Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 18, 1913, p. 6

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w tiiiltmay llm i ullkll u iuu ihuland wv ati w 1 imi hh i u mil 1 u i o t li l t it 114 sh- l i l i ti iiv i i r i- hui i 1 11 r id uml n 1 kli w i od hold land ol i i 1 im land ti u tivuod of mine c uu i -uia- r guard i v1 virtu- llll rwr1 i r nr- old i r w her l dr nofriud witll koine 1 o i she a d fair lal ii to a true sod rae lend t ya- aha a rasod ulrland till h-lu- laodnr mm thouee- ivla ooou oitlxlehlhir nu men la e gd euai ailbr in be eotltled to th kiroteotlnn of law unuw begivaa eon i i his ileus end luallua ti uisllare of nnrnmral he um it lo blroae to bla children end lo hla country to hsooro n in lelllgent cltjsen end in vole for n but lruai nod wit titan for ojlrea whm tbla broomse lb rul of lir virtus lullnc end sobriety will coauij ruula mtllmot and those in office will cease evil end learn welt in fell election wa bop ir reads of lb adiwta will rspre blrneeif lo do bla full duly be a clllun and kueet all lb- imum lovjvad intelligent- ly wisely end oomregeouiuy it u inataaa for us u ednoonlah you a to tliasa thing fr a usual glance at lbs situation will tall you that there u greet deal involved in the result uf tbla ooofuc take christian advo- ths ohi uosrnom icd kitchener tr khartum tb famous hnglleh soldier la ollally b aneo of the cimp and the bsttlsjield a cold silent grin wsrrlor hoerover lb- following incident will show that lord kitchener can be s gallant oour- tur u wall u iwmva aolduw lord kltabanar luul baao hitnnwnd by quaaa victoria who wubad lo oocttluila bin upon hiu brillunt worktn kftyp wbm kba bad bnubad and lord klteoaimm- bad oumkad bar raapaouul ly iba qun tban huddanly kvabrd it trua tbat yim dullka woman r all aaoapt on xtrd kltebmmr plud aod wbuu tbt qumd vlotoru akad vow majaaty tipajra tba children frma ulfo from woraia by ualng ulllora wonn lnwdra tba kooat affoctlva yarmlfua lbt can ba gut wltb whuir to oombtvl llmi inaldloua foaa of tha young and balpiaaa tbara la ootblng tbat axoala tbla traruon worn daatroyar kod wban ita qualllloa bocotna known ubouaabold no olbar will ba tahil tba tnadleloa hcta by itaalf requiring no mrguva to aaalat l wad bo tborousbly lbt notblntf mitra u w- trad i mhould afthfllm oblorlnda how ran you dream ol tnarrylntf a tnan wbo writs aueb atupld foa lattnra f urlsold hut juat tblok dar ba wn writa tba taoul boautlful eboeka and lbt tba tualn tblna altar ona la marriad castor i a sot tna aajt fflilui tli km yn han ahrqt baf saaxa tba blsnatarwaf wa cannot uaota a nun who laada a dog ula if ba growla hy tba addition of roanu and an oxlda an antraroaly auatlo ruwa baa baao brought out in tfrano tfm uartnao wlllac ol raqbora baa a llndan traa which l aald to ba fcoora than 1200 yrata old a oura for ubaumatum a balnful and paralstant form of rbeuntatltm laeauaad by import una in tba blood tba raault or datou action of tba llwar and kldnaya tba blood baoumoa talntad by tba introduction r1 urlo add wblob oauaaa knuob t to tlaaoa and in thn jolnta lvrmalaaa vacatabla llll- ara known to bava itaolad ntaoy ramarkahla curat and lhalr un u t kingly raottmmandad a trial of ttmmwlll oovlnct anyooa of thalr value hard luok quluak- what tha hiatur old tnah v vou look worrui hlr i bava mum to i lilrl a matt to iran my padlurto qulaaar wll whalu tlio trouble f haant ha boati uoomrtll t hlar huaoraaful i i nbould amy ha baal im ktaylntf him buh ittonay jodtcc h had salt rheu could scarcely do work kin tuaeaaei are invariably dtia to bad or tniikvcrubcd blood and while not usually it t tended wltb fatal results are nevenbdeaa very diatrcuiug to the average penoa ainouy the uunt prevalent an salt itheuin ivcicuua tetter rash holla lltnplei and itchttf bklu bruptionj kurdocl lllood llltten drive out all the humor mm tho blood and makea it pure and llcl- mn kllwood nwhld apaley oat write i bad halt rheum to bad i could acarccly do mv work i took two treatment pf doctor a tncdldne but tbev did ute tin uood a nend told me bu ir hatl itad salt hbeum and that iirdoik lllood ihllera had cured ber ao jol n inn tic and before i bad it all ken my hand wa itclter duruolk ulood ulltcg u manufac tnrrd only hy the t milt him co i linlled toronto out on aftornooa in tba aarly htlu nltll1 wml out lo lb rardao play it wu bla toolbar sardan and ll am iliad will ruaa imaba tba thii- bad f c lakan lb eblld ll lo wlk with br and aa aba bant tb il a d ihhmlllwhc imvoiaod ihc iwrd prirkly ibuda wouw ay km ii i ih buda will open and lban lh rw will tall you lhalr aiory hot 1 1- child dldn t nndvratand bow iii i l rmild ipt bow a bowm vmhild tall a alory lluthi lbla baatiuful atlafnooo aa ll- rhlld qiand thai ardan ba a that of tba bard prtekly bud bad uo a kn d ha a lnl ivr kiid iihwiiw it and ba ul il uumlnt bi tad kiaa i can ynj tall ma a atory r aid tba riaa tbiwly opaoad i a dark rad tip ad ll am wltkud r a tory uull i ull you utuarblldf 11m rhlld waltad for a wbola knloutr f ihi waa mi aurthd lo bod tbat tba r- could apaak thaw ba aabj tail aaa i ha atory of bow yow pw tba hut llia w you you war a utd oh aaid tba roaa dont voukoow bow i tiiw i do juat aa any yatbar wanta ma to do i lat my roota a way down daa into ilia warm winurt aartb and i turn nay haad way up to ilia warm ulbl aun la thai bow you bniwr aaid tba uttutblu yaoid tba bl kl rw afy iatbar takaa cara ot dk dont you wif wban tba hot aun makaa nay baad heba than ood puta baa to alaap in my oool dark bad wblob yoar mntbar caila tba nbjbt in tba haorolna i bad that ba baa kbw- ad my nhaak with tba dai i m lblraty 11 aaoda do and i drink and drink i jnat trunt ii in and do what ba wanta tea to do ob i aw aaid tba oblld varj much aurpriaad and ba walked alowly toward tba bouaa in toll bla m tba naxt morning tba child want to tba sardan ajrajn and baalda tko bbj a bud and today yoa i castor i a kind ten ihf ajhrayi tliamhl ud waich iu laonm far rar 80 yvmn laaa fcaraa 1 g9z n undcar aia por- inoolta iifkfwy allow taooato todooolre you in tkls- aii oaatnriella iamltauoaa and h bait kaperuaeau tat triflj wlua and omunr uaa bomlih ct what is castoria which wmttvrjtay bard to odaa ita ayaa to tba light ilut tbay- war auii llgblly nkwad tba child b ovar tba roaabod nod ha aaid 1 load morning little roeebud uaa ilut tbarn waa no nnawar ha tba child tpoka loudly oood morning itttla why dont goo opaa yonrllpa to than ba bant down low ao ou vr altnoat toucbad tba roaabod and h baard lbu taint wbupar litlu ealld i cant upon my up- i i faar tbat i aball navar b baatku- rul ilka tba big rnd roaa for a graao bug baa crrpk into my boa rt and wont ing out my ufa oh dear aaid tba utua ebod why dont you drlva tba graacj bog nwnyr aui 1 cmnx aaid tba uuu roa bod if i only bad band ilka yowra i could brunb him away j or if i and feat ilka your 1 could bara run wboa i aaw him coming ihi i mxmt aland and walt vtha litlu child algbrd for ba wan aaauy diatraaaad uabantdowndoaa to tba roaabud but baeonu nntaaa tba m bug it waa way down daaf la tba baart of tba roaa but uatao uuu child aaid tba abud to what i bma brao think ing wban i aaa a ituu boy ilk you gat angry at bu brotbajt or alatar i any to myanir a llttla graaa bnaj u craaplng into that cnuda baart nnd it will kaap bla ufa from opanlng i woodw yon boya and glrla bava no battaraanan for you bava band and t and wboa tba roaabod bad rtiad tbla long apeioh it orbrvatn and tba uuu child dldot nay a word but bo walked alowly to ward tba bouaa to ana bla toolbar a few mornloga later tba child want out again to tba gardau to play tho big red roan waa atul kundlng tba but many of i la patala bad faiuo oo tba ground and tba edgaa of tba ln akle paula worn turning brown hut tba roaa waa atlll vary awnat wjood morning big tad roaaf aid ba llttla child can you tall ma nn- tbar atory t and tba roaa opaaed ita dark rod llnw and aaid what kind of a atory aball 1 tall you today llttla child t and the chit beat aver the roaa and put bla none nloaa down to ita upturn ad fan and ba aaid i tell ma wby you ore ao aweet r and the big red roaa rapttad 1 i juwt open toy face wide to the aun and i open my heart wide to every body thn bwee boom and auck bonay from my baart and llule child ran coma ll klaa my up i juat opan my baart aiul wn it to the world i uppoer that in why i am awwat ihlt your miau ate all falling off mid iu child yaa id th maw i bava opaurd my luuikt tut whla that i am breaking tlwio no and aooi thy will ha all guia and 1 ahall not mom you any mora hen i coma- lo your garden r aaid tba hill child tdty n anld ihu lilg i rou- hut atnaiiilter thn muf fatkm w have had tngalher and i hay a inadv you hap pier havent 1 1 and ao tuy ufa haa hneu worth luing twodyulrinu luiuchlm wotit to tha garden mpdn tba wg rd roae i gone and on the ground about ha imab ware a few faded prtale which the wind bad not yet blown nway that tba child rjtmrmbarad what tba roaa had mid i j do what my pathnr wanta me to to do l j 1 would run away if i bad hmade end feel ive made you bapplor au uty ufa waa worth living and when tbe child grew to ba a utau ba often told bla utile boy tba atory or tbe child and the koae set acted why a ouoa favorite barber a i way btujy wban one la la a hurry r when ilolloweyv corn our applied to n oorn or wart ll kllla tbe root end tbe callosity oomna outwilb- mtlnjury to 4 haah la a ai ami ii i awbaathartet jaw oatr oo rorio lra enad haaiblay hyrwwa it u inoamuat it ennatoias taitar oydatajw morpblmo bat atk askauumm its age is its guarauki it dmatroya waraw suad atuya oevarub at it own rharrboia aa1 wbad couo it rouowos tsalae troaihlna mrs ooam auad ftatwleaiear sanrlaikauw the food reajukatos tb- rtowamrj mm beweb glrla ajtby anal nataual atooav two cadearssb ifaaarna n me baa a kriowd- oenuink castoria always bean that slnmtiirw of the kind ton hare always bought id uao for over 30 year it wee tbacuaa and utua wluu bad juat baao ealkd tape to rlaa and take up tba reading bro uertha bad ufi jt wluu atoad at nltanuou bla book bald la the proper position before htm clutch the comer of hla deak wltb bla fiaa band awallowod bard and read i tide la a warm doogbnot htap oa lu what rgaapad tba taecbar wu lie that la not correct head it again willie did with tba eeme remit hoeooaor ba maintained atoutly tko tbat waa what hla book aaid bo the teacher bad him bring it to bar rw- hap tbere bad bean a nuapviut hot tbla what the toacber read in wuuva hook tbu la worm do not atap mt children ory fob fletchets c ast i a tmsj astorjhblmtatlva aoor haaon ita very tine moraine handy handy grunted bakon i aaid it waa a vary roe morning handy sandv verr weal verm wecl i dlnna wabtfte argy tba aaaallor i i aetata tba fw the october bride i waning lo unloam a rw thloga aboetuin t knoaty an oil wltbont alcohol and many taodletnea bava i prominent ingredient a judicloue mingling of els aaaantui oua compose lb famooa or tboaane tceleetrta oil and tbere la an aicobel i it a tbat i effacta are laetlng there la m medkv inal oil ooaaponadad that can equal thte oil in ita prerrnuve end heauag will baa la one remedy foe all ula to wblob flaah la belr wlut woold reuavaj on ul in tara would aggravate tba others we have bow r la ojoinin win waa obtained la aoond ujavjaltaratont auta a raaaagj for cnany and gi lev ow ub by ita apradnei nod jodarfoae aaa tba fraileat aeataiaa are led into ooovmke- eeoc and mrengb by to i wbkih ojoinln arerta oa naturev own av it rauavaa tbnaa loi chronic elate of morbid dea and lack of lolareat in uu ay dewier and by tranqnuhlag the narraa j to aoond aad refreshing i b vigor lo tba of tbe blood which bang i i1 oouaaaa th rough tbe value strengthening the heejthy anlauu ofj tb ayatam tbaraby making activity a neoamary reealt atrengtaenlrur the frame and glrla to tba digestive organ whlat ttsturally detuand incraaard aufaataaea leaolt improved appetite north rop a lymait of tomato have giwr to tbe public tbetr anparior qnlnlaa hy the opinion of aeteotuta tbe wuw approachea nearest perfection of uv oo the market all dragguta aau it it le easier to indue a man to to- cept a favor than to take a joke children cry for fletchers p a this nuvpftaobrrtaji in kukbtnd matter of i ha hi uu hm herr mary ann wherey my din ner f slavey there aint goln to ba bo dinner if you ploaav air master wletn that nodlnotrl hlavey no air ttte utuaua mm bucoe from jail tbu eftarnoon att la upjuiverythlnk in lb ouael nerves were 1 unstrung iilmtlmst itmief iei maay worn out by household cart and duties never ending and sooner or late ud ummaelrea wit aattarad aervm aad weak heart oa the am sir ol aay weaknen af tba bcsit or bctvaa yea laonld au vonrattf of perfect care by asaag utt bum heart and nerve pttfa mrs arckfa goddiar tnfcy mu writes when i waa troubled with ay heart two years ago i waa very bid uy nerve were ao unstrung comctlmta x would dnul be out of my mind f doctored uytt with avrfytbmf i cook get until at but i tot four twee of mnburwa iteutaodnerve mbr tod they have cured mc r cannot tpnk too falghly u tbla wonderful reaady and will recommend tt to all sufferm unburns hmrt and nerve nil arc mc per box or 3 hoica for si ss at all ikralers or inalled direct on rcccw ij price by the t muburn ox limited toronto out are yoo very busy itia ail vary faroff aad walter uf fee sad toosdbb it kmfljy m year a yoa w kaabaa thai wok om of wmaaa itaaaa m a eocuj uaak tragaily to aoabady each see of them lias laag dnya of iu lrub aighta af ewsy grindumt pevarly pwkapa a wila to kuw own way albaraanla or cbddrea wan arid g car u bring back abe mw b aswakarfywl wan faoa or the uagbmr la aaambanvsi upar jaaj down aad uuak of tba yoa awbrnaueml the my 11 ah and am bw it aseada what wenu ba- eaam ef all yew pbuw aad year bnoy dsya una whom ether lore baas sad aasdreaa of tkam bava gene home again wall and happy it keapa ita j ma a apan li a few basy psopla bks yos aasp tut a m lit ake yoa going to remamhor i bwntpwtuoc uealkattivi form wlsa s sslwtuarawleawaailaaaapbwawjt i base will pay rw hv vau ulwwwhrai aamiiifarfaaatfaaaeaaai afaaw jaeaamawmale h sdrrtrl marriage la apt to be a failure if tba female of the specue epends more money at tbe millinery shop than the butcher ebon what mothers who know lbs vlrtttaa of mother iravaa wnmi ha terminal or always have it at band because it proves its value monrta orthk arruaaohh t niuob perfectly gtukl trlo ill power psopla wahta lit mara martha mshmr after working three ywra for mr- lllhy appeared ooemomlnaiu mtv wilt back dot4 and applied for a jac why aaid the aurprlaed mrs wll uhi i thought you were workjng for mr hi by v i wa rnuui but ive uull latbjl ao r mw whoii cm 11 not ooneenl br aurprlaa i thought yoli liked her indeed 1 do mum and im ana aha liked you i lielieve ebvdld mum ialw aho nlwaya seemed to well mrs wllmtn was atlll wm daring whet tbe trouble bad lieen wall said martha aerlng that aowm axrdanallon waa axpvctedj you ae it waa uka this mam tttlwev- pat lb buwahlna piste on tbe right asad aid of tbe cupboard and tbla mornln tbe mlaeua comae along and aaovaa em and saye manua avery morning for three years youvreput the pistes oa the wrong aide and iv bad oant stand it any longer and aaid martha f ssya lo bar mrs hlaby avary amralu for three year ive pat ibem plate in the right plan and you come along and amoved tbem aad tbe i bad to come along and moved lbs back again sad i cant etsnd it aay longer either and oo i quit mwrah asvihoi avotlou la the laat love haint karemnnd woman uka brave men excatdlogly but audacioua imn atlll more 1 tb wblaper of a beautiful woman can be beard farther lban tba loudest call mf duly anonymooa its baiter to love today than to morrow a pleasure poetpooed la s lost a luosrd irebeauufui flowara that are oenfhnw and beautiful woman that are unlovable honelu we meet in society many allraouae woanen wbom we would fasr lo maka our uh i ilarlewule tb been of eoawn ner grow id r when it haa ceaaad to lo it ba ceaaed to 11 r h bpadre ijrin have in tbtr languages n lobnlte number nf wfirds in wblch aaob ay liable la a caress itoeha ilefore pronulog a wouiao to hiae only her una- abould have aeao ibem all tr abould aae only her a iupuy we need the friendblp of an in irreat triala of a woman in tbe alia ira of aasrydsy ii fa a f tbonass ilow wsob a huty nun regarded aa the vlmg fooi was sakad lo uod a band with a biaoa uf farm work wballl you ay r be askad i ii pay what you a worth an awarad lb farmr lb foo mrulftl bla lui a kulnutr than anntruuoad daoualy i wot work for tbat i you can cure constipation by the use of miuurs uxjtum pius a freemotiooof tbe bowsk daily awoau ik- ibc rule of every one lor if uw do not move daily rooallpstioa la i fellow and brutx in us train nany other liuuurs wbrn the bowela becoaw d up you tel headscbea jaundice llcartlmnn rlaatuui speoka befowt tbe kyes catarrh of the st and those larvd weary ft ban wakh fcumv tbe wroeui action of the liver u luuafa a aye pawcctt ixiu nil wntrs i waa troubled with coav kupation lor many yean and about three year aro my h wanted bse to try ulrbuma la k liver pub m tbev bid cund him i ot a vial aad took ibem and by ibe tune i had taken thaec viau i wit cured i alwsya veep these hi band and when i oml a wild le utter i lukc one uilhuma una i iwr ihsware sr a via h vlau for si xi at all dealcra of mailed dlrrrt on trrttt ol price by tbe t miltfstn co limited tofoslo ool hympaiby w more often tban lost t voull never get inside the gstss of pearl on tb atrangtb nf your good in ton lions amakedbyasuima 1 tbe first fear ful aeoastloa u of euffocsllon which hour by hour becomes m and boneless to such rellaf afforded by ur j t stauoggs asthma hemedy aeems nothing lass than miraculous ita help u quickly apparent aad soon the dreadfnl attack uenstsred the asthmatic who baa found out tba dependability of this starling remedy will never be without it it is aold everywhere tb debt aooneat paid la the on that la toevee contracted xray bpparatoe baa been invented for killing tb tiny psraaltea that eat bob boles tb leaf tobacco children ory for fletchers ca mia ajxcuaa it la seid jba a perfect alrenger to i be town approacbad one of the hav bltuai loungers oommonly called loafer and inquired do you 11 her- oh yea was the reply know tba town pretty wall rrery hole bnd oornar all uie build ttmar- of oouree aaid tb lounger aoao log the prion of a few drink a owing to the number of particular wem drawled the at ranger le thapoatontoer tba lounger was visibly disappoint ed after hemming and hawing for a moment or two be anawwrrd well to tell tba truth 1 never do much writing a cold dtvclope ills bronchitis however uujbt n cold jtt have you tbould oever ncticct it in all noa ublliiy u you do not vest it lu time ll will devekip into lukwurhilin iwtcutooou or soma other tcriouri throat or lung trouble lr wood norway lkoe syrup u particularly adapted for all ojln counha broncbllia poeunwinia utbnia whoofi ins couth anil all turn i ilea of the throat sod lung three pouila ill lavour of dr wood a norway isou syrup are 1 ita action ts prompt 3 ituviroralca oa well aa beala and aootbc tbe throat and lunsa s it la pleasant hannlcss nad agreeable in tme un albert vuil urockville ont writ jut a line to let you know about dr wood a norway ihne syrup our oldest little girl u now ail years old when abe was four month old she got n cold which ucvcloiied into bronchitis and we tried everything ae could think of and bad two doctors attowuag her but tt was im good one day i read in your almanac about r wood a norway pinc syrup ao i tried it and before she bad nntabed one bottle of it tbe dry hacking cough bad nearly alt boocj there ia nothing equal to it and we are never without it in the house sec that you get dr woodairbca you ask or it at there are nanstrous imitations on tbe market tbq eronmc u naiiufaclured by the t uuburn co limltad toroolo oat price 35c faauly site 0c in the hathroom the bathtub wash kuuun linoleum woodwork rors uvatonca and all metal fixing use panshinc ui pcrloctly wholesome haa no disagrecabl smell aiul leave notlunif but absolute clean linevw behttml it panshinefi a pure white clenn powder tlust doe an t uxratch and positively wtll not liarm the hands ljirge filter m tb at all top tin i uc grocea btrm till grand tkunic railway geo patterson live btock pc alu acton ont cattle sheep lambs and hog write plionc or call personally kcrobe vou sell bee me s bbli 7uvb h h s it pays to liuy the he t wlien s s you buy your c z ssweater coat s g sc the larjf rbsortuif nt of colors x g 5 and values we ar ihowni today b correct joods sec windows 5 s r e nelson tw a aaaaaauaaaaaaaaaaana oxooooooooooooxxoooooia w6e metropolitan bank auooojootxoo supiilioil free of tharvo and colloclml or ilikcodnlod at tpsnonshui tatoa apvamoasi ifada to teaiumsilui fattnera forbusmem purpose rsavlnqai pgpartmbwt demamttt ij sno dollar and upwatdn tocetveil and highest currant raise of luteitwt allowed bmttmo sv maliu von need ufa make a siecutl trip lo town lo ibjji a cliciue make a dcwt or draw nine money kjae the mall imuejul von will find our ayhteut 4 lunklngby mall a ln and convetileul way of transacting all your hanking buainaut deposit may lie tnado and cash withdrawn by mall without delay or tiouhlx call or write the mana4cr for lull infurtnaiiou in regard to rank log by mail ag braaebas ia ikla duihcl s n guelph milton caupbellvllle xxkxoooxxxxxxxxx warmt kind for cold t tougliet leorocfiltlc will never le fount because tho best is uscj or storeys gloves and gauntlets and yet the skin because carefully tanned by the chrome process is svuvde pliable insuring eattievorvlinary wear resistance waterproof and hnbv fireproof tthe bent worlcing gloves on the tobsjl naratct sold at all stores inuist on stpreyv imperial counter check books i h i i tpnlir lmiviiil coimi r clicu hook iunurliuii i i5 hi aim word mtt rcliclh 1 i limits hum hum tuuy bo i lur 1 ut hi fatg s i anil i mill nni i f ull t ti i hhiwn uphill itimi piouiit lilivrw lluio nru niirti imikirlslt in ill iliirfl i i ll winter shoes b ova y r vlkmb- fw i i ur kuert aiock wl i y ul av mi many t ami si sea 1 1 a i 1 at ll ti it iur windows l k ar u1 i i ulil ll oaw uybw la r wli 1 wi ran w i i a aw ol ihi ut i it ll ui dwii will va yoa an 1 1 wl t r u rfk h ii w now lv a ls miujrh l l gaoe 1 xs oca homw ti good ahoea mill strict acton unnutinaiiiiiinmi rockwood ti li chopping mills all chopping will lc j done pttdily nul well on pi ucs or torn j i lour oatmeal j hrm shorts 1 lie u t it lowest prices harris fit co limited kockwood ont j anaaaaduaaanaimuimuahmhai 3ftcton jli v 1kr jl bvis liki tb un lcrsluiuxl rfl solicits tlm lialrotise i ihe pub lic ami inforxia tl llwl wau a comfnrialila 1 us tnsals all trains liatweoii to do a m ami 610 p rn caisiul allaniion tlvan to every order tim uants ui com merclll travollors fully mst john irimimrc5ifcs omovmiavom poultry 1oultbyii ck p1j for poultry raw runs purchased lt skxb hcton the berlin steam granrta and mardia works oasrih uhaum rhqlhlrto iu iitium uiid llullilrji i f slatiical uutikilm un 11 m011 11 ur 11 tu murkum and llonditoiiit mid ull kimuof alt i is 1ic ckmmhkv work anoamt wh hemstreet agent ajion oil unron conscigntious plumbing s heating is isiot w myth sllilth us to tho contrary wo make it tlic most imrlortint factor so ic you favor us with your patronage you will enthusiastically endorse us fred smith plumber quebec sr quelph phone 337 it atents la all oouatrisa ask for our invtwtomi adviskk which wui be bant rrse mariom it hahion ittyubjrrlly3jcbisiiit

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