Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 5, 1912, p. 3

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waixpapht km mock now dpml from 55 par cuitain poles 4 and s am whit ud 0k window shades in cream iraoo and wtlta ilain kaandlbmnioi call in and sreour new stock uokntm geo hynds aotoh olfftarto real est ate hovey to loaa at toweit rate r later larc ixr tor mtfto cheat svvrelltsi and other lroarty la au parts or the iawa w have avery tachui far traaaart lag oar beuuao to jwr na iriosmlalnrtlan j a- willocghby cmrieum news of local ipmott th heavy teaming from the tooe sasrrlee at tit drat line u hihwul im pair inn 1 he now mill pond county road in puom it should ba repaired uala fall and kept from gettins into wor condition slje ton jfm jrs thursday bkptkmbklt 6 1013 bmef local items klnoerdioee tax rota hu been struck at 80 mill mr george kelt painter hu mot to goelph labor day eervloee ware in order in the churches uat sunday the new ts000 school at burling ton la to be eosnplstsd november let two rinks of aoton howlers go to brio tomorroje fo a friandly match september tba flrat autumn asouth foltowlne a aummsrleac euni- tba weather on eabor day wu rather damp for althar oomfort or ool win kama tba new county rsfstrar will continue to reside in baruaatoo tjhf d brewer la paying oaah for batter eags and poultry at ooxana naat store anew dfain baa boan put in to um ostler in rear of the oaw federal baudlatatto tba planing mill of jones at mar- in xqano wu dsstroved by lira laat ik loaa300o tba musts of tho sobool ball rang 00 bmttily again on tuaaday aioro- ing altar tha iook summer vacation iuv fg barrell will raturn from vacation this wank and returns hie worltltbabapuat church next 800- t yth jndgaa court of revision will tho beidtoo r wednesday 18th lost thnre are about 100 appeals to ba mra joal laalla brio baa kindly seat the fan paasa very on bou- fmt of crlmeon dahlias and whlta tha brick work of mr w j stadona aaw bonaa on frederick u oowputad and tha plasterers affu work borungton la to bava a oanadlan hrssbh of a united states chemical work- it will start aarly next year arithx bands xbtoogb an laadvartani error tba etktttb pmxm udetsdssptamberxsts lasteed of september otb on ctuwrm aeuratalawssk 1 rai hydroelectric matters dead in icobool aooordlng to tba fan pansa 1m7 appaa to ba vary much allvo in aoton paformar i raoton 1 astata baa qnka an ap aiab apward tandanoy at praaaqt ac property is hlgbar in prion 1 john layboorna of oualph was kioaaajkljobiifdataraavaralylnjarad a aq auvator aooldaot at tba prlaon smrai dormitory laat wadnaaday joaap moolnrakaq la again tba auwrsnpaytr to call to pay his taxaa for tha ottsrant yaar ba now holds tba indfapoubla championship ror anton qdaaohana of ottawa shot biu- af wbua travaulng on tba morning tralaiyoai toronto oan day last waek thavk removed from the oar vrvbavbanis of bdward may of ka- fjajiilna and x a hardy of trafal- gmr ware atrook by llgfanlna and totally daatroyed during tha thnndsr- 1 atorm 00 monday afternoon mr john wauon has porobasad tha leakey booaa on main btraot on tlh etaotrlo railway rightofway and wtureasnvalt to bis property at tba aontberly umlte of tba town tba pavement on elgin street at the deprawloo opposite mr r a oregorye property baa barn lilted and will be replaced whan the lot la fttladln to the church street level gfyavotaof 0p8or to ss agaloat paanbroke ratepayers last weak oarri- atbyjawto grahtto the metara oourto bajqway m bonua of aoekeaspuqo from taxation and frw wamiv for a period of su years vbuowing aometblng of a ruojpue at tarra ootu two weeke ago three flat war imposed at a tnagiat rates ejarjheshaaon e tjinnday aa followa george bdga aln bargees a3 jamas mlt- iiii aiaaaraw jrherearefavlf any who have tp oatqoe ebnreb reootd of oar old esteemed rriendmr issbo hrtrd ogtna twrd of tbfprsent month ho e4owdbforaethyeartuiacrstaxy of taamitcbajimathodut sunday bobool 4mi whall advoosta 1 wsi o th qran oaa trajitadamerloan hoteta were fluael faswd oost on saturday for selling laors after bonis the sleemaa fffmoy was fload sao and costs for sshbjk llqaor in email quantities bstfnswsrsoord fltbeuabaua says bsevajsmlut of ajttajjaaj boad oeo tw d ooeta drank bey wmldnt ksttlo and wsra to jail for 80 days each mr rae for an ordinary ma lb be the aante as that of heir u and coats- tha prscommanlon sarvice of knox cbiireb will be bem oa friday avenlng at 74a p at when in iuv mr oamaron of georgetown will preach iuv j a wlkoa pastor will conduct tha aaeratdanu aa on sunday tns gualpb mercury aye 1 aetna ia a dry town and tba loabrlataa there have to oome to cnnlpb for thalr aap- plyof the fiery uqnld one srrivad in town yesterday bd iri full he w morning was allowed to return to hie native baatb u want so kusaat a a man giving hla shaw waa arrested on monday night by chief mcdonald for being drank and disorderly o tuaaday ha ap peared before the magistrate and waa fined lo and enala or 80 days la jail ua was taken to milton george herald mr john 8- coleman has pencbaaad mr jsmee moores property 00 willow street mlaa mellon who eold her property on willow street to the canadian northern railway baa pur- chaard tba property pf mr w j gor don at tba corner of chorea and vrad- erick streets aso a o plana for tha new building ror bald husbandry id connect ton with tha ontario agricultural collage at gualph have been approved by lion jaasea duff minister of agriculture and taodere for the construction of the building will be called ror in about two weeks it u to be a twostory brick uructura ooetlag in the neighbor hood of gflxooo to be taken entirely from tba federal grant it will ba located behind the main building op- posltl prof zevilse the september meeting of the wo mans institute will be held in tba council chamber friday afternoon at three oclock subject t the etor- of fruits andvags4ablexaere wfll also be one minute talks by aaver- al ladlsa on intereeung and batptul subjects members are asked to bring small plate of cake or aaadsrlehea and also two plates and cups ea light refreshments will ba eerved all tba ladles in town are invited to attend and bring their friends ad daass of a tk nam a mi mr a d tnompson for many years a promine merchant of georgetown committed eojclde on tuesday of hut weak by taking carbolic add ha waa walking along tba street when several men aaw him put a small bottle to hie up medical aid waa omlledbat doh followed in half an boor hie month waa very badly burned and thvacid oonld be easily detected by emeu a jwu book wu found on hlsa and la hla own writing waa a statement that ha waa tired of life he would never ba cured of hie sickness and be had de- ckted to eod matter tba denes art leaves bla widow who was a daughter of um late mr adams of brassntoo there warn uoslttdrsn great regret is felt at tale ead ending of a respected there has bean leeoed by dlrectioo of tba minister of agrlonlti ottawa a conspicuous poster tbe attentio of potato importance of examining their crop to aeosrtala wbatbaror not u is inrected with potato oankar tba hangar shown la aetaraloolnra a pota to plant tbe whole yield of wblcji u afleoted by the disss as it also abowe the appearanos of individual tubers in wblobtbo oankar has started to work qrowsrs who dleoover snapletona aymptoma of the diessse in their crop are r to sand attactad spser msns to the dominion botanist kx- perlmental farm ottawa the poster le lasued as farmera ohronlar no 3 of tbe dtvtsloa of botany and is being distributed by the publications branch of tbedspartamotdf agriculture r eveeew sueesrte bxeaeik on t3andavanh after chureb rsglaambanc a yooag englishman was having a quiet stroll whan ha mat with an aaotdeal of a eerione and pala- farcharaetess wbanm the coraar of qolphashganjrlistrsstatbaystopp to have a oha be leaaed agalnet tbaslsotria lkmpoataad ethlaklaiy grasped tba kahrw lowvring ufl lsojp ws hie head wwu epilsnt menl imamdu9wivssd tba oarreot of the sxrwccv d was unable to loosen hte graslof tbecbalp after a vain attomn to rsbsea him companion h 1 bouse and had plaatriglsn booddy bwltdhofttbealeetrlonowar this of ooursv re him bat ha fait tho affect of tbe elacrtcorret ror several hours it is good ad v to follow to keep away from suctrle ught pokw and wlraa and eapecisuy daring wot weather tba mitchell advocate aayat moo- day evening mr w j holuetar of new york city waited upon tbe edi tor at hla bomk ba introduced blen- sslf as d reptsseou of pastor boe- saira lawtnra borsan and said be bad a bdvlnaee proposition to make la tba nature of having a ssrasoaof tba social andjws0nal mr harry frank nm mm home from toronto mr nelaon ilsuvr iteruu vtaltad iriends bsrs mr andrew ourien left on monday ror clear creek mr w r moor of hamilton vlalt- s4 aetoafrisods mlm minnie bennett returned from toronto oa m mr c 1l mcintosh of orilll was hsra for brief vial ksmavor b k nelaoa of uuslph visited his relatlvaa hare mum stells stesrart spsait a week with frssaas in toronto mr wallace fraakum of wing ham waa borne for tbe holiday mr tuebbrdsomervuleaod children of london visited rsuulvse here mr and mra aum mason and bsbs ere gueeu of mr wuium mason mrs n f moore and margsrel vhatad friends at grlinihj tbia wt mr john miller toronto spent tbe holiday wttb hu aieter mrs k ryder mies nettle dryers of napanee hae bseo vlstung aston friends thia week mlsa manrmrei dron of moorsosld vteitsd acton friends during the week mr and mrs geo btovsu end daughter v hi tad acton friends uat week mlm myrtle klohasond of queens- villa was a guest at principal stewarts laatwrek mr kdward fortuaa of buflajo n y was la town last week vlalung friends here mr jsmee raeaebaw of detroit was tha cueet this week of hie slater mrs c o speight mrs j w basra muton osme up 00 monday to spend a few days with her mothe mlsa lottie maeon and dertle smith vbalsd frienda at maadowvau during the wee mr and mra john millar of barria spent the holidays with their daugh ter mrs k ryder mrs o mclaughlin has returned boms from a two weeks visit with friends in toronto mrs mckvoy and daughter mayme and miss bessie mann visited bramp ton frienda over sunday miasm amelia and ida duffy of guelpfa spent several deysthl week with their aunt miss daffy miss btve mlaren of gueiph sot a waek at bar home here with mr and mrs llafos warden r and mrs battraav of port arthur are apendlog tbe week at tbe home of mr robert wallace mr a b nleklln j p arrived bom from calgary on saturday mrs nleklln will return neat week mr and mrs feltle bnrlette sad danghtsr of ilnwood visited a oouple of days at tbe home of mr h c bariett mr and mra d m henderson and e boye arrived home on tuesday evening after a delightful visit in the northwest mlaa krma robertson of george town arrived un tuesday to take a mj oa tbe teaching staff of acton publio school mlaa helen lajehman has returned to her praouoa in chicago after a vary pleaaaat two months vacation in the ou noma mtae btbsl gubert of hamilton and mlsa margaret macarthur of ottawa visited at tbe horns of mrs a mae- paa bower ave last week mr and mra joe petara of glovsrs- vula n y made acton friends a hying vteit last thursday while awroate a motor trip through canada mr fred smith of tbe metropolitan bank etaif bare has bean wrosaotadto urn hamilton branch ha left 00 t svsning for hie aaw sjtna rev and mrs j w molsod pf oaoolngaburg vletted athe hoane of mr b j kerr mimosa mrs korr returned with them for a few esonths mr and mrs h p moors and mr arlof dills of tba faaa pajom ware guests of tbe president and dirsetors of toronto bxhlbltlon on press day last friday councillor ball and eamunlclpel ofborr oaraahaw left 00 tussday morning on a two months trip through west they will go as far as b mr and mrs george hssse of loots mich and mr and mrs kmest hales aodchuronofotovsundohloapsnt afew days this weak at tho homo of mr john brown hla honor jodge barron of strat ford announces the engagement of hie eldest daughter bleanor rubedoe tomr hugh lamb of turoali son of mr a b lamb of burlington the marriags will take aboe oa bsptemb tsasssatarsstrswmsm t p u i he advooato aftssvhssstlng to hh pro position bewaapotttelv told that people srera already ton prone to faeeocbo skeptical and that no nonayoojajd influence tbe advoeau to make them become toore ao that tbe bvow m it stood was good swoog for bln- and rpwjrteb ns and good eaoood hsndhjobsc inw wheals vary obeip j mt georgetown gpwfv si j- ni in ft bm wm d m ibytta vhtt inuntmr ibm l with lpxlol i vaaw pbwh kad minlmr intacrkw fmnf mr 4till rarmiuun and hh prtifmmliioit wte prattipur tnrad dawnlmrabo tliwlrykrihm tor- with hu hllwonul iknioahl ml ohruttanlty u rimitly nt muiloa- for ttotortatr mni wuus txr fj forltdibimlinp thrm w lo un u milk nrm ulltoaurila lor m0q nub lhohn0holm thmrm mn nluocy- mffmim to b mar ml lb judc- omit ofbwoa ootkoulh ban tdmur bwo bmj mm if 4b dat ha tem numuw imekd mk gorkthaa on bakalf of th lotw clb iujwr m af- imabforaadluoa mm bwap of mkn walk laana laok nfodalof lb bonba toh baa nfbr land ii rulyluccohfeii detum ae el iw ytmow plsitoa sninst sun sand had mn ead seeps hands and arms soti snd tneelh sotsndtd for i mas trylryeah prssldsnt jacob gould sohurmsn of oornsll uolvsrelty who has been appointed united states aoibaseador to 0 reaps la a canadian by birth and eduoauoo lis was horn at freetown pk i may k usi graduated tram prince of weiss collage in 1000 qonred sontar a young man aged sb years was found guilty at berlin oo hatordaj by m aglet rata weir of eeonr- lug motmy by fraudulent means from c and profaaalonal men in berlin and waterloo ha was sen tenced to three years in kingston penitentiary one day when an american minis ter was preac be noticed hla negro servant who waa siting nearbually engsgod in writing when themlnle- ler was driving noma with sambo whom he knew to be unable to write be asked bin what he had been doing during the sermon ssmbo replied ms waa just tsklox notss of your ear- moo maees whereupon the minister ashed to eee tbe peper sambo pro docsd it and when his master saw nothing but a fsw curious mark be esid why sambo tbla la all non- eeass sambo replied ms thought so when you was saying it leaned at office or residence h p mooajc issuer aoton ontario rr tr pr- a apecial deeps tch to tbe daillss on friday esld i mr b mtmoklbbea of hopedsw krin township ehot a black anaks which measured eight rest in length snd was aa big around aa a mans leg it was ss heavy as a man oouu well lift there were two of them but tbe other got eway mr harry b white or dee moloss lows wsa la town for s few daye during the week lis bsd come ovsr to attend the funeral of mrs whites stater mrs m brioksr berlin and waa accompanied by mrs dr mc- garvln dr and mrs mcgarvin are r residing with mr and mrs white at dea moinav it le twenty six years dace mr white left acton uhbhochi mrs win nleksll of sarula and bar daufthtsr mra osrriek are viait- ing mlaa newton jllaa winifred polkloghome was boms from toronto for tba holiday mr and mrs t a ivena of toron to apent sunday and monday wltk limehouee frisnds mastsr stsnlsy oarvln has rsturnsd to hla home in barrie after apandlng tbe summer holidays with bis grand parents mssars wm and duncan hbarpand mrs williams of toronto and mtas colin nicks of rock wood ap the holiday at the borne of mrs m bbsrn foprth una mr and mrs u wheeler mlmbsua and maatsr rddle wsrs in toronto over j f rev mr csmsron occupied hla putk- pit tsst sabbath after a month a vscs tloo smiling faoaa sad hearty greetings wsloosoed hla return oats and pass that ura etlli in the asld in this locsllty are being greatly dauisesd by tba continuous rainy religion for tba praise of men baa no power over man wan an tua will in vsuxxa an irish employed a quaint uisthod in making hla laat will and testa thomas andrew arm- etrong of dalkey county dublin re cently died lesvlng an estate vaload fttun8 also tbe following directions in verse disposing of tbs money i all my earthly goode i have in alore to my dear wife i ireve forsvermors 1 freely give n huiu do 1 ha this la my will and eh- executrix dr morgea itadltmt root pllla- conuaoa allisrnts which rcrcnt but which susrisa st csoea a system clasxed wttk impiirislss tbs pflh csum tbaxmssls to avove ramslariy atrvturthen and atbaulate thsudacya end open up the pores of tha ahia thcea orgaaa mi mediately tltrov ofl tha sccumubtsd topttriuseand biu- ouamsmndlaetsanuvercomplalst rodsey troubles headaches rssum mhm and aaellar ailmeats vsabh dr moreoa ladlea root pills ei t9w doctors bui 6e metropolitan bank head offlc toroalo out ajoo unojootxoo savings department accounts of one dollar and upwards opened and interest allowed at highest current rates acton branch h eburlibg manager oxford is prompt np paair a or v m biaftithmv tha impaimliab of mala coma raond throe tlml every hu ajt taknow dwtts cut dented elkilatmajasrlkbfelw liiiu itiiiniil nf i in in ii in iivib1iiiiiiliiriiititpltifr- rnhig mgwthft l uat mat 0i km war a cl f teeaswvsjsaev b an oiwavlinf si at aittwmomvi0bv- a gwmejoxforl osalaar wj t bw can a owa lowsplaaav soiforaav magsiaworfbi0 h aerar tobaumt ayrmalm jbmjd cook attar 9ha eevmdiiretlkaavatpe spk myie i i ssisai ai ptspq w6e right house hauiltons ravoute showno place tke wr rane of naattoo a eaierto bn the wonn of actm faebar wtta tke wru etedkace of lt fal aad wlater stocks tkerefore it huamaced u onnfinnriiinnnni wastanana ioodpnapadndupiiprini sssbsssssbssssssss j introductory br db in n 1 sale 1 ei b rpwffihieaaa of fall arid winter goods his sale commenced wednesday september 4u1 now coats snits dresses yard fabric draperies etc will be offered at reduced prices the purpose is to impress you with the ability of the right house to torn oat superior merchandise at better prices than elsewhere and thus compel yodr trade daring the entire season sorely a sale like this is unusual to givej reduced prices at the very start of a new season watch the hamilton spectator pf tuesday september 3rd for list of reduced prices remember transportation expenses to and from hamiltoo are refunded on a very liberal basis according to amoont of porchase thomas c watkins limited kins and hutfhson sis hamilton ont biidibtsbtl toooooooooooooomxmooooooooooooooooooti new fall dress goods 4bftriis week we are making a considerable showing of the favorites of w fashion in the dress goods world for fall wwpcordi stffe and tweeds are prominent features in a range of qualities and in the most desirable shadesof tan brown navy wine and cream lace materials will be very much in vogue for trimming particularly in the heavier makes you willfind some new and pretty ideas at oar trim ming counter childrens and hisses coat sweaters we have this week opened op some of the best values in these lines that wo have ever shown splendid line of coats in range of sixes and colors tan grey navy and red all wool high or low collars at tfic totljjs these will move out very rapidly henderson t co mill st actoa oat xxkkoooooo0oocbo0oooo6ooooooo tae oydesdmle suiiloa royal prince 28u wubaallb oomlmhm hotel simbies actoa bvoty 1ubsdav taaaa- te kaan a inl tajaba m aabram all auilfcal 10 aaawat ssil ouxiaa rmrvmsr great slaughter of asasbvatc tfavapn gsdcn kaibw uaa bmwaa atwa a amad tbatlvulalaaablw au abm taak al fjkm baj ooa far lb aail lw f i can al taawnnr snn sprt aulasum aaisaa a- b aaaal qvcr jifetohiir tittoniab bank of hamilton cavnallparo uy v rcatra aad uadmdad pcmtna 100000 tataaama 4lftdam cramce a bannl baaaar rar x toaatvr 10 maaka laat poadea tor- aaapl mait b laauwtily lariby tba ru tlpnaa an amaalkaan as ibar bubi 10 aa to tbah- jnaa na puuiw bow aaall ibalr laonaa a parlloa 1a wjawirvfli wirly aa apart lor tataraaaad la old aa da aaloy lb iralla of ibalr ibri ikauabaaaalloa tb opaabar ol a nriaaa wooaat ta lb bam aay to wqab that babll of aib aabom bkh ao ablllly to aara eaa lauu yjawlaa pnallili ajafctlaa gbokhkttiwn buanou wm awta cqissesittnripa isrujpiiiifthtovt to the contrary we make it theibjtlijujril factor fybu favor us witn ywavfroojag you will enthusiastieblly endorae uv 0mbecsvv 7tmh phone 337 i iju c- i cy

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