Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 1, 1914, p. 2

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wtnartnulw ri l 1 tuli t zl iiuc lo mr miifci u a tilt i it ii hiuw llanwwal il a msii i ar i wriii 14 uetolilltllui li hi v t vvllhui ii a aulnli tlllfl iii uluwi 1 lull htllnu ii uuwhi al tilt ualu u1hu1 aiiolirutitiaauhi wiliiuh iot ituitli livut n wei lull j llll urowli nlmi uj aelon louiumol i try o halllnauil dav4rttiihutwatm lil ii confllv lylli reeve hvnos is acain elected nil c luttuhur r mlluri hisrlwi mown haivf i of ii m uafwt ttuiu lunrcutawli iiauuu 1uulv at lie linine til ii laiaitta imtka avanua otow on lv tliuralay li uihi wllaftil h a call- jaw hub injulit hvy i j call tj iv l 1nt luufllliw oi job mikii oamt ailarijtowll oil ululuv uolllu k umi txtvi i f ulil ut is ywurri itivuu allhrampton cuunttdsy bin dm tin b uaulbal ltjqll ahl ftutmiti hamilton au uauaty d4ml vudjmat uiqd fotuufly of evmiouviu huujiy utulv tl llrn iiouubijrutott h udufcl it vfwonlo eat homii iunnv 1 l liuuitiymr uuhuxysk lmlduly stub ui lra lloufc uaeeall mulnlyt el illltot iluhhiymk al ourlatt avatj 3cbc cton jfm riisjdi tl i ultb day januahy i 101 mw vkah1014 and now onmoivba new year to us with luciferlng of opportunities may wa sea them anil use them in tlio sar- view of ourselves may wo learn a we havotievei- learned bofotro tbo art of tlttfttlnb ourselvoe wisely ami may we be mod to know that we can serve ourselves best only by serving other if nw yost day bad no human activities batilrtil lr and no human hopaa before it where would mi ita niaantaff tbe montlia and tha years at dlstlngulehed by other important experience than the movement of the un and moon men make the hour not the houre the men we who ere living human thtnblntf active men and women leave thejadellblo marks of ourjodlvlduapperionalltlee on the ordeof time may we all in very truth learn thla year the lesson that weean servo uuraelvo beet only by seyvlug others with thla thought before ua the lnutz pmuw wishes every reader happy and xvotperoua new year mdltoitlal wotst almoeb every trade and profeulon lite ita newepaiier or journal looking after ita apeelal intereetti there are aeveral farm paper but only one that can truly be called the tftirmere bualnaea paper that paper lit the weekly bun every farmer hould auburlba for tlie bun it will he found very helpful and pay for itwlf many utmaaover tim ddhub pailuo arrow drpre- oatee the prawn t method of employing taaohera the tenure of offloa biiln from lv month to a year in ootuparl eon wltb the much longer terme uf former year the reeult of tueb rapid fllttluge from one tchool to an other muafc be evident to the most obtuae it epotbi dltaster to the puplle la 4ulpplnrthem for the battle of life the emuplalnt iuui to be kiiteral the remedy eufitteetad la to make pro- vuloa la the aat that no qualified teaabar be hrfid in any ahool for a uii period than two yeah unlaw by mutual oonaent idtlnmant from the poaltlon la allowed an advamx in tlus pflce of leather wu predicted at a meellajt of toionlo tajuttf recently they cuim thai al though the output hat ben curtailed so per ceal there u itlll a acarclly of hide whkblathe chief caume of the advance ai a remedy it b ujueited out the gov ernment prohibit tbe killhtic of female cattle uodcr ave or tix yeare old the removal of the united sulci tariff ort leather three roomha ajfo per tdittcd the export there from caiuuu of coidraue uaoutiu of tole leither ad uue hejjud to redeem the leather uiikt actoa ij vitally htlerettod in the euocoa of the leather tiumiteturcra umi aay movement which will liicreaie the culpa una add the coaiaqueat betteruedt of the wockuett will be appreciated tun uuurroaa of acted did a vry jtwt and viae act in reelctlujf raeve ilynda by acclataatuu at the uouiuauou metltijf oa uouday thla lb tha ilnlh tluathey havethunelguircantly uuder- ed him their coufideoca and placed him id the chair of the chuf uafhvtrau uu- oppoaed title i an uiiusual honor to anyclfkei lathi cak it le aa honor wii deaervod it la oo boner houetly eartud by aireuive and latelllgdut aervlce in actoae forty yaani u an laoorporejed municipality no other lo eumbeut of tha ofnee baa given anything uke tha awouut of personal service and critical aupervilon in the petfortuauc tof the dutlee of the imporiant office of rev there u a very strong probebln itythat it the return of tteove hyude thla year he will he the choice of tha cuuty council for the wardemhlp and if tbu la coufarrod asother honor will threugb hltn be conferred upon the towu he represents ukut if thi hmocehr little para lirapb which oellod forth ununelllor hmltba vltuperattvo reiiuirku ukalnat the vuau vautu ui tint nomination mealing nil uonduy it wu rumored u wek or so ago that jounelllov biultli had aaplratlona for tha ileevaahlp or next yvar but thla u geuer4ly regariled wu tiauard thu item uppaared n thle eolmuri till thu lbth of ueoniilwr whun a fore cast or municipal prohahlllllua wan i being made it wan freely bruited about town that councillor smith wan uplrlttg for thw ileavaw chair it la a i teat that tha statement wau bandied about by uorea of rfttopayera the viacu pttkun in a friendly way dta- eounted tb tntfitumt in oounolllrir j hmltha bubalf aiiii uliaraourlaed it aa a eauard if jounolllor hiultli uould interpret rnglult as well as lie can u auplatlvea and inauti tlireata be would bav ubderotoodthe iwniark aa friend ly rather than otherwlwt the renular meeting of tbcwowanv institute has been polpotinntn friday jatuuury oth mr coo of kjuehouae will addraui the meeting all ore wel- albo this doaru ov houdatloh aolikn lit fmtmifttti tblu year lit lmv- ing thn lttv omiti till ion and tlehao tniulthti all rovluetnd by meclniiimtloit thn turtmill of a hiunlalpal flivtitfon u mvtildthlatidthninoiiwhnlinveaoiiduiited hffalrs of thu town during thw pant yrar liavo tha hatlitfclioii of being ueoordd a runewal of thn oonhdenoo of the tleatniti tlio m porlence of mtt yearu uhonld on iifi t for muob in the futuro heatlou of th buulneau of the pub- me truut oonimllted to their care ilolh oouucllloru drown and cooper era inclined to retire and naturally thnlr pemntiul luteretta would iht bolter nerved if tlio time they devote to public umttura were available but with com mendlhla davotednes to the olalma of altlxonshlp they uonaented to stand by their fellowmember of the past year kx councillor llell who was nomin ated bad no dralr to enter municipal aetlvllle at present and mr caldwell who waa also nominated finally eon eluded that it the present stage hi business tnlwreit will be best conserv ed by having hi undivided attention he is however a coming man and whan be doe content to enter publlo life h service will be of value to the community tiik hoard ov ieducayiom it is a welldeserved compliment to retiring members of the itoard that they have been reelected by acclama tion no roardof ifduaallon in score of year has taken a greater personal interest hi edueatlonat matter in acton than ha the present hoard when the ratepayer by tblrttiandata last spring required tha iloard to erect the three- roamed addition to the school building it meant season of very trenuouu effort and painstaking super vision for tbo members they have done their work well and w now have a school well adapted to present and future requirements and whlah every dilute n may well feel a pride lo it is fitting therefore that the member t messrs speight kenney frennady vbrbeo johnstons and scott should continue their work together undisturb ed for another year it was a gracious act an the part of mtv robert mepberson who was arnti inated to retlrt and thuu avoid the nacrsslty for au election mr mflpher- wina thoughtf uluesa will be remember ed by the ratepayer no doubt his reward will be forthcoming at a later date tiu nou1natiom miaerinti at the nomination hereon monday between the hour of twelve and one oclock noon the following nomina tion were handed to tba clerk i for itiucvie iivhoageorge llyndr proposed by dr t gray seconded by jbo vtfll- llama councillor dull alav dell proposed by oeo havllt aaaondad by juo il kennedy drown a t drown proposed by jno cameron sacoaded by ii p moore caldwell d p caldwell propoa- ed by u mcdonald seconded by oeo t mann coopkr wu m cooper propoeed by jam r anderson saeondad by n paturton mcdonald r m mcdonau proj posed by geo havlli ueondad by o c uandaraoh suitu- ww h bmltb proposed by ii a co flooded by u uih- son pvulir sciiml tunwnuu kkxwkv john ktney propod by n fvu seooofud by imo uynde kawxitdy jno il icaibjy po- pomj by o 0 hpbjht seooftded by wkd johtlbloo hjwwiir oha o bpelabl propoe- j by a t urowd eeeoluj by jcbtt lawful mcislkiuox robert hepb6i popomd by ii a oosa secoodd by w j ultehu at tb eiplretlori of the bui fo revlttet koedliiauoaj cuk maeklu- ruui read the tut of botlqeee a abuve aoj retired there were about afty rupyer at the ruualditloa nod it wu deetoed desirable to ooitlldue ibe loetiig fv the uu1 pr eljtloatpstohsltfteaj of ajjourriioaat udth evrilbf mr johu caioaroa waa tleelej chajroiati ilw uyja id m spuojij bpeh ajdresil the tuthtg ue vouj hla great appreciation oi reeuotlot by seeumallou for tbe slath tlo atd oouslderrd it a wry dutliut bocto in a sbccltiet and intereetlag matter he told the story of how tbe itietaju- tlou of tbe hydrofcleetito yteu wa huaneed eid proved bwyoad any per- adveoture that tbe eotarphse had already been deiootiatrated as is good investment for the town lie recalled csttalu calculation entered into at tha outset of tb negotiation and gave flgure for the present year to show the correciruis of the judgment of the council in going into tbe matter the xlydrottlmttla fjuaiieea are separate and distinct from the regular funds of the corporation the opera tlmie during ilia year had reallaad eufrlcleut revenue to pay all tntpetlses of the hydro plant pay the vleutrl elans salary too of the municipal officer salary provide 413 to tueet the annual payment or the dahenluree ottll ruuuhig for the old klectrlo plant und leave a balance in the treasury of telfto tlila provides for the 96tf due au thellydrodebenturee in vubril ery end still leave a substantial bat anee in the tieasury of the plant in upeaklng of the advantage of the hydro system over tha local plant the reeve pointed out that whsraaa under tbe old aystem we had an aggregate of l2f caudle power lighting the street we now have 14000 candle power and tbe council hope before long to be able to give more light still hi soma uf tbe loealltlee where more lamp are desirable we have given a flretelas eontlnu ou house service at low rate and be found that notwithstanding tbe con tinuous service tbe adding of more lights electric ironr toaster etuvee and other appliances the coat to tbe enitaumtr was generally lass than halo vortyflwe new service have been added during the yeur we ere now using the equivalent of about 180010a p letup our transformer station bae a capacity of fl0o eo that we are well pnivldetl for expansion we pay for exsolly iho ltumint ut current we like per mitiith w eon- elder wr have made a splendid show ing for the 1rl years nporallniitf he seld tind i fp k with uhite prldr of theoouragmof my dolleegiinrf and my- eelf in launching title soheiiir other town bad jjtlkstl almiut the liiatten hut acton did lunre than inlky wv acted and we wrt the first town in the county by several month to have the hydro system put in operation the heevu referred incidentally to the townrf debenture debt and ex pressed tbe hope that future council will keep the sinking fund intact a it i today next year the pi re equip ment deltenturee of g4 fioo will mature arid in 1118 those of the old electric plant for sd 000 will be paid off concluding w worship said he did not think be would have accepted nomination this year but for the fact that certain matter were culminating in thr county council he we assur ed that bis chances for the warden- ship the highest honor in municipal life were good and if tbe warden bbalr came to him he would appreciate the honor for tbe sake of the town ha represent a well ss for himself councillor mcdonald chairman of finance said it was quite evident that at least his mover and seconder had faith in hi capacity as a councillor he waa prepared to continue in the service of the town if the people de sired and would do bla best mr mo- donald gave an interesting summary of tbe financial operations of tbe year as published in the statement of the treasureruptothelllthlnst meelalm- ed that out of 111 tlfibi of tax col lected only about 9000 of that amount we controllable by the council he expretaed the opinion that the assrsa- ment must be raited in acton we have have left necessary work undone thle year he confessed simply be cause there were no funds to pay for it councillor cooper chairman of streets and walks admitted that there were not many improvement to report tliln year this was because of lack of funds a few drains which were absolutely necessary bad been pu down and beyond general repair not much els bad been accomplished councillor smith chairman of tbe perk said bis committee had span some money this year which wan necessary he thought some should be spent every year if reelected be would do his best for the ratepayers one thing that made him sore he said was the suument in the pttute vuuaa that he aspired for the reeve- ship i say the editor la no gentleman or he would not have printed such a statement i consider it a dirty slur the pugk pitiue fas always had it in forme but ive got my knife into blm and i ii get even wltb him yet mr u v caldwell said be had no idea of offering himself as a councillor but he bad been approached and strongly pessed lo stand if tbe people wlib to put me there i will do my very best for the town mr robert haephejsol who was nominated for school trustee when called upon for a speech said he notic ed that none of tba old member of the school hoard were present to addresa tbe meeting if they are ell ashamed to put in aa appearance to speak for themselves x tbtak it would be ua fair- to expect a speech from we at the eloee reeve llynde took odba- sloa to say that be too felt that it would be desirable to rje tbe ser-e- mettt no couittll sea saeet the cost of improvement heeemery od the preeeot bfcueoitlt oeorgbtoero uutoo jj dallrtgtoci ere id about tbe same pou tlort but oakvuw bs releed tbe seeree- mett to ebotit w pee el ajid this year bee a rate of ubslila while cur a itibiiiu the fateetlaef euwj alter a 6odil vote of thanks to the cfciro ataxuhavak mr tbd mr wu1 atsolw frou 4bewarevutleetfrteoje here a very pleasant sealag waa speet lo the town ball od ibe 10u last wbt uuox churcb uujy ttebuol held h atlloeee uue mery wjjj1 who bee bd klujug notmui at tutalltoe i tpedlng bohjaya at br boe at tbe ieiuebow uejiioefsd ooubell c o c- v nd bid at their tt ntuu leetioj frieeu j tbefouolag omoere fo the year lull pat coutielilor wed lurdltig ohuf couucliloe wu- uwlodie- bliret vleecouoel llor johu uebowelt iuorjrtrej mr ire roesel krelata mr jotri raniee maeballjohi ustoee i wardedmr johit u olio 11 cuard alex uieuu beutry mr o bayer medical uxamlaarde oer ml- m miiehell teaabeeof tbe pea cock school le spending tbe holiday at bar parental borne lu ah bur wedding belle aw lag i tig we wlh the editor bod bl staff a very happy new year mr traeer wdjll who hae beed the new school addition a i vest amtoe aooorumodeuati taw ube l aud veverml vmm to oeme tlif niigravlng mi first page give our reedere a good idea of the improv ed mppfwianou of acloil publld uhd high school erfedtml by the addition of a stfcond ttory of brick on the trel and rear portion thn new room will be utilised by the high school pupils when they re assemble next monday the junior primary department which be been accommodated in mr nick in build ing on klgln street the past year and half will beglven comfortable quar- tere in one of tbe room vacated by the high school department the eight room of the schools with thulr teacher and pupil will now be housed in the group of school building and will be under the direct aupervlslon of principal stewart at the recent high school at home an excellent original poem by mia isabel anderson one of the students descriptive of exterior and interior was read it said lu part a follow i in the misty shadowy gloaming when tbe star are guamltig bright and the window pane i silvered dy tbe moonbeam mystic light as i osxe into tbe firelight with he soft and ruddy glow dancing picture bright and radiant in the red heme come and go and i eee st spacious building vry tall majestic grand towering like a stately mansion proudly overall the land i tie a splendid looking structure and j think we all may bout of our new and modern illgh school pralilng if from coast in coast with it porchee newly painted and it yard so neat and clean adorned by tree of many specie tl indeed a pleasing scene and in tha hearts so loyal i of every girl and boy there glow a hre unquenchable i of eseeelsee pride and joy then the durst and i eee our school interior tbpough its wldly opened door and ae all its homely plelnneee i presented to my view i take my pan and paper and write thing down for you oh i it cannot boast nf beaut january satie ffi our annual winter sale begins january 2nd le gtowtug pine log railing e into a mighty roar it whitewashed wall are bare and blank a any prison cell i there are no pleturee there icxeept for several football marks some model for our art a map of helton county a calendar a chart and a portrait of our late sovereign which hang above tbe door i i and there not another picture prom the celling to tbe floor tbe window need some polishing and tbe blind are far too small they neither reach the bottom nor to tbe top at alt and tlie old discarded teaebete desk with carving so grotesque stand la tbe eorurr of tbe room like a weird old seaman cheat though the old rootuewereaneyeeore to the town a deep disgrace t ami puople said tliey were outregeoue wltb grat scorn upon their faee btlll we loved them for tba pleasure they had given in day of yore many very happy momenta have we spent within their door many bright and gifted slbdeote have passed our from their embrace to take tbalr placee lu the world and beeaat the rmee and many are the hooora tit oer school ha wou always bo while we ehttoue it let u not for at to pralea e e when the faew school le computed aoj wre hilly settled there i tbee with all our uew turroumloc etoartuile brubt and fair wi shall break the outlme record j spending tbe holiday at hie perau borne bee returned to tbe west lo resuuia hladulleeae t mlsf kloblrieohorilelwood 1 visit lug bev sister hre will ucknery mr and mr robert mcunery and baby arthur of gait apeut christmas with mr- mckncrys parent mr and mr a uentuar mr ahd aire- a xaihiell spent obrlstuiae with frteude at meadow vale mr gardner and sou ol meadow- vale visited tbe former son mr w gardner mercbaut obrlstuae day a very pleasant event took place at tba manse on christmas eve when misekiumebaergjkf thle piece and mr j b nelaqrttofacton were unit ed lu matrimony we wish them a happy voyage through life rev mr waddell and sons praser and leslie spent obrutma day with mr w la claslpb vwkjtoeeserusbsuuuubeb sfew btuimee in umuiv of rwiesacaiuiir see cut fjs be seiej urib use wkj cskmkv 14 ceunh tbsl essn oib4u oessnboure helta cttajrkti ottm le usm intareellv sac teaw su w lsetliyruffle eonrtlfehcm atd si work or eaur puy we shell ke lrj j fcllt tv cr hlejh bebaol erery day there le iuet sj utub truth ae poetry id mue ajereode bkrte1s4tloe cf the baeiea of the welle of our eobaol we puuuh hw poetle tm- u wltb tbe hope that ors- ueiudgf tblupiriled jumo will be etfeeted to reenedy the defeei wbutt be sstelej k bo s4y yere would tbi tuj be a worthy bbuot for tbe aeimuee ol auo woeakie institute wblcb meklfeecly bee tk laltleilre sj edtbualua b foe tbe eerryltig cit tuno fthy of jwteueh worlby eoerprlee if lby will uederteke tbe uurleg tj tbe scbw4 welu ubdet tbe trninry wpvleloe of tb4 roerd bf ldne4ui lhd prleod tell puiriieee eoebplsnej of by the poeteee will be stfeetuelly remedied tbere le uodcubt lutereel rj clllerim woutd gujly dtmete bletur- lwj pleturee or portreiu euselcej mete tad other- attractive ohjeeta and j tbe eobool supply bouee tir1 artldee fcu j pleturee suitable f ut sudb deeora- tlod tus closes uhich of the farmer crgeuuotie of caaada iumugrled al the dorubtod gfauge couveutloe taet week le ee cf the most sigalocaat teavemedu lu canadian buury wheu the grain grower of tbe weet join hand wltb the domlulod orange and ether sesterd bodle for ccopereilod and ulut- ed political action the farmer ef tbuf couutry will uaud some chance af get- tlug equal ilgbu with other ctaaeea li- stead of being exploited by various lu tereebi agriculture will occupy lie rightful place in catudhiu industry and politics just aa scon ae the farm of canada get together oralu q fewer guide w rupttiae expert at guelph unity lka mtwd oml l hauu uudwomdpb v a flmuy of ohlufo oj itlu atlpttu tb uaii ittim nfh will b ut uw walllagtmi lloul and rwiu mttulil its oulib uvuay only istaiiu tuy oib ifv guwy uyi ttis stilrbilldbhllil now twid khd hb pravl by ute vnlld 8tilm govm want will not only mulit nay tu of kilbttim bettatly ffim4in imwiiu and eoublui llr hub lom tba oiaiiik la 10 day on lb avt vhl ldtramht hnmlvtel lb onlyowodln knguod and in dpalo phduolbm hmuit wllhnub ftmrgry bwum ihjmilihkj uwlhiltlniatluiintji or pmmhbtlon ur ftmly hiw dottle mnufi aovm wnti vablnbloh 1 v tor infepko clou au bbavlty am without obairtf ok if any lnliralad aall ho wilt nud in klinw muipla without ebaktfoov tit tlini if dutiful any una hiilumd bould nmenlbtr tha data and tab advantag ot ibu oibohun ity eavy business during november and december has left us with many small lota and slort ends and theso with other lines we are anxious to dispose of before stocktaking prices have been made in these lines to ensure quick selling many odd lines and small lots are too small in quan tity to mention here but you can be nure that a visit to the store during january will amply repay you mens wool sox i7o heavy dark grey wool pure soft stock felt shapes 39o balance of felt shapes left in our millinery depart ment- keg price up to 150 wings modnts oel feathers all the millinery trimmings to go at half price and less 20 discount on aijl leidlos b chtldrons jackets mens heavy mitts 50o heavy sock mitts horsolude or calfskin palm remnants i b m i short ends of all 3 e kinds of materia all b 9 ticketed at quick sell- g ingpricos 5 prlntscottons shirt- idgaplanoiettes wrap- g 5 erettes muslins dress b b goods oilcloths cur- g i tain materials eta dross goods 29c lines that have sold from 50c to 65c a yard 1 groceries always freslf and good all wool hose 25c our- very special heavy ribbed wool stocking soft and warm ladies and childrens sites canned corn 3 for 8jf tiger salmon peas 28 lowe inlet tomato 2 8s horseshoe sunkist california ohanoiis- good large size at js and m a doz is 83 cooking pigs lb ss 2s ss ig fig raisins j lbs currants 3 lbs tha sweet seedless juicy kind henderson co mm st vv acioti out bpwutcvwtp i january clearance sale the event that brings thousands of dollars in saving on winter merchandise tcthe people of this conomuntty is now jnfull swing ttwi euaiial jtutuaivclaeuoeaau the long took have been uppemteet la our blod lu the plaeuldg of it rlhbt our lurusible rule that uo wlnur goods are to u carried ever sitdukcond forward lo evvul i uw at hsud two things v t our lunesible rule that uo winter gcoda aw and very ttuputaat that last years sale wcortlaare to be put in lhetbite the uerthadle lacluded we bought ror thle winter txijusae it a up ledate and up to our usual bub tjaodard 5sle fpemd aetuixlv dekoeoabeu 2ot ahead of everybody eveu tlie cautuur tuprloiiieeubuuvlee for every puktieeer uveryoue buows our jautiery cuarabca bale aad what it uelew srv lieted feroeful tatj tupbjiirig the wledom of lutueduu siuutlou slmuuufer worrwwve nti htseee tuyuah usiet slb ueurlmmviijemta tedafedu it lat etsejular g co le at bj- redueticde reguur f itxuw coaua reduced to dcle iiw yiltxtceet reduced le msgulsr fit 00 coats jucoftell1fex ucedtov lex udcuur gjjcoets iju if price usgular 9l utuur lh bulu tdiicj te lgilra usgular evrid mice a e buheult tuuch uw rvgular price uegular f jj oo tlult reduced lo javeshl kajthll tul id wgulr h oa b isomibuiurjucjutlalexa uuur eij uullwjj tonjitr ohhirfrw deaeeee chluru iwai regularly worth up to s400 cuarltig at atuget is ouly of snrje aud peusma lu shej of ttvy sud ctudiuax aue dieele of cbltdjeeiservlceabie sad slyluh dr buch aud white thm wool murll uuee 4 te re yi hewcwaiosllf doeed taeu beevy tlbbed wool hhlrt and drawni a tlraad all kite up to 4j en tele at per gertneot ju wees iefsun laeib fur cepe wede shape cuiilug st half price d macdonald bros s c w iaj jgf jqmh strtat ouclph oat g btftdbdv3ddc3tsbd5btsbdobtsfada minter goods must be sold at 60c on the 100 until jan 10 next 1 rubbers boots and shoes overcoats suits sweaters etc will be sold at osc on the dollar owing to the open winter i am left with a big stock of these goads and i must clear them out the public knows when morris saxe says a thing he means it and there will bean absolute savingof 4sc on every dollars worth of these goods sold come at once for bargains mobbi8 saxe main street acton 0nt itch adbtrllbrmrnls hound bimil ntbn mi rilitf willi iwnbnlltsnpeo- floll irikhthm oil lit matllouut i nrrl hi vf r av may t- trwoere4 et ullul ulvhuorriob situations vacant artiiblo nl uta alhrnstieethtkle fl l4t lllhtf subhm all elbmdluiily sttrae ikd oiwaluolo e tiutlwr aptily witli rersr itailway ties wanted aouantitv or eeuv nt ulnar km s lnelim tlilob sml 1 i mob fo etid railed ifi t fl lotitf le 43a thrd on tba flee omli torunio huliurtisu luilwsy mbere re iulrd all ly tt u v wirkltf cliul libnr oh kin bt uasororeoto abthay a imb rnx lioubd llslituu runulne te 4stk j on ilia 1 oulln irdd u ea belb lla utrvl to uberi bruiu4 cm maiiday owiimt elt treeuvar by twevln proper- coiimu ulllklrel amu 0ari iw thanks tliaae iiiaiij klnii ivlv ipnitefelij yiiu vauuiv valuable property in acton foh salbl3bo tubfawlly ruuee of hie usamisb1 et male i trt aeuw if limrebv ettare ror trie liouka ia s weubelll storey seat vaslsf s iwasaviusie eu will fruli uhi jmvmimisv for bj pmiiaulsw smtivis noti0b t0ckedit0rs in uie matut or the ketau r heatry laraee lervtldevin lata of the townehlt oir hteauselrie lu tbe county of ifaltettt eoremeh de- notirib la i ereby bivsh tmi i uuni v ljlus cul eredlute sudmhar h4wue eb ibtlir lmuu sill uysatue ujrmh aj dwelpuem mill full itsruauui fti uwr slaiu ktsutuaui r4 llelr auctjbt ebj ibe ueiere el jmtiaat te uulttle ipitr w tbst sll mm eultua aeaieel tee riawafbe auir4vuoirvfoauiilwvi dsrec jsau sy lull loastul by tual iirpau er nhrf fe uosfarlloujilii tltnirar ibe setalatalnsor uot llolivy jstusa lul owltj deeeaasal juut tjaiei aujoubt ebj lb aslbie el hue if say lisld by ibsei atul fuilbar use uoiim tbsl shw saafa bet mjttlsa1 dele ibe aeii ailiulslauelw wul see eetxl id illalilbuu ibe uwla 61 tbe danea ft shwiaa ibe hlua eulltlad tbio iwvlba is- kaud 00 ly uibsclajttatf el wbub be sball ibeci lisve umus bhj list ibe sm unilaiabreler will dot be lllu ta lbs uld in tw ser baikt tbaf te my tau er twtvm ol bce elslttis botlfe absfl uatbsve it keaaie by bite si tba ifwe ol sub dutiibuuea aj uaduiuhoh uluitat fat uolmit u uuray ajwallrtj dstsd ttte wtb dy ol tuoauibef uu4 sfi ofuljsm eiuo we32p au ion ulll uumi omapy e tuad twalltw tsuy walwueay wrtae to the electors of es the utidcrstrticd re spectfully asks thi sup port and influence of the electors for the position of deputyreeve of kequeairtg- for 1014 jas newton a happy new year j b chbbubrs book hmdm kaat aulpfaoot b miila baaai lanajbtflmj atx wout htouvrly uxttoimid geo patterson live stock otalt aotoh ont cattle sheep lambm and hogs write phonu or call peruonally croie vou aaxl see ue n f moore exphu 6 caxtana baooaoe thansrsk uul all vnla carafdl aad fraait ba kaaval alhataukali ooeja plaaoi kid ob0ehs taka ea dray or at no d aauulatlaa tarraea bswar avaaua grand trunk avs time table chances a geueral change of time will be made jauuary 4h1 1914 time tablie conuinina lull particular way be had ou appllcatlou to 3 rand trunk agouts low bates to caufohnia florioa and the sunny south now in mwwmot tlio qraml trunk railway i tha moat direct runto from all naliil east thrnuoti canaiu via cblcatfo uctrot or lluirlo pull lutrllculnr at tlranil truuk tlclt oihc or write c is iioun- 1nh1 u 1- a toroulo out wondcttlano moving picture show new years specials hku vhahw niauv hahanita bawim outanaala rhkdav hi0ihy vkanhauaer aurors viovd9 reel c5lftstlfatel hubei ud bauev mule rendered by haeey rtlsrby and anson vhueetom admimhioh ciiildrbhateomtnledk f r1l ohtcdohv lroteuios-

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