9tt tttm yttt flnss it at v iv m thl oahdio uttui boy iont want to br no angel with wing- an trlmmliif ralnar have a holiday flahjn or awlwnilii i rottar bacff yondo slngln in he mn- dont want to be no nnjrrl till 1 cant help bejn one i ron luqaaqd abmoad if you ere reading up for your trip to europe thle summer you will no- uee that moat of ilia guide hooka ad vise one to dispense will e trunk and take ooly band luggage uyi heater feirgrieve in woman homa com panion do so by all muni bub re- member thai numorani piece of band lapagbar mom tnykualut tliari nhf trunk a girl i know com p reused iter en lira lugs into onr xtiltl ewnut a leather one but a light wicker tele- ecope with strong aliawl strap end a comfortable banuu a tiny padlock waa faatanad securely through the atrape when it earned wue to make the cane fairly damp proof aha cov ered it neatly with dark green denim which matched her travelling autt in color a folding umbrella waaallpped lengthwlee wider the atrape at the top her raincoat when not in uu alrappad flat on the aide j thera waa room in the caae for her abort jacket instead of the inevitable band bag aether aid baa with several poeketa held th needed ticket carda keys and ao fortf inaldo the outer part or lid of the caae aba tacked a pleoa of denim- wilh bued poeketa of different lea to bold not only toilet article uoh aa aoap box and brush but herdrtnkfag cop aewlng and writing material and all email thing instead of unpack ing thle when aho reached each place she simply lirted the lid off into a drawer and uaed tbe article from there replacing each after ualng j ao there waa no waate off precious time collecting utile belonging at each de parture in tbe other aide of the caae were the iab rolls of underclothing over them aba laid two dimity envelope the ante of the caae in which were ber extra blouses and tbe ailk gown for lheee crepe do obane and bhmpan allk packed nioat eatlsfaetorlly without wrinkle laving a raincoat and the allk skirt ahe found ber one cloth eklrt quite eooogb and also only one petti coat which waa of strong ailk hoed throughout with tan muatln j on tbe loatde of it aba aawed two largo bap poeketa with buttoned flap which on ejbort oieuralon held a veil extra handkerchief and even bar light cudhohaolmo km comfort handay mornlpg in holland la strangely different from the aame oo caaloo in tola country la the flrat plane a great many ol tha omrcb- goera travel to the place of worship in their boala and the canal are often packed with people in their full sab bath attire tbe dutchman la a very devout churchgoer but be take hi re- llgtooa aur rlna vrithcooaldarable com fort in the flrat plaoe exoept when devotloue ere actually in progreea be a hla pipe or cigar within tbe basted bojmlog whilst waiting for tha mtvioo to begin tha congregation talk in ordinary tone discussing mat ters of interest and newoomera are abown to their pew by a neatlyattir ed aarvantglrl who takee the plaoe of our eexton than again the dutch man doea not remove hi hat whilst in church andaoaavea hlmaelf many a cold in tha head hmviauldmd during a local election in a orrfmn townonly tnwnwn a yd at tbe nomination desk yiioiii do you nonloalef ked tbe official myself wa tbe anawer do you accept tbe nominal ion f well no then we mint try again whom do you nominate r myself you accept tha non 1 nation i 1 no a eobdued dnnnerwettarreaeaped tbe up of the perplexed official bolb went qn i kor the third time whom do you nominate i myself came tbe invariable reply do you accept t he nomination 7 the man aroae with a ami i of satis faction spreading over hie face and he answered proudly having been three time solicited by my fallow clllaen to accept tbe nomination i can no longer decline to accedetotbelr wishes tb commoner cmimetsm pootors ohlneee physician are popular with women in our city aald a doctor from california their method ot diag nosis i very simple a woman telle a ohlneee doctor where aba has a pain and be feel her pulse nothing more then he tell her for how many thoue- and year hi race ha understood tbe human body and mind this make a great itnpreaelon upon the woman patient and ahe goea forth with great faith la the learned chinese and tbe medicine be baa given her which u usually harmleaa enough but not found among the remedies approved by materia medic however the chlnaee doctor are clever and they do effect some cure in plt of their medicine lay it perhaps to the mental effect tbe subtle influence of en alien personality combined with an awe of learning out running tbe oldett in america by so many hundred of centuries thal mhimthiho uy dear remarked mr jooes to hu wife an be gathered up hla hull on tha flrat of tb month yon have mte- aed your vocation you should bave brea member of parliament what do you cnean by that t a ed hi innocent wife voilan ao p4jaugabb in lntro doting bills- i ilivimttue to it gulsao i understand that yourohum brooaonla n vagatarian qohaedha baa auob pronounotd view on the subject that he marrjod a gtatjfkjo- rr children pry for putchers o a 3t o r i a tnc devu i worried by the people who work for be good not by them who worry over him warta ara duflguremenla ibat dle- appear when treated with hollowaye corn cure aoood autoua vllow done it happen that jfou five mlnutaa late at school thla morn- lojrr tbe teacher asked severely puase maam aald william l must have ovarwathad myself- harpwa magmajeci- if the b is tz 8n tr op bt ibb nu or uilbuini uxauve8 pills they tlmoktn the tlufiuh uvew dean be coated tongue the breath dean away all waste and pojboi- out matter front the ytieia and prevent aa wh a cure all ekfcpen arbfrontt- din dt nd coamok ct the etowack unread bowehvi i nb wetj had been tnwbledwtqi uver cotbplalnt tor long time i tried most everything i coukl think vt bat noneof tkwn seetned to do m any nod bat when i at but tried nlilbujrnt laxa- urvrptthilaooobexanldtwedaiaia uankb to the t kfllbuni co i would sot be without them u they coat twice n laxauver pill are 35 ccati of pride fay fbat mubuni cov xludtcd a oomslokravtal mom a certain father whoee son 1 an undergraduate a ooa of tbe lerger college ha frequent oocaslon remonstrate with the boy on e x tra va ganca in a recent letter be sent a check for fifty dollars but accompanied it with admonition to lead a more eooo omloal life my son be wrote your stadia are coating ma a good deal to which hla son replied cheerfully 1 know it father and i dnot study very bard either tbe only sin that wounds ua la the in we welcome castoria wa lpnd tea ha ajvrnys ilcangfat and yvhlch tea boen ta bm tor evflvjr so xmu htm aome tho alsnatnro of wi1l y zjcjyls boanl ao um lnfumj ahow no one ta lcivo yow in thla ah ooonterfclta imuaolonn auid jnmoaodeiro hart kspwtnaceila that triflo with and nndaniror um immuui ot iifhtitg ausd chudreo bxporieikoo ncajiittt kxpexnaeart what is castoria laatorba la a laanadeava nhecltnto fbr gnator oil pr- kerlo ihrape auad booiuar byrmpeclilhwjmjt it oocitajna neither oploanvmorphlbo nor otlir nnroouo mhetuaoe lie agm is lta guarantee it doatrnyt wom aund alhxysj firrnrlihanea it enroa ilnrrlicca al whmdj cedin it relieve teothla trot jlc enren couaupntioa n auad flaalemcy it aaalmlhuoa tho fcmmi recntetm usa btomnchi anad hotrcla giving healffay find uaioral aleaj- tftvo culdrea paumbeeavsae atotborit friead genuine castoria i samra urn sisnatnxo of always the kind ton haro always bought in use for over 30 years with other to hie own -disadvantage- prominent railroad man tvtofwly aovtaca mtnnvjotx thvoin pills rmthiiuonknl the c p r and uldugan central dnring the but three yean about f onr year ago i wa laid up with id tense naltuia tbe groin a very sore back and auuered moat eeveraly when i tried to urinate i treated with my family physician for two month lot gravel in the bladder but did not receive any benefit about that tune i met anot railroad man who bad been similarly affected and who had been cured by taking gin pill after having been given up by a prominent pbj4whotrcuedhimforllute he la wwiwutlng en the road and hi perfectly cured lie strongly advised me to try cin pill which i did with the reauft that the pain left me entirely jjrank ldb borrxvt n v 50c m box 6 tor jo sample free whtehatjonal xajagaad rfcva co of canada limited dcpt a toronux if yon suffer with constipation or jtzrxsvlumixs aoaboa tos the merchants bank of canada every person who r and pay out money rhouu btiv s chaining account larmnt by cheque is the room pncilcal coo 1 1 ii kail and ssmt method of tumduof all noaacial iranaacilona whether of a b mi or parsons character the return of caocelwj cheque are voucher tor a wavy eons paid oat they show wkai dla- have ba mad and to whom depoalta are received by thla bank subject to cheque withdrawal we pay ibe same alien i ion n i df dllareceaieadaeorwraithirioaal inlareat adowed on all savings acoaubl cam ponadad half yearly total assets hl9h9t9 acion branch fsa macleati manager severe coll developed into pneumonia doctor said he vvould not live next to consumption there arv mora deaths from pneumonia than from any other long trouble there fa oeiy one way to prevent pttmaaonie and that fa to cure tbe cold just as aoon aa t appears dr wood merw pme bjrap wul do tus qmckb and effectively mr hugh ucleod estttbaay satk writes uy little boy took a verysnrre cold and it dmioped into pocumonia the doctor aald he would not live i got eoma of your dr woods norway ptoe syrup mid he began to improve right away ha b now a stronavjasslthy child and abovni no dgns of it coming back v do not betalked mto bnymg any oth ni phw hymp but ansbt on grttieg the original dr woods it b put up in a ycuow wrapper three pine tree tb ude merit price 26 cents alamuactnred only by tbe t kf ubutu coh uaaued toronto onl it no ua sighing for a chance to lead if yon dare not go alone a onr for rheumatism a painful and pevalatent form of rheu la caused by impurities in the blood tb tbe result of defective action of the liver and kidneys tb blood become tainted by tbe introduction of uric acid which cause much pain in i be tusuve and joint parmele vegetable 1 si i are known to have rtfectrd nwnjr re- enarkabt enrea and ibelruieu strong ly recommended a trui of i bent will convince anyone of their valve wpmamiima about kkaoaxatai kfaik on table cauwed by bfltdlbe may bo removed by kerosene rubbed l wvll with a eoll clolb finlablng wilh a litlleoolognv watrr rubbed dry wltb enother clolb when giving the final polish to atovea before putting away for tbe summer ml the blacking with a utile krroarne inatead of water to prevent tarnish paint may be cleaned by rubbing with a cbtb wit ub kero teoc ittack walnut or any wood finished in oil may be kept bright by polishing wltb kerosene 1ihira leaspoonrul ttt kertiawne into well quart ut boiled starch for a gloee lltta will also preventlrona sticking to kiowrna will briglilen sllvrr it ub u tup chimney with a news paper on which baa been poured a little kwroaeor thla will make ibem much clearer tbaa if aop were uaed i bey will also le ire uue to crack to reroute rust from s4ee tub with keroaette and soak fur day pollab with emery dual and karoseo- kob ruty flatlrona with uniw kerowne will aoflen xxx and sbore bardened by water and rrnder tbven aa pliable a new llrigfaten sine with krroaeiw a taldaapoon f ul of kerosene in a boiler of cloth will groalty fsclllute tbe rubbing iron and poluhed ateel wbeo not in use may be kept trom rusting by wip ing with a cloth on whtcbaliltlekero- mm be been poured oil elotb may be brlghlrnrd by rub blng wltb keroaeoe all soiled spot found around doo knnb on ligbtpalnted doore may be removed by kerosene on flannel clolb without injury to paint keroaeoe poured on red flaneel and bound on the throat will greatly ease a sore throat it will also beal cut rw cbllmiiw trowlg 1 woiv danger period cfwomanslife from 45 to 50 interestiiicexpivaaict of two women- tlieir stemenu worth reawlnig white oak onlalcbiof ufa eben doctors coukl do no more ami i waa given up by my lydia k- jpinkbama vegeta- to tbe front and did wonder for no i badbeen baiat fe male tcublea for years my bead trou bled me seve ly at down palnaand lack- anafm fromexceasiteflowlnc i rec ommend your compound highly and do all i can to advertise it aa a genuine wo man nwbem aire svlvasn uamndso white oak ontario tfc caao of mr klrih ordevffle obioi can truthfully aay that i never bad anything do me an much good during change of life aa ly- dia r pinkhama vegetable compound before i had taken one half a bottlr or it i began to feel better and i bv eontiaoed taking it- my health is better than it baa been for several yean if all woavato would take it they would es cape imtn pain and mlaaij at this urn of hf aire auca kjbum s8 w mill st clrcleviue ohio the change of ufa bi one of the moat critical period of a woman existence ataochthwaawomen may rely upon iyd la e pinkhama ygetable compound it inverse proportions lu cahdimoy if yoa would nlake aura of your alee being fruitful bury them under a pre- tenee of peaty if thou cooalda what thou art in thyealf thou wilt not care what men aay of thee thome a k a pis suffered wineive trouble for two years was lmpossibzje ott bdi to ur cbex w wood 51 torrance street montreal que write per two yeara 1 suffeml with nerve trouble and it waa bnposoble for me to sleep it did not matter what time i went to bed in the morning i waa even worse than tbe night before i consulted n doctor and be g ye mc a tonic to take half boor before going to bed it waa all iabi lor time but the old trouble- turned with greater force one of the boy who work with torn gave me hell a box of u uhwa kieart and nerve poh x took them and i got anch mtkdactkm that i got another bos end before i finished it i could enjoy eleep from 10 pn until 6 am and now feelgood the price of mllburuv heart and nerve pilbi b so ceau per boa or 3 bone kor 135 they arc sale at all dealers or will be mailed direct cm ifr r i toronto oct- he who faara to mak foee fall to make friend thoneande of mother can leetlfy to the virtue of mother orevee worm katarvninatoebecauaetbey know from aaperienoehowuaefulltla orkatltldoljoatncba bbe waa a auffregette and ber friend ukewlee belonged to the same peaceful order of bogtlah citizen so couree their view were in there waa one little point however to clear up i am informed aald one aaverely that you actually per mit your hus to carry a latchkey i really shouldnt have thought it pos sible can it bo truer yea quite true nnaweed tbe other with a grim am lie do let the poor boy carry a bvtebkey but if doom fit the door i just let him carry it around to humor blm he eboweltto h m wow and then and it makee then think he lodepen- iltkly a bakpui a rrieod afura long siege of typhoid fever waa permitted to rot a mere tear spoonful of tapioca when the nnree had refused tbe hungry patient more food he turned to ber and aald with a peevis ges now i want you to ll wj iprt olscot only this lthese as well i i dont think that concrete can be used only for building bridge tilos walls and walks because if you do you will probably overlook all the places where yew cao uc it mow t h- irving of north georgetown quebec usedtoncrete for 81 difftrent purposes on his farm isa-1011- tlttrc are probably at leant a dozen profit- able dies for concrete on your farm at the present moment perhaps you havent thought of concrete except for a new bam o- silo or some other wo improvement for which you arent quite ready ycl thats wh you should read k it will open your eyes to the hundreds of ages that other former hart sound for this ntatarkil in plain bukguaga and with the aid of many nhoteetapba it explama just what theao uaea are and bow they can be applied to yow farm oobcrte can ont only he used for all fhe purpoaea to which wood baa been applied but alao many other for which wood would never be suitable it if not oi at aomethl i mora- aa you ira its poaatblutla write tar thle beek yewlt itleeft ae larnameat f y ea a luin eement wverjf i teuatfj yu what peasa la awwm te its jntstko for tub a8at1ha tour nam on a aeatsx er tn a latter wia betag tha book to yen by reiun nudl orttm tbe eeeaoa aaeea panadtr ctmpnt ealsawashdu colta a great beam waa fetched and in a moomtit the outrr door bad been let tered dow tbe molt ahouling detce- ly pnurad into and kll nftr tin- houw at lbt ibrvkltold they were umt hj tha very man ibey eougbl lie area pate but calm and dignified ii lemon aald be in a tense vtuw might prolong my wculancr in ordrr tn save blooduied i nw yield buyself unreservedly into juur after that he stood uu icily by while they thrust tb nomination upon him jnoeor twice be shuddered slightly but rurtber gave no sign of tbe re pugnance he f alt children ory for flptchests c mimatjay moh a coalowneva wife waa engaging a maid and the applicant for the posi tion seemed aauafaotory no far as appeermnca and l osmed the mlatreaa about to ap point the damsel aald i by the way what i your name f minnie mum h replied oh go away aald tboooelowiee wife and oarer let me are yoa any burdock bloid bitters cures all skin diseases any one troubled with any luhlag burning irritating skin dheaae can pbiea fmlrhance on burdock blood bitura to enect a one no aaattcr what other vmedjea have faued it ahvaya build up the health end on thefoawdatkm nf pure rich aaakra ere of afra suchard coatlne vute head ooe vnitesrihavebcca bothered with emit rhema on say head for two yeara and it itched oy end aot know what to do x triec three doctors end even went to aaoatrcal to the hoapual wltbout getting nay idler i was adrised to try ta junuucv opnrwmi m a m bottka and betora i bad the second used i foun a big change no today i am burdock blood bitter b nauaofacttned only by the t alubnra co xjbnmed toronto ont tbe mark of heavenly blessin u that it ignore our earthly boundaries ila can never know any deep joy who can laugh at the eorrowe of an- uur a pill that provee it value those of week atomach will and etreogth id parmalco vegetable v hecanee they eerveto maintain the healthful action of the stomach and liver urrg ularitle in which are moat dlat pyaptptlea are well acquainted with them and value thee at their proper worth tbey have offered relief when other preparatlona have failed end hava effected eurce la ellmente of ion g alanding when other medkdaee win unavftluog home tlmea we need tbe tldeaotgrlav to carry ua over the bare of our duli- t 9w0 ohildrexi ory for fletchers c agood day work iethh beet prayer for reef tbe man who bangs bis heed agalnef herd facta faele bur bumps and calhj them faith i inihe treatment of summer com- aialnte the moat ejdectlve remedy that be cored 1 dr j d kalloggn dye- ry oocdjal it la a standard pre paratlon and many people employ t la preferenee to other prepara it i a highly ooaeeotrated nsedlola and its aedalive and curative qualiuea a- beyond queetioo 1 in for snan oautlee in avareoening iplaliile- for eaattj qualities dysroterv and looared it enperioc oil for toothache there la no pain so acute and dletraaajng aa toothac wbea yoa have eo unwe a visitor apply ihtoeaaneeawatooue4eord leg to dbtbctiona and yon will hod immediate relief it toocbee nervee wltb eoothlng effect and the pain departa at once that it will ease toothache is another one quality of thla ou showing the many use it 1 castoria tbuafyntoalvmbagu beare the wgaatwre of t dustbci1ne kilier a hanclful in a line when you sweep abaode the dost brightens the floor and deans yoar carpet ooo fndc freo trij ymnbuu dustbane ailcmcna nok dusty ndomr jk7wces sy7wvon will st rcton t waim and strong if yon want a pur of gloves or mitts in horaehicuv calf or buclukin sheep or muleakxn be certain to specify storeys in no other way will you get equal value to prove it slipen a storey mitt sayl the wool knit wrist and lined kind shown below warranted genuine horsehide waterproof and fireproof just the thing for warmth and comfort soldatailstoreeveiy mitt is tagged s insist on storeys w r storey a son limited the grand trunk tailway paasjemoaui ntalstal hl ltl it k do a i i i kit nu1 z3 a up we a zz as naa mt j as zz lit 5 rr ks ft g6t3 excelsior bakery 1hbt quality brbau cakeb widdino cakes dihtiiuav cakeb ktc k1c ion crbam coiprctioainnv boot iln call topay t statham son ballers and grocers main st acton tetbewstta gmttl is htrtliwts deatgnw and builder ol hlataea lun uooudmot uaifcer and head and all hind of jutaticamterwift wixi hemstreet agent acton crsh rtvid poh fowl- raw rjis junk ho sell all uods of puknitukk jt srxb iwctgn your chopping will be done quickly and well on either plates or stones if taken to the rockwood chopping mills flour oatmeal bran shorts the best at lowest prices harris co beautiful hew wall papers orruaarv wall faper make or- dlaarf loolune roonw no nuti bow lasi yon may nraui your boaae in entire enact nuy easily be by aaiag pipma ibal are aot thoroughly uitable dont run the risk ol duappolnl neat cbooae your amtr rotti w new lu imoea are vnry l done to your coin- plate aa toe per roll all kinds room uouldlnt chair rails and wale kalu al the lowest possible price tephen cordiner painter papcrhanoeb etc ricrtaa raauima x sraciaitv mu1 atroet acloooiu acton ontario consgientious j plu heating rgjnrw s5sssa3sacaaassac is not bmyth latlth us to the contrary we make it the most important factor so il you favor us witfc yont patronage you will enthusiastically endorse us frjnyqmlw piiltieber quebec sf r phdnti7 mesmvshz patents inrii iphdmptly 1 in all countrtaa aak for oar lareoiors advlaar marion ox mimuoljl yft4 ualvertlty e 7ief moatraat caaadavi wsuuntoa d a u a 4 r wsfb itaimlist awwtoiv-irw-