apoe lie heart by duuectlou to tba heart he will attach an apparatus whloh re cord ita beat druse which para lyse or aumulate or kill outright are dally used on the email animal la thin condition often when tha mono tony ot the work become i ton op- preaalve there emuoa a frog fight and many a fellow has to eat froga iocs that are neither cooked nor cleaned in danger of dotting fcoat a young barrister waa once argu ing a ease before chief justice barker or mew brunswick his brief waa an elaborate one and his argument very technical and tedious and anal ly tbe judge began to lose interest la tho ebetruho deductions of tha youth ful blooketone pardon mo your hoaor said tba lawyer but do you follow met so far i have repued tba judge but if i could find my way back id filed ly atop right here kingston fftuuing orowtfc that kingston le growing and growingjypldly la illustrated by tha big 4kcreaea- in tha number of build- lug permits taken out for the ere tlon of dwellings this year aa com pared with a few years ago an in crease of approximately 160 per cent le ebown in the last four years this year to date there have been 1 building permits taken out while la 1110 for tbe whole uuar there were only 70 dwelling built flaeollno import aa showing tho immense increase- in the mombers or automobiles motor boats and agricultural machinery us ing gasoline rual the value or tha import of gasollue baa increased front 1091018 in 1011 to i6b4m4 la 1819 castoria jor infant and children mothers know that genuine castoria always bears the signature of in use for over oldest canadian mormon fcwt cn jwrwr thirty years castoria cailav do hiutewerk ifttv was so ml lira ybotmifl melville bel twain buk write- i thought it tny duty to write and tell you bow much your mllbunv heart and nerve mil did for me my heart was so bad i could not sleep cat nor walk about tha houu i could not la my housework ut all what my bus- hand could not do bad to undone x hod two small chlldrcu tlcpeuduuf on me besides three men to cook for and it worried me to not bo able to do anything my husband bad taken soma of your pills some yews ago and liatutcd mi me trying them so i started owl be fore x had token tlictn two wotu x wits considerably better out before i had taken two boxi i wnt doing my own work again anyone suffering from heart or nerve trouble of any kind should juit slve your pills a uui anyobe cures to write to me x will nladly give them all the inrormatlaa i know con cerning your wonderful medicine uubum heart and herwe mil are ooe per box or 3 botes for 9156 mt bu dealer or nulled direct on receipt of price by tbe t uubunt r limited toronto out rrotkii an asylum for tba df and dumb btliirfltt bdof fuudd gav a daae among tba many ouuidr wmnt wsre two good looking nun as tby wre talking together una of thu suddaly etulalmad i cyjovel thwe 1 a pretty girl i would ilka to danoe wltb her why dont you uk urk vplld blseompanlon wat bow r why by also of bour hobeerc 1 tu ball and placing blmaalf in front of tha girl polnud with bl tad anger to bar then to hltnir and then whirled bu flngvr round and round to indicate dancing the girl smilingly uoddd asaant binding that bar dancing waw as perfect aa her figure he want through tbe same operation a little later in tha evening again aha nodded as aant aa tbey were waiting for the uiulo to start another gentleman epproaohed tba girl and asked for the neat dance i am sorry she rplled in tbe sweetest of tone nodding towards her silent partner but x have this dance with tbe dummy tbey oleahse while they cure the vegetable compound of which partneleee vegetable pllle r com posed mainly dandelion and mandrake clear tha stomach and intestine of deleterious matter and restore tha deranged organs to healthful action hence thejr are tha bast remedy for indlgeetlonavallablatoday a trial of them will establish the truth of this assertion and do more to convince tha ailing than anything that can b writ ten of th pill tbe tramp baa one advantage over an automobile you cant puncture hie tire bolt corns are difficult to eradlcata but hotlowaye oom cure will draw them out painlessly there le something wrong with tba lofty ideals that run to high castoria jfaf laiaata ad flulmrtf 11 kud ymj hin mtm bagh bjgaltatr ooodoauan why da you drink u hud th umf my wir wont pmk to w wbin i uu dvlnklhg woman gould jot walk she w so hi retod to health lyy lydu epiflk hm vsuia0 cotupottttdt ipentwater mich a yearagol waa very weak and tha doctor said 1 had aerlooa dupiacn- meat i bad back ache and bearing down pains o bad that i could dot sit hi a chair ot walk across tba floor and x wag hi eevoro paid all tha tunc 1 felt discouraged aa x had taken everythuiff 1 could think of and waa no bettor x began taking lydia xi pinkhante veg otabla compound and now i am strong and healthy mr auob dauuno it pd ko box 77 peatwatcr mich ktoudl what ajtiotlierwonmii uaysi peoria jul i hod such backache that i could hardly stand on my foot i would feel llko crying out loti of times and had such a heavy feeling in my right ida x had auch terrible dull horulachca avory day and they would mako me feel no drowsy and sleepy all tha time yet x could not aloep at night aft i had ukea itfdlabptokhuma vegetiihlo compound a week i berim to improve lly backache was ku and thu heavy fooling in my sldu went away i continued to take tile cow pound and am cured you may publish this u jrou with uu cjoha u gmjwtjx j61t- no 4 box 63 pooril iii pilch letters nrovo tha wghw of kordhi b hnkbama v q fair womada hla why dqatgou tr itl ulej faauchoiiaj uk 1m alasokcal with a fee as ruddy a an appu varm tulutt drove along tba ojuut eountry riad in bu trap ae ba draw near tbe little vlluga ha mat tha vicar walking along with downcast head and a vry meditative look upon hie face im right sorry to hear o tha bra at your hou last nlgbt air be said waa tbara any strloue io i indaad there was my good tulutt said tbe vicar dolafully m yaara aernions were eomplauly burned i tbe old farmer touched hie horee wltb bbj whip and a sly twinkle cams into hla utrry eye ay ha retorted as tbe trap mow ad off theyd wake a grand blase sir i they ware so dry ye see eeui ioi snuioitei ip for tarn bmtk wonun are coming to understand that week ume and aching back from which tbey suffer are due to wrong action of the lidneys the kidneys arc overtaxed tva more work that tbey can do and when the back aches and pains it is almost im possible to lo her houicwotk for tvry move and turn means pain on the first tlgn of any weakuese in the back doatis kidney pills should bo taken and thus do away with any suffering from kidney trouble mrs a j toluodc kingston out writes- i am writing to tell you what a wonderful cure doaus kidney xhlls did for me i was culfcrlng with a lame hack and or about seven days could hardly straighten up for tbe pain i had used quite a lew of other kinds of pills and received no relief juit tlteir my sister came and told me about deans kidney pilh and what they had done for iter so i decided to try them x used three hones and i am completely cured and i do not heiitate to recommend them imce tioc per ho 3 iwixes for 91 2s at all denier r mailed direct on receipt of price by the t milburu co limited toronto out if ordering rjjjrcct ipcclfyjdoana the bad habits of tailors are ofm found la tnuflt parlors cheer upl sunshine will eventually puncture tba thickest cloud beady made medicine you need no physician for ordinary 111 when you bavaathand a bottle of dr thomas kcleetrlo oil xfor all eoubbe sore throat bronchial trouble tt fa tnvalu able for eoama burns btfuuee sprains it la unsurpassed while for cuts sores ulcere and tbe like it is an unquestion able healer xt need no testimonial other than the use and that will satisfy anyone aa to ite effectiveness tual ahiotochactv dm canada mroaverdrownaoave lived in win nlpeg before ha became a baronet a hotel waitress approached him with tba question will you have porridge this morning mr cave r pleaaa addrea ma as mr cave- orowna4ave bo repllsd sternly turning o bis neighbor at tba table deha said porridge wr hulmser please address ma aa ftfr home- sweetholoies was the retort soma erasure they will find rest in hagvea because they are sleepy in eburoh there are 60 plants in the united kingdom lor the conversion of municipalities garbage into eleetrlo power cheer up if you have nothing you cant lose take every chance you can get pro vlded you can get it honestly people who are easy to live with are jewels and should be treasured ilbomm ouamoiia a cubata a vlsltlhg teiibllshnian believes ha haw discovered tho reason for ameri can ustravhganch and ungluh thrift tuym tba new york tribune he sy that the difference in the iuiulliig tentpeteuitnl of the two hhiiiuiu 1m due enllrely lo the elmtig purse hlch kiigluhmi carry no ohm whoo money lu enuutaiitly jingling in his pocket can possibly ha economical says tba oluervep from uvereaas on the other band the wan who hw to open a change puree b get at hie small coin i tinder re straint theaxiraoffort twoeiuwry in get at hi suinll rnlim will oausa liliu lo forego many niputluiijtloa for spend ing which hi american eousln would eagerly aeeept children ory nib fietchms ca3toria i monry vy dlnnuus his lived in tftlti country vo m year honry lyman hlnman patriarch of tha mormon church in canada is tho nldeat mormon or tbe canadian church lft came to canada in 1h77 and lis msltlod in cardston continu ously for twenty six year tba aged patriarch was born at wtt mockhrldafl mao in 1s37 but tort whsn a hoy and settled with hi father at kauvoo illinois ho wa stvn ynars of ago when tha lrophnt hnillli wa assassinated but he m- momter many thlntt about him ho had often ban in his father hous ho told tha writer and as llnutensnt- ktmcral of tha hancock county mili tia the hoy ofton saw him drilling his mun i well remember aald the old msn what a finelooked soldier he in a tin h rode a big sorrel borsfl with a whllo foot and tut a boy i al- vnys wanted a ltor just ilka that ono of the propheth mr hlnman lu rn ntmlndnd thn writer that it wuw ut nhuvcmj that hmllh had been 4fl him n tried tor dlnerant crimes but wa never ohco cunvlcted the old man nrlilod hlmsolf ai a member of the mormon churcbrto think that his prophnt coum so dsfsntl lilmsclf that llm rharite msda against him wore dlsproven patriarch hlnman wu ouu of thn rrat o inavfl nsuvoo after thn killing of joseph and 11 run flrfllth in 1s44 tho family stsrtod for lows then a territory inhabited by indian thn government had promised to send of ficial to thesa indians ho would tseh thfih to farm tha indlara thousht th3 party lb flovsmmstt teacher and for a whoi wltttwr held thain csptlve on the indian territory tho nest ysr after working hard thn family were eblo to purchase i outfll with which to join tha kmar exodue from nsuvoo 1 1 lfl47 it was while ihl trk was in prograas that the mormon battalion was drafted to tight with mexico this deterred hi father party and it wa not till 114b that the hoy hlnman anally landed lu halt 1aka valley wbero settlement wss made in the new laud father and son followed mill wrlghtlng and building moving one or twice but spending most of their lives in davis county during this time the youcger hlnman served on severs colonising mission and did heme mlssloi work for tho uormon church lu his owh state he was a member of davl county high council and of the uveatlee in caaadsnfba been a pioneer though broken in health as a result of hardship endured in bl early life bo haa baoh active in every reform movement for the good of tho mor mon people attd be country he was made a patriarch in 1893 and still holds that eovetsd omc he was the first mormon justice of the peace in canada and the first mormon notary public mr hlnman 1 tba father or ftrteeu children and haa been married but once bis wife passing away this year he la uow spending the declining years of bis life quietly in the temple city of canada at the recent ceremony of turning tbe first sod of tho tompn ground ho offered tho prayer in foeble voice ufa did ttu- all fight ponlan raid veterans seem to bo mi itlplylng as the years roll on forty ave years have elepsed since tbe dreaded invaders were repelled and it hae been estimated that no more than ton thousand men took up arm in defence of canada at that time a largo number of tho voter- ana have died during tho almost hair contury however to no fower than eleven thousand fwuian itald veterans boa the sunt of 1100 been paid by tbe government under the bounty aet of a couple of sessions ago not only that but thero are ton thousand applicants for tlio bounty still to be passed upon tho bulk of them will likely be rejected of course tbe greatest number of applica tions in proportion to tho population comes from nova bcotla ibeacocka itepartce prof stephen leaeock was onco criticising bo folloi lug linos from campbell ye mariner of hng- land tbe meteor flsg of england flhall yet terrific burn till dangera troubled night depart and the star or peace return the atar or peace ha pointed out could not return after nlgbt departed for stars do not sblno during the day if you were struck bard oooukii between the eyes you would sees stare any old time suggested the witty member of tba floss that u quite true replied tho professor but it would not bo a star of peaee a clever iletori during the last general elections nev j j ifcquklll vigorously up- bald tba itmlproclly pact in tbe pro vince of new ilrunswlck at a meet ing in queen county he wis dis cussing tha effect of the agreement on tba price of various commodities what about hay shouted an op ponent im dluuealug human food now retorted tba speaker but ill coma to your specially in a moment to abolish mldduri the city of calgary is cansfherlng a method of tha public etorege of foods la order to prevent periods of shortage with consequent high price a consumers league wblcb hu been inetrumanul la maintaining a public market is interesting itself in the proposuuu a prepared statement of tbe coat of foodstuffe in calgary bowa aa average for 1013 five per pent lower than for 190b lloyds interest tha liability of lloyd tor ship ping losses during tbe rceoat storms an tbe great lakes la calculate at iy600000 to suffer from headache mikes lllc miseraile it takes u person wbo ba hud und is subject to iteadaebe to describe the sufler- im wblcb attends it the dull throbbing ihti miens paju sometime tt one pau of ibo bead sometimes its another wni then again over the whole bead varying in its severity by tbe cause which brings it ou purely indicate that there lionutbhig amiss with tbeniyslem the fact that burdock julood ner rtatbes the seat of tbe trouble is due to its success in relieving twit pernuuwnlly curing tbe cause of the headache mrs andson41ulbthav ttaitcei- garyaltn writes for three years i was troubled all tbe time with sick iicausches und suffered also with constipation and kept breaking out in pimple end sores on my face i tried everything till at last a friend told me of nurdock blood bitters i took wo bottles and my skin is as cleevanitpuro a bbv and i have never been troubled with bi pjspbef sinew burdock blood bitter j bunulactured only by the t mubura co ujalma toronto oat toarrratki om tub vaiim vvmare told that liundredu of farm- rirt unim tuv now wulklng thn mtnnu of cuiinillrth liliuinnnlilly ur on turlo imd jiiobi i without miiploy- tmnt mill itmuy of tliiniiiiliuitut tmiul- htu krtihiru vhiit llulr blip but tlinsn who lft tlilt- xiinitry imuui lo nub i until- fuuimp und fulltl viy tiiiioh ilullkt in rolurn itud nniiffku tluilr iiitiihk llui fttull im urn h on oiikblde tint fanut r blmuilf u wr- tlully to hhnuii fur liiu won i uvlntf th old honimtteuil an fxchwiiga ulvtiu the fnllnwlng for hie hoy u dtulrit in havu ll furmll told bu iwiv year old sou to milk tho mwh ftd tho lminif ulop llif 1ik hunt up tint bui food tha culvew cdtob ilia nnll mini put him in the uttibltv cut umiiii wkkj upllt ihn ulndluiuf ntlr li- cmsiii puutp frsli watir into the vresintfry aftr hiipu r uml 1m mm in utildy lily icnmiiiiu ik tor bu wtutt in hl then im went lo thn furiintm club to dlmii tho tjunutlon how to keep thu iluyu m thi ioriu atom amd atllhcnh ms whora i atotim v athsnu you mshvt my son dont you p no maam i mean atonib i1a- cause when a perum is in a boiler ploalou tbey always say hi is blown to atoms csuae and effset wliuky strslgbt and a crooked walk children ory for fletchers castohia her cough racked her terribly dr woods norway pine syrup effected a cure obstinate coughi and cold yidd in tlia urcutlill mhttliliik utld hr ilnix i jvv i of lr woo1 u norwuy ljn- syruji mil for the raiklutf iwrdtcnt coimli hoi iirtunt in cmieiiiniitivi- cici i will t found exreediuuly ikiichciji uimi ki tin ui tube tim tic of it l ntiiny in dicatcd wlitilvtr yiiiliituw ol iijtji or iuiik trouble fijijiiur litfl in illy so with all w nun i of a con uiiipiivr or catarrhul tendency m lit nrrfmii t curutivl iniwritco iikctillly rcmnvt tin daniflr and rtxlorc the tlinwit un 1 inn to n tmuwl hcilthy filalc if u ct in um mrs imward pattrrain voiiiik t t- road nil write i lilivc hid cshumi tu uu lit wootla norway i in syrup and can cay that it li rcri nulv a tiood mcillclnc alfiiit u year ji i coiitruclnl n tevtrc cold wlilcli lcjllid n biy lunvj and left tlicut in a very wmti state the cotmh racked me tcrriljli and i wot in despair until a friend ml vlted me to give dr wood s norwj y pine bynip a trial i got a bottle mid lmforc i bad ft half gone i found rebel i uud two bottle and have never twcii bothered fince i would not he without it in the hwiv 1rlce lc family utt ulc mah i factured only by the t milbiirn c limited toronto oat till tikand trunk railwa ianrtumasekl traihm ii ii i ill dm i t whl u ltou i lit i hmhtt wkuy u it tiiii in w mit si t f in 11 i in iii ldvlm t vi 11 jl ut i 1 lji xi u i i m lur i tw u ti im i jl ii mp w 1 i ii ll l m 17 vi sthc m visible writing empire typewriter s h perfect allnnment lightning s ksoapemont edduranoo speed pi a ttud ly ilia c i it c n k hank of moulrcl uorcljanta tlaab knyal rank northerncrown ilaiib mltflit dlnclorl ltd loll tvu- pltous co etc mftd hi canaila therefor nava 5 u that iuut be rald aa duty en otlur tnaben m h h m i m m st m st m m m m maasammhbblmaammmhbmmhhmmhh nw wojcl ecsplr w1luams mandpactuhing company ltd lei adelaide bjt w toato wcks fcotttal qua the merchants bank op canada rfafalhilrf mu4 ji3 siudm u cdmmd thrift is rightly described as eco nomical management a shrewd business man is spoken of as thrifty be cause he saves perhaps only a dollar at a time perhaps more but the real secret ot his success lies in the principle of raving one dollar will start an ac count with this bank all local cheques cashed at par oapirau paid up m7m700 ttukrvh fumim ai20ju pouttry i poultry 1 1 ci pali t rlir raw runs purchased juv skt3 hcron imperial counter check books ilu iijluilir inixrlii inter clleu ffijkh mtniil utiiri 1 dy tin appleford i mil r i li k llvk c limited hm- illini tnu li tljr d at til fklfk lhs suniiv an 1 prlcci of all myleu shown fill upplkntlnii prompt delivery 1 here iru more imperial in uo in ac than any other check iloelr xsgi acton fr pr local aokncv the berlin slaatn gruitt mil haitla works oauvlth uijaln knoipstiirtoh uatlanirt und duildsra of slsiu tamlmum monumsms msibsrs sn un iinrm and all klndiot alttibtic cumetiillv wohk wm hehstreet aobnl acton or milton wlix ji j3 x bus jliki the undartluned raspmifdlly solicit hie purousips of the pub lie sul informs llwm that wall equipped and stylish lald4 can slufsyi u oocured st his stable a comfort ib t bus meets all irolns baiwesn h 13 s m and h jll p in csraiul aiisnilon slvan to every ordsr tlie wsats of com mercial travellers lolly met john lftillift2ut nonivom mwhmhwnnndodadonoduuhhiihml rockwood acton branch p a maclean manager u warm and strong lr you want a paiir of gloves or milts in horsehide gslr or buckskin sheep or muleskin be certain to specify storeys in no other way will you net equal value to prove it slip on a storey mitt say the wool knit wrist and lined kind shown below warranted genuine horaehide waterproof and fireproof just the thing for warmth and comfort sold at all stores every mitt is tagged storeys insist on storeys w h storey son limited ontario i chopping mills rj i j- s all chopping will be h done speedily and well b n on plates or stoneu flour oatmeal bran shorts the best at lowest prices s h arris 4v co limited g sockwooo oht p w mmmhmaddanodorjadedshhscb boots shoes eubbbbs dndnodqdddnauanarjaadonadrjn acton all lines of footwear at bight prices all mens rubbers at bargain prices anarjananrjaaoaarjcrjueiaangan w wiijiiiams mill street acton son scibntfous plujcnbing heating is not k jutvth ilteith us to the contrary wo make it tho most important factor so if jou fuvor us with your patronage you will enthusiastically endorse us i fred smith plumber quebec st guelph phonb 337 whleh vltl be ik 1 marion aha1iiiih ludimltyhc- sicltbruusthuatrul

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