Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 9, 1913, p. 4

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lu bt jltlira jfra flecks tbdbsday ootoiirii o ibis oorr pact dont fri r vir nl vn mnn that u dohl i maw at if tie geta lii nnt dvlrit yir ft ifl ir ltsrhlae la a encb dont ijd yntr irt ttbv icvno rlsdn u eoa ouc mnbar tw would seldom clauge pianos f ifw kw atl our naighboraatotaalraaa for lhlngr tot wbat tbey tn rvitfcinerian dina orsnina gamkqlbtm toer u rrr much aympsttay mated on nun who trim to buy oountarfeit iunnt- y and get fooled nor wtl anybody wep for ilm victim f ugw bioa wlilcowim unearthed by the bhofflm lrpr merit th llottlitxi of lid duhllut wsb called torii dvru4mrii whhlt ap peared in large number offering for tb small sum of two dollar to teach by a quick ore od easily earned method bow u tm m e vrlater without lb kid of a key the department at one took tp to aeeuro the valuable informa tion it wm found that th uthod we imparted by mean of v small circular thl circular gv instruction lo aeenr an u weighing in ordr lo obtain lb boat rsealta in un nelgb- bmrbood of 1b pounds than the pupil u to take hu poaluon before um regfrter ba wishes to opon advaune tbo laft foot stand firmly awing th as with both band nod than atrika th rwt with all bia might repealing iha blow until th itoelrsil result la attend tba inetrwo- una ctona with tba warning that for isisii ifr oporatloo of tha quick safateura and unfailing method it la this recall tba potatoboa axlfcr- aalnator which wm advertised aotna tmnrnfo tbavtetlmsofthatawndl war hooeat people la search of hxfltlmato informa bat thf areo lar of ittatraeuona that aooooipaniad thntwomnnll pfaon of wood that tbey raosived for thalr halfdollar might hav been written by tba earn peseou who devleed tha now method of open- hoaahrasiatara it raad i xjaleh tha baa ptaea una caaafolly om block taoabbar ooaanlaacd soiita hhm with block n amber two alao mmtintta wlpa bloeka and prooaad aabaforr an ttnarlaan dtlna iha klrh kdlnlmtrgh nrrani with tlio 1mhi uytikhuw hlni an hi nd thily it a itaid tak to rwimi nyrk nt pprrfiuliaii uf tha niietattl trlloa in tba vultor mlad right mliwr igltl inn liny rstollad bnt tha ainriean hantniril and hnwrh dlpvrnani mrrrylhlno cxjaipld with imi thry bad m tba nther uda wbat hat for haaakrxl pr-nt- ly point ing paaaino vahlcla carry- lifcnoarnnua bar of iron a glint cama in tba juvaolla y aa baanwaml mitlj t1iyra ituildlng a naw lin1ril mad ir ij tbatx ll klioltrn t- avil1 hultr-f- j i kl itlll allnin dvmrdy ciiiwpm iilh h hrlplnh liantl lo alnklng wwlmiii p y rm n ii wilt troullo soilht ln 1 ufvvlulxohlr i ihirlll i 1- vj df l i- i u own aitnnniuii ithown tt tvnu- h if you buffer fm nllutt got i lit ilmaptovwri ratutdy nml fitid lil lika lhbuaanda of othara whan a man haa falltkl at rrry- utlng im ha poaaa aa a crllo children dry for fletchers c ast oria whim allinos la ooldin talking or your employari bui- neaa with outaldara mcno than ladberrtian it la a breach of onn- fldaaea it prnvaa your moat oartain nnfltnaaa for any ulaca of trul yoar am pi oyer a personal accantrlcl- tlaa and falling ahould not urnub material for tha antartalnmant of frtanda onltlvataa kaan aanaa of honor ragardlug all that cornea to you in tha way of bualnaaa thla la rim of plaoaa whera allanoa la lodaad golda was subject to hote1ishe rairtatloa of the heajt of breath tawrj w mthlnt apolalra in mulrtv wgran powdvra ad tbay ara p totakaaanwar ao i bat few ehlldrao win rafwaa thaw to aoaaa tba eaaaa roaaluog throogh thalr aotlcmi lo an onaowad atomael tbhv 4a aajya aaawllwaiellanothofa rliaailag powar no lodloallon that tbay or hnrtfnl tbay oan thoroughly dafmoded opon toolaar woraaa froa thaayatao ohildten cry fob fletgrets cast 0 i a almost any nwa can ancceetl if haa a uttla good aanaa and a lltlie ood natora if a man bv old ud ngjr cod bia wifa la yoongt and beautiful it may bo a algo that ba haa iaof dollar than worm in ehlldras if tbay be not ttawl to oauaa ooarowooa and often death mother gravaa worm t tba ehlldrd itor wlllrolmt tb i fflal i whig wlou fa a poaotnauc uratthat fa fra- puoctored tim oftao ean laad wttfi th allkan cor of loaawbeo all tba cables of loglo woidfau i rartow of ufa revaala that the thl n in moat regretted at tba time arauha ooee to whlob wa owe moat noi u i li wlaa baehalor alwaya hike for ha tall tlmbare wben be bear a u m intssda to be an old i boor w paas with happy pro pai i in tuw ara mora pkaalog than uk i erownod with fnutim oold- uu j cautol mount view ont amtmi am an ejderqr woman now and aboat two year ago i bccania faint was subject to hot flushes palpitation of tba heart end short mil of breath x went to a doctor but seemed to rsmaln tbe same until one of my neighbors re- oammenoed uusdimr iltuaf and ngbtm pnjls i gjadly followed tbe wdwios and am today a s trout robust woman and i thank uilbusjis ilauar amd news pills for tny present state of health and have recommended them to all who i have learned of buffering from heart troume price 60 cents per box or s boxes for trjft at all deafen or mailed dbrct on receipt of price by thai t unborn co tss kl4 ten natojuwsys hit til aa wl ftm v for otot so 7mn buas inn tvs au oovntwodu imltehiml aad j iil lut trua wlui ma ii iu mt mt and tcfcllrtr bmjmrlmmm a klmrtmm what is castoria it n borin irtii4 and 8mklf rjrapa ft i cacktaln ikeltbor oplm horphlm mr wmaiice urn mmo i lt r it 4 and allaja porerlduun it ana imarrlmmk ml oollo itrdlons tothbhr buh ci ud flatalent it tk vtood 8touarji and bmrala ma holla aad i tuo cuodroaa 1 obhuihk castoria always i bean tha mgnatma at tulu the kind ton haye always bought in use for over 30 years ivatch for this eclipse it win injwl wm sa a raasarkabla one kof long dlstantf predicting prorasv or david todd of amberat haa made lils niark for ba has axpraasad tha ltlukn that on jaly 11 1001 on the ukhintajo peak of fopocatcpeu or ort- smba in uaxlco there vul ba a great gathering of- astroooaara and otbar cleutlsta possibly a grantor gal basing ibau buy ooa of iba sort erer tafcbkg place before that time ha has onaar- mload that on i bat data tbara wm he tbe nuest ecupae of the sou arar known since ecllpeee warn orst predicted wtth certainty and ibeae peaks win ba the cbotccst grand stand easts tor tha per formance aa ac are tbe only opportaanusa for studying certain qoalulaa of the son and sunlight and as tha from tha bun which s all on earth la nrooatng tsora and tody bacapq of tha pnaarlaattlm cor stmn pro it ooers ho frnas car sln that in 1001 tbara wtn be wrwa nntnonsttg irlumn thaa than la atpraswnt onatoasoa whyrtt win ho able acjfcms ts that it win bo total for 10 dfahnniety for tha aaka of tha aaaoo u aad bssaoy bowasar ba ga mm a silshw and rrnanad it la thla amys betaay aertify thkt a b haa baaw my gar- da for ovea- two year and that during that ilea ho got mors out of joyed obscurity uvea much longer than brery moment you now loose la ao much character and advantage lost as on tba other band every moment you now employ ueafulty la ao much time wisely laid ont at prodigious in terest iba oil of the people many oils bav come and gone but dr thomas boleetrlo oil eontlnnaa to maintain ita position and locreaaos lu spnere of usefnloeat each year ita sterling qualities have brougfat it lo tb front and kept it tbara and it can truly bo oalladtha oil of the people thousands list ben by it and would am other ptapanuioa llmailslsii lusjihaoo amd umm autok m ibaeorsd by uw great fruit kidney fuvar romady fio pills branirord oat aug is 101a ir modiein ft pius bas work- nfor tua tha rbsamatlc s bavowntlraly left- ma and i owa wuilnifto your remedy you ara f to publish this r h oaflmam i all dealers sb or 60 cenls or mall edy tb fig pill co 8u tbonias jfl v omluvroaglryk fe for fletcmers t a3tor ia oum that la mbbdap wpl alio mrt mot inltflfd toif larir llvaimvtt m wouchco uwu ehtilffa h atoaaary a anr lau think that- tha bl uwltb tbrfr aiw looatloa r will upklnlsha n rkjowtiiipoailkhi it la to aa- s aatalncv a that ltbalr faotaa whlm iti mny r plamt th aaapa vlfort would da mad with apa olbaea ara i that tbatroaua la thatibajr baaa sao uw wroaaoaeadmuoo irlhay l dalnc ay thlaa abuia rawarda lid ba aaolj raawn tha prowwiitr la thkt la all qdi oadralhaluaca lajiii u oallhar of alaaa 4pr mkupamoa hat oat in aa wovkaf attoaltf tba ooallili of in amlri liraawjaiwoi acpond manaat aadltiukaara aa nook aa atipaaiaaf la lbaniataaahmtaa1olkiiihaaiinal iuaaadanralaaaaalhla uiaolly lolaa oooory lo tba waat aa la tha a poor but worthy old couple bad rare stroke of good fortune a near relative died and left them 30 on tba olghl of tba arrival of tbe lawyer e lattar ulung them of their good for tune tbey sat up lata dlaoasslot tb futaro nod what to do with tba mooey that tbay bad inherited when tbay had doie and worn rising to go to bed tba old man said with a grand air of magni5tmity j wi i auppooa j oan thlsll mak nae difference wed just speak tan tba ndboutv as beforr woman a great sufferer tculhowsimwurmtot torieaxhhlytldiae 1 piiiltiwnu yetb uecompotin4 tubny ool i could praise lydta e plnklisms vegetable cimpoaol all coda wbha tba longest one that ovwr bappencan only be t i another advantage t that tha asm win be dlracuy overbsad ao that there wm ba tha leant pomuoe ameamt of ta- gnat internet tn nn ecttpaa la tha co rona a hoop of tight that appear whan tba moon entirely hldsa tha awa it la from tha corona that sanay of tfat moat importabt as erst of tha aaahayv profosaor todd has ftad that to thtr nex 500 yean than win be nine iota acllpata of tb auu niany of them una saturday axpoaad to view 0 purich said bridget do yon ts you aah ol was to havwtbo allk dram whew yon had th mooey to buy it r dtd ol any that bridget p lodada yon dldrsusllvoyt bo tha money in yer puakat lo buy mo tha dim tha day that ix ha bhdgot but ol doat buy tbo drae an why not ahurr it b4 brfssgat that ol tap tha mo in my pookot far tha day whan ol havwat gat it- waavn raw and drsad- j pffaaldod and as bappspnad eonatlnsuon and backache bat sow 1 am wall of all these things i took ly du k plnkham a vagtaw comrwuod urerpinsao saoativ waatgwe you pa to publish this letter to help others mrs wilrsso iu oaumd doaamtubary ontario jn owe of mrs tally sks pleann jn you for mrhst lydl riuwttauky ptokbams vagetsbl oompouod h uoneforioa i suffered with such aw ful porlotnc peine and bad a cjuplac- mast sod rsoslved no benefit from tbo waaktsetl tb take lydia v pwpgw ofdab apoosv f9sf wul lwyawotuan spruce up old mem who would avoid maalfsatotlmm of da- cllaa dr i i naaelwr t putaa wrltaa to tba naw york medr josr- nal tb improveaioot la the ga an- peoranc has a protbund paychlc in- flnenco not only directly tluongh tht cumnfaitton of the aenae of pride in ap pearance but indirectly thiwugh the uttering comment which u arowssa tbhj important men so re la gssmmlly oegtertcd by men yasld tvom tha beoeucial psychic tnboeoo tor aeetha- tlc raaaona alona tb otd man abosld cn to mak himself appear aa attractive aa poasibla this die net mean that ha baawjd tolhs ll agod and alderty ploy to enhanco their cfaarma it daa wan that bo old man abonm mlmonte tb surfaca drcotatioa by means of bath and inaaaago nmov wrinun and folds by inunction wtth antmal fata try to atlmnlat th growth of hair no tbo band and renrnro hajr from sboormal altnatlooa as lb earn oe a cao and wmr hracea to overcome the tendency to atoop employ iwiwtmsa cosmetic measurea to lunrov his ap- peamnco and abov su observe a eens ofln lo am jf lnstood of dacryltal aueb a cosine as i vanity it abonm be fetcmn aa s uodabratort to sulstola a yoatsv ful spirit i had a terrible atm of oiarbhujl resort p tb artloctal davkwj that a paaulwcaml stms bosvos bad been announced to stsg at a smau pubtlo dtonerat whirl taftoquantly 81m ttoaras had i ijuog tba matter with ida throat and a onab to ousnd ihckans an noaned tusvdnd tb annobnnsiasl was received- wtth s gsimral laogb ol tocndority this omd otctsss vary angry and bs res manfully to lb ds- rana of th oallngusot my fllwhft slma n ba said ontotty n- grata bhtlmtblttty to fulnll uf flfgasn- rasut owing iwdaddtd wtth rsaatk satsht to an nnforlually ud highly fscotloua cold castoria jnr lafut aad culinov tblatyhhmahranlatu aaiioai imataraori bauovwaat aoa yoa eaot haaa ihaa ha aoamthlna thai you doat waat uoaollaalvahtcathoiaawoik- odtiilollowayctornonra itbaa a affrirltlant powarofjllaoamir aotjaaad othaa byr battoa riapmtlraw- ataa art very weak cspccianyataawarvtormi my teagth of tsm i gnat wak wss and the aoiy tbkag to don to act kostofawt touwutnd that a tow dme of ito fowlsxa bx- tsacr us was sn wastasnr wis 4a tbfe asasta to a f na tb orl d parfa ifaariaa maataeliaek tha belgtaa pees and dtamatast na it ago a to apae a aam mt vaa with chaipsnhsv th iilifcnlil heavy ibaaialan mt bnvapa tv pa as aatqjlat imuwl a b mt t pari aad the a liiir aads b thaa faoawhg ip the atepa mt maltor aafa pact lard tsyeaav ha kaeyf at touas aax aad lalkinauay ha writaa haaa awarrmg with jaakaaai lag and aaaaa ta aaatiawa aad coutfl hot bunco this man has m un few fwdaswn sung tags af tha ataawha aad la i haw thla saan i my aaajaalataaaa with y rs my wind fa la goad a eat la saab i seed ta be a hard hlttsv pnaa bymas frtead aad mbafaia parry bymh mhallay aaah a milatuaa wu ba baaa iaayaaalbla ya 1 thtmwb la rwmrj asaa of a mtlrltag ttu pmltloa h eu wham aeadfal reseat aa laaalt la traa british atyfa keata med ta relet haw be eae eataalshaj a draakea aad abaalv walsrmaa by pltahlat lata him la ansa naspeetadly vigor styfa with hi sata that iha fj law se bswiedfar messy a aalfa atrsagth lie was lea lake hi ewa part aa proved wtvea asmaltij taker wt u anmuat af physiaal isisss wh abfa a pet astavally retiring maasar oaik- lf did he tad awt hie errar aa ha raa aatid th jaariaw laaghsav af hie earn paaiaaa tram the mad lata wueh ha had he mat by a etralghtiydil uaw charim pagafary haamfae being a aa was a nt f a mean ara ii araa ta w amy ha hady wan wuh hi sets traded taghw wvsts tha ba pitaaira float i l who waa a f aalnaradaala with klaawly at hm- totd aa who taught tha ewu art ml unit jaffmss a atsgt af paw baaed atebert baraa hmlim hatog an lint at awah atluatu ir nihil a aattlrtg tha t well know how to taaa aara mt supbavd waa to bia pawaaat tor a wha fsssls atf aa a haxar on an aassau it i taaatia ha aaauatii far awu mt mm mmmw with a sta gaa a su hfa sawarier in weight and lastsa aad ae a whs had twa caimtkaralks tlmt i waa ponteraml laat wtrk ith a tra vailing ajtanli l0 aaial iw hail liaard that t was tnaabtrd whb hbenmstlam i told him i had beu and ba wsntcl to aetlw l lanawered that 1 was taking rim 1imjl tb oalr w thai did ms any good i told him that i had tried various other ai s none had don m any good but gin piijlm bbd that i alwaya kept a box in tbe bouse jin avilxb bav duta a mora good thaa onyher ma i have vvertaken joasru sthvaxaon danttolmpoedup if bkwt whan you got a job to do do i oitw if its one yoawub wlhrfugn t fia it now i if youc sur the l your own just tackle it alona dont ham and bow and groan do u now i dont put off a bit of work do it now i it dooont pay to shirk do it now 1 if you want to fill pbo snd b uavful to the ran jual get up and take brace do ft now i dont linger by tb way do it now i youll to if yon delay do it now 1 if ibaothar fallow wall or postpone un til its ui you hit up a faster gatt the grand trunk lahway fauyichqifd thai ii itaia gstltif taymrliw at limes e is bilious tb uvefl because overworked bad bile 1s n mufated and enters the bl a causes a funeral ch up of the nui when this happens no one can cstwp coustipatiou jaundice hcadaebes hcsftbora iwliceloa liver com- faiaiat aad thoan tbed weary feeuncs which ftaltuw the wrong action of the uver uuaoams iuialrvsa rfixa timu- uts the stoggish uver clean tb coated the breath and clear tlta lullowlita i ll a 11 uaitva aall u a na 4 m ii to w v ttwer s laillh tba b att tbe waste aad noon doalokn r your trader wont sat yon with gin pujlk at tbe regi retail price of oc a taa 6 for 5 tons sample bnarfir if yon writa nations iwwg and cboir co of canada uawad toronto jo4 atonantuu blood and nerve tablets ssolhabsstall rwoud tonic for pal thin from the system mas ii a- ucclabajr rtomsy ah write i have used mnatmna i-ul- livkm pilaa and am iraatly pl with the resnhs 1 had indigestion and tucb a bitter tssta in my mouth after retiring that was so ewpleaaant i roold not sleep well sad also had deathly tweknesa aonartiams altar vbad mini two viala of ljtavltva pax bav cured m hfilbuana laxalrvsa pnxa at 2i rents per vial or s vials for so sec that you get them wben asked for uanufactured only by the t mitfaasa co limited toronto oat hpoooooooooooooo xxxxxxxxxp lode metropolitan bank 3t2 wn stswa ha lt in hi vswth th ability af kiahard beagist itaraa th i 1 1 nit flams aad ether a aa a haxar td uaa stead during the tlaaa h waa aarvlng la he maxiean navy h waa ana night with hnivwy thsaght to bav an snay pray w haw ver wr thy mhrtakaa tor baraty sssing what tbay war p ta daagad thair mlsaght aad with a uiaali at wvlwimetad btowa laid tham aanliaw at hie twjt itokaa vitoato any the dak of athab nsnlu i ifc j st f the iqng abja5a wha maau au army f hi awn by a mt gram tha lata quean vltria shirt- ly after ah aaaaa mtm th uuwaa saw ntd th athau bighlaadan with rat gbnaatal aalan aad thaa thay waeo daly eoaatitutad aa army th dak klweelf 1 eefaael of lb while hta rtdaat af tsllibardii at t in and 8twar murray ara asttn uany of gaatl a in th nta aa uxaeptl frm th athldl thay aro hlguaaa many af taaas atondiaa feat 4 lashmhigh need to mignhto the hair n th up per up seatt saaeo thaa aa nnh a wahawta wa th wppar p and a atom betoe in- bahtaaan hair gtowiag on tha appsr lip or ehsah asiihsvia a bswstoekho it wow to bav taken ito nam fram a fanaiad t hiss n to a ssrsb axwjh to am a a pry tassnav htod mt lwthae wash iw to th slausg a a xmwsar ttssa a awitah r ved in th eiamtmath jantary a a week nt a tbwe enswtog the psmtog of btoody water i waa ao pamcctaad weak i could wot do anything semg yoar dn pgwlsms bxtsact or wns sraaiissrfryttirsnniadiiil i tried it and it thnrtmshly cund m it is ihn only mcdkiao tor this rrawjustot lslloaurvlubmimtbi to lor eweralxtyvn years and is with out ad the cum cramp pain in morbus cholera lata alum and en bwelrax when you nsk sor dsu powuima that yon are not handed one of the lor this old tjtsnfcr st ws vnddy get tha yellow wrapper un w ap- ra the nsaa of the t uittmra cr mltod toronto out 7-ttw-em- limm health to doctor a girl itkee to impi r urn tv8hmua a purely v4ah nil tha chief ingrvdhmu of aas veaw tkhto pitt an aaaawraka aad dandelion esdatlv and pewnwalvu bnt parfautly ha in their action twaaustnas and purify and have n ynt healthful nvct upon tboaeetutlonsof tba dig lira onptwaniwaidysprpilo and nil who snbtur froas llvor and uldssy u- ntonta will nod in iimeso pills uk stash effective mod won in sonoantrafd form that ha yat bean oafutvw to ihh tvaahnr dhd now wsto nan tsu tos why omhld alwsys bs wat and uuu lisstoia oaa of at nwutolontlnont wha a ssaa la down ost ana qaadian mmiatar af smuwaya and osnisv that port nassau shall b th fed wator tarwtlaaa af th bowan bay atslln nm aw which as fwrthwlth to b rmemrj his given a awn- sustala to th ii i i il i of th twnrlta aad ntlbtmb af this prafaet th bndssn bay bailway la liilgiil to bvtag th vaat grain areas af th osnn- dmn nsrthwsot wtthia a haahag d6 tanas af uvotpsot af xjs0s wjhw mr rau sadmkelxa threugh hlntowa st jabs andjf w tus tows tat tha mafctoc- a city at the month flha new walua ship cnnal is na toegvr a day dream varalghtod anpitahata twlng thajpsmfbllltto aaaadthava take tha initial stops to ssap ant ta atari hat bt- uto r v part waoar fa u b th nam of la saw m u name shassa in hanr f chiaf j k waller he amn wh aansetosd the halldlag af thv new ship saasl and fa in fall abarg f tha aastrustion af the grant wars h ftsr nesk lartt fsa this bank esteods its iacilltlas to tb farming common it y special attontioa bslng given to tb fanner banking need loans asado to respotrifu f con vunlant bala note poems snppvad fro sale notm discounted or csflec smdal ssviskga aecommt many accounts srs op with tbe banks by persons wh wsfa to sat aside small amounts from time to timo i to msh payment on a mortgage life in pern a similar obligation those short urn i readily acceptable by the metropolitan bank and full compound intaraat is allowvd on tha round period that tb money remains with 4xon branch i aarollit manager xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxb kind for cold weather tougher itoraeluile vrtll never be found hrra tbe oeat is used tor storcya gloves mad g and yet the ahn because carefully tanned by ine cbrome process is made pliable insunxu2 mi extraordinary ajaear resistance waterproof and bbll fixeprool tbe best vawaungsloiyxavofvtiai itfabsaam tn itswb s four xjatestnoirgltiea i i 8 vdwatnaekacar latest new york novelty 5 3 soft hata brown navy blue and green t velvetbandsr l e sareatar coais new line today ol the camels s 8 haircot houproof housry guaranteed goods autumn shoes chooaa ynur alvi imm oar as peril wber inu haaa many hapea and take a look si ih u is oar and gel acnnalsl lb laocr floijo w ca ihnw boi mirlalsal hai ilioca aboura wtll ah a ides of what nartock u ilka w hsva a large aeaor luteal of high leu af yon sow rads w wtlliams tsao lioros q good shons mill street acton your chopping will be done quickly nd well on either plates op stones if taken to utt rookwood chopping- mills flour oatmeal bran shorts the best at lowest prices harris a co hot0n xjx vjsr x bus li mo tb aoucits tba pstrciaaga of th tub- be aad injorsu them thai wb qwlmpert and maltaai man can always b acnrd ai hla a comlo ibl bs asasts su irsms ba tosoo sns and s19 p ta carofal attention gliaahi otery order tba wanss of cosv maillil traveuars folly mac john aiiiluilr3ts rnorwhton poultry cash pam for poaltrj tm buhn slus 6turlt ml martli wilts caopatjr bra un pboimubt dmlgners and 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